#& if i say daniel is in the pop psych pov tryna condense lou to his most polarizing/painful moments?
blueiight · 2 years
Why do you think Louis doesn't see himself as a victim? That kind of contradicts everything he's telling Daniel
why do some ppl in this fanbase tend to have a limited understanding of abuse & how people who have been abused self-identify and relate their story to themselves? for most of human history & even to this day abusive dynamics especially in the context of a family dynamic has been rationalized & excused. we see louis blaming himself, selectively equivocating himself to claudia and to a symbolic equal to lestat, like idk what to say other than louis & even lestat in identifying his maker ['i have a capacity for enduring'] both not self identifying as victims is painfully relatable [ewww blueiight is a real person projecting on fiction ewwww] & much more realistic to how complex psychology works. the easy ,morally pure, simple 'victim' whos only identified & exists to the 'avg person' [who is also in denial of their own pain] as solely a symbol for their worst traumatic moments is the only pop psych notion of abuse thats accepted but that person does not exist nowhere nohow in the real world, much less in this story of vampires. im sorry for not giving u the meta u wanted here but theres multiple layers to the story lou tryna sell dan and his own self-perception is not contingent on identifying as a victim of abuse even tho he is... hes selling the whole lover murderer maker thing here. triumph against a troubled, loving maker is what lou wants to sell, but like jacob anderson said louis is self hypnotizing himself in his own realm of memory... and 145 years of memory aint so sweet
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