#"Motherland Come Home" (song)
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russianreader · 2 years ago
"Motherland, Come Home"
DDT frontman Yuri Shevchuk has released the video “Motherland, Come Home.” In the new single, he calls on his country to stop the war and go about its own business. The video was shot by Shevchuk in collaboration with producer and composer Dmitry Yemelyanov. Yuri Shevchuk wrote the poem “Motherland, Come Home” in the summer of 2022, a few months after Russia had launched its invasion of Ukraine.…
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longtallciara · 2 years ago
Animism is reciprocity. ~ S Kelley Harrell ~
​At the end, all that's left of you are your possessions. Perhaps that's why I've never been able to throw anything away. Perhaps that's why I hoarded the world: with the hope that when I died, the sum total of my things would suggest a life larger than the one I lived. ~ Nicole Krauss - The History of Love ~
Maybe they are either best friends or crutches. Either way these things feel like they know me as much as I know them. I see them, touch them or listen to them most days, and I feel nourished and enlivened after spending time with them, as I would after spending an evening on the sofa with one of my IRL best friends. Time spent with IRL best friends is minimal these days, especially since I moved back to the motherland in October 2020. So I've had to funnel out and process my emotions in other ways. My partner is brilliant at protecting my feelings, and helping me regulate my emotions. But there are some things which he can't help with (I don't expect him to) because they are my work.         I won't be including things like books or music on this list. Those things are intrinsic to life.  As Nietzsche said, 'Without music, life would be a mistake.' To quote Cicero, 'A room without books is like a body without a soul.' I want to acknowledge everyday personal effects and artefacts that I have intimacy with. It reminded me of when, quite movingly, Tracy Emin married a stone at the end of her garden. The feelings she had towards that stone feel like what I feel around these things, not quite the same, but not far off either.      I propose that these these things which I have started to call 'best friends' have memories, as in there are memories of them - I have memories of them - but sometimes I think that they may as well, be it digital, physical or emotional. I try to treat whatever it is kindly and mindfully, and whatever I give they give back in turn when I am using them. Or I've gone mad.
My cat My pet cat is arguably someone I know in real life. But can you ever really know a cat? Let alone your cat? All I can say that I definitely  know about her is that her butthole stinks (I know because she makes me know by sticking her butthole that she is so proud of in my face) and she gets the zoomies post-poop. Otherwise, cats are a world-renowned mystery. Our vet Clare of the Cat Hospital said on the RTE show 'The Cat Hospital' that cats hide that they are ill, and if they do end up displaying signs of illness, then something is really wrong. Zadie has been demonstrably ill twice, and we  acted straight away. The first time was when we noticed a tiny limp when she walked, and we said we'd keep an eye on it. We went out for a few hours, and when we came home Zadie was in the doorway of our bedroom. She raised her paw to us and had this depressed, helpless look in her eyes, and we knew we had to go to a kitty ER immediately. The other time was last year, when we saw her sidle away under the bed and after 24 hours still wouldn't come out to eat at all. The poor girl had bronchitis.
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​I love watching her after she heaves herself through the cat flap (she makes such a big song and dance about the cat flap, she often meows at us demanding that we open the door for her, Her Majesty) and she loiters around outside. She looks up and sniffs the air or the leaves of plants like she's doing it for the first time, but I've spied on her doing it every day, and it's just so damn cute. What is going through her mind as she does it? Again and again? Day after day? Does she have amnesia?
Maybe she takes things in and appreciates them like we humans occasionally do - when we take our first step outside, take in the view, the warmth of the sun and a big hunk of fresh air, before sipping our first coffee of the day. Sneaking in a bit of gratitude before the weight of all our burdens arrive on our shoulders and suffocate us, trapping us beneath the existential bell jar. Zadie knows exactly what she's doing - I don't. There is no rhyme or reason to her attacks of alarming affection on me, but the most miraculous of all is when she actually comes to sit on me when I am on my period. It's a dream come true - I imagine that she is trying to heal me, by keeping me warm and casting away layers of pain with the vibration and frequency of her soft purrs. Whilst I'm aware that I am likely to project my feelings of tenderness onto her, I feel satisfied that she feels tenderness towards me. I read The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben years ago (so I might remember things wrong), but he talked about the element of choice in the animal world. Zadie could go and sleep anywhere. Even after I feed her she chooses to follow me into my room to snooze on the sofa next to me a lot of the time. Sometimes she comes in to clean herself and then just chill on the carpet, lying on her back and exposing her tummy - the ultimate pose of feeling comfortable, even around me who always wants to stroke her and disturb her.        Even when she is aloof, as is her right, she is companionable. I feel it when I am alone at home for a few days. I like being on my own, but there is something about having this other little soul in the house too. I love knowing she's there.
Reusable sanitary towels With all the politics of disposable sanitary products that was in the air years ago (the *~pink~* tax) and knowing that all my pads would eventually wind up in landfill and languish there for fifty years, I went and bought a Mooncup. It certainly was not for me. So I bought some reusable pads off Amazon and used them wrong. How can you use menstrual pads wrong??? I hear you cry, but somehow, I did. These pads weren't very nice, but I put up with them, because I thought I deserved them. Whenever I fold them up I wonder if they'll snap like a dusty old cracker. They were rough as hell and too uncomfortable to wear if I was out all day at work, so I compromised by buying more eco-friendly Natracare disposable pads.        That is until I found a box of Bloom & Nora reusable sanitary towels (not sponsored but my goodness I AM OPEN) on sale in Boots in the new year. It felt like I was destined to find this single remaining busted box. It had been opened and rejected. I had been looking online at these pads in the preceding days, where they were full price. Then I found them in Boots on sale. I paid for them and walked out the shop with a feeling like I had won. These pads feel like I am finally being nice to myself. They are so soft and comfortable, and I LOOK FORWARD to the novelty of wearing them when my period finally arrives because they remind me that I am looking after myself.
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​Yoga mat My first yoga mat was from the middle aisle in the Streatham Lidl, and I had it for years, and it was a neglected, filthy, mangy, old thing that I kept for too long like my sorry old sanitary pads. When I took up yoga properly, I went especially to the Buddhist Centre in Manchester to buy my new one. And I still have it. It is a deep blue colour, the colour of my mind, and I treat it with respect. I do an equivalent of what Ravi Shankar did when he told George Harrison to not step over his sitar, but to walk around it. After I have rolled it out I might have to stand on one end of it until it stops curling up, which I do whilst my decrepit tablet tries to turn itself on and load the YouTube app.        There is something about taking out my yoga mat, rolling it out, putting on my delicately breathy, willowy-soft clothing, lighting a candle or some incense, then stepping on to my mat and sitting down gently and getting into a comfortable position. I love the ritual in the preparation, that is when the practice begins. The entire practice is like a story - it has the beginning, the middle, and the end.
At the end of a practice I crouch at the end of my mat on my tiptoes (a bit of extra yoga for my feet), and as I roll it back up I sweep my hands across it after each roll so that it is as clean as possible. I’m trying to take the best care of it after the negligent degradation of my first one.
