#& i'll be adding the week to the calendar right after this post goes up!!
danggirlronpa · 1 year
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The people have spoken, and I have risen to meet their command! (Technically they will have spoken in 17 hours. But you can't set specific timers on Tumblr polls.)
DanganWLWeek 2023 will take place from October 22 to 28! Since the vote very slightly tilted towards "Yes, but in November" in second place, it is towards the end of the month to give people more time to create.
This is a week dedicated to content about or for our favorite girls in the DR series, and in particular, their relationships to each other. Any type of media - aesthetic, art, fic, song, video - will be accepted so long as it is not plagiarized from another creator, but certain types of actual content will not be. The following will not be allowed in this event:
ID is in the image descriptions, and I am happy to provide further elaboration on anything if asked!
Please tag any posts relating to the week with #danganwlweek2023! If you have any questions about this blog in general, please check the FAQ!
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sparrowsingsstories · 10 months
So the Good News about Cry Mercy is that the calendar I have (yes I have a calendar) for her story is pretty much working. I do need to pull some time - like one pulls taffy - to give more time for @alder-berry 's Little Bit of Grace and Sparrow's story but it's just like...a week tacked on near where I've already posted. So I'll do those edits, upload those edits...adjust and move on. We're talking like adding a week or two.
Which works. Who goes right back to work after burying their dead husband, Mercy? WHO DOES THAT?? STOP THAT!!
There's a few more places I can add some spare time (like adding spare change). Then update the damn calendar as I write.
In other news, Sparrow is experiencing some absolute angst with the BOS. I should have her meet Danse...I'm tempted to throw in a cameo of @bokatan 's Reed. Maybe with Sean (@alder-berry Lancer) flirting with them. And Sparrow teasing Sean.
As an aside - Cry Mercy starts on May 10th, 2288 and we are ONLY into August of 2288 and due to Certain Events in the story, I have to handwave like...7 months? Seven...Months. Technically, it ends in July of 2289. And then the next book of Mercy picks up there. O.o
I do have a lot of other stuff to fill in that time. In Sparrow's words "How do?"
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nyomjoong · 4 years
Bye, My first...
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☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : Huang Renjun x reader
☆ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 : 3.7k
☆ 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: predebut!renjun idol!renjun angst (???), friends to strangers au
☆ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀 : You and Renjun were best friends since diapers, you were inseparable, where one was the other followed close by. You were each other's first best friends, the first person you ran to when you had trouble, the first person you'd invite out. He was the first person to ever hear good news and bad news. You were so close that people around you think you're dating but this wasn't the case, you and Renjun were best friends, the love you had for each other were only platonic. You thought you and Renjun were going to be together forever… but that wasn't the case.
S/N : I recommend listing to Goodbye and Stupid sorry by The Boyz when reading :))
Huang Renjun was your best friend ever since you can remember, He was your playmate since you were a toddler, Renjun was always your partner for projects you had. He was always the person you ran to when you had problems, he was always the person you'd ask if you needed help. He'd be the first person to know of the good, the bad and the ugly. You were that person for Renjun too. Though you and Renjun had other friends, you both would always choose to be with each other's company. You knew he would be the one person in your life that wouldn't leave you, you knew that he would be the one person to always love and support you no matter what. You confidently know that he would always be by your side no matter what. Through thick and thin you knew you'd be okay because you knew he'd be by your side. 
One night during your last year in middle school, you were over at Renjun’s house watching some tv, you suddenly started to wonder about the future; you wondered about what you wanted to do for the rest of your life, you hadn't thought about it properly so you asked Renjun what he wanted to do to which he replied with much determination “I want to be an idol.” you'd heard his singing voice a million times, admittedly it was beautiful. But you were still taken aback by his statement. “You want to be a singer?” “Idol,” he corrected “but yeah, I want to make people happy when they hear my voice, I want to give happiness to people.” Renjun said with much enthusiasm. Determined to help your best friend achieve his aspiration you immediately took out your laptop.
With a puzzled look on his face, Renjun asked: “What are you doing?”
“I'm looking for audition dates dumbass!” you said looking at your computer with purpose. 
Now sitting beside you, Renjun’s smile grows wider and wider. Upon seeing this you're fueled with motivation and energy and so was he.
You two began to research for audition dates from different companies. Both of you spent hours scouring the net for entertainment companies auditions and marking your calendars. The very next day you found a studio in which Renjun can practice in. With all this in place, Renjun and you were left to practice and wait for the audition dates to come.  
