#+ target. they're far more evil aligned they he ever was
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year ago
i saw one (1) tik tok of that cut scene with astarion when you don't romance him so he essentially becomes a vigilante in order to only feed on criminals, and now i'm thinking ALL the thoughts.
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suttttton · 7 months ago
Oh gosh, so i just read your jonelias fic, the soulmate name one where Jon has Jonah magnus on his arm and he's all lonely. Boy did this entirely rewrite my brain actually. So i thought i'd ask, do you pretty please have some crumbs of how you think the story could wrap up? Like would elias try to woo jon? Would jon refuse him because, jonah magnus? Do you think the gang would find out about the whole body hopping thing at the same time as in canon or before, because jonah just drops the ball?
Also, maybe i just have piss poor reading comprehension (i kind of do tbh) but why did jon stop talking to the portraits after leitner's death? Did he just go like, oh that's creepy elias might be watching actually. Also i'm wondering what the tim&jon argument was about... Oh, them being trapped here because of jonah magnus himself? I guess that would explain it. Generally any tidbits of information you'll be willing to share, i want to hear it all i love this fic so much it's so good.
Would Elias in this au be more gentle and less willing to throw jon at every horror ever? Or is it sad toxic yaoi?
Sorry for rambling uwu ahah
(For anyone who doesn't know, this is the fic in question.)
I'm so sorry it's taken me 60+ business days to respond to you! This ask inspired me to write a little bit past the ending, which took some time, and then I got my job at puppy kindergarten and completely forgot about until.
UNTIL just now when I found it in my drafts, SO part of that is at the end of this answer under the cut.
To answer your other questions: Jon stops talking to the portraits because he finds out that Jonah Magnus was a Bad Person. Jon has been imagining Jonah as a character something like Gerry, burning the Leitner books and protecting people. After he talks to Leitner, he knows that Jonah was,,,,,,,,,,,, not that.
As for Tim and Jon's argument, I think during that s3 era of canon, they get into a lot of fights that basically boil down to "Tim is very angry that they're trapped here and Sasha is dead and Danny is dead, and Jon is his only available target." And in this world they have the added twist that Jon has been metaphysically assigned to The Evil Guy Who Started It All, which,,,,, does not help.
Thanks for your ask! I really like this story and it's been really fun thinking about it further.
The moment hangs suspended, Jon's eyes on the floor, Elias' locked on his own name scribed on Jon's skinny wrist like an accusation. His head spins with a rush of emotion, nothing he is prepared for, nothing he ever expected to feel again.
Then Jon's gaze flickers to his wrist, registers the alien colour, and his eyes widen and he jerks his hand away, shattering the silence. Jon cradles his wrist like it hurts, staring at it with his mouth slightly open.
Elias braces himself for Jon's gaze to come back to him, to look into his grey eyes and realize that they are far too old for his face, for him to make the connection. A moment passes, then another, and Jon just stares at his wrist, one of the immutable columns of his life suddenly upended.
Elias skims his mind, curious, and he has to stifle the urge to laugh.
Jon is thinking, with a racing mania that borders on panic, about ghosts.
Elias feels an enormous rush of tenderness towards him.
"I don't understand," Jon says finally, quietly. More to himself than to Elias. "This--this can't--"
Elias decides to twist the knife. "Perhaps our founder is pleased that you've aligned yourself with his god."
That gets Jon's attention, and he looks at Elias with fear in his eyes. Yes, yes, this is what has so thoroughly captured Elias' attentions these pasts few months. The way Jon's mind stutters and slips, trying to find purchase on his panic-smoothed thoughts. The way his eyes widen, showing off the lovely darkness of his eyes. The way he trembles and hates himself for it, his tight grip holding his control close.
Jon goes, and Elias' eyes follow him. He sits down behind his desk and smiles.
Jon doesn't register what Elias says to dismiss him. He simply rolls his sleeves down and returns to the Archives, avoiding his assistants like a man hunted. He sits down at his desk and his sleeve rides up his arm, revealing the accusingly black edges of his soul mark.
So he gets up and puts on his coat, the thicker sleeves making him feel more thoroughly covered, more protected from prying eyes. He sits down again and tries to relax, tries to turn his mind back to the research that so desperately needs to be done, the end of the world at stake--
His mind keeps wandering, imagining one of the others coming in and demanding to inspect his soul mark.