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Every few days I give my mat a clean with a spray that I made myself, thanks to the recipe provided by my other best friend in this small social group: Adriene. One of my sisters introduced me to her donkey's years ago and I have never gone with anyone else on the whole of YouTube. Her mantra to 'find what feels good' has taught me in the long run to get to know myself and my body better. It is an incredible tool. It has taught me what I can feel and achieve out of the physical sensations without expending my energies thinking about the shape of the poses or why the hell I'm so inflexible and out of shape and unhealthy and ugly.  Instead it has brought me understanding - I can tell people what I do yoga for and how it feels.
For me, my philosophy is a kind of cousin of the Japanese art technique of kintsugi. In kintsugi, broken pottery and wares are repaired using golden coloured lacquer, so that the breakages are still visible even when the piece is fixed. For me, yoga is when 'the breakages' are stretched and pulled further apart, and the sun and air can reach inside all these cracks. Or, it is the gold beneath that is finally  revealed and shining out, thanks to the stretches. I can feel it in my entire body. It's like I opened a ricketty, rotten wormy door to a cell in my soul where I didn't know free happy drugs were. They were there all along, and I was always able to get to them.
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That's how it feels when you can finally make sense of marrying the movement to the breath in yoga. It took me months to understand why the hell Adriene wanted me to take a deep breath in at a particular point when my overheated brain was still trying to catch up with something else she was saying before, but with practice, it just clicked one day. Then I exhaled. Since then, I've been taking those moments with me to work, to the beach, and that image of my stretching muscles letting light in comes into my head daily, and I feel invigorated. So I thank my yoga mat, for being patient with me as I learned all this, for supporting me and taking me on.
The Blindboy Podcast Years into this podcast, its creator and host Blindboy Boatclub is definitely someone I consider my friend. He is a friend to me - a consistent, friendly voice. I treat him as my friend to the monetary equivalent of a coffee or a pint, and in return I get compassion and wisdom, and he makes me laugh. Blindboy is a pseudonym of a mystery person who I will never know, I only know the persona of a Mr Boatclub, not the real man under the plastic bag. So I think I get away with having his podcast on this list.
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​The topics of the podcast are sprawling and inexhaustible, and he always makes them interesting.
Blindboy also speaks prominently about mental health - as someone who studied to be a psychotherapist, and has worked for most of his adult life in becoming emotionally literate, Blindboy has been trying to democratise psychology. In a world where access to mental health services is incredibly limited, and counselling and therapy are out of reach to the majority of people, his insights are invaluable. The mental health episodes have been so helpful to me as I continue with my own work in trying to understand the world and figure out who I am. The theories and ideas he summarises have been practicable for me in daily life - a game-changing episode for me was when Blindboy explained the concept of Transactional Analysis (modes of communication - Adult, Parent, Child. For example ideally when at work, everyone would be communicating with one another in Adult. However, on occasion, a manager may need to speak with an employee about a mistake they've made, and unfortunately the manager chastises the employee, doing this in Parent, and the employee reacts and responds in Child. This is an ineffective and dysfunctional dynamic for adults in a workplace or in general. That is my rudimentary explanation of it). Blindboy did not complete his studies, so is careful and responsible in prefacing everything with a warning that everything he shares is drawn from his own personal experience, and that everyone is different.         In the last bookshop I worked in, one of my core memories was when a guy came up to my till to buy On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers. Blindboy has talked about Carl Rogers numerous times, and I thought maybe he listens to Blindboy. This lad was maybe 5-10 years younger than me, so I took the plunge. 'Hello fellow millennial', I did not say. I asked him if he did also listen, and he said that he did. We quoted things back to one another, and he told me that he was about to begin his own studies to become a psychotherapist. It was one of my favourite interactions I had at the bookshop.        Not only does he share his experiences and knowledge of psychology, he takes deep dives into food, folklore, history and art. Sometimes I feel  that I don't have an interest in the history of paint, or that I'm not in the mood for a lecture on the origins of disco music, but I do listen to them because I am currently going back and listening to every single episode. In the end, I am sold.        To get started, I would highly recommend the episode 'Butchers French', about Victor Frankl and his book Man's Search for Meaning. After listening to it I would implore anyone to read that book. My mum bought it for me when I was 20, and I read it whilst travelling around Europe by train and on my way to Poland. At that age I was without doubt self-absorbed, generally anxious and unhappy, but also undiagnosed autistic, and my mother recognised something at that time that I really needed. I think she knew that I needed hope.
The Poetry section Sometimes after therapy you feel like you've cracked something - your head open, or a mystery. When it's the latter, I want to dance down the street. When my head has been cracked open, I walk out onto the street feeling vulnerable, exposed, tired, and sad. Sometimes I want to go straight home and pull the curtains. Most of the time, I go to a bookshop or library and head straight to the poetry section.
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So I know poetry collections are sold and bought in book form, and I said I wouldn't be including books in this list. But poetry is its own thing. You understand. ​I think that's what I'm looking for after a hard session, something to fortify, strengthen, ground me. Poetry is a genuine comfort. One of my favourite lines comes from Lemn Sissay, which became a bit of a mantra to me: How do you do it, said night How do you wake and shine? I keep it simple, said light One day at a time.
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When I was researching for my book, I came across a WH Auden poem called 'First Things First'. It's meaning in parts is obscure to me, but the comforting feeling of it, especially the first stanza, just paints a warm blue picture to me. Woken, I lay in the arms of my own warmth and listened To a storm enjoying its storminess in the winter dark Till my ear, as it can when half-asleep or half-sober, Set to work to unscramble that interjectory roar, Construing its airy vowels and watery consonants Into a love-speech indicative of a Proper Name. After talking about this poem in one session, I promised myself as I walked to the bookshop that if I found a book with that poem in there I would buy it. And buying poetry has since become an allowable post-sesh expenditure, because poetry is elemental and therapeutic. Sometimes I don't know why I like poetry. At times it is opaque and obscure, sometimes it feels highfalutin and I huff and feel stupid. But like trying to understand other people and ourselves, it is something I want to have around me and is something I look to and pursue in trying to understand, or even let lie. Sometimes I think 'it is what it is' - I don't know what the heck a poem is about but it sounds beautiful. Sometimes my interpretation is different to someone else's reading, and both can be fine, because who really knows what was in the poet's head at the time? I think they were putting forward an idea as intricately and as beautifully as possible. Words so often fail me, so I seek them out. The cost of words I speak in therapy exhaust me, so I seek them out in their most concise, pure, distilled and beautiful form. Poetry is something to be reached for when you want to get back in touch with yourself; even if the verse is cryptic and you feel like you're being tricked. It is mindful and switches on hallucinogenic visuals, and it’s encasement in it's rules, techniques, and stanzas envelop me in something soulful.
We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out. ​~ Ray Bradbury ~
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five-miles-over · 4 years ago
‘Aftermath’ Part 9: Be Prepared (Commodus x OC)
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Summary: With the Senate officially dissolved, new alliances and plans form. The Emperor calls an old advisor, and two military minds come together to save their Republic.
Warning: Mentions of violence
Word Count: 2,203 
Read Part 1: The Impossible Dream here
Read Part 2: Proud of Your Boy here
Read Part 3: Point of No Return here
Read Part 4: Look Down here
Read Part 5: Beneath a Moonless Sky here
Read Part 6: These Palace Walls here
Read Part 7: Wait For It here
Read Part 8: Something There here
“I had hoped you might have learned some humility and respect.”
