#&&introductions of: dru
My sibling and I thought of a hilarious sub-plot for Season 2/possible main plot for future seasons of Hazbin Hotel:
First and foremost, it would require the introduction of Archangel Michael, voiced by the one and only Andrew Rannells. We just wanted him to be a part of the cast, but introducing Michael would be really interesting for a few reasons.
For starters, we know there will be discussions between Lucifer and Heaven. 1) He intervened in the Extermination(even though a Hellborn was harmed and Heaven broke their end of the deal). Heaven won't just let that go, especially since Adam is dead(now a sinner???) 2) Pentious was redeemed, so if Lucifer and/or Charlie find our, that would mean they have a LOT more conversations with Heaven.
Let's say druing one of these conversations Lucifer is at his whits end with Sera and the rest of the Heavenly Council. Maybe he makes a demand to bring the Big-Boss-Man into this. Well, you see, God doesn't get involved much unless it's really a big deal, so who better to send in his place than his Gold-Star Son, Michael???
(For the sake of this post, let's run with the idea that Lucifer and Michael are genuinely brothers. Just for the fun of it, we could even say that they're twins and neither can agree on who was "born" first)
And ohhhhh, how Lucifer immediately regrets it, not because Michael is necessarily a threat to Lucifer. No, no, no, Michael is essentially harmless right now. But Michael is Lucifer's "perfect" brother. The golden boy who stood by their father's side while his wayward brother Fell.
And boy, is Michael very well aware of the fact that he's the favorite. Lucifer mostly can't stand him because he's rather smug and entitled. He also 100% refers to himself in the 3rd Person and it makes Lucifer's eye twitch.
Michael isn't really an antagonist, more so an obstacle similar to Sera. He's like a weird mix of Adam and Sera. He's not vulgar like Adam, but he's not exactly the epitome of Heavenly Grace like Sera. Think of the most stereotypical entitled Cinderella step-sister or Sharpay Evans from High School Musical.
Michael has power, that goes unsaid. He's an archangel, of course he has power. However, when he initially defeated Lucifer, it was with the help of God. By all technicalities, Lucifer and Michael are on the same grounds for power. Maybe in the future, if we get an all out war with Heaven, it could come down to a fight between brothers/families. Lucifer might taunt Michael similarly to how he taunted Adam, but Michael is also one of the warriors of Heaven, stronger than everyone except God. This would be a fair fight between the two.
And imagine Charlie trying to process the fact that she has family in Heaven, but they had no interest in even thinking about her. Charlie's ideas of Heaven have already been tainted and she's aware of how Heaven hurt Lucifer, but to really process it and feel it first hand when Michael dismisses her like they aren't direct family? It could help drastically change Charlie's outlook on redeeming sinners into Heaven. Maybe it could push her to have a more radical opinion on Heaven and how it functions. That doesn't even take into account how she'll feel when she finds out where Lilith has been while Hell suffers Extermination after Extermination.
But all angst aside, can we just take a minute to imagine how hilarious it would be to watch Jeremy Jordan and Andrew Rannells banter on screen? It was great to watch Lucifer and Alastor play verbal badminton, but Lucifer and Michael?? Hell, maybe Lucifer and Alastor might finally agree on something and it would be their mutual disliking of Michael.
I also think it'd be really funny for Michael to call Lucifer "Lucy", but in a really condescending way that had Lucifer ready to launch into the most epic Sibling Cat Fight of all time. I also personal think Michael refuses to use forks because a certain Fallen Angel spent at least 200 years antagonizing his dearest brother with one.
This post started as "silly haha, Jeremy and Andrew being silly" and then I got distracted.
The big take away is that I really want Andrew to make an appearance in the show in the future and I think him doing that through Archangel Michael would be brilliant.
Kudos to @anymal28 for helping me with initial idea
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
I have a slideshow to share with you all. Ahem.
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Thank you for your consideration. ❤️
[ID 1: A title slide that reads, "Why Dallon Weekes is Really A VAMPIRE, By Dru". The word "vampire" is written in red in a harsher font and in all caps. To the left of the title is a photo of Dallon Weekes under purplish lighting during an iDKHOW concert. To the right of the title is clip art of a stereotypical vampire sitting up inside of a coffin, a glass of wine in his hand.
ID 2: A slide titled, "Introduction". The body of the slide states, "Dallon James Weekes. You know him. You love him. ...Or at least, you think you do. But what if he was hiding a more sinister secret below his floral print shirts and immense musical talent? In this presentation, I will prove that the Dallon Weekes you think you know is actually a bloodsucking creature of the night." An image is below this of Dallon with red eyes, smiling and giving a thumbs up. The caption says, "Ignore the h8rs and keep being a demon, guys. That's what really matters."
