#&&. freya - hazel
rxse-ella · 5 months
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simpurpleplumbob · 5 months
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Empty Save Nation, Pop. 28
That wraps up the introductions to our starter founder sims.
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greenwitchcrafts · 23 days
September 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: September 2nd
First Quarter: September 11th
Full moon: September 17th
Last Quarter: September 24th
Sabbats: Mabon- September 22nd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn Moon, Child Moon, Corn Harvest Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Haligmonath, Leaves Turning Moon, Mating Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Moon When Dear Paw the Earth, Rutting Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth & Yellow Leaf Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo & Libra
Nature spirts: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Chang-e, Demeter, Freya, Isis, Depths & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone,carnelian, cat's eye, chrysolite, citrine, iolite, lapis lazuli, olivine, peridot, sapphire, spinel(blue), tourmaline(blue) & zircon
Colors: Browns, dark blue, Earth tones, green & yellow
Issues, intentions & powers: Confidence, the home, manifestation & protection
Energy: Balance of light & dark, cleaning & straightening of all kinds, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environment
The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight & allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. 
• While September’s full Moon is usually known as the Harvest Moon, if October’s full Moon happens to occur closer to the equinox than September’s, it takes on the name “Harvest Moon” instead. In this case, September’s full Moon would be referred to as the Corn Moon.
This time of year—late summer into early fall—corresponds with the time of harvesting corn in much of the northern United States. For this reason, a number of Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon of either August or September. 
Known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Autumn
Element: Air
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, balance, berries, corn, cornucopia( Horn of Plenty), dried seeds, equality, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue, brown, dark red, deep gold, gold, indigo, leaf green, maroon, orange, red, russet. Violet & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog & Wolf
Birds: Goose, hawk, swallow & swan
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate & yellow topaz
Food: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, breads, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & wine
Herbs/Plants: Benzoin, bramble, corn, ferns, grains, hops, ivy, milkweed, myrrh, sage sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers:  Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, mums, passion flower, rose
Trees: Aspen, cedar, cypress, hazel, locust, maple, myrtle oak & pine
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Modron, Morgan, The Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia & Sura
Gods:  Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, Esus, The Green Man, Hermes, Mannanan, Thor & Thoth
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellwork: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self-confidence
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields & Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Collect fall themed things from nature like acorns, changing leaves, pine cones, ect)
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you & commit to healthy changes
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Fill a cornucopia
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh/Brythonic God Mabon Ap Modron, who's name means "Divine/great Son", However,there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s for the Autumn Equinox & has nothing to do with this celebration or this time of year.
• Though many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lughnasadh) & Equinox as a time for giving thanks before the name Mabon was given because this time of year is traditionally when farmers know how well their summer crops did & how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you & your family would have enough food for the winter.That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals & food
Some believe it celebrates the autumn equinox when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night & day are of equal legth  & the God's energy & strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he is reborn at Yule.
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- Is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which Israelites were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Originally a harvest festival celebrating the autumn harvest, Sukkot’s modern observance is characterized by festive meals in a sukkah, a temporary wood-covered hut, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
• Mid-Autumn festival- September 17th
Is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. It is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture, similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years.  On this day, it is believed that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity & good fortune – are carried & displayed. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the legend of Chang'e, the Moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• The Oschophoria- Were a set of ancient Greek festival rites held in Athens during the month Pyanepsion (autumn) in honor of Dionysus. The festival may have had both agricultural and initiatory functions.
-Amidst much singing of special songs, two young men dressed in women's clothes would bear branches with grape-clusters attached from Dionysus to the sanctuary of Athena Skiras & a footrace followed in which select ephebes competed.
Ancient sources connect the festival and its rituals to the Athenian hero-king Theseus & specifically to his return from his Cretan adventure. According to that myth, the Cretan princess Ariadne, whom Theseus had abandoned on the island of Naxos while voyaging home, was rescued by an admiring Dionysus; thus the Oschophoria may have honored Ariadne as well. A section of the ancient calendar frieze incorporated into the Byzantine Panagia Gorgoepikoos church in Athens, corresponding to the month Pyanopsion (alternate spelling), has been identified as an illustration of this festival's procession.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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wholoveseggs · 9 months
HIII 🫶🏼 was wondering if you can make something about how Elijah/reader have been together/married for centuries and shes never felt jealous over Elijah with somebody else before so she doesn’t know how it feels like and she sees hayley with Elijah and she’s experiencing jealously for the first time and it ends with Elijah reassuring her with fluff and smut 😭😭
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Eyes for you.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Amidst the clinking of glasses and strained smiles, you find yourself feeling jealous of the way Hayley is interacting with your husband... Until he shows you exactly why you shouldn't be feeling that way.
~Thanks for the request anon(s) ♡♡ I hope you don't mind me combining the two ideas. I made this as a sort of sequel to Dinner can wait~
~I've gotten sooo many requests in the last few days - I love them all, but it will take me some time to catch up ♡♡ thanks for your patience~
4.1k words - Warnings: smut, drama, oral, semi-public sex, slight dom!elijah...
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It was supposed to be a nice family outing. A dinner where everyone would just get together and enjoy themselves. But as the evening went on, your stomach had been churning, the food on the plate in front of you forgotten.
You hadn't even been able to eat more than a few bites, your appetite gone. Elijah kept a hand on your thigh under the table, his thumb rubbing circles, a small smile on his face. His brown eyes were soft as they stared at you.
But it didn't help.
You could see the way Hayley looked at him. Her beautiful hazel eyes were bright as they stared at your husband. Her plump red lips were curved into a flirty smile, and you knew that Elijah was enjoying her company.
He was always fond of Hayley. Even if he would deny it. You had seen the way his gaze lingered on her during dinner, the way he had leaned a little bit closer to her as she talked, how his own smile widened.
He was handsome, and the women around you knew it, all trying to gain his attention. You usually found it amusing, even a bit of an ego boost for you, knowing that you had what everyone else wanted.
But now, you felt insecure. Hayley was more than just a passing woman who wanted your husband. She was a part of the family, the mother to his beloved niece.
And she was beautiful. Her brown hair had been pulled into a bun, the baby hairs around her hairline curled. Her dark eyeshadow made her eyes stand out.
You shifted in your seat, taking a sip of your wine, trying to focus on the conversations around you. Freya was telling a story about the newest witch she had met. Kol was laughing, his mouth full of food.
"So, Y/n, what are your plans for the weekend?" Rebekah asked.
You swallowed thickly, glancing at her. "Elijah and I are going on a little getaway."
Rebekah raised her brows, smiling softly. "That sounds lovely. Where are you guys going?"
"We're going to this new winery a few hours away. We will leave tomorrow morning." Elijah spoke, his hand moving to the back of your neck, gently squeezing. "I need a break from work, and my darling wife deserves a vacation."
"That sounds so romantic, you guys should bring back some wine for me." Hayley said, smiling sweetly at Elijah.
You clenched your jaw, forcing a smile on your face. "Of course, anything for you, Hayley."
Elijah frowned, turning his head to look at you. He gave you a look, and you sighed, closing your eyes. You took a deep breath, you hated feeling this way, it made you irrational and stupid. You had nothing to be jealous about.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies' room." You said, standing up.
"I'll join you," Rebekah said, and you nodded and followed her.
The two of you walked to the restroom, your steps were hurried, and your hands shook.
"What's wrong?" Rebekah asked, frowning.
"Nothing, I'm fine." You said, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes were a little glassy.You began to touch up your make-up, trying to distract yourself. 
"You don't seem fine, tell me what's going on." Rebekah said, stepping closer to you.
"It's just-," you took a deep breath, trying to calm your beating heart. "Hayley and Elijah."
"What about them?"
"Hayley is clearly into him, it's driving me crazy. It's ridiculous, I shouldn't be feeling this way." You said, looking at her.
Rebekah raised her brows, smiling slightly. "Well, well, the almighty y/n, is feeling jealousy for the first time in a thousand years."
"Yeah, and I know I'm being irrational, that's why I excused myself. I just need a minute." You said, rolling your eyes.
"Hayley is harmless." Rebekah said, gazing into the mirror. She fixed her dress, making sure it was laying perfectly on her body.
"She's been flirting with him all night and Elijah has done nothing to stop it." You said, lowering your voice.
"He's just being polite," Rebekah said, studying her nails. "But if it makes you feel better, we can always put Hayley in her place. Remind her that Elijah is very much married," she looked at you, raising her brows.
You snorted, shaking your head. "I'm not going to be petty, no matter how much I want to."
"You are so much stronger than me," Rebekah chuckled, linking her arm with yours as you left the bathroom.
As you and Rebekah reached the table, you could see Hayley was giggling, her hands resting on Elijah's bicep. She leaned in close to him, her lips almost brushing against his ear. Elijah's eyes had darkened, his brow furrowed as he whispered something in her ear, his lip curved into a smirk.
Your heart clenched as you watched him. A pang of envy swept through you and you let out a shaky breath. Rebekah gave you a sympathetic smile, squeezing your arm.
Elijah noticed you standing there, and looked at you, his brown eyes worried. He excused himself from Hayley, moving to you, he wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you to your seat.
"Are you alright, my love? You seem flushed," Elijah murmured.
"I'm alright, too much wine," You replied, avoiding his gaze.
Elijah didn't believe you, but wasn't about to start an argument in front of everyone. So he settled for tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, before placing a kiss on your cheek.
You smiled at his action, your heart fluttering slightly. No matter how angry and jealous you might be at him, he always seemed to know what to do to make you feel a little bit better.
As dinner went on, you saw that Hayley kept staring at Elijah out of the corner of your eye and it made your stomach turn. The way her eyes gazed at him with such affection. Elijah didn't even seem to notice. Instead he chatted with his brothers and sisters, his hand never leaving yours. His thumb caressed your knuckles, rubbing soothing circles on them.
Klaus brought out his phone and started sharing pictures and videos of his daughter. Elijah was grinning ear to ear, commenting on every single thing he was shown. The sounds of laughter around you made your chest swell, you felt good to see your family enjoying themselves.
Hayley seized this opportunity, shuffling closer to Elijah, leaning into him as she showed him her own videos of Hope. She would poke his shoulder and give him that innocent little smile. You clenched your jaw as you saw her press her breasts against his arm, looking up at him with big doe eyes.
You didn't like feeling this insecure and irrational, but you couldn't help it. The envious feeling was growing as you watched them interact. Elijah's brown eyes were soft as he gazed at Hayley. Smiling as he said something that made her laugh, head tilting back.
You couldn't help but compare yourself to her, you weren't as thin or as beautiful. You were taller, your breasts were bigger and your eyes wider. You usually weren't self conscious about your own looks, but today, you felt inadequate. She seemed like a more fitting partner for your husband.
You wanted to leave the restaurant, but you didn't want to make a scene. It was obvious that Elijah hadn't really noticed what was happening and you didn't want to look like a jealous wife.
