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benita-loca · 1 year ago
by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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equinegear · 1 year ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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ereconda · 2 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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wintergaurdianoffun · 2 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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kiddohc · 2 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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kablob17 · 2 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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grokwrites · 2 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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sashasomebody · 4 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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malakhgabriel · 4 years ago
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by eliaslar on Flickr.Diros Cave near the town of Pyrgos Dirou in Laconia, Greece.
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quangvublog · 4 years ago
Danh sách kí tự đặc biệt trong HTML
Bài viết này sẽ chứa danh sách các kí tự đặc biệt HTML. Trong HTML, các kí tự này thường không hề dễ dàng để có thể gõ vào bàn phím, hoặc thậm chí là có thể gây ra một số lỗi hiển thị nếu chỉ đơn giản nó được dán vào trang web.
Nếu như bạn đang có dự định sử dụng các loại kí tự kí hiệu đặc biệt nào đó để dán vào website của mình, bạn nên sử dụng tên thực thể HTML hay mã định danh HTML. Vì như vậy nó sẽ đảm bảo việc hiển thị đúng dữ liệu bạn muốn trên hầu hết tất cả các trình duyệt website.
Ví dụ: nếu như bạn muốn hiển thị biểu tượng “©” ở footer trang web, tốt nhất bạn nên sử dụng mã HTML là © hoặc ©
Danh sách kí tự đặc biệt HTML
Dưới đây là bảng danh sách các kí tự  HTML bạn nên biết khi lập trình thiết k�� website, hoặc đơn giản chỉ là thay đổi một số thông tin trên một trang web nào đó. Bởi đây chính là những kí tự tạo nên ngôn ngữ HTML. Nếu bạn sử dụng một trong các đoạn mã kí tự kí hiệu đặc biệt HTML bên dưới đây, trình duyệt của bạn sẽ tự động hiển thị những kí tự đó dưới dạng HTML. Do đó, bạn nên sử dụng tên thực thể hoặc mã định danh HTML khi bạn muốn hiển thị các kí tự đặc biệt nào đó.
Kí tựSố định danh HTMLTên thực thể HTMLMô tả“""nháy đôi‘'&apos;nháy đơn &&&dấu &<<<dấu nhỏ hơn>>>dấu lớn hơn
Các kí hiệu HTML phổ biến
Kí tựSố định danh HTMLTên thực thể HTMLMô tảŒŒŒcapital ligature OEœœœsmall ligature oeŠŠŠcapital S with caronšššsmall S with caronŸŸŸcapital Y with diaeresƒƒƒf with hookˆˆˆmodifier letter circumflex accent˜˜˜small tilde   en space   em space   thin space‌‌‌zero width non-joiner‍‍‍zero width joiner‎‎‎left-to-right mark‏‏‏right-to-left mark–––en dash———em dash‘‘‘left single quotation mark’’’right single quotation mark‚‚‚single low-9 quotation mark“““left double quotation mark”””right double quotation mark„„„double low-9 quotation mark†††dagger‡‡‡double dagger•••bullet………horizontal ellipsis‰‰‰per mille ′′′minutes″″″seconds‹‹‹single left angle quotation›››single right angle quotation‾‾‾overline€€€euro™™™trademark←←←left arrow↑↑↑up arrow→→→right arrow↓↓↓down arrow↔↔↔left right arrow↵↵↵carriage return arrow⌈⌈⌈left ceiling⌉⌉⌉right ceiling⌊⌊⌊left floor⌋⌋⌋right floor◊◊◊lozenge♠♠♠spade♣♣♣club♥♥♥heart♦♦♦diamond
Các kí hiệu toán học
Kí hiệuSố định danh HTMLTên thực thể HTMLMô tả∀∀∀for all∂∂∂part∃∃∃exists∅∅∅empty∇∇∇nabla∈∈∈isin∉∉∉notin∋∋∋ni∏∏∏prod∑∑∑sum−−−minus∗∗∗lowast√√√square root∝∝∝proportional to∞∞∞infinity∠∠∠angle∧∧∧and∨∨∨or∩∩∩cap∪∪∪cup∫∫∫integral∴∴∴therefore∼∼∼similar to≅≅≅congruent to≈≈≈almost equal≠≠≠not equal≡≡≡equivalent≤≤≤less or equal≥≥≥greater or equal⊂⊂⊂subset of⊃⊃⊃superset of⊄⊄⊄not subset of⊆⊆⊆subset or equal⊇⊇⊇superset or equal⊕⊕⊕circled plus⊗⊗⊗circled times⊥⊥⊥perpendicular⋅⋅⋅dot operator
Kí tự Hy Lap
