#& nonnie
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ooo i love your new asks.
both with will smith (im in love)
- jacked and kind (but when you turn and hump his head aggressively lmao)
- and the trend where you tell your bf “thank you” when he says “i love you”
here’s the first ask! the second ask is right → here! hope you enjoy nonnie!
main masterlist | tik tok series masterlist

A Tik Tok video pops up on your For You Page— some girl doing the jacked and kind trend on her boyfriend, but with a funny twist. She shifts when he picks her up and thrusts… into his face. It’s crazy, but you laugh so hard you almost drop your phone. Immediately, you think of your own boyfriend, Will. Naturally, you send him the video, then keep scrolling. But then—an idea hits. Why not just try it on him?
While waiting for him to get home, you cross your fingers that he doesn’t check his Tik Tok notifications. Luckily, he never responds so you assume he hasn’t seen it. Soon enough, he walks through the door of your shared apartment.
You greet him with a kiss, then give him time to settle in, while also keeping a close eye to make sure he doesn’t get on his phone. Once he’s comfortable, you make your way back over to him.
“Will? I saw this really cute couples Tik Tok… and I wanna do it.” you inform him in the sweetest voice you can muster.
His entire face lights up. “You wanna do a tik tok with me?!”
“Yeah! I’ve been wanting to do this one all day,” you say with an innocent smile.
You almost feel bad—he’s so excited, so oblivious. You know he loves to be included in the things you do. He constantly wants all the details of your day and to hear your random thoughts. So, it doesn’t surprise you when he nods his head, looking happy as can be.
You grab his hand and lead him into the living room, choosing the couch as your safety net in case something goes south. You show him a normal video of the trend for reference, set up the camera, and get in position.
“We got this, babe. Hit play,” he says clapping his hands confidently.
The sound begins to play and you brace yourself. Will, strong as ever, grips your waist and lifts you with ease. But, when you go to pull the “surprise” move—his reflexes kick in. He flinches, instinctively pushing you away, or rather—throwing you.
Chaos. Pure chaos.
Mid-toss, realization strikes Will. He panics, reaching out in desperation. Somehow, he catches you before you fall on your head. With a stunned laugh, he sets you back on your feet, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I think you almost died,” he breathes out, wide-eyed.
You give him a matching look. “I know! And, it would’ve been your fault!”
“I’m sorry! What even was that?! That was not in the reference video you showed me!” Will asks, voice cracking slightly.
Giggling uncontrollably, you reply. “Check what I sent you on Tik Tok, babe.”
tags: @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @azure-dawn81 @joesnumerouno @macklin-celebrini-71 @randomcuboidshape
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#kay’s tiktoks 🕺#will smith hockey#will smith x reader#will smith imagine#will smith nhl#will smith fic#will smith x y/n#will smith x you#ws2#ws2 x reader#san jose sharks#san jose hockey#sj sharks#sj hockey#sharks hockey#kay’s blurbs 🎀#kirbysasks❔#nonnie#heartsforjh
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What if in the movie everyone except lylla dies in the flashback scene?
don't make me write another fanfic lol.
cw for angst, medical trauma, animal cruelty, child abuse, and a severe lack of editing.
when i first read this, i thought you meant that lylla survives instead of rocket. now i think you might mean that rocket thinks lylla is dead, but perhaps — unbeknownst to him — she does survive, or is somehow revived. so everything we see in the mcu has unfolded just as the movies have shown, except this crucial piece of information.
there are terrible versions of this story. versions where, in his bitterness and hatred for 89P13, the high evolutionary orders a barely-breathing lylla revived — in retaliation. nearly all of her becomes mechanical at this point — a hodge-podge of surgeries meant to ensure her survival without a thought to her pain. versions where, inspired by rocket's violence against his maker, wyndham uses her as the first of his experiments in a new project, and she becomes known in the labs as the mother of the hellspawn.
i don't think lylla loses or hides her soft nature, though. her way of surviving is different from rocket's. i suspect she truly cares for the wounded animal-cyborgs in her new unit, and that it breaks her heart every time one of them dies.
and they all die at some point, whether due to experimentation or battle.
maybe in that world, rocket finds her aboard the arete before it's destroyed, but i don't think she has much time left on this plane. maybe just long enough to tell him how much she loves him, and encourage him to live — to be happy. and to tell him she doesn't regret a thing, and to ask him to care for whatever hellspawn are left. they're able to be rehabilitated, after all. they've had lylla for their mother.
but to be honest, i don't really like that story. as hopeful as it is, it's still too sad for me, and neither of these babies deserves any new sadness in their life.