"Excuse me, I would like to make a toast," Hayley said, raising her voice slightly. Everyone's heads turned to look at her, and you followed suit.
She stood up, her gaze focused on Elijah. You suddenly had a bad feeling, and you wanted to look anywhere but her, to keep from showing how upset you were.
"I just want to say," Hayley started, her hands clasped together. "Elijah, I've always admired you. You've always been so kind and generous to me and my daughter,"
You looked up at Elijah, and you could see his surprise, his brows raised. Hayley continued, "Over the past couple of years, I've grown to love and respect you, and I just wanted you to know that." She took a breath, and then reached a hand to touch Elijah's cheek. Your own heart started pounding.
Elijah stared up at her with confusion in his brown eyes, and Hayley laughed nervously. You were aware of the way Freya, Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah were watching you, but you couldn't take your eyes off of Elijah, to see how he responded.
She pulled back her hand slowly, then grabbed a hold of the champagne in front of her, swirling it around as she took a breath and held it out to him.
"To Elijah." Hayley said, smirking down at him.
He clinked his glass against hers. His own brown eyes were glazed with surprise as he held her gaze. He smiled softly, murmuring "thanks" under his breath.
You clenched your jaw, your fingers gripped the table cloth as you fought the urge to say something snarky, or throw something. Elijah turned to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. "Are you okay?" He whispered.
"I'm fine." You forced a smile as you took a deep breath.
He kissed your cheek, lingering his lips on your skin, his hand patted your side. You wished you could simply pull his face to yours and make him forget about everyone but you.
Your emotions threatened to get the better of you and you just wanted to leave the restaurant already, and be alone with your husband.
The end of the night couldn't come soon enough, and you all got into your respective cars. You and Elijah left the restaurant, the car ride quiet as you stared out the window.
"You're awfully quiet, what's wrong, love?" Elijah asked, his brows furrowing.
"Nothing." You said.
"Y/n." He frowned, his hand squeezing your thigh. You sighed, shrugging your shoulders.
"I don't want to argue in the car, you should focus on the road." You said, keeping your eyes forward.
You could feel his gaze boring into you, his hand moved to yours, bringing it up to his lips. He kissed the back of your hand softly.
"When we get home, you are going to tell me why you're so upset." He murmured against your skin.
When the two of you finally returned home, you immediately went to the bedroom. Your shoulders were tense, your chest was tight and your stomach churning.
Elijah followed behind you, watching as you undressed, taking off your dress, throwing it into the laundry basket. Your jaw was clenched, and he stood behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist.
"Elijah-" You started, but he cut you off with a kiss to your neck, his arms tightening their hold. His hands pressed against your stomach, and you felt his nose bumping your ear. His lips were soft as they explored the skin of your neck, nibbling it softly.
He turned you around and your hands came to his jaw. His lips were upturned, his brown eyes were warm. He cocked his head, gazing down at you.
"Tell me what's wrong." He whispered.
"It's stupid, I'm just feeling insecure." You said, looking into his dark eyes. Elijah frowned, bringing his thumb up to stroke your cheek.
"Why?" He asked, his brows furrowed.
You bit the inside of your cheek, fighting back your emotions. He could always get a sense of whether or not you were telling the truth.
"I just-," you sucked in a breath, closing your eyes. "Hayley clearly likes you,"
"I think she actually used the word love." Elijah teased, his brows raised. You glared at him and he chuckled softly.
"Is that why you've been so tense all evening? You were jealous?" He asked, pulling you flush against him.
You let out a shaky breath, avoiding his gaze. "Well you didn't exactly try to dissuade her." You mumbled, your hands pressed against his chest.
"Do you know what I was thinking about all night? How much I wish we didn't have to sit through dinner at the restaurant, and how much I wish we were alone, right here in our bed." Elijah whispered, and you felt your heart flutter.
"I've only ever had eyes for you, my love," He murmured, resting his forehead against yours. "My darling, you were the only woman I saw. Hayley could have been naked on top of me, and I wouldn't have been interested."
You smiled slightly at that, your hands resting on his shoulders. Elijah gazed into your eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips.
"Do you need me to show you? Remind you how much I love you?" He murmured, his face inches from yours.
"How would you show me?" You whispered. His brown eyes flickered with lust as he grinned, pulling back slightly. He brought his hands up to his tie, yanking it loose before pulling it off of his neck.
He smirked, wrapping the tie around his fist, slowly backing you up against the wall. Your breath was caught in your throat as you gazed up at him.
Elijah easily pinned you up against the wall, wrapping the tie around your wrists, and securing them above your head. You sucked in a sharp breath as he put his hand against your neck, his touch gentle.
"I don't like seeing you upset," Elijah whispered, his lips brushing against yours. "Not when I can make you feel better." He punctuated his sentence with a kiss to your jaw, then your neck.
"You're all I've ever wanted. You're the only woman I've ever loved and the only woman I've been attracted to. You're the love of my life," Elijah spoke, his tone soft and sincere. His breath fanned against your lips, and you parted them as he pressed his against yours.
He kissed you gently, his tongue swiping over yours slowly. You gasped, your wrists straining against the tie. His hands tightened around your wrists as he pushed you against the wall.
He broke the kiss, his eyes looking down at you. "Do you remember our first time together?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. You smiled slightly, a fond memory resurfacing.
"On a blanket under the stars. The only light was the moon, and you were so beautiful." Elijah smiled, his hand tilting your chin so you would look up at him. "How old were we? Seventeen?"
"It was a beautiful night, after hours of you telling me about the constellations. I had to shut you up somehow." You giggled before he pressed his lips against yours.
"It's a beautiful night tonight as well, we should go out, like we did back then. Make love under the stars." He spoke, brown eyes filled with affection.
Before you could answer he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and your tied wrists around his neck. He walked past the bed and grabbed a blanket on the way, then carried you outside.
The cool night air seeped into your skin, but you didn't mind, Elijah kept you warm, his lips brushing against the nape of your neck. He set you down and laid out the blanket on the grass.
The backyard was illuminated by moonlight, and you could see the stars glistening in the sky. Elijah pulled you down with him, laying with you, his lips reconnecting with yours. Your body melted as he deepened the kiss, and you let out a small moan.
Elijah chuckled softly, hands roaming your body, fumbling with the lacy straps of your bra. "My darling, I don't think we'll need this tonight." His hands moved to the front clasp, expertly undoing it.
You loved it when Elijah undressed you. His large hands touched every inch of your skin. His lips always followed a path that was outlined by his fingertips. You watched him take off your panties, enjoying how his eyes darkened with lust and his smile curled.
Your hands ached to feel him, but they were still bound. Elijah kept you pressed against the soft blanket, spreading your legs for him.
He trailed a line of kisses down your stomach, not letting his lips miss any patch of skin. Your thighs trembled with excitement as you felt his breath ghost over your pussy. He grabbed your thighs, spreading them wider as he licked a stripe up.
You moaned out, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt his tongue, circling your clit before slipping inside you. Your breath hitched in your throat, and your hands trembled in their restraints as you ran them clumsily through his hair.
Elijah could stay in between your thighs all day. He remembered that first night together so vividly, remembering the way you had moaned and gripped his hair. Everything about you was intoxicating, and he never wanted the moment to end.
Your hips jerked up as you felt a coil grow in your core, your orgasm building. Elijah was coaxing it out of you, his lips sucking on your clit. A guttural moan escaped you, your back arching off of the ground.
His strong hands pressed against your hips to keep them still as his tongue moved quicker, coaxing every bit of pleasure from you. You could feel tears forming in your eyes, and you moaned Elijah's name desperately.
Elijah pulled away from you, a wicked smile on his face as he leaned up to kiss you deeply. He was still fully clothed, his hair messy and face glistening with the evidence of your pleasure.
"I love you so much, darling." He whispered against your lips. His fingers ran over your breasts, descending further down your body. He dipped a finger inside you, and you let out a soft gasp.
"Tell me about our first night together, Love." He said, slowly pushing in another finger, smiling as you moaned.
You trembled under his hands, and Elijah's eyes darkened as he watched you, loving the way you gave in to his touch.
"We had both snuck out, you told me to meet you in the clearing..." you said, cheeks red. Elijah pumped his fingers in and out of you, his forehead pressed against yours.
"You had stolen some mead from the cellars, and you brought candles and blankets. Always such a romantic." You moaned. Elijah had added a third finger, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
"Go on." He murmured, speeding up his movements. You cried out, squirming under him. He pressed down on your stomach with his other hand.
"You had led me over to the blankets. We'd barely drank the mead. And you told me that-"
"I told you that I had loved you for a very long time. I could hardly believe how lucky I was, finally being able to hold you in my arms." Elijah finished, his mouth twitching into a smile.
He kept fingering you, holding your gaze as you gasped. "You were so timid when I took your dress off, and I kept kissing you, murmuring about how beautiful you were." He said, feeling your walls clenching around his fingers.
You sucked in a breath and threw your head back, moaning as you climaxed. Elijah chuckled as he pulled out his wet fingers. He kissed your lips softly, brushing the stray hairs off of your face. He undid his tie from around your wrists, freeing your hands, and pulling you to his chest.
"I remember the way you looked at me when I made love to you." Elijah smirked, eyes falling to your naked figure, one of his hands tangled in your hair. He pecked your lips again. "I remember how tight and warm you felt, and how amazing it felt being inside you for the first time."
Your hands began to unbutton his shirt. You panted against his lips, sitting up. Elijah sat up with you, shrugging his shirt off and tossing it aside. His hands rubbed your arms gently, encouraging you.
You smiled, kissing his chest. His heartbeat quickened, his breath hitching as you moved over him. Your hands played with his belt, while your lips explored his skin. Elijah stared up at you through dark eyelashes, his hand brushed through your hair and then guided your head up. He pressed his lips against yours, smiling as you moaned into the kiss.
Soon you were both naked, the rest of his clothing discarded somewhere in the backyard. Elijah hovered over you, gazing down at you with affection glinting in his eyes.
"I love you, I wish you could see yourself the way I do." He murmured, cupping your cheek. You reached a hand up, intertwining your fingers with his.
He kissed your lips, lining himself up, before slowly easing in, swallowing your gasps. His hips moved slowly, his length filling you in the best way. You curled a hand around his bicep, your legs wrapping around his waist.
"You're so beautiful, my darling." Elijah cooed, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
You arched your back, biting your lip. Your nails dug into his arms as he picked up the pace, his groans were muffled. He pulled back and kissed you again, his tongue battling yours as you moaned against his mouth.
You didn't need anyone else when you had Elijah. The way he touched you and praised you made you feel euphoric. No one could compare to your husband. He was all you needed, even after one thousand years of marriage.
"Elijah." You gasped his name, hands gripping his arms. He pounded into you faster, and your head spun as you neared your climax. Elijah's hands found yours as you tensed, coming undone. He gasped, grunting your name as he buried himself deep inside, filling you with his cum, collapsing onto you.
