#+ bit annoyed nobody even bothers w he him and wanna b able to next time someone asks if they can just use they them for me
skeletonmaster69 · 1 year
playing w it/its pronouns if anyone wants to test on this post pls do
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shooter-nobunagun · 4 years
Quarantine UST 3
//Look, I’m on a roll, and I plan to ride it as long as I can.
Warning: some ‘ero’ content this chapter, (wet dreams and masturbation)... ^^;;; teenage hormones, man XD;
“Oh my god Asao-san, I just don’t know if I can keep this up for a month! It hasn’t even been a week and I’m starting to go a little nuts...and I’m the very definition of an introvert,” The sniper vented, chatting with her best friend Kaoru Asao as part of her now-established bedtime ritual. “I seriously can’t believe there’s like, three more weeks to go...ugh.”
“Oh Sio-chan, I think you’ll be all right. Given the circumstances, it’s perfectly fine to be getting a bit of cabin fever. Have you gone out at all?”
“Well, no...I mean, I just spend some time in the yard or go for a quick walk around the block, but since everyone’s all ‘don’t go out unless you need to’, it’s not like we’ve been making any supply runs since the first one,” the sniper grumbled. The vehicle Adam requisitioned from the Yavin had arrived just yesterday in the form of an all-wheel-drive, manual transmission sedan, but since most places were closed anyway, Sio didn’t foresee them going on any joyrides anytime soon. “Newton and Gandhi were saying it would be nice to just go for a drive, but I don’t know. Jack’s always so strict...can you believe he still keeps tabs on me daily to make sure I’ve done my training?”
Her friend laughed lightly on the other end. “Isn’t that his job though? You said Jack-san is your team leader, right? Besides, would you really be keeping up with your training if he didn’t remind you?”
“...Well, there’s your answer.” Sio groaned and buried herself in the pillow. “But I hope you’ve been remembering to take care of yourself too, Sio-chan. I mean, you said you’ve basically got free time after you do your training, right?”
“Sure I guess, but it’s...I dunno, Asao-san. I’m not used to constantly being around other people like, 24/7. Even back in the Logan, I feel like I had more privacy...but when you’re in a house, well...” She thought back to this morning, whereupon Newton had stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a thin t-shirt and purple thong, Sio narrowly avoiding another nosebleed as she rushed to the toilet before Newton could try and ‘greet’ her. “It’s a bit...weird to see all your teammates when they’re so, well...casual.”
“Hmm; does it make you uncomfortable? Maybe you can ask them to respect your privacy or be more considerate around you.”
“Hah, that’ll be the day,” Sio rolled her eyes. “Newton and Gandhi...let’s just say their definition of consideration is way different than mine. If anything, the only person I actually don’t have to worry about is Jack...though I’ve got other issues with him...”
“I see...” Her friend mused on the other line. “Still, don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but have you actually told them that? Do they know their actions bother you? Or are you just doing the whole ‘polite Japanese’ thing and shrugging it off?”
“I mean, well—I want to, but—”
“‘But...?’ You know Sio-chan, I’m not saying what they’re doing is okay, but at the same time, you also need to stick up for yourself,” Asao gently chided, Sio whining because she knew her friend was right. “I know you don’t like talking to people, but everybody’s gotta start somewhere, right? It seems like they just don’t realize it, but I’m sure if you actually told them how you feel, they might back off. And if not, well, at least you can escalate that to someone in charge.”
“Haaaaaahh...I know, you’re right; I’ll try...but they’re so intimidating at times, the way they’re so...forward,” the sniper flopped backwards onto the pillows. “Ironically, Jack’s the only person I’ve been able to actually talk back to...”
At this revelation her friend made an interesting noise. “Oh? You told Jack-san how you felt? Even though your last three messages to me were about how strict and scary he is?”
“I-I mean, it’s not like I plan my conversations with him, it’s just sometimes he gets so annoying I just react automatically—”
“—Well, what did he say?”
“He—” The sniper caught herself as she recalled their conversations from earlier in the week. “...He, actually apologized, now that I think about it...when he lost his temper from helping me to the laundry, he...he admitted he shouldn’t have been so harsh, that he was just tired...” And then the next day he helped her with the ironing, and giving her lunch...
“Ooh?” Asao’s voice took on a high note. “Really now...I guess you really can’t judge a book by its cover, can you? Well that’s good, it means things do change when you actually speak up about them.”
“Well sure, but I’ve still got a long way to go.”
“Why don’t you ask Jack-san for backup? He’s the leader, right? I’m sure his words carry some weight.”
