#&.  this  is  who  we  are  :  a  product  of  war  ——  aes.
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wintersghst-a2 · 1 year ago
once again making bad decisions
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bugdatabase · 7 months ago
We need communism in the OSC
I know this sounds controversial, but I think that a communist approach to the community would do good for it.
I want communism because shit like "jacknjellify LLC" and "adamations Inc." should NOT exist.
The OSC is a community of creators, artists, creative minds, not pseudo-corporate slop that queerbait, scam, take advantage of the gullibility of the viewers (mostly MINORS. KIDS.) and get away with ableism, racism, transphobia, ZIONISM (YES, ZIONISM.) because a horde of brainless manchildren will defend them because they want their consumer product. These motherfuckers are turning what used to be a community of free creators into a cesspool of useless competition in which the ones who capitalize win and take advantage of their "popularity".
Jacknjellify and Adamations make THOUSANDS of dollars through their mediocre, ableist, queerbaity, soulless corporate shitty ass shows and low-quality merch that, by the way, is manufactured by exploited children in factories with POOR LIFE CONDITIONS. And that's also how it relates to the real-life horrors of capitalism.
What do most of OSC creators get from their shows? NOTHING. NOTHING. While these ableist greedy zionist leeches capitalize and exploit children, both in a psychological and physical way although indirectly, honest creators get NOTHING.
And don't get me started on the meetups. The meetups, the most soulless, corporate, CLASSIST thing that came out of this "OSC elite". Screening episodes to only a selected, privileged part of the community, episodes that 95% of the OSC have been waiting for months - no, YEARS. And screening them in only one country, ignoring how most of the OSC either cannot afford to buy tickets for a screening or lives on the totally different side of the earth. This is CLASSISM, by definition. This is why I also thank the leakers who gave us the episodes we've been waiting for that are being kept from the masses in favor of a privileged elite.
These companies are turning into Disney, and I do not say this with a positive connotation. The OSC is made of people, not consumers, and it's time everyone learns it. In a matter of years they're going to come after you, small creators who make a heartfelt show to get nothing in return, and you, viewers who yet do not realize these companies are taking your money and taking advantage of your gullibility.
We DO need communism in the OSC because class war is everywhere, even where you least expect it, even in a small Internet community. We DO need communism in the OSC because our art is not a tool of capitalism and it should not be used as such.
As much as I appreciate the DEDICATION to the OSC and caring this much , I want to just tell you to slow down .
This is a community where people enjoy content of object shows. Now--this is a pretty diverse community, but yes! It is made up of mostly children, due to the designs being simplistic and vibrantly animated .
I do not like using political terms when it comes to a community full of kids , is what I'm saying .
Now your concerns aren't STUPID obviously, but I just need you to sllooow down. Because keep in mind of how simplistic things really are in the community. AE and Jacknjellify built the OSC and are adults, and those adults!! need money!! They make money by doing what they love, and are simply aware that their audience is mostly made up of children, so they try to aim towards the way to appeal to that audience. Times are tough, and especially financially.
I've seen this happen many times; where people bring politics into a community of children, the OSC, and then get meme'd on IMMEDIATELY, no matter HOW much effort they put into what they're saying and the PROJECTS about what they're saying.
They get meme'd on and laughed at in the OSC because of just how BIZARRE what they're saying IS. This is what I mean by slow down. The OSC, no matter how hard you try to make it seem, is just an interest. It is an interest in shows on YouTube about objects being silly. Overcomplicating things like this just isn't going to be accepted in the community.
Again - I applaud and admire the dedication.
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biblenewsprophecy · 3 months ago
AE: Will the Next Pandemic Come Before World War III? COGwriter: Yes.
Martin Armstrong (no relationship to COG Armstrongs) posted the following:
Will the Next Pandemic Come Before World War III?
The US, Mexico, and Canada are developing a cohesive framework to prepare for the next pandemic. The North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI) “recognizes that the high degree of interconnectedness among our three countries of our critical infrastructure, supply chains, and societies means that disruptions affecting one country often impact the others.” The three nations are relying on the One Health approach put forth by the World Health Organization to find a way for the world to respond to future pandemics in a cohesive manner, which may include vaccination passports.
The WHO has worked with “Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) as a One Health Quadripartite” to develop the framework of this approach. They have installed an “expert” health panel to determine the best global course of action moving forward. “Critical areas include food production and distribution, urbanization and infrastructure development, international travel and trade, activities that lead to biodiversity loss and climate change, and those that put increased pressure on the natural resource base,” the WHO claims, meaning this installed panel will have absolute authority over EVERYTHING from food to trade. …
Socrates has stated that the disease cycle will reach a peak once again in 2026, which is just in time for the war cycle peaking in 2027. Governments will have a year to pacify and control the population before all hell breaks loose. Could the world possibly face a pandemic on the precipice of a world war? We can hope for the best while preparing for the worst. Socrates said the financial affects of what is to come will be felt by 2028. 10/31/24 https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/disease/will-the-next-pandemic-come-before-world-war-iii/
Now, this ‘Socrates’ is a computer program of Martin Armstrong.
However, let me make a few points.
The Bible shows that Jesus prophesied a sequence of events, which included pestilences (which the WHO and others now tend to term as pandemics) to occur before the end (the start of the Great Tribulation in this context):
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:3-21)
Essentially the Great Tribulation begins with WWIII.
That was also the position of the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong? who taught:
World War 3 brings with it THE GREAT TRIBULATION. … Jesus, in foretelling this chain of world events, said the GREAT TRIBULATION would be preceded by the world-wide proclaiming of HIS Gospel. “The GOSPEL must first be published among all nations,” said Jesus (Mark 13:10), or, as recorded by Matthew (24:14): “This Gospel OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END (of the world) come.” (Armstrong HW. Brethren and Co-Worker Letter, May 22, 1953)
We in the Continuing Church of God are working on the fulfillment of Mathew 24:14 (and even have had our English-language booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God, translated into over 1500 languages; see also Preaching the Gospel in Over 1500 Languages). The fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10 is something that all true Philadelphian Christians realize that they need to support. But that, too, looks to come after the pestilences Jesus pointed to in Matthew 24:8–that pestilence is also consistent with the opening of the fourth seal of Revelation 6:7-8, the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse.
In a radio broadcast related to the the fifth seal in Revelation, Herbert W. Armstrong taught:
Jesus … said that there would be famines and terrible pestilences or epidemics of disease that the medical authorities would not be able to cope with at all. And then was to come the Great Tribulation … the World War … now this gospel of the Kingdom of God, the government of God is to go out to all nations …
In the sixth chapter of Revelation here, the first horse that we see here that John sees in his vision where he sees first the four horses in his vision. The first was the white horse which is the false preachers. And yet nearly everybody believes it’s Christ or the true preachers. And the second was the horse that was red. And that’s the war. And a third is the black horse which is famine. And next comes the pale horse that Jesus had interpreted as the pestilence of the disease epidemic.
And then after that, now the very next thing to happen is then the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation is dual. As I said, it is nationally an invasion of our people by this very force. This factor, this great power that is now rising up in Europe, … Now, here it is the fifth seal. (Armstrong HW. The 5th Seal – Revelation. Radio broadcast TWT2279A. https://www.hwalibrary.com/cgi-bin/get/hwa.cgi?action=getbroadcast&InfoID=1366473266)
As far as the rise of the power in Europe goes, at least some of the justification for the rise of the Beast power will be to cite decisions and proposals by the United Nations, its World Health Organization, and/or its World Health Assembly.
That looks to be consistent with Bible prophecy which also teaches that this Beast leader will be in place after the fourth seal is opened as well as just before the fifth seal is opened.
The Bible shows that the coming European King of the North beast will gain power after a time of death and pestilence.
While COVID-19 itself was not that, it has been used by various globalists in a way which will help set the stage for people to turn to such a leader.
Related to the rise of the Beast after a pandemic, the Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on our ContinuingCOG channel:
Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation
The 6th chapter of the Book of Revelation tells of the ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What do each represent? Is the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, part of the fourth horseman? Does the Bible point to around 2 billion people dying from hunger, war, and the beasts of the earth? Was the ancient Roman Empire impacted by pestilences? What about the black death, also known as the Bubonic plague? Are disease epidemics part of the beginning of sorrow and troubles that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24 and Mark 13? Does the pale green horseman represent Islam? Could genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or synthetic biology cause or contribute to coming pandemics? Is chemical and biological warfare (CBW) a real threat to humanity? What about a doomsday bug or antibiotic resistant superbugs? Is fear a contagion that will help people move away from democracy? Will scientists be able to stop what is coming? Is the good news that the Kingdom of God will? Could COVID-19 be setting the stage for the rise of the ‘prince,’ who will become the totalitarian Beast of the Sea (also known as 666 and the King of the North)? Is this leader similar to the Great Monarch of Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies? When is the Great Monarch supposed to arise according to the Eastern Orthodox? Why might Europe be less affected by the ride of the third horseman that the US, Canada, and the UK? Are governments taking steps now, consistent with the words of Adolf Hitler? What seal represents the start of the Great Tribulation? Which Christians did Jesus promise to protect from the coming “hour of trial”?
Here is a link to the sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation.
We are getting closer to that time.
Some of the WHO and other United Nations proposals are consistent with that.
A reader sent me the following (after I made this post today) related to Martin Armstrong’s ‘Socrates’:
This is his computer program that he has been using for the past 3-4 decades. He has input most of human history and noted that everything repeats in cycles of various lengths. It has made him very rich. He has and does advise governments. He was locked up for a long time under contempt of court because he refused to share his software with the government. Trumped up charges from a corrupt system.
He says that America won’t exist by 2032. His predictions have always aligned with your prophecies. That in my eyes has added much to his value for me reading him each day.
In fact, I would say his predictions are in line with your success!
Now, what about the year 2028 from ‘Socrates’?
While we are still watching for certain events in the Middle East to occur, consistent with Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 as well as his reference to the writings of the prophet Daniel, should we, for example, see a leader confirm the deal of Daniel 9:27 (see The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27) between now and Pentecost 2025 (which will be June 1 in 2025), if you add 3 1/2 years to that, that would be 2028. It is still looks possible that the Great Tribulation could begin in 2028 or 2029. Or, perhaps, we could see a financial crisis in 2028 that could lead to changes in Europe that would then lead to the rise of the Beast power and WWIII.
That said, to answer Martin Armstrong’s question, biblically, yes, the next pandemic will come before World War III.
Related Items:
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? Two related videos include UN’s ‘New Universal Agenda’ is a False Gospel! and United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
Biological Warfare and Prophecy. Is biological warfare possible? Was it prophesied? Scientists have long warned that pathogenic organisms like the coronavirus could be weaponized. Furthermore, back in 2017, there were concerns that the biological research facility being constructed in Wuhan, China was risky and that a coronavirus from it could be released. On January 25, 2020, China’s President Xi Jinping publicly stated that the situation with the Wuhan-related strain of the coronavirus was grave. Did Church of God writers like the late evangelist Raymond McNair warn that engineered viruses (the “Doomsday bug”) were consistent with prophecies from Jesus? Did a warning from CCOG leader Bob Thiel warn about risks of genetically-modified (GMO) mosquitoes come to pass? Could human research and/or the consumption of biblically-unclean animals such as bats and snakes be a factor in current outbreaks or coming future pestilences? What about famines? How devastating have pestilences been? How devastating are the prophesied ones going to be? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation. A short video is also available titled Trump’s Deal of the Century and Daniel 9 27? Here is a link to something related in the Spanish language: Estados Árabes emiratos unidos y el tratado de paz en el medio este.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
CCOG on vaccines Pestilences are coming. Is it ever appropriate for Christians to get vaccinated? Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse What is the pale horse of death and pestilences? What will it bring and when? Here is a link to a related sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation. Here is a version of that sermon in Spanish: El Cuarto Caballo, El COVID y El Surgimiento de la Bestia del Apocalipsis. Some shorter related videos may include Amphibian Apocalypse: Threat to Humans? and Zombie Deer Disease is Here! Are the 10 Plagues on Egypt Coming? Here is a version of the article in Spanish: El cuarto jinete de Apocalipsis, el caballo pálido de muerte y pestilencia.