Each time when audition days arrived you were always with him, comforting, supporting and encouraging him as best you can. And after the auditions, more often than not, you treat him for bubble tea or a snack. You kept on searching, he kept on going to the auditions but unfortunately time and time again he was rejected. Because of this, Renjuns' confidence started to lower, you can see why this would happen and you felt bad for him but you knew that he was going to succeed one day. You couldn't help but feel hopeless in times like this. You wished you could do more for him but all you could do was encourage him. 
During the times where he felt less than others, you cheered him on and gave him the confidence he needed. “Renjun, you're an amazing and talented singer! You can't just give up on your dreams...” 
“Y/n, i’ve auditioned for so many companies, and none of them called me back, I'm not cut out for this...” Renjun said while looking down on your carpeted floor. From your bed you went down on the floor and sat beside him
“Injun,” you said as gently as you can while holding his hand “just because these companies didn't call you back doesn't mean you're not good enough, we just have to try a little bit more and push a little harder.” you searched his eyes “Huang Renjun if there is a person in this world that deserves to have their voice heard, it's you” Renjun slowly smiles at you, “Thank you y/n, I really needed that”
One night while browsing you saw an ad saying that there was going to be an open audition for SM Entertainment. You immediately called Renjun to let him know but he was reluctant to go since he was rejected all these times and because of the fact that he felt that he wasn't good enough for this company, but you convinced Renjun to go and pursue his dreams no matter what. 
On the day of the audition, you both made your way to the audition venue, just before it was his turn, you gave him an encouraging hug and quietly whispered break a leg. As he was performing you waited outside for him probably more anxious than he was. When he came out you immediately hugged him and praised him then you treated him out for food and a movie. For the next week or so you and Renjun waited anxiously for the call. You were patient with it but the longer the wait became Renjun began to feel discouraged, his confidence was depleting during these times you encouraged him and gave him the confidence he needed to stay strong. 
After 3 long weeks of waiting for the call, you lie awake in your room hoping and praying that he does get into. Miraculously, the next day as you stepped into the class you were attacked by Renjun hugging you, you wondered why he was in a good mood then it dawned on you, “I got accepted y/n! Thank you so much! I owe you!” He said with so much enthusiasm, you were so happy for your best friend you began to tear up. During lunch, while sitting on your usual table, Renjun began to tell you how the phone call went and how he felt when he finally got accepted. 
“I was so freaking happy y/n. I never could have imagined that I would be accepted as an Sm trainee”
“Renjun! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it” you rejoiced with Renjun. Soon after that, Renjun told you that his training period would start after the school year ended. You felt a pang on your chest ‘so soon?’  You had thought.
That night you were in your bed thinking about how Renjuns life is going to change and what being a trainee would be like and how you'd fit into his life then, you always had a place in the life of your childhood friend Huang Renjun life but how would you fit in the life of SM trainee Huang Renjun? You texted Renjun about your concerns.
You heard a loud ping from your phone, it was a message from Renjun. It reads “y/n… you're my best friend, you'll always have a place in my life and especially in my heart.  Just because I'm going to be a trainee doesn't change anything between us. I promise that I'll always make time for you and talk to you, tell you how my day went and you'll tell me about yours. It will feel like I'm there with you. y/n you're important to me, I wouldn't forget about you. You've been with me through thick and thin, how could I ever forget you?” his words reassured you, you were his best friend and he was yours, you will always have a place in each other's hearts. With your worries replaced by the warm words of Renjun, you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“y/n, have you started reviewing for your exams yet?” one of your other friends had asked to which you shake your head “No I didn't.” The school year was coming to an end, which means the start of Renjuns trainee days was about to begin. You look ahead of you to see Renjun talking to a small group of boys, it was going to be a tough time after he leaves for Korea. It’ll definitely be different without him around. 
 A lot of things were going to change soon and very fast too. Though you were happy for him, you felt kind of sad getting left behind, you were going to miss your best friend so much. Realizing how selfish you sounded in your head and decided to push these negative feelings aside. You were going to give Renjun all the support he needs. 
Exams were done at this point.  There were only 2 weeks of school left, there are only 2 more weeks until Renjun goes. As sad as it will be to see him go, he was reaping the fruits of his effort, for all the time he stayed up searching for auditions, all those times he stayed out late to practice and all the times Renjun got rejected, this was the one that made it all worth it. Renjun getting into Sm entertainment made it all worth it. 