“I, well...I could, but...he’s already helped me out a lot. I’d feel bad if I constantly went to him with my troubles...” Sio hugged her knees to her chest. “I mean if I really had to, sure...but I wanna try and handle this on my own, first. Besides, it’d probably be more effective if it came from me.”
“‘Atta girl, Sio. I know you can do it.” Asao cheered from the other end. “But it’s getting pretty late on your end, isn’t it? You should get some sleep, even if you’re not going anywhere. A routine sleeping schedule will help you feel better.”
Sio glanced at the clock, which was about to strike midnight. “Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, thanks a bunch, Asao-san. If there’s one thing I’m grateful for about all this, it’s that I can finally chat with you whenever I want.”
Her friend laughed. “Of course, Sio-chan. I’m really happy about that, too. Take care! And feel free to text me whenever! Oyasumi.”
“Oyasumi.” Yawning, Sio set her phone on the nightstand, stretching like a cat before crawling underneath the fluffy duvet. “I’m so glad Asao-san’s my friend...I don’t know what I’d do without her...” Turning off the lights, she laid her head down and was asleep within minutes. ------ “Nnng...hnn, uhn...”
It was hot, but it felt good. Her legs ached, but again, she couldn’t seem to stop. Her body turned over and her hips moved on their own, grinding clumsily against a lump of blankets.
“Unn...hmm...hmmm...!! Nnng...!!”
It felt so good; a heat bubbling up from her groin, tickling her senses in a way she’d never felt before. Yet it never seemed to be enough—no matter how much she pushed her hips she couldn’t get enough, because it just felt too good—
“Ahn...ah, ah...nng...y, yes...” Her breathing grew strained as her body grew desperate. To reach that peak, that...whatever it was. Her limbs were quivering as she rolled over again, this time one of the extra pillows wedging itself perfectly between her thighs. “Oh, yes...ah, right ther...kimochi ii...iii...!”
Almost there! So close!
A tingle of electricity went up her spine as the edge of the pillow rubbed right against that sweet spot between her legs and Sio’s eyes shot open, gasping for breath as she woke up right on the verge of ecstasy. “Wha—what the, what’s...huh...?” For some reason she was breathing as though she’d run a marathon, and her clothes were all sweaty...
‘Oh no, do I have a fever? Is it the virus?!’ In a panic she slid out of bed, ignoring the strange throbbing between her legs as she fumbled for a thermometer. “37.7 degrees Celsius...whew, normal.” Sighing with relief, she slowly crawled back to bed, now finally noticing the strange tightness down there, throbbing in time with her pulse. “Nnn...what the heck, why do I feel so...weird? My body’s all...hot and tingly, b-but I don’t have a fever...”
The sniper could only recall vague remnants of some dream she’d been having moments earlier, but like most dreams, it vanished the second she woke up. Bits and pieces remained however, Sio closing her eyes as she tried to remember what was making her so hot and bothered.
‘It was...I was...really hot? Something...no, I think it was someone touching me...but, it wasn’t scary at all; it felt...gentle, and really good...’
Before she knew it, one of her hands slipped down between her thighs, Sio unconsciously now trying to replicate what she’d experienced in the dream with her own hands. A finger gingerly rubbed a slight bump on the outside of her underwear and she shivered, a shock of pleasure running through her body.
‘Yes, it felt, like this...it felt, so good...’
“Hnn...it’s, just like my dream...” She mumbled, mind falling back into that hazy pleasure halfway between dreams and reality, as Sio started touching herself in earnest. The sniper wasn’t even aware of what she was doing, only a vague knowledge of something she’d read in health books came floating up—but that was quickly shoved aside as her fingers became a little more confident, rubbing a little harder now and the pleasure started climbing.
“Ah...ah, nng...it feels really good...h-how, what is...” She was panting slightly, not even realizing her other hand had snaked underneath her shirt and was gently stroking her breast. 
‘W-Wait a minute...what am I...am I, touching myself...?’ Suddenly she was conscious of where her hands were, just what she was doing; a finger still rubbing between her legs—only now there was a slight dampness seeping onto the fabric.
Sio blushed, finally realizing that this was what masturbation was—but at the same time it felt too good for her to stop. ‘W-Whoa...is this what...masturbating feels like? It’s...kinda embarrassing to admit, but it does feel really good...’ Sighing, she decided to just continue and see what happened. Besides, at least she had her own room here, and nobody shared a wall.