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North.
The Great Monarch: Biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic Prophecies Is the ‘Great Monarch’ of Catholic prophecies endorsed or condemned by the Bible? Two sermons of related interest are also available: Great Monarch: Messiah or False Christ? and Great Monarch in 50+ Beast Prophecies.
Satan’s Plan Does Satan have a plan? What is it? Has it already been successful? Will it be successful in the future? Here are links to a two-part sermon series: What are Some of the Parts of Satan’s Plan? and Satan’s Plan is More Dramatic than Many Realize.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031, 2032, or 2035 or? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024?
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outoftowninac · 3 years ago
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Friendly Enemies is a comedy in three acts by Samuel Shipman and Aaron Hoffman. It was originally produced by A.H. Woods starring Sam Bernard and Louis Mann. 
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The play was written for Bernard and Mann, although this was their first stage pairing. 
Henry Block and Karl Pfeifer are old friends who both immigrated to the United States from Germany. Karl's son Billy and Henry's daughter June are engaged to be married. Henry has assimilated as a patriotic American, including changing his name from Heinrich. Karl refuses to change his name and remains a German patriot. The entry of the United States into World War I against Germany creates conflict between Karl and the others. Karl is secretly giving money to Walter Stuart to fund what Karl thinks is an effort to defuse anti-German propaganda, but Stuart is actually a German agent who uses the money to fund sabotage. Billy enlists in the United States Army against Karl's wishes. When Karl discovers that his money has funded a bomb that sinks the troop transport carrying his son, he changes his position on the war. The play has a happy ending when Billy returns home, having been saved from the sinking ship.
Pfeifer tells Block of a scientist in Germany who discovered a way to make pancakes out of sawdust: 
“Ain't that wonderful?" 
"Yes, it's wonderful, but who in hell Is going to eat them?" 
When war news Is a matter of debate between Pfeifer and Block: 
"Paris states..." 
"...But Berlin denies.”
“Yes. And no other country has got so much to deny. The truth has not been told in Germany since August 1914."
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Friendly Enemies premiered in Atlantic City at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre on February 28, 1918.  From AC, the play went to DC, where history was made. Due to difficulty in getting the scenery to Washington in time, the play already at the National Theatre, The Land of Joy, extended its run by one day. 
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On March 4, 1918, the play made headlines when President Woodrow Wilson attended the production and rose from his box to make a public statement that was widely used in advertising the play. 
A year earlier, in his address to Congress to request a declaration of war, Wilson said "We have no quarrel with the German people" and feel "sympathy and friendship"  towards them.
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Starting on March 11th, the play inaugurated the new Woods Theatre in Chicago IL. Friendly Enemies was the first play at Woods’ brand new theatre, which had room for 1,312 patrons on two levels. 
In 1918, a Mack Sennett comedy film was released titled “Friendly Enemies” but was not related to the play. 
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The play opened on Broadway at the Hudson Theatre (141 West 44th Street) on July 22, 1918. The play was originally supposed to begin in August, but the date was moved up in order to claim the honor of ‘first play of the new season’, causing the cancelation of several pre-Broadway tryout engagements, including Asbury Park’s Savoy Theatre. 
About the Venue: The Hudson was bult in 1903. It was most often used as a TV studio in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. In 1974, it was a blue movie theatre. In 1980, it became the Savoy, a rock club. In 1987, it received landmark status, so it was incorporated it into the adjacent Millennium Broadway Hotel as a conference center and auditorium. The venue re-opened as a legitimate Broadway theatre in 2017.
"The propaganda is so coated with humor that you've taken it before you can stop and think about it. Every time you begin to feel that it would be rather considerate if they'd turn off the war talk for just a moment, please, and talk about something else, the authors put in a line that gets a laugh, and so the audience has the time of its life." ~ DOROTHY PARKER, VANITY FAIR
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“Pfeifer and Block ae almost as funny as Potash and Perlmutter. In their battle of words those friendly enemies also recall the two old playmates acted by Lew Fields and John Mason In ‘Bosom Friends.'” 
It was more than passing warm last night when the new theatrical season opened with the presentation of ‘Friendly Enemies' at the Hudson Theater. But the heat did not let down In the least the delight of the reception it received.  It will take a hotter July night next summer to make an audience take less delight in the same play at the same theater. 'Friendly Enemies' can he expected to keep the theatrical home fires burning until another season rolls around. In fact, it ought to last as long as the war itself.” ~ BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE
Incredibly, the above reviewer was correct on all counts. The play did indeed see another July. It closed on Broadway on July 19, 1919, after 440 performances and 52 weeks at the Hudson. The war ended on November 11, 1918, when the play was still in its fourth month. 
During its year on Broadway, four road companies were launched. The Broadway box office earned a record $13,000 a week at the Hudson. Originally cast member Louis Mann was still with the company when it shuttered. 
In the UK, the play was re-titled Uncle Sam and was seen in the West End, as well as two regional companies.  
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The play took the month of August off but intended to resume and launch a tour at the Manhattan Opera House. Coincidentally, August also saw an actors’ strike which briefly delayed the re-opening date.  
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On November 20, 1919, the play returned to Atlantic City Boardwalk, this time at the Globe Theatre and without Sam Bernard. “The Comedy that encircled the Globe” was playing the Globe. 
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On November 15, 1920, a stock production of the play opened in Atlantic City at  the Woods Theatre (later the Savoy) on the Boardwalk performed by the Vaughn Glaser Players. 
The play was adapted to film twice, first in 1925 and then in 1942, with both versions retaining the title Friendly Enemies. 
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The 1925 adaptation was a black and white silent film directed by George Melford. The film starred the vaudeville team of Lew Fields and Joe Weber, who were colleagues of original play star Sam Bernard. 
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On May 9, 1925, Friendly Enemies was back on the Boardwalk. This time as a film at the Strand Theatre, opposite Steel Pier. 
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The 1942 adaptation was a black and white sound film directed by Allan Dwan. The film starred vaudevillians Charles Wnninger and Charlie Ruggles. 
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In late July 1942, Friendly Enemies was back on the Boardwalk. Again, the film (this one with sound) was at the Strand Theatre, opposite Steel Pier.
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caltropspress · 3 years ago
FEEDBACK LOOP #7: Curly Castro’s “Weapon 13X” featuring Breeze Brewin
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There was a very old man, an old white man out in the crowd, and he started screaming and crying like a baby and he kept crying and he said, “God damn, God damn, what is this God damn country coming to that the niggers have got guns, the niggers are armed and the police can’t even arrest them!” He kept crying and somebody led him away through the crowd.
—Robert F. Williams, Negroes with Guns (1962)
Gun flash beats the child’s head in, maniac teeth dance in a bloody grin blue lies, badge confessions, yng dude dead just beyond his mama’s arms
—Amiri Baraka, “Stop Killer Cops”
Police said Cleaver and Hutton were holed up at 1218 28th Street with two 9 mm automatic pistols, two AR-15 and one military-type M-14 automatic rifle, and a large supply of ammunition, some armor-piercing.
—Berkeley Barb, Volume 6, Number 15, Issue 139
“Weapon 13X” is a diptych. Two verses; one pivot—or volta, for you bookworms. Curly Castro is first with a séance that summons the mysteries of Clarence 13X and Weapon X. These nullified variables and Roman numerals come together in an elixir mix so potent that it would make Aes Rock choke on the amalgam. Castro opens the fission gate and discharges two-hundred forty thousand mega-therms on the city of brotherly love, the city of bombs from above onto a 6221 Osage Avenue row house. Shameek just got bust in his arm, leg, leg, arm, head. The Black man is God personified, and Logan is regenerative. Adamantium claws. Mathematical jaws. Science dropped and experiments performed. Spark this like metal does when dragged across concrete.
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2.  “Harriet would grab her balls, / This my gun, and this my rifle.”
Harriet Tubman gets cast by Kubrick for Full Metal Jacket, recites the Rifleman’s Creed, but it was actually a pistol she kept buried within the folds of her calico. She sallied forth seeing visions from the overseer’s heave of a weight—made her skull snap. Don’t sleep. “When the caliber’s inside you,” you can’t necessarily count on “the muzzle smoke revival.”
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Quelle Chris provides production, lest we forget his 2019 Guns album with its Dada-bullet, double-barreled barrage album art. The title track armed to the teeth: “Ain’t no cracking that code, / Ain’t no safety on locks, / Might as well get you one, / Procrastinating will get you popped.” The machine gun funk outs finks and COINTELPRO cooperators, conspirators, dispiriters. Here, Castro’s got those same turncoats and sucker MCs in his sights, so to speak.
4.  [The oppressor] teaches the Negro that he has no worth-while past, that his race has done nothing significant since the beginning of time, and that there is no evidence that he will ever achieve anything great. (Carter Godwin Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro, 1933)
Castro makes a promise, provoked by those who came before him, those who brandished firearms in the faces of their enemies:
We never will disarm: these are the lies that you were sold, When your glory tripped up, you trade your weapons in for gold. With Yakub in the schools, trade your dreams, knowledge folds. Found the tome, Mis-Education Negroes…
Dr. Yakub sloshing liquids in the lab—Bunsen burners explode and the lab leak is viral whiteness. Tricknology replaces Biology. Castro is looking back while moving forward. “Doomed to repeat it”-type forewarnings. He knows the ledge and also wants his people to.
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aim     get your sights & its sound in abstract or journal movements to a peace settlement
dude shot my man
dead,          precious lord blow off theres no willy in th blues theres no you.
—from Tom Weatherly’s Maumau American Cantos (1970)
Castro is a “gunhand, cybernetic with spray cans, / Basquiat, baklava, Mau Mau.” That’s likely an intentional malaprop—surely his militant stance calls for a balaclava. Even still, Castro doesn’t stutter. He will still sh-sh-shift his voice on you—the dynamics of his delivery raise stakes and get guttural, scraping against sewer plates. He’s potent, even if Basquiat’s pistol appears flaccid with its hand-scrawled linework. In another piece, Basquiat starts the decolonization process at the point of a safari helmet. The image detonates.  
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6.  Free country? Man, I should fuck you up for sayin’ that stupid shit alone.
“This film is a call to racial violence!” a film critic shouted at Roger Ebert after a screening of Do the Right Thing. She worried Bed-Stuy would set fire to theaters, but Lee’s 1989 film wasn’t The Rite of Spring in Paris in 1913. An amerikan psychotic turn to theater violence would be postponed until Aurora in 2012, and it would be white violence, which would come as a shock to none who have tracked the trajectory of white violence. Displacement is white violence, too. White violence is a sine qua non for gentrification. And so Castro allies himself with “Buggin’ Out battle brownstone houses, some Bird fans, / While Mookie turns the radio up and launched the trashcan.”
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7.  “We are the weapons.”
Of late, Castro has consistently been proving you’re out your depth, with verses so allusive they suggest a strong “Erick Sermon and Parrish Smith, nobody blink. / They don’t now who the fuck that is” vibe. So what, though? At this point, Castro’s a vet, an elder. The youngins need to catch up or cash out. Get KRS-One bookish, kiddies, or be left behind. Be the weapon or never prosper. Create your own mythos: “Omega built a mother by the sun and Cyclops sent / a blurred Baraka poem capable to raise the dead. / Yet instead I use the sword...”—with Wu-Tang pronunciation of the w in “sword,” of course. History moves backwards and forwards at the same time. Language is lost and recovered. The poem is “blurred” because it’s been duplicated on a mimeograph—a machine that involves a “drum.” The words are ink-smudged. Baraka’s former partner, Diane di Prima, shouted, “"Power to the people's mimeo machines!” Accuse and attack, Baraka sloganeered. We’re talking about agency—by hand-crank, handgun, or mic check.