As sad as it was to see him go you knew that you knew that you had no right to stop him. As much as it hurts to see the person whom you've had beside your whole life go, it was his dream. As sad as it was, you knew you'd see him soon, not beside you but on the big screen where his voice will reach across the ocean. You'd hear from him soon but not from he himself but from the lips of several fans, from their tweets and posts. You'll hear his voice soon, not from a shitty coin karaoke speaker but from loud booming speakers, the ones on big stadiums. Soon, you'll see him. Not as your childhood friend Huang Renjun but as an idol whose voice moves people to tears. Not as your childhood friend Huang Renjun but as a person who inspired and saved others using his tear-jerking voice. You will soon see powerful, elegant and breathtaking idol Huang Renjun.
As your days with Renjun are numbered, you decide that you weren't going to sulk and think of the negatives, instead, you were going to celebrate each day you have with Renjun. On these last days, you decide to enjoy his company as much as you can. On each day of his last week with you,  both of you went to different places that meant the world to both of you. 
Monday after school you went to the old playground where you two had often played, then on Tuesday, you went to the movies to see Endgame. On Wednesday you went to the karaoke bar that gave birth to Renjuns love for singing. Thursday, you two went to the mall to get new clothes and of course boba. Today was your treat after you got your drinks you proposed a toast said: “To the future idol, Huang Renjun” then both toast just before you sip your drink, then you exchanged smiles.  Then Thursday the small bubble tea place four blocks down your place where you and Renjun often visited after his auditions. Friday you went to the amusement park, riding all the rides you hadn't gotten the chance to go on. And finally, on the weekend you spent over at Renjuns house playing video games with him, doing his hair, putting makeup on him; you were enjoying his company in his house for the last time in a long while. That night as you were about to sleep, you cuddled up next to Renjun and hugged him tightly. Usually, Renjun would have pushed you off by now but this time- this time he returned the tight hug. You looked up, or at least tried to, but he covered your eyes and told you to sleep. You stared back down at his chest burying your head. 
You were really going to miss him...
What you didn't know was that Renjun was tearing up, he was scared. He was scared that all your efforts were in vain. All the nights you spent searching for audition dates from him, all the words of encouragement you showered him when his motivation was wilting away. He was afraid that he’d leave his best friend all for nothing. He was afraid that he was going to come back and tell you that your efforts were in vain because he wasn't good enough. Throughout this whole time he was with you, you helped him start the process of making his own road, but from tomorrow onwards, he was all on his own, without you. As his head fills with so much worry and uncertainty, you quietly whispered, “You're going to be okay Injunnie, I know you can do this” as if you can read his mind. “You're going to do so well. I know it” you finally said before drifting off to sleep. Soon after, so did he after all, tomorrow is the big day.
At long last it was D-day, later today Huang Renjun officially becomes a trainee. You were hanging out in his room with Renjun while waiting for the cab he called. You were in his desk area on his spinny chair while he was on the other side of the room on his bed. He was on his phone probably saying bye to everyone. And you- you were awkwardly spinning on his chair staring at every inch of his room. It wasn't that you didn't know what his room looked like, you were, for a lack of a better word, bored. Maybe even nervous. 
It was completely silent. Neither one of you knew what to say, Huang Renjun was good at most things but saying goodbye was something he was not good at and neither were you. Breaking the silence you said “Renjun, call and text me please?” as you mockingly pouted at him. 
Renjun obviously cringed as he basically shriveled up in front of you (you did too) “yeah yeah,” he said dismissively “I'll call and text you,  just don't do that.”
“You just pointed at all of me.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Renjun got up then went towards you, you kind of panicked but he suddenly pulls you into a tight hug “ill miss you y/n, so much.” just then you felt yourself about to tear up. But instead of letting tears escape your eyes you hugged him as tight as he was hugging you “Take care of yourself, don't skip meals.” he said, you nodded “you too, no skipping meals. Don't push yourself too hard” Renjun let Go of your embrace. He opened his mouth to counteract your comment but you cut him off “shut the fuck up, i know damn well you're gonna over yourself.” you both exchanged soft glances. Buried behind the soft glances were many many unspoken words between the two of you. Somewhere deep inside, you both knew that your lives were going to go separately and that the paths you both decided to take might never cross again. Along this path, you might only spare each other simple glance, perhaps a simple smile and a wave. Although, neither you nor Renjun was ready to face that reality though, not just yet. For now, you were going to spend your last moments with your childhood friend Renjun.  
 The taxi arrived which meant that It was finally time for him to go, you were sad that he was leaving you but you were also proud that he is able to achieve his dreams. The path he chose to take was not an easy one, it was a path filled with uncertainty. With a final wave of goodbye, you saw the yellow taxi drive off in the distance in  it was Huang Renjun, your best friend and Huang Renjun the SM trainee. 