Chữ Hy LạpSố định danh HTMLTên định danh HTMLMô tảΑΑΑAlphaΒΒΒBetaΓΓΓGammaΔΔΔDeltaΕΕΕEpsilonΖΖΖZetaΗΗΗEtaΘΘΘThetaΙΙΙIotaΚΚΚKappaΛΛΛLambdaΜΜΜMuΝΝΝNuΞΞΞXiΟΟΟOmicronΠΠΠPiΡΡΡRho undefined SigmafΣΣΣSigmaΤΤΤTauΥΥΥUpsilonΦΦΦPhiΧΧΧChiΨΨΨPsiΩΩΩOmegaαααalphaβββbetaγγγgammaδδδdeltaεεεepsilonζζζzetaηηηetaθθθthetaιιιiotaκκκkappaλλλlambdaμμμmuνννnuξξξxiοοοomicronπππpiρρρrhoςςςsigmafσσσsigmaτττtauυυυupsilonφφφphiχχχchiψψψpsiωωωomegaϑϑϑtheta symbolϒϒϒupsilon symbolϖϖϖpi symbol
Kí tự ISO 8859-1 
Bảng thông tin dưới đây mô tả các kí tự theo chuẩn ISO 8859-1 
Kí tựSố định danh HTMLTên định danh HTMLMô tảÀÀÀcapital a, grave accentÁÁÁcapital a, acute accentÂÂÂcapital a, circumflex accentÃÃÃcapital a, tildeÄÄÄcapital a, umlaut markÅÅÅcapital a, ringÆÆÆcapital aeÇÇÇcapital c, cedillaÈÈÈcapital e, grave accentÉÉÉcapital e, acute accentÊÊÊcapital e, circumflex accentËËËcapital e, umlaut markÌÌÌcapital i, grave accentÍÍÍcapital i, acute accentÎÎÎcapital i, circumflex accentÏÏÏcapital i, umlaut markÐÐÐcapital eth, IcelandicÑÑÑcapital n, tildeÒÒÒcapital o, grave accentÓÓÓcapital o, acute accentÔÔÔcapital o, circumflex accentÕÕÕcapital o, tildeÖÖÖcapital o, umlaut markØØØcapital o, slashÙÙÙcapital u, grave accentÚÚÚcapital u, acute accentÛÛÛcapital u, circumflex accentÜÜÜcapital u, umlaut markÝÝÝcapital y, acute accentÞÞÞcapital THORN, Icelandicßßßsmall sharp s, Germanàààsmall a, grave accentááásmall a, acute accentâââsmall a, circumflex accentãããsmall a, tildeäääsmall a, umlaut markåååsmall a, ringæææsmall aeçççsmall c, cedillaèèèsmall e, grave accentééésmall e, acute accentêêêsmall e, circumflex accentëëësmall e, umlaut markìììsmall i, grave accentííísmall i, acute accentîîîsmall i, circumflex accentïïïsmall i, umlaut markðððsmall eth, Icelandicñññsmall n, tildeòòòsmall o, grave accentóóósmall o, acute accentôôôsmall o, circumflex accentõõõsmall o, tildeööösmall o, umlaut markøøøsmall o, slashùùùsmall u, grave accentúúúsmall u, acute accentûûûsmall u, circumflex accentüüüsmall u, umlaut markýýýsmall y, acute accentþþþsmall thorn, Icelandicÿÿÿsmall y, umlaut mark
Kí tự ISO 8859-1
Dưới đây là bảng có chứa thông tin các kí tự HTML theo chuẩn ISO 8859-1 bạn bạn có thể thường thấy trên các trang web.
Kí tựSố định danh HTMLTên định danh HTMLMô tả   non-breaking space¡¡¡inverted exclamation mark¢¢¢cent£££pound¤¤¤currency¥¥¥yen¦¦¦broken vertical bar§§§section¨¨¨spacing diaeresis©©©copyrightªªªfeminine ordinal indicator«««angle quotation mark (left)¬¬¬negation­­­soft hyphen®®®registered trademark¯¯¯spacing macron°°°degree±±±plus-or-minus ²²²superscript 2³³³superscript 3´´´spacing acuteµµµmicro¶¶¶paragraph···middle dot¸¸¸spacing cedilla¹¹¹superscript 1ºººmasculine ordinal indicator»»»angle quotation mark (right)¼¼¼fraction 1/4½½½fraction 1/2¾¾¾fraction 3/4¿¿¿inverted question mark×××multiplication÷÷÷division
The post Danh sách kí tự đặc biệt trong HTML appeared first on Quang Vũ Blog.
source https://blog.vu-review.com/ki-tu-dac-biet-trong-html.html
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yyq123 · 5 years ago
VIM学习笔记 网页开发-输入字符实体(Input Character Entity)
字符实体(Character Entity),也称为转义字符串(Escape Sequence),主要用于在HTML代码中,输入如“<”和“>”等标签关键字,以及如“©”等在ASCII字符集中没有定义的需要转义的特殊符号。当解释程序遇到此类字符串时,将会解释并在网页中显示为真实的字符。
关于字符实体的更多信息,请参考Character Entity Reference。
我在Christian J Robinson开发的HTML插件的基础之上,制作了HTML-Editor插件,通过快捷键和菜单项来提高编写HTML代码的效率,并提供代码模板、色彩选择和网页预览等功能。
:let g:html_map_entity_leader = '\'
您也可以在HTML->Character Entities菜单中选择输入字符实体:
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键   non-breaking space       &<space> " quotation mark = APL quote " " " &' & ampersand & & & && < less-than sign < < < &< > greater-than sign > > > &> ™ trade mark sign ™ ™ ™ &tm ¡ inverted exclamation mark ¡ ¡ ¡ &! ¢ cent sign ¢ ¢ ¢ &c| £ pound sign £ £ £ &# ¥ yen sign = yuan sign ¥ ¥ ¥ &Y= € euro sign € € € &E= ¦ broken vertical bar ¦ ¦ ¦ &bb § section sign § § § &se ¨ diaeresis = spacing diaeresis ¨ ¨ ¨ &_" © copyright sign © © © &cO ® registered trade mark sign ® ® ® &rO µ micro sign µ µ µ &mi ¶ pilcrow sign = paragraph sign ¶ ¶ ¶ &pa · middle dot = Georgian comma · · · &. ¿ inverted/turned question mark ¿ ¿ ¿ &?
