#&me actually; as is standard w/ me my misfortunes have come back around to work in my favour.
jvzebel-x · 2 years
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got7thotsss · 6 years
Alluring- Gang Member! Youngjae
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Inspiration: A writing prompt from Pinterest- "I felt, suddenly, that the centre of this man's attention was a very bad place to be." Warnings: Strong language Summary: A gang member becomes infatuated with you after you serve his table at a restaurant. Pairing: Youngjae x Reader Word Count: 2.4k A/N: I'm really inspired with writing right now, be sure to send in any requests, keep your eyes out for more imagines and scenarios (even if they are slightly terrible lmao) -> Also I accidentally made Y/N slightly British, my bad.
You’re working the mid-week shift. Again. Never catching a break. Your boss has done this at least six weeks in a row now. You’re only supposed to be a part-time worker, weekends only. Just to help your parents make ends meet. They have supported you throughout everything. Your whole life. Now, your parents are struggling to keep their heads above water, both of them are constantly working- never having downtime to relax. They told you not to bother helping, they want you to focus on your studies, but you can’t not help them. You sigh as your co-worker informs you that a group of people need to be served and she’s already behind on the few tables she has. You look over to the people waiting to be seated and do a quick headcount, before grabbing the correct number of menus and walking over to them with your service smile plastered on your face. “Hi, we booked a table for seven under the name of Jackson Wang, for 7 o’clock.” One of the shorter men say, you nod your head and look at the booking form on the podium. You find the name stated and check it off, before asking them all to follow you to the reserved table in the quiet corner, furthest from the door. “Here are the menus, the drinks menus are on the table, I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your orders.” You say, turning to leave. “Sorry, but can we get three bottles of Soju and 7 beers please.” Another man asks, stopping you from turning away. You nod your head and write the drinks down, noting the number of the table so you can add it all to their bill. You smile, before leaving, swiftly walking away from the table and towards the bar. Your colleague is also at the bar, so you both have a little chat whilst you’re getting the drinks ready for your tables. “Dude, the men on my table are so fricking hot, it’s unbelievable. I’m surprised you didn’t take them for yourself to try and help you get over that dickhead.” You say, making her laugh and shake her head at you. You both place all of the drinks for your tables on trays, then go your separate ways to serve your customers. You place down all of the bottles on the table, along with seven glasses, in front of each member. “Are you ready to order yet, or would you like me to come back in a few minutes?” You question, flashing your service smile at the group in general. One of the men catch your eye, his hair is a light brown and is styled up out of his eyes, he has a stern persona about him, but you can see in his eyes that he is a real softie. He gives you a genuine smile, which you can’t help but return. For a moment you forget what you’re supposed to be doing. “Shoot, I’m so sorry, I forgot to do what I was supposed to. Hi, I’m Y/N I’ll be your server this evening.” You rush out, awkwardly double clicking the pen in your hand. “I think we’re ready to order now.” The alluring male speaks up, looking around at the other men at the table and they nod their heads in agreement. You nod your head in a bid to get them to start reeling off their orders. After writing their orders down and repeating them back to the men, just to be sure, your make your way to the kitchen to hand their order in. You make your way to a different table to clear up as the guests are getting ready to leave. You can’t help but let your gaze wander over to the man at the table in the corner. Once or twice you catch his eye, but immediately become flustered and look away again. In your flustered state, you manage to walk into the corner of a table and silently curse in your head. “Y/N, oh my God, are you okay? That looked like it hurt like a bitch.” Your co-worker says, as you arrive back at the bar. “It did, I’m having a really hard time not swearing out loud right now. There’s gonna be a massive bruise there for like a whole week.” You respond, making your friend laugh at your misfortune. “Plus the table of hot men saw the whole thing.” She says, making you throw a glare her way. “Of course they did. They should take full responsibility for my embarrassment though. The cute one with the tough exterior keeps making eye-contact with me and throwing me off.” “Which cute one with the tough exterior. Last time I checked, they were all cute with tough exteriors.” You shake your head at her, then enter the kitchen to see if their order is ready yet. You find that it is, so you start piling their plates on your arms, managing three plates, being followed by another server with another three plates. You deliver them to the table, apologising for the wait (despite there not being a long wait, it’s just one of them things you have to do to keep your job.) You hurry back to the kitchen to grab the remaining meal, before returning to the table and placing it in front of the brooding male that seems to have you all hot and bothered. “Is there anything I can do to help you all this evening? Is everything up to your standards?” You question, with the familiar customer smile plastered across your face. “Yeah, can you take Youngjae’s number, so we can stop hearing him bang on about how much he fancies you please?” The tallest questions, making your eyes dart all over their faces, not seeing any form of joking in any of their eyes. Your hand shoots up to brush your hair behind your ear, before you realise that your hair is pulled back into a bun, to stop it from getting into the food. “Fuck off Yugyeom, look now, you’ve embarrassed the poor girl.” Another says. “Hey, you’re just pissed, because he actually has the balls to say something.” The shorter one from earlier adds. “Let’s just see what the girl has to say, alright?” After this is said, all eyes are on you, causing heat to rush up your neck and your eyes to grow in size. “I’m sorry, which one of you are Youngjae?” You respond in a quiet voice, unconsciously taking a step back. “That would be me.” The one that has had you flustered all night admits, you notice a slight confidence to his voice, making you even more flustered. It’s as though he knows what he’s been doing to you since he first walked in. “Technically, I’m not allowed to be involved with the customers I’m serving.” You say, absentmindedly shifting your weight from one foot to another. “But…” He trails off, the corner of his mouth starting to turn upwards into a smirk, why does it seem like he’s reading your mind? “But, I s’pose I can make an exception, just this once.” You add, twirling your ring around your finger to distract yourself from his immense beauty. “Good. Here you go, sign the message off with your name Y/N and I’ll get back to you immediately.” He says, passing you a business card. You look at it and notice a number on it, you turn it over, only to see that the card is literally just a number- no name, no address, nothing. You nod your head, then quickly spin on your heel and rush away back to the bar, where your friend is. From the look she is giving you, she witnessed the entire situation you encountered. You manage to not embarrass yourself further in front of the men, they finish their meal and pay, before leaving. Soon, the restaurant is empty bar the workers. You and your friend are placing the chairs on the tables and chatting, until she gasps, making you almost drop the chair you are turning. “I just realised where I know them men from!” She exclaims, you throw her a confused glare, as you finish placing the chair on the table, “they’re in an infamous gang.” “Of-bloody-course they are, the one time I find a guy that actually seems decent from the get-go is actually in a fricking gang.” You say, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “Are you still gonna message him though?” “No, I don’t wanna be in the centre of his attention. It doesn’t seem like a good place to be, to be honest with you.” “I don’t blame you- no man is worth putting yourself or your family in danger, even if they are that darn hot.” She states, making you nod your head in agreement.