“Mnn...it’s, not enough...I want to feel, more...” Biting her lips, the sniper slowly shed her damp panties, heart pounding in nervous excitement as it occurred to her she was going to pleasure her most private place, with her own two hands. ‘Somehow, doing something kinda...naughty like this...I’m getting excited...’ Gulping, she gently reached a finger down, only to pull away in shock as she felt something moist and slippery. “Wha—uh, why’s it all wet down here?” She reached finger down again, and this time pushed a little deeper, her stomach clenching as her fingers started exploring the region. 
“Whoa...I’m getting really wet...I can’t believe that really happens,” she mumbled, rather enjoying the slipperiness across her fingertips. Between the hot, slick folds, untangling her dark curls—she squealed as her fingertips finally brushed against that most sensitive spot, now hard and engorged from stimulation.
“Ahn...! W-what is this...why’s it feel so much better...compared to, anywhere else...” Moaning very slightly, Sio started fondling her clit, using two fingers to rub circles around it as the other hand now massaged her breasts. “Oooh...god, this feels amazing...”
Slowly but surely, that same, slow-burn tension from her dream was now building up in real life. The sniper was using both her hands at this point, one to massage her sensitive clit while the other poked around her folds, coating everything with her juices that were now dripping down her thighs.
“Ah, ah, ah...oh god, it’s happening...th-that, same feeling...from my dream...!” Her body was hot all over, limbs starting to twitch as this new tension built up somewhere deep inside her. Her hands were more forceful now, rubbing tight circles around her clit, back arching every so often as she tried to reach that goal again, before she woke up. Her legs were spread underneath the covers, hips undulating as she tried to push herself to the peak.
‘I-It’s, so close...I-I’m so close, why can’t I...’ Moaning in frustration and arousal, she took a break, panting for air as she gently ran her fingers all over her smooth, soft skin. ‘In my dream, I think there was someone else...who was doing this to me...and it felt so good...’
She didn’t remember much, but she knew whoever it was had much larger hands than her; they were calloused but firm, gentle as they fondled her breasts, then her opening, teasing her with that same, steady pressure until she was sure she could bear it no more.
“Ahn...ah...ah...ah, ah, ah—oh god...!” While she fantasized about her mystery dream lover, her fingers punished her clit with a desperate fervor; Sio felt her legs twitching, hips bucking with the same rhythm as her fingers while her body pushed itself towards an orgasm. 
‘It’s so good...I-I think I’m coming...I’m, gonna, cum—!’ For some reason right at the precipice, Adam’s alabaster-white torso flashed in her mind, with those toned muscles... With a startled cry she climaxed as the heat crashed over, a searing pleasure overwhelming all her senses at once. Clenching her teeth, she pushed a finger against her throbbing clit, rubbing it every so often and shaking from the aftershocks until everything subsided at last, Sio letting out a breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding.
“Hah, hah...ooohh, that felt...incredible.” Heaving, she fumbled for a tissue and wiped up the mess that had formed between her legs, as well as any residue from her fingers. “Man, who knew you could make yourself feel so good, with your own hands...is that why people do this...” 
At last she snuggled down underneath the covers, now very satisfied and quite exhausted (no wonder people did this in bed; it made you so sleepy!) Before she fully conked out again though, the image of Adam’s body floated up again, Sio blushing with realization.
‘Wh-What the hell...why am I think about him now, i-it’s not like I want to see him naked or to, to...do that...to me...ugh, must be because I was chatting about him with Asao-san, that’s why...’
She pulled the covers up resolutely and forced herself to go to sleep, trying desperately to ignore the burning in her cheeks. ---- “Good morning love! Goodness, did you sleep too late again? Those bags under your eyes will become permanent at this rate,” the blonde tsked as the sniper rubbed her eyes and let out a huge yawn.
“A-Ah, uh, B-Beckham-san, you—”
“I thought I told you, call me ‘Jess’—”
“Right, Jess-san, er...”
“—Another late night gossiping with your friend?”
“Ah, Gandhi-san—”
“Oy, what’s with the chatter?!” All three stopped talking as their leader walked into the kitchen, hair still tousled. “And for the love god, could you two put on some damn clothes?!” He glared at the two, one of whom was walking around in knickers and the other who was completely shirtless, much to Sio’s chagrin. “This ain’t a uni dorm...”
“Such a prude, Adam...you really need to get laid, love.” The blonde teased much to their leader’s chagrin but went to change, as did Mahesh, Adam blushing and grumbling all the while about how it’d been barely a week and already they were devolving into a couple of degenerates.
“O, Ohayou, Jack-san...” The sniper steeled herself now that it was just the two of them, doing her best to not look at anywhere even remotely close to his body; the events of last night were still fresh in her mind, and she certainly hadn’t forgotten the weird tingles she felt every time she even thought about him.