so perhaps, instead — in the chaos of rocket's escape — perhaps lylla is able to drag herself into hiding somewhere. perhaps the laser-shot missed her major organs, or wasn't able to damage them as much as expected because so many of parts of her had already been replaced with stronger and fancier manufactured pieces. perhaps one of wyndham's other recorders — lifeforms the high evolutionary regards as interchangeable, never sparing them a second glance — had not yet had the pity fully-bred out of them, and saw that lylla's soft chest was still moving. perhaps they reported her as being incinerated with her brother and sister, when that hadn't been the case at all.
i think that recorder — rebelling for the first time, maybe, and uncertain what to do next — might have bandaged her up as well as they could, and given her some rations, and stowed her away on an outgoing supply freighter. who knows? maybe they’d even be able to give her a medpack. stay quiet, they would have told her, even if she was barely conscious at the time. stay hidden.
she would have been too tired to do otherwise at first, and then too frightened by the recorder's warning. the crew actually probably would have liked her — who could have helped themselves? — but she never finds that out because she's too busy resting and hiding in the ventilation shafts, mourning her lost siblings and praying for rocket's safety. then, one day, there's some sort of altercation amongst the crew. some new transmission has come through — some new piece of information. she doesn't know what. but she can smell their fear, their anxiety. some of them are arguing that they should flee, seek help from other allied planets. but more of them are saying they should go directly home instead: to try and save their parents, their siblings, their children and lovers.
how can we save them? one demands, their voice shrill and agonized. we aren't fighters! none of our people are!
but the decision is made: no stops until they get back to their own planet. no stops until they land on zen-whoberi.
unfortunately, they never get to land at all. countless fleets of warships ring the planet and the supply freighter is docked and boarded by black order before it ever breaks atmosphere. lylla is fast, though, and while you might think her metal forepaws would clink too loudly against the metal gratings, the sounds of her travel are hidden under blaster-fire and screaming.
she hides in the ventilation shafts again — of a new ship, this time. the sanctuary ii. and when the little zen-whoberian is brought on board, lylla’s heart aches for her. she watches the child from the vent shafts for a full quarter, listening to her occasionally cry and sniffle for her mother in muted, muffled tones. the purple monster — thanos, they call him — speaks to the zen-whoberian only in gentle, quiet tones, patient and kind.
but lylla has been spoken to kindly before — by other men who ended up being monsters.
and she doesn’t trust this titan — not when his people had so callously executed the crew on the supply-freighter, as remorselessly as her own sire had shot her — as easily as the guards and recorders had attacked her siblings.
something shifts after the quarter-mark. thanos still talks to the child — gamora, lylla has learned — in tender tones. but the girl is brutalized — daily — in “training sessions” that make lylla’s blood run cold. the first night that gamora is sent back to her bunk with a bleeding wound across her brow, lylla decides she can’t stay quiet anymore.
it’s okay, friend, she says softly, and her voice echoes in the tiny room. don’t be scared.
cautiously, she shows herself, and the child watches her with big dark eyes as she eases her way out from behind the grate, dropping gently to the thin cot. she winces at the blood on gamora’s brow, and lifts a corner of the stiff, uncomfortable bedsheet — wetting it with her tongue before using it to dab at the congealing blood.
that night, lylla whispers stories to the zen-whoberian: stories about her brothers and sister, and stories they’d used to tell each other about freedom and stars and skies, and shining cities just beyond their reach. the next rotation, gamora brings her little scraps of her own rations, though lylla is loathe to take them. and when thanos forces gamora to kill someone for the first time, the zen-whoberian doesn’t cry at all — not till she’s safe in her bunk, holding onto her strange fur-covered friend.
lylla strokes her metal hand over the child’s head, and her heart aches and aches. she knows what gamora is feeling, deeper than any wound on her body — deeper than anything the zen-whoberian can give voice to.
another quarter later, when the luphomoid child shows up in the bunk, lylla stays hidden until gamora can swear the younger girl to secrecy. nebula’s big dark eyes remind lylla of floor’s, and the otter can’t look away.
a few rotations later, both girls come to bed with bruises, and nebula sobs.
i don’t want to fight you, she cries into lylla’s fur, squinting at the older girl with tear-drenched eyes. i just want a sister.
gamora stares at the luphomoid helplessly. she’s still only a tiny thing herself. i don’t know how to be a sister, she admits in a forlorn, childish voice.
lylla strokes nebula’s dark hair, and opens her other thin metal arm in an offering to gamora.
i do, she offers tentatively. to be honest, i think being a sister is the thing i’m best at.
gamora’s lower lip trembles, and she throws herself into lylla’s embrace, wrapping an arm around each of her bunkmates.
it’s strange, how the presence of one quiet soul can still change so much. as thanos grows crueler in his methods, the girls attempt to trade off their wins for each other. unfortunately, he catches on quickly. if nebula loses, he replaces part of her body. if he suspects gamora has let nebula win, he still replaces part of the younger girl’s body. the luphomoid is riddled with painful, unnecessary prosthetics by the time she’s thirteen.