You were both covered in sweat, gasping for breath. You sighed softly as he pulled out, laying down beside you and bringing your body against his. You pressed a hand over his racing heart, feeling comforted at the sound.
Elijah's fingers slipped through your hair, he gazed down at you, his eyes glinting.
"I really mean it, you know. You're the only woman I ever want to be with." He spoke, his smile made you melt.
"I know." You whispered, kissing his chest softly.
He pulled the blanket over you, his gaze loving as he ran his hands over your body. Elijah was always so intimate after the two of you had sex, murmuring endearing words, and worshiping every bit of skin he could get his hands on. His thumb brushed against your cheek, and you snuggled closer to him, enjoying his affection.
"I'm sorry I got jealous earlier." You said softly, playing with the blanket.
Elijah let out a soft laugh, kissing the top of your head. "You had no reason to be jealous, I'll never be interested in Hayley," He moved one hand down your body, squeezing your ass. "Because I have you."
Your laugh made his heart stutter. Elijah let his hands brush over you, taking care to touch you in all the right places.
"What else do you remember about our first time together?'' He asked, nipping at your ear.
You blushed as memories flooded back, suddenly feeling shy, though the sensation didn't come very often anymore.
"How clumsy you were and how sweet," you spoke, remembering how desperate Elijah had been to please you.
"You kept apologizing whenever you thought you did something wrong." You said. Elijah's face was pressed against your neck. You turned towards him and lifted his head up, smiling at the bashful look on his face. "Not that I knew any better," you teased.
Elijah chuckled and pressed his lips against yours. One of your hands moved down his sculpted chest and stomach. Your hands always gravitated towards him, no matter how many times you had explored his body over the centuries.
"So, about our trip tomorrow." He murmured against your mouth. You let out a soft sigh, hands wrapped around his neck.
"Yes, my love?" You asked, lips ghosting over his.
"Don't bother bringing many clothes," Elijah teased, smirking against your mouth. You giggled softly, kissing his smile.
"Any reason why?" You whispered, one of your hands moving through his hair.
"Because we're not going to leave the bed."
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thewritersaddictions · 11 months
Day Thirty: Elijah Mikealson + Overstim
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Elijah has been fucking you for hours now, or at least that's what it seems like to you. With his relentless thrust, he's never close and never gives up.
It had started all because you had teased him with a short dress during a family dinner with his brother and sisters. It gave little to the imagination. Thighs were on display for everyone to see, and the valley of your breasts was prominent.
Elijah's sisters had given you praises when the two of you arrived. Freya hugged you tightly and gave you a knowing look as she saw your sundress. Rebekah had embraced you just like her sister had, but when you released each other gave you a twirl of her wrist. Wanting you to show off the dress to her.
The eyes of his brothers were what you assumed pissed him off first. Klaus had raked his eyes over you when you first arrived, but Kol was handsy with his hug holding you hostage almost.
His cock had your hole bruised and swollen. "I told you that Kol was no good. I bet you just loved him touching you." He groaned. You've been shaking your head, trying to make him believe you, but he won't stop fucking you.
"I. DON"T. BELIEVE. YOU." With every word, he gave a hard and mean thrust. Skin slapping against skin, Elijah's fingers were bruised into your skin, but as much as you hated how you had gotten here.
You couldn't dare say that you didn't enjoy Elijah's rough pace and how he had his hand around your throat. You were so cock drunk on Elijah's cock that you didn't notice him reach over to the side table drawer and pull out one of your toys.
Your bright pink vibrator buzzed in his hand. Before you even notice the loud buzzing of your toy, you can feel the buzzing hit your swollen clit. "ELI… I can't>" You're so deep that you try anything to push away from the overstimulation of the vibrator. His thumb has been okay playing with your clit gently, but this is horrible. It's never-ending.
"IF you want it to stop, then you gotta cum, just one more time, baby. Cum on cock tell me you own this pretty little soaked pussy." Your head rolls back into the satin pillowcase, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cum around Elijah's cock. "Hmm, such a good girl…" He groans as his thrust lose their rhythm.
Elijah's head falls into the corner of your neck and shoulder when he hits his high, leaking into you. "I'm sorry, Eli," You whisper to him. He picks up his head. Hazel's eyes look into yours, "It's alright, sweetness; I might have overreacted." You smile before pressing a small kiss onto his plump lips.
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Completed on:
Posted on: 10/30/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
The Originals Master List // Kinktober '23
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redheadspark · 8 months
Summary - Azriel does not take threats lightly, especially when it comes to his family.
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Warnings - Some angst and a hint of fluff in the end
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series
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There was one thing that Azriel would never compromise in his life, it was the safety of his family.
Long before Alec was born, Azriel made sure the safety of his Inner Circle, especially his mate and the love of his life, would never be in jeopardy.  He already lost so much in his younger years, including his own mother.  Now that he had a new fond family, he would fight tooth and nail to keep them in his life.  He felt that more when you came along, though he knew you could handle yourself as a fellow Illyrian.  Still, you were his priority for centuries as you two were together, and being a Spymaster for Night Court and a Shadowsinger, it made the target on his back and on his family all the more tempting for enemies to attempt to strike.  Azriel knew better, he was always a step ahead and had plenty of connections in most of the other Courts, so there was never a time he was sidetracked for taken by surprise.  
There were times in the past when someone would threaten his family, whether it was under their breath or using it as a scare tactic against Azriel.  Of course, it was a low blow for them to do against the only Shadowsinger in all of Prythian, and it was a colossal mistake on their part.  Azriel would snuff out those whispers and comment instantly with a flick of his shadows or a cool look from his hazel eyes.  Of course, he knew threats would come after Night Court and Velaris, especially against High Lord Rhysand and High Lady Freya.  He would protect them, his chosen and found family, he was embedded in his bones to protect and serve them since he loved them dearly.  
It took one afternoon and one comment to make the rational side of Azriel disappear, and the Shadowsinger side of Azriel taking over
Once again, he went with Rhysand to a meeting, out in Autumn Court with High Lord Beron Vanserra.  Although the relationship between the two High Lords was still on shaky ground, it was on the mend.  Lucien and Elaine’s upcoming wedding and mating ceremony was one of the main reasons for the mending relationship between the two Courts, with Beron wishing to help in the planning with his stepson and future daughter-in-law. 
There was still one being that was making ripples of uneasiness and aches: Eris.
No matter that the war was over, or that peace was seeping through all the courts and beyond. No matter that his own father was gaining more of a better reputation with his own Court and others, Eris was still holding a bitter chip on his shoulder. Whether it was because of his broken history with Mor and what he did to her, or the severe ties he snapped from the war, he was digging himself deeper and deeper in his grave.  
Of course, he would make it worse when Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel arrived, Rhysand needing a meeting with Beron with the upcoming traveling documents with some citizens and new soldiers that were being placed under his command from the Illyrian camps.  He was now open to having Illyrian soldiers come to work for him at his Court, which was a huge step in the right direction.  Cassian handpicked the soldiers that would migrate to Autumn Court, knowing which ones would be better for Beron.   
The meeting was going quite well, much to the dismay of Eris who was sitting in on the meeting with a scowled look on his face.  Rhysand and Beron were chatting together on the formalities, Cassian and Azriel watching on behind Rhysand along the back wall.  Azriel could see it on Eris’s face, the look of disdain on his face and almost a scowl that was permanently etched within his eyes and along his mouth. Of course, Azriel was never a fan of the prince, mostly because of how he treated Mor so long ago and he made it nonchalant.  Mor was his family, a huge support for his mate and now his son.  Mor was named Alec’s Godmother, Azriel not being able to think of anyone else to hold such an honor.
So it was safe to say that Eris was not on his nice list.
“Well, I think that settles that,” Rhysand said with a smile, Beron nodding in agreement as they both looked over the documents that were drawn out in their respected courts, “Thank you for taking the time to meet and go over the last of this tedious work,”
“It’s no trouble,” Beron replied as he gestured to the documents, “This will be a new step in the right direction.  I know I have no been the best High Lord of any means, but I wish to make things right.  Not just for the sake of Autumn Court and it’s citizens, but for Lucien and his betrothed,”
Eris shifted a bit from the mention of his stepbrother, Azriel making a note of it as his eyes slightly narrowed.  Beron saw it too, giving his son a side eyes quick to almost tell him to control himself.
“Lucien and Elaine are a solid match,” Rhysand hummed in agreement, “I know my sister-in-law is looking forward to a wedding there within a month, which in return will bring a strong alliance between our Courts.  If there is anything that needs assistance, please let us know,”
“Miss Archeron has planned everything out accordingly,” Beron explained with a softer smile, “I know she will bring nothing but great happiness to Lucien.  I know he needs too, especially after all he has been through,”
“I beg to differ,” Eris replied in a snarl, all of the attention now went from the two High Lords to the Prince who had a sour look on his face.  Azriel held his composure behind Rhysand, who was eyeing Eris suspiciously with his violet orbs.  Azriel was never a huge fan of Lucien at the very beginning, though he changed that opinion over time thanks to his friendship with Elaine and how he admired her.  Now that he was considered family to Azriel, he felt his shadows lick against him as the first sign of a warning.  
“Eris,” Beron said in a low tone, though Eric shook his head and leaned back in his chair.
“Have we forgotten what Lucien has done to this court?” Eris bitterly asked his father, almost forgetting that Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel were on the other side of the table, “The pain and betrayal he has caused?  Our reputation?”
“The only being that is causing dismay with our reputation now is you,” Beron reminded him calmly, though there was clear evidence of tension with the High Lord and how he was holding back what he wished to say to his son.  Eris, though still scowling and looking as if he would rather be anywhere else, stayed quiet as Beron looked back at Rhysand, “Apologies for my son’s outburst, Rhysand.  How about you and I finish this in my private study?”
Rhysand simply smiled, not trying to show the giddiness that he was feeling seeing the High Lord and his Prince squabble with each other in front of him since it was so amusing, “I don’t see why not.  Please, show the way,”
Beron smiled, both himself and Rhysand getting up from their chairs.  Beron gave his son one last look, it was a very quick look that would have been overlooked by the common viewer but Azriel saw it with his trained orbs.  
Behave yourself.
As Rhysand and Beron walked out of the room, still chatting with one another and things were settled again with the known tension in the room, Azriel and Cassian were still standing side by side as Eris finally set his eyes on the Illryians who were on the other side of the room.  
“Must be nice to be on Rhysand’s beck and call 24 hours a day,” Eris commented lightly, a small chuckle on his lips as he reached over to one of the pitchers that was filled with wine to fill his glass.  
“That’s High Lord to you,” Cassian reminded him with a slight warning to his tone, “Prince,”
Eris laughed, taking a long sip from his wine as he then looked between Azriel and Cassian,  Azriel good and well that Eris loved talking, making his words get under the skin of his target so easily and seeming innocent about it.  It was almost like a game to him, a sinister game that would always bring him happiness when others around him would be in torment.  It was a good thing that both Cassian and Azriel knew of his game, which was a huge advantage for them.  He knew how to fight with words.