ID 3: A slide titled, "Reason #1: His Lyrics". The body of the slide states, "To start, let's take a look at his lyrics, specifically the lyrics of his song Kiss Goodnight." Below this is a screenshot of some lyrics from Kiss Goodnight, which read, "Should you invite me in / To spend the night on the floor / Oh please believe I'll believe I'll be a gentlemen / Or you can show me the door". There's more text below this, which states, "Pay special attention to that first line. He says, 'Should you invite me in', suggesting to his wife-to-be to invite him to her place. Now, why am I pointing this out? Because who is it that needs to be specifically invited to places before entering? That's right. VAMPIRES." The word "vampires" is bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 4: A slide titled, "Reason #2: His Youthfulness". The body of the slide states, "Look at Dallon in the 2000s." Below this is a photo of Dallon from when he was in The Brobecks. He's looking to the camera with a smile. The slide then says, "Now look at him today." Below this is a photo of Dallon during an iDKHOW concert. He's speaking into a microphone and holding up a water bottle. At the bottom of the slide, it says, "Not much difference, right? Twenty years have passed, and he still looks as young as ever. Now, who else are known to stay looking the same age across long stretches of time? That's right. VAMPIRES." Once again, the word "vampires" is bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 5: A slide titled, "Reason #3: His Hint Hiding In Plain Sight". The body of the slide states, "Now, the final reason. I've saved the best for last. For our final piece of evidence hinting towards Dallon's vile vampirism, let's look at Le Velo Pour Deux, shall we?" Below this is a screenshot of some lyrics from Le Velo Pour Deux, which say, "Vampires never have to complain, / Of living a dull circumstance / So let's all pretend that we are undead, / In turn of the century France." Below this, it says, "Again, pay special attention to the first line. Or even just the first word! Because what is it that he refers to? VAMPIRES. This begs the question: how would Dallon know anything about the way vampires live? Well, if you take all the previously discussed evidence into account, it becomes clear that the only possible reason for this is that he himself IS a VAMPIRE." Both instances of the word "vampire" are bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 6: A slide titled, "In Conclusion...". The body of the slide states, "After viewing this slideshow, it must become clear to you that Dallon Weekes is, in fact, a vampire. This just goes to show you that you can't always trust your first impressions. Where you may see a kind, funny, charismatic father of two with outrageous musical talent, there may actually be a bloodthirsty, fanged monster lingering just beneath the surface..." Below this is clipart of Dracula edited to have Dallon's head over the normal head. /end ID]
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jaimrennnn · 1 year
The person who offers the most potential as a character in TWP is
Jaime. Listen. Characters that have little no backstory, have not been explored much or retain an air of mystery but are set to be a significant character often have the most potential.
We don’t know that much about their personality, their secrets, their POV. We still aren’t familiar with the character and that’s what makes them very intriguing.
the way Jaime was introduced had to be one of the best character introduction in TSC series. When we first heard of Jaime. He’s depicted as a power hungry asshole who betrayed Cristina his soon to be parabatai but when we met him he seemed fine. He didn’t come off as a bad person. Very normal in fact. He also displayed strong loyalty to Cristina and his family when he was wounded and sick in prison along with his brother which is a complete contrast to what we first heard of him in Lady midnight.
His first flower card reads ‘changeable moods’ to which many people theorized as him changing sides often and there are some who interestingly interpreted it as bipolar personality disorder. There is a strong possibility that Jaime might be an Anti Hero character. Which could lead to a very compelling arc in the books. Something usually different than the norm in TSC series. Jaime could be one of the best morally grey character in the series if done right. Personality wise he has a charming personality, he does have a very mysterious and a ‘wild’ aura to him. I want to know the backstory to the tattoo he got. And I remember someone mentioning that Cassie said one of Jaime’s tattoos signifies his ability to control his temper which further raises alot of questions about him. The last thing we heard of him is him missing in Faerie when he was sent on an important mission. What was this mission? Was he kidnapped??? We needs answers!!!!!!
Through Jaime we could learn more about the Rosales. Their relationship with the fair folk. Their family heirlooms,the Mexico City institute, Their history and how they became one of the most important and rich Shadowhunter families. In Lady midnight Mark says Cristina comes from a very old shadow hunter family which makes her sort of a princess or royalty.
I’m really excited to learn more about Rosales family since we keep having characters mostly from Herondale, blackthorn, Carstairs and Lightwoods who are mainly white European families (I still love them all🫶🏻). It will be so amazing and iconic to have a Latino, Hispanic and POC family to have so much importance and exposure in a series.
Lots of fans dislike Jaime for very reasonable reasons for what he had done to Cristina and the possibility of him being in a relationship with Dru due to age gap differences. Jaime as a character is always brought up or mentioned in context of his relationship to Dru but very rarely individually as his own. I just hope Cassie doesn’t change her plans in order to side track Jaime to appease fans because that means giving up on a character with so much potential. I hope she keeps Jaime as a significant character in TWP as originally planned.
many fans just minimize TWP to their faves reunion, possible love triangles and relationships angst when TWP has so much to offer than teenage romance. It’s freaking based on Arthurian legend! Cassie has stated many times that the shadowhunter world won’t be the same after the events in TWP which certainly leads to high expectations for this series.
I would definitely ask about Jaime next time Cassie opens her Q&A.
P.S. sorry if this came off as incoherent and all over the place. English is not my first language and it’s sometimes hard to express my thoughts in long paragraphs.
