#& this is still a work in progress so 🤷🏽
euphoricfilter · 2 years
hi bub 🎀 how are u? sorry i'm kinda late on replying, i suck at that at times.
i'm glad to hear u had a nice dinner ! was the food pretty good? strawberry milkshakes are always the best 😌♡ but ahhh ! u got wootteo 🥺 i know he's just going to be the cutest in person, happy it worked out (sometimes impulsive buys are the best buys yk 🤷🏽)
oh wow ! i didn't know u were bilingual, that's so cool ! but aw i'm sure u did just fine darling 💓💓 u did ur best n that's okay (and i'm sure waitress didn't even notice or remember even after a second) *hugs* .. tho i do understand ur feelings completely. it can be nerve racking on speaking an entire different language (no matter which way). plus i'm sure the pressure of getting it grammatically correct or the right pronunciation is pretty sucky :/
aw honey i think ur putting too much pressure on urself :( i know it's hard to accept thais in an author's prospective .. but ur human and u can't be 100% all the time yk? i think we all have a "burn out" every blue moon .. and i think that's when we all subconsciously know we're in need of a break or change ur scenery. it' okay 💕 ur pace is ur pace and that's okay. take all the time u need. and you'd never let us or anyone down by setting boundaries or simply saying "no". i promise. ur feelings matter always and deserved to be respected. no worries love :)
aw ur too sweet, ty 💕 i'll keep that in mind and of course vice versa always, jus lmk 💕💕😌 but honestly.. i don't even know what's going on? it's kind of hard to explain but basically i'm on my healing journey rn and learning to embrace having "peace" and i've been doing so well but idk.. these past few weeks .. it's been getting a little hard these past few weeks to embrace it. idk why but it's just .. i've been feeling so sad and lonely and bored ig? and it's like.. i've made so so much progress with my mindset, mental health, confidence, and overall .. and let's just say i was in a veeeeeery dark place lol .. i just don't want to relapse back into who was u know? but at the same time i feel like i'm in a "toxic positivity" state rn and it's just sigh* idk.. it's a lot lmao (as always sorry for the overshare omg 😭 )
- 🎀
i’m good!! you’re okay my love <3 i’m really bad at replying to text messages from people in real life
the food was really good, i don’t think i’ve ever had macaroni bites before but i tried them and it was pretty good. i agree!! strawberry milkshake is the best, i think they made it with ice cream as well
ahh wootteo slept on my pillow above me last night, his head is really fat but he’s a cutie so it’s okay 🧍‍♀️
oo another secret fact about me has been revealed, idk if i’d personally count it as bilingual just because i’m far from fluent but i’ve been learning for a while so i guess i know enough to get around 🥲 i think chinese grammar is easier than korean somehow but maybe that’s because i’ve been learning chinese longer?? idk languages make me wanna pull my hair out 🧍‍♀️and my teacher was.. firm in school so maybe that’s where my language anxiety stems from 🧍‍♀️
i think so too 🥲 i think since taking my gap year, i don’t wanna feel like i’m just wasting my life away when this time was meant to be time i took out for myself because the last couple of years of school killed me. now that i know i’ve gotten into university, i really have nothing else to do. like i’ve done my portfolio, done the application, signed up for everything i need for now, so i’m simply existing trying not to feel like i’m doing nothing with my life before i become a slave to the education system again
ahh i still feel bad, but i guess not much can be done about it, and i can only be grateful that so many people are this understanding!! i think for now i’m probably just gonna start the rewritten version of dtik, since it’s an easy project and takes minimal brain power and then i’ll get back to whatever i have in my inbox when i feel like it
i get that!! i was going so well after graduating considering where i was during the last couple of years and then slowly it all just went downhill 😭 and there was times a night where i just felt so lonely?? and so so so out of it, like i didn’t wanna be awake but i didn’t want to sleep it was a really funky feeling?
anyways, i’m always here if you ever wanna chat 🫶 and just know that i’m really proud of you! and you’re doing so well, and remember you’re super cool and take care of yourself 🫡
(shhh dw about it 💕)
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
hmm what's ty lee's verse?
oh well!! a while ago i wrote this little thing for the zukka week and i was like, this is a very interesting concept actually. so i figured i could just expand the universe a bit, and i started with ty lee, naturally, my favorite liar. “ty lee” is... an umbrella term really. it is about ty lee as it is about mai and azula and suki, maybe a little about zuko as the original fic focused a lot on sokka. but mostly it’s an exploration of ty lee and her relationships since she is one of the most interesting characters to me.
here’s a snippet;
“But you are not involved with your soulmate,” Ty Lee points out, feeling bold. “Are you?”
Piandao lifts his eyes from the canva for just a second, not easily perceivable to anyone who isn’t Ty Lee — to anyone who hasn’t been training herself to perceive anything perceivable since Princess Azula invited her to the royal palace for the very first time.
Just when Ty Lee is regretting asking, Piandao gives her a sigh. With his eyes still on his painting-to-be, he says, “We live different lives, my soulmate and I.” He slices the paint brush, firm and exact, like a sword. “We are more damageful to each other, than we are beneficial.”
From her place at the window, Ty Lee gets the perfect view of Mai opening her dumb mouth. “What’s the point of having a soulmate at all then? If you can just choose not to be together.”
The irony, Ty Lee thinks.
And then, Piandao takes his eyes off the canva, and looks directly at Mai. Ty Lee feels herself tensing, waiting, ready to react, whether it’s with a bubbly comment or a blocking of the man’s chi paths. She’s ready, she’s always been ready.
And yet.
“What do you believe a soulmate is, young Lady?”
Mai stops a minute to think about it. She touches her forehead gently, as if feeling her peach pink collection doll mark through her bangs, remembering it’s Ty Lee — not Zuko, who is her soulmate. Ty Lee wonders if there’s a game deeper hidden beneath Piandao’s question.
She doesn’t need to wonder about Mai, however. She knows how simple things are to Mai. She sees the question, the answer, not the meaning underneath, nor the threat, and that’s what Ty Lee is for.
Ty Lee makes her way closer to her, just in case — of what, she’s not sure yet. She’s not sure she can save Mai from this one.
Finally, Mai says, quietly, “A partner?” she looks at Ty Lee, and by the resigned look on her face, probably thinks of Azula. “The partner. The definitive one.”
Piandao nods sharply, and looks away from Mai. He traces the paint brush across the canva again, gentler this time, almost wistfully.
“The cultural meaning of a soulmate varies quite a bit,” he begins, eyes still on the painting. “I like to think of it as a… mold, of sorts. Where you can see something about yourself, more than be something entirely.” He casts a quick look at Ty Lee, almost as if he knew. “A soulmate is not a choice, but rather, the result of a choice.”
Mai frowns, thinking about it. Ty Lee saves this information for later. Azula and Zuko come back to the room, that hesitant tension that’s always around them present as ever. Ty Lee sighs, plays it off as dreamily.
“So, like truth or dare?” she says.
This, of all things, is what makes Piandao’s look stick to her at last. 
Ty Lee was not going for that look — a knowing look. Not with Azula in the room. Her heart races, she puts on her best oblivious mask. 
“Exactly,” Piandao says. “Like truth or dare.”
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