‘Just play it cool, Sio, it’s not like that meant anything; it just means you’re attracted to a muscular body, that’s all, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s him...’
“Hn? Oh, mornin’ squirt...” The silver-haired man gave a slight glance her way, before opening the fridge and grabbing out breakfast items. “You eat already?”
“Not yet...I-I mean, I was just gonna eat some toast and jam—”
“—want eggs with that?” 
The sniper’s head shot up. “E-Eggs? Ye—I mean uh, I...um, if it’s not too much trouble...”
“‘S fine, since I’m already making some for myself.” With a practiced hand he cracked two eggs simultaneously, Sio watching in amazement as he skillfully flipped them. “So, how d’you like your eggs?”
“Uh, sunny-side up, please! But a little less runny.” Her eyes continued to stare, however, Adam smirking a bit as she let out a small noise of wonder.
“What’re you so excited about? They’re just eggs.”
“Ah! It’s just, I’m impressed, Jack-san...you really do know your stuff. Like, you cracked those with only one hand, just like they do on TV!”
Her enthusiasm was infectious; it took all his willpower to not just smile back at her, though that didn’t stop his heart from thumping loudly in his chest. Seriously, what was going on? He couldn’t possibly...well, like her, could he? 
‘Like’ has many connotations...it doesn’t have to mean romance...
“Well, practice makes perfect, squirt. You could give it a try if you want,” he cast her a glance, but the girl only laughed nervously.
“Maybe some other time...trust me, you don’t wanna know how I did in my home ec classes...”
A few minutes later there were two plates stacked with eggs, toast, jam, and (in Adam’s case) a couple rashers of bacon and small ramekin of baked beans.
“Uwaa!! This looks so delicious! Ittadakimasu!” The smell of a perfectly fried egg on top of crisp, buttery toast... Sio let out a hum as she happily munched her breakfast, the weird libido-lust thing all but forgotten. “Now I know for sure, you’re really good at cooking, Adam. Did your mom teach you?”
At that comment Adam paused mid-bite, but the sniper didn’t notice. “...You could say that. She taught me the basics, and I...just practiced a lot on my own.”
“Oh? So is like, cooking one of your hobbies, then?”
“...Not particularly. I don’t mind it, but I became good at it out of necessity, more than anything else...” Suddenly his voice became melancholy, and the sniper wondered if she said the wrong thing, again.
“...Oh. I-I’m sorry, I uh...didn’t mean to...pry...” She awkwardly took a sip of her tea; the silence was deafening, but she couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Eh; it’s fine. I don’t talk about it, because...what’s the point,” Adam sighed, scraping up the remaining beans and spooning it onto his toast. “I mean, when you’ve only got your mum lookin’ after you an’ no other family...you grow up pretty quick.”
“Ah, Jack-san...” Before she could say anything else however, the other two members finally returned, thankfully dressed this time. As Jess and Mahesh set about getting their own breakfast, she quickly excused herself to go help Adam with the dishes.
“Here, why don’t you let me load them? I can do it now, thanks to you...”
He gave her a curious look, Sio unsure of how to decipher that expression, but the next thing she knew he nodded in thanks and left her at the sink.
I wonder...if something happened to him in the past. Though Adam didn’t anything else after that, just from that one sentence Sio knew now that Adam grew up with a single parent, and no other siblings—or other close relatives, even. Perhaps that was why he was such a loner; it was always harder to open up to others when you spent so much time relying on yourself.
“Need some help, Sio-chan?” She looked up and Mahesh and Jess were carrying their plates to the sink. “Thanks for cleaning up, by the way; believe me when I say we appreciate it!”
“Oh, it’s no big deal...I mean, we’re gonna be here for a while, so might as well help out.” 
“You are just too sweet!” The blonde practically crushed Sio into her generous bosom, and the sniper instantly stiffened. "You deserve a reward—”
Those lips. That tongue. Almost mesmerized, Sio just stared as Jess drew closer, but then...
Sio blinked, not quite sure what just happened. It was as if her body reacted on instinct, her arms pushing Jess away just before they could make contact, and now both she and Mahesh were staring at her with bewildered looks.
‘Oh boy, I’ve done it now...still, here goes nothing...!’
“Look, Jess-san. I...I get that’s how you show affection—a-and maybe you Europeans are more used to it, but...I don’t like it. It...really makes me uncomfortable when you just...get so close to me, all of a sudden...s, so, s-so...” Her arms were shaking with fear, but the need to say what she really felt was even stronger. Asao was right; she couldn’t stay silent forever and hope that one day people would be able to magically read her mind. She needed to take the initiative, no matter how awkward it made things.