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 ← leftwards single arrow ← ← ← &la ↑ upwards single arrow ↑ ↑ ↑ &ua → rightwards single arrow → → → &ra ↓ downwards single arrow ↓ ↓ ↓ &da ↔ left right single arrow ↔ ↔ ↔ &ha ↵ carriage return ↵ ↵ ↵ &cr ⇐ leftwards double arrow ⇐ ⇐ ⇐ &lA ⇑ upwards double arrow ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ &uA ⇒ rightwards double arrow ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ &rA ⇓ downwards double arrow ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ &dA ⇔ left right double arrow ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ &hA
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 – en dash – – – &n- — em dash — — — &m- ‘ left single quotation mark ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ right single quotation mark ’ ’ ’ ‚ single low-9 quotation mark ‚ ‚ ‚ “ left double quotation mark “ “ “ &ld ” right double quotation mark ” ” ” &rd „ double low-9 quotation mark „ „ „ † dagger † † † ‡ double dagger ‡ ‡ ‡ ‰ per mille sign ‰ ‰ ‰ ‹ single left angle quotation mark ‹ ‹ ‹ › single right angle quotation mark › › › • bullet = black small circle • • • &* … horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader … … … &3. « left double angle quotation mark « « « &2< » right double angle quotation mark » » » &2> ′ prime = minutes = feet ′ ′ ′ ″ double prime = seconds = inches ″ ″ ″ ‾ overline = spacing overscore ‾ ‾ ‾ ⁄ fraction slash ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Α Greek capital letter alpha Α Α Α &Al Β Greek capital letter beta Β Β Β &Be Γ Greek capital letter gamma Γ Γ Γ &Ga Δ Greek capital letter delta Δ Δ Δ &De Ε Greek capital letter epsilon Ε Ε Ε &Ep Ζ Greek capital letter zeta Ζ Ζ Ζ &Ze Η Greek capital letter eta Η Η Η &Et Θ Greek capital letter theta Θ Θ Θ &Th Ι Greek capital letter iota Ι Ι Ι &Io Κ Greek capital letter kappa Κ Κ Κ &Ka Λ Greek capital letter lambda Λ Λ Λ &Lm Μ Greek capital letter mu Μ Μ Μ &Mu Ν Greek capital letter nu Ν Ν Ν &Nu Ξ Greek capital letter xi Ξ Ξ Ξ &Xi Ο Greek capital letter omicron Ο Ο Ο &Oc Π Greek capital letter pi Π Π Π &Pi Ρ Greek capital letter rho Ρ Ρ Ρ &Rh Σ Greek capital letter sigma Σ Σ Σ &Si Τ Greek capital letter tau Τ Τ Τ &Ta Υ Greek capital letter upsilon Υ Υ Υ &Up Φ Greek capital letter phi Φ Φ Φ &Ph Χ Greek capital letter chi Χ Χ Χ &Ch Ψ Greek capital letter psi Ψ Ψ Ψ &Ps Ω Greek capital letter omega Ω Ω Ω &Og α Greek small letter alpha α α α &al β Greek small letter beta β β β &be γ Greek small letter gamma γ γ γ &ga δ Greek small letter delta δ δ δ &de ε Greek small letter epsilon ε ε ε &ep ζ Greek small letter zeta ζ ζ ζ &ze η Greek small letter eta η η η &et θ Greek small letter theta θ θ θ &th ι Greek small letter iota ι ι ι &io κ Greek small letter kappa κ κ κ &ka λ Greek small letter lambda λ λ λ &lm μ Greek small letter mu μ μ μ &mu ν Greek small letter nu ν ν ν &nu ξ Greek small letter xi ξ ξ ξ &xi ο Greek small letter omicron ο ο ο &oc π Greek small letter pi π π π &pi ρ Greek small letter rho ρ ρ ρ &rh ς Greek small letter final sigma ς ς ς &sf σ Greek small letter sigma σ σ σ &si τ Greek small letter tau τ τ τ &ta υ Greek small letter upsilon υ υ υ &up φ Greek small letter phi φ φ φ &ph χ Greek small letter chi χ χ χ &ch ψ Greek small letter psi ψ ψ ψ &ps ω Greek small letter omega ω ω ω &og ϑ Greek small letter theta symbol ϑ ϑ ϑ &ts ϒ Greek upsilon with hook symbol ϒ ϒ ϒ &uh ϖ Greek pi symbol ϖ ϖ ϖ &pv
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Š Latin capital letter S with caron Š Š Š &Sc Ÿ Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ &Y" À Latin capital letter A with grave À À À &A` Á Latin capital letter A with acute Á Á Á &A'  Latin capital letter A with circumflex    &A^ à Latin capital letter A with tilde à à à &A~ Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis Ä Ä Ä &A" Å Latin capital letter A with ring above Å Å Å &Ao Æ Latin capital letter AE Æ Æ Æ &AE Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla Ç Ç Ç &C, È Latin capital letter E with grave È È È &E` É Latin