It has been a week since you were gifted with the gang member’s number. Meaning you have spent a whole week weighing up the pros and cons of becoming acquainted with a gang member. The only reason you haven’t thrown his number away is because he looked like such a nice person. His eyes looked so inquisitive, but at the same time closed off. You want to get to know him, but you are also scared of what the consequences could be- you don’t want your family to be affected by your mistakes. You’ve already caused your parents enough hardships. C’mon, you’re the reason they’re so in-debt. You didn’t HAVE to go to college, but you wanted to and whatever you want your parents will provide- even when the scholarship fell through, they still let you attend the most prestigious college in your area. Prestigious, in this case, meaning expensive. That is the sole reason for you working as hard as you do at that darned restaurant. You can’t let your parents suffer on their own because of you. “Hi, my name is Y/N, I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with any drinks?” You state, after approaching your last table of the night. “I’ll have a coke and whatever you’re having.” The man says, you look up at him and recognise him as Youngjae. “I’m not allowed to take drinks from customers.” You respond, swallowing the lump in your throat, that came up the moment you heard his voice. “My apologies, join me after your shift for a drink then. We need to chat.” He states, before standing up and leaving. “What the fuck? He didn’t even say where to join him.” You mumble to yourself, before cleaning up the last table you served and clocking out of your shift. Your friend stops you before you are able to leave the premises. “I saw Mr gang member.” She says, giving you a stern look. “Me too, I didn’t invite him if that’s what you’re thinking, he just turned up and told me to join him for a drink. I think that’s the least I can do, after taking his number and not messaging him.” You speculated, she gives you a funny look, but nods her head, allowing your departure. You get to the front of the restaurant and are met with the mysterious man. He offers you his hand, which you take because why not. You thought you would feel weird, holding someone’s hand (that isn’t your parents’) for the first time, but with the risk of being a cringey fuckwit, it just felt right. He leads you to a bar around the corner from the restaurant you work in, holding the door open for you and everything, being a proper gentleman. He even lets you order for yourself, which you feel is a rarity. “So, you didn’t message.” He says, once you are both sat at a table in the corner of the quiet bar, your drink of choice in front of you. “I’m sorry. I wanted to, but I wasn’t sure.” You say, he gives you an understanding look and a nod of his head, for you to carry on, “You see, I heard you’re in a gang *he nods his head* and I don’t want my family to get into shit if things don’t work out between us.” “I see, I understand why you would be worried. The way it seems to have been put forward to you does make it sound horrendous. Are you okay with me defending myself?” He asks, you nod your head, taking a small sip from your drink and motioning for him to continue, “It is true that I am in a gang, but the gang I am in partake in very little violence. We mostly deal with money, no drugs, little violence and even less death. That being said, I’m ninety-nine percent sure that your family will not get hurt.” “Oh, well, erm, okay. Thank you for clarifying that for me.” You say, giving him a timid smile, he returns the smile, before realising that you’re finished with what you were saying. “Oh, you’re finished. I thought you were gonna say something else for some reason.” He says, nervously chuckling. A red tinge starts to appear on his cheeks, you assume it’s because of the alcohol. “Can you give me some time to decide please? I really need to weigh out my options and with this new information there are way more things to decide from.” You respond after a moment or two of hesitation. He looks at you long and hard, before nodding his head. “Of course, you have my number, please do message me. Even if it is to tell me to piss off, because I’d rather know that you’ve decided the rejection route than be waiting forever for a text to come that never will.” He says. You nod your head with a smile on your face, you feel like you’ve made your mind up already, but you refuse to admit that after asking for more time to think about it. You both finish your drinks, using this time to get to know each other- helping you add more and more reasons to the pros list. He even drives you home, on the way you realise that he didn’t have an alcoholic beverage, meaning the red tint on his cheeks was him actually blushing. When you get home you think about messaging him straight away, but decide against it, realising you should probably save yourself a little dignity. You distract yourself from the *extremely* hot male, by doing some research for a paper you have due in next week. After approximately one hour and thirty-seven minutes, you can’t help but compose a text for the man you can’t seem to get off your mind. You sign off with your name, as instructed and gingerly wait for a reply.
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