Cassian and Azriel knew how to fight with their fists.
“I’ve heard great whispers of news coming from your Court,” Eris said casually, pouring his glass again since he downed the wine swiftly, almost too pompous and full of himself, “Whispers of new changes, marriages,”
“Never took you to be one for gossip, you must be bored around here with nothing to do,” Cassian hummed as he strolled over to take the spare glass, then reaching across the table to the pitcher of wine to pour as Eris eyed him with a hint of disgust of the Commander touching his glass.  Though Cassian never cared, Azriel noted that he was even showing traits of his mate in that moment as he glared at Eris while taking a soothing drink of the wine.  Azriel had to smile, inwardly thanking the Mother that Nesta rubbed off on Cassian in the best way,
“Ah, I’m not,” Eris hummed as he traced the win of his glass with his nimble fingers, “But these whispers are the kind that do catch my attention since it involves the Illyrian Army Commander….and the Spymaster,”
Cassian paused, remaining calm and holding the glass gently in his hands as Azriel’s eyes snapped over to the Autumn Court Prince he was slowly looking over at you with that glint in his bright eyes and along his sinister smile.  Now that Azriel was mentioned, his shadows were hovering against his skin and wings, wanting him that something was going to be said.  He relied upon his shadows, more than he relied on his gut.  His shadows had protected him in plenty of close calls and have kept him alive, not to mention gave him sound advice and valuable information that he would use to protect Night Court.
“I would watch very…very…carefully before you say something that would end badly for you,” Cassian said to him in a slight warning as Eris’s eyes were still on Azriel, almost in a way that made Azriel think that he was about to piss him off.  Azriel knew how to maintain his composure, to remain calm in stressful situations.  But his shadows were still active and warning him.
Stay on your guard.
“Is that a threat, in my own Court?” Eris asked in a coy tone, yet Cassian merely raised a brow at him.
“Merely a warning,” Cassian replied as Eris took another drink from his glass and leaned back a bit more in his chair, “As you know, from your own past experiences, whispers and gossip can lead to bad reproductions and mass chaos,”
Azriel had to smirk as Eris paused in his drink, Cassian keeping his stare on him as he too was trying so hard not to smile from his own comment at him.  This was now treading dangerous water with the three of them alone in a room, though Rhysand knew that Cassian and Azriel always represented Night Court in the best manner possible.  Most of the time.  
But Rhysand also knew his brothers and when the line would be taken too far.  When that happened, all bets were off. 
“I have to wonder if the rumors that I heard are in fact true,” Eris said, still going down the road that seemed far too dangerous for anyone else to tread.  But not Eris, who was now once again looking at Azriel was now sealing his fate with the next sentence out of his mouth.
“The rumors of the Spymaster and his little family,”
Within moments, the room was filled to the brim with shadows and darkness.  Azriel’s entire demeanor shifted from cool and calm to angry.  Pure unfiltered anger, mixed in with the rage that was pitted in his belly.  Eris crossed the line with that one sentence, showing no shaming in saying it and keeping his composure.  His shadows reacted before he did, stepping out into the entire room and filling in every single space in that room.  No light was seen, not even a single drop.
If there was nothing that Azriel would ever compromise with, it was his family.  His mate and his son were now his whole world, the two beings that he would go through fire for and go through torture for.  Anyone in Prythian who would even think about bringing harm to his family, to the lights of his world, they would be dead within a millisecond.  
Eris dropped his glass, which shattered on the floor as Azriel took a second to stand in front of Eris, Truth Teller in hand and pointing right at his throat with a look of death in his eyes. Cassian stayed still, his fingers touching the glass to the point of leaving cracks along the glassware as he too glared at Eris who was now looking in shock at the Shadowsinger who had the tip of his weapon against his throat. 
“I’ll say this now, and I will only say this once: If I hear a single whisper about my family from this Court, from you, I will come back and make sure you will never say anything against them again,” Azriel growled, his voice so low to the point it was almost lethal.  But he didn’t care, not when Eris was looking at him in both fear and shock at the same time. 
He was only thinking of his mate, his son, and the new life he was building for them to simply be safe and happy.
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Azriel abruptly pushed the front door open, the familiar scents of his home was filling his nostrils he could smell something roasting in the kitchen.  The soft looks of the walls, the quilt that Elaine made thrown over the couch, and the lavender garden going outside the back window brought Azriel peace again as he heard the pots in the kitchen abruptly clatter and then footsteps were heard coming his way.  
You were there, wearing Alec against your chest in a wrap and a surprised look on your face as Azriel’s face looked relieved and almost to the point of tears as you grinned.  Azriel’s heart was happy again, still beating out of his chest but he was beyond happy.  Seeing you there, seeing Alec safe in their little home, brought the Shadowsinger peace again. 
“Hey,” You said to him as he glided over to you so quickly his shadows were once again catching up to him, “You’re back a bit early, what’s wrong—“
Azriel engulfed you in his arms, carefully avoiding Alec who was fast asleep against your chest as he hugged you close and tightly.  You were shocked, hugging him back after a second of feeling like a statue.  This was not like him, Azriel would simply come through the door with a big grin on his face and take his time un-dressing his leathers and toeing off his boots.  But feeling him cling to you, almost like he thought of you as a mirage that he was afraid would disappear, scared you.
“Az, what’s going on?” You asked him carefully as he pulled away and his eyes shot down to your sleeping son, his hazel eyes looking at Alec and scanning him over.  He sighed, leaning down to kiss the top of your son’s head lovingly and breathing him in.  This was his center, this was his home base, a little being snuggled against his mate and the pair of them tucked away safely in their little home that he would take over any palace.  
“Az, look at me, sweetheart,” You said to him coaxing him to look at you with a finger under his chin.  His eyes looked at you and it was then that you saw pain there on his face, pain and almost worry.  This was not like him, not one bit, “What happened?”
Azriel just inhaled and leaned forward to touch your forehead with his, you remaining calm since you knew it would take his time for him to finally open up and tell you what was on his mind. He finally found his words, feeling you trace his cheeks and jaw with your fingers to almost coax him open for you and let those walls down that he would always have up when he was being the Spymaster.
After confronting Eris and giving him the singular warning, he backed off when Cassian placed a hand on his shoulder.  Rhysand after Cassian explained what happened to him, sent him back to Night Court before he would do anything that would be damaging.  Although Azriel knew that he did cross a line, Rhysand understood.  He ensured Azriel would get home to be centered and collected again, keeping himself and Cassian behind to watch Beron berate Eris and profusely apologize to them.  It was surprising to hear that from High Lord Beron, but then again he too was trying to turn over a new leaf.
Eris made his stance known: he was now a new threat to Night Court and specifically to the Shadowsinger.
After Azriel explained all that happened, you were simply holding his hand and then hugging him close as the sun the setting over little home. It made you scared, the realization that your family was known in other Courts.  You already knew the risk of dating the Spymaster and being connected to him, but now that you had a child with him, the target only got bigger on your back.  You knew why Azriel acted the way he did, how could you stop him?
“Nothing will happen to our family,” Azriel promised you as you held him, you nodding in agreement as he held you a pinch tighter, “I promise you on my life, you and Alec will never be in danger,”
“I know,” You replied, kissing the side of his head over and over, “I know that, baby.  We’re okay, we’re okay now,”
No matter that you three had your own little bubble in Velaris, filled with happiness and joy that every new family had.  The danger was lurking around every corner because of who your family was, and it would stay that way for some time.  All you could do was simply take it daily, moment by moment, knowing that although there was danger, you had safety.  The safety of Rhysand as the High Lord who would move mountains for his family and their well-being.  The safety of the Inner Circle would keep Velaris and Night Court peaceful and filled with joy. 
Most importantly, the safety of your mate that would do anything, be anything, to keep you and your son safe. 
As Azriel tucked Alec into his bassinet that night, kissing his head and watching his son softly snore, Azriel made a vow then and there.  His family would never be in danger.  Not by a pompous Prince from another Court, not by any being filled to the brim with magic.  And while he held you close in your bed, watching the stars twinkle high above the mountaintops that were towering over Velaris, he kept that vow close to his heart.  
Nothing will tear his family away from him.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
bloody [gow headcanon]
prompt: when they see you covered with blood
character(s): kratos, thor, baldur, tyr, freya, freyr & heimdall
wc: 1.7k || tags&notes: gn!reader, no use of y/n or pronouns, fluff, kisses, touches. anger, madness, violence, getting hurt, blood, a little angst (maybe), lover!reader.
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KRATOS likely to show a great anger the first time he sees blood on your body, both feeling irritating sense of not being able to protect you and wonder who had enough encourage to touch you – to hurt you. so, his face shows madness coming from pure rage he feels like he felt on his previous life in greek. however, he tries to hide it – decrease it when his palms hold your cheek, making you look at him directly and answer his, “who did this to you?” question which comes like a poison from his mouth – like he is ready to hold blades of chaos and manslaughter everyone cross his path including those hurt you. you only smile as an ensure that you are fine and the blood don’t belong to you. holding his hands, you use them to travel on your body, feeling there is no wound, just blood of others who tried to hurt you. his hazel eyes filled with sparkles of rage soften each moment his hands travel and finally, he takes relaxed breaths, calming down, looking at you with determined and furrowed eye brows, giving a lecture about how you need to be more careful, even calling him whenever there is a treat. he doesn’t speak aloud but his kisses on your face, his hands on your back to push your body to his, hugging you tightly, he shows how much he is afraid to see you hurting. you mean everything to him alongside atreus. he doesn’t waste any time to show you this while he cleans blood with water and cloth as you watch his massive hands work on your body gently. 
THOR is so much like kratos. however, unlike him, thor doesn’t mind using violence at all. he makes you tell names of those who hurt you. if you don’t tell, not wanting to see him acting violently even though they deserve it according to him, he seeks for them after he watches you remove your clothes, getting into a bathtub, cleaning yourself and the wounds you have while thor’s eyes study every part of you from head to toe without any shame, believing he has right to do it without asking for a permission and from deep down, you like seeing him watching you, spending his time like this only for you as his father keep asking him. you know he cares for you, so, you let him sit there, hands on knees, kneeling little towards you. his hands even caress your hair from time to time and after you are done, he picks up clothes you choose for you, helping you get dry and wear them. he kisses every wound you have while doing it, then, he nods, ready to leave for killing those who left marks of violence on your precious body. you let him even if you don’t appreciate his way of solving problems but you know he can’t stop ‘till he breaks bonds, cutting flesh, end their lives. 