gamora has her own mods, of course, though they’re nowhere near as rampant as her sister’s. and after every surgery, their secret third bunkmate cares for them. and though she never says it, they’ve learned to tell from the look in lylla’s soft eyes — not to mention her quietly-held nightmares — that she knows the terror and hurt of unwanted surgeries too.
they take care of lylla, and keep her hidden. and in turn, she takes care of them, and keeps the best parts of them safe.
when gamora runs off to find the orb, she does it with nebula’s and lylla’s blessing. she’ll send word once she’s somewhere safe with the units, and they’ll escape and meet up on an unnoticeable little planet called tarka. then they’ll head to shi’ar territory, as far away from thanos as they can get.
of course, it doesn’t quite work out that way. gamora can’t sell the orb after all — not once she realizes how dangerous it is — and nebula is trapped playing double-agent between thanos and ronan until after the latter is killed on xandar.
that’s when she takes her fur-sleek sister from sanctuary ii and runs.
of course nebula fills lylla in as much as she can — as much as she knows — about their sister and the guardians. but unfortunately, all she knows is that there is an idiot-terran and a worse-idiot-kylosian, and a tree, and a fox. and some dancing.
meet us on sovereign turns into meet us on berhert turns into wait, we’re leaving to visit peter’s father; i’ll tell you where it’s safe to meet us next. nebula makes lylla promise to stay on their little ship while she lands them on berhert anyway. the youngest of the sisters — bald, now, and more than half-robotic — helps the fox stop a ravager mutiny, and finds out where her older sister was headed.
there’s some arguing between them — some trust-issues, you could say. because, well, the fox and the ravager captain only know nebula as ronan’s lackey. it doesn’t help that nebula insists on stopping at her own ship before they leave berhert, but won’t let them on.
she’s too used to keeping her third sister a secret, you see.
nevertheless, eventually, nebula decides to leave with the eclector, and they let her come with them. it isn’t until after the war with ego — after the funeral for yondu, with all the colors of ogord dazzling up the void of space — that nebula and gamora are able to sit down and explain everything to the rest of the guardians of the galaxy.
which is also when the sisters explain that they need to make a stop on berhert. soon — before they go anywhere else.
they need to pick up their secret third sister, and bring her with them on all their future adventures in the wide-open sky.
the fox, at first, is resistant. the cyborg, and the bug-girl? and now somebody else? he demands rudely. how many new crew-members does the guardians frickin’ need?
but then he hears her name.
there’s no hope on his face — how could there be? — but his ears flutter. he seems to take it as some sort of sign: to shut his mouth and lean back, and let the future unfold as it will. if nebula or gamora are paying enough attention to him, perhaps they’ll notice it: the way his mouth moves when he thinks no-one is looking, rolling the two syllables between his teeth — like something sweet he’d long forgotten the flavor of. perhaps they’ll furrow their brow when they see the way his whiskers twitch, and how his ears flatten with something heavy and unnameable and wistful amongst the stars. again, he mouths the words against the shadow and sky, like a line from a favorite song.
lylla. lylla.
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#rfh asks#nonnie#rfh headcanons#what the fuck is this even???#rfh fluff#rocket raccoon#guardians of the galaxy#rocket raccoon fanfiction
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What about Nat taking you for the first time, being soft and careful but losing control for a bit and filling you up to the brim 🥴
sorry for the wait anon, i needed to get rid of my uni things, but here we go! it came out longer than i imagined, hope you enjoy either way!
warnings: sex scenes, dom/sub dynamic, g!p nat, daddy!nat, p in v, gxg, breeding, blowjob, fingering, orgasm, age gap, dirty talks.
daddy! nat was a completely a soft bear during your first time. you weren’t nothing but an inexperienced little virgin thing and natasha was this older woman who clearly had lots of sex in the past.
she took so much care of everything. the bed had towels for the eventuality of blood loss, bottles of water were lined up on the bedside table, the room was in the right temperature, a hand towel ready to wipe you off and she already set items ready for the aftercare. everything was under her control and ready to assure every of your comfort.
wet, needy and ready you were on her big bed being eaten and stretched out for the first time, at every whimper of discomfort natasha would softly hush you and press a kiss on your thighs. she was slow, lovely, giving you time to process and let her taste you in the most delicate ways.
natasha could’ve swear she would have been happy to die between your milky thighs with her mouth and fingers deep inside you, the sweet taste of your juices tempting and the most sinful sounds rolling off your tongue were driving the older woman drunk and lustful.
she was there with you, living the moment, living the passion, living the love flowing between you. starting to memorise your body that eventually became her favourite place to be, to mark, to own.
her knee sunk into the bed and while you were worshipping her plump breasts, she was jerking herself off with grunts and moans. your pussy was soaked thanks to the two orgasms she already gave you.
she shifted both of you on the bed, her back propped up against a mountain of pillows on the bed. fully naked, skin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. her breath came in shallow gasps as natasha watched you, who was positioned between her legs.
natasha’s cock was standing erect and ready as you leaned closer, breath hot against the warm flesh. you kissed the tip hesitating, lips soft and teasing. your daddy eyes fluttered closed momentarily, a low groan escaping her lips.