Petronius scoffed as Gaius led him out of his villa, having spent the night there after a long discussion filled with songs about the Republic and philosophical quotes. The estate was quite modest for a Senator, or rather a former-Senator. Lemon trees that emanated a sublime citrus fragrance lined the front of the sandstone building.
“Forgive me, Senator. A general is one who only knows to fight their enemy whilst looking them in the eye. He knows not of the art of flattery or the strategy of bending words with a slip of his tongue.”
Gaius sighed. Such is the nature of most military men, he thought, save General Quintus. That man had enough intelligence to save his skin when Commodus seized power for the first time. However, like all military men, his allegiance ultimately returned to the Spaniard at the crucial moment of judgment. “You crave for too much, General,” the older man replied. “It does not become a warrior to yearn for bloodshed so strongly.”
“I want him dead, that is all,” Petronius dismissed. “Rome has suffered enough under his wing.”
“And we shall save our motherland,” Gaius finished. “But we must arm ourselves with alliances and unite the forces under our cause. In the meantime, there may be a chance that Mania may take control of our Caesar before any other weapon can.”
As he reached the iron-gates of Gaius’s estate, he snorted. “With all due respect, Senator. If you are waiting for Commodus to lose himself in madness, then it is now that we must strike.”
Petronius continued, “He has no one left, Gaius. Even his own family had begun to fear him - his sister, his nephew…and possibly anyone else who happened to know Commodus as a child. If we killed him now, there would be no one too mourn for him, or defend him.”
“Humor me, then. How would you, a mere general who lives off the Emperor’s bread and salt, kill him?” Gaius smirked condescendingly.
“Bribe the servants to poison him.”
“Suppose the servants decide to tell the emperor,” Gaius countered. “You would be caught, and they would be rewarded.”
“Then we bribe the gladiators to attack Commodus.”
“He pays their entertainers well enough. Why should they complain or succumb to the influence of an outsider?”
With every counter-remark given by the old man, Petronius felt his temper dissipate bit by bit. Who was Gaius to lecture about the importance of saving Rome from a dictator when he himself, let alone his friends, could not bring themselves to take action? Even after the loss of their positions within politics, all the men were talking about the night before was the beauty of Gaius’s seemingly splendid mistresses. Certainly the wine may have loosened their usually-sharp tongues, but it was surprising, nay unacceptable, to see the state of Rome’s greatest minds.
Could those men not see that by lying low, they were putting the lives of Roman citizens at risk? That by refusing to rise to their call of duty, that they were only clipping the wings of the eagle that symbolized Rome and its greatness? It would only be a matter of time before the emperor, in a bout of madness, paranoia, and pure malice, would sever the talons of this eagle and leave it as powerless as a common fowl.
The general’s nostrils flared while the veins in his forearms throbbed furiously. “I do not care for your shrewd statements, Senator. I do not wish to contemplate upon your retorts, nor do I wish to indulge your appetite for wordplay. As I have told you, I am a general - I shall fight with my hands and not with my tongue. My hands are bound to serve Rome, and all it stands for.”
“Nevertheless,” he hastily added. “Since I have shared your bread and wine, as well as taken refuge in your home during the night, I shall revere you as any proper guest ought to. Fare thee well, Senator. I hope that you and I shall meet again.”
“Fare thee well, General.” Gaius watched as the young man vanished into the hustle and bustle of the public square. He certainly had a problem with the much-too-transparent ideologies that military men had, but in order for Commodus to receive his duly-deserved demise, the Senators needed the favor of the military. Perhaps he ought to the be the one to vouch for diplomacy in the midst of this clash of ideals.
The city was quiet compared to most days, even for a mid-morning. Possibly due to the games taking place today, the plebeians seemed to be missing from the streets. However, peddlers were still out selling their goods - a man clamored for people to buy his new stock of clams and oysters, freshly caught from the Mediterranean, while another advertised fine silks imported from China. Various hues in various designs, he said. A dark red one with a golden border caught Petronius’s eye, immediately remembering his sister’s favorite color.
Perhaps he could buy a bolt of the silk for her, possibly as an attempt to apologize for being away all night. Ever since his brother-in-law had passed away from the wars against Germania, he had sworn to guard his sister and her two sons with his life. Keeping such a vow felt almost effortless under the reign of Marcus Aurelius, but under his son, it was the contrary. She wept in Petronius’s arms the night that Senator Gracchus died, saying that she was glad that her husband received an honorable death instead of a false treason accusation. At that moment, he shushed her for fear that the other Praetorian guards would hear her, reporting them both to the emperor. However, if he could turn back time, he’d tell her not to worry, for the emperor would not live long enough to turn Rome into ruins. And with a warm hug, he would seal his promise to her.
Boots clicking, Emperor Commodus paced the empty throne room with a strangely serene look on his face. He’d just come from the games, which never failed to amuse him. For those moments in the Colosseum, he felt as powerful as the gods themselves, taking life as needed, while watching lesser beings fight to survive. Sweat beaded his forehead while he walked, and he almost wanted to remove his laurel crown off due to the heat. Nevertheless, an emperor had to look his best at all times.
From an outsider’s standpoint, it seemed that Emperor Commodus took the Senators’ tongues along with their power. Silence was all those dry old men had to give him today as well. He needed to know what they could possibly be thinking of, nay, he needed to know about their plan to end his reign before they could strike. It was time for an old loyalist to join minds with him again.
“Falco, I’ve been expecting you.” The former senator entered cautiously, his leather sandals echoing against the smooth floor of the palace halls. He bowed before the emperor and stood upright. From the events of last night, it was with much skepticism that any of the senators thought that they could ever receive the emperor’s good graces. Perhaps his former loyalty has now manifested into a blessing. “How may I be of service to you, Caesar?”
Commodus gestured for him to be seated. “I take it that you, along with your colleagues, have heard my decision regarding the new…alterations in the governance of Rome. It must certainly displease you and your colleagues, does it not?”
Without flinching, Falco kept his wits near despite the presence of the temperamental Emperor. “Caesar, I cannot speak for those men. With all due respect, they are no longer my colleagues. All I know is that you are my Emperor, and that every decision you take must have been formed with necessary contemplation." Falco knew he was telling lies. To the Senate, Commodus never gave the impression of a man of thought, let alone the impression of a man.
And as for the Emperor, he knew better than to take the former Senator’s words by face value. Nevertheless, he did need an ally and it was only Falco who gave him advice when the rest of the Senate sided with Maximus.
“Thank you, Falco. Out of those men, it seems that you are the only one who genuinely cares for my welfare. Your priorities lie for the Empire, and for none else. That is why I wish to make you my main advisor. With no Empress and no Senate, I need a good man like you by my side…to rule, and to care for the people.”
Pretending to be stunned, brimming with gratitude, Falco rose from his seat. “Highness, your offer is…one of high value.”
“Join me, Falco,” Commodus extended his hand, which was accepted by the former Senator. “Join me, and we shall usher in a new age of Rome.”
The Sun was ruthless to the troops of Rome today - many a foot soldier grunted with displeasure as they sparred with each other under the sweltering heat. General Petronius and Centurion Philomenus greeted each other with a familiar look, having seen each other at Gaius’s meeting last night.
“I sense tension in your fingers,” the general pointed towards his peer’s hand.