BALDUR sees them even though you literally try every spell to hide them from him, knowing very well that if he sees them, he will turn into the madman, using advantage side of being an invulnerable god, killing everyone who crosses his path which goes into torturing creatures who touched his beloved without caring your health and being. however, when he finally sees them, he takes an oath to show them no mercy, put the fact that no one in all realms can think of touching you in any ways into their stupid brains before killing them. he probably choose his dragon to burn them all, laughing menacingly and feeling anger leaving his body with flames coming from burnt out bodies. he never blames you for hiding them but he says how you should stay by his side day and night so he can protect you because the world is cruel and he can’t endure the idea of seeing you getting hurt and sad. you are the only one who gives him the meaning of life and being, so, he always shows you this through these actions, protecting you with all costs, not minding whether his father is disappointed or not, not when he sees you alive and beside him – inside his arms. 
TYR is not likely to act violent against violence, instead, he chooses to take you into a safe zone he knows well, preparing enough medicine to clean wounds properly, giving you your health back, asking you what went wrong and listening carefully with pure attention as you tell the events openly. he helps you calm yourself down, giving you kisses soft as feathers, effective as sun and beautiful as roses. you let yourself getting rid of both wounds and sadness coming with them thanks to his gentle manner, taking you into his arms, covering your body with his massive one and putting kisses on your hair slowly. he is your safe zone, not the place he takes you into, no, he is the meaning of safety and the intoxicated feeling devour you. yes, he gives some advices about being watchful since all realms include danger but he knows you will get stronger after this incident with his help and he just smiles at you, ensure you that he will stay on your side forever, heal every wound you will have even if it means a hundred time. 
FREYA choose not to show her anger when you seek for medicine in her cave, showing where bloods coming from after removing clothes, exposing some parts of your body without thinking twice, being in a safe place giving you confidence to do so. she doesn’t spend any time, picks right and efficient magical spells and potion, using them to make you better – to see you well, safe and sound which she needs to see every day and night. she doesn’t like when you pull a wry face because of the pain, no, she prefers you with a strong gesture and full health. she tells you to rest in her cave, not thinking about anything, just reaching your health back while she discovers how you get hurt – who you get violence from, and she doesn’t think for second time as strong devilish magic of her finds their targets, giving them pain – much more than you felt, anger’s sparkles on her eyes, glowing lights on her palms and arms. she listens sounds that her targets make, her anger getting lower. when she finally is done with them, she rushes to see you again and preparing food to eat – good one because you need to recover and she needs to show her concern through intimate moments. also, she is determined to teach you lots of protection magic and spells ‘till your mind is filled with them. 
FREYR ‘s face will brighten with concern as he rushes to you, his hands reaching to you, grapping your arms, caressing them from up to down ‘till he holds your hands, asking so many questions in a minute such as whether you are okay or not, need anything from him, how you are covered in such blood. his concerned and calm manner changes into angry and mad one as he asks questions like ‘who did this to you’. he needs to know it – he wonders who can put a finger on you in the realm in which he opened his eyes for the first time, called as home. he is ready to take down those stupid creatures who thought they can hurt you and get away with it. however, he is just a silly because you just go for a hunt and the prey’s blood is all over you, so, you aren’t injured, no, instead, you are good and when you tell him that while holding his cheeks, half-laughing, he blinks so many times you ask if he is okay. when he comes to himself once again, he hugs you, saying how happy he is to see you weren’t hurt. he takes you from the hand into his special room, spending some times – some intimate times with you in there, letting you realize how much you mean to him, “don’t do that again. you have no idea how I can go mad if I see you hurt.” you listen him, then, you say you will not scare him like that again. also, you let him go for a few hunts with you after that day because every time he looks at you with cute eyes, making you become softer and let him travel behind you all the time. 
HEIMDALL is surprised and taking back when he sees your face and upper body filled with red blood. firstly, he goes for your mind, reading it to understand how you ended with these much blood. when he sees the fights you had before coming back to asgard – to him, how you got cuts from here to there, nothing serious but enough to make your face darken with pain, his own anger blooms inside his stomach. he is angry because of both how they dared to touch you in the first place and how he failed to show to all realms that no one could touch you since you are beloved one of heimdall, son of odin, god of foresight and lord of the asgard. he notes that he will travel around all realms, making every living beings understand the consequences of hurting and even touching you, heimdall’s beloved one and lover who he can burn all places for. after that, he lets you approach him with a shy expression, knowing he already knows how you ended up like that. you hate to be weak and you hate more when heimdall sees you weak. however, he shows no cockiness as he makes his way to you, putting a hand on your cheek to caress it, saying, “I will make sure each of them suffer enough to remember it ‘till they reach for hell.” with glowing purple eyes filled with proud because of seeing you fight for your life, coming back to him, and rage because of seeing faces of your attackers. he then makes you to follow him into his room he barely uses just for spending time with you in private, removing your clothes, cleans your wounds, reads your thoughts and feeling protective over you. he realizes how his hands go crazy while thinking how it was so easy for those attackers to hurt you while he is afraid to touch you sometimes. he will be their nightmare for sure and he goes for their heads after he spends a quite calm night with you on bed, giving you the love you needs to see after such violent incident. 
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chichirid · 1 month
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꒰ა airi and minori id pack ໒꒱
(names, pronouns, titles)
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minori names: alice, alicia, alyssa, april, blossom, bluebell, celia, chloe, clair, clover, daisy, ellie, evie, faith, felicity, fiona, gaia, hana, hazel, holly, hope, ivy, lily, lucy, mai, maple, may, midori, naomi, poppy, sakura, sophia, tulip, willow
airi names: aiko, aimi, amber, amy, ari, avery, cherie, cordelia, emi, freya, hibiscus, isabelle, jacqueline, jasmine, juliet, lovelynn, mari, mia, natalie, nicole, reina, riko, rosanna, rose, ruby, scarlett, stephanie, valentina, valerie, venus, wendy, yasmin
pronouns: kyu/kyutes, macaron/macarons, clove/clover, petal/petals, shi/shine, lace/laces, fri/frill, float/floats, star/stars, melo/melody, spark/sparkles, sing/song, heart/hearts, smile/smiles, flower/flowers, angel/angels
titles: (prn) with a transforming dream, (prn) with a tsundere streak, (prn)’s happy everyday life as an idol, (prn) whose fanchants echo through sunlight, (prn) who stands on a bubbly stage, (prn) whose frills float through the sky, (prn) with a fluttering dress, the singer with a dress made from dreams, the singer with an unwavering smile, the ever-blooming idol, the positive flower, the soaring idol, the idol who won’t back down
song titles: (prn) standing on the place of dreams, (prn)’s sparkling colour, the idol made from the material of love, the singer adorned in the colour of drops, the angel’s clover, the newly edged idol, the idol on a sparkling stage
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sunishai · 1 month
If you're the number one rat lover, then name all rats
Im so sorry
Léo the first
Léo the second
Mirtes Mirtilos
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All these guys ⬆️
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These guys too ⬆️
Mr Jingles
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Omg so many ⬆️
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My fingers hurt ⬆️
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I can’t type this ⬆️
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Agent R
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My phone is getting rlly laggy so I gotta stop 😭
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femmehysteria · 11 months
Best Character Named X Poll
FOLLOW @best-character-named-x-poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM GMT everyday.
ask box closed for now
WILL BE POSTING POLLS ON @best-character-named-x-poll FROM FEB 1ST
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count.
Round 85: David
Round 86: Tiffany
Round 87: Charlie
Round 88: Sandy
Round 89: Cody
Round 90: Amanda
Round 91: Jeremy
Past Polls and Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Caroline, Tyler, Louis, Leonard, Rebecca, Steve, Nicole, Isabelle, Victoria, Katherine, Jade, Alex, Sophie, Greg, Jake, Ellie, Isaac, Robin, Tony, Annie, Lisa, Margaret, Oliver, Clark, Kara, Phoebe, Emma, Ruby, Bart, Alfie, Beth, Julian, Nancy, Penny, Margaret, Tessa, Erica, Theresa, George, Kevin, Sebastian, Felix, Martin, Michael, Erin, Caleb, Helen, Charlotte, Kyle, Martha, Diana, Elsa, Gary, Zoe, Connor, Colin, Daisy, Eric, Maya, Adam, Andy, Magnus, Alma, Nora, Alice, Spike, Leon, Marcel, Kim, Juno, Sue, Chris, Otto, Donald, Daphne, Kate, Todd, Ned, Ken, Angel, Judy, Jo, Hazel, Naomi, Diego, Miranda, Joel, Lila, Duncan, Dexter, Meredith, Pearl, Lily, Malcolm, Napolean, Joan, Nico, Jamie, Nadia, Velma, Jill, Kiera, Rory, Evan, Tam, Klaus, Neil, Derek, Michelle, Luna, Laila, Cordelia, Zack, Imogen, Felicity, Cindy, Alicia, Kelly, Alan, April, Astrid, Delilah, Jodie, Claudia, Juliet, Karen, Jonas, Milo, Celia, Hannah, Joy, Ethan, Katya, Aria, Atticus, Ian, Cynthia, Faye, Frank, Boo, River, Corey, Gabrielle, Minerva, Ebony, Zia, Beverly, Rudy, Georgina
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Sean, Troy, Cain, Agatha, Warren, Percy, Reggie, Mina, Ryan, Felicia, Dylan, Josh, Shirley, Debbie, Jared, June, Mabel, Ray, Chad, Moe, Hugh, Fearne, Christine, Joe, August, May, Scarlet, Alana, Leela, Manny, Dean, Francis, Mason, Oscar, Quinn, Guy, Ulrich, Wally, Yasmin, Tobias, Woody, Sabrina, Quentin, Margot, Alina, Matilda, Freya, Kendra, Angus, Ophelia, Leisel, Zelda, Adora, Piper, Scarlet, Sheila, Valentine, Laurie, Laurel, Fitz, Violet, Gabriel, Ford, Artemis, Owen, Bianca, Newton, Summer, Darcy, Noah, Taylor, Miriam, Hugh, Aurora, Hank, Henry, Dawn, Delia, Cosmo, Wanda, Zeke, Cecil, Aiden, Calvin, Ayesha, Beatrice, Parker, Chase, Hunter, Tina, Misty, Amaya, Amara, Harvey, Talia, Tatiana, Tanya, Orion, Eugene, Kit, Bo, Duke, Blue, Cameron, Rudolf, Mara, Marianne, Carl
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Round 4: Eve : WINNER: EVE (WALL-E)
Round 5: Fred : WINNER: Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Round 6: Rachel : WINNER: Rachel (Animorphs)
Round 7: Arthur : WINNER: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Round 8: Amy : WINNER: Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Round 9: Tom : WINNER: Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Round 10: Claire : WINNER: Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Round 11: James : WINNER: James (Pokemon)
Round 12: Max : WINNER: Max (Black Sails)
Round 13: Simon : WINNER: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Round 14: Jane : WINNER: Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Round 15: Victor : WINNER: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Round 16: Mary : WINNER: Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Round 17: Will : WINNER: Will Graham (Hannibal)
Round 18: Laura : WINNER: Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Round 19: Ben : WINNER: Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Star Wars)
Round 20: Chloe : WINNER: Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Round 21: John : WINNER: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Round 22: Lydia : WINNER: Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Round 23: Mark : WINNER: Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
Round 24: Jess : WINNER: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Round 25: Theo : WINNER: Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown Of Candy)
Round 26: Sarah: WINNER: Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who)
Round 27: Richard : WINNER: Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Round 28: Cass : WINNER: Cassandra Cain (Batman)
Round 29: Edward : WINNER: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 30: Carm : WINNER: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
Round 31: Hal : WINNER: HAL9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Round 32: Sid : WINNER: Sydney Adamu (The Bear)
Round 33: Jack : WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Round 34: Stephanie : WINNER: Stephanie Brown (Batman)
Round 35: Ash : WINNER: Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Round 36: Veronica : WINNER: Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Round 37: Kurt : WINNER: Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Round 38: Eleanor : WINNER: Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Round 39: Nathan : WINNER: Nathan Young (Misfits)
Round 40: Fiona : WINNER: Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Round 41: Gale : WINNER: Gayle Waters-Waters (Chris Fleming)
Round 42: Barbara : WINNER: Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie (Barbie)
Round 43: Sam : WINNER: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Round 44: Grace : WINNER: Grace Chastity (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Round 45: Barry : WINNER: Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone)
Round 46: Raven : WINNER: Raven (Teen Titans)
Round 47: Dan : WINNER: Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Round 48: Mia : WINNER: Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Round 49: Matt : WINNER: Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Round 50: Rose : WINNER: Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Round 51: Robert : WINNER: Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
Round 52: Lola : WINNER: Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Round 53: Scott : WINNER: Scott Summers aka Cyclops (X-Men)
Round 54: Olivia : WINNER: Olivia Octavious (Spiderverse)
Round 55: Finn : WINNER: Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Round 56: Emily : WINNER: Emily Charlton (The Devil Wears Prada)
Round 57: Elliot : WINNER: Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Round 58: Sonia : WINNER: Sonia (Pokemon)
Round 59: Gideon : WINNER: Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Round 60: Jen : WINNER: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Round 61: Miles : WINNER: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Round 62: Lana : WINNER: Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Round 63: Spencer : WINNER: Spencer Shay (iCarly)
Round 64: Tracy : WINNER: Tracy Turnbald (Hairspray!)