“oh, bunny,” she breathed, her voice thick with desire.
your tongue darted out, feeling bolder to giving the tip a series of playful kitty licks looking up at the redhead for guidance which was immediately given as big veiny hands found their way into your curls, gently tugging to guiding your movements.
“look at me, baby girl,” natasha commanded, her voice firm yet tender. you obeyed, gaze locking with her and slowly taking the cock in your mouth starting with just the tip, tongue swirling around it before starting to take more, inch by inch like a drug.
the woman’s hips bucked involuntarily, desperate to thrust deeper into your wet and welcoming mouth, hands tightened in your hairs, trying to maintain control. “take it all, bunny. I want you to take every inch.”
your eyes filled eventually with tears as the cock reached the back of the throat, but you didn’t pull away because you wanted to make your daddy proud, so you relished the sensation of pleasing her, the power and submission blending into a heady mix that made your own body tingle with arousal. bobbing head, cheeks hollowing as you sucked, tongue working the length of the massive venous cock.
natasha’s breathing grew ragged, her moans louder and more desperate. “fuck–you’re amazing, baby girl. just like that.” her fingers twisted in your hairs holding you in place firmly.
you could feel the twitching of the prick as the heavy balls of the woman prepared to release its contents, you redoubled efforts, mouth moving faster, eyes never leaving natasha’s. the connection between you was electric, the intensity almost overwhelming.
“daddy needs you to swallow, bunny,” natasha growled, her hips trembling with the effort to stay still, she was so close and only god knows how she wanted to pin you down and fuck your mouth with mercy. “can you do that for me?”
you nodded as best you could, eyes filled with determination and devotion. with one final, deep thrust, natasha released her load, filling your mouth with the warm, sticky cum. you gagged slightly but quickly composed yourself, swallowing every drop as your daddy had commanded.
the redhead whole body shuddered with pleasure as she watched you. “that’s my good girl. you took it so well, baby.” pulling you up for a kiss, your mouths meeting in a passionate, messy collision. the taste of the cum was still on your lips, and natasha licked it off, savoring the flavor.
"you're so beautiful, baby," natasha murmured against your lips. she kissed her way down to your body again and her thumb found your clit, teasing your folds. you moaned softly, body arching towards the woman.
natasha made sure you was wet enough, she was so worried to hurt you like you were made of glass. patting the tip of her cock against her pussy and brushing the tip gently over her entrance, she breathed softly "are you ready, my little one?.”
you nodded with eyes filled with trust and need. "yes, daddy. please."
the redhead positioned herself and slowly pushed the tip inside you, inch by inch, ensuring you didn't feel too much pain, her lips found yours in a slow, sweet kiss, muffling your mutual groans of pleasure and then finally she bottomed fully inside you.
"you're doing so well, princess," she praised, her voice tender and head resting on your neck, you were so warm and tight and natasha was already on the brick of blowing. she kissed you softly while you gripped at her back with nails digging in slightly.
natasha, once sure the pain went away, began to thrust gently, setting a slow and intimate pace. each movement was filled with love and adoration, her hips moving rhythmically against yours. "you feel so good, bunny. so perfect.”
you whimpered, body trembling with pleasure and need for more. "daddy! oh–more, more. please!”
natasha increased her pace gradually, her thrusts becoming more intense. "fuck–baby, i need to cum inside of you. i need to fill you up, sweet girl. daddy needs to claim you." she continued to move, her body pressed intimately against yours until she felt the climax building.
with a final thrust, the redhead released the cum inside your warm pussy, humping softly to ensure it stayed within you. "take it all, princess. you're so good for me," natasha praised, her voice full of pride and affection.
foreheads touching, breath ragged and sweet smiles painted your lips and bodies locked close, natasha caressed your hair, kissed you gently, and whispered sweet nothings. "you're my everything, bunny. you did so well," her voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves.
she kissed you deeply again and again. your connection building stronger than ever, as you held each other close, the world outside fading away in the warmth of your shared love.