Philomenus chuckled as he glanced at his knuckles circling the hilt of his sword. “I…I thought about my sister. How she must be waiting for me, and how the heat is making her uncomfortable.”
“I empathize - I have a sister as well. Her husband was a legionnaire - do you remember Felix Cassius? No…well, the army is quite massive.”
The centurion picked up his weapon, twirling it absentmindedly. “Forgive me for not knowing him. I think it would take one eons to count every single life lost during the late emperor’s battles in Germania.”
Petronius gritted his teeth. “I wish the emperor’s son lost his life in Germania instead of the emperor.” Almost immediately, Philomenus tackled him to the ground with a sandy hand over his mouth.
“You monster!” Petronius gasped as he tried to catch his breath. “What in the name of Jupiter was that for?!”
“It was for daring to speak against the Emperor. We both know that punishment would be doled out on both of us - on you for your impudent tongue, and on me for listening to your talk of treason.”
“Men like you make me sick,” the general spat. “Was it not you who quoted the great Marcus Aurelius himself, having memorized his extensive writings? Do you not know that by punishing those who speak out against Commodus, you only encourage his tyrannical, anti-republic ways?!”
“Perhaps, but I do know when to keep my tongue in my cheek,” Philomenus retorted. “Did you not see what happened to the Spaniard who dared to challenge the emperor?”
“The Spaniard was once a general, Philomenus. He used to be one of us. If he could not complete his revenge, it would be our responsibility to finish it for him.”
Shaking his head, he took the general behind a wall while pretending to be very thirsty. “I do believe in the ways of the Republic, and that Rome’s golden age ended when the republic was seized by a pompous man pretending to be a dictator.”
“Commodus is not Julius Caesar, Philomenus - he has no military prowess of his own, aside from formidable swordplay.”
“Please, just know that he will not last long. The grain will run out, and the public who loved him so much will turn their backs on him. But while he’s in power, let him be happy.”
“You sound just like those blasted Senators,” Petronius grunted. “Those old men can afford to live off their ancestral wealth for their remaining years, but you and I are not like them!”
Philomenus yelled back, suddenly triggered by the mention of familial affluence. “I know that! My parents perished when I was thirteen, leaving my sister and I penniless with a pair of newborn twins.”
“I have worked a long way to come where I am,” he continued to fume. “I know what I have read speaks of a Republic, but what can I do?! What can we do, given our state?”
“Then join me,” Petronius coerced the other man. “Help me think of a way to kill Commodus, and together we can bring back the Republic Rome was always meant to be.”
“Here is what we’ll do- we will ambush him from the exit gates of the Colosseum. And when he enters without bodyguards, we will make our presence known and attack him,” Philomenus whispered. “I will keep our weapons under my tunic so as not to arouse suspicion.”
“Anger has certainly brought your intelligence into light. I admire your plan, but what will I do?” Petronius asked with a raised eyebrow.
The centurion smirked, “Stay alive, and keep your goddamn mouth shut for once.”
“Commodus must die….for Maximus and for the Senate.”
“No, he must die for Rome.”
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joie-university-rp · 5 years ago
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, KEN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Ken, he/him
Age, Timezone: 22, PST
Activity, short explanation: New job so activity will be lower but I’m still here!!
Ships: Vitya/Anyone (Sexually), Vitya/Men (Romantically)
Anti-Ships: None.
Triggers: None!
Preferred photo for Character’s ID : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1mfjly7Dgd4/maxresdefault.jpg
Anything else: My feet hurt from this new job. Also, if there are any typos, I’m sorry, I wrote this tired.
Full Name: Vitya Alexsi Cristo
FC: Bill Skarsgard
Age/Year at University: 19, Freshman
Birth date: November 18th, 2000.
Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Creative Arts - Illustration
Minor(s): Gemology
Housing request: Beiste Dorms, Room 226
Extracurriculars: Freerunning/Parkour Club, Esports Club, Gymnastics
Greek Life Affiliation: None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking):
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
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upshotre · 5 years ago
Cub in a Lagos residential building: Matters Arising
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By Tony Ademiluyi Lagosians woke up to the rather disturbing news yesterday of a two year old cub being found in the home of an Indian national. The man in question lived in a residential area somewhere on number 229 Muri Okunola Street in Victoria Island. We don’t know for how long the cub resided there which was a huge risk to the lives of the people within that environ. To make matters worse, the Indian snubbed the invitation of the Nigerian Police when he was invited for questioning opting to send three of his Nigerian members of staff to stand in for him. As at press time yesterday, he is still at large. It is sad that Nigeria, the supposed ‘Giant’ of Africa has been turned into a dumping ground for all sorts of foreigners who rape and pillage the nation without any iota of remorse. Nigerians living in the Diaspora dare not try this nonsense in their host countries but it is the reverses when foreigners come here as they get away with all manner of hocus pocus. Who in his right senses will bring a cub to a residential apartment where there are children most especially? What if the cub strays? Won’t that pose grave danger to the innocent kids and even adults lurking around? The Asians – Indians, Chinese and Lebanese most especially are the most notorious when it comes to their ill treatment of Nigerian citizens ironically in the latter’s so called motherland. We recall the frequent cases of Nigerians getting killed and maimed in their dungeons called factories because they failed to provide the necessary safety apparel for the handling of the sensitive machines and corrosive chemicals. Many pay Nigerians something worse than starvation wages and even owe them salary arrears in many cases. I vividly recall one of them who worked as the Chief Operating Officer of a national newspaper where I once worked for. His spoken and written English was akin to a tragic-comedy, he brought nothing to the table in terms of ideas and strategy. He will sit in the corner of his cosy Ikeja home which the company provided for him and dish out destructive criticisms and at the end of the month coasted home with well over one million naira. The foreigners treat us like beasts of burden because our heartless rulers who masquerade as democrats are complicit. The security forces share the same guilt as well. Are you telling me that nobody saw the cub and raised an alarm to the police all this while knowing the grave dangers posed by this wild animal? The police may have been ‘settled’ with some ‘roger’ to look the other way. Afterall, since the government doesn’t place premium priority on their welfare, it was wise to look inwards and deploy their creativity to survive as they have numerous bills to pay. Foreign nationals don’t just wake up and come to Nigeria. In most cases their arrival is facilitated by some prominent Nigerians who are co-shareholders by proxy in their business ventures and so turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed by their business partners since they are part and parcel of the racket. The late afrobeat maestro, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti sang a hit song ‘kolo mentality’ a nauseating practice where supposed independent Africans will willingly jettison their own things or ideas for those of the white man. A high school drop out from India or any Asian or western nation is made a Chief Engineer in Nigeria to supervise those with higher degrees here all because they possess a light skin. None of the foreigners gets jailed here for their daily atrocities but the reverse is the case of our brothers and sisters living in the Diaspora who find themselves on the wrong side of the law. We have a disgustingly high taste for anything foreign at the expense of our local expertise or content. Anything in fair skin who is foreign is suddenly better than our fellow black brothers and sisters. We develop a tragic inferiority complex when we stand besides foreigners even though we are the best. This quest for validation from foreigners must stop if this nation is to make any ounce of progress. The Asian tigers wouldn’t have made any massive and rapid economic progress if they had relied whole-heartedly on foreigners. They looked inwards and developed their home grown technology which they now export to the rest of the world to bring home the bacon. Why can’t our visionless leaders or dictators think in the same direction? Nigerian leaders must show more love for their citizens by creating the enabling environment for their business ideas and resilience to adequately thrive. That way, foreigners will treat us with greater respect on our home soil especially when they know we have many alternatives to working like monkeys in their sweatshops. Look at the swift progress made by Thomas Sankara in the short four year stay as the helmsman of Burkina Faso formerly known as Upper Volta before his 1987 assassination allegedly masterminded by his best friend and compatriot, Blaise Compaore. The country under Sankara was on the route to becoming self-sufficient via industrialization as he was determined to get the tiny country weaned off from her undue dependence on her former colonial master, France. He drastically cut the cost of governance and could hardly boast of worldly assets. Burkinabes were forced to deploy their talents and gifts for the advancement of the nation. Africa and Nigeria in particular desperately need a clone of a Lee Kuan Yew who can take us to the economic Byzantium. Former Ghanaian President, Jerry John Rawlings was quoted to have said that he didn’t know much economics but he knew when he was hungry. There is raw hunger working naked on most streets of Nigeria; we need a new economic deal that can make us take a great leap forward. Enough of politicking and let’s get down to the noble task of governance. Tony Ademiluyi writes from Lagos and edits www.africanbard.com
Read the full article
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daegurp-blog · 6 years ago
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loading dossier on BELLA SONG —— please be sure to take a look at the checklist before venturing around town.