capital letter E with acute É É É &E' Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex Ê Ê Ê &E^ Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis Ë Ë Ë &E" Ì Latin capital letter I with grave Ì Ì Ì &I` Í Latin capital letter I with acute Í Í Í &I' Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex Î Î Î &I^ Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis Ï Ï Ï &I" Ð Latin capital letter ETH Ð Ð Ð Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde Ñ Ñ Ñ &N~ Ò Latin capital letter O with grave Ò Ò Ò &O` Ó Latin capital letter O with acute Ó Ó Ó &O' Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex Ô Ô Ô &O^ Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde Õ Õ Õ &O~ Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis Ö Ö Ö &O" Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke Ø Ø Ø &O/ Ù Latin capital letter U with grave Ù Ù Ù &U` Ú Latin capital letter U with acute Ú Ú Ú &U' Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex Û Û Û &U^ Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis Ü Ü Ü &U" Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute Ý Ý Ý &Y' Þ Latin capital letter THORN Þ Þ Þ š Latin small letter s with caron š š š &sc ß Latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed ß ß ß &sz à Latin small letter a with grave à à à &a` á Latin small letter a with acute á á á &a' â Latin small letter a with circumflex â â â &a^ ã Latin small letter a with tilde ã ã ã &a~ ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis ä ä ä &a" å Latin small letter a with ring above å å å &ao æ Latin small letter ae æ æ æ &ae ç Latin small letter c with cedilla ç ç ç &c, è Latin small letter e with grave è è è &e` é Latin small letter e with acute é é é &e' ê Latin small letter e with circumflex ê ê ê &e^ ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis ë ë ë &e" ì Latin small letter i with grave ì ì ì &i` í Latin small letter i with acute í í í &i' î Latin small letter i with circumflex î î î &i^ ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis ï ï ï &i" ð Latin small letter eth ð ð ð ñ Latin small letter n with tilde ñ ñ ñ &n~ ò Latin small letter o with grave ò ò ò &o` ó Latin small letter o with acute ó ó ó &o' ô Latin small letter o with circumflex ô ô ô &o^ õ Latin small letter o with tilde õ õ õ &o~ ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis ö ö ö &o" ø Latin small letter o with stroke ø ø ø &o/ ù Latin small letter u with grave ù ù ù &u` ú Latin small letter u with acute ú ú ú &u' û Latin small letter u with circumflex û û û &u^ ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis ü ü ü &u" ý Latin small letter y with acute ý ý ý &y' ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis ÿ ÿ ÿ &y" þ Latin small letter thorn þ þ þ
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Ⅰ Roman Numeral One Ⅰ Ⅰ &R1 Ⅱ Roman Numeral Two Ⅱ Ⅱ &R2 Ⅲ Roman Numeral Three Ⅲ Ⅲ &R3 Ⅳ Roman Numeral Four Ⅳ Ⅳ &R4 Ⅴ Roman Numeral Five Ⅴ Ⅴ &R5 Ⅵ Roman Numeral Six Ⅵ Ⅵ &R6 Ⅶ Roman Numeral Seven Ⅶ Ⅶ &R7 Ⅷ Roman Numeral Eight Ⅷ Ⅷ &R8 Ⅸ Roman Numeral Nine Ⅸ Ⅸ &R9 Ⅹ Roman Numeral Ten Ⅹ Ⅹ &R10 Ⅺ Roman Numeral Eleven Ⅺ Ⅺ &R11 Ⅻ Roman Numeral Twelve Ⅻ Ⅻ &R12 Ⅼ Roman Numeral Fifty Ⅼ Ⅼ &R50 Ⅽ Roman Numeral One Hundred Ⅽ Ⅽ &R100 Ⅾ Roman Numeral Five Hundred Ⅾ Ⅾ &R500 Ⅿ Roman Numeral One Thousand Ⅿ Ⅿ &R1000 ⅰ Small Roman Numeral One ⅰ ⅰ &r1 ⅱ Small Roman Numeral Two ⅱ ⅱ &r2 ⅲ Small Roman Numeral Three ⅲ ⅲ &r3 ⅳ Small Roman Numeral Four ⅳ ⅳ &r4 ⅴ Small Roman Numeral Five ⅴ ⅴ &r5 ⅵ Small Roman Numeral Six ⅵ ⅵ &r6 ⅶ Small Roman Numeral Seven ⅶ ⅶ &r7 ⅷ Small Roman Numeral Eight ⅷ ⅷ &r8 ⅸ Small Roman Numeral Nine ⅸ ⅸ &r9 ⅹ Small Roman Numeral Ten ⅹ ⅹ &r10 ⅺ Small Roman Numeral Eleven ⅺ ⅺ &r11 ⅻ Small Roman Numeral Twelve ⅻ ⅻ &r12 ⅼ Small Roman Numeral Fifty ⅼ ⅼ &r50 ⅽ Small Roman Numeral One Hundred ⅽ ⅽ &r100 ⅾ Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred ⅾ ⅾ &r500 ⅿ Small Roman Numeral OneThousand ⅿ ⅿ &r1000