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spikedru · 1 year
we can love quite well, if not wisely
as much as people talk about spike throwing OG vampire soul lore out the window, we should talk about how drusilla does it just as much, and i feel the quote above examplifies it so well. the season one vampires are defined by their complete lack of humanity, the demon moves in and there is nothing left of the person they were etc. they cannot love, they have no true human emotions. angel is an anomaly, he has his soul and therefore has full access to his humanity. but even towards the end of s1 we see cracks in this dichotomy. the master grieves darla, for what reason? besides the fact he cared for her? darlas anger towards angel, stemming from her hurt over his (in her eyes) betrayal after he is cursed with his soul. why else would she carry this hurt with her for over a century if it was not the result of a deep love? and then in s2 its completely wrecked by the introduction of spike and dru, a pair of vampires so completely devoted to each other, their whole deal is that they are the hellmouths new power couple. spike is defined by his love for the women in his life, and drusilla is defined by her love for her family. she still cares for her human family, enough where she lashes out in anger when torturing angel, reminding him he took them away from her. this love still comes through out of her vampirism and madness. she loves her vampire family, wanting them all to be happy and together, reacting with glee that her family is whole again when angelus reenters the picture, siring darla because she thought giving power back to her would make her happy. she can love so well, its just not tempered by anything else so it becomes all consuming. its that little selfish piece of humanity left over no longer bound by anything besides raw demonic strength that pushes you to take what you love and keep your claws in it no matter what it takes. even dru breaking up with spike, her ability to see the future, she knows if he stays with her it would never be quite as fullfilling to him as if he is left to find his own path of actualization. battling with herself over wanting to keep this soft thing she made for herself versus knowing she cares for him too much to let his potential waste away. dru loves so much even when its painful
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theseventhveil1945 · 3 months
the best part of school hard is the introduction of spike and dru the plot itself is boring as hell
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No okay bcuz actually I DO want to explain my thoughts from this post here because I love analyzing things and I think talking abt Vox's relationships thru the lens of "this is just like Buffy fr fr" could be fun :)
FIRST OFF: VoxVal as Spike & Drusilla. I do not know their ship name and tbh I'm probably never gonna talk about them again so whooooo cares. To state the obvious, in this situation Vox is Spike and Val is Dru. Now, it's been awhile since I've watched Buffy, but from what I remember, Spike & Drusilla really are THE toxic villain couple, in that they're both like. Not very good to or for eachother, all things considered, but goddamnit they love eachother SO MUCH- which really is the generous interpretation of Staticmoth. I'm not gonna go super in depth into the fucking. Is Staticmoth abusive debate rn. Because I have one million other posts that make my stance on that pretty clear I think. But the uh... nicer interpretation of their relationship is very much Spike & Drusilla I think. Like right down to the headcannon of Vox liking how Val's shit eyesight & temper tantrums makes him kind of dependent on him. Again, could be misremembering, but based off of how Spike was w/ Dru while she was weakened(and based off of how he rebounded w/ Harmony of all people 💀), I get the distinct vibe that, despite his frustrations, Spike did like having somebody relying on him the way Dru(and later Harmony) did. Vox def seems like the type of guy that would get a kick out of feeling Needed and Relied On(why else would he literally route the entire Pride rings power grid through himself-), and Valentino is. Well. Valentino. I'm not gonna go over their interaction before Stayed Gone because it makes me ~genuinely uncomfortable~ for reasons I have, once again, gone into in depth before, but suffice it to say that it's definitely in character for Vox to be into Val relying on him like that. Oh also, like somebody pointed out in the reblogs on the original post, the reason Spike & Dru broke up from s3 all the way to their reunion in s5 is that she cheated on him and that's. Yeah that sounds about right.
And second, the Staticradio twins: Spuffy and Spangel. Why the fuck did I call them the Staticradio twins? I don't know I'm tired as shit and just used most of my brain power on the VoxVal segment now get off my back- anyways, these two are actually pretty easy to explain so I'll just get right into it! Most of the similarities between Staticradio and Spuffy can really be summed up in the song Reat In Peace from Buffy's musical episode. One-sided, obsessive crush on someone who you know deep down will probably never reciprocate. You want them to just leave you the fuck alone and stay gone(hahahahahahahahah), but they just. Aren't. Like even the bits about being a dead guy without a heart beat are spot on because Vox is a motherfuckin DEMON who is a ROBOT!!!!!!! Also the Alastor Body Pillow fanon(which IS fanon. It is. I'm sorry to say but that wasn't a thing on the Instagrams y'all-) does line up with the uh. The Buffy sex bot- it does line up with the Buffy sex bot. Anyways moving on to the Spangel section-
"You were my sire man!" - Spike, to Angel, in his introduction episode. I don't remember if this was retconned in season 5(or 6?) to be Dru siring Spike? It might've been. But for the sake of this post lets pretend it wasn't. Angel was basically Spike's mentor for a lot of their time together pre-show. They ran around in their weird little vampire polycule causing problems for everyone and life was good! Then Angel got cursed. Bro got a soul and then ran away for years without a word to anyone. Then, cut to current day, and Spike is hyped to see him right up to the point he realizes Angel has Changed. And from that point onward to two are RIVALS!!!!! Narrative foils, even. And while it isn't exactly the same as Alastor and Vox's history, it's pretty damn similar right!? Al was(presumably) Vox's friend and mentor for YEARS, like to the point of being comfortable taking a picture with him. Then something happens between them, causing a rivalry to form. Throw somewhere in the mix Al's deal & him fucking off for 7 years... it's like the same pieces being put together in a new way to make a different puzzle. Is Rosie Darla in this analogy? Unclear. Val is still Dru though. Do y'all get where I'm coming from? It's far, FAR from the same thing, like there are so many fucking differences and that's just going off of the stuff we DO know(I want to know more god I can't wait for season 2-), but the dynamics ARE similar. They're narrative foils with a deep history w/ eachother where they were probably-definitely friends, something caused them to become RIVALS, and also one of them is cursed and dissappeared for several years-
Whoo boy this got kinda incoherent- Anyways, that brings me to my brand new fun and interesting point: Vox and Spike are kinda similar characters. They're both antagonists who wanna be Big Tough Scary guys so bad, and like. They are. They are big tough AND scary. Sometimes. But for the vast majority of their screen time, their emotions, capacity for love(no matter how twisted their version of love is), and the consequences of that love going wrong continually get the better of them and cause them to look to us, the audience, like silly pathetic wet cats we found on the side of the road. Then they get Weird about it(Vox's "rivalry" w/ Angel and the. Buffy sex bot.) and we remember oh yeah this guy is EVIL! They also both wear long jackets and are bisexual :)
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Mothman's Buffy Rewatch: Season 2, Episodes 2 and 3, "Some Assembly Required" and "School Hard"
Some Assembly Required
Interesting take on Frankenstein. In the original novel, the monster wants a bride but Victor refuses, but in Buffy the two kids who brought him back to life are actually making him a bride, though the monster's brother chickens out from actually killing.
Awww Giles and Jenny are sweet :)
There's something so horrifying about not even being safe in death.