#anon#anon ask#nonnie#anonymous#romanovthinkver#answered#natasha romanoff#romanoffthereal#natasha romanov#marvel#mcu#natasha romanoff x you#natasha romanoff imagines#natasha x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha alianovna romanova#natasha romanoff smut#natasha x reader smut#daddy! natasha romanoff#daddy!nat#daddy natasha#daddy!natasha#bd/sm daddy#g!p natasha romanoff#g!p natasha#g!p#gxg#wlw#reader#sub!reader
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literally a p link!
Simon Riley n his sweet gf .

♡♡𝆬 🍼 nonnie! the thing is, you just love touching simon ˙◠˙ sometimes it's sexual and sometimes it's not. but you just have to hold onto him in some way. he's big, strong, warm, and gives the best hugs, he's so protective and that just makes your brain turn into a pile of goo and he just loves you s'much. ughh 😠
it can go from a simple cuddle, to rubbing against him with your slick cunt. from watching a movie with your head nestled against his pelvis, to your hand in his briefs and stroking him lazily. simon finds it cute, you touching him every chance you get, his clingy baby 🥺
૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ₊˚⊹♡🫧— 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑒
#simon riley#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x reader#ghost smut#simon riley smut#cod smut#tf141#task force 141#call of duty#simon ghost riley#cod mwii#ghost call of duty#simon riley x female reader#simon riley x f!reader#simon riley x you smut#simon riley x reader smut#simon ghost riley smut#ghost cod smut#simon riley smut blurb#twitter links#cod links#🍼 nonnie#my answers#nonnie#deunmiu dessie
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Sarah be sending her best friend nudes while John b is in bed next to her
“babe, it’s to see if they’re good enough to send to you,” she whines, hiding her screen from him whenever he asks why the fuck she’s sending you ts but that cover gets blown when you send a video back of you fingering urself:(
#nonnie#⋆✴︎˚。⋆ asks#bff!reader#sarah cameron#sarah cameron concept#sarah cameron prompt#sarah cameron fluff#sarah cameron fanfiction#sarah cameron fic#sarah cameron smut#sarah cameron x reader#sarah cameron outer banks#sarah cameron obx#sarah cameron x female reader
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Prompt: You got a cute butt
For you dear!
“Okay. I’ll be right back,” Eddie assures him, carding his fingers through Buck’s curls. Buck hums, a sleepy smile on his face, and pulls the covers up to his chin. Eddie stands and exhales, relieved the accident only resulted in minor injuries. “You got a cute butt.” Eddie whirls around to face Buck, a bewildered frown surely on his face. “What did you say?” Buck rolls towards him, which means he almost topples out of bed. Eddie runs back to him and helps him get settled again, and tucks the covers in tight. Like that would stop Buck from getting free. “I said you got a cute butt,” Buck repeats shamelessly, blinking up at him with an awestruck expression on his face. “And you got a concussion,” Eddie says. Whatever the doctors gave him at the hospital, it must be fun stuff, because Buck just giggles. “Concussed or not, I have great taste,” he declares happily. “Great taste in what?” Eddie chuckles. Buck frowns, deep in thought. Eddie smooths out the furrow in his brow with his thumb. He tells himself it’s just to stop Buck’s headache from getting worse. (Yeah, he knows he’s full of it). “Oh!” Buck exclaims, his face lighting up like a lightbulb appeared above his head. “I have great taste in boyfriends!” He slings an arm around Eddie’s neck, pulling him into a hug. The momentum means Buck practically uses a Judo flip to haul Eddie into bed with him. Eddie lands beside Buck with an oomph. Buck giggles again and throws his arm over Eddie’s waist. He sighs in content and wriggles closer. “Bud, we’re not…” Buck lifts his head from where he’d been burrowing into the crook of Eddie’s neck. His eyes fill with tears, his face pure devastation. “You’re not my boyfriend?” Eddie’s heart pangs in his chest. He should correct Buck. Better still, he should be less of a coward. But having a conversation about it right now wouldn’t do Buck any favors. When he’s cleared by the doctors, they’ll talk. In the meantime… “Even better,” Eddie says, already kicking himself for the can of worms he’s opening. “I’m your husband.” Buck gasps excitedly and goes back to snuggling against Eddie. “You’re right. That’s much better.”
Send me a number!
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sorry, I just want to talk, yesterday was the first time since I liked joe that I felt so angry and sad, I'm so happy that his movie won four awards at the bafta, but at the same time, swifties on x are attacking joe by making up things that he never said, and this false tweet has more than 30,000 likes, I don't understand if people are idiots who don't know right from wrong...?The tweet was reposted on my country's social media platforms and apparently only the swifties in my country care about these boring messages, so I saw them insulting and mocking joe in my native language, which is not the same as when I read tweets in English because I don't speak English very well, and I was saddened by the fact that they apparently took a false tweet at face value and were furious about it.