FACECLAIM: kim hyuna MUSE’S NAME: bella song PRONOUNS: she/her GENDER: female AGE: 25
POSITIVE TRAITS: playful, easy going, kindhearted NEGATIVE TRAITS: petty, rebellious, stubborn MUSE AESTHETICS: shirts as dresses, clear gloss & big hoops, tiny sunglasses, chunky sneakers, acrylic nails QUOTE: “i’m just an ordinary superstar”
* bella was born in los angeles california, but moved to daegu when she was 24
* she is an only child and extremely spoiled, but that also made her lonely growing up
*when she was in high school she started modeling and using social media platforms to style shoots and music videos for her friends and that’s how she got discovered. at the age of 19 she had her first large scale gig and it’s only been an uphill road since then
*though she moved to daegu, she still considers l.a home and goes back often. however, she’s began working with more artists in her motherland and wanted to get in touch with her roots and where her parents are from
*is a nightlife girl, but not a messy one
1. what do you do for a living??
“i am a celebrity stylist and i have worked on various projects from films to music videos and photo shoots. as well as a creative director and model.”
2. how and where do you see yourself being in 5 years??
“i see myself hopefully still in the same creative field, since this is what i love to do, but with my own agency based out of seoul and los angeles. a place for other people like me to have their creative ideas and juices flow while also having a platform to find work. as for my personal life, wealthy spiritually and financially would be a plus. i’m not sure about kids, there’s no "mr.baby” yet.“
3. where do you fall on daegu’s societal hierarchy spectrum??
"you could say i’m in the wealthy upper class, thanks to my finances. however, that doesn’t mean that i’m all about fancy dinners and sticking my nose up at people.”
4. how do you feel about where you personally fit in the social hierarchy of the town and what are your intentions because of this??
"it would be nice to find a way to bridge this gap between classes. though, i hope it’s not selfish of me to say that i would love to do that without losing my status and lifestyle i have worked towards for myself. personally, i am pleased and happy that i am able to keep up a lifestyle much like, and often times better, than the one my parents raised me with.”
5. what are your goals and aspirations for the future??
“to find inner peace and happiness. as well as being able to finally see some of my ideas i have been working towards since i was young finally come to fruition. but mostly, continuing to grow and enjoying life at the same time.”
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paradox-oflife · 5 years ago
massive q and a post part 3 ignore this pls
1. If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Um maybe latin because it sounds cool but for practical purposes probably spanish lol
2. What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Jesus, not because I’m Christian but I’m curious to see what he would say
3. As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? No because my bed didn’t have space underneath 
4. Do you like clowns? nope
5. Do you prefer BBC or ITV? Okay, this is clearly British but I’d go with BBC
6. Have you ever been surfing? Once. It didn’t go that well lol
7. Have you ever been snowboarding? Yeah, it’s pretty fun actually!
8. Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? uuuh the Beatles
9. Whats your favourite type of foreign food? By foreign I’m assuming non-American/British. But anything from Taiwan (except for pig’s blood ew) is soul food for me :)
10. Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? I... don’t know. North Korea I guess? But when it comes to most countries, it’s the government that makes it bad.
11. Do you like your music loud or easy listening? (What does this mean??) Depends on the mood
12. Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Adventure time :D
13. Do you sing in the shower? Errr, no.
14. Are you a clean or messy person? I try my best to be clean but it always ends up messy.
15. Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? I usually go with the cat :3
16. Can or Do you still play twister? God I haven’t played since 5th grade.
17. Can you play chess? Yeah, not really good at it though.
18. Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Haha no because I suck at dancing
19. Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Bendy
20. Have you ever entered a talent contest? And did you win? No .-. I’m not the type to do that lol
21. Do you like poetry? Yeah. I’d say so.
22. Are you a sore loser? Nah, I’m pretty chill when it comes to that type of thing
23. Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice Cream > Jelly
24. Whats your favourite type of Pie? New Zealand’s steak and cheese
25. Whats your most used phrase? Hm. Maybe “yeah nah”
26. Whats your most used word? Not sure. I talk a lot.
27. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Someone Asian of course, someone who has studied me well enough and understands me
28. What would your dream job be? Okay, I’m gonna be real. I wanted to be a vet but lowkey I’m too colorblind for it lol. I’m planning to study in Physical Therapy
29. Which song do you hate the most? I mainly just listen to the same albums nowadays but I guess i don’t really vibe with a lot of pop songs.
30. How long does it take you to get ready? Depends how tired I am. If I get pretty good sleep it takes maybe 10 minutes at most. 
31. What do you think the greatest invention has been? The printing press.
32. Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Uuuh i dont really know. Forearms are nice i guess
33. Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Sometimes they’re just really oblivious to really obvious things
34. Who's your favourite Comedian? I don’t even listen to comedians really but Chelsea Peretti is pretty funny.
35. What's your favourite board game? Probably Monopoly. There’s no greater feeling than seeing the life drain from your friends’ eyes as you collect $5000 from them
36. Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? When I’m having a bad day I like to just read through my yearbooks and look at all the compliments people wrote. 
37. Do you have any superstitions? Not really.
38. Whats your favourite Movie quote? I have a lot. But maybe Manners Maketh Man.
39. Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck Norris.
40. Do you have much of an ego? I wish. I want to be more confident
41. Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? No. Nothing against it though.
42. Are you a hat person? Nah
43. Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Costco
44. Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Smashburger or Inn n Out
45. Whats your first thought upon waking up? “Lord help me.”
46. What animal would you most like to have as a pet? I love dogs. And cats. 
47. Whats your favourite type of tree? Pine trees always remind me of home.
48. If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? Uuuh as much as I want to bankrupt someone like Jeff Bezos that’d be bad because a lot of people rely on Amazon
49. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? I honestly don’t know. 
50. Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? I don’t know much celebrities with the same name as me.
51. If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Um hide in a box I’m so tiny. Like I know a bit of martial arts but like??? I’m literally 5′1″ and i’m only 115 pounds. Someone could bench me easily.
