#+ the righteous; kayle. | musings.
dirgc · 8 months
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | interactions.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | musings.
+ the might of demacia; garen crownguard. | visage.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | interactions.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | musings.
+ the darkin blade; aatrox. | visage.
+ the righteous; kayle. | interactions.
+ the righteous; kayle. | musings.
+ the righteous; kayle. | visage.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | interactions.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | musings.
+ the monkey king; wukong. | visage.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | interactions.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | musings.
+ the boy who shattered time; ekko. | visage.
+ the purifier; lucian. | interactions.
+ the purifier; lucian. | musings.
+ the purifier; lucian. | visage.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | interactions.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | musings.
+ the shadow of war; hecarim. | visage.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | interactions.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | musings.
+ the shattered queen; isolde camavala. | visage.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | interactions.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | musings.
+ the hallowed seamstress; gwen. | visage.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | interactions.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | musings.
+ the wind of southeast asia; monsoon / chamroeun. | visage.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | interactions.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | musings.
+ revolver ocelot; adamska ivonov. | visage.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | interactions.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | musings.
+ the brokenhearted thief; trust kaimir. | visage.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | interactions.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | musings.
+ the twilights daughter; innocence kaimir. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | interactions.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | visage.
+ the revenant; vigilance malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | interactions.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | musings.
+ the celestial chosen; loyalty malris. | visage
+ the sable; nero. | interactions.
+ the sable; nero. | musings.
+ the sable; nero. | visage.
+ the turk; reno. | interactions.
+ the turk; reno. | musings.
+ the turk; reno. | visage.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | interactions.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | musings.
+ the heroic soldier; zack fair. | visage.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | interactions.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | musings.
+ the genome boy; zidane tribal. | visage.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | interactions.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | musings.
+ son of the devil; vergil sparda. | visage.
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dasuuis · 3 years
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                  𝐈  𝐚𝐦  𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!
          ——  #𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐔𝐈𝐒:  MULTIMUSE    roleplay    blog    ,    STARRING    KAYLE    ,    the    RIGHTEOUS    of    RIOT    GAMES'    LEAGUE    OF    LEGENDS.    independent    ,    private    ,    semi  -  selective    ,    potential    nsfw    material    ,    18+    preferred.    burned    by    DENKI    ,    21+.
                                                            muse    document.    
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skydarkin · 6 years
zoisite: does my muse believe everything's going to work out for them in the end or not?
Aatrox believes that his vengence is promised. He will plunge his sword into the world and watch as it gasps and sputter’s for it’s last breath. He will succeed, for he is righteous, for he the strongest, for his is the will of oblivion. 
Kayle will ultimately prove him wrong.
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rahorak · 3 years
How did Kayle and Leona meet?
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I was hoping you would ask.
Some of these rambles are what @rosebloodiied and I have developed so far, and some of them are my own speculations and ideas, so take everything with a grain of salt as stuff might change over time, of course.
Leona met Kayle when she went to the outskirts of Solari territory to bring some cultists ( Kayle’s followers gone rogue. ) that had taken root there, in for questioning. Since they were on her land, she saw it as her responsibility to judge these people. When she arrived, however, she found Kayle herself passing judgment onto the cultists whom she saw as straying from their righteous path.
Leona commanded that Kayle let the last of the cultists into her custody or she would have to bring Kayle in their stead, but Kayle refused, killing them on the spot. Leona then charged towards Kayle and they met in battle, until Leona managed to gain the upper hand only long enough to convince Kayle to come with her. She was brought back to the Solari camps where she would stay until Leona had finished questioning her, which, admittedly didn’t take that long.
Kayle ended up staying a while longer, as Leona was curious about her and the insane pull she felt towards her from the moment she’d come near her the first time. She kept coming up with excuses for Kayle to stay longer, but Kayle eventually did leave.
They would meet again under unfortunate circumstances to say the least, but I am actually in the process of writing a multi-chapter slow burn fic for these two, so I’ll end the intro here.
What I can tell you is that in Winter and I’s headcanons, the two Aspects ( Sun and Justice. ) had a strong bond, perhaps even romantic, and that is why they are drawn to each other like moths to a flame. They both come to struggle with this in the future, lemme tell you that.
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silvestreaelurus · 7 years
Tagged by @ask-kayle
List 8 facts on your muse, then tag 8 people to list 8 facts about their muse.
Her favourite food is deer, followed closely by boar and rabbit. Occasionally she eats smaller prey like mice and moles, but not too often. She also rarely eats birds like pheasants considering they’re a little hard to properly catch without a trap.
She has a scar on her chest, most times hidden by her deerskin. Right in the middle, it’s rather big and star shaped, left by a poacher’s bullet that found its way into her chest.
Her skin doesn’t scar most times due to her healing abilities. The scar on her chest is the result of her body almost dying, her goddess taking over and by the time she had control of her body back, it was too weak to heal it over properly on the first go, resulting in natural healing for some of it and hence, the scar.
She is wholly dedicated to her duty of guardian of the jungle. It may come off as self righteous to some, but it’s all she’s known as she grew up in the jungle and all she clings to. It’s her sense of identity and purpose.
Despite being dedicated to her cause, sometimes she resents the conditions that landed her in her position. She is but only one person after all, and even with the help of a goddess she feels drowned in responsibility. She was just a child when she was chosen, after all. She missed out on a lot of things a normal person would have had growing up.
She is terrified of loud and sudden noises. They all remind her of the sounds of gun shots, and she hates it. She hates feeling scared because she knows she can’t afford to let fear take over.
As much as she dislikes feeling certain emotions, she embraces them all the same. They keep her sane, and let her know she isn’t just an unfeeling machine, that she’s still in touch with her heart.
She doubts she can ever live a “normal” life, even after she is absolved of her duty. Her heart belongs with her home, even if it’s safe and cared for. She doesn’t know what she’d do if she lays down her spear for good.
Tagging: @definitely-not-altair @pantheon-god-of-war @quantum-shatter @arcanist-mcallistar @the-red-tempest @legacyofheart @lonemight @nbtalon and anyone else if they wanna!
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highordinal · 6 years
✍️ + Kayle :3c
Send me ✍️ + a muse, and I’ll try my hand at writing as them
She took upon herself a heavy burden. Giving all of oneself to their people required a lack of self, something she had long forgotten. Carrying out justice on those who needed to be purged was not always as righteous nor rewarding. At times it could be a painful thing. There were many instances where the angel found herself alone, doubting her intentions and rethinking her morals. But no matter how hard or long she pondered, she realized that she was the image of her people.
A people who never lied; an immortal race that remembered all. She had to continue to prove her worth, bring justice among her foes, rid the land of malice. Imagine the pain that pierced her heart when she realized she had to raise her blade against her sister. As the strongest warrior of her people, she cast aside those familial bonds and struck the other down. Her heart felt heavy, but there was nothing she could do. This was the life that she was fated to live.
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