I'm sad that it's been two years why do they still care about him, joe isn't a perfect person but he's nice and I see good qualities in him and I really feel powerless and sad when I see him misunderstood and twisted into one of the most hateful ex's ever by hordes of fans and indoctrinating people who don't know joe about how bad he is
I know the one you mean. Yeah, it's infuriating that they use false quotes or made up 'facts' to attack Joe. But, that's all they have. Cause they have nothing real to use against him. I reported it for spam, cause it was a fake quote.
Strangely enough, I didn't even feel like engaging. In a weird way, I feel like Joe is doing SO WELL that clearly all the hate they have for him is not actually doing anything. You know what I mean? He is glowing and thriving! Maybe karma is real after all and all the hate they send his way ... turns into good luck.
I mean we just saw him at the Bafta awards and we are gonna see him at the Oscars as well. Babyboy is winning life right now. He didn't just survive her, he is thriving!! And I love to see it!
I mean, look how much his life changed for the better in the last 2 years. Take comfort in knowing Joe is doing great. So, don't be sad. Clearly whatever the swiftards are trying to do is not working.

#free joe alwyn#jalwyn#joe alwyn#joealwyn#q&a#nonnie#toxic swifties#shit swifties say#toxic taylor swift#anti taylor swift
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Can you write an hc about what it’d be like to have Travis Wheatley helping his SO train for her rodeo event?
Hey nonnie! I can certainly try!
Travis would be firm but sweet with his SO
He'd be very protective of both partner and horse
He'd probably be quite strict when it comes to training, this is to ensure that both SO and horse are as safe as can be
Travis would explain the steps to you, followed by showing you how it's done.
Travis would watch you do the trick and then give constructive criticism/feedback, to help you improve and ensure you and the horse are getting the most out of the event
He'd give you pointers on how to build the relationship between you and your horse to get you both in sync
If he's been particularly hard on you, then he'd definitely make it up to you later
#anon#anonymous#nonnie#replies#yellowstone#yellowstone hc#travis wheatley#travis wheatley x reader#travis wheatley hc
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Everyone tubbo L-ing in chat as if he didnt get exactly the information he was looking for in that cucurucho interaction. My guy has been asking if cucurucho still has power since the reset and well - he finally found out
^^^^ This! Obviously the whole stream was amazing but this was one of my favorite parts! I've been missing this style of interrogation he does where people don't even realize they're giving him information until it's too late. Same with interactions like talking his way out of fines with the rabbit, it's such a cool part of his character!
QTubbo is such a yap master that when he starts running his mouth people don't actually pay much attention and just begin brushing it off as him being him. But eventually there comes a moment where you realise that he has slowly and diligently not only diverted the conversation to what he wanted to, but also made you feel like you had the upper hand - when that was oh so not the case the whole time.
He is extremely good at asking leading questions which make you believe that you're in charge of the information you are giving up but what you don't realise is that you wouldn't have given out the info in the first place if not for qTubbo just making you talk in circles until he gets what he wants.
I still remember when he was slightly interrogating Bad about the disappearance of WB11 aka Ron and Bad didn't even realise he was being cornered and giving up info, until he eventually caught himself and quickly changed the topic. That was the day Bad called Tubbo "Too smart for his own good" and he was so right
I agree with you nonnie I'm so glad with this new arc we will get to see his unhinged side more and I hope we get more interactions with fed workers soon :D
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here’s the second part to this ask! i apologize for the wait! things have been kind of hectic lately!
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You set up your phone camera on the kitchen counter, hiding it behind some junk that you should probably tidy up later. You know your boyfriend, Will, is about to take a shower while you cook dinner, so you’ve decided to pull a harmless little prank on him.
You saw a girl on TikTok respond with just a “thank you” when her husband told her he loved her, and his reaction was hilarious. Will is like an affectionate, innocent puppy of a boyfriend, and you have to get his reaction to you trying it.
When you hear his footsteps approaching, you quickly grab some pots, pretending to look busy. He comes around the corner and stands beside you, resting a hand on your waist.
“Hey. What are you doing?” he asks, looking down at you.
You flash him a simple smile. “Hi, babe. I’m about to make dinner.”
“Alright. While you do that, I’m just gonna shower real quick,” he says, gently rubbing your back.
You nod. “Sounds good.”
“I’ll be right back. I love you,” his hand gently guides your face towards his, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
You return your attention back to the dinner you’re making. “Okay, great. Thank you!”
He doesn’t move a muscle. He just stands there, waiting. You put on your most innocent face and glance up at him, acting clueless.
“Okay, yeah. I love you,” he repeats, as naturally as possible.
You nod and give him yet another smile. “Thank you!”
That’s when his brows knit together, a deep frown forming on his face. He must have realized he looks too harsh, because he tries to soften his expression. However, he just ends up looking concerned—and concerning—at the same time.