“So...please, don’t...do that to me. Please...” Her voice wavered and the sniper could feel tears pricking the corners of her eyes, but she couldn’t back down now. “Please...don’t just, suddenly grab or, touch me like that...I don’t like it at all. And same goes for you, Gandhi-san; I don’t like guys who are so aggressive like that.”
And before either of the two could say another word the sniper fled up the stairs into her room, her courage finally depleted. ------ “Cooking as a hobby, ‘ey? Heh, why not, squirt...” Lo-fi hip-hop was streaming through the headphones, Adam absently checking his email (for once) while relaxing to some music. It’d been nearly a week since Command dropped the bombshell on them, yet the platoon had adopted to its civilian lifestyle with almost shocking speed. Sure, he still had to make sure everybody was keeping up with their training, and once a day he personally checked in with either Saint-Germain or the Commander herself, but other than that it was surprisingly...chill. 
Well, aside from random incidents such as seeing Jess waltz around in black lace knickers, and Mahesh’s annoying habit of not putting on a shirt unless he had to. And oh yeah, that first night where Sio blindly walked in on him just as he’d gotten out of the shower.
The squirt... Sio Ogura. His fingers stopped typing as the petite girl crossed his mind. She was different. Unique. At first, it was easy for him to dismiss her as just another newbie who was in way over her head, but she’d proven to be surprisingly capable in their last few missions.
‘An’ now she wants to learn how to keep house...how cute.’ Adam snorted lightly to himself, but it was rather adorable watching the girl stumble her way through learning how to use the washing machine, and loading a dishwasher. He had to admit, the girl was stubborn and intuitive; even if it felt like she was missing a screw or two in the common sense department.
Maybe she wasn’t as much of a squirt as he initially pinned her to be. ‘I probably shouldn’t keep callin’ her hanninmae...but what else should I call her? Sio?’ He frowned; that was a little too personal, and if he remembered correctly, Japanese people generally didn’t appreciate strangers calling them by their first names. 
That had to be earned.
“Like a certain someone, ‘ey?” He muttered to himself. Adam didn’t miss the fact that he was the only holder whom she addressed by his e-gene name, instead of his real name. Truth be told, it pissed him off that Jess and Mahesh just casually used ‘Adam’ whenever they wanted, but it was too much trouble to bother correcting them. Besides, whenever he did, it usually went in one ear and out the next.
He sighed and shut the laptop. “Might as well go check in on them...” Stretching, he shuffled to the sniper’s door, and was just about to knock when heard a sniffle. “Huh.” He leaned closer and put his ear to the door. 
She’s crying. Startled, and without even thinking Adam opened the door, the sniper whirling around in bewilderment at his sudden intrusion.
“Oy, what’s going on? Are you all right?”
“E-Eh?! J-Jack-san??” The sniper hurriedly wiped her eyes, but it wasn’t enough to get rid of the the tear tracks on her cheeks.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“U-Uh, um...I—wait, wh-why are you in my room?”
“Uh...” Shit. Good question. Adam wanted to say that he heard her crying and was concerned, but she might take it the wrong way. ‘Actually. she definitely would take it the wrong way.’
“I, I uh, just wanted to check if you finished your training yet, but I heard you crying—I-I thought you hurt yourself or something—I—” He fumbled wordlessly for something, but even his Jack the Ripper couldn’t think of an excuse for this situation. “A-Anyway, sorry about...barging in like that. Guess we’re tit-for-tat, eh?”
“O-Oh...I, it’s...you don’t need to worry about it, Jack-san. I-It’s—I can handle it myself...I’m, fine...”
Adam raised an eyebrow, gently making his way to the side of the bed. “You sure about that, squirt?”
“I-I, uh...” The sniper stuttered and looked away.
“Hey, look; I, uh, know I’m probably not the most approachable guy, but I’m also your squad leader. And that means if there’s something botherin’ you, I’m more than willing to listen.” Adam slowly rounded the corner, sitting the built-in reading bench by the window. “An’ I’m not just sayin’ this ‘cause I’m the leader. If you wanna talk about it...I’m all ears.”
The sniper hiccuped a bit more, grabbing a tissue and hugging her knees to her chest, but still didn’t face him. Adam waited patiently until the tears seemed to have stopped.