Buffy should really be able to beat up Darryl easily. He's a rotting, living corpse and she's the fucking slayer
Xander running Cordelia through the fire was funny to me I don't know why
Fuck Eric they should've let that bastard to die
Horrifying that Darryl decided to die with the unfinished corpse he had made out of his selfishness. He should've died alone
School Hard
I'm actually seeing them at a convention soon :)
I love Dru
Sheila gets on my nerves idk why
Buffy hates French as much as I do I love her even more
Joyce and Snyder interactions are funny
Tbh Spike is actually a great boyfriend to Dru 😭 he takes her to the hellmouth to heal her and encourages her to eat
I can't take Spike seriously like oh he killed two slayers okay edgy boy
Why did Joyce just listen to buffy and let her go confront the "gang"?? My parents would not let me do that
Joyce girlbossed when she hit Spike with the axe omg Joyce parenting well
Bro just fucking killed the Anointed One 💀 it was so funny
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 35
Working Out The Next Move Masterpost
After Catarina left, the group decided to gather in the garden of Dimmet Tarn. Everyone had helped gather some chairs from the house as the group was far too large to sit around the dining table. As a result, it was a mismatched and hilarious sight with all the young Nephilim, Livvy and Gwenneth the goblin gathered around Tessa and Jem. With the final bit of magical strength she had, Tessa had conjured up a table and Jem brought as many food items as he could find around the kitchen for everyone to snack inbetween the conversation. She was sitting exhausted, Mina babbling around her ankles before she picked her daughter up. 4 years old or not, this girl wanted to be part of the conversation. Kit gathered all his courage, decing to break the ice. "Hello to all who have gathered here. Before we start talking about the crisis with the Seelie Court and the big questions, please introduce yourselves. I am Christopher Herondale, the lost Herondale and the descendant of Auraline the First Heir and the High King of Faerie, I suppose. It's nice to meet all of you." As he sat down, the tall boy from Dru's group decided to stand though he had a bit of an nervous look. "My name is Tomas Grünlicht from the Köln Institute and the only thing special about me is that I have a rare eating disorder that causes me to sleepwalk and eat in my sleep." Kit was honestly not expecting that, but Tomas did lighten the mood as several chuckled. The girl next to him stood up, "I'm his primary victim of food theft, Octavia Boomkikker from the Dutch Enclave. Me, Tomas and Zeynep are basically a parabatai combi-package." Dru looked like she was having a hard time not to burst out laughing and Kit thought it was nice that Dru became so popular. The girl with the thick glasses was the next to introduce herself. "Hi," she said with a melodious soft voice, "My name is Zeynep Aksoy. I'm Tomas' cousin and raised at the Antwerpen Institute, nice to meet everyone." She and the the other two sat down, almost entirely in synch. The girl that Kit recognized as Thais stood up. "Hello, I am Thais Pedroso from the Rio Institute and Dru's best friend. I hope we can all get along." Without standing up, the Asian girl waved. "My name's Laura Ke, I'm from Australia and I'm a distant cousin of Jem Carstairs." "Hello everyone, my name is Anush Joshi and I'm Ty's assistant from the Scholomance if you will." Kit tried not to focus on him too much. "I'm Jaime Rosales and used to be the Seelie Queen's captive witness." Some of Dru's friends seemed to study his gaunt face in pity at the introduction. Gwenneth then decided it was her turn. "And I am the other witness, the one and only superstar of Faerie, Gwenneth." "I've never seen a pink goblin before," Tavi said, looking at the creature with interest. "I know, I am as rare as a flying sugarpie." The group chuckled again. Ty waved a bit shyly as he said, "My name is Tiberius Blackthorn, you can all call me Ty. I'm Dru's older brother." Now Dru took that as her cue to adress the group. "And I'm Dru, nice to meet you Anush." He nodded towards her and then Jem decided it was his turn. "I am James Carstairs, please call me Jem. I am Tessa's husband and before the Dark War I was a Silent Brother. I hope I can guide you with everything I know." Tessa took a deep breath. "I am Tessa Gray, daughter of Belial and Adele Starkweather. The only hybrid of my kind and the most knowledgable for when it comes to fighting the Princes of Hell." Anush and Dru's friends looked at her with such big eyes that they could fall out of their eyesockets.
Janus bowed to the enraged Seelie Queen who looked like she wanted to tear out his vocal chords for admitting he had failed and that someone was trailing him. However, he had seen into some of the papers as he checked the bag's contents on his way to Central Park and he grinned carelessly. "Do not worry, my Queen. I did manage to catch glimpse of something very interesting we could use."
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redead-red · 1 year
Thoughts on drusilla? :^]
LOVE Drusilla! love love love love love
omg. Dru is so fantastic in so many different ways. I mean first of all, I adore the idea of her being gifted with sight, but because of the psychological torture that Angelus put her through, she has a hard time expressing to those around her what she's seeing. It really showed how long it took Spike to understand Dru, as there were so many times when Angelus would take something Dru said literally and Spike would be like "you can't see stars. there's a ceiling in the way."
idk that would make me laugh all the time
I also really like that they made how she hunts different than the other guys, giving her a distinct style. Using her thrall to hypnotize people with that cool finger pointing, especially with her long nails, always looked really cool to me. And I mean, she was able to bag a slayer so that's pretty hype.
and GOD her entire relationship with Spike and Angelus. So interesting and messy. I mean, the entire introduction of her and Spike was so GOOD. Like vampires that are devoted to each other? Who are so in love? Absolutely incredible. But then as it goes on, you can tell that she does not love Spike in the same way or capacity that he loves her and that's so interesting to watch!
Ugh. It's too early and I haven't had coffee so this is rambly but. Love Dru. The tier list is like Spike ultimate Blorbo, then Angelus in a distant second and Dru right behind Angelus.
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dakotabone1213 · 9 months
Personal ranking of the Despicable Me/Minions movies (1 being the best)
Please do not attack me like you're on PX41 serum, this is just my opinion ;-;
5. Minions: The Rise of Gru
Don't get me wrong, I love this movie, and it was hard having to put any of these movies at the bottom of the list, but to me at least, it's really only at the bottom because of the sort of drab and/or uncreative dialogue choice, and parts of the plot just felt a bit uncreative to me. That's really it, because I love the characters in it, it's funny, and I just love the movie in general!