52. Whats your favourite flower? I like lillies 
53. Do you believe in ghosts? Im really mixed about it. I believe demons exist though
54. Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Nay
55. Do you believe in Aliens? Eeeeh kind of but when i think about aliens i think about microorganisms. 
56. Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Yes 100%
56. Which is your favourite pokemon? Growlithe uwu
57. What horror fiction character scares you the most?  Pennywise. No thanks.
58. Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? Yeah
59. Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? n/a 60.Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe?n/a 61. Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound?n/a
62. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? Nah
63. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No I’m not that good at cooking lol
64. Do you have any secret family recipes? My family only knows how to cook asian food and well, asian food is very freestyle
65. Do you have any family secrets? :o     uuuuuh well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I said it right?
66. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yeah! You can count on me.
67. Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nopenopenopenope
68. Whats your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? ugghhhh i have so much. I like the Martian tho?
69. When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? Black
70. Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Sausage roll
71. Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Irl, I’m pretty impatient man
72. Would you ever want to learn to fly? Like, fly an airplane? Or fly as in levitate. Cause if levitate, then YES
73. Do you often read your horoscope? Nah, as accurate as they can be sometimes, I don’t really believe in astrology 
74. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? Eeeee no. Personal opinion, tarot cards are hella sketchy. I don’t mess with that stuff.
75. Whats your favourite brand of newspaper? Honestly at this point I’ve given up on the news. I just read stuff off of reddit sometimes.
76. Have you ever milked a cow? No
77. Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? HAHAH one time. I realized my friend’s younger brother had never seen an iPod before and I was so baffled he didn’t even know what it was.
78. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love them
79. Which was the greatest Empire? Maybe Macedonian. I want to say the Romans, but god, they had a lot of problems.
80. Whats your favorite word? Catharsis.  
81. Whats your favourite sportsware brand? Adidas or Nike I guess
82. Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Nah
83. Who's your favourite Superhero? uuuuh Thor 
84. Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie? Doofensmirtz. He wasn’t even bad lmao. He thinks he’s a Chaotic Evil when in reality he’s a Chaotic Good.
85. What was the last Album you purchased? I don’t purchase a lot of music tbh bc I broke, but the last album I listened to was Hot Fuss.
86. What was the last DVD you purchased? A Daria DVD I found at Walmart for five dollars.
87. What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? Some jeans.
88. When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? I’m assuming this is some British tradition so idk
89. Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Not really.
90. Do you have a swiss army knife? I used to then I lost it.
91.At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? My parents never did the whole Santa thing so I always knew it was false
92. Whats your favourite fruit? Watermelon
93. Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? Um YEAH. I was 10th grade and I was in the Martial Arts club, which was a version of Aikido. I tripped on these stairs one time going down, then I did this glorious shoulder roll and got right up. No one saw but I was so proud of myself.
94. Do you buy from charity shops? Occasionally, if I can find some. 
95. Have you ever sold your services? No
96. Have you ever raised money for charity? Yeah, it was for a school club tho
97. Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes uwu
98. Is the glass half full or half empty? It’s half full
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faithnotes-blog · 6 years ago
Encircle Your Enemy
The Philistines made yet another raid in the valley.
It shall be when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then you shall go out to battle, for God will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.”
David did just as God had commanded him, and they struck down the army of the Philistines from Gibeon even as far as Gezer.
1 Chronicles 14:13-16 (NASB)
Encirclement is a military strategy that has been used throughout the centuries by military leaders, including generals such as Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Sun Tzu, Shaka Zulu, Napoleon, Zhukov and King David of Israel.  
Encirclement is a military term for the situation where an enemy is isolated and completely surrounded by enemy forces.    
This situation is highly dangerous for the encircled enemy.  The encircled enemy cannot receive supplies, help or reinforcement.  This gradually weakens the enemy who is not happy to be within the circle.  The encircled enemy becomes desperate because he cannot escape from any side.  On the other hand, an encircled enemy can be very dangerous because he is desperate.  
Encirclement of Stalingrad
Germany started the Second World War by invading Poland and other western countries.  After successfully overpowering these nations, they made the mistake of invading the Soviet Union.  In 1941, Germany attempted to take Moscow but were stopped by the stubborn resistance of the Soviet army.  It seemed Adolf Hitler had not learnt anything from his failure to capture Moscow so he decided in 1942 to stage another invasion, this time towards Stalingrad.  
Stalingrad was a very important city in the southern part of Russia.  This invasion of Stalingrad was called “Operation Blue”.  At Stalingrad, Hitler failed again.  The entire army that he had sent into Russia was encircled and crushed.  This is how it happened.      
The Germans started their attack on Stalingrad, Operation Blue, on 28 June 1942 under the command of General Friedrich von Paulus.  The Germans were fully expecting a quick victory as they pushed the Soviet forces back and penetrated the Soviet Union until they got to the Volga River where Stalingrad is situated.  They sang patriotic songs, even taking time off to visit Mount Elbus, planted a Nazi flag and claimed it for Germany.
The swift German advance alarmed Stalin (Russia’s Premier) so much that he issued his infamous “not one step back” directive of 28 July, ordering execution for the slightest sign of defeatism.  Behind the Soviet frontlines roamed a second Soviet line ready to shoot any retreating “cowards” or “traitors of the Motherland”.  As Georgy Zhukov, one of Stalin’s top generals said, “In the Red Army it takes a very brave man to be a coward.”
By 23 August 1942, the German advance had reached the outskirts of Stalingrad and, with 600 planes, unleashed a devastating aerial bombardment.  Entering the city, the Germans, along with units from Italy, Romania and Hungary fought the Russians street to street, house to house and sometimes, room to room.  This, as the Germans called it, was rat warfare, where a strategic stronghold would change sides many times.  The frontlines of the war were so close that one could throw back a grenade before it exploded.  A soldier’s life expectancy in Stalingrad was three days.  
But the Soviet army led by General Zhukov launched a well-planned counter attack to encircle the Germans who had invaded Stalingrad.  The Soviets came sweeping in from two different directions and within four days they had totally encircled the German forces in Stalingrad.  The encirclement was so swift that the Soviet camera crews missed the moment and battalions of soldiers had to re-enact the essential moves for the benefit of the cameras.  The Soviets squeezed the 250,000 Germans tighter and tighter.  As the feared Russian winter set in the temperatures dropped to the minus forties. The German army was cut off and began to perish from starvation, frostbite, disease and suicide.  
The German air force, promised Hitler that their planes could drop 500 tons of supplies each day into Stalingrad to supply the encircled Germans with their needs.  But the Soviet anti-aircraft guns and poor weather prevented most of these supplies from getting to the encircled German army.    
Meanwhile the frozen bodies of German soldiers and horses were piled up and used as sandbags. The remaining starving Germans resorted to eating rats and raw horse flesh.  
By January 24th, the encirclement of the German forces was complete and airtight.  General Paulus requested permission to surrender.  He was completely encircled.  General Zhukov of the Russian army had completely surrounded General Paulus.  General Paulus sent a message to Adolf Hitler, “Troops without ammunition or food. Effective command no longer possible.  18,000 wounded without any supplies or dressings or drugs.  Further defence senseless.  Collapse inevitable.  Army requests immediate permission to surrender in order to save lives of remaining troops.”  Hitler refused to give permission for the German surrender saying they should stand fast to the last man even though they were encircled.  