“W, Well...it’s, m-more like, i-it has to do with, the other two...N-Newton-san and Gandhi-san. U-Uh, y-you know how both of them are alway so, so...touchy-feely,” Adam made a low rumbling noise at this, “s-so, earlier I, b-basically told them I didn’t...appreciate that, a-and, and...” the sniper squeezed herself into a tighter ball, if possible. “I, pushed Newton away...b-but, I didn’t mean it like that, I wasn’t trying to hurt her or say that I hated her, but I just didn’t want to be that close, and—”
“—You didn’t do anything wrong.” Adam’s low tenor cut through her anxiety-babble. “That’s on them, for not respecting your personal space...” Oddly enough, he felt as angry as he’d ever been—even moreso than his usual irritation at their tiresome antics. If it was just him, then fine; he could brush it off, but the fact that not only was Sio been so bothered by it, but she felt guilty about telling them off...
“I, I know that...b-but still, I...don’t want them to think I, hate them or anything like that...” The girl finally lifted her head, eyes now red and puffy from crying. “I, still think they’re good people...I just, don’t want them to keep getting so close to me like that...” Before she could go into another round of waterworks Adam was handing her a tissue, which she gratefully accepted.
“Honestly, it’s about time we addressed these issues. Especially if we’re gonna be living together for the next few weeks, I can’t let this keep happening. Hell, you’ve got more balls than me; you actually said something, where as I...just shrugged it off.”
At this the sniper looked up in surprise. “R, Really? Y-You, never told them you...don’t like it, either?”
Adam barked out a laugh. “Heh...surprising, isn’t it? Yeh, I’m surprised myself, honestly...can’t say exactly why I never did, except I figured it probably wasn’t a good idea t’ get all wound up with someone whom was going to be working with indefinitely. I don’t know...” he leaned back into the cushions, eyes closing in some lost memory. “Perhaps it’s because I figured, if I could put up with it, then maybe it’s better to do that, instead of protesting...” Adam shook his head. “Who knows. I guess to be honest, deep down, I’m someone who’d rather not rock the boat, you know what I mean?”
Whoa. He was much different than her initial impressions, for sure. Sio never would have guessed that Jack the Ripper—no, Adam Muirhead, was actually much more reserved than she thought. Not to mention the fact that, just like her, he preferred to stay quiet and bear the burden, instead of speaking out.
“Mn...I, definitely get that.” Before she knew it Sio quirked a small smile. “Heh, wow, I...I didn’t know we had similar thoughts...”
Adam returned the smile, and to her dismay the sniper felt her cheeks blushing. “The things you find out when we’re not in battle, right? Anyway, don’t beat yourself up. It’s high time we cleared this up; I’m gonna call a meeting tonight. Don’t worry about feeling awkward; I’ll handle it, and if they make a fuss—well, let’s just say I’m not above using my authority to make sure they stay in line...”
Sio nodded, though she sincerely hoped it was just a matter of misunderstanding and ignorance. The last thing she wanted was to strain the relationships between them, and who knew how that would affect their performance in battle.
“Also, squir—I mean, Ogura,” her ears perked at the sound of her real name, “er, it is all right to call you, that, yeh?”
Her heart started drumming in her chest and that strange warmth was flooding her body again. “O-Oh, of course! Th, thanks, Jack-san...”
“Cool. Anyway, I’m sorry you had to go through such a beastly thing, but...I’m grateful you told me about it. You really are something else, aren’t you?”
“Ah...” Those wide maroons stared at his back, Sio now shyly clutching her pillow. “Th-Thank you, Jack-san...not just for doing something about this, but...thank you for listening to me. I really appreciate it...”
Adam felt his face grow warm. “...You’re welcome. Oh, and uh, one more thing,” he paused at the doorway, “my name is Adam. My real name is Adam Muirhead.”
“Then...thank you, Adam-san.”
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Private Tutoring (Jason x Reader)(OS)
Warning: Bad hidden easter eggs  Word count:2145 Summary: Jason needs some private tutoring and because of Damian, You (who can’t stand Jason) have the job
(Third Person P.O.V.)
