#&other such english ridiculisations
sew she? i sure hope she sews
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wallywise · 2 years
Why byler would change the world ?
(I apologize I’m not a English-speaker, I’m learning in school but it’s a English literacy so I probably made a lot of mistake :’)
This was inspired by @lordystrange !
(Its probably not very good but I tried to offer my thoughts and thinking about it ^^
It’s a great question to begin with, but it’s pretty simple to understand
First of all, stranger things is one of the most seen show in the world, so do we know a lot of world-famous show that have gay main couple ? No, or at least I didn’t know any, If byler is endgame (it will be) a lot of person will see it, the WORLD will see it
It won’t be a silly ship that the duffers would create just to please people or to fill an agenda, no it was built since the beginning, people would have been trick into watching a gay romance since the beginning (straightbaiting my belove <3)
It’s not just a couple, it’s kids that fell in love, because queer children exist, because we exist, we’re not alone and we have the right to be seen on screen.
Because it hurt to see all those straight happy-end everywhere and just a gay character in the back, whose only personality is being gay, because we don’t want a bury your gay, because we don’t want a random boyfriend to appear in the last 2 minutes of s5. Because it’s just not what we need. The world need to see two kids falling in love, just pure love, because it’s not wrong, we’re not wrong and that’s the most important things in the world
Because we deserve to have good representation and I don’t talk about gay romance like heartstopper i talk about representation in a show that is not created for a queer public. A show that isn’t based on queerness
I want to see a world where Mike and Will love each other and it’s just as normal as Lucas and Max, it’s just love after all
Because we were insulted for thinking that mike and Will could be a cute couple in s2, because we were mocked for thinking that Will might be gay in s3, because we are again ridiculised for thinking that maybe Mike and Will, a mlm ship, could be endgame
Just imagine the impact on popculture ! Stranger things would be one of the first and biggest main couple straightbait (at least as I know :’) It would be incredible, it could be one of those series/films couple that are classic, constantly referred to, just a part of pop culture. Because right now between all these famous couple there is mainly straight couple, or at least the most famous are always straight Ross and Rachel, Leïla and Han Solo, Peter Parker and MJ, i can’t think about any endgame *very* famous gay couple
Plus they’re so adorable, they are really what the other need, Will NEED mike and mike want to be needed they’re just perfect for each other and I live just to see them happy, to see Will happy because he deserve it, because he can’t be another of those character who just suffer
Byler endgame is the right choice because it just make so much more sense, they were built since the beginning, they’re mean to be together since even before s1, the « crazy together » was planned before s1 and El was supposed to die at the end of the first season, I’m sure the duffer know exactly what they are doing, and why are they doing it
That’s why i think Byler endgame could change the world, it would probably change popculture, it would give a good exemple to futur tv show, people don’t necessarily want the main couple to be straight, the genre doesn’t change that, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t a gay romcom, a gay couple can be one of the main endgame couple !!
(+ bonus : Toxic mileven shippers that insult us because of that since the beginning would be wrong and that my dear will go down in history !)
Thanks for reading this It was probably very messy I added stuff as soon as I had ideas and I didn't read it again because it's late I need some sleep but I just wanted to list it all a bit xD
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Friday, October 6, 2017, 6:00pm Le vendredi 6 octobre à 18h00
Concordia University Fine Arts
 Visual Arts Building VA 114
 1395 René Lévesque Ouest, Montreal
Admission for all Conversations in Contemporary Art events is FREE and open to the general public. Seating is first come, first serve. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The lectures will be held in English.
Tous les événements du programme Conversation in Contemporary Art sont gratuits et ouverts au public. Les sièges sont assignés selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Les portes ouvrent à 17h30. Les conférences se dérouleront en anglais.
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The animal figure is used as a point of departure, so that I may distort, abstract and scrutinize it. For instance, in my Alienware series, I deconstruct an image of a cat (or other beast) and a snake to depict the internal duality of the beautiful and the beastly rooted in Jungian psychology. Domestic cats offer furry, lovable companionship and are a common subject of kitsch. Kittythemedtchotchkes are ubiquitous, thriving in the form of figurines and cookie jars. Meanwhile, snakes are collectively misunderstood as merely venomous and loathsome—in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, for instance, images of snakes are used effectively in the creepy tattoos that identify Lord Voldemort’s allies. According to the accepted quotidian beliefs of the Western populace, the cat is cuddlesome while the snake is inherently evil. However, when a cat becomes frightened, it transforms into a more beastly animal: fang teeth revealed, ears pulled back, hissing. In contrast, a coiled, sleeping snake is in a vulnerable state, and resembles a harmless lap cat. I have chosen these two animals in order to better mock the mythos of popular culture; the mash-up of these images with the added touch of the alien, creates something sublime and inhuman.