By 26 January 1943, the encircled German army was trapped in two small pockets of the city.  
Despite the hopeless situation, Hitler still refused to give permission to surrender.  Instead, he promoted General Paulus to the rank of Field Marshal on the 30th of January.  Hitler followed this by bestowing over a hundred field promotions, hoping it would inspire Paulus and his command staff not to surrender.  Adolf Hitler was hoping that General Paulus would not surrender because no German Field Marshal had ever surrendered.   However, on 31st January 1943, General Paulus surrendered.  General Paulus later explained that being a strong Catholic, he had no intention of committing suicide.  He is quoted to have said, “I [had] no intention of shooting myself for this Bohemian corporal” (referring to Hitler).  
Thus the Battle of Stalingrad ended on Sunday, January 31, 1943.  
Out of an original force of 285,000 soldiers, 165,000 had died in Stalingrad, while some 29,000 wounded had been air lifted out.  
The 91,000 survivors, including 24 generals and 2,500 officers, hobbled off in the snow to begin years of captivity in Russian prisoner of war camps in Siberia.  
Only five thousand would survive the ordeal and return home.  The Germans knew how badly they would be treated in captivity because they had not treated Russian prisoners of war well.  Russian casualties at Stalingrad are estimated at a million dead.  
After the defeat of Stalingrad, embittered General Paulus, who had been encircled by the Russians, turned against his country.  
Encircle Disloyal Enemies
To encircle the enemy is to give the enemy no option and to wipe him out.  The strategy of encircling your enemy must be used to crush difficult enemies who have invaded your territory.  Just as Hitler’s invading army was encircled, you must encircle invading disloyal forces that penetrate the church.  Hitler regretted sending his army all the way to Stalingrad only to be encircled and wiped out.  Your enemy will regret invading your space when you use this strategy.  
Today, disloyalty, treachery, confusion, forgetfulness, ungratefulness have invaded the church.  
These enemies have come to take away love, unity and harmony, which are needed to build churches.  These enemies are those who are disloyal, those who forget, those who leave you, those who pretend, those who accuse and those who are dangerous sons.  It is time to encircle these characters and give them no more options to operate and manoeuvre within our church space.  
How can you encircle the enemies of unity and loyalty?  You can encircle the enemy by repeatedly teaching on loyalty and disloyalty.  Teach it on Sundays, teach it on Tuesdays, teach it on Fridays and teach it on any day possible!  
Encircle the enemy of disloyalty by teaching against it in large conferences, in medium-sized meetings, in small groups, and even to individuals.  
Encircle the enemy of disloyalty by teaching against disloyalty and confusion at all times. You can preach against it in the morning, at midday and in the evening.  Don’t restrict the teachings against disloyalty to any particular time.  
Encircle the enemy of disloyalty by teaching against accusations and disloyalty yourself, or by inviting others to teach on them.  You can even ask disloyal people within your church to teach sessions on loyalty.  This sometimes causes the person to self-correct.    
Encircle the enemy of disloyalty by filling your church with books, videos, documentaries and other programs that fight against disloyalty.  
Encircle the enemy of disloyalty and crush disloyalty by sacking rebellious people and not welcoming disloyal people to come around any longer after they leave.  
The enemy of disloyalty will not flourish when you take such measures.  He will be surrounded, encircled, crushed and eliminated.  
Just like General Zhukov who captured twenty-four generals and one field marshal in his encirclement of Stalingrad, you will also capture the accusers, the opinion leaders, the proud men and conspirators of your ministry.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years ago
Well this has been a week and a half. Well, technically it is a week and a day, but it one I would and wouldn’t like to repeat. It was with a very heavy heart that I had to say goodbye to poor old Mars on Tuesday. I discussed his condition with the vet and sadly she could tell the mass in his abdomen had grown dramatically in just a week. He wasn’t gaining weight even with the steroids and he was more and more tired so it was the kindest thing to do. I will miss him terribly, as does Luna who has had to say goodbye to both of her friends and really doesn’t know what to do with herself right now. I know the feeling.It didn’t make it easier that on the day in question, for the first time ever, WordPress through a wobbler and managed to delete the content of my post, a blog tour review for Louise Voss’s The Old You. A massive thanks to Jo Robertson for letting me know but I was awful rushing to prep the post while bawling my eyes out and trying to get to work. Apologies to Louise if my review wasn’t up to normal standards. I really did love the book. I was only working half a day too as on Tuesday afternoon I headed to London with Mandie for Johanna Gustawsson and Steph Broadribb’s joint book launch in Covent Garden. One moment of sun in a dark day. Well, that and the Chocolate bun from Ole and Steen. Well I was in mourning.
So, after that ordeal, I only had one more day to work last week as I was off to CrimeFest!!! Did I mention that? I think I may have … I’m not going to bore youa ll to death about it in this post, I’ll do a round up later in the week hopefully, but I will share a few book pics as I may have bought one or two whilst away.
Please note – Chris Whitaker loves me. Understandable as I am fab, but there you go. books I purchase this weekend are Big Sister by Gunnar Staalesen; Hell Bay by Kate Rhodes; Tall Oaks by Chris Whitaker; Hydra by Matt Wesolowski; Head Case by Ross Armstrong; Dark Pines by Will Dean; The Reckoning by Yrsa Sigurdardottir; and The Ice Swimmer by Kjell Ola Dahl. I also received copies of Ten Year Stretch, Hidden Killers andHer Name Was Rose and a signed copy of A Fractured Winter from the lovely Alison Baillie.
I’ll update you all on the CrimeFest shenanigans soon (ish) but I have to say one of the highlights for me was finally getting to meet Rachel Amphlett. I absolutely love her work and she so lovely. And tall. Thanks to Rachel and Nick for the photo – not embarrassing at all 🙂
When we meet again, I shall wear stilts …
In addition to the above books, I may have purchased a few and also received one direct. Books I bought are: The Taking of Annie Thorne by CJ Tudor; Cross Her Heart by Sarah Pinborough; My Husband’s Lies by Caroline England; Motherlandby GD Abson; The Watcher and Head Case by Ross Armstrong; Songs of Innocence by Anne Coates; The Echo Killing by Christi Daugherty and Murder Map by Richard Parker. I also received an advance copy of Seven Bridges from LJ Ross and Peter Ritchie’sShores of Death where I am also quoted inside.
Today I braved Ikea and went shopping for a new desk and chair. I am working from them now and am slowing building up a writing space. This is what I have so far…
I can tell you’re impressed. When I got home, I found that my certificates from my recent online courses had been delivered so I’m like a proper expert now. Or something. No – hold your applause now. This wasn’t neuro-science.
And apparently over the weekend I became the second funniest blogger in the Bloggers Bash Awards. Can’t help feeling the badge needs the world “place” in is as the wording makes it seem like a gentle put down lol. Thank you to everyone who voted for me but it is a weird category for me to be in really. I may be a funny/sarcastic Facebooker/Tweeter but my blog is actually full of really long and really boring posts. Not funny at all. Unless you’re laughing at my typos. Some of them are hilarious.
Now because of the cat and Crimefest, my reading has been pants this week. I finished Ten Year Stretch, plus I managed to read a couple of others, Murder at the Grand Raj Palace by Vaseem Khan and Seven Bridges by LJ Ross. You can read about them below.