"You can't do that!" "I think I can." Jason huffed and turned around to stomp out of the Bat cave. Bruce just told him that he couldn't join the Family on Patrol if his grades would continue to be so bad. Jason was pissed. He let himself fall onto the couch wishing he could just fall asleep, but of course the one person he didn't wanna see appeared in the doorway. "What do you want, Demon-spawn?" sight Jason not looking away from the ceiling. "TT. Why do you think everything is about you, Todd?" huffed Damian sitting down beside Jason. Jason looked at him, raising his eyebrows. "Then why are you sitting beside me?" "Because I can see that you're upset and you're the most annoying person ever when you're upset...I also heard that father doesn't allow you to join us on patrol...and...that would be...inconvenient." Damian needed all his strength to get the last words out, but he got it done. Normally Jason would answer with a sassy remark, but right now he was to angry to do so and a little help, wouldn't harm anyone. "So? What do you think I should do?" Jason asked, rolling his eyes. "You're writing a math test next Monday, right?" "Yes, and?" "Get yourself a tutor who helps you with the topic and than write an A and than father will let you join us on Patrol again." Jason rolled his eyes and rolled himself off of the couch. "But almost nobody in my class understands the topic." "What about Y/N?" "The nerdy girl that always sits in the front of the class? How do you know her?" Jason asked raising his eyebrows even further. "I know everyone that could possible be helpful on a mission one day, especially in our surroundings," Damian said shrugging. Jason huffed again. "And how should Y/N Y/L/N, the nerdiest nerd of them all, help us on a mission?" "She isn't just a nerd, she's a genius. Also an award winning dancer and I'm sure she would make a good superhero, not that I'm implying anything." "As if...she couldn't even catch an apple if she wanted to, but back to topic. You say I should ask her if she helps me with math?" Jason asked stretching his arms over his head. "Well, kinda...Maybe I already asked Grayson to do so...and maybe she's on her way to the manor," Damian admitted. "What the Fuck! Why did you do that?" "Because you would have ruined it, before you'd even asked her."  Before Jason could say anything else the bell ringed and, even though Jason wanted to stop him, Damian stood up and ran to the door. He ripped the door open to be greeted by you. "Hey, Damian. Dick, strangely enough, invited me over. He rambled something about needing help with math and even though I told him that I'm not in his grade, he insisted on me coming, so...could you tell him I'm here?" Damian sight. "He....well...he didn't called you over for him, but for..." before he could finish his sentence Jason appeared in the doorway and you knew what this all was about. "Nope," you said, held up your hand and turned around, ready to leave again. "Wait Y/N," Jason shouted. You stopped in your tracks. "Why?" "I...I need your help...with math," he admitted. "Any why exactly should I help you? I remember the last time you spoke to me, you called me a...how was it? A big nerdy loser? Yes, I think that were your words." That earned Jason an angry look from Damian. "I'...sorry about that," he said. Now you turned around with a skeptical glimpse in your eyes. "Really? I'm not stupid. I know when people try to use me and I'm not really fond of being used, so...bye." You were about to turn around again, but Jason came forward. "That's the point. You're not stupid and I know that. I'm not saying I like you and I don't want you to like me, but I need help with math and you seem to be the only person to understand that shit, so, you help me and I won't bother you in school anymore. Deal?" he said, sounding more like himself. You thought about it. "Fine. But then let's get over with it." Jason brought you into his room, not caring about all the cloths that laid on the floor, and you sat down on his bed.
(Time skip because I have no idea of math)
You groaned annoyed and rubbed your hand over your face. "You wouldn't even get an A on the test if you repeat every single period we ever had." Jason huffed. "I'm stupid. I get it, but I need to get an A, because otherwise I can't..." he stopped mid sentence. "Can't what? Go out every night to party and make out with stupid b...brats?" Jason looked at you in disbelief. "You think that's what I'm doing everyday?" "Yeah...basically. You're a douche, you're always to tired to follow the class and you always make sassy comments, when nobody asks you about it. I'm 90% sure that even the pretty, and stupid, basic girls in our class wouldn't want to flirt with you all the time if you weren't a Wayne and so hot," the moment you realized what you just said, your face became tomato-red and you wanted to die there and then. Jason was a second away from bitching around because of the things you said first, when he also realized what you said. "So...You think I'm hot?" You took a deep breath and decided to stand behind your words. "Yes, and?" "Then why didn't you ask me out?" he asked with the biggest smirk on his lips. You felt yourself blush even more. "Pfff. Just because you're handsome, doesn't mean I want something from you. You're still a douche...and you insulted me." Jason looked at you. Was he really that bad? Now that he talked with you alone he noticed that you were pretty cool, other than the other girls in his class who never had their own opinions. Why did he insulted you, just because you're clever? It's not like that's a bad thing. Now that he thought about it, he really had no reason to be a jerk towards you. You weren't even ugly. In fact, you were quite beautiful. And that considering that you, also other than the basic girls, don't do a thing to make yourself more sexy or bitchy. You don't use much make-up, you don't dress