4. Despicable Me
Don't get mad at me please. Like I said, I hate having to put any of these movies near the bottom, and this movie is so iconic. I mean, this is where it all began! It's so creative, and it makes sense why it was so successful. I'm really only putting it here because I don't personally enjoy it as much as the other movies.
3. Despicable Me 3
This movie is really good actually. It's hilarious to me, I love Dru, Bratt, and Mel as new characters! Also come on guys, the prison scene is iconic. The reason I put it at rank 3 is because the idea of a twin brother is a bit unoriginal to me, Dru is a great character though, so that makes me forget about that.
2. Despicable Me 2
Ok, between DM 2 and 3, it was a hard choice, but this movie has such a nostalgic chokehold on me that it pushed my brain further to this decision. Plus, this movie is just very enjoyable in general! The introduction of Lucy was great (I'd definitely put her near my top favorite characters... I'm going to have to make another list aren't I?), I love the idea of evil minions (though arguably, that's about as cliché as the twin brother trope), and plus Dave is one of my personal favorite minions (how can you not love him? He's such a happy hyperactive little guy :'3)
1. Minions
Oh boy, this movie. This movie holds an even stronger nostalgic chokehold on me than DM2 does, but that's far from the main reason I chose this as the best. I see a lot of people mention that it's a pretty unnecessary origin story for the minions, but in my opinion it was executed very well. I love the 60's and 70's soundtrack in the movie, the characters are amazing, the storyline is in my opinion more creative than any of the movies (besides DM 1, I mean, that movie started it all man), and the minions are always enjoyable to have on screen. This is without a doubt my favorite movie of the DM/Minions franchise, and very possibly always will me.
That's my list :3 this is just my personal opinion. Every single one of these movies are incredible so it definitely wasn't easy for me to choose.
That is all. Thank you.
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hopestrope · 1 year
What I mean by "before the beginning of the books" is like the flashbacks where we saw how James and Grace's relationship began. They were technically a part of the series, but the time they took place in was before the current timeline of the series.
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I also have BtVS inscribed on the inside of my very soul, and have had so for over half of my life by now (I started watching when I was 11). What's your favorite season, and are there any rants you'd like to unleash?
Yesss, Buffy is peak soul inscribing media. I couldn't imagine it hitting me the same at 11, but everyone is different, so I started watching it when I was 15 (despite being recommended it at 12-13 and me balking at it, but I wouldn't have it any other way because I don't think it would have resonated the same with me had I started earlier) and then I finished it when I was 18, (I may have drawn it out indefinitely for a while because I never wanted it to end), so in a way it kind of felt like I was growing up along with the characters, when they were 16, I was 16, when they were graduating, I was graduating, and when they were feeling out of place after high school, I was in the same boat, and etc. etc. and it just, it became such an integral part of me. Load bearing media.
Oh my you may have just unsealed the hellmouth with those questions. I think I'll put a readmore for this because I will ramble forever if left unchecked:
My favourite season is a tossup between 3 and 5 because I think they both exhibit peak Buffy in every way, such a good balance of humour, emotional drama and just overall storytelling and character growth, especially in their finales because their finales were like real finales, you know? They had the sense of being an ending you could find closure in. Season 3 of course has some of my favourite happier scenes of the whole show, I'm going to be cliché and point out the class protector award and Angel showing up at prom, and everyone joining in at the battle against the mayor, it is so beautifully cheesy in so many aspects. And I'm going to sound cheesy as well by saying that class protector award scene specifically, is legitimately the first time I understood tears of joy. Buffy literally unlocked in me a range of emotions I hadn't even experienced before. And her speech to Angel in Amends, I think about that every other day. It really holds a special place in my heart to the point where I even quoted the mayor's graduation speech in my own graduation speech, the way it aligned with events in my own life, it just sticks out to me. Not to mention the fact I'm a huge sucker for Oz's character, but hey.
Season 5 then of course, Ben is Glory is priceless, the villain arc is definitely one of the strongest of the show to me, though maybe I'm biased as it's sandwiched between season 4's and season 6's villains, but I don't know. Then Buffy's final words to Dawn in The Gift is just another one of those constantly on my mind quotes that makes me lose it. I can't really articulate very well why I think season 5 is one of the best, but you know, it just is?? It really brings together all the strongest and most classic aspects of the previous seasons and delivers the cleanest/tightest/most organized arc of the series. Should I even bring up The Body?? While I don't consider it one of my favourite episodes, I do consider it one of the best portrayals of grief I have ever seen in any piece of media ever, I was crying the ENTIRE episode, and Anya's speech about fruit punch and all, it haunts me, truly haunts me in how real it is. So while I usually tend to name season 3 my tentative favourite based solely on choice memories, I think season 5 is technically probably the better season?
I'd also give a shoutout to season 2, Passion especially due to the fact it also made me cry for about half an episode, like legitimate sobbing cries, not just misty eyed here. And the whole Angelus storyline in general, devastating. Not to mention this season had the introduction of both Oz and Spike, and Dru, there's such iconic setups in this season, such iconic lines and scenes, though can I truly in good conscience name any season with Ted and Bad Eggs in it as my favourite? Just kidding. On rewatch, I actually found a startling amount of interesting possible foreshadowing in both those episodes just by the way, but anyway. Uh, I think season 2 is also one of Buffy's best, but I still felt really young when watching it, so certain main plot points relying heavily on sex and sexual metaphors were still a little out of my personal wheelhouse. It also feels a little disjointed in quality at times. But strong overall, and the season I try to tempt people with when failing to win them over to watch the show.
