#+ bonus from a longer piece im hemming for the archive
ghoulsbeard · 1 year
first sentences tag game from @ghostwise thank you :) !
the rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics; if you haven't written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have/would like
passing the tag on to @vakarians-babe @consulaaris @isayashai @werecanidae @jiubilant @nulfaga @gethenians @selvaso @mxssrelay @favoriteblogonthecitadel @nuwanders if you would like to share anything from your wips :) !
well its mostly dragoned age on this blog..i tried to pick some top personal hits
"I'm roasting," Sigrun informs him, after two minutes lounging on the battlements.
There wasn't much cleaning to be done for a corner of Darktown, but Tomwise spent the afternoon rearranging junk anyway.
In the hills of Redcliffe the edge of the Fade is crowded with disoriented travelers, tugging at his sleeves if they’ve met before, most passing through.
On a rare rainless afternoon Leliana rouses herself from endless reports and walks the low, dingy old chantry hall, relighting candles.
I didn’t think much of Crestwood, on account of the hordes of corpses and ghosts and the awful beating my da took in the old fort, but once it stopped bucketing rain it wasn’t half bad.
non da
“You know we’ve got a new one from up north, and Falcar already wants his head on a stick?” said Trayvond.
The wretched thing refused your neck- slipped hotly from your hand- winked at you in the grey shallows lapping around the emperor’s island.
On the third day, Hal-Liurz met the countess.
Mirabelle and the Staff of Magnus are brooding in the courtyard together, with the leg she pulled in Labyrinthian propped in front, and the Staff propped behind.
not posted anywhere
"That’s the end of it," Avitus said, before he shut off the omnitool and hid it beneath his arm.
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