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Castro creates imagery like Emory Douglas did with paint: painfully bold and saturated with color like blood soaks clothes. Baraka called Douglas’s art a combo of “expressionist agitprop and homeboy familiarity,” which applies to what Castro does on the track. I quote Mao who called literature and art “part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause,” and Mao quotes Lenin who called lit and art the “cogs and wheels in the whole revolutionary machine.” And Baraka also said Douglas’s work:
functioned as if you were in the middle of a rumble and somebody tossed you a machine pistol. It armed your mind and demeanor. Ruthlessly funny, but at the same time functional as the .45 slugs pouring out of that weapon.
The Panthers were trapped and tear-gassed in a West Oakland basement. Eldridge Cleaver told Bobby to go out naked—unarmed as the day he was born not quite eighteen years earlier—but he emerged from the burning house fully dressed, with dignity, and he was searchlighted and shotshotshotshotshotshotshot dead.
Castro needs Brewin to make the cypher complete—a two-man killarmy using loud words in quiet wars, no silencer.
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9.  “Before blurting out, try analysis, brother.”
Breeze’s Yo, listen… at the start of his verse is comparable to Sir Thomas Wyatt intoning Whoso list to hunt… to begin his 16th-century sonnet. The amalgam here is less Five Percenter plus clandestine government experimentation and more a deconstruction of the both violent and sexualized language of braggadocio. “Anything you say isn’t played like Miranda Rights,” and so we’re already with our hands behind our backs, silenced by an pig officer’s gag order. The competition doesn’t get played; they play themselves.
Sir Thomas Wyatt sets it off like so:
Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind, But as for me, hélas, I may no more. The vain travail hath wearied me so sore, I am of them that farthest cometh behind. Yet may I by no means my wearied mind Draw from the deer, but as she fleeth afore Fainting I follow.
Breeze has wanted to stay pleasant to the ears—you know, like Lauryn Hill phone sexing—so this isn’t new territory but rather a well-worn path. Wyatt’s wearied and “so sore” by “the hunt,” the pursuit of his love interest, even though he knows “where is an hind.” Still, “as she fleeth afore / Fainting [he] follows.” He can’t help himself.
Love is lost within violent pursuit. Breeze speaks of a “plan to strike” and “zero in” on a “target,” his quarry. He and Castro are “talking about broads often, no doubt, / We broad and burly as hell, / Brag about the hunt, you was jukin’ a girly gazelle.” Breeze’s assault is dizzying, a salvo from all angles: “Hit ’em with some counter clay rebuttals that’s subtle but still befuddle if dude slow.”
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10.  “It’s nothin’, I gotcha, and that’s word to Super Lover Cee.”
Super Lover Cee and Casanova Rud’s 1988 single “Girls I Got ’Em Locked” articulates the carceral embrace of “locking” a girl down, which—consequently—requires violence to enforce: “Don’t ever touch a girl owned by me or I’ll ruin ya’, / Slap you with my mic simultaneously as I’m doin’ ya.” The girl is commodified, and Super Lover Cee takes a proprietary attitude toward the relationship. If you overstep, you’ll be ruined, that is, you’ll fall. And while you’re prostrate, you’ll be slapped with the phallic mic simultaneously. Is the Super Lover doin’ her or you, though? What’s truly getting him off? That hypermasculine posturing skews homoerotic. Breeze Brewin laughs at you for subscribing to the nonsense: “Dag, if that was what you believe then your world be a hell.”
Liberal discourse suggests policing your impulses. Put down the gun—don’t touch it. “Touchy subjects,” like racism (apparently), get the “We need to have a conversation” treatment. Look, don’t touch. Don’t touch the exhibit of stolen artifacts—those Benin bronzes in the British Museum. Beneath the topic of orignoo gunn clapping, Curly Castro’s track is about the x’s and o’s of eros as well. Many gestures meant to protect women are merely some other man staking his claim, adorning her with “diamonds in letters plain,” as Wyatt writes of the collar around the deer’s “fair neck.” Wyatt’s sonnet warns against overstepping (or even half-stepping). The collar reads Noli me tangere (touch me not)—she belongs to someone else. It’s a bad touch example. Like his fellow Indelible J-Treds, Breeze Brewin is the living circle-circle-dot-dot: nobody can touch him.
Let’s bring it back to Little Bobby Hutton. When Eldridge Cleaver told him to leave the ambushed basement naked, he was thinking of Bobby’s safety. He thought the extreme measure of appearing on the street without clothes would be enough to convince the pigs he wasn’t armed. Cleaver was naïve to think so. Bobby Hutton was right to emerge clothed. In doing so, he rejected the indignity of the auction block, the lynching, the mutilation and spreading of souvenir flesh. The searchlight made Bobby Hutton the subject of a spectacle, yes, but he refused to consent to the psychosexual desires of white supremacy. He refused the castration ritual. Little Bobby Hutton, in effect, threw down a challenge to the cops: Use your imagination once again. Try to think of a few situations where your own weapon might be used against you…used against you…used against you.
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Emory Douglas, The Black Panther, Vol. IV, No. 78, 1971 (detail) | Weapon X (detail, issue unknown) | Emory Douglas, Rat Subterranean News (1970) | Harriet Tubman with gun sketch | Anti-Mau Mau British propaganda poster | Newspaper headline from Negroes with Guns | Jean-Michel Basquiat, Untitled (date unknown) | Jean-Michel Basquiat, Native Carrying Some Guns, Bibles, and Amorites on Safari (1982) | Screenshot from Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing (1989) | Two images from the Berkeley Barb, Volume 6, Number 15, Issue 139 (1968) | Emory Douglas, The Black Panther (miscellaneous poster) | Medieval depiction of the hunt (unknown) | Image detail from the Berkeley Barb, Volume 6, Number 15, Issue 139 (1968)
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Zendaya and John David Washington deserve a better film than Malcolm & Marie
Zendaya and John David Washington deserve a better film than Malcolm & Marie Malcolm & Marie obviously intends to be a movie worth talking about. Talking is all that its two main (and only) characters do. A talk-heavy movie can be fantastically energizing to watch. Conversations reveal character and spin out ideas. And listening to people argue, banter, and rant can be one of the more intellectual joys of cinema.
So why does Malcolm & Marie have so little to say? Somehow, an intriguing premise and two dynamic performers aren’t enough to save this movie from its almost unbearable tediousness. Writer and director Sam Levinson wrangled a way to film Malcolm & Marie in June and early July 2020, pairing his Euphoria star Zendaya with John David Washington at the famous Caterpillar House near Carmel, California. Shot in lush black and white by cinematographer Marcell Rév, it’s one of the earliest films to wrap production amid Covid-19 conditions. That’s probably enough to ensure it will be at least a footnote in history.
The movie is pretty to look at, and its stars are great. But here is the thing: It’s just really dull.
Rating: 2 out of 5
Washington plays Malcolm, a filmmaker with a lot of big aspirations — and the memory of earning mediocre reviews for previous projects rankling his soul. Zendaya is his girlfriend, Marie, whose past addictions may or may not have something to do with the premise of Malcolm’s new movie. The pair have returned to the house they’ve been living in following the premiere of that movie, and Malcolm is elated enough to put on James Brown’s “Down and Out in New York City” and start dancing. Marie seems less than pleased.
The pair start talking, then arguing, and this is where the trouble comes in. To write a good argument requires some virtuosity — most people don’t really enjoy listening to others bicker, especially people they don’t know or have any reason to care about. We just met Malcolm and Marie, and the only reason we have to invest ourselves in them is that they’re on our screens right now. Is that enough?
Not really. Malcolm & Marie’s screenplay makes the odd move of having Washington launch into a rant, straight out of the gate, about film critics. Which, sure; film critics are insufferable, and I know this because I am one. But the manner and matter of his complaints are entirely related to how critics do or do not understand his work specifically, or cinema — put it in air quotes to catch the tone — more broadly, which really only establishes that Malcolm is more annoying than most critics.
So the age-old question of whether critics are just failed filmmakers turns up early in the movie, which then keeps transitioning into other age-old questions. Does an artist bear responsibility to those from whom he draws inspiration? How much does life inform art? How much should it inform art? And is being great a worthy goal if it sacrifices being good to the people around you?
If you’re going to raise these big questions, you’d better have some kind of plan to debate them in an interesting way. Malcolm & Marie does not. Zendaya and John David Washington are both performers who could compellingly read a phone book to an audience, and they go a long way toward keeping these questions from feeling entirely pointless, though they never give much of an answer. Their all-night argument unfolds in a familiar rhythm: an accusation or question sends long-simmered resentments bubbling to the surface, and then a little silence before things flare again. Marie isn’t just mad that Malcolm forgot to thank her on stage at the premiere; she’s mad that his oversight is one in a long series of grievances and sleights.
In the hands of a stronger writer, Malcolm & Marie could have taken its cues from great theater two-handers, duets designed to showcase their actors. It could have explored Malcolm and Marie’s power dynamics in a way that keeps the audience on their toes, electrified by the shifting sands beneath their feet. Instead, the movie strangely feels like a dip into its writer’s psyche as it wars with itself, revealing that neither side has progressed past classroom arguments in a junior-year art history course. The feeling of listening to someone say things you have heard a thousand people say before is not illuminating or interesting. It is maddening, mostly because it’s a waste of time.
Occasionally Malcolm & Marie flirts with thoughtfulness, particularly when it makes fun of the way (white) critics’ favorite approach to films starring Black actors is to immediately cast the plot in terms of race. But like every other question it raises, the film lets this one die on the table, glanced at but not really examined, or maybe even understood. That means it closely resembles many real fights — anyone who’s been in a long relationship knows something about that. But it doesn’t really justify making anyone relive it, even when the players are as great as Zendaya and Washington.
All of that is a film’s, and a filmmaker’s, prerogative. And Malcolm & Marie is an interesting experiment in Covid-era filmmaking, to be sure. But it has the quality of trying to stave off any critique by making the person doing the critiquing — whether a film critic or just a regular audience member — feel as though their criticism proves something bad or deficient about their own taste, opinions, or proclivities. That might be a way to win an argument with your girlfriend, but it’s not much of a way to make art.
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miss-spooky-eyes · 4 years ago
disarm me with a smile (or: Time to give Aric Jorgan an Aric Jorgasm)
So it’s been quite a while since I wrote anything and I had what you might call a very specific scenario in mind involving Aric Jorgan I wanted to write, but no suitable Trooper.
Then @sunsetofdoom very generously allowed me to borrow her Jerin, who turned out to be just what I needed and is, believe me, exactly what you need too (although you might not know it from this). 
It also turned out to be Sunset’s birthday, so I really, really wanted to do a good job with her girl in order to pay tribute to Sunset, who in addition to being ridiculously talented is also unfailingly generous and magnificently filthy, a rare combination in these degenerate days, I don’t make the rules.
Happy belated birthday Sunset! and check out her Jerin content and, fuck, all her content if you haven’t already, and if you haven’t, are you even alive? no.
disarm me with a smile (Aric Jorgan/female Republic Trooper)
Jorgan just wants to get his paperwork finished, but as always when his CO has something else on her mind, there’s nothing for him to do but go down fighting
(No reports were completed during the making of this story.)
WARNINGS: filth; handjobs; ears; much fondling of ears; really an impossible amount of ear action; half-baked alien biology; femdom; risk of discovery
' - revealed an accuracy rating of 89.7%, a 0.6 improvement on last artillery exercise conducted on Tatooine (see report HV/AE/74-J). Subsequent to target elimination, squad was deployed in standard search formation covering a radius of -'
'You still at that?'
