#&i’ve stopped biting my nails i can have nice hands ❤️
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
In my getting my shit together era (taking my vitamins and trying to finally stop biting my nails)
#blood test came back from the doctor. there’s literally nothing wrong with me other than i’m iron deficient#and we already knew that.#and i was thinking about how last winter was so bad and trying to figure out what common denominator there was if anything and i was like#‘wait.. i didn’t take any vitamin D did i’#so tomorrow i’m going to the chemist to buy iron tablets; vitamin d and also maybe some misc chewy multivitamins because why not#and i’ve also decided i’m going to get that stuff you can put on your nails that tastes bas#*bad#honestly i feel like i’m biting my cuticles more than my nails but that’s worse. i get that that’s worse.#it must be stopped. and my incentive is i’ve ordered a set of pretty rings from etsy so that once those arrive#&i’ve stopped biting my nails i can have nice hands ❤️#i know i’ll never work up the motivation to paint my nails. but i can put on rings no problem#and maybe i’ll propose a manicure exchange with my best friend. me and her are both way better at painting each other’s nails than our own#tl;dr sometimes getting your shit together doesn’t start with a bang. sometimes it’s about altering small habits and tricking yourself into#making your life better little by little until one day you look around and go ‘OH i’ve stopped fainting and my cuticles aren’t bleeding!’#my past self got me a job. i can get my future self the vitamins & minerals she needs and get her a manicure#it’s about paying it forward#personal
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fezcosbluntroller · 2 years
hey babes i hope you’re doing good! can i ask you do more platonic ash x reader please they warm my heart 🥺
I am doing amazing 🥰 and yes of course I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to do some platonic ash fluff 🥺 that boy needs some love in his life :’) also I just checked and we hit 100 followers! I know it’s small but it’s such a big step for me ❤️
Pillow forts and arguments - platonic ashtray x reader, fezco x reader
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Warnings: Pure angst for a bit, you and Fez are dating but are on a break, season 2 spoilers, you and Ash are super close.
Whenever you and Fezco decided to go on a break you thought who would be more upset, you or Fez, never in a hundred years would you think that Ashtray would be the one losing his fucking mind over it. Alas Fez called you, panicked and not knowing what to do “I don’t know what the fuck happened…I was chillin in the livin room and he fuckin started breakin shit” fez explained, you could hear Ash in the back ground. It broke your heart, you grew up with Ashtray, you helped raise the kid along side Fez and their grandma, taking the role of his mother or older sister figure.
“I’ll be over it in a minute, just make sure he doesn’t hurt himself breaking things, I’ll text you when I’m there love you!” You rushed out hanging up the phone, it had been two weeks since you had really spoke with Fez, you both agreed after a fight you both needed space, and so far it was nice, not that you didn’t miss Fez, you just enjoyed the time to yourself. Your mind raced a mile a minute, worried about Ash, you had been texting him a few moments before and he was perfectly fine, what happened? Stopping your bike in front of Fezco’s house you knocked rapidly biting your nail, the door opened and you saw Fez, his face was painted with hurt, muffled screams and clashes from Ashtray’s room followed “I don’t know what the fuck happened…everytime I ask what happened he just screams at me so loud I can’t fuckin understand” he mumbled shoving his hands in his pockets. You cupping his cheek smiling at him, this is why Fezco loved you, you were that burst of pure sunshine in his life "I'll talk to him okay?.."
Nodding a bit at Fez you walked past him glancing at the blonde in confusion keeping eye contact as you walked past her and to Ash’s door knocking lightly “Fez I fucking swear to!-“ Ash went silent seeing you on the other side of the door after he swung it open ready to cuss his brother out again for trying to get into his business. “Can I come in to talk with you?” You asked looking at him, Ashtray had very little self control not to tell you to fuck off and to just leave and let him down like you did before, but he didn’t, he found himself hugging you tightly once you had sat yourself on his bed. You smiled a bit knowing you always had this effect on either of the boys, no matter how big and tough they thought they were, get them alone in the room with you and they’re the sweetest most respectful men you’ll ever meet. “Fez said you just started breaking stuff….what’s goin on bub?..” you asked softly rubbing his back determined to find out what’s making your adopted son so upset.
“You can’t fuckin tell Fez…I don’t want him thinkin I’m some little bitch or something…” Ash said slowly sitting up in his spot next to you on his bed “when have I ever told fez about our talks?..” you whispered to him looking at him smiling softly cupping his cheek “so you gonna talk to me or just keep giving more rules for you telling me what’s wrong?” You asked shaking his head with your hands before he pouted looking at you laying his head on your shoulder. “Are you and Fez gonna stay apart?…” You heard Ash whisper, you heart melted and broke, Ash was this upset over you and fez going on a break “well…I hope not…we don’t plan to..we plan to get back together..is that why you’re so upset?..” you asked taking notice to him playing with the rings on your fingers “I just…you’re like the only chick in my life that’s stable….I don’t wanna lose you…plus you helped raise him…you’re just as special as fez to me” Ash admitted, you took in a shaky breath tearing up, kissing Ashtray’s head “you are too sweet, my dear” you whispered hugging him tightly, After a good minute long hug you pulled away looking at him “I promise…fez and I will get back together, maybe not right this moment...but we still love each other the same.." You whispered rubbing Ashtray's back frowning "You've been saying that shit for weeks!" He yelled jerking up looking at you, his mood shifting again "Ashtray.." You whispered looking at him, that's when you noticed, Ashtray had smoked a blunt earlier, he was probably stoned and trying to fix his anxieties.
"Stop lying to me!" He yelled, you looked at him grabbing his chin "okay, starters. you do not raise your voice at me, I may have upset you but you do not talk to me like you are" You snapped before standing up "Now. Just because Fez and I aren't together right now doesn't mean I'm gonna disappear or stop coming around, You are still like my baby brother and I am not gonna leave you behind" You whispered hugging him tightly "He brought another girl here to stay.." He whispered, you raised your eyebrows at him "Who? Blondie in the dining room?" You smiled looking at him, he looked up at you frowning with a soft nod "Oh my god...Ash..if you woulda' talked to me..or fez..you would've known, Faye is staying here yes, but Fez is doin it as a favor, trust me" You whispered, you saw Ashtray's cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Don't...tell Fez" Ash whispered hugging you again "Just don't want the dumbass to make the mistake of losin you" you heard him mumble, you just nodded and lead him out of the room and to the living room.
You sent Fez to the store for snacks while you set up a pillow fort in Ashtray's room, sometimes Ash felt like you were the only one who was still worried about him doing kid things. He just stood in the doorway watching you put it all together and turn the movie onto the tv. Climbing into the pillow/blanket fort, followed by Ash and then eventually Fez. The three of you laid together watching the Halloween movies, almost like magic you watched as Fez fell asleep and then Ash, Fezco's head resting on your shoulder, and Ash using Fez as his personal pillow, sprawled out across his side of the bed making you giggle. Looking over you sighed, kissing their foreheads and covering them both up with a cover, after a mental battle that lasted about two minutes you curled up next to Fez falling asleep next to him, finally feeling at home after two weeks.
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