“Yeah… are you- are you gonna respond to me though?” he asks in the sweetest voice, which almost makes you feel bad.
You look down for a moment, as you struggle to hold back a grin. “What do you mean? I said thank you.”
“I know. But, that’s thank you. I said I love you. You didn’t say I love you,” he explains, trying his best to be patient. There’s worry—and maybe slight panic—written all over his face.
You shrug your shoulders, trying to seem unbothered. “Yeah.”
“What? What do you mean?” His voice cracks.
It’s really getting to him now. It’s past the point of odd, and he’s definitely noticed something’s up.
You sigh, dramatically. “By ‘yeah’? I mean, it’s a word that’s typically used for confirmation. I can’t believe you don’t know what that—”
“Baby, no,” his tone becomes desperate as he places his hands on either side of your hips, turning you to face him. “Can you please do it right?”
“Do what right?” you ask, giving your best oblivious act.
Will looks at you, his eyes soft and pleasing. “I love you. I love you, okay? Are you mad at me? We can talk about whatever it is.”
“Uhhh… okay, fine. I’m joking! It’s a little prank,” you admit with a laugh, giving into his pouting.
His head falls back, and he lets out a deep groan. “Baaaabe!”
“I’m sorry! I wanted to see what you’d do!” you say, smiling as you move closer to him.
He looks back at you, and immediately pulls you into a tight hug. “You scared me! I thought you were upset.”
“No, no, nothing’s wrong. Just wanted to mess with you,” you wrap your arms around his neck.
He shakes his head, playfully acting exhausted. “You’re crazy, but I love you.”
“Thanks,” you joke, not wanting to pass up the opportunity.
His face immediately drops. “Babe… too soon.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. You can go take your shower now,” you say, but he doesn’t budge. “I love you.”
He sighs in relief, then kisses the crown of your head. “That’s better, baby.”
You look up and give him a proper kiss, making sure he really knows how you feel about him. He peppers your face with kisses in return—a good sign. He lingers for a while after that, watching you make dinner and talking to you, until you finally convince him that all will be okay if he leaves for a few minutes to take his shower.
tags: @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @azure-dawn81 @joesnumerouno @macklin-celebrini-71 @randomcuboidshape
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#kay’s tiktoks 🕺#will smith#will smith hockey#ws2#ws2 x reader#will smith x reader#will smith imagine#will smith nhl#william charles patrick smith#san jose sharks#san jose hockey#sj sharks#sj hockey#sharks hockey#nhl x reader#nhl imagine#kay’s blurbs 🎀#kirbysasks❔#nonnie#heartsforjh
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ughhh daddy nat would def fuck your plush thighs no one can change my mind 😊
daddy nat doing a thigh job ‘cause she’s obsessed with your thighs.
she nestles her thick shaft between your plush tights squeezing just right. the cock head brushing up from the labia till the butt cheeks due her enormous length, you can feel her pre cum coating your cunt and the texture of her bulbous veins. daddy nat has one arm around your torso and the other busy to keep an hold on your ass.
she start to thrust her hips hard growling like an animal, your ass being abused on hard slaps too.
that’s what she does. her green eyes becoming darker and darker by the sound of your squelching owned cunt and your pretty little sounds as she thrust harshly and fast.
when she feels she’s about to blow, she slips her cock into your pussy, breeding you only to pull out to see her hot semen coating your abused thighs. from her lips rolls down degrading words and praising.
she slowly rocks her hips to make sure once again her semen is spread on your thighs nice and well.
she owns you and every inch of your body, your daddy can’t stop claiming you with her cock in any possible way.
#natasha romanoff#natasha romanov#g!p natasha romanoff#natasha x you#g!p natasha#natasha x reader smut#natasha romanoff x you#natasha romanoff imagines#daddy! natasha romanoff#daddy!natasha#daddy!nat#anon ask#anonymous#nonnie#romanovthinkver#answered
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you’ve done it again, but i must ask… does ahn’thu get reader her cat back? (that stayed on my mind even while getting plowed by an alien lmao)
♡♡𝆬 nonnie! my dove! hehe--- i like to believe he does. ahn'thu is quite literally wrapped around your finger whether you believe it or not. the two of you stay in the clearing for a week or so and when ahn'thu tells you it's time to leave, you have to throw a fit. ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ₊˚⊹♡🫧— 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑒
"we need to go back and get mr. cuddles. i'm not leaving earth without him." ˙◠˙
ahn'thu expresses his agitation through trills as you turn away from him, crossing your arms and pouting with puffed cheeks.
despite your attempt to give him the silent treatment, it doesn't have the desired effect. ♡
it's only when you stop eating that he finally gives in, understanding the depth of your attachment to your beloved cat. (it's easy to find mr. cuddles as he's splayed out on your destroyed couch.)
and you're absolutely ecstatic, jumping into his arms and nuzzling your face into his chest when he comes back to the ship with your black and white tabby cat. ˙ᵕ˙
you're undeterred by his claims of finding the cat annoying, and his cute little grumbles as you kiss all over his face. ( he loves it )
especially when mr. cuddles curls up in ahn'thu's arms, purring in contentment.