provocative and you don't throw yourself around the neck of any guy who comes around the corner. Jason didn't notice that he was staring at you the whole time without saying anything. And by now you were redder than the reddest red that ever redded. You stood up from the bed and back away to the door. "I...think..I'll go now...Maybe the teacher'll recommend someone to tutor you," you said while you pointed at the door. Your hand laid on the door-handle, but before you could open it you were pressed against the wooden-materiel. Jason looked down at you with a strange look in his eyes, his hands on either side of you. "You know, I'm not the only person in this room who is hot," he whispered and you noticed that he leaned his face in. "J-Ja-Jason...I...I think I should really go now," you also whispered, but made no attempt to fight against him. "I think you're right where you belong, at my side." You shifted uncontrollably and wiggled a little bit, which made Jason push himself only nearer to you. "W-Why the sudden change of mind?" you said, trying to sound amused, but failing horrible. "Maybe I just saw what I had in front of me all the time." "That sounds...sweet, but...like I said: I'm not...interested," with every word your voice got quieter and you didn't even believed yourself. In the last few hours not only Jason realized that you weren't what he thought, you also noticed that he wasn't such a big douche at you thought. He wasn't rude and really tried to understand what you taught him. He leaned in even more and you threw all your doubts over board and leaned in too. "Oh...fuck it," you whispered before your lips met his. His lips were sweet as sugar and sour as salt in the same moment. His hands landed on your hips as he pushed you against the door even more and you laid your arms around his neck, pulling him closer into you, while you buried your hands in his hair. His tongue drove over your lips and you parted them slightly, giving him an opportunity to intensify the kiss. After a minute the both of you parted your lips a bit to take a breath and Jason leaned his forehead against yours. You wanted to say something, but before you were able to, the door behind you opened and you fell directly into the arms of Bruce fucking Wayne himself. Again, you blushed, but this time out of embarrassment. Bruce put you down onto the floor and you started to apologize. "I'm so so sorry, Mister Wayne. I...äh...I'll go now. Again, sorry." You turned around ready to run out of the manor. "Don't go," Jason and Bruce said simultaneously. You turn to them again and looked at the floor. Bruce was the first one to talk. "Damian and Dick told me a little bit about you and I'm happy that you...äh...tutor Jason, and you seem like a nice girl and I think you could be good for him, so...if you two decide to be a couple, I would be really happy for you." "Bruce!" Jason whined and took your hand in his. "Not cool." he pulled you into his room again and closed the door with his foot. "So..." you hummed. "Sooooo..." Jason also hummed. You looked him directly into the eyes and got lost in them. Neither of you noticed how you leaned in again, but before your lips could touch you turned your head so that his lips landed on your cheek. "Jason...I won't lie. That was the best kiss I ever had, but...I'm not like the girls you're used to. I'm not one you can hit and run on. I maybe had a weak moment back when we kissed, but...that's over now," you said, trying to sound convincing. Jason stroked your cheek with his hand. "I'm not thinking that you're like the other girls and I don't want you to be. My Fa-Bruce is right. You would be good for me, because in the last few hours I felt the need to improve...because of you. So...Would you be my girlfriend?" "Bu-" you tried to say, only to be interrupted by Jason. "I will get better ... for you." "Fuck this...yes, I'll be your girlfriend." As soon as you said the words his lips laid on yours and the both of you melted into the kiss, but only a few seconds later your phone ringed and interrupted you. You sight and pick it up, still buried in Jason's arms. "Hello? Yes. Bu-...Fine. Yes. Gonna be home in twenty. Till then. Tell May that she shouldn't worry. Yes... Bye....I said Bye...Bye Peter," you hang up and looked at your new-found-boyfriend, "I'm sorry. It seems like my brother told my Aunt who I'm tutoring and she seems to worry, so I need to go home." Jason chuckled. "Does she worry because I'm such a bad boy?" You smirked. "Delete the 'bad'-part. She don't want me to be alone with boys who she doesn't know." Jason sight. "Fine. I see you in school?" "Sure." You gave him a final kiss and left the manor.
Bonus: "I told you they were made for each other," said Damian to his father and his two older brothers Dick and Tim, as they watched you leave the manor with the biggest smirk on your lips over the surveillance cameras. "You were right. I think she'll change him...for good," laughed Dick with a smile on his face. "I still can't believe you played along Bruce," chuckled Tim. "I just had a feeling that he was right...and when Jason's grades get better in the process, than I'm happy," he said, also smiling, but a few seconds later a frown made it ways onto his face, "You already backroundchecked her, right?" Damian rolled his eyes. "Yes. Her parents died and she lives with her Aunt and her older brother, Peter. Their uncle got shot in a robbery and I'm 80% sure that her brother is that Spiderboy...-lad....-dude. I don't know. She goes to our School, since she had a fight at her last school. She broke a bully's Leg and let me say: the monitoring material are worth watching. She is a really good fighter." "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" asked Tim with raised eyebrows. "If you think I'm saying that she would be a good addition to the team, than you're right."
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