Then just a couple comments about the other seasons: Season 1, I do find it dates itself, and hasn't found its groove yet. Upon first watching the opening episodes, I was skeptical about the show and kind of looked at my sister like, really, you watched this whole thing? But then about midway through, I was saying the opening spiel and tearing through it on my Christmas break, but I also find it so hard to get any one else into the show based off season 1 because I'm like I gotta, I gotta warn you about the mantis, but I swear it gets better, I swear it'll make you cry, why did they put the mantis there, why so early, why did they want to scare my friends away from this show. Anyway.
Season 4 let's jump to, I find it suffers from following season 3, a consequence of its finale like ending making it hard to pick up again with the new beginning in college for Buffy. The broken class protector award is kind of symbolic of them breaking what they built in those 1st 3 seasons, she's back to no one knowing what she does for her classmates as the slayer, back to being on the bottom and having to find herself again, which honestly is accurate to life out of high school, which is probably why it's also riding the scale of... not all that fun to watch as it hits close to home. But season 4 is also riddled with a very flimsy villain arc, unused potential in the Initiative, and just a generally unstructured feeling that also doesn't help. Though it does give us such gems as Hush and Restless (I wear the cheese), it's just a very underwhelming/unmemorable season overall.
Meanwhile, I find 6 has similar issues with the unstructured story and villain arcs being shared, and the following of a finale that was extremely strong and.... final, leaving it a chore to try to pick back up again. And so I am in the category of referring to it as season sucks or season sex as I've seen online. Because I personally find it's too gritty, too real, it tears the characters down and rips away all that made them so interesting in seasons 3 and 5, tears away the closure we were given and reopens what once was a healing wound before rubbing salt in it by taking away the delicate balance between humour and drama and opting for just straight drama, which is not what Buffy really is... In s6, the big bad is life and while previous seasons had this fact layered in monsters and metaphors, six strips a lot of that away and shows you that open wound. I think while this can be seen as a deliberate move and a strength to the story it was trying to get across, with the consequences of Buffy dealing with the depression of returning from the dead and being ripped away from Heaven, from an audience standpoint, it was not fun to watch as a whole. It made me tear up but not in a "damn that's good storytelling" way or "this tragedy will imprint itself on my brain forever" way, just in a hollow, "wow, that was depressing" way. Though 6 also has some of the best episodes of the show, me being cliché again here by saying Once More With Feeling is possibly the best episode of the series and the only successful full musical episode of any show I've seen to date with catchy original songs, that I unironically listen to casually and bought the CD for now even years later, that fit the characters so perfectly in style and that each are relevant to the plot and over arching storyline, literally no one is doing it like the Buffy musical episode does it. It's not just a one off shoehorned in concept, it is integral in itself and moves their stories forward. I just, I have a lot of feelings about Once More With Feeling. I also have feelings about the yellow crayon speech, but season 6 mainly just makes me sad and angry, which I think was the intent, but I can not like the intent as well.
At last, 7, I don't have all that much to say about 7 surprisingly. I categorize it the same way I do 4 and 6 really, in that it has a lot more "real" and kind of just generally hollow/sad feeling episodes with cynical and character retcon-y ideas that make it somewhat less enjoyable. Along with annoying new characters and old characters acting antagonistic towards Buffy not doing it any favours. While I remember liking it more than 6 vaguely, I can't actually tell you an episode in this season that stuck out very much to me, though I can tell you Spike's blue sweater and messy hair is a look™. And let's go cliché and state my appreciation for the cookie dough speech and the "I am the thing that monsters have nightmares about" line. I do think The First is an interesting villain however, I liked their first appearance in s3.
I will spare you any major rants on other things or we'd be here for literal ages, but I will leave you with some random other comments on different things, the first being Riley. I actually don't mind him as a character until they start with the storyline of the jealousy and him going to the vampire drinking places, I think he was a decent boyfriend for Buffy, who just suffered from following Angel as the love interest, which is understandable, I mean Angel was Angel and I still miss him, but I don't think Riley deserves all the hate. Same goes for Dawn, I've seen Dawn labelled the most annoying Buffyverse character like a million times, and yeah she can get on your nerves sometimes, but considering the circumstances of how she came to be, of what she is, I think people should cut her some slack. I mean, 1st, she's 14, but 2nd, she's not, she is a ball of mystical energy made into the shape of the fabricated memories of a 14 year old and she has just found out her entire life is a lie, made up memories for a made up being who didn't exist mere months before, her world is crashing around her, how does one cope with the realization and knowledge that they are not a "real person?" I think she's entitled to a *little* acting out, even if I don't care that much for her character, she is, again like Riley, not nearly as bad as everyone says. (If we're talking real most annoying Buffyverse characters, don't even get me started on Connor.)
Another rant topic would be me being annoyed when people reduce the show down to a hollow shipping war of Bangel or Spuffy or just the romantic aspects when there is so much more to explore of the themes in this series that I wouldn't be able to shut up for months. Nothing against shipping, of course, or having fun with it, I have my preferences in that department as well, but while Buffy's relationships are an important aspect to the series, defining her by *just* those relationships does a grave disservice to what the series is about in general. I won't go into much detail on that though now because I've held you hostage long enough.
Uuuhhh, I highly doubt anyone is still reading my rambles by this point, if you got this far, congrats, gold star. I haven't said much of substance for my rants, but believe me if given a day or week or so to collect my thoughts, you'd be getting essay length analyses of half the episodes and themes and everything in this series, starting with its impeccable understanding of psychology and especially its understanding of grief in the way no other show I've seen has ever accomplished, as well as the above forementioned balance of humour/drama/action/heart that I have yet to see successfully replicated anywhere else as well, though have seen cheap imitations fall short of.
Oh oh on that note I would also love to rant some day about how I think no other media that has compared itself to Buffy has an actual understanding of what made Buffy so good in the first place, they think they can just slap a coat of cheap humour on a female protagonist who fights monsters and call it a day, but THEY DON'T GET IT. They don't get the emotion, the depth. Everything I've seen that has deigned to call itself similar to Buffy has been hollow and empty, ripping off superficial aspects and ignoring the true heart of it all and it just it makes me want to scream and give the writers a whole lecture and crash course in Buffyverse.