Ever since Renjun got into SM entertainment your time with him was limited. During the first few months of him being a trainee, you’d talk and text for quite a while right after he’s done his training for the day. “Y/n! There are so many talented people here! There's this one guy named Jongin! He's super talented at dancing and this other kid named Donghyuck is so weird! They’re all so talented and hardworking.” The way he talked about the people in SM really shows how he adored being there. “Ah! Today I met this Taeyong dude and Phew! He's something else.” you smiled towards yourself. You were glad he was having a good time there. Although sometimes he was gloomy when you guys talk, he’d try to sound like he was happy but you knew from his tone, even though the phone, that something was wrong. “Hi, Y/n!” he said over enthusiastically. It was just a thing he did, he over exaggerates his tone to cover up the fact that he was unhappy but you'd always called him out on his bullshit, sometimes. This was one of those times, “Cut the crap, what's wrong? Talk to me.” you'd said. Right then and there, he started to sob. “I feel like I'm not good enough, i'm so sorry that I'm disappointing you. I wasn't worth your effort” you'd listen to him vent and sob then you'd comfort him. “You were absolutely worth all the effort and you're more than enough. Just push a little harder, prove them wrong Renjun. Prove to them that you're a brave and powerful singer. Prove to them that you belong on stage.” 
Even if you're kilometers apart you were still together in away. He’d ask about your day in school and how everyone was doing. You'd tell him in great detail how the day was so that he feels he was experiencing the day like he was with you. At some point, you even started to take notes and jot down what happened throughout the day just so you and he have something to talk about. Even if your days and his were extremely repetitive and for the most part mundane on your part, you'd still have so much fun telling him about the drama that went on in class. Calling and texting him was the highlight of your day.
Though you describe your day as perfect and “normal”, it was quite easy to say that your days felt even more empty without your best friend. Though you try to keep yourself busy to take the feeling of loneliness away, your efforts were futile. It wasn't the same without Renjun around. Though you call and text almost every night it still wasn't the same as having him around in your classes. School got boring and uninteresting pretty quickly. As the months go by the loneliness slowly fades, maybe not fade, but maybe you got used to the feeling of it. 
Within those few months, the time you called and texted with Renjun became less and less. You can't say you didn't expect this, you can't really say you didn't mentally prepare yourself for this either because you did. You really tried to prepare yourself for the time where you and your childhood best friend Renjun finally parted, you even though about the last words you wanted to say to him. You were prepared to let him go. 
You thought you were at least. 
When it actually happened, to no one but yourselves surprise, it hurt… a lot . It hit like 7 hundred bricks. It was an awful feeling. At this point, it was almost a year and a half since Renjun was in Sm. You didn't expect to part ways so soon. He hasn't text you for almost 2 months now and you haven't texted him either because he hasn't responded to your previous text yet and you didn't want to annoy him. Nor did you want to disturb his rest so you just let him be. Slowly you accepted the fact that he would no longer be in your life but for the next few weeks, you kept an eye on your phone just in case he texted and replied to you. But he didn't. No text, no calls, no nothing.  Despite this, you still missed him so much. 
Another semester came and gone, 
Once school came around, you felt a little empty but soon you met new people, made new friends and developed different relationships with people, you’d even gotten a significant other. As time went on the time you guys talked on the phone and texted became less than, altogether had stopped talking. This really didn't surprise you, you knew you'd stopped talking eventually… but it did hurt a lot. 
It was 5 years and a bit since he’d entered Sm and almost 2 and a half years since you and Renjun lost touch, you were lying on your bed staring mindlessly at different objects in your bedroom when your eyes caught on the picture of you and Renjun from your kindergarten days, you had a rock in your hands showing it off while Renjun had a peace sign thrown up. 
“Injunnie,’ the little you ran to him on the other side of the sandpit “look what I found.” you opened up your little hands to reveal a shiny rock you dug up. His eyes shine and lit up “Y/n,  You found the treasure!” you both ran hand in hand to your daycare teacher and showed her. She’d taken a photo upon your request, it was so that you can remember the day you and he found the sacred buried treasure in the sandpit. 
you happened to catch yourself reminiscing about all the times you and Renjun had together, the numerous moments you had together were engraved in your memory, never to be forgotten and always treasured. Never was it a dull moment with Huang Renjun, he was a bombshell of a person, always so enthusiastic and was always the one to make the mood. There really was no one in your life like Renjun. He was, in a nutshell, your most favorite person to be with. 
In the midst of reminiscing, as if some higher being knew the state you were in, you hear a familiar voice. One that you always listened to. One that you're familiar with. You turned to look around you to see where this voice was coming from. It was emanating from a little store at the corner.  