Jorgan slumped back in his chair as the words he'd painstakingly lined up in his head to complete the sentence broke ranks and dived for cover. One thing he hadn't missed about being an officer was the paperwork. 'Last one.'
He heard the slapping of her flimsy plastic sandals against the soles of her feet as she approached him, not that he needed that to tell him she'd just returned from the refresher; the smell of the ship's regulation-issue cleaning products and the herb-scented skin lotion she'd got on Alderaan had filled the air before she even stepped through the doorway.  As she drew closer, he smelled clean skin, wet hair. 'Long shower,' he noted.
'CO's privilege.' She stopped behind him, and he felt the slightest vibration through the metal as she rested her fingertips on the chair back. 'Long report.'
'XO's privilege,' Aric returned dryly. He deliberately didn't turn to look at her; he knew what she usually wore when she got out of the shower - sweatpants and a sleeveless undershirt - and nothing about the sight of all that glistening green skin was going to help him finish these reports. 'You need the room?'
'Nah, you're good.' The CO's quarters came complete with a tiny antechamber designed to be used as an office, complete with chair, desk and wall-mounted terminal, all of which was generally wasted on Jerin, who preferred to write what passed for her reports on a datapad while lying on her back on the couch in the common area, long legs extended up the wall. Jorgan, on the other hand, found a stack of paperwork a nearly impossible proposition without a desk and a terminal equipped with a proper keypad, so he used the captain's office by permission; a working arrangement. One of many. 'You finish up.'
Despite her words, she didn't move away from the chair; her proximity was as difficult to ignore as the cloud of her fresh-from-the-refresher scent that still surrounded them both. Jorgan leaned forward, clearing his throat, and checked his notes.
'- 3 klicks from initial contact. Grid blocks 1-3 were covered in an average of 14 minutes, 36 seconds per block, dropping to 11 minutes 17 as terrain -'
'Kriff, you're thorough.' Jerin sounded amused, and the chair shifted slightly, as if she was now leaning on the back to look over his shoulder. 'Sure you don't want to include the ambient temperature? The phases of the moon?'
Interrupted, Aric lifted his fingers from the keyboard and glared at the terminal screen, in which he could faintly see Jerin's reflection. 'Problem with my reports, sir?'
'No, no problem.' The tone of her voice clearly hinted at an imminent 'but' and Aric waited, but after several seconds went by and she didn't speak, he figured she must have thought better of it and reached for the keyboard again - 
'I'm just saying it was a routine training exercise, not the first three Xanitian Wars.'
Aric flexed his fingers, which hadn't quite touched the keys. 'So I should follow your example? What did your report to Garza after Tatooine say? "They died, we didn't. Best wishes, Captain Porter"?' 
He saw a flicker of movement reflected in the terminal screen as she laughed. 'Garza said it was my best report ever.'
Mainly because Dorne wrote the one that actually got sent, and every one after that. Aric sighed. 'You going to stand there all night?'
He felt the chair shift slightly as she shrugged. 'Depends.'
'On how long it takes you to finish your magnum opus.'
'Why? There something you want me to do afterwards?' Sufficiently distracted to turn away from the screen and twist to look back at her, Aric realised a split second later he'd done exactly what she was hoping he would, because she was smirking down at him in a very particular way, and the picture she made - bare arms braced on the back of the chair in a way that not so subtly highlighted her muscles, freshly-lotioned green skin gleaming like satin, wet hair slicked back and shining - was - 
... was ...
.... was not conducive to finishing a report on Havoc Squad training exercises.
She shrugged, and he didn't need Cathar vision to notice the way her chest moved underneath that thin undershirt when she did. 'Play your cards right, Lieutenant,' she said, and the tone of her voice told Aric clearly that this battle was already lost, and the only thing left was to fight a valiant rearguard action and hope to go down with honour.
He had to swallow twice before he could say, 'Door's open.'
She didn't even glance back. 'Nobody's out there.'
There might be nobody in the common area now - for once - but anybody could wander in at any moment, could hear a noise from the captain's office, could walk curiously to the open door and see ... 'We shouldn't,' he mumbled, lowering his gaze, realizing as he said it that he sounded like some cornered ingenue in a holodrama.
'Shouldn't what?' She leaned down, resting her elbows on the back of her chair, her face just inches from his, and raised her eyebrows. 'There something you're planning to do to me, Lieutenant?'
That did it; he felt the heat, the tingle ... He turned back hastily to face the terminal, trying to hide it, although he knew it was a futile gesture.
It was; he heard her crow with delighted laughter, and saw the movement reflected in the terminal screen as she raised a hand to muffle it. 'Why, Lieutenant,' she said, lowering her hand to her chest in fake shock. 'Did I do that? Is that for me?'
He tried not to squirm in the narrow chair, tried to resist the impulse to hunch over and attempt to hide it. 'You know it is,' he growled.
'Oh, don't be shy.' He felt her fingertips graze the back of his neck, drifting upwards ... 'You know I love to see them wiggle.'
The tingling intensified, and Aric jerked irritably at her touch. Damn the woman! He'd served with COs, with entire squads who never found out what Cathar ears did when their owners got embarrassed. But two days on the same ship with this Coruscant back-slum loud-mouth and she'd spotted it ... and never forgotten about it. 
It was ridiculous. He'd long ago gotten used to the idea that non-furred humanoids like humans and Mirialans had a tendency to find the physiology of furred species like his own ... intriguing; that they had a regrettable habit of finding perfectly normal behaviours and responses cute, even of comparing them to those exhibited by their domesticated animals. On the whole, he thought Cathar came off better than Bothans and Wookies, and anybody who had ever made jokes in his presence about scratching posts and hairballs had quickly seen, or rather been shown, the error of their ways. 
But if Jerin was better at something than noticing things you'd rather she didn't, it was making you like her so much you didn't mind. She disarmed people as easily as she did bombs.
Even Garza. Even Fuse. Even Dorne.
Her fingertips were still just touching the back of his neck, just below the base of his skull, just resting there as if she'd forgotten about them.
Even him.
He could still feel her delighted gaze on his twitching ears. He sat up straight, resisting the urge to tilt his head and brush each ear against his shoulder to stop the tingling. Personally he didn't see what the big deal was; at least ears that wriggled slightly as a social signifier were subtle, not like furless faces that bloomed with blood. He cleared his throat in what he hoped was a dignified fashion. 'I'd better finish this report.'
'Mmmm, yeah, you'd better.' She was still leaning on her elbows on the back of the chair, a casual pose; anyone who looked in through the doorway would think that she was just reading the terminal screen over his shoulder, perhaps offering him some constructive advice on his report, like a good CO. 
Anyone who looked in through the doorway wouldn't see the fingers still positioned at the back of his neck, the tips just grazing the fur as he breathed. 
'Wouldn't want to waste the whole night on it, after all,' she added.
Concentrate. Aric squared his shoulders, extended his arms, positioned his own fingers above the keyboard.
'- terrain became smoother -'
'Smoother' was a dangerous word right now; he highlighted and deleted.
'- more easily navigable by patrols on foot.'
Garza, or whoever would be reading this, knew that they would have been on foot.
He was almost sure that Jerin's fingertips were higher up his neck than they had been before.
He highlighted and deleted.
'- as terrain became less rocky. After approximately forty-nine minutes, squad Besh -'
'You sure it was forty-nine? Not forty-eight? Not fifty-one?' Jerin punctuated each number with a touch, her index and middle fingers walking slowly across his neck towards his right ear. 'Did we synchronise chronometers?'
'We did.' He cleared his throat again, trying unsuccessfully to smooth the roughness from it as her fingers continued their deliberate progress. 'I covered that already.'
'You did? Where?' She straightened up, leaning further over the back of the chair to see the monitor screen better, and the curve of her breast not-so-accidentally grazed his cheek, and he knew that she could feel his pulse jump through his fur where her fingertips had come to rest just below his ear.
'Right there,' he said, working to keep his tone even. He pointed at the relevant words on the screen.
'My mistake.' She leaned back, with another oh-so-accidental brush of her breast against his neck. 'Carry on, soldier.'
Right. Reports. Training exercises. Aric blinked and refocused on the screen, trying to remember what he'd been going to write.
'- squad Besh reported signs of enemy passage, bearing 213.75 degrees.'
Her fingers were still resting just below his ear, behind the angle of his jaw, drifting in the tiniest of circles over the tips of his fur as they both breathed.
'Squad Aurek, designated C&C for this exercise, analysed topographical data and recomended -'
'You missed an "m" there,' Jerin pointed out, bringing her hand up to point at the screen.
The backs of her fingers just brushed the rim of his ear as she did so, and he jolted in his chair, twisting involuntarily to look back and up at her.
She met his glare with eyes of melting innocence. 'Something wrong?'
For a second, he let himself picture himself reaching up, grabbing a handful of her undershirt and twisting to pull her down to his level, a kiss so hard they'd both break away gasping for breath; the darkening skin on her face and neck as the blood started to pound, her lips swollen, eyes bright ...
He'd be damned if he let her win that easily. 'No, sir.' He turned back to face the terminal.
'Better carry on with your report then, Lieutenant.' Her hands brushed lightly along both of his shoulders, idly picking off a piece of lint here, deftly adjusting his collar there. 'We don't have all night.'
He squared his jaw and reached for the keyboard again.
Her hands rested softly one on each shoulder, and he could feel the heat of her skin through the thin material of his shirt. 'Or maybe we do.'
Aric highlighted, deleted, typed: '- recommended both squads circle round to intercept the enemy on their projected path -'
A finger trailed up the right side of his neck.
'- at canyon mouth designated Choke Point One -'
Despite himself, his fingers faltered on the keys as the questing finger approached the place where it had rested before, and he breathed in as it trailed towards his ear. But it swerved away before it reached the lobe, instead continuing on its slow path upwards, following the curve of his ear without touching it, up and over and down towards his cheek.
'- located at coordinates -'
The fingertip reversed its course, following the same path back, the softest skim against his fur as she traced the shape of his ear without touching it. All the way back down to just below the lobe and then up again.
Coordinates. He had them written down. In his notes. Somewhere. He reached blindly for his datapad.
As Jerin's finger trailed up and down, it left a line of tingling warmth in its wake, and his ear ... She hadn't even touched his ear and already it was warm, throbbing in a distant yet urgent tandem with the beating of his heart.
The problem, he thought dizzily as he paged unseeing through his notes, was evolution. Cathar ears didn't just signal embarrassment; they registered and communicated all different types of emotions and social cues. Much of what humans and many other humanoids communicated through their mouths - smiles, frowns, smirks, winces - was in a Cathar visible instead in tiny shifts and motions to which other species tended to be oblivious. And all of that subtle movement required many, many tiny muscles ... a tracery of many, many infinitesimal blood vessels to fill and throb ... hundreds upon thousands of nerve endings. 
Well, that was one problem. The other was that the woman standing behind him was pure evil.
She would have to touch his ear soon, if only by accident. She would have to ...
Then he felt the lightest stroke across the lobe of his other ear, and jerked, caught completely off guard. The datapad clattered to the desk. 
Pure. Damn. Evil.
'Better pick that up,' she suggested helpfully, her fingertip stroking across his earlobe again.
Automatically, with fingers that felt like they no longer belonged to him, he picked up the datapad again.
'You were looking up coordinates,' she prompted him. 
Coordinates. He made an effort, focused, resolving the blur of shapes to green text on a black background. Numbers. He was looking for numbers.
Then both those fingertips stroked as one up the outside of both ears, and everything blurred again.
They followed the curves and indentations up to the point of his ears, and then down.
'Seems like you've stopped writing, Lieutenant.'
And then they slipped as one just half a centimeter inside, and started to climb again, this time tracing the inner surface of that soft ridge, up and over and down again.