In conclusion. I am physically restraining myself from rambling more. How about you, what's your favourite season? Do you have any rants??
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lavienbleuuu · 11 months
A more solid concept might be the most prominent distinction between Tutur Batin and Yura Y’s previous albums.
Three years after her second record, Yura Yunita finally released her third studio album titled Tutur Batin. Consisting of her voice in numerous social phenomenon, this record sounds like Yura’s attempt to level up her versatility in arraying multiple nuances between jolly, lamentation, contemplation, and perky. It is proven how diverse genres are presented in under 40 minutes.
Starting with “Dunia Tipu-Tipu”, it is lovely to experience how patient Yura is in intensifying this track. Opened with simple acoustic guitar accompanying her vocal, she adds a little touch of minimalist piano followed with the introduction of the electronic drum at the second verse and finished the track with alluring children choir while Yura’s thrilling vocal is floating around glamorously. Although she meticulously crafted the tension, she seems to lose sight of her songwriting since it only communicates one verse repeated twice and a chorus repeated thrice. The fair wordplay she uses could not justify how poor the track is in delivering solid and diverse messages. It is quite interesting to acknowledge Yura bringing up a heated issues our society is currently facing since we are entering a fabricated world in which almost every aspect is altered to some degree just to fit what is appropriate and accepted in our society. However, this track is merely a manifestation of her gratitude toward someone who is being real and honest within the stream of phoney attitudes instead of broadening its damaging issues as the ramifications.
Yura also celebrates the ghosting culture by releasing a track about it although she only writes it to fit what is mostly experienced by ‘ghosted’ people instead of imparting its core issues. “Hobi — Ghosting” offers a bass-driven track with jazz-pop sonic that sounds grand. Soft playful jazzy piano lingers thinly at the back of the track while the trumpet revolves at its best timestamp to catch our attention. The attitude to singing on a different note between each syllable at every end of the chorus is clever enough to leave an impression on the track although it is similar to what Tulus always does in most of his songs. Another jazz-pop demeanour is also felt in “Duhai Sayang”, yet this time is without the trumpet and more slow-tempo and somehow feels bland, especially in the way Yura delivers her voice.
In several songs, Yura attempts to carry and evoke the emotion by utilising various implementations of instrumentations. “Mau Kemana”, for instance, is a ballad presentation with beautiful piano play accompanied with distinctive and bold string in questioning the direction of her relationship. She stresses more to evoke your emotion while listening to the simple and relatable lyric by also stressing in articulating some words to deepen the nuance. Listening to the intro of “Sudut Memori” would immediately throw you to Kunto Aji’s quintessential “Pilu Membiru” since it shares similar guitar resonance and chords. A little bit of inconvenience on how this track conveys the sound of Yura adjusting her saliva before pronouncing some words. Moreover, the vocal and the minimalist piano and guitar presentation in this track have no strong embodiment between one another. On the contrary, “Tenang” delivers a calm, positive, and colourful ‘reliance-on-God’ narrative with the sound of acoustic guitar picking, bright keys that in harmonies with Yura’s voice, the soundscape of water drop to reinforce the serene, and another choir presentation while Yura’s delivers vocal style à la pesindhèn flowing around at the end of the track that feels like the burst of Yura’s emotion in believing in God.
A different narrative of self-love and self-acceptance celebration is presented in “Tutur Batin” with another presentation of minimalist and thin guitar picking accompanied with piano followed with loud string and electronic drum. Its bridge might mark this track as the only track that successfully highlights Yura’s finest vocal potential although the progression and songwriting of this song are far from jaw-dropping. “Hoolala” is another song sharing the same narrative with “Tutur Batin” with 180° contrary since it carries another bold and groovy bassline with a catchy guitar riff presentation within a disco vibe that makes it sound spirited. Although “Hoolala” introduces another solid choir arrangement, this track represents Yura’s weakest songwriting since it feels like she only has the intention to create a catchy, memorable, and repeatable song to be played on radios without considering the aesthetic of her writing.
Speaking of vigorous tone, “Bandung” might be Yura’s most ambitious venture to present a zestful, positive, and vibrant kaleidoscopic track with multiple transitions from catchy jazz presentation of guitar strum with groovy bass and drum shifted into electronic moved to Sundanese-electronic-jazz switched into Sundanese-jazz vibes. However, the spacious-electronic transition fails to catalyst Yura’s approach in adding vibrant colour to the track since it sounds dull, empty, purposeless. Nevertheless, you would easily perceive how sparky the tone is when you listen to its sonic although you may not understand this Sundanese narrative. Yura’s vocal performance sounds naked and without any burden in articulating the joyful tone.
Closing to the end of the record, “Mulai Langkahmu” delivers another electronic approach with deliberate treatment on the piano not to harmonise with other instrumentations. When it comes to its drop, it is hard not to think Jungle’s Keep Moving since it share an identical groove and trumpet with the same treatment on the loud and bright choir and vocal layering. After getting blasted with an upbeat and light-hearted track, we experience another 180° tone with “Andai Saja” as the last song. For unknown reasons, Yura’s vocal sounds hazy, weak, and unclear in the mix, especially when Yura reaches high notes, compared to the previous songs. Perhaps this is the only track in which Yura tries to experiment with ambient and ballad, yet the tension or emotion in her last song fails to create an engagement with myself, personally. However, her minute treatment harmonises her voice when singing the bridge.
At last, Tutur Batin sounds like any other Yura’s previous records with a bolder and better concept this time. The daring attitude to jump from one tone to another might be a bold move in spicing up this record. Tutur Batin still proves how immaculate Yura is in bursting her talent in a decent manner and how lovely she is in presenting jazz-pop.