Never mind that no one has ever done that, that no one would ever do that. He can too clearly imagine what the reaction would be, if any of the others found out what has happened. Bad enough to have the name scrawled on his wrist; to have the bond suddenly, impossibly accepted? What ideas would the others draw from that? What conclusions could they possibly come to?
What if Tim saw it?
What if Daisy saw it?
What does it mean?
He gets up again and leaves the Archives, not sure where he's going, just sure that he needs to move. His mind is racing, and he clutches at his wrist like it hurts. Nothing makes sense, anymore, not that it was making much sense to begin with.
Nevertheless, the shock is familiar. All of it is a plunging from stability into cold loneliness, all of it terrifying. He doesn't want Jonah Magnus to accept the bond. He doesn't want Jonah Magnus to be a willing servant of evil. He doesn't want his soulmark to be grey and unnerving. He doesn't want any of this.
His wandering takes him past a portrait of Jonah because it's his Institute, and they are unavoidable. Jon has been trying to avoid their gaze since he returned from his Elias-caused exile, but now he stops. He studies the face that he knows so well, that is as familiar to him as any of his flesh-and-blood acquaintances.
He shivers.
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solusminds · 11 months ago
Vigilante!Reaper [Neutral Evil]
Based on Ravens.
His design may be revised later, and more stuff may be added to his lore.
So do expect this to be edited later on
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Reaper isn't really a hero or villain. He's a vigilante, a double-edged sword, if you will. He follows his own set of rules. He is more aligned with heroes most times, but he does help villains. His alliances are purely for his gain and to push his personal goal forward, whatever it takes to reach that. He has a strong dislike for those in power, especially when they abuse that power. He takes justice into his own hands, punishing those who are corrupt in power. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He's killed before and will do it again if he has to.
Reaper wears a black body suit and a black cape. The little cape pin with the rope is in the shape of a bird skull. The shadow over his eyes stays even if his hood isn't up. This shadow is gone when he's just a normal civilian. His cape is used as a cloak to mimic the grim reaper, wanting to intimidate his targets. He feels no remorse for his targets. He could care less about them.
He rarely speaks when he's out as a vigilante, sometimes saying something to whoever he's decided to teamed up with or who his target is. His targets are corrupt people in power, and he'll do anything to deliver justice, ANYTHING. Reaper currently has no stable alliances.
His powers/weapons + weaknesses/limits:
He can levitate, mostly doing it at home or when he's out in as a vigilante. He can get a couple of feet off the ground. Sometimes, he flaps his wings to mimic flying(his wings are too small to actually fly with). He barely uses this outside his house or when he's alone at work. This also applies to objects. He can make them levitate, but he has no control over what it is, and they're usually not very big.
Like original Reaper, he has the death touch, but it's much less powerful. It can kill plants and bugs, sometimes small birds, but never a person, and it's a conscious thing he has to do. He mostly uses this power for intimidation.
His main weapon is a scythe, though it's rather big and heavy, so it weighs him down a bit. This can be exploited to slow him down with sharp corners and small claustrophobic paths/tunnels. The scythe has a raven skull, up by the blade part, with a little lantern that has a light blue flame in it.
Can teleport, but it has a cool down. This cool down is dependent on how far he's teleporting. The farther he goes, the longer the cool down. It also just takes energy for him to do that, so he tries not to teleport often. He can teleport with other beings, but that takes even more energy, so he just doesn't do that.
Now, with Gaster Blasters, he has them, but he doesn't ever use them. He never summons any that are big, but rather, making them small and only using them to fetch things for him at work or home, they take energy to make, like all of his magic does.
Phobias & Disorders:
Reaper is an insomniac, so he is extremely exhausted. This intern will slow his movements and make him less vigilant, meaning his hunts for his targets can stretch on longer than he'd like. He ends up really tired and sleepy.
He has emetophobia(fear of throwing up), Trypanophobia(fear of needles), Nosocomephobia(fear of hospitals), Tomophobia(fear of medical procedures/surgery), and Atychiphobia(fear of failure). Reaper can deal with his fears most of the time as he's rarely in those situations, but he avoids hospitals like the plague.