Round 65: Luke : WINNER: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Round 66: Natalie : WINNER: Natalie Scatorccio (Yellowjackets)
Round 67: Harry : WINNER: Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Round 68: Lucy : WINNER: Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Round 69: Damian : WINNER: Damian Wayne (Batman)
Round 70: Tabitha : WINNER: Tabitha Casper (Dan and Phil Games: Sims 4)
Round 71: Nick : WINNER: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Round 72: Gwen : WINNER: Guinevere (Merlin)
Round 73: Paul : WINNER: Paulette Bonafonte (Legally Blonde)
Round 74: Abigail : WINNER: Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Round 75: Jordan : WINNER: Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)
Round 76: Donna : WINNER: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Round 77: Morgan : WINNER: Morgana (Merlin)
Round 78: Allison : WINNER: Alison Cooper (BBC Ghosts)
Round 79: Patrick : WINNER: Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 80: Linda : WINNER: Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Round 81: Philip : WINNER: Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
Round 82: Clarisse : WINNER: Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson)
Round 83: Jeff
Round 84: Maria
82 notes · View notes
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― pairing : Han Jisung x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst, fluff, implied smut, wolf au, reader is a witch, soulmates, medieval settings as always, unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ; for the witch hunter part I kinda got inspired by the Merlin and Freya story but without the tragic ― word count : 2.670
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris part one | part two // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho part one | part two // Felix // Jeongin
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Branches roughly scratched your face and your arms, the sound of the dry leaves breaking under your feet as you desperately ran through the woods, trying to save yourself in what had started as a quiet and cool autumn morning.
Gritting your teeth as every limb in your body started to ache, your left hand was tightly pressed on the bloody wound on your right side, disheartened by the fact that you couldn’t use magic to heal your wound. You felt your own blood wetting your trembling fingers, and you wanted to cry, both by the pain you were feeling and both because you didn’t even have time to rest for a few seconds.
So, you kept running, a hunter following you close behind. You have been hearing rumours spreading through your village that the King had called for a hunter to investigate presumed supernatural events that started to happen at the court, but you had never thought that said hunter would have chased you as soon as he arrived. You did not have anything to do with the alleged magic episodes happening in the Castle, but you have heard from your mentor witch that hunters never stopped in front of anything.
Witches, werewolves, shapeshifters; the hunters would hunt everyone, trap them, and execute them on a public square. Therefore, their weapons and methods of capture improved through the years and adapted easily to every need.
This was the reason why you could not use your magic to defeat him, nor to heal yourself; your wound was caused by an enchanted blade, which would neutralize your magic unless someone else healed you.
A small clearing opened in front of you, and your heart sank at the view. Two wolves, one with ginger fur and hazel eyes, and the other with white fur and blue eyes immediately snapped their eyes towards you, both alerted and wary at your state and sudden appearance. Your eyes met hazel ones, and between all the pain, you felt a confusing warm sensation invading your senses.
«R-run,» you tried to say, but it came out as a raspy, weak whimper, «hunter.» you managed to add, pain clouding your senses, feeling as you were about to faint. You saw the wolves sharing a look, before the white wolf stopped the other from walking towards you, pushing him towards the woods behind them instead.
This was the last thing you saw before darkness enveloped your senses.
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The dark night sky met your eyes as you woke up feeling sore due the metal bars against your back. Pain immediately shot through your side as you tried to move, blinking few times to gradually take in your surroundings as you weakly managed to breathe. Large, heavy metal cuff adorned your wrists, connecting them to the metal bars of the small cage you were trapped in. You were in one of the streets of the village, so that cage must have been the one that the hunter carried along with him, pulled by his horse; you hesitantly looked around, but did not find any trace of the hunter. With slow movements, the shackles rattled as you lifted the hem of your skirt, noticing that at least, your ankles hadn’t been tied up as well.
Tears blurred your vision, realizing that, that was it. You would have died like that, since you did not know any other witch who could heal you, let alone someone who could save you. Judging by the pain you constantly felt, the effects of the enchanted blade were still active, and you suspected that the handcuffs were enchanted too, if not the whole cage, meaning that you could not save yourself.
Basically, you were doomed. You closed your eyes as the hunter exited the tavern, leaning against the cage bar with a gloved hand.
«I hope you’re not feeling too cold, witch.» he spat, with an obnoxious and gruff voice. «They’ll warm you up soon enough.» with a merciless laugh, he walked away from you, and your heart sank even deeper.
“At least, for now they’re both safe.” You thought, your mind briefly recalling soft hazel eyes and fur as white as snow pushing him away.
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You most definitely lost count of days; you could not stay awake, and you could barely sleep. You were stuck into an impasse. Night fell once again, hasty and sneaky whispers suddenly catching your attention, along with few low growls. You tried to identify the shadows approaching your cage, trying to help yourself with the light the full moon provided, wondering if the hunter changed his plans for you.
Fear spreaded through your body and the shackles rattled loudly as you attempted to press yourself even further against the metal bars, the desperate attempt to somehow save or shield yourself even if you were helpless and trapped. A boy around your age with white hair and long white eyelashes suddenly jumped on the carriage, in the front of the cage’s locked door, his index fingers in front his lips signalling you not to make any noise. You nodded at him, still trembling, just to notice another boy with light brown hair effortlessly climb on and kneel next to him.
«How’s it, Lix?» the boy asked the one with white hair, as they both studied the padlock.
«It’s a piece of cake.» the boy’s deep voice startled you, and he started picking at the padlock with what you thought was a thin fragment of sharpened iron. «Let’s say I expected more from a hunter’s cage.» he smiled to himself as the padlock opened with a soft “click”, and they both opened the door of the cage with slow movements, in order to prevent any squeaking noise from the rusty iron.
«We’re not going to hurt you,» The boy with light brown hair smiled warmly at you, two dimples appearing to corner his smile. «I’m Chris, and he’s Felix.» he gestured to the white haired boy which was now picking at the locks of the heavy handcuffs around your wrists. Felix looked up with a soft smile at the mention of his name. «There are others outside the cage. Me and my friends are here to save you.»
«Let’s save the introductions for later,» Felix mumbled, placing the handcuffs on your side, away from you, and your first instinct was to rub your red and sore wrists, «we’re running short on time.»
Chris nodded, and with a gentle «I’m so sorry for this.» he leaned towards you and picked you up as gently as he could, as you tried to suffocate another wave of pain running through your side. Chris effortlessly jumped down the carriage while holding you tight, and you noticed that “the others” which he was referring to were indeed a pack of wolves.
«Han, Seungmin, get her home. We’ll take care of him.» Chris said, and obediently, two large wolves slowly walked towards you. Your eyes met hazel ones, and the ginger wolf you saw few days earlier was looking at you as he was feeling your own pain.
«You’ll be fine now, your mate is here.» You heard Chris say once again, his gentle voice reaching your ears distant and muffled. The last thing you remember was being helped climbing on the back of the ginger wolf, which partially leaned down to help your movements, and you caressing a small fraction of his soft fur, feeling somehow as safe as you have never felt. You let yourself trust your saviours enough to close your eyes, and darkness once again enveloped your soul.
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The feeling of dizziness was the first thing that welcomed you as soon as you woke up. An unfamiliar wooden ceiling met your tired eyes, and you realized that you have been laying on a soft mattress, instead of a metal cage.
Feeling an unfamiliar sensation of warmth around your right hand, you glanced down, just to see an asleep boy sitting on the floor with his head on the mattress, as he was still holding your hand. A strange sensation of familiarity pervaded your senses as you saw his delicate features cornered by long blondish hair.
You tried to sit up, but pain shot through your side again, and you whined, collapsing back on the bed, involuntarily waking the bow up. You were confused by the pain you were feeling; it was definitely different from the one generated by the enchanted blade. Could it be that your saviours found a way to heal you?
The boy blinked twice before noticing you were awake, and his eyes widened immediately.
«Here, let me help you.» he offered, his hand hanging in mid-air, waiting for your approval. Due to a strange pull you felt in your chest you found yourself nodding, and he delicately helped you sit up, your back lying comfortably against the fluffy cushions.
«I’m Jisung,» he smiled, reaching out to your nightstand to offer you a glass full of water, which you gladly accepted. «I’m part of the group that saved you last week.»
«Last week?!» you shrieked, your voice hoarse and your throat burning due to not having spoken with anyone not having drank anything for apparently, more than a week.
A sad smile adorned Jisung’s pretty lips, «We’re very lucky to be both alive.» he said, confusing you, but proceeded before you could ask. «There are other witches in the pack, they’re my friends’ mates.» you nodded, recalling Chris’ saying the same word that night. «They healed you, and took care of you.» due to you still dizzy state, you noticed only in that moment that you had been completely bathed and you weren’t definitely wearing your clothes anymore. You nodded, slowly taking in everything that happened and everything he said. You most definitely owed them your life.