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
First Meeting MEME
A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details.  (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
tagged by: @little-miss-buffy tagging: Idk if you wanna do it feel free
blank meme: x
Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. Notes:
Race: Caucasian
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5'9"
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details:
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details:
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Notes:
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: Bleached Style: most often it's slicked back though sometimes the natural curl of his hair breaks free and it's a bit of a tussled mess
Eye color: Blue Details: yellow when vamps out
Scars: Ones you might notice? He's got a very obvious scar in his left eyebrow from his fight with the first Slayer he killed and bite scar on the left side of his neck from Dru turning him. He has more scars but you're not likely to see them unless you're really looking
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other:
Color Palette: (For Example: neutral colors, bold colors, only black, etc) mostly blacks with a splash of colour to accent, he's partial to black and red but will also wear blue at times and the occasional grey
Typical Clothing: solid black t, red loop collar box cut long sleeve over shirt (unbuttoned), black button fly levi jeans with belt, WWII double buckle jump boots
Piercings: none anymore. had pierced eyebrow in the 70's
Tattoos: none
Other Information: sometimes he wears a silver chain necklace, has a variety of silver rings he will sometimes wear, and occasionally wears a silver chain on his wrist
General Facial Expression: whatever he's currently feeling unless he's specifically trying to hide it. his face is very expressive
Default Body Language: relaxed yet intimidating
General Movements:  (Example: Do they have a limp? A unique walk?) confident, comfortable stride
Presence: (Example: Are they a calming presence? An antagonizing one?)  
Appearance: (Example: Tidy, Unkept, etc) tidy, he likes to make it seem effortless but he puts a lot of work into his appearance
Scent: Morley cigarettes (think Marlboro reds) and leather. sometimes alcohol (usually whiskey/bourbon/scotch)
Voice Description: smooth, not too deep but masculine. can sometimes be a bit gruff
Accent: yes / no More information: first off everyone has an accent. if you think they don't you're wrong. his happens to be, now, a working class London accent though it used to be much more proper when he was a human
Speech Mannerisms: (Formal, informal, curses a lot, etc) curses a lot, uses a lot of pet names
Anything else to add? Spike is a big flirt most of the time but don't let that pressure you/your muse
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wellnessweb · 19 days
Antiepileptic Drugs Market Size: Key Insights and Growth Trends
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The Antiepileptic Drugs Market size was estimated at USD 18.21 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 26.30 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 4.70% during the forecast period of 2024-2031.The antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) market is witnessing significant growth driven by the rising prevalence of epilepsy and increased awareness about the disorder. Advances in medical research have led to the development of innovative AEDs with enhanced efficacy and fewer side effects, catering to the diverse needs of patients. The market is also expanding due to improved diagnostic techniques and a growing geriatric population, which is more susceptible to neurological conditions. Additionally, strategic collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and research institutions are accelerating the introduction of novel therapeutics. With increasing investment in healthcare infrastructure and supportive government policies, the AEDs market is poised for robust expansion in the coming years.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/antiepileptic-drugs-market-3124
Market Scope & Overview
Long-term growth prospects, as well as domestic and international markets, are taken into account in Antiepileptic Drugs  Market research. SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces analysis are also used to produce thorough market research studies due to their popularity and effectiveness in producing market research reports among businesses. The market report's strategic analysis of the effects of COVID-19 is its most salient point for companies in the industry.
The market is also evaluated from top to bottom in terms of revenue and emerging company sectors in this market study. The market research report assesses every significant rival in both historical and contemporary contexts, as well as their successful marketing plans, market presence, and most recent technological advancements. This Antiepileptic Drugs  Market market research report also looked into important countries' markets and highlighted their market potential.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Drug Generation
First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
By Distribution Channel
Hospital Pharmacies
Retail Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Drug Store
Covid-19 Impact Analysis
The research report offers suggestions that market participants can use to protect their companies from the harm that pandemic-like conditions can cause. Examining the overall effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on the Antiepileptic Drugs  Market is the main objective of the report.
Regional Outlook
The top-tier Antiepileptic Drugs  Market research offers a comprehensive market analysis to succeed in this cutthroat environment. The most recent market study extensively covers key global regions while concentrating on Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa.
Competitive Analysis
The Antiepileptic Drugs  Market report contains reasonable growth projections and limiting factors that can aid businesses in growing by identifying challenges and achieving better results. Research is done on market players and leading manufacturers to quickly paint a picture of competitiveness. It provides the precise statistical information needed to make sensible decisions in a range of fields.
Key Questions Answered by the Antiepileptic Drugs  Market Report
What effects has the crisis in Russia and Ukraine had on the world economy?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the intended market?
Which regional market has the greatest potential for revenue growth?
Market research on Antiepileptic Drugs  Market looks into development and policy goals, cost structures, and production processes. Because it provides essential information on the market's state, the research is a valuable resource for market participants and anyone else interested in the market.
Read Full Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/antiepileptic-drugs-market-3124
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SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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acewriter · 4 months
Alphabet Community Bar Names
I have been writing a series of books that center around the LGBT (or Alphabet) Community in a fictional city. Several years ago I started collecting bar names. I've since learned how few women's / lesbian bars there currently are, where there were quite a few 30 years ago.
This list is incomplete but I'll be adding information as time goes on.
This post will serve as a master post, linking to individual posts of each bar. The goal here is to gather information. So if you want to contribute information, please tell me and I'll credit you accordingly.
Bar Names
San Francisco
Lexington Club
Peg's Place
Clementina's Baybrick Inn; aka The Brick
Colorado Springs
Club Q
District of Columbia (Washington, DC)
As You Are
Pulse Night Club
Phase One
Other Side Lounge
New Orleans
Upstairs Lounge
New York State
New York City
Bum Bum Bar
Stonewall Inn
Avershot & Lorenzo's
Dru's Bar
Madison Flame
Chances Bar
Backstreet Cafe
Washington State
The Grand Union
The Silver Slipper
The Wild Rose
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