#& taleswritten / Jughead
fearlessmuses · 10 months
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🐈‍⬛ ───── considering they were only separated by a river it was something that she had never quite crossed over into this town, but clearly it was just as unique as her own home. there was definitely something a miss in riverdale, much like greendale it was more than it appeared which had to be the case or she wouldn't be here, now would she?
she straightened as she stepped forwards and proceeded to reach pop's. word on the street was that she would be able to find who she was looking for here. she glanced around pondering some as she tapped her fingers against her thigh before she turned noting the beanie. that was meant to be the give away right?
sabrina slide into the booth with ease as her hands came to rest upon the table across from him and she was taking him. general description and all from cheryl. "jughead, right?" she inquired quickly as she shifted herself and produced a quick smile. "i hear you're kind of the guy to talk to about odd things and general goings on." she waved her fingers some.
@taleswritten ♥ for a starter from sabrina spellman for jughead jones
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voycurism · 2 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻 !↯ 𝙿𝙴𝚃𝙴 && @taleswritten​​
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The little diner had become something of a sanctuary for the young reaper, offering refuge from the prying eyes of the small town’s residents. It was no fault of theirs, they couldn’t change their nature, for it was simply human folly to question something they did not quite understand. Though in addition to this instilled thirst for answers, he learned from his companions that often, impromptu visitors were seen as an omen of misfortune for the townsfolk. So he understood their unease, especially since he continued to extend his stay.
Though the brief respite wasn’t the only reason Pete chose to spend his fleeting, peaceful moments at the old greasy spoon. Dark eyes turned away from the scrawling of his journal, taking a moment to linger on Jughead​ as he watched his friend work. The reaper had a habit of attracting the misfits and outcasts throughout his lifetime, though that suited him quite fine seeing as he himself fit those very descriptors. Though when it came to Jughead he felt an odd connection to the brooding longer, a sense of kinship, kindred spirits. He had only ever felt such a pull from one other person in his life, how strange it was to feel such a sensation once again in this very lifetime.
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A small hum followed suit, a tick often performed in lieu of clearing his throat,  " I think I require your linguistic expertise " Pete spoke, absentmindedly drumming his pen against the counter as he rested his head against his free hand.  " Give me a word similar to trickster, but something a little more foreboding "
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fearlessmuses · 11 months
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🍔 ───── her steps were easy as she approached the table where jughead was buried in his laptop, not an unfamiliar sight, and as she set the plate of fries and a burger down beside him she proceeded to slide into the booth seat across from him. her arms lifted and crossed with ease as she leaned forwards. “you looked famished.” she spoke with a light teasing because he wasn’t probably all that famished but she liked to ensure he did keep fed while he lost himself in whatever he was digging into. he could find a thread and get lost and while he rarely would forget food at times it was just nice to remind him.
“what story are you working on now?” she inquired as she brought her hand up and supported her chin with the palm of her hand and a warm smile on her face. she was honestly interested. they wouldn’t talk so much or be so close if not for the fact that she did admire jughead and everything he did.
@taleswritten ♥ for a starter from tabitha tate for jughead jones
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fearlessmuses · 11 months
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🥤 ───── she frowned some as she looked to the side rather lost in her own thoughts. when did life become so … complicated? it was never quite what someone might imagine their years to be like. there had been a few surprises along the way though, that was for sure. she couldn’t deny that she had often spent so much time peering through a window as the girl next door at archie andrews that she had kind of made herself blind to anything else daydreaming. which had been something, hadn’t it and connecting with jughead jones had been …. kind of wonderful.
that thought brought a smile to her lips. oh the complexity of high school and then onto life in general. but one thing she wished surprised her more than it did was her habit of messing things up. she did mess up a really great and wonderful thing and she did want to try to fix it, she just needed a chance. she sat here in pop’s with a milkshake in front of her as she breathed in deep and straightened her shoulders before she exhaled slowly. “we just need to talk … you know.” she offered as she touched her hand against the counter as she waited patiently. school ending and everything crashing, she just wanted a chance to let jughead know that she wanted to fix this before college and everything else. they could make this work, couldn’t they?
@taleswritten ♥ for a starter from elizabeth 'betty' cooper for jughead jones
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