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 ° degree sign ° ° ° &dg ± plus-minus sign ± ± ± &+- × multiplication sign × × × &x ÷ division sign ÷ ÷ ÷ &/ ∼ tilde = varies with = similar to ∼ ∼ ∼ ≅ approximately equal to ≅ ≅ ≅ ≈ almost equal to = asymptotic to ≈ ≈ ≈ ≠ not equal to ≠ ≠ ≠ ≡ identical to ≡ ≡ ≡ ≤ less-than or equal to ≤ ≤ ≤ ≥ greater-than or equal to ≥ ≥ ≥ ⊂ subset of ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ⊃ superset of ⊃ ⊃ ⊃ ⊄ not a subset of ⊄ ⊄ ⊄ ⊆ subset of or equal to ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ ⊇ superset of or equal to ⊇ ⊇ ⊇ ⊕ circled plus = direct sum ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊗ circled times = vector product ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊥ up tack = orthogonal/perpendicular ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ ⋅ dot operator ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∀ for all ∀ ∀ ∀ ∂ partial differential ∂ ∂ ∂ ∃ there exists ∃ ∃ ∃ ∅ empty set = null set = diameter ∅ ∅ ∅ ∇ nabla = backward difference ∇ ∇ ∇ ∈ element of ∈ ∈ ∈ ∉ not an element of ∉ ∉ ∉ ∋ contains as member ∋ ∋ ∋ ∏ n-ary product = product sign ∏ ∏ ∏ ∑ n-ary sumation ∑ ∑ ∑ − minus sign − − − ∗ asterisk operator ∗ ∗ ∗ √ square root = radical sign √ √ √ ∝ proportional to ∝ ∝ ∝ ∞ infinity ∞ ∞ ∞ ∠ angle ∠ ∠ ∠ ∧ logical and = wedge ∧ ∧ ∧ ∨ logical or = vee ∨ ∨ ∨ ∩ intersection = cap ∩ ∩ ∩ ∪ union = cup ∪ ∪ ∪ ∫ integral ∫ ∫ ∫ ∴ therefore ∴ ∴ ∴ ¹ superscript digit one ¹ ¹ ¹ &1^ ² superscript digit two = squared ² ² ² &2^ ³ superscript digit three = cubed ³ ³ ³ &3^ ƒ Latin small f with hook = function ƒ ƒ ƒ &fn ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter ¼ ¼ ¼ &14 ½ vulgar fraction one half ½ ½ ½ &12 ¾ vulgar fraction three quarters ¾ ¾ ¾ &34 &frac13; vulgar fraction one third (HTML5) &frac13; ⅓ ⅓ &13 &frac23; vulgar fraction two thirds (HTML5) &frac23; ⅔ ⅔ &23 &frac15; vulgar fraction one fifth (HTML5) &frac15; ⅕ ⅕ &15 &frac25; vulgar fraction two fifths (HTML5) &frac25; ⅖ ⅖ &25 &frac35; vulgar fraction three fifths (HTML5) &frac35; ⅗ ⅗ &35 &frac45; vulgar fraction four fifths (HTML5) &frac45; ⅘ ⅘ &45 &frac16; vulgar fraction one sixth (HTML5) &frac16; ⅙ ⅙ &16 &frac56; vulgar fraction five sixths (HTML5) &frac56; ⅚ ⅚ &56 &frac18; vulgar fraction one eigth (HTML5) &frac18; ⅛ ⅛ &18 &frac38; vulgar fraction three eigths (HTML5) &frac38; ⅜ ⅜ &38 &frac58; vulgar fraction five eigths (HTML5) &frac58; ⅝ ⅝ &58 &frac78; vulgar fraction seven eigths (HTML5) &frac78; ⅞ ⅞ &78
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键   en space         em space         thin space       ‌ zero width non-joiner ‌ ‌ ‌ ‍ zero width joiner ‍ ‍ ‍ ‎ left-to-right mark ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏ right-to-left mark ‏ ‏ ‏ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent ˆ ˆ ˆ ˜ small tilde ˜ ˜ ˜ ℘ script capital P = Weierstrass p ℘ ℘ ℘ ℑ blackletter capital I = imaginary part ℑ ℑ ℑ ℜ blackletter capital R = real part ℜ ℜ ℜ ℵ alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal ℵ ℵ ℵ ⌈ left ceiling = APL upstile ⌈ ⌈ ⌈ ⌉ right ceiling ⌉ ⌉ ⌉ ⌊ left floor = APL downstile ⌊ ⌊ ⌊ ⌋ right floor ⌋ ⌋ ⌋ 〈 left-pointing angle bracket = bra 〈 〈 〈 〉 right-pointing angle bracket = ket 〉 〉 〉 ◊ lozenge ◊ ◊ ◊ ♠ black spade suit ♠ ♠ ♠ ♣ black club suit = shamrock ♣ ♣ ♣ ♥ black heart suit = valentine ♥ ♥ ♥ ♦ black diamond suit ♦ ♦ ♦
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yonoise · 8 years ago
The Alphabet, Alphabetized
The Alphabet in Alphabetical Order:  А A а A A A a A ߊ A Ӕ A Ie ӕ A Ie Á A with acute á A with acute Ά A with acute accent Ӑ A with breve ӑ A with breve Ă A with breve ă A with breve  A with circumflex â A with circumflex Ӓ A with diaeresis ӓ A with diaeresis Ä A with diaeresis ä A with diaeresis À A with grave à A with grave Ā A with macron ā A with macron Ą A with ogonek ą A with ogonek Å A with ring above å A with ring above à A with tilde ã A with tilde ާ Aabaafili ަ Abafili ՟ Abbreviation Mark Ҽ Abkhazian Che ҽ Abkhazian Che Ҿ Abkhazian Che with descender ҿ Abkhazian Che with descender Ӡ Abkhazian Dze ӡ Abkhazian Dze Ҩ Abkhazian Ha ҩ Abkhazian Ha ˶ Accent ˵ Accent ˴ Accent ΄ acute accent ˊ Acute Accent Æ Æ æ Æ ݞ Ain with three dots pointing downward above ݝ Ain with two dots above ݟ Ain with two dots vertically above ޢ Ainu ܐ Alaph א Alef א Alef Ԟ Aleut Ka ԟ Aleut Ka އ Alifu Α Alpha α Alpha ά Alpha with acute accent · Ano Teleia ՚ Apostrophe ʼ Apostrophe ˮ Apostrophe ˯ Arrowhead ˱ Arrowhead ˲ Arrowhead ˰ Arrowhead ܍ Asteriscus Ա Ayb ա Ayb ע Ayin ע Ayin B B b B ߓ Ba ބ Baa Ө Barred O ө Barred O Ӫ Barred O with diaeresis ӫ Barred O with diaeresis ݊ Barrekh Ҡ Bashkir Ka ҡ Bashkir Ka Б Be б Be ˹ Begin High Tone ˻ Begin Low Tone ݑ Beh with dot below and three dots above ݕ Beh with inverted small V below ݖ Beh with small V ݐ Beh with three dots horizontally below ݒ Beh with three dots pointing upward below ݓ Beh with three dots pointing upward below and two dots above ݔ Beh with two dots below and dot above Բ Ben բ Ben ב Bet ב Bet Β Beta β Beta ϐ Beta Symbol ܒ Beth Ѫ Big Yus ѫ Big Yus І Byelorussian-Ukrainian I і Byelorussian-Ukrainian I C C c C Ć C with acute ć C with acute Č C with caron č C with caron Ç C with cedilla ç C with cedilla Ĉ C with circumflex ĉ C with circumflex Ċ C with dot above ċ C with dot above ծ Ca ˓ Centered Left Half Ring ˒ Centered Right Half Ring Չ Cha չ Cha ߗ Cha ޗ Chaviyani Ч Che ч Che Ҷ Che with descender ҷ Che with descender Ӵ Che with diaeresis ӵ Che with diaeresis Ҹ Che with vertical stroke ҹ Che with vertical stroke Ճ Cheh ճ Cheh Χ Chi χ Chi ˆ Circumflex Accent Ց Co ց Co ˸ Colon ՝ Comma D D d D Ď D with caron ď D with caron Đ D with stroke đ D with stroke Դ Da դ Da ߘ Da ޟ Daadhu ߑ Dagbasinna ݚ Dal with inverted small V below ݙ Dal with two dots vertically below and small Tah ܕ Dalath ד Dalet ד Dalet ޑ Daviyani Д De д De Ϯ Dei ϯ Dei Δ Delta δ Delta ˫ Departing Tone Mark ˪ Departing Tone Mark ދ Dhaalu ΅ diaeresis with acute accent Ϝ Digamma ϝ Digamma Ђ Dje ђ Dje ܖ Dotless Dalath Rish ı dotless I ʺ Double Prime װ Double Vav ײ Double Yod ˅ Down Arrowhead Ձ Dza Ѕ Dze ѕ Dze Џ Dzhe џ Dzhe Է E Э E э E E E e E ߍ E ܥ E É E with acute é E with acute Ĕ E with breve ĕ E with breve Ě E with caron ě E with caron Ê E with circumflex ê E with circumflex Ӭ E with diaeresis ӭ E with diaeresis Ë E with diaeresis ë E with diaeresis Ė E with dot above ė E with dot above È E with grave è E with grave Ē E with macron ē E with macron Ę E with ogonek ę E with ogonek ެ Ebefili Ե Ech ե Ech և Ech Yiwn ߋ Ee ީ Eebeefili Ф Ef ф Ef է Eh Л El л El Ԓ El with hook ԓ El with hook Ԡ El with middle hook ԡ El with middle hook Ӆ El with tail ӆ El with tail �� Em м Em Ӎ Em with tail ӎ Em with tail ՛ Emphasis Mark Н En н En Ҥ En Ghe ҥ En Ghe �� En with descender ң En with descender Ӈ En with hook ӈ En with hook Ԣ En with middle hook ԣ En with middle hook Ӊ En with tail ӊ En with tail ˺ End High Tone ˼ End Low Tone Ŋ Eng ŋ Eng Ε Epsilon ε Epsilon ϵ Epsilon Symbol ϶ Epsilon Symbol Έ Epsilon with acute accent έ Epsilon with acute accent Р Er р Er Ҏ Er with tick ҏ Er with tick С Es с Es Ҫ Es with descender ҫ Es with descender ܽ Esasa Above ܾ Esasa Below Ը Et ը Et Η Eta η Eta Ή Eta with acute accent ή Eta with acute accent Ð Eth ð Eth ՜ Exclamation Mark ޭ Eybeyfili F F f F ߝ Fa ފ Faafu Ֆ Feh ֆ Feh ݡ Feh with three dots pointing upward below ݠ Feh with two dots below Ϥ Fei ϥ Fei ݀ Feminine Dot ך Final Kaf ך Final Kaf ם Final Mem ם Final Mem ן Final Nun ן Final Nun ף Final Pe ף Final Pe ܤ Final Semkath ς Final Sigma ץ Final Tsadi ץ Final Tsadi Ѳ Fita ѳ Fita G G g G Ğ G with breve ğ G with breve Ģ G with cedilla ģ G with cedilla Ĝ G with circumflex ĝ G with circumflex Ġ G with dot above ġ G with dot above ގ Gaafu ܓ Gamal ܔ Gamal Garshuni Γ Gamma γ Gamma ˠ Gamma Ϫ Gangia ϫ Gangia ߜ Gba ߷ Gbakurunen Ղ Ghad ղ Ghad ޣ Ghainu Г Ghe г Ghe Ӷ Ghe with descender ӷ Ghe with descender Ҕ Ghe with middle hook ҕ Ghe with middle hook Ғ Ghe with stroke ғ Ghe with stroke Ӻ Ghe with stroke and hook ӻ Ghe with stroke and hook Ґ Ghe with upturn ґ Ghe with upturn Գ Gim գ Gim ג Gimel ג Gimel Ѓ Gje ѓ Gje ˀ Glottal Stop ˤ Glottal Stop ޏ Gnaviyani ˋ Grave Accent H H h H ʰ H Ĥ H with circumflex ĥ H with circumflex