He arched in his chair as she stroked him, the lightest, most abominably teasing brush of skin against fur, and the thought that came to mind was: It wasn't fair. It really, truly wasn't right that a woman of her size and strength, who threw punches the way other people threw grenades, should have hands like this.
Bomb-defusing hands. That's where this all started; that grimy Port Raga hellhole, the senator whining in his chair, the air thick with sirens and smoke and Jerin's hands, disconnecting sensors, rewiring gauges, as if there was all the time in the world. He'd watched, mesmerised, as she delicately picked apart the instruments of fiery death, and despite being one touch too heavy or too lingering away from the kind of pointless end he'd always hoped against hope he would avoid, all he could think about was those same fingers, grease-blackened, smelling of acrid smoke, on him. 
After that it had been just a matter of time before she found him in the armoury one day and gave him what no shame could stop him from wanting, peeling away his armour piece by piece until she could run her hands all over his bare torso, touching and caressing him until he was panting, open-mouthed, then spinning him around and pinning him to the wall, grinding her hips against his from behind with such unmistakable promise that he came just like that, came inside his pants, without her ever even laying a finger on him below the waist. 
'You'll never make captain at this rate, Lieutenant.'
She was using her thumbs now, a delicate pressure against the back of his earlobes as those fingers stroked again and again around the rim of his ear, each time lingering a little longer, straying a little further towards the inner folds and ridges.
Because she knew, knew what nobody else had ever looked at him and seen, what he'd rather die than let Dorne or Vik or any of the rest of them see; that day in, day out, he wore thirty-five kilos of reinforced durasteel, and underneath it what he really wanted was to be ... touched. Not to fuck, or even to be fucked, although both had their place. To be touched. Caressed. Stroked.
Fingertips were circling the inner ridges of his ears now. He arched again, pressing his head back against her, no longer caring if she saw how much she was affecting him. She'd known from the beginning. From before the start.
The chair legs squealed on the floor, metal against metal, as he nudged it backwards, away from the desk. Creating space, so she could reach down and ...
Not that she would, unless and until he asked for it.
'Giving up already?' The question was a taunt, breathed out against one ear, stirring the fine hairs inside. Aric shuddered, fingers flexing and kneading at empty air, as he felt her move behind him to whisper the next question across the burning membranes of the other ear. 'On your reports, that is?'
The wet flick of her tongue across his earlobe.
'What happened to being thorough, Lieutenant?'
The softest tug of teeth. 
'Unless there's something you care about more?'
His hand twitched involuntarily up towards hers before he could stop it. Her laugh stirred every strand of fur across his ear, made them sing.
'Better undo those pants before you make a mess of them.
Fumbling with numb fingers, he unfastened, yanked his pants open, hissing underneath his breath as his dick sprang free, hard and twitching and exposed. 
She switched sides again, fondling fingers replacing lips and breath on his right ear, tongue snaking up and around and into his right. 
Aric's dick throbbed, a pulse so powerful it was almost painful. His hand twitched upwards again - 
They froze as one, listening.
Someone was walking into the common area; Yuun or Dorne, he thought, or maybe even Vik; the big Weequay moved with a softness that belied his size, and it was hard to tell through the pounding of blood in his tortured ears. 
The door was open. He tried to think, through the throbbing and the pounding and the tickle of breath stirring the fur on his ear. If whoever it was was just passing through the common area to get from one side of the ship to the other, they would have no reason to look through the open doorway, or at least would only take a casual glance that would reveal little but the captain's back. 
If they were there to grab a snack, though, or to slump in the seating area that was just outside the door ...
He might be the one with his dick out, but she had more to lose, they both understood that; a blind eye might be turned to a CO sleeping with their subordinate as long as a certain level of discretion was observed, but this would hardly be considered discreet by any standards, let alone General Garza's. If whoever was out there saw. If they chose to report. 
Even if they didn't report ... they'd know.
The footsteps grew a little louder, paused, as if whoever it was had stopped by the battered table, maybe to inspect a datapad left lying there, trying to decide whether the latest holodrama was worth sitting down and watching.
She was the CO. She would be the one to lose her command. And yet this was part of the equation for her, in a way he didn't quite understand. The open door was for her, not him; he felt no thrill from the possibility of discovery; there was nothing more likely to make his hard-on shrivel up and disappear than the thought of Tanno Vik, for example, knowing anything, ever, about what he and the captain did. 
Jerin, though. He didn't understand why, but he understood that she was playing with the fears at the ragged fringe of her existence, playing with the possibility of it all unravelling, as much as she was playing with him. 
Pathetically, that knowledge almost made him jealous.
Pressed together like this, his head flush against her chest, he could almost feel her heart beating, hear her trying not to breathe. He listened with her to the soft thunk as whoever it was put something down on the table, listened to the noises as they walked across the common area to the door on the other side, listened to the footsteps receding down the hall until they died away.
The captain let out the breath she'd been holding, and he could almost swear he felt each individual strand of fur shiver as it passed. 
'Where were we?' The whisper was hot against the nape of his neck as she moved her head back from his left side to his right. He felt her lips fasten delicately around the crest of his ear, forming a tight, wet seal, and the touch of her tongue as it toyed with the pointed tip.
Damn dignity, kriff going down fighting, he couldn't take it any more. His hand seized hers and wrenched it downwards.
The softness of her breasts surrounded his head and neck as his grip on her hand yanked her forward, but neither they nor the drumming of the blood in his ears could muffle the little satisfied snicker she gave as he slapped her hand against his shaft and wrapped their fingers around it.
One thing he could say for his captain; she was merciful, once the conquest was complete. He let his hand fall away as hers began to move, firm strokes, her grip hot and hard and a little too dry, smoothing his fur on the downstroke only to rough it up once more. He'd given in, accepted defeat, and now all he had to do was wait in blind, throbbing anticipation for her to end it. He turned his head, nuzzling into her breasts, reaching back blindly for a handful of ass, thigh, anything he could dig his fingers into and squeeze as she worked him, worked him, worked him.
Jerin shifted her weight, brought her other hand around, enfolding him more tightly as she took hold of him with both hands, one circling tightly at the base of his shaft while the other twisted and stroked near the head. That's all it took, a few breathless, straining seconds of her hands on him and then everything that had been gathering in him ignited in white fire and he found himself thrusting wildly, desperately, as best as he could up into her fist.
She knew to release her grip on his shaft as the barbs sprang up, the teeth that were supposed to lock him into place within his mate until he was done spilling his seed, and her freed hand came up to stroke his face, cradling it against her breast as her other hand coaxed everything from him, circling and twisting to catch the pearly strands until he was spent, left trembling and boneless and clinging against her. 
She stroked his face gently, murmuring things he registered only as waves of tenderness breaking against his twitching ears, as she brought her hand up in front of his face, his cum striping her green skin.
And without needing to be told, Aric bent his head to her hand and began to lick it clean, a purr rising from deep within his chest.
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enchanted-prose · 5 years ago
Daisy Chains
I can’t contribute anything to the fandom except for writing! Here’s my first contribution for something I’m going to call Fic Friday. I solemnly swear to drop a fic or drabble from 200-6,000 words every Friday! (drop comments because I live for attention?)
Title: Daisy Chains
Word Count: 2,000
Features: Mott, Jaron, Amarinda, Tobias, Roden, and Imogen, as well as a few ocs and an introduction for a larger project I’m working on.
No editing, we die like men.
The day was warm.
Birds chirped, and for the first time in a long time, the trees all bore their leaves. Everything was alive. Buzzing with a lazy energy.
The Roving River moved eerily slowly, slugging through the broken forest just outside of Drylliad castle. It would be years before the forest surrounding the castle healed from the wounds of war. But after two years, the environment was making great effort to return to normalcy.
But normalcy was still years away.
Repercussions from the Avenian War still rattled the government and population of Carthya. In Avenia, the people were struggling to survive. Bymar was facing severe social unrest.
At least Gelyn was still swindling people out of their fortunes, like they always did.
On the bank of the river lay a large, quilted blanket. A basket of food stood in the middle of a group of young people.
And there was laughter.
Smiles despite the haunted look each person tried to hide.
"Still can't believe you managed to drink an entire barrel full of mead," Tobias shook his head. "Roden, there's been an ongoing study about fermented beverages leading to an early death."
Roden Harlowe, the charming captain of Carthya's royal  guard, smirked, "I'm bound to die anyways, may as well die from something I like."
"That's not-"
"Careful Tobias, you might trick people into thinking we're friends."
"Shut up."
A wave of snickers rippled through Tobias, Roden, and the rest of King Jaron's inner circle.
Jaron himself had demanded that he and the inner circle take the afternoon off. They all deserved it. Each one had been working nonstop to ensure domestic peace, and others had been grappling with diplomatic responsibilities.
The rules for the afternoon were simple: Under no circumstances was anybody allowed to bring up anything that had to do with the kingdom.
Or other kingdoms.
Or anything sad at all.
"I feel like you should push Roden to his limits," snipped Amarinda, the princess and ambassador of Bymar. "If he can drain an entire barrel, why not see if he can do two?"
"Now that's a wager I'll get behind," Roden said. He settled on his back, clasping his hands behind his head.
"You'd be sick for days," Tobias argued.
"That won't stop me from doing anything."
Jaron was laughing, "As much as I approve of pushing boundaries, maybe you should start at one and a half barrels. You still need to patrol the- ah, you still need to be wary on your feet. . . Or Tobias may be able to disarm you in a sparring match."
"Didn't think of that," Roden groaned. "My reputation would be ruined."
"Your reputation is already ruined," Amarinda teased.
"Damaged beyond compare, there's absolutely no chance you can repair it. You'll be churning butter your whole life," Jaron inched his way closer to Imogen, and settled an arm around her. "Maybe you could open a shop."
"I fully intend to vanish, and then train wannabe heroes just like the mentors from the old legends."
"Don't the mentors usually die in the legends?"
"Everyone dies in legends, that's why they're legends."
"I thought we were going to avoid depressing subjects," Imogen chirped. She tugged on the end of her braid.
A moment of silence settled in over everyone.
Avoiding the scars they'd all received would never be an easy task. They were still too fresh despite appearing to be healed.
Each one had different burdens.
Each one bore their own burden in different ways.
For Imogen, she found herself almost always afraid that somebody would materialize out of the dark and put an arrow through her shoulder again.
For Jaron, he couldn't ever seem to sit still, something he struggled with as a child before. If he was constantly moving, there was less of a chance of being caught.
"My cousin, Princess Eline, sent me a letter," Amarinda said. "She's going to be named heir to the throne soon."
"She's going to become queen in her own right?" Jaron's eyes went wide. "That's incredible!"
"She's taking the situation very seriously, especially since she's so young. However, there is much. . . Much to be done to prepare for the ceremony. I hope to attend."
"I hope we all can attend."
Silence once again.
They all knew that they were avoiding a subject very specific to Princess Eline's new title as Crown Princess.
Princess Eline  had the support of the Royalists, but no support from those calling themselves the Tairrogists.
The Tairrogists insisted that they needed a new monarch.
One that would focus on Bymar's affairs before attending to their allies.
And they were gaining an unsettling amount of support from the people of Bymar.
Amarinda wasn't the type to watch her country topple, even if she did have a duty to Carthya and her husband above all.
That was how she kept herself composed.
She busied herself with ways to make life better for everyone, and did her best to involve Tobias. Together, they worked through their concerns.
Their fears were slowly melting away.
Together, they recognized that there was only so much that they could do within their power.
Unlike Roden.
Unlike Captain Roden Harlowe, who silently insisted that he was strong enough to save everyone he could.
The results when he couldn't save everyone were devastating to watch.
So he turned to the company of alcohol. The local tavern had a stool reserved just for him. The local barmaids always did their best to serve him first for the chance to accompany him to his bed.