Roxanne Jackson is a ceramic artist and mixed-media sculptor living in Brooklyn, NY. Her macabre works are black-humored investigations of the links between transformation, myth, and kitsch. Press for her work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Hyperallergic, the New York Times, Gothamist, Sculpture Center Curators’ Notebook, Beautiful/Decay, ArtSlant, Brooklyn Magazine, Whitehot Magazine, The L Magazine, Eyes Towards the Dove, Ceramics Monthly, Ceramics Ireland, and New Ceramics, among others. She has been an artist in residence at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Socrates Sculpture Park, the Wassaic Project, the Ceramic Center of Berlin, Hunter College, Chashama: chaNorth, Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Oregon College of Art and Craft, and the Pottery Workshop in Jingdezhen, China, funded by an NCECA International Residency Fellowship. Her work has been exhibited in New York at SPRING/BREAK Art Show, Honey Ramka, Lu Magnus, Denny Gallery, Zürcher Gallery, Orgy Park, Regina Rex, Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, The Lodge Gallery, Outlet, 99 Cent Plus Gallery, the Parlour Bushwick, Brooklyn Academy of Music, English Kills, the Knockdown Center, BRIC, and Airplane Gallery, as well as at the Satellite Art Show in Miami Beach, FL; the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, PA; the Minneapolis Institute of Art in Minneapolis, MN; the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, ME; the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, NJ; and more. She has shown in China, Portugal, Romania, Canada, and such cities as London, Berlin, Vienna and Leipzig. Most recently, her work has been included in Salon Zürcher in Paris, France, and shown at Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery in Brussels, Belgium. Jackson is the cofounder of NASTY WOMEN, a national/international art exhibition and fundraising project; and Heather Metal Parking Lot, a nocturnal outdoor heavy metal party held each summer at the Wassaic Project in Wassaic, NY.
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La figure de l’animal est utilisée comme point de départ, afin que je puisse la déformer, l’abstraire et l’examiner sous toutes ses coutures. Dans ma série Alienware, par exemple, je déconstruis l’image d’un chat (ou d’autres bêtes) et d’un serpent pour illustrer la dualité du beau et du bestial enracinée dans la psychologie jungienne. Animal de compagnie poilu et adorable, le chat domestique est souvent représenté dans l’art kitsch. Les bibelots ayant pour thème les « minous » sont omniprésents et très prisés sous forme de figurine ou de jarre à biscuits. En revanche, le serpent est globalement incompris et simplement considéré comme venimeux et détestable. Dans la série de romans Harry Potter de J. K. Rowling, par exemple, des images de cet animal sont efficacement utilisées dans les tatouages effrayants qui identifient les alliés de Lord Voldemort. Selon les croyances répandues chez les Occidentaux, le chat est câlin tandis que le serpent est essentiellement malfaisant. Cependant, lorsqu’un chat prend peur, il se transforme en une bête plus féroce : crocs sortis et oreilles aplaties en arrière, il crache. En revanche, un serpent qui dort lové est vulnérable et ressemble à un chat inoffensif blotti sur les genoux de son maître. J’ai choisi ces deux animaux afin de mieux ridiculiser les mythes de la culture populaire; ces images mélangées, auxquelles s’ajoute une touche d’extraterrestre, créent un résultat sublime et inhumain.
Artiste céramiste et sculpteure de technique mixte, Roxanne Jackson vit à Brooklyn (New York). Ses créations macabres explorent avec un humour noir les liens entre la transformation, les mythes et l’art kitsch. Des critiques de son œuvre ont entre autres été publiées dans Huffington Post, Hyperallergic, New York Times, Gothamist, Sculpture Center Curators’ Notebook, Beautiful/Decay, ArtSlant, Brooklyn Magazine, Whitehot Magazine, L Magazine, Eyes Towards the Dove, Ceramics Monthly, Ceramics Ireland et New Ceramics. Elle a été artiste en résidence au Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, au Socrates Sculpture Park, au Wassaic Project, au Centre pour la céramique de Berlin, au Hunter College, au Chashama: chaNorth, au Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, à l’Oregon College of Art and Craft, et au Pottery Workshop à Jingdezhen (Chine) – financée par une bourse pour résidence d’artiste internationale du NCECA. Ses œuvres ont été exposées à New York : SPRING/BREAK Art Show, Honey Ramka, Lu Magnus, Denny Gallery, Zürcher Gallery, Orgy Park, Regina Rex, Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, The Lodge Gallery, Outlet, 99 Cent Plus Gallery, Parlour Bushwick, Brooklyn Academy of Music, English Kills, Knockdown Center, BRIC et Airplane Gallery; elles ont également été présentées ailleurs, au Satellite Art Show à Miami Beach (Floride); au Mütter Museum à Philadelphie (Pennsylvanie); au Minneapolis Institute of Art à Minneapolis (Minnesota ); à l’International Cryptozoology Museum à Portland (Maine); et au Hunterdon Art Museum à Clinton (New Jersey) entre autres. Roxanne Jackson a exposé en Chine, au Portugal, en Roumanie et au Canada, ainsi que dans des villes comme Londres, Berlin, Vienne et Leipzig. Plus récemment, ses œuvres ont été présentées au Salon Zürcher à Paris (France) et à la Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery à Bruxelles (Belgique). Elle a cofondé NASTY WOMEN, exposition d’art et projet de collecte de fonds national et international, et Heather Metal Parking Lot, fête nocturne de heavy métal organisée chaque été à l’extérieur au Wassaic Project, à Wassaic (New York).
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