ʱ H with hook Ħ H with stroke ħ H with stroke Х Ha х Ha ߤ Ha Ҳ Ha with descender ҳ Ha with descender Ӽ Ha with hook ӽ Ha with hook Ӿ Ha with stroke ӿ Ha with stroke ހ Haa ݘ Hah with three dots pointing upward below ݗ Hah with two dots above ˑ Half Triangular Colon Ъ Hard Sign ъ Hard Sign ܺ Hbasa Above ܻ Hbasa Below ܼ Hbasa-Esata Dotted ה He ה He ܗ He ח Het ח Het ܚ Heth ޙ Hhaa Հ Ho հ Ho Ϩ Hori ϩ Hori ҈ Hundred Thousands Sign И I и I I I i I ߌ I Í I with acute í I with acute Ĭ I with breve ĭ I with breve Î I with circumflex î I with circumflex Ӥ I with diaeresis ӥ I with diaeresis Ï I with diaeresis ï I with diaeresis İ I with dot above Ѝ I with grave ѝ I with grave Ì I with grave ì I with grave Ӣ I with macron ӣ I with macron Ī I with macron ī I with macron Į I with ogonek į I with ogonek Ĩ I with tilde ĩ I with tilde ި Ibifili Е Ie е Ie Ӗ Ie with breve ӗ Ie with breve Ѐ Ie with grave ѐ Ie with grave IJ IJ ij IJ Ի Ini ի Ini Ё Io ё Io Ι Iota ι Iota Ί Iota with acute accent ί Iota with acute accent Ϊ Iota with diaeresis ϊ Iota with diaeresis ΐ Iota with diaeresis and acute accent Ѭ Iotified Big Yus ѭ Iotified Big Yus Ѥ Iotified E ѥ Iotified E Ѩ Iotified Little Yus ѩ Iotified Little Yus Ѵ Izhitsa ѵ Izhitsa Ѷ Izhitsa with double grave accent ѷ Izhitsa with double grave accent J J j J ʲ J Ĵ J with circumflex ĵ J with circumflex ձ Ja ߖ Ja ޖ Javiyani Ј Je ј Je Ջ Jheh ջ Jheh ߩ Jona Cha ߨ Jona Ja ߪ Jona Ra K K k K Ķ K with cedilla ķ K with cedilla К Ka к Ka ߞ Ka Қ Ka with descender қ Ka with descender Ӄ Ka with hook ӄ Ka with hook Ҟ Ka with stroke ҟ Ka with stroke Ҝ Ka with vertical stroke ҝ Ka with vertical stroke ކ Kaafu כ Kaf כ Kaf ϗ Kai Symbol ܟ Kaph Κ Kappa κ Kappa ϰ Kappa Symbol ք Keh ݢ Keheh with dot above ݣ Keheh with three dots above ݤ Keheh with three dots pointing upward below Կ Ken կ Ken ޚ Khaa Ӌ Khakassian Che ӌ Khakassian Che Ϧ Khei ϧ Khei Ќ Kje ќ Kje Ԁ Komi De ԁ Komi De Ԃ Komi Dje ԃ Komi Dje Ԇ Komi Dzje ԇ Komi Dzje Ԉ Komi Lje ԉ Komi Lje Ԋ Komi Nje ԋ Komi Nje Ԍ Komi Sje ԍ Komi Sje Ԏ Komi The ԏ Komi The Ԅ Komi Zje ԅ Komi Zje Ҁ Koppa ҁ Koppa Ϟ Koppa ϟ Koppa ĸ Kra Ѯ Ksi ѯ Ksi L L l L ˡ L Ĺ L with acute ĺ L with acute Ľ L with caron ľ L with caron Ļ L with cedilla ļ L with cedilla Ŀ L with middle dot ŀ L with middle dot Ł L with stroke ł L with stroke ߟ La ލ Laamu ߺ Lajanyalan ݪ Lam with bar ܠ Lamadh Λ Lambda λ Lambda ל Lamed ל Lamed ˂ Left Arrowhead ՙ Left Half Ring ʿ Left Half Ring Ԕ Lha ԕ Lha ޅ Lhaviyani Ѧ Little Yus ѧ Little Yus Լ Liwn լ Liwn Љ Lje љ Lje ſ long S ˏ Low Acute Accent ˎ Low Grave Accent ˍ Low Macron ˌ Low Vertical Line M M m M ߡ Ma ˉ Macron ݥ Meem with dot above ݦ Meem with dot below މ Meemu מ Mem מ Mem Մ Men մ Men ܌ Metobelus ҉ Millions Sign ܡ Mim Μ Mu μ Mu N N n N ߒ N ʼn N preceded by apostrophe Ń N with acute ń N with acute Ň N with caron ň N with caron Ņ N with cedilla ņ N with cedilla Ñ N with tilde ñ N with tilde ߣ Na ߠ Na Woloso ޱ Naa Њ Nje њ Nje ݨ Noon with small Tah ݩ Noon with small V ݧ Noon with two dots below ނ Noonu Ն Now ն Now Ν Nu ν Nu ʹ Numeral Sign ͵ Numeral Sign נ Nun נ Nun ܢ Nun ߢ Nya ߧ Nya Woloso О O о O O O o O ߐ O Ó O with acute ó O with acute Ŏ O with breve ŏ O with breve Ô O with circumflex ô O with circumflex Ӧ O with diaeresis ӧ O with diaeresis Ö O with diaeresis ö O with diaeresis Ő O with double acute ő O with double acute Ò O with grave ò O with grave Ō O with macron ō O with macron Ø O with stroke ø O with stroke Õ O with tilde õ O with tilde ޯ Oaboafili ܋ Obelus ޮ Obofili Œ OE œ OE Օ Oh օ Oh Ѡ Omega ѡ Omega Ω Omega ω Omega Ώ Omega with acute accent ώ Omega with acute accent Ѽ Omega with Titlo ѽ Omega with Titlo Ο Omicron ο Omicron Ό Omicron with acute accent ό Omicron with acute accent ߏ Oo ߶ Oo Dennen ޫ Ooboofili Ѿ Ot ѿ Ot P P p P ߔ Pa Ӏ Palochka ӏ Palochka ޕ Paviyani П Pe п Pe פ Pe פ Pe ܦ Pe Ҧ Pe with middle hook ҧ Pe with middle hook Պ Peh պ Peh ܭ Persian Bheth ܯ Persian Dhalath ܮ Persian Ghamal Φ Phi φ Phi ϕ Phi Symbol Π Pi π Pi ϖ Pi Symbol Փ Piwr փ Piwr ʹ Prime Ѱ Psi ѱ Psi Ψ Psi ψ Psi ܰ Pthaha Above ܱ Pthaha Below ܲ Pthaha Dotted Q Q q