He kept himself detached and too involved all at once.
And he never slept alone.
"I've always wanted to know how to make a daisy chain," Roden blurted, saying the first thing that came to his mind.
"A daisy chain?" Imogen tilted her head. "I'm quite good at those, have anyone in mind you're going to give it to?"
"Not really, just need something to do while I'm out in the woods on a boring day."
"I think making daisy chains is a brilliant idea. You can use it as a weapon, maybe even a rope," Jaron snickered. "Can't tell you how many times my life has been saved by flowers."
"Ah, see, I can think of one time your life was definitely saved by flowers, your Highness," a smile split across Imogen's face like a ray of sunshine.
"None of you will ever understand how grateful I am for Imogen. If more people were like her, we'd get everything under control."
Nobody could deny that Imogen was certainly the most productive out of them all.
"I know I could use a few notes on remaining focused," Amarinda's gaze flickered to a special area. "Especially when Tobias and I are taking inventory in the physician's chambers."
Another wave of snickers rippled through the circle as Tobias's ears turned beat red, "I, ah, could say the same."
"Dear Saints, I hate being around you all," Roden groaned.
"Right! Daisy chains!" Imogen clapped her hands together, desperately trying to change the subject. "You start by getting-"
"-Daisies of course," Jaron said. He stood, and held out a hand to Imogen, "Care to look for them with me?"
"Don't mind if I do."
By the time they both returned from 'looking for daisies', a newcomer had joined Amarinda, Tobias, and Roden on the blanket. The sunlight glinting off of his shiny, bald head brought safety to both Jron and Imogen.
There was nobody they trusted more than Mott.
"Mott!" Jaron exclaimed, nearly dropping all of the daisies he'd collected. "Ae you sure it's safe for you to be out-"
"I'm not made of glass, Jaron," Mott sighed, but a ghost of a smile lingered on his face.
"I know, but, I do worry."
"I wish you didn't. What have you got there?'
Everyone was far too talented at changing the subject.
"We're going to teach Roden how to make a daisy chain," Imogen said. She sat down on the blanket, and began passing out bundles of daisies.
Mott tried his best to hide his surprise, "Is there somebody he's courting?"
"The day I court somebody, male or female, is the day that I get a sword through my middle," Roden snapped.
"Violent words from a lover," Jaron placed his hand over his heart. "How could you forsake our love, dear captain?"
"Because you're the type of person to steal the blanket in the middle of the night and I get cold."
"You do steal the blanket, Jaron," Imogen noted.
"I am not a blanket stealer!"
He was indeed a blanket stealer.
Quite inconvenient on a snowing night.
"To start with a daisy chain, you need a pair of flowers. One is going to wrap around the other," Imogen held up the daisies, expertly wrapping one stem around its twin. "You sort of repeat this pattern until it's as long as you like. I sometimes tie the ends together with string because they stay longer, but I don't think we have anything. . ."
"I have string!" Tobias said.
"Never leaves home without it," Amarinda grinned. "Always insists that he might need to stitch somebody up."
"Can't help it, I'm friends with Roden."
"Speak to me kindly," Roden frowned.
"Not on your life."
The first batch of daisy chains from Jaron and Tobias fell apart. Eventually, their daisies became too worn out, and they fell apart. However, Roden seemed to be a natural at first. . . Until about halfway through the chain when he accidentally broke off a daisy, causing the entire thing to fall apart.
Amarinda's crown was finished quickly, and in no time, her crown was resting on Tobias's head while she worked on a second one.
They made sure to speak to each other while they weaved. It helped keep their minds from wandering to dismal places.
Crowns were made and placed on  heads.
Mott's bald head couldn't keep the crown in place until one was made to specifically fit his head, and his alone.
Tobias, at first, bore the most crowns. . .
But the circle made an unspoken pact, wrestled Jaron to the ground, and shoved as many daisy chains as they could onto and over his head.
It had been a long time since they'd all laughed that hard.
Later that evening, as Jaron sat alone in his office reading decrees and letters, he couldn't shake the feeling that the afternoon he'd shared with his friends would be the last truly happy thing to happen for a long time.
And it scared him.
It scared him that things weren't slowing down as he'd hoped. Though Carthya was well on their way to recovering from the Avenian war, Bymar was teetering on the edge of civil war.
As their ally, Carthya had an obligation to assist Bymar.
But what could they offer?
If Jaron sent troops, the Carthyan population would be decimated.
If he didn't. . . He'd be a traitor.
Oh how he wished that he could spend every afternoon simply making daisy chains with his inner circle..
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jessica-harrison · 4 years ago
Industry Research
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Cover photo : https://eudi.eu/which-came-first-the-creative-person-the-creative-industries/
In this section of my blog, I will discuss research I've conducted about which industry and sector I would like to work in, and the skills required when working as a sound designer.
The Creative Industries are some of the most significant contributors to the UK's economy and in 2018 employed approximately 2.04 million people.
Between 2010 and 2017, the Creative Industries Gross Value Added (GVA) inflation estimate was 53.1%, just under double the growth rate compared to the 29.7% of the UK. The TV and film sector (which also includes radio and photography) jobs rose by just under 17% between 2011 and 2018, which led to the industry employing just shy of a quarter of million employees! In 2018 the GVA for this sector was estimated just under £21 million (approximately £20,814 million), making it the second most successful sector within the creative industries next to IT, software and games (https://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/resources/infographics). It also seems that the 'audio' industry is heavily male dominated, and only 5% of the workforce are women. To help increase these numbers and encourage women to work within the sector, organisations such as AES (Audio Engineering Society) provide sponsorship to female students (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/sound-designer). So, 'come on ladies we can do this! Get involved!.
Whilst the creative industries (but particularly the TV and film sector) are a growing economy in themselves, the salary for a sound designer can differ. What determines a sound designer's salary (aside from a portfolio of work) is experience. In the UK, a sound designer's starting salary is around £18,000. Simultaneously, someone with five or more years of experience can earn approximately £23,000 per year. If you're hitting the big time, and have a wealth of experience under your belt, expect to earn around £30,000 - £41,000 (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/sound-designer). In the US, sound designers salary ranges anywhere from $25,680 – $117,600 (https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/sound-designer-70509/). Gaining as much experience in this field is crucial to becoming successful and recognised as an individual creative.
A sound designer works as part of a post-production team. They are responsible for looking after/managing musical supervisors, sound editors, Foley artists, and dialogue editors to name but a few (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/sound-designer). Alongside supervisory duties, a sound designer must also be responsible for collating their sound libraries. Working closely alongside actors is another role played by sound designers in TV and Film. Here they will ensure the audio equipment is set-up correctly. It will aid in the microphones capturing the best possible performance of the actress/actor. 
There are also some more fundamental skills required to be a successful sound designer. Walter Trarbach, who worked as the sound designer on Sponge Bob Square Pants the musical made a great comment. He said, "you have to be both very technically acute and very artistically sensitive" (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/sound-designer). This comment only reaffirms the sheer importance of owning sound design as a pure art form and the skills needed to do so. 
Having a solid working knowledge of industry-standard digital workstations is an evident skill to have under your belt. I currently use a variety of DAWs across both PC and Mac. I primarily use Logic Pro X to construct most of my songwriting/ composition work or create sounds for my sound libraries. Now Pro Tools is something I'm very new too, but it is apparent that it is still the go-to DAW within the industry. Alongside DAW competency, having a sound knowledge of composition and sound using pure data in Max MSP programs is a necessary skill (https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/sound-designer). Again another, unfamiliar programme to me now, but I am excited to see how this can add depth to my creative process!
Now I have talked about the type of industry and sector that I'm interested in entering. Still, I've researched job adverts for sound designers in the UK to bring my expectations to reality. 
Job Adverts
1)  Technical Sound Designer - Sega (Creative Assembly)
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Link to job advert: https://www.careerjet.co.uk/jobad/gb39b5611a47b45367b32cadc373a9f586?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic
This job involves working as a technical sound engineer for Sega - Creative Assembly. Creative Assembly is a multi-award winning BAFTA UK Games studio. They are a prestigious organisation with a series of great game releases. They are looking for an addition to their current team. The job prerequisites are professional experience in the video game industry or credited for a AAA game release and audio systems with them. Audio implementation systems are a big part of what is involved in in-game audio. In specific Creative Assembly, they ask for experience with Wwise from Audioknetic. They also ask for proficiency with modern audio processing: recording and mixing, and expertise with modern Digital Audio Workstations and plugins. Aside from the more specific criteria, the organisation is asking for, they also ask for more (desirable) things such as knowledge of the Total War brand and working as a team player
2)  Sound Designer - BBC Studios
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Link to job advert: https://www.nycfilmcrew.com/job/london-film-jobs/audio-studio-manager-editor-sound-designer-pool-bbc-studios-audio-freelance-bbc-london/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic `
BBC are one of the most prominent broadcasting organisations in the UK. This job advertises a variety of vacancies. The one in specific that appeals to me is the freelance sound editor, sound designer. Prerequisites for this job can effectively edit programmes to a very high standard. Pro Tools' working knowledge is required, improves audio quality, delivers shows, and has an adequate level of attention to detail. There may be some instance where the candidate needs to edit laughter for comedy shows, so having an acute ear for timing and humour are necessary. BBC ask for an ability to edit music for sig tunes, scoring or stings, the sensitive use of sound effects, and the ability to score content with music.
3)   Audio Designer - Supermassive Games
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Link to job advert: https://uk.linkedin.com/jobs/view/audio-designer-at-supermassive-games-ltd-2258018251?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic
Supermassive Games Ltd are a Guilford based BAFTA award-winning indie game developer with a passion for virtual reality and storytelling. They are advertising vacancies for permeant and six moth contracts and specify some essential skills that are required. Experience ideally with AAA sound design/game audio, implementing audio with a variety of pipelines n drools. As always in-game audio, there is still a requirement for experience with game audio implantation systems, in this case, Audiokinteic’s Wwise. It is also beneficial to know sample editors, Digital Audio Workstations, ambient and SFX design recording Foley skills, in both the outside world and studio environment. Alongside the perquisites mentioned, they also ask for some more desirable skills. Experience of working inside Unreal Engine 4, film/linear post-production skills, a good understanding of music theory and music editing, and have an account for basic coding techniques.
Experience in the video game industry (Supermassive ask for four years’ experience, whereas Creative Assembly do not specify the length of experience. I currently do not have that level experience, but gives me an idea at the level of professionalism game developers are asking.
To have proficient working knowledge of game audio implantation systems, in particular Wwise. I will be studying game audio next teaching block. So, I can begin to gather m skills and make additions to my portfolio.
Experience with working on AAA. Games, again something I don’t have experience with, but only time will tell!
Strong working knowledge of DAWs, and in particular Avid’s Pro Tools.
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giapism · 5 years ago
January Reading Updates
Since we’ve just reached the end of the first month of 2020, I thought I’d take some time to share with you all what I’ve been reading and also write a short review about each book (else I’ll completely forget what I read by the end of the year...) The books are listed in the order that I completed them in. 
(*): Read in Vietnamese 
1. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Neil is perhaps my favorite storyteller ever, and he particularly excels in building strange yet captivating worlds that do a great job of making humans seem more human than ever, despite the fact nothing remotely conforming to the human-norm happens (except marriage problems--I suppose even gods and demi-gods are dumb motherfuckers when it comes to love.)
American Gods follows Shadow, a widower freshly released from jail as he tags alongside a suspiciously rich “Mr. Wednesday” (later revealed to be an undercover God), on a quest to convince the old, forgotten Gods of America to rise up and fight the new Gods (Technology, Media etc.) The book pulls up many characters from Irish, Norse, Hindu, Slavic, African and Egyptian folklore and so on, and offers a very refreshing take on religion in modern society. Although Gaiman didn’t dive deep into any specific culture, it’s a helpful start to continue learning about religion and folklore all over the world. There is a lot of information and I can only imagine how painstaking the research process must have been.  
