#& bijan.001
boroughshq · 8 months
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In preparation for our first event, under the cut you'll find a list of the shuffled character pairings for the upcoming snowstorm, along with further details about the event. As a reminder, the event will officially begin February 1st.
Marlon Mathis..............August Russo
Ryan Caddel................Claire Xiao
Javed Kashif................Alexander Warren
Onyx Harper.................Hercule Boisseau
Enzo Chavez.................Kian Zhang
Bijan Mousavi...............Oliver Metcalfe
Anavieve De Leon.........Deryn Adler
Riaz Mian.......................Fiona Burton
Athena Aston.................Anabelle Burton
Jasper Tomkins.............Johanna Paredes
Robin Morgan................Colson Kim
Gideon Chowdhury........Alina Ayutthaya-Harper
Kaan Demirci..................Neva Björk
Cerrus Balfour.................Anthony Ramos
Daniel Sutton..................Pauly Parker
Maccaulay Blake............Skyler Cameron
Josette Allen Lynn..........Honey Lavere
Merryn Hurley.................Riva Simone
Juliana Torres.................Benjamin Loverson
Violet Hú.........................Sherri Lowe
IC Timeline: Canonically, the snowstorm will suddenly pass through New York on Tuesday, February 1st.
OOC Timeline: Members will have from February 1st through February 8th to post their initial starters around the snowstorm. After 2/8, no new starters can be posted, but writers are free to continue their event thread until it's conclusion. An announcement will be made on both days when the event has started and ended.
Now that the pairings are announced, members are encouraged to reach out to the mun of their paired partner to plan out what will occur between the characters. Members are free to take liberties with the snowstorm backdrop to create whatever situational atmosphere they'd like - they can be as comedic, lowkey, absurd, mundane, adrenaline-seeking, or subtle as you'd like! If you're interested in more concrete details prior to the weather report on Tuesday, the 2014 Gulf Coast Winter Storm serves as a reference point!
Pairing Threads:
The primary reason behind the event is to encourage character interaction between characters who may not have engaged with each other before. As such, character threads are highly encouraged between the assigned pairing. Members can choose if they'd prefer to have their threads set during the action of the snowstorm (ex. thread of two character chatting while stuck in an ATM vestibule together until the power comes back on) or after the snowstorm (ex. first thread are characters running into each other two days after being stuck together in the ATM vestibule during the snowstorm).
Threads have no set length, neither in writing nor in IC time. The encounter between characters can be as brief as twenty minutes or as long as an overnighter, while threads can be full on multi-paras or simple gif conversations.
Additional Threads:
Members are also free to take advantage of the setting to engage in other snowstorm related threads during this time period, and are not limited to only engaging with their assigned partner. Other plotted threads and open starters are welcome! (ex. after being freed from the ATM vestibule, your character briefly seeks warmth at a nearby grocery store with other patrons, where an open starter may be set - or they return home to their roommate for a closed starter!)
Additionally, members are free to continue non-event threads!
Please be sure to tag all event threads as bhqevent001 for differentiation purposes.
Happy plotting everyone! An official post will be made once the event has begun on 2/1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them to the main!
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