«Thank you,» you offered Jisung a sweet, sincere smiled which he immediately mirrored. «But… How did you know I had been caught?» You furrowed your brows, waiting for Jisung to confirm your thoughts.
A pack of wolves mysteriously showed up after you’ve warned two wolves you randomly found on your way, and coincidentally, one of them had human features which reminded you of the white wolf you saw, so, this meant that-
«You told me yourself,» Jisung’s soft voice intruded your thoughts, and for some reason, your heart sparked up at the confirmation to Jisung being not only the ginger wolf you’ve seen but there was a probability of you being his mate. «I was going to pick you up immediately, but Felix convinced me it was probably better to alert the others and to come up with an actual plan to save you.»
«How am I even supposed to repay this debt.» you mumbled to yourself, throwing your head back and meeting yet another fluffy cushion. Jisung chuckled softly at your reaction.
«Come live with us, with me. I mean-us.» he said, blushing as he stuttered on his sentence and you softly giggled at him, rubbing your eyes with one hand.
«Whose house is this?» you asked, weakly, feeling yourself getting drowsy once again. «Mine.» Jisung said, taking away the empty glass from your hands. «Okay then,» you mumbled, «I’ll move in.» «I’ll be here when you’ll wake up.» was the last thing you heard Jisung say, before you fell into a peaceful sleep.
You have been falling in and out of sleep few more times, and Jisung had always kept his promise. Sometimes he would be awake, sometimes asleep, but as soon as you woke up, he would be the first thing you would see.
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Something brushed against your shoulder, and you woke up to find Jisung laying on top of the blankets and cuddled on your side, his forehead brushing against your shoulder as he tried to occupy as little space as he could. Following your instinct, you turned on your side to face him, happily noticing that finally your side stopped hurting, and scooted closer to him, so that you would fall asleep once again with your forehead against his.
You woke up few hours later due to the feeling of Jisung’s fingers delicately brushing few strand of your hair away from your face, his eyes burning into yours from up close. During sleep, you managed to intertwine your hands, and neither of you tried to move from the contact now that you were both fully awake.
«Jisung?» you mumbled, and he hummed in response. «Why did you say we were lucky to be alive?» you saw his eyes soften, and his hand reached out to gently caress your cheek.
«You and I are mates,» he explained, «if one of us dies, so does the other.» Jisung’s voice made your heart sank in realization that you unknowingly almost killed your mate and, feeling your emotions, he re-adjusted your positions so that he could hug you close to his body.
«I’m sorry it took us a while to come and get you but, everything is going to be okay, now. We’re together.»
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You quickly adjusted to your new life. First of all, you were happy you could use magic once again, and consequently, to finally have friends with the same gift you had.
The pack welcomed you, but they simply acted as you had always been there, nothing changed in their routine, neither in yours, and you felt home and safe with them accepting you so easily and making you feel one of the family. Jisung was the goofiest and most caring mate you could ever have. His loud personality always made you feel at ease, and so did his natural desire for contact and skinship. Despite the two of you acting like a lovesick couple for the whole day, you and Jisung shared your first kiss a month after your arrival.
Due to what happened, he spent the day walking you around the woods, both in his human and wolf form, showing you that there was no more reason to be afraid, since the hunter had been taken care of and from now on, he would have been there to protect you.
And so, your first kiss was shared under an old oak tree, after you’ve been playing hide and seek all afternoon, and finally, you felt one with the nature and you were no more afraid of the dangers that it could hide.
«Found you!» you excitedly jumped in Jisung’s arms, which held you up immediately, his hold unwavering.
Jisung chuckled. «You did, again.» you inched down, closing the space between you and capturing Jisung’s lips in a soft kiss. Effortlessly keeping you up with his right arm, his left hand reached up to tenderly cup your jaw, gently angling your head to have a better access to deepen the kiss. You kissed him back with equal fervour, feeling as your souls were now connected at a whole, different level.
Eventually, Jisung carefully laid you down on the soft grass, peppering your body with sweet kisses as you made love under an old oak tree, shielding you from indiscreet eyes, as you were lost in each other’s touch. Jisung’s hands and the promised of undying love he whispered against your skin made you feel like you were on fire, as you both tried to adapt to the new sensation of completeness that inevitably came as your bodies rocked and grinded together, chasing your release while tightly intertwining your hands together. Jisung’s left hand intertwined with yours and his right hand cupped your jaw once again to kiss you as you came together, absorbing each other’s moans with a tender kiss, your left hand hanging loosely around his right wrist.
«I think I really love you,» Jisung mumbled in the crook of your neck as you both shared the bliss of your post orgasm state, and you felt your heart soar. «And I’m really glad you found me.»
«I love you, too.» you mumbled back, feeling Jisung’s hammering heartbeat right against your skin, «And I’m really glad you found me right back.»
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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swiftpolls · 7 days
** just for fun. if it helps, character is in her twenties. has red hair, freckles, green eyes. has adhd. sort of seen as the comic relief. but very powerful. doesn’t take herself too seriously.
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
August 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: August 4th
First Quarter: August 12th
Full moon: August 19th
Last Quarter: August 26th
Sabbats: Lughnasadh/Lammas- August 1st
August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Barely Moon, Black Cherries Moon, Corn moon, Dispute Moon, Harvest moon, Herb Moon, grain moon, Mountain Shadows Moon, Red moon, Ricing Moon, Weodmonath & Wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder, cedar & hazel
Herbs: Basil, bay, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St.John's wort
Flowers: Angelica, chamomile, marigold & sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, emerald, fire agate, garnet, jade, moonstone, peridot, red jasper, red agate, sardonyx, topaz & tourmaline
Colors: Dark green, gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Abundance, appreciation, authority, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power, prophecy, prosperity, vitality & wisdom
The name Sturgeon Moon comes from the giant lake sturgeon of the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain; this native freshwater fish was readily caught during this part of summer & an important food staple for Native Americans who lived in the region. At one time the lake sturgeon was quite abundant in late summer, though they are rarer today.
• August's full moon is the first Supermoon of the year, which means that it will appear bigger & brighter than the full Moons we have seen so far!
Known as: Lammas, August Eve  & Feast of Bread
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, golden yellow, green, light brown, orange, purple, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle (bull & calf)
Birds: Chicken/Rooster
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Food: Apples, barely cakes, berries, berry pies, breads, colcannon, cider, corn, grains, honey, lamb, nuts, potatoes, rice, sun-shaped cookies & wild berries
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, blackberry, bramble, corn, cornsilk, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, gorse, grape, medowsweet, oak leaves, pear, rye, sloe & wheat
Flowers:  Clyclamen, heather hollyhock & sunflower
Trees: Acacia, apple, myrtle,oak & rowan
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Danu, Demeter, Ereshkigal, Freya, Frigga, Gaia, Inanna Ishtar, Kait, Persephone, Sul, Taillte, Tea & Zaramama
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Dumuzi, Ebisu, Ghanan, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, challenges, darkness, death, endings, release & transformation
Spellwork: Abundance, bounty, fire magick, rituals of thanks & sun magick
• Bake fresh bread
• Weave wheat
• Take walks in nature or along bodies of water
• Craft a corn doll
• Learn a new skill
• Watch the sunrise/sunset
• Leave grains and seeds in a place where birds, squirrels and other small animals can appreciate them
• Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
• Donate to your local foodbank
• Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
• Give thanks & offerings to the Earth
• Trade crafts of make deals
• Gather and/or dry herbs to use for the upcoming year
• Celebrate/honor the god Lugh by hosting a competition of games
• Participate in matchmaking or handfasting ceremonies
• Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
• Clean up a space in nature
• Plant saved seeds or save seeds to use in the future
Lughnasadh or Lammas is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. Historically it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland & the Isle of Man. Traditionally it is held on 1 August, or about halfway between the summer solstice & autumn equinox. In recent centuries some of the celebrations have shifted to the Sunday nearest this date.
Lughnasadh is mentioned in early Irish literature & has pagan origins. The festival is named after Lugh the god of craftsmanship. It was also founded by the god Lugh as a funeral feast & athletic competition/funeral games in memory of his foster-mother Tailtiu. She was said to have died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture.
• Tailtiu may have been an earth goddess who represented the dying vegetation that fed mankind.
• Another tale says that Lugh founded the festival in memory of his two wives, the sisters Nás & Bói. 
In the Middle Ages it involved great gatherings that included ceremonies, athletic contests (most notably the Tailteann Games which were extremely dangerous), horse racing, feasting, matchmaking & trading.
• With the coming of Christianity to the Celtic lands, the old festival of Lughnasadh took on Christian symbolism. Loaves of bread were baked from the first of the harvested grain & placed on the church altar on the first Sunday of August. The Christianized name for the feast of Lughnasadh is Lammas which means “loaf mass”.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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imjustsocute · 3 months
Call Of Duty Black ops: Cold War [Bell OC]
(Final design)
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Name: Lisette “Bell” Frans [?]
Alias: Bell (by safehouse crews), Doll face (by Woods and Lazar), Little rat (Perseus??), Little princess (???)
Date of Birth: [???]
Age: 25-27 (1981)
Blood Type: A-
Nationality: Russian
Birthplace: [???]
Languages spoken: English, Russian, German
Gender: Female
Eyes color: Hazel
Hair color: Ash blonde
Build: Lean
Height: 5’4/ 162 cm.
Weight: 121 Ibs/ 55 kg.
Marks: A few scars on the left stomach, A gunshot wound on the right stomach, A large scar under breasts
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Russell Adler
Jason Hudson
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Lawrence Sims
Eleazar “Lazar” Azoulay
Helen Park
Dimitri Belikov
Perseus collective (In past)
Arash Kadivar
Qasim Javadi
Anton Volkov
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin
Kapano “Naga” Vang
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka
Freya “Wraith” Helvig
Roman “Knight” Gray
Owethu “Jackal” Mabuza
Fighting Style: Sambo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai
Weapon(s): Assault rifles, anything that can be weapons(fork, a pice of glass, wire etc.)
Distinct Weapon: M1911, Zero Tolerance 0006
Shortcomings: -
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Myers Briggs Type: ISFJ [Even Bell always keeps her straight face every time but doesn’t mean she didn’t care anyone or anything, she likes to observe everyone who close to her and support them in every way. She would do everything to protect those she loves. Even though she must sacrifice herself, she will do it without hesitate. What a saint she is, isn’t she?]
Good listener: Bell never argued with anyone in conversations or start speaking if no one asked her. She always listen them in silence, no opportunity, no questions like a good girl that sit still.
Dedicated: She will sacrifice everything that she have. No matter how many bloodshed on her hands, betrayed, killed everyone who get in her way or even worse, these actions are so selfish and disgusting more than anything but for the love ones, if that make them happy she would do it. Even in the end she would die alone she never upset at them. Never.
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Nervous: Bell not very good to meet a new member or friends. She didn’t know where to put herself when someone greeting or praised her and she will says “Thank you” in a monotone but in her mind is already exploding.