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Genre-wise, I don’t think this book fits into any at all. There’s history, fantasy, horror, maybe some thriller too. The idea of a giant war with hundreds of Gods is very ambitious, so the book does get a little messy and all-over-the-place at times. I’d call it “jigsaw-puzzling”, though, you’re given lots of information that doesn’t seem to make sense, but gradually everything comes together at the end and I absolutely love getting to the end and exclaiming “OH! So THAT’S what it was about” I find that the suspense-building in this book very well-done, too. The only criticism I have is that the ending felt a bit... lacking. You had all this build up, this gigantic feud, but everything’s resolved so simply you almost feel cheated. Or maybe I just have something against how Armageddon-type stories (where 2 sides fight to death) keep ending. Other than that, considering how hard this topic is to write about, I’m flabbergasted at how well Neil pulled it off.
Overall rating: 8/10
2. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson
Everyone was raving about it so I had to give it a go. For those of you who don’t know, this is a self-help book aiming to show you how to re-purpose your life, communicate effectively and live productively. Surprisingly, it only took me 2 afternoons to finish (I always find self-help books are easier to read than fiction, don’t know why). It’s written very informally and feels more like a humorous conversation with a loving but foul-mouthed friend, which makes it easy to digest whether you’re a 10th grader being peer-pressured to apply to US Colleges or a 53-year old electrician just realising you actually wanted to be a novelist. The only requirement for the the advice to be useful is that you kind of need to mess up a lot.
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However, I found that there weren’t that many new things in the book. Mostly, it just reminded us of the things we already knew but consciously (or subconsciously) decide to shove under the carpet, OR put into words things we kind of already think, but don’t know how to explain. There is, no doubt, lots of helpful advice but like all self-help books, I find it too much to remember (unless you’re going to re-read it 20 times), and when I finished, out of the dozens of pieces of advice I only remembered one, “People who make changes aren’t flashy and don’t about what they’re going to do a lot. They just do it.” And from then on I shut up about my plans and just worked on them. Everyone’s going to have their own takeaways relevant to their lives, and I’d encourage you to read it just to see if you can find anything interesting. If out of 20 things, you remember 2-3 things that work for you, that’s still a win.
What I enjoyed the most was actually reading the stories/examples of real people at the beginning of each chapter before getting into the “lecture” part. 
Overall rating: 6.9/10 
3. Dracula - Bram Stoker
A classic in gothic horror. I actually started reading this last year and the first third of the book telling Jonathan’s fearful stays at Count Dracula’s castle had me hooked - it’s written in beautiful, elegant language which we hardly ever hear anymore, and does such a wonderful job conveying the characters’ fears, thoughts and emotions. But the moment Jonathan leaves the castle and the book switches to other characters’ stories, it just got so long and boring that I stopped reading for 3 months altogether and forgot which character was which because there were so many men. The “dull chapters” stretch on for at least a quarter of the book, and things only get interesting again when Dracula returns to the story and certain characters start turning into vampires. The rest of the story follows the “heroes” as they try to defeat the Count and bring peace to his victims, and although many parts are suspenseful and very clever, the ending is also so easily achieved that it’s a bit of a downer. 
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The whole book is written in diary entrees, journal entrees and letters of different characters (I’ve only read single-person diaries before) which was surprisingly pleasant in that you feel like you know the characters and by the end, you grow quite fond of them. It even inspired me to start keeping a diary again. It also made me start speaking like an old Englishman for the few days after completion, because I hadn’t really shaken off the language yet. Everyone seemed to be much more caring towards each other in those days, and through the letters I picked up some romantic phrases of which my favorite has been “And so, as you love me, and he loves me, and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb, I send you simply his ‘love’ instead.” Lovely, isn’t it? 
Overall rating: 7/10
4. Days at Morisaki Bookstore /  Những Giấc Mơ Ở Hiệu Sách Morisaki - Satoshi Yagisawa*
I’m not sure of the popularity of this book, it seems quite lowkey but has a surprising amount of reviews on Good Reads and even has a film adaptation. I happened to find it on my bookshelf and finished it in one afternoon (it was only 150-ish pages.)
Genre-wise, I’d call it Slice of Life although I don’t know if books are even allowed to be called that, or just anime. There is generally no real plot, only character development as Takako (main character) gets dumped by her cheating boyfriend and moves into her uncle’s antique bookstore to re-charge, gradually finding herself learning to appreciate books and the people around her. It’s a very simple storyline, and there’s almost nothing very special about the main character, but maybe that’s what makes it a relaxing read - because in reality, most humans aren’t the special snowflakes and oddballs we think. Admittedly, I started off finding Takako very annoying, but as she grew through the story, I found myself empathizing with her. For me, the book is a reminder to take things slower in life, remember to recharge and learn to see the beauty in simple things around you. It had a happy ending, too. Good for lazy reads, you don’t really have to think much - just sit there with a nice cup of tea and go with the flow. 
Overall rating: 7/10
5. The Oldest Parents With The Youngest Child / Những Tháng Năm Rực Rỡ - Ae-ran Kim*
I. Loved. This. Even now it’s left me with a tumble of emotions that I don’t even know how to describe, and I can say for sure that it’s made it to my list of favorite books of all time. 
The story recounts the life of a 17-year-old boy with progeria (a disease that makes his body age 4x as fast as a regular person, meaning he has the body of an 80-year-old) and his parents, who had him when they were 17. It talks of the struggles of teen parents learning to cope with an unintended pregnancy, their financial and mental hardships raising a child whilst also battling his illness, and also of the main character’s steel-hard resilience and love for life despite his condition. It actually made me feel ashamed of myself for being perfectly healthy, but not being as curious and hungry to learn, and most of all, to have a perfectly functioning laptop and not be writing. Other than that, it also humanizes persons with disabilities, showing that they too can fall in love, get anxious when ghosted and want to sneakily drink alcohol despite being underaged - anything a typical 17 year old might do. After this book, for the first time in a long time I felt that every aspect of life was truly wonderful and that I was lucky to be here. I also made a list of 30 challenges to do these coming months, to understand and enjoy life more and will keep you updated on my progress. 
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Even though the book is written from the perspective of a boy with progeria, the author herself is a perfectly healthy woman in her 40s (who did a lot of research before writing, I’m sure). Yet somehow she’s able to tell the story so vividly, convincingly and emotionally that I feel like I’m in his body, living his life and feeling his disappointment and excitement. The tone is so natural, so nonchalant it just feels like a leaf smoothly riding the breeze down the the ground. Reading this book, I’m reminded again of how powerful a tool literature is in sharing ideas, bridging humans and building empathy. I’m in awe of not just the main character for pushing through his difficulties the way he did, but also of the author for writing something so powerful it changed the way I looked at life. It makes me want to write stories like this one day, too. I just don’t know what to say about this book other than I really loved it. 
Overall rating: 9/10
And that’s it for this month! I’ve only just gotten back on track with reading and remembering how fun it is. Hopefully someone will find this helpful and maybe pick up one of these books. I’ll see you guys next month!
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kpopotd2 · 5 years ago
December Wrap Up
Wow. It has been a whole twelve months since we have started this blog and now we are on the final, official post of the year! A mega-post compiling the top songs of the past year, as well as official departures and disbandments of groups from 2019, will be up on our main blog @kpopsunbae​ (make sure to go and follow us there for more content, although it will be quite a bit different than what we put on this blog). 
As some of you may know, this blog (as well as the previous one, @kpopotd​) are project blogs that end once the year is done. This means that while we will no longer post on this blog it will remain as an archive. We will however be back with a third blog in the future as a continuation of this blog (it will cover 2016 and onwards!). This does not mean that we will go completely off grid once 2019 is done though! 
This coming year of 2020 has a lot in store for us, your K-Pop Sunbaes! We currently have a website to overhaul, an Instagram to properly launch, and of course we will continue releasing podcast episodes! Remember to follow us on Twitter too, our handle there is @kpopsunbaes (updates will be on there and you can interact with us too!). 
On a final note, we are so appreciative for the love that you all have given this blog over the past year. It has been such a fun experience and the three of us have had a blast working together on the blog, having meetings, and eventually completing just under 900 posts. We hope you will continue to support and follow us in our upcoming endeavors. We wish you all a very Happy New Year! 
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
❤ JR, Min, and Onyx 
December 5, 2010: Lee Young-hee, a well-known social activist, dies of cirrhosis at 81. December 20, 2010: The Republic of Korea Marine Corps stars to hold live-fire drill exercises on Yeonpyeong Island. North Korea responds by saying they will not retaliate.
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December 12, 2011: An incident occurs where a Chinese fisherman, who was illegally fishing, is confronted by two SK coast guards. He stabbed them and one died from the injuries. The fisherman was sentenced to thirty years in jail and a fine in April of 2012. December 19, 2012: The 2012 presidential elections were held in which Park Geun Hye is elected as the first female president of South Korea. She would eventually be impeached and removed from office due to corruption in 2017.
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Album of the Month 2009 - 2015:
2010 - GD & TOP by GD & TOP
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2011 - The Boys by Girls’ Generation 
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2012 - Winter Poetry by Shin Hyun Seung
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2013 - Miracles in December by EXO
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2014 - Exology Chapter 1: The Lost Planet by EXO
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2015 - SING FOR YOU by EXO
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December 2009: Father’s House (This show was a year end special that brought in over 15% viewership ratings and garnered generally good reviews. It stars Choi Min Soo, Moon Jung Hee, and Kim Soo Hyun.)  December 2009: Will it Snow for Christmas (This melodrama brought in around 10% viewership ratings. It stars Go Soo and Han Ye Seul.)
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December 2010: Athena: Goddess of War (This action/spy drama is a spin off of the hit show IRIS. It’s in the same universe as IRIS, but stars Joo Woo Sung, Cha Seung Won, Soo Ae, Lee Ji Ah, and Super Junior’s Choi Siwon. IRIS’s cast also made cameos throughout. It averaged around 15% viewership ratings.) December 2011: What’s Up? (This musical drama stars Lim Joo Hwan, BIGBANG’s Daesung, Lim Joo Eun, Kim Ji Won, and Jo Jung Suk.)  December 2011: Vampire Idol (This sitcom style drama stars Lee Jung, Davichi’s Kang Min Kyung, Lee Soo Hyuk, Kim Woo Bin, and Hong Jung Hyun. There are also a couple idols as supporting characters including ZE:A’s Kwanghee and Girl’s Day Bang Minah.) 
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December 2012: School 2013 (This is the fifth installment of the popular “School” drama series. This iteration stars Jang Nara, Choi Daniel, Lee Jong Suk, Park Se Young, and Kim Woo Bin. It did pretty well, bringing in over 10% viewership ratings.) December 2013: Prime Minister and I (This 17 episode drama stars Lee Beom Soo and Girls’ Generation’s YoonA. The main OST is a song called “Footsteps” sung by SHINee’s Taemin. The show brought in over 5% viewership ratings and won two awards: the Best Couple Award for the main characters and an Excellence in Acting Award for YoonA.) December 2013: You Who Came From the Stars/My Love from the Star (This hit romance/fantasy drama stars megastars Kim Soo Hyun and Jun Ji Hyun. The duo had previously acted together in the movie The Thieves. Dal Shabet’s Serri and Subin, former miss A member Suzy, and former 2NE1 member Dara make cameos throughout. Lyn, K. Will, Younha, Hyorin, Huh Gak, Sung Si Kyung, and Kim Soo Hyun all participated in the OSTs. The show did incredibly well and ended up selling out products that the characters wore, being the highest rated drama of it’s time (not only in South Korea but throughout Asia), and bringing in over 20% viewership ratings.) 