Traits, Habits, and Other Random Things:
Remorseless to targets: He has no remorse for his targets. Killing isn't his main goal, but he will do it and won't feel bad about it if it happens. He doesn't care how scared his targets are. If anything, he likes it.
Lying: He isn't one to shy away from lying. He will usually lie to get information he wants. While the feelings of others aren't something he'd normally take into consideration, if he's close to someone or actually likes someone and knows something that'd hurt them, he'd lie to protect their feelings.
Flirty: Reaper is a bit of a flirt. He usually keeps his cool as he is almost never into who he's flirting with or being flirted at. It's all for manipulation. But stars forbid he's into who he's flirting with. He immediately becomes an incoherent idiot who forgot the pickup line and ability to flirt, but he still tries to be confident. (Ex: Starts pick-up line, tries to lean on the wall, misses wall and falls face first onto floor, turns and does finger gun, forgets rest of pick-up line)
Collector: He has small collections for random things, all organized in a very certain way. He has a small bone collection, sticker collection, and a collection for books he has in his living room. He likes everything to be clean and organized. Everything has a place to be.
Reaper talks to himself all the time, especially at work, sometimes even to the bodies he's dealing with, saying what's on his mind or acting like him and the body are having a whole conversation together. Another thing he'll do is tap/drum his fingers on something to the tune of a song he's listening to or thinking of at that time, or it's one he just made up.
He calls his home his "realm," so sometimes he'll use the excuse of "I'm tending to my realm" not to call/text someone. He forgets not everyone knows what he's referring to, so sometimes when he says, "Welp, time to head back to my realm," he'll get weird looks. He also will sometimes refer to other living beings as "souls."
Civilian Life & Past:
Reaper is a young adult and is bisexual. He had found out when he was 15 years old, suddenly so much made sense to him.
In his civilian life, Reaper lives in an apartment on the 2nd floor. He works as a mortician/undertaker, sometimes volunteering for the graveyard shift at a cemetery nearby where he lives and works. When he's not at work or home, he'll spend his time at a café, coffee is his addiction. In his civilian identity, his eyesockets are dead empty with eyebags. He usually wears a hoodie with sweatpants. He has black raven wings on his back, the wings aren't that big, they're actually pretty small, but he does make sure that they're well taken care of. He is currently trying to gain the trust of a cat that lives in the alleyway of his apartment complex. He wants to adopt her, he's named her "Eve" and already has stuff bought for her.
His social life is currently pretty empty. He doesn't really like people all that much. He was often excluded from things when he was younger, which probably influenced his introverted tendencies. He is still in contact with his brother and father. He lives in a different city, so he barely sees them, but he considers them to be the people closest to him and always thinks of them fondly. Another he has contact with is a woman he refers to as "Lady Life" or "Tori", she calls him "Mister Death" since he calls her Lady Life. He met her a few years back and has kept in contact with her, he doesn't live too far from her and sometimes visits her garden, he enjoys her company and she tells him about the plants she tending to. He has a book on plants so he can know more and talk about them to her. Tori also gossips with him. She's the one mainly gossiping, Reaper has no idea who any of the people she's talking about are, but he's always interested in it, especially with what's going between her and her ex-husband. He has met her kids on a few occasions, but they just know him as "Mom's friend."
When he was younger, his father was barely home. His dad was always out working as a scientist for terrible pay. His employers exploited him for more work with less pay and threatened to fire him if he tried to go against it. He had blackmail over him that stressed him out so much. Most of Reaper's memories regarding his father were of him standing in the doorway of his father's study, staring at his father, who was sitting at the desk trying to figure out how to get the blackmailer to stop and hopefully improve life for his two kids. He always wondered how this happened and why nobody did anything. The police were informed but threw the case out almost immediately. Reaper was so upset about it. Why was this happening? Reaper didn't understand. When he got older, he eventually found out the full extent of what, and that was what paved his path to becoming a vigilante.
In school, he was often alienated by his classmates. He never really understood why, and they never had a good answer. He did try to make friends but almost always failed miserably. He gave up after a while when it stopped working. He started to focus on his work rather than making any friends.
Relationships( so far):
RT!Gaster -> Father
RT!Papyrus -> Brother
RT!Toriel( aka Tori/Lady Life) -> (Best?)Friend
RT!Frisk, Chara, & Asriel -> Tori's kids(<- his view of them) / Mom's friend(<- their view of him)
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