You silently looked at the small tv store across the street, it was him, Huang Renjun your best friend turned idol’s debut song. You smile joyfully brimming with happiness for your friend. it was time for you to let go of the past and move forward, just like he did. it was now your time to chase your dreams, like he did. With one last glance at the tv, you finally accepted the fact that your paths will not meet anytime soon. Parting ways you whispered to yourself “bye my first...
bcalsdk this is my first time doing anything thats somewhat angsty lol... tbh i wasnt supposed to publish this fic but my friend convinced me to upload it so here we are! so let me know if it was good or not. 
stay hydrated kids 
-- zianne 
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theguythatdraws · 4 years
Weekend Plans
(Canon because fuck JK Rowling.)
Yawning, Lycidas sat up on the trampoline he used for his bed and checked his calendar; it was Saturday, so no classes today. He put on his casual wear; an Avengers T-shirt, yellow flannel, ripped jeans, and black combat boots. Finally, he put on his prosthetic and felt the Omnitrix shift from his right shoulder to his arm, like cold liquid metal.
(the Omnitrix is attached by DNA, so it would move to his shoulder when he takes off his prosthetic, at least that's how I imagine it)
"It's been a few months since I got this thing, but I'll still never get used to that." He thought to himself. As he walked out of the dorms and into the Hall, he was met with a few hello's from some other students.
Finally, he reached the Great Hall, grabbed some sausages and ate breakfast, just in time for the post. A blue macaw flew threw the window, adding a splash of color to the browns, greys, and whites of the owls.
"Oh boy, Dad sends Archie when there's good news, wonder what that could be?"
Lycidas pulled a macadamia nut from his pocket, gave it to the bird and opened the letter, and pulled out a note and a photo. Lycidas read the letter first.
We have some good news, you're going to be a brother! We have thought about it for a while, and decided to adopt a daughter. Her name is Irela Thunderfist-McGarry, and she's about your age, so I know you'll get along. Her parents had died last year, so she's been there not to long. She's half Minotaur so you'll be happy. She goes to Olympia School of Magic, so you won't be able to go to school together, but you can see her during the summer. Irela doesn't know about the watch yet, and we intend to keep it that way until you can show and tell her about it. We've enclosed a photo of her as well, so you'll know what she looks like.
Talk to you soon,
Lycidas picked up the photo and saw a non-magical photo, of his mom, dad and a giant of a girl with two bull horns and a purple shirt, looking quite shy.
"That must be her, honestly, she's adorable," thought Lycidas.
He put the letter and the photo in his pocket, and returned to his food, drifting off in thought about what he would do today. "Maybe I should take a dip in the lake."
Knocked from his train of thought, he was startled by a loud noise outside. He ran to the window.
He saw an 18 foot tall Mountain Troll, with a club the size of a small palm tree, smashing Greenhouse 3.
Lycidas ran to the Castle Grounds, trying to find Hagrid. He saw him trying to Stupefy the troll.
"Hagrid, what's happening? Why is this troll destroying the Greenhouse?!"
"He escaped when I was tryin' te prep fer me lesson next week. I'm tryin' the calm 'im down."
"Well, that won't work. I think I should step in for this one. But I'll need to borrow your motorbike."
"Alrigh, but try not to hurt 'im too much."
Lycidas ran to Hagrid's Hut and found Hagrid's motorbike. He got it and started the engine, riding back to the troll.
"So, what're ya gonna turn into?"
Lycidas pressed the green button on the Omnitrix, and twisted the watchface until he found what he was looking for.
He slapped down on the face and there was a flash of green light.
He felt as if his body was turning cold and metallic, and felt his eyes fuse into one.
Lycidas shouted:
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He was a Galvanic Mechamorph, a blob of living metal that could take any kind of machinery and make it better.
"Ok, now to show you how to use Update!" His voice sounded the same, but had a techno effect added to it.
Lycidas threw himself into Hagrid's motorbike and shifted it into a turret, then he fired at the troll.
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"Good thing I made these concussion lasers!" He shouted.
The troll tried to shield itself, but it was no match for Lycidas' lasers, and after a few minutes, it finally fell to the ground, unconscious.
Lycidas got off of the motorbike, and stood by Hagrid.
"So, uh, what's going on with you?"
"Not much, how about ye?"
"Nothing really, got a new sister."
"Oh, what's her name?"
"Irela, Irela Thunderfist. My folks took her in, she's part Minotaur."
(He's still Update during this)
Finally, there was a beeping sound and a red light coming from the Omnitrix symbol. With a flash of red, Lycidas was himself again.
"Well, Hagrid, I'm gonna go, I was gonna go swimming before this."
"Ok, take care a' yerself."
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