Food: Staek pie, Borscht
Drink: Coca Cola, Rose tea
Color: Blue
Song: -
Bell is a big eater. You will be surprised that she can eat up all food on table, no matter how many dishes had served she wiped out all of them.
Bell always keep her straight face all the time, happy, sad, angry, surprised or even smile. She never show them on her face, only doll face to show up on her.
She often had nightmares when she sleep about the fields of Vietnam, the girl who whispered on Bell to find the locket. And the man covered with blood on his whole body call her name but she didn’t hear it.
Bell is an expert arcade one. No one can beat her, she is the true Gamer in 80s.
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kitcat22 · 9 months
My Genderbent Percy Jackson Names ideas!
Hold on tight cause this could get long
Percy Jackson —> Penelope Jackson
Ive seen a lot of takes where persephone is used and while i could see sally or Poseidon naming him that as a way to appease hades and try and avoid his wrath, i like Sally choosing the name of someone who got a happy ending. Penelope in greek mythology faces a lot of hardships but in the end she did get her happy ending. I also feel like Penelope being married to one of Athena’s favourite champions goes well with Penny Jackson falling for one of Athena‘s favourite sons. Also this Penelope choosing to follow her boyfriend on his perilous journey (ie. Falling into Tartartus with him) than being separated from him like the original Penelope was.
Jason Grace —> Helen Grace
Doesn’t start with the same letter but i wanted a name relating to greek mythology that i could think of reasons for. Ican see multiple ways Helen would end up with her name
1. Beryl Grace names her that out of pride. She seduces the king of gods and now she has a daughter just as beautiful as the original Helen.
2. Helen Grace does actually look a lot like Helen of Troy and was named by zeus/Jupiter for the resemblance
3. Hera, the goddess of marriage and women, maybe not being as hateful of Helen of Troy because she’s one of Zeus’ demigod daughters and not a demigod son. Also the original Helen having tumultuous marriages (depending on which version you go by) just like Hera who’s husband is about as unfaithful as you get. I could see Helen becoming one of her fave demigods and wanting to honour her by naming this new child after her. Or again Zeus naming her for that reason.
4. Helen of Troy was used in an insult against Hera so Hera being like ‘fuck you this is the new Helen, she’s gonna turn out much better than the original and she’s all mine’.
Also Helen Grace ending up in a kind of forced relationship with a son of Aphrodite.
Nico Di Angelo —> Viviana Di angelo or Mirabella Di Angelo or Rosa Di angelo
This one I’m not as decisive on, but i tried to find some italian/latin names that could be shortened to a nick name
Viviana means lively. Can be shortened to Viv. I could see this as a sort of contrast to her being the daughter of god of the dead but also Nico going through a lot of shit but surviving.
Mirabella means wonderous beauty and admiral which i think Nico is. Could be shortened to Mira or Bella.
Rosa is just a name that was popular in 1930s italy.
Also Benedetto for Bianca
Annabeth Chase —> Anthony Chase
The chase family tends to go with long posh sounding names so i thought this went well. Means praise worthy. I could also see Alexander after Alexander the Great but i don’t like giving deep meanings to every single name.
Piper McClean —> Presley McClean
Chose this because it was one of the only male P names that i liked to be honest, but Piper’s dad is famous and famous people tend to give their kids stand outish, meaningful names so maybe Presley was named after Elvis or something like that.
Frank Zhang —> Freya Zhang
Also just liked this one. Could be Francesca (no clue if i spelled that name right lol).
Leo Valdez —> Leah Valdez
Closest name to Leo i could think of.
Hazel Levesque —> Henry Levesque
Just a popular 1920s boy name starting with H.
Thalia Grace —> Hector Grace
I chose Hector because Hector of Troy was the greatest warrior for Troy and i think Zeus would want his son named after a great warrior. Before you say ‘but Hector was defeated by Achilles so shouldn’t he be named after Achilles’ I think even Zeus might think twice about naming the possible child of the prophecy after someone that had to be shot down because he was getting out of control. I don’t know if it rolls of the tongue as easily as Thalia Grace but i also thought it went nicely with Helen.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
22 - The Fire of a Best Friend
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Part 23
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila
Arching my back I did my best to slow my breathing once Robb and I had finished our duty as husband and wife.  Laying underneath the thick furs I ran a hand through my messy hair watching him.  Robb rose from his lying position on the bed going over and began slipping his clothes back on.  He hadn’t said a word to me after he had come in and said we needed to perform our duty to one another.  Regardless I knew he wasn't happy with me, luckily he hadn’t found out about what me and his mother had done with Jaime yet.  Finally not being able to take the uncomfortable silence I spoke up. “Is this how we're going to be from now on? We share a bed like we have romantic attachment for one another but outside the tent you pretend as if everything is fine around your men.” 
“You seem to understand the plan quite clearly.  I don't see a need for us to discuss it any further.” He said bending down and began tying the strings of his boots. 
Moving my body more upright against the pillows I snapped back. “Robb, I don't want that kind of life with you.  I love you but not the way you are currently acting like.” 
“So I'm just supposed to act like everything is fine when my wife has lied to me.  When I had completely allowed myself to trust you from day one of meeting you.  I believed you weren’t a threat and now I can’t look at you without thinking about him.” 
“Then maybe I was a fool to think you ever loved me  at all.” I blurted out regretting my words that had come out of my mouth.  Robb looked over his shoulder, an instant hurt showing all over his face.  “Robb, I didn’t mean to say that.  I just-“ 
The tent flap opened revealing a guard who addressed us. “My king, my queen, the Frey woman are arriving.” 
“Thank you, Ser.  I’ll see you later.” Robb picked his sword up from the table without another word to me.  So I had no choice but to get dressed and go see the young girls I believed I could help find a husband they loved amongst our houses. 
A large carriage came riding down the road coming towards the edge of the camp.  The House Frey banners flapped in the wind until the carriage stopped in front of where I was standing.  The door was swung open by the driver revealing the five girls I would take under my wing.  Merry, who has  dark brown eyes and blonde hair.  Next standing beside her was Freya with hazel eyes, and blonde hair.  Shifting my gaze past the two ladies, the other two joining them was Marianne and Giana.  Marianne was born with light blue eyes, and long, dark curly hair while Giana has brown eyes and light brown hair that was in simple wavy curls.  “You’re grace.” All the young women gave me a curtsy after they had exited the carriage. 
“Before we go any further let’s get one thing straight.   While we are together you don’t have to address me as your grace or my queen.  I was never raised to find those tiles acceptable.  I’m simply Haelesa and all of you are simply high born ladies looking for some guidance from me that I am happy to provide.” 
Freya cleared her throat asking a question I didn’t expect. “Haelesa, the baby that you lost was it your husband’s?” 
“I think it’s best that I answer that at a later time.” 
Marianne tilted her head to the side. “Could you teach us how to ride horses?”
“Yes, that I can do.” I waved them all to follow me, ordering the guards to put all their belongings in the available tent we had prepared for them.  Regardless of Robb and I having some conflict at the moment I knew I needed to focus on making these girls prepared for the world and comfortable while living in our camp. 
Robb’s pov
“Have we heard anything from Lord Velaryon yet?” I asked my less bannermen that were standing around the war table with me.  We needed his men and ships if we were either going to take Casterly Rock or take King's Landing from the Lannister family and their bastard children. 
Lord Umber shook his head no in defeat. “Unfortunately no, my king.” 
“And why not?  I know I have sent out a Raven to his lordship.” 
Lord Karstark mumbled under his breath. “Maybe it’s because his daughter was already wed to the Kingslayer and he doesn’t recognize you as her husband.” 
“What was that, lord Karstark?” I spared a glance in his direction. 
He shakes his head lying. “Nothing, your grace.” 
“Alright then can someone explain to me why we haven’t heard any news from the seahorse household hmm?” 
Lord Hornwood ran a hand over his thick Northern beard. “We should assume he has other priorities, my king.  After all he is not a northerner.  These idiots in the south aren’t loyal to the other houses like we are.”
“And that is exactly what we should be trying to change.  Tywin and his entire family have too much power over the realm and that needs to end today, not tomorrow but today.  Otherwise what are we really fighting for if not for freedom for ourselves and the rest of the Seven kingdoms?” Leaning my palms on the table I shifted my gaze around the room to all my northern lords all staring at me. 
The tent flap got thrown opened causing everyone to turn their heads in that direction seeing Haelesa’s best friend Chezney who stood inside the doorway. “We need to talk now, Robb!” 
“He is your king, my lady.  Be careful with your words.” Lord Flint warned her. 
She glared at me, not caring what he just said. “I need to speak with you alone this instant.” 
“Watch your tongue, my lady!” Lord Flint takes a step towards her. 
Raising my hand I didn’t need a fight breaking out between the pair.  The lords left the room without another word simply bowing their heads at me until it was just the two of us in the room. “Leave us now.  What do you need to talk with me about, Chezney?” 
“You’re being an asshole to my best friend.” 
Blinking my eyes I almost couldn’t believe she had just said that to my face. “Woah, I don’t think you should say that to me.” 
“Oh I’m sorry, Lord Stark.   What I meant to call you is a cunt who has been treating my best friend like shit since the day she had her miscarriage when you should be there supporting her!” 
Hanging my mouth open I shook my head never hearing her beer speak to anyone like that before, especially me. “Chezney, are you expecting me to support her when she slept with another man when she was sleeping with the Kingslayer and never told me.  I find that to be the most insulting thing to my honor and my heart.” 
“This isn’t about your honor, Robb.  This is about my friend who gave her heart to you and you’re just throwing it all away.” Chezney crossed her arms over her chest. 
Running a hand through my messy curls I sighed. “My father was the most honorable man ever known.  He even brought home his bastard son and raised it as his own.” 
“Exactly and you treated him like he was your true born brother.  Why can’t you give Haelesa the same treatment?  If she wanted to be with Jaime she would have helped him escape and already ran off the second she found out she was pregnant.  But she didn’t because she only loves you.” 
Meeting her gaze I stared silently at her for a brief moment before asking my question. “What are you wanting me to do?”
“Stop treating her like a traitor and start treating her like a wife because I can see it on your face that you love her too.” 
Nodding my head in agreement I moved around the table to stand in front of her knowing that she was right and that she would do anything for her friend. “I’ll do my best.” 
“You’re grace, something has happened with the Kingslayer.” The tent flap got thrown opened where we shifted our gaze to him. 
“What happened?” 
The guard responded. “The kingslayer he escaped in the night.” 
“Did you know about this? Did she do this!” I glared at Chezney. 
She shook her head utterly confused. “No.  I know she’d never do something like this.” 
“How. How!” Turning my body fully around to face the guard I got up in his face needing to know who had helped him escape. 
The guard replied. “We spotted your lady mother returning from his cell this morning without her lady knight at her side.” Chezney watched me push my way past him stomping through the camp in search of my mother. 
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