#nonnie#my answers#✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧#writeblr#writerscommunity#ILYSM THANK U THANK U#thanks anon!#i love you anon#༝༚༝༚#yautja x human#yautja#monster x human#drabble#reader is lowkey manipulative#toxic tendencies hehhehe#monster lover#monster headcanons#SO YES#HE DOES GO BACK FOR THE CAT#AHN'THU IS WHIPPED#I CAN'T TELL IF THIS IS BALLET ANON#BEAR ANON OR SOMEONE ELSE#PLSS
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hangster eating ice cream on a day off??
"Sweetheart, where‘s the ice cream we bought last week?" Bradley yells from the kitchen.
"Gone." Jake answers from somewhere in the house.
"The full tub?"
"You ate the full tub. Without me?"
"Care to explain?"
"Cara was dumped again."
"Librarian Cara?"
"Neighbor Cara."
"That reminds me. We need to stock up on ice cream."
"Because of Cara?"
"Yes. She's going on a date tonight. Could be good, could be bad. Either way, we should stock up on ice cream."
"Because of Cara."
"Not because of your husband. Who was forced to buy an extra large freezer because his husband likes to freeze his facial creams and 50 steaks at any given time."
"Not this again," Jake sighs from somewhere else in the house.
"I‘m just saying. Maybe you want to store your facial creams in Cara's freezer, so I can keep ice cream in this one."
"You‘re such a loser."
"I‘m a loser… of ice cream." Bradley can hear the whine in his own voice.
"I can hear you pouting."
"Am not." Bradley refuses to admit he's pouting. Although he really, really is.
There's feet shuffling and Jake comes into the kitchen. "Darlin', do you want some ice cream?"
"Yes," Bradley pouts.
Jake rolls his eyes but it's fond. He catches Bradley by the hand and pulls him along.
"Come on, princess. I‘m takin' you out on a trip to the grocery store. One ice cream comin' right up."
Jake snatches the car keys from the little bowl in their hallway and Bradley lets himself be guided through the door, pleased as punch.
"You spoil me," he jokes, letting Jake get him the car door.
"Only the best for you, darlin'."
"Not for Cara?"
Jake thinks for a moment, angling his head. "Librarian Cara or neighbor Cara?" He winks as he closes the car door gently behind Bradley.
Bradley gives him the bird as Jake makes his way around the hood. Jake laughs, wide and obnoxious and, unfortunately, still as beautiful as on their first day.
Bradley rolls his eyes as Jake gets in, leaning over the console to plant a kiss on Bradley.
Bradley will make him buy two tubs of ice cream.
Maybe three.
Maybe he's fine if they share one with Cara.
#hangster#established hangster for the soul#prompt#ask#nonnie#ask game#hope you enjoy nonnie!!#sereshaw
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i don’t know if anyone has brought this up yet but rocket has such a pleasant speaking voice it had me thinking he probably has a pretty singing voice too…and then i remembered bradley cooper literally sang in the star is born and the thought literally has a deathgrip on my soul right now.
anyway with that information in my mind, i’ve decided it’s canon he sings groot lullabies and he probably hums while he works
honeycomb, he does. remember his low growly rumbly hum when he was jumping from tree to tree on berhert in vol2? imagine that crooning in your ear. i'm pretty sure he's humming in vol1 when he's working on the hadron enforcer and his box-of-bombs, too. plus, his low melancholy murmuring of creep in vol3 ~ my poor sad guy.
i actually have a few old imagines that might be of interest to you based on this ask (i probably need to reorganize my headcanons & imagines list ~ it's gotten too massive). the first one is one of my favorites, and it's a response to an ask that is very similar to yours ~ i hope you take a peak, and that you enjoy it, my darling. and if you have a hard time sleeping tonight, just imagine rocket rumbling soothing little songs.
rocket sings (for nonnie)
music and rocket & adam, pete & jason ( for @leresq)
rocket enjoying pop culture (for nonnie)
as an aside @raccoon-coded posted this a while back and it is a gift to treasure and cherish always. i only need it to be 6 hours longer. i sometimes think about writing a silly little scene about falling asleep to these sounds.
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i want to be EVERYTHING!
#cookie run#cookierun#cookie run kingdom#my art#smores art#shadow milk crk#nonnie#shadow milk cookie
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