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December 2014: Healer (This action drama stars Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young. The show averaged around 7% viewership ratings, but while it only did moderately well in South Korea it boosted Ji’s international fandom immensely.)  December 2015: Remember- War of the Son (This thriller stars Yoo Seung Ho, Park Woo Sung, Park Min Young, Min Namkoong, and Jung Hye Sung. K. Will, Jooyoung, Jang Jane, Jang Han Byul, and Bobby Kim participated in the OSTs. It averaged around 15% viewership ratings, and won a few awards at multiple award shows.
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December 23, 2009: Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard (This fantasy/action film stars Gang Dong Won, Im Soo Jung, and Kim Yoo Seok. A 2012 K-drama spin-off was made with the same main character played by Cha Tae Hyun, although the rest of the show’s plot was different. It was the third best selling movie of the year.)  December 9, 2010: Finding Mr. Destiny (This movie adaption of the musical of the same name, stars Gong Yoo and Im Soo Jung. It did well at the box office, bringing over a million admissions.)  December 1, 2011: Spellbound/Chilling Romance/My Girlfriend Can See Ghosts (This rom-com stars Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki. It was the 7th biggest movie of the year.) December 25, 2012: The Tower (This disaster movie stars Sol Kyung-gu, Ki Sang-gyung, and Son Ye-jin. The movie did very well at the box office and become the first movie of 2013 to hit five million theater admissions. It was sold to multiple countries and eventually got an English dub with voice actors such as Buba Kachow, Erin Fitzgerald, and Todd Haberkorn.)
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December 11, 2013: Way Back Home (This movie, which is based on the true story of Jang Mi Jeong, stars Jeon Do Yeon and Go Soo. It follows the story of a woman who unknowingly attempted to smuggle drugs out of Paris and is caught, and how she eventually got back to Korea. It did fairly well, bringing in just under two million theater admissions.)  December 18, 2013: The Attorney (This law drama, which was inspired by a true story, stars Song Kang Ho, Kim Young Ae, Oh Dal Soo, ZE:A’s Im Si Wan, and Kwak Do Won. It became the 8th best-selling movie in Korea of all time with over 11 million admissions. It won many awards at various award shows.)  December 24, 2013: The Suspect (This action/thriller starring Gong Yoo was a box office hit, bringing in over 4 million admissions. It received praise from various western newspapers and reviewers.) December 31, 2014: The Tenor - Lirico Sprinto (This movie, which is based on the true story of Bae Jae Chul, stars Yoo Ji Tae, Yusuke Iseya, and Cha Ye Ryun. The movie took eighteen months to film and six years to fully complete.)
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December 12, 2012: Sungah was added to the line-up of Nine Muses. Her first comeback with them would be with “Dolls”.
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December 21, 2009: Hangeng leaves Super Junior and files a lawsuit against SM Entertainment. December 11, 2009: Inyoung and Jungah leave Jewelry to pursue solo careers.
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December 24, 2012: Trinity leaves GLAM.  December 21, 2013: Sohee leaves Wonder Girls to focus on her acting career.
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December 2014: Sunye leaves Wonder Girls and says she will retire from the industry.  December 31, 2014: Jooyeon contract with Pledis Entertainment ends and she graduates from After School the following year.
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December 12, 2013: Singer Kim Ji Hoon, half of the duo Duke, passes away due to suicide at age 40.
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iKON - Dumb & Dumber
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
Wheel of Time Amazon TV Series: Everything You Need to Know
The Wheel of Time, the sprawling fantasy novel mythology by Robert Jordan, is heading to Amazon Prime as a series.
One of the most popular fantasy franchises of the literary world, The Wheel of Time, is getting a live-action television adaptation. Originally authored by Robert Jordan, the 80 million-selling 1990-2013 book series depicts a sprawling mythology, amalgamating feudal and magical tropes with elements of Eastern mysticism. Indeed, the books bear philosophical influences from European and Asian culture, notably Buddhism and Hinduism, centered on the idea of time being cyclical in nature.
Amazon gave a series order to The Wheel of Time back in October 2018, setting the project as an hour-long series that will stream on Amazon Prime Video, as reported by Deadline and confirmed by an APV retweet. The move was the culmination of what had been a year-and-a-half process, going back to April 2017, when it was first reported that Sony Pictures Television was moving forward with the TV project.
The Wheel of Time Cast
Amazon continues to fill out the cast of its upcoming Wheel of Time series. This round of casting features four relatively new faces (at least to American audiences). Veteran Spanish actor Alvaro Morte will play Logain Ablar of the Black Tower. Hammed Animashaun (Black Mirror) will play Loial, an Ogier from Shangtai. Alexandre Willaume will be Thom Merrilin, a former bard. Johann Myers will portray the darkfiend Padan Fain.
Amazon recently released this footage featuring The Wheel of Time cast in a table read of the script, which also reveals the presence of Naana Agyei-Ampadu (GameFace), whose role is unknown at this time.
On September 10th, the cast and crew of #WOTonPrime got together to read the first episode of The Wheel Of Time. Production is now on its way and we are VERY excited to see this show come to life! #TwitterOfTime, this is for you. pic.twitter.com/FmWA4zeh2r
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) October 2, 2019
As for the rest of the cast...
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Daniel Henney was recently added to The Wheel of Time cast. He will play al’Lan Mandragoran, a.k.a. Lan, the stoic warder (essentially a protector,) of Moraine (Rosamund Pike). However, Lan happens to be the lone survivor of a royal bloodline, and is the uncrowned king of Malkier, a province that was overrun by forces of the Shadow. Henney's announced casting as Lan was accompanied by the following quote: "I swear to stand against the Shadow so long as iron is hard and stone abides - to defend the Malkieri while one drop of blood remains. I swear to avenge what cannot be defended."
Henney, an American actor, can be currently seen on CBS’s Criminal Minds, which he joined in 2015’s Season 10, and is also known as the voice of Tadashi in 2014 feature Big Hero 6 and its current animated series. Besides TV runs on Revolution, Hawaii Five-0 and Three Rivers, he appeared in the 2009 Fox-Marvel solo spinoff movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, as Agent Zero, the character known in the comic book mythology as assassin Maverick.
The series recently revealed a quintet of main cast members. The show’s official social media also provides pertinent quoted descriptions for each of the characters, culminating with the message, "It was about them all." The cast members consist of the following (pictured directly below from the left):
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Madeleine Madden (Picnic at Hanging Rock, Tidelands) as Egwene Al’Vere. – “It was about a woman who would not bend her back while she was beaten, and who shown with a light for all who watched.”
Josha Stradowski (Instinct, Spangas) as Rand Al’Thor. – “It was not about me. It’s never been about me.”
Marcus Rutherford (Obey, Shakespeare & Hathaway) as Perrin Aybara. – “It was about a man whose family was taken from him, but who stood tall in his sorrow and protected those he could.”
Zoë Robins (Power Rangers Ninja Steel, The Shannara Chronicles) as Nynaeve. – “It was about a woman who refused to believe that she could not help, could not heal those who had been harmed.”
Barney Harris (Clique, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk) as Mat Cauthon. – “It was about a hero who insisted with every breath that he was anything but a hero.”
They will, of course, join the show’s June-announced headliner...
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Rosamund Pike officially landed the lead role in The Wheel of Time as Moiraine. A member of an all-female secret society of magic users, called the Blue Ajah of the Aes Sedai, Moiraine embarks on a dangerous journey with five young people she comes to mentor, one of whom she believes could be the reincarnation of someone prophesized to either save or destroy humanity.
Pike, an Oscar-nominated actress for her role as Amy Dunne in 2014’s Gone Girl, is also known from 2005’s Pride & Prejudice and as a Bond villainess in 2002’s Die Another Day. She recently fielded a small screen starring run on SundanceTV comedy State of the Union, and appeared in films such as A Private War, 7 Days in Entebbe, Beirut, Hostiles and The Man with the Iron Heart. She’ll next be seen in the August-scheduled crime drama, The Informer, and, amongst other projects, will co-star as Marie Curie in the fact-based 2020 romance drama, Radioactive.
The Wheel of Time Director
Uta Briesewitz is set to direct the first two episodes of The Wheel of Time, reports Deadline. This should be great news for genre fans, seeing as the German director and cinematographer, Brieswitz, brings small screen experience from directorial runs on shows like Netflix’s Stranger Things (in the recent Season 3), HBO’s The Deuce and Westworld, AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead, Starz’s Black Sails and Netflix-Marvel shows such as (the just cancelled) Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and The Defenders, as well as streaming giant offerings Orange is the New Black and the returning Altered Carbon. Plus, she’s fielded runs on Fox’s Lethal Weapon and The CW shows The 100 and Jane the Virgin. Indeed, with a peak television CV like that, The Wheel of Time should be in good hands for its launch.
The Wheel of Time series buck stops with Rafe Judkins, who assumes duties as writer, executive producer and showrunner. Judkins is no stranger to genre television, serving as a producer and writer on ABC’s Marvel series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Netflix horror series, Hemlock Grove. He was also a story editor for NBC’s beloved geek-wish-fulfillment spy series, Chuck. Judkins will be joined by executive producers Rick Selvage and Larry Mondragon of Red Eagle and producers Ted Field and Mike Weber of Radar Pictures. Additionally, the property’s authorial legacy is in place with Jordan’s widow, Harriet McDougal, onboard as a consulting producer.
As Sharon Tal Yguado, Head of Event Series, Amazon Originals states:
“Developing and producing Robert Jordan’s beloved fourteen-books-series for TV is a big undertaking, and we don’t take it lightly. We believe that Rafe’s personal connection to the material and soulful writing will resonate with the book’s passionate fans.”
The Wheel of Time Release Date
The Wheel of Time has yet to announce a release date. However, a production timeframe was recently spotted in trade magazine Production Weekly, via fan site The Daily Trolloc. The excerpt claims that the series is set to begin rolling cameras in Prague, Czech Republic sometime in September 2019.
The Wheel of Time Details
The Wheel of Time TV series is moving along swiftly, with production having started on September 16, a bittersweet date, since it also marked the 12-year anniversary of author Robert Jordan's passing.
#ThankYouRobertJordan pic.twitter.com/B5MF5LO5aU
— The Wheel of Time on Prime (@WoTonPrime) September 16, 2019
Of course, The Wheel of Time is a large-scale endeavor, since the novels of Robert Jordan (nom de plume of James O. Rigney Jr.), three of which were completed by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan passed away in 2007, build an intricate mythology governed by the titular seven-spoke Wheel of Time powered by an incorporeal celestial source of power. Like the Force in Star Wars, it is a binary power utilized by gifted people, here called “channelers.” The story is spread across epochs in the continuing battle against Shai’tan (or, the Dark One,) who, upon breaking free of imprisonment from the Creator, exerts influence on the malleable to lead the source toward evil.
Amazon's series order for The Wheel of Time arrives after several years of starts and stops, going back to 2000 when author Jordan was still alive. A pilot called Winter Dragon, starring Billy Zane and Max Ryan, aired on FXX on February 8, 2015 (at 1:30 a.m.) to no fanfare or fruition (it was essentially a move by Red Eagle to prevent the rights from expiring). However, McDougal herself made media ripples in April 2016 when she announced “exciting news” about the property; something that required the clearing of some legal issues before moving forward. After the resolution of said legal issues, McDougal speculated that The Wheel of Time would become a “cutting edge TV series.”
We’ll keep you updated on Amazon’s The Wheel of Time as things develop.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
Joseph Baxter is a contributor for Den of Geek and Syfy Wire. You can find his work here. Follow him on Twitter @josbaxter.
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Joseph Baxter
Dec 4, 2019
Wheel of Time
Sony Pictures TV
Amazon Prime Video
from Books https://ift.tt/2Is5rVJ
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