Books I have read.
Ten Year Stretch – Crime Fest Short Story Anthology
Twenty superb new crime stories have been commissioned specially to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Crimefest, described by The Guardian as ‘one of the fifty best festivals in the world’.
A star-studded international group of authors has come together in crime writing harmony to provide a killer cocktail for noir fans; salutary tales of gangster etiquette and pitfalls, clever takes on the locked-room genre, chilling wrong-footers from the deceptively peaceful suburbs, intriguing accounts of tables being turned on hapless private eyes, delicious slices of jet black nordic noir, culminating in a stunning example of bleak amorality from crime writing doyenne Maj Sjowall.
The foreword is by international bestselling thriller writer Peter James. The editors are Martin Edwards, responsible for many award-winning anthologies, and Adrian Muller, CrimeFest co-founder.
All Royalties are donated to the RNIB Talking Books Library.
The contributors to Ten Year Stretch are: Bill Beverly, Simon Brett, Lee Child, Ann Cleeves, Jeffery Deaver, Martin Edwards, Kate Ellis, Peter Guttridge, Sophie Hannah, John Harvey, Mick Herron, Donna Moore, Caro Ramsay, Ian Rankin, James Sallis, Zoe Sharp, Yrsa Siguroardottir, Maj Sjowall, Michael Stanley and Andrew Taylor.
A cracking anthology which I have reviewed in full. You can find the links for the final few at the bottom of this post and can order your own copy here.
Murder at the Grand Raj Palace – Vaseem Khan
In the enchanting new Baby Ganesh Agency novel, Inspector Chopra and his elephant sidekick investigate a murder at Mumbai’s grandest hotel.
For a century the iconic Grand Raj Palace Hotel has welcomed the world’s elite. From film stars to foreign dignitaries, anyone who is anyone stays at the Grand Raj.
The last thing the venerable old hotel needs is a murder…
When American billionaire Hollis Burbank is found dead – the day after buying India’s most expensive painting – the authorities are keen to label it a suicide. But the man in charge of the investigation is not so sure. Chopra is called in – and discovers a hotel full of people with a reason to want Burbank dead.
Accompanied by his sidekick, baby elephant Ganesha, Chopra navigates his way through the palatial building, a journey that leads him steadily to a killer, and into the heart of darkness . . .
Started on audio, finished in book format, I do love an Inspector Chopra book. Murder, mayhem and missing princesses make for another cracking read. You can find your own copy here and my review will be published soon,
Seven Bridges – LJ Ross
Ryan’s most explosive case yet…
It’s been five months since a killer walked free and DCI Ryan is preparing to leave Newcastle to hunt him down – this time, for good. 
But Ryan’s plans are scuppered when events take a dramatic turn and he is forced to stay and face his past one last time, or watch a friend suffer the consequences. 
Amid the chaos, another killer is preparing to strike. When the Tyne Bridge explodes, Ryan’s team are faced with a frantic race to uncover a deadly foe who won’t stop until every bridge is burned, along with everybody on it…
Murder and mystery are peppered with romance and humour in this fast-paced crime whodunit set amidst the spectacular Northumbrian landscape. 
Love this series and this is another belter but writing the review will be tough as there is too much chance of a spoiler. So I will just say – read it. It’s fabulous. And if you do then no it’s not but yes it is me. You can buy your own copy here and my review will hopefully be up on publication day.
And that was it. You can catch up with my daily blog posts at the links below:
Ten Year Stretch Part 4: Ten Years of CrimeFest
The Old You by Louise Voss
Ten Year Stretch Part 5: Ten Years of CrimeFest
Ten Year Stretch Part 6: Ten Years of CrimeFest
Guest Review: Broken Bones by Angela Marsons
Dying Truth by Angela Marsons
Fault Lines by Doug Johnstone
Blog Tour: The Cathy Connolly Series by Sam Blake
Freefall by Adam Hamdy
This coming week I have a few tours to take part in and possibly some reviews if I get time. Tours are for As Good As Gold by Patricia Furstenberg; It Was Her by Mark Hill; The Chosen Ones by Carol Wyer; and Songs of Innocence by Anne Coates.
So that is it for now. I am hoping for a far less problematic week this week. Thankfully only four days at work for the next three weeks and then I am on on my hols. Cannot wait. Unbelievably I also celebrate my second blog birthday on Thursday. I am beside myself with excitement. Actually, I am quite impressed. Never been able to concentrate on anything for two years before. Go me,
Have a fab week all.
Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 20/05/18 Well this has been a week and a half. Well, technically it is a week and a day, but it one I would and wouldn't like to repeat.
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helovedherfirst · 7 years ago
11 questions tagged by: @kingkuchiki​
post the rules answer the questions given to you by the tagger write 11 questions of your own tag 11 people 
If you could hop on a plane and go wherever, where’d you go?
I would go to Barbados since its always been on top of the list of my places to travel AND of course Capetown.
What is your favorite thing about your one true pairing (OTP)?
I cant answer that since I have a lot of otps in different series but the relation they  all seem to refer their significant other  as their home or a place they can return too.
Do you prefer coffee hot, cold, or not at all?
During the summer I’m all about that Iced coffee with flavor shots from timmys, mcds, starbucks and home made but during the winter I’m usually sippin on some hot tea.
Name one book you’ve reread if any.
Honestly, I stopped reading book series after every book just felt like it was being made into a tv show or a movie. The last book I really enjoyed reading had to be a while back and it was catching fire. I reread and quoted that book like no other. The hunger game movies don’t even relate to how epic the book series really is to me.
What song have you listened to the most lately?
Well my background is of the motherland Africa + living in toronto is just yeaa a mix of afro+dancehall+rap + grime music. Right now  Afro B ft. Yxng Bane - Juice & Power has been on replay also My love - Wale ft Wiz kid, Major, Dua and Pere - Davido ft Rae Sremm and Young Thug
What is your favorite season?
Believe it or not it’s actually Fall. It’s not too cold / hot.
If you were rich, which employee would you rather have: a chef, a butler, or a gardener 
Yo that gardener better come thruuuuuuu, I hateeeeeee taking care of anything grass related. If it was up to me I would concrete the bissh fr.
Which culture besides your own do you appreciate?
Toronto is very diverse so I really appreciate all aspects of Asian culture, Latino Culture, and Caribbean culture.
Name a musician or group you’ve seen in concert.
Lmfaoo going to Daddy Yankee’s concert back in the day was fun. I barely understood the songs that weren’t main stream but the whole experience was good. 
What is your favorite hobby?
Good question. I’m still trying to figure out what is talent xD
What skill do you consider your best? 
Hella good question lmfaoo.. maybe organization. I can’t stand a clutter mess.
Not going to tag anyone. This is too long of a post already lmfao. 
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joie-university-rp · 5 years ago
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VITYA ALEXSI CRISTO is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMAN who lived in VLADIVOSTOK, RUS before coming to attend Joie University. HE is majoring in CREATIVE ARTS and minoring in GEMOLOGY. Some believe he looks like BILL SKARSGÅRD but VITYA just doesn’t see it. VITYA is currently a TAKEN character.
Student Census Response
What made you want to attend Joie University? It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most? My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
Additional Headcanons
TWs: Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
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