Q Ԛ Qa ԛ Qa ޤ Qaafu ܩ Qaph Ք Qeh ק Qof ק Qof Ϙ Qoppa ϙ Qoppa ՞ Question Mark ; Question Mark ݁ Qushshaya R R r R ʳ R ʶ R ʴ R Ŕ R with acute ŕ R with acute Ř R with caron ř R with caron Ŗ R with cedilla ŗ R with cedilla ʵ R with hook Ռ Ra ռ Ra ߙ Ra ރ Raa ܶ Rbasa Above ܷ Rbasa Below Ր Reh ր Reh ݬ Reh with hamza above ݛ Reh with stroke ݫ Reh with two dots vertically above ר Resh ר Resh ʽ Reversed Comma ˁ Reversed Glottal Stop ܧ Reversed Pe Ԑ Reversed Ze ԑ Reversed Ze Ԗ Rha ԗ Rha Ρ Rho ρ Rho ϱ Rho Symbol ϼ Rho with stroke Symbol ˃ Right Arrowhead ʾ Right Half Ring ˳ Ring ܪ Rish Ѻ Round Omega ѻ Round Omega ߚ Rra ݂ Rukkakha ܿ Rwaha S S s S ˢ S Ś S with acute ś S with acute Š S with caron š S with caron Ş S with cedilla ş S with cedilla Ŝ S with circumflex ŝ S with circumflex ߛ Sa ޞ Saadhu ܨ Sadhe ס Samekh ס Samekh Ϡ Sampi ϡ Sampi Ϻ San ϻ San Ә Schwa ә Schwa Ӛ Schwa with diaeresis ӛ Schwa with diaeresis ݜ Seen with four dots above ݭ Seen with two dots vertically above ސ Seenu Ս Seh ս Seh Ҍ Semisoft Sign ҍ Semisoft Sign ܣ Semkath Շ Sha շ Sha Ш Sha ш Sha ß sharp S ށ Shaviyani Щ Shcha щ Shcha ޝ Sheenu Ϣ Shei ϣ Shei ˽ Shelf ˾ Shelf Һ Shha һ Shha Ϭ Shima ϭ Shima ש Shin ש Shin ܫ Shin Ϸ Sho ϸ Sho Й Short I й Short I Ҋ Short I with tail ҋ Short I with tail Ў Short U ў Short U Σ Sigma σ Sigma Ͼ Sigma Symbol Ϲ Sigma Symbol Ͽ Sigma Symbol Ͻ Sigma Symbol ϲ Sigma Symbol ͼ Sigma Symbol ͽ Sigma Symbol ͻ Sigma Symbol Ь Soft Sign ь Soft Sign ݏ Sogdian Fe ݎ Sogdian Khaph ݍ Sogdian Zhain ϛ Stigma Ϛ Stigma (letter) Ү Straight U ү Straight U Ұ Straight U with stroke ұ Straight U with stroke ް Sukun ܑ Superscript Alaph T T t T Ť T with caron ť T with caron Ţ T with cedilla ţ T with cedilla Ŧ T with stroke ŧ T with stroke ߕ Ta Τ Tau τ Tau ת Tav ת Tav ޓ Taviyani ܬ Taw Т Te т Te Ҵ Te Tse ҵ Te Tse Ҭ Te with descender ҭ Te with descender ט Tet ט Tet ܛ Teth ܜ Teth Garshuni ތ Thaa ޛ Thaalu Θ Theta θ Theta ϑ Theta Symbol ϴ Theta Symbol Þ Thorn þ Thorn ҂ Thousands Sign ˷ Tilde Տ Tiwn տ Tiwn Թ To թ To ޠ To ˥ Tone Bar ˩ Tone Bar ˦ Tone Bar ˨ Tone Bar ˧ Tone Bar ː Triangular Colon Ծ Tsa צ Tsadi צ Tsadi Ц Tse ц Tse Ћ Tshe ћ Tshe ޘ Ttaa ʻ Turned Comma У U у U U U u U ߎ U Ú U with acute ú U with acute Ŭ U with breve ŭ U with breve Û U with circumflex û U with circumflex Ӱ U with diaeresis ӱ U with diaeresis Ü U with diaeresis ü U with diaeresis Ӳ U with double acute ӳ U with double acute Ű U with double acute ű U with double acute Ù U with grave ù U with grave Ӯ U with macron ӯ U with macron Ū U with macron ū U with macron Ų U with ogonek ų U with ogonek Ů U with ring above ů U with ring above Ũ U with tilde ũ U with tilde ު Ubufili Ѹ Uk ѹ Uk Є Ukrainian Ie є Ukrainian Ie ˭ Unaspirated ˄ Up Arrowhead Υ Upsilon υ Upsilon Ύ Upsilon with acute accent ύ Upsilon with acute accent ϓ Upsilon with acute and hook Symbol Ϋ Upsilon with diaeresis ϋ Upsilon with diaeresis ΰ Upsilon with diaeresis and acute accent ϔ Upsilon with diaeresis and hook Symbol ϒ Upsilon with hook Symbol V V v V ވ Vaavu ו Vav ו Vav װ Vav ױ Vav Yod ױ Vav Yod В Ve в Ve ˈ Vertical Line Վ Vew վ Vew Ւ Viwn Ո Vo ո Vo ˬ Voicing W W w W ʷ W Ŵ W with circumflex ŵ W with circumflex ߥ Wa ޥ Waafu ܘ Waw Ԝ We ԝ We X X x X ˣ X Խ Xeh խ Xeh Ξ Xi ξ Xi Y Y y Y ʸ Y Ý Y with acute ý Y with acute Ŷ Y with circumflex ŷ Y with circumflex Ÿ Y with diaeresis ÿ Y with diaeresis Я Ya я Ya ߦ Ya ޔ Yaa Ԙ Yæ ԙ Yæ Ѣ Yat ѣ Yat Ы Yeru ы Yeru Ӹ Yeru with diaeresis ӹ Yeru with diaeresis Յ Yi յ Yi Ї Yi ї Yi ւ Yiwn י Yod י Yod ײ Yod ϳ Yot ͺ Ypogegrammeni Ю Yu ю Yu ܝ Yudh ܞ Yudh He Z Z z Z Ź Z with acute ź Z with acute Ž Z with caron ž Z with caron Ż Z with dot above ż Z with dot above Զ Za զ Za ޜ Zaa ܙ Zain ޒ Zaviyani ז Zayin ז Zayin З Ze з Ze Ҙ Ze with descender ҙ Ze with descender Ӟ Ze with diaeresis ӟ Ze with diaeresis Ζ Zeta ζ Zeta Ժ Zhe ժ Zhe Ж Zhe ж Zhe Ӂ Zhe with breve ӂ Zhe with breve Җ Zhe with descender җ Zhe with descender Ӝ Zhe with diaeresis ӝ Zhe with diaeresis ܹ Zlama Angular ܸ Zlama Horizontal ޡ Zo ܳ Zqapha Above ܴ Zqapha Below ܵ Zqapha Dotted
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