#& You write such pretty words in a storybook. (Dan Threads)
cruisinforaiew · 4 years
       Aside from coffee shops and the fresh scent they bring with        their atmospheric aroma, there is one other place that you         can find Dan Humphrey and that is a used book store.        Preferably the one near his loft in Brooklyn. It’s quant and out        of the way from the hustle and bustle of New York streets.        And when you step inside, it’s as if the rest of the world drowns        out into the distance behind the closed door. Tan leather        messenger bag slung over chest to rest upon left hip, hands        in pockets of the black pea coat, dark eyes scan over titles        of spines on a shelf. He’s lost in what he’s looking at, not        really having anything in mind to buy. Though, when his        spots a hand on the shelf, eyes following up the arm to        rest upon the face of his best friend, his features light up        like a warm colored jack-o-lantern. “You always do know        where to find me, V.” He laughs a little, his smile growing        easily. “You looking for some new books too?”
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cruisinforaiew · 4 years
     There were only a few places in the city that houses thousands      of people that Dan Humphrey would rather be. One of those would      be his favorite coffee shop on the other side of Brooklyn, not far      from the loft where his family lives. It’s a welcoming place where      he can get lost in a book or write a story on his laptop, though,      he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t go home that night and re-write      said story upon his typewriter like an old school author that he      looked up to for his entire life. Yet, here he was, lost in Manhattan      in a shop he did not feel comfortable in. Trying to find a suitable      costume for the party that he definitely feel comfortable even      thinking about attending. There’s a sigh up slightly worn lips and      he looks up, hoping the lost look in his eyes doesn’t show and      he offers a small smile to Rave. “Hey, man.” He greets the other      easily. “You find anything for the halloween party yet? Kinda hard      to find something that’s not just ‘off the rack’.”
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cruisinforaiew · 4 years
    What was there that happened to be left unsaid about Blair     Waldorf that Dan Humphrey hasn't already said? In truth,     Blair was everything that Dan had thought he hated about the     Upper East Side and their snobby attitudes and their designer     labels and rich kid attitudes. Blair was Serena's best friend and     maybe that's why Blair became a part of Dan's life, after all,when     you date a beautiful girl, for no matter how long, you end up getting     to know their friends too. So of course, when Dan's walking down     the streets a cup of coffee in one hand, the other in the pocket of     the pea coat he's wearing to protect himself from the October air.     There's a smile that draws over his lips as he walks over to her,     taking a drink of his coffee as he comes to a stop. "Well if it's not     Blair Waldorf." He greets her with a dashing smile upon his lips,     gaze resting upon hers. "You busy getting ready for that party? I     still have absolutely no idea what I'm going to wear. Not like it's easy     to find something that's 'not off the shelf' for such a quick event."
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cruisinforaiew · 4 years
       If someone could name the one place that was less likely to        find one Dan Humphrey in it’s open doors? That would be the        bowling Alley, Livin on a Spare. It wasn’t because Dan didn’t        enjoy the small aspects of bowling or wearing shoes others        have had upon their feet, no. It was because it wasn’t really        his atmosphere, if he was being honest, but when your little        sister asks you to go spend the night out with her, you don’t        turn it down, especially if you name is Dan Humphrey who        loves his sister and would do anything for her. With a smile        on his lips and a small laugh on his tongue, he calls for a        time out between frames, enough to refuel with soda and        nachos, all the fixings of course. Though, when he turns from        Jenny, he’s left face to face with Tristan. “Hey! Didn’t quite        expect to run into anyone I knew here.” Dan’s voice is half        awkward, half surprise, half happiness. “You here with friends        or would you wanna join Jen and I?”
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cruisinforaiew · 4 years
      The smell in the air could only mean one thing. It was Dan       Humphrey’s favorite time of year, autumn. He draws a breath       of the air, taking in the smog and everything else that Manhattan       has to offer to those who live in it’s wake. He doesn’t mind the       city, not in the least. It’s full of inspiration and love and hate and       anything else a person who wished to make it as an author could       ask for in the world. There was never a shortage of material here       though, even authors had a sweet tooth and that’s why he’s       standing outside Kupkake Kreations and it’s mouth watering scents       of baked goods that drifted out under the small crack between       the door and the foundation. Dark eyes glance over and offer       Miles a small, half smile. “Sorry. I guess I probably shouldn’t just       stand outside of the bakery day dreaming about what I want.”       Dan laughs a little, smile growing. “Guess it would hurt to ask       want to eat together?”
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cruisinforaiew · 4 years
     There are few things that could ever beat the scent of freshly       brewed coffee on a brisk October day. Few things could beat       he feeling of a good book, nestled between soft, or calloused,       fingertips as the eyes take in every word for the brain to read,       to understand, to store away in memory. And nothing beats       having company around, being with friends, family, people you       care for and want to be in your bubble. Though, there are those       days when people want nothing more than the easy presence       of strangers to surround them. When they don’t want to see       the familiar faces they know or the sights that remind them of       home.      Dan has been in need of a new story to write. A new book for class,      for the hopes of being published. For pushing himself to write about      someone or something other than the sick feeling of love or being      in love or whatever it was he had felt for someone else. He simply      tries to shake the thought away but it clings to the edges of his mind      like a thorn to a rosebush and he is left hopeless and helpless.      Perhaps that’s why he smiles a little, leaning back in his chair as      gaze land upon a familiar face. Something he had been trying to      avoid today but yet, finding comfort in seeing Zig. “So, I have a      proposition to make you.” He speaks loud enough for the other to      hear, waiting for him to approach. “If I buy you coffee will you      possibly help me figure out story ideas? I hate when I have to      admit that I’m struggling.” A pause, smile grows and he can’t      help but laugh a little. “Yeah, yeah. Get out all your struggling     artist jokes while you can.”
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