nghtmrbtarchived · 1 year
tag dump 5.
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wdwctrl · 1 year
ignore the tag dump.
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pastcontactnumber · 7 days
OOC: The amount of early 2000s references I can make with this mf is overwhelming.
Stuff like Club Penguin
Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Linkin Park
The first iron man film
Silly bandz
The first iphone
Mario Kart wii
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i-am-emmet-real · 6 months
Wait, what was that you said a bit ago about there being another part of your intro post?
Oh, right... This stuff
[pretend it's a photo of the ooc stuff under the read more, I'm using my iPod and can't screenshot rn]
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lachrydoll · 3 years
so anyway..........i like to hc that one of the house’s in badham’s map is quentin’s old house, including his old bedroom. just an interesting thing i’d like to utilize more in future threads possibly :thinkies:
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birdymuses · 3 years
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[ LMS for Hanako to steal office supplies from your muse bc idk I guess that’s a defining character trait now ]
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
So I lost my Ipod today, about two hours ago. Fell out of my pocket and I walked like, literally probably half a block before I realised ( my headphones are wireless and stay connected for a good bit, so my music was still playing and then suddenly cut off ). I ran back ( it had been maybe like a minute and a half ) and looked but couldn’t see my ipod.
It was either buried in snow or, more likely, somebody saw it on the ground and picked it up. My wireless headphones were still trying to connect to the device but couldn’t, so that either meant the Ipod shut off due to the cold of the snow ( i doubt that ) or somebody pocketed it and walked far enough away that it auto-disconnected to my headphones.
I disconnected everything that I had synced to that iPod and changed all my passwords, but I’m still bummed. I barely had that iPod for two years. It has a bunch of photos on it. I’m just hoping somebody good found it and might be able to figure out me via the photos and are able to return it to my place of work.
i feel oddly numb. I’m just upset with myself. I always worried this might happen but I didn’t think it actually would. What pisses me off is I barely even walked that far from it and it had barely been that long ( again like two minutes tops, the song I was listening to was 3 minutes in length and I had been listening to maybe a minute of it tops before my wireless headphones disconnected ), and it was just gone.
I haven’t cried or anything but like. God damn. This fucking sucks.
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trxnquilite-blog · 6 years
— stalking your music soul ♡
info: we’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire music library on shuffle and repost the first 10 songs that pop up. choose up to 10 people.
tagged by: stolen from @daedalcs
tagging: everybody!
01: The Basement & Elevator Shaft - Banjo-Tooie Soundtrack
02: Welcome Back! Master <3 - Persona 5 Soundtrack
03: Rivers in the Desert - Persona 5 Soundtrack
04: Body Image - TWRP
05: Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn’t Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything - Undertale Soundtrack
06: Unfamiliar Arrogance - Persona 5 Soundtrack
07: Final Beeting - Yooka-Laylee Soundtrack
08: Minecart Theme (World 1) - Yooka-Laylee Soundtrack
09: Confession / Secret - Persona 5 Soundtrack
10: Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Persona 5 Soundtrack
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ghostlyanon · 6 years
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001.  Stand By Me — John Lennon 002.  Marching Free — Gaelic Storm 003.  Magic (feat.Nile Rodgers and Brandy) — Mystery Skulls 004.  Tidal Rush — DJ. Octavio feat. Callie vs. Marie ( SPLATOON 2 ) 005.  Carl Goes Up — Michael Giacchino ( UP ) 006.  Amhrán Na Farraige — Lisa Hannigan ( SONG OF THE SEA ) 007.  Mistreated — Deep Purple 008.  Grand Prix — Atsuko Asahi & Yasuaki Iwata ( ARMS ) 009.  The Sound Of Silence  — Simon & Garfunkel 010.  I’m Still Standing — Taron Egerton ( SING )
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meetthemidwest · 5 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications ✔ anonymously or not :) let's get to know the person behind the blog ♥
Oof, okay.
1. I love history but as soon as it so much as dips into economics I’m out. 
2. I’m an orchestra kid and I fear any and all marching bands because they’re too in sync, if you know what I mean. Seriously, they can’t be human, no human moves like that. 
3. I have the absolute worst anxiety about literally everything which is why I don’t talk to people on here even though I want to.
Also since this is already ooc, I have a 3rd generation iPod Touch and Safari is completely frozen, which wouldn’t be a problem but I have some history stuff bookmarked and I need it back. Also the iPod’s power button doesn’t work anymore so I can’t just turn it off. Does anyone know how to get Safari unfrozen?
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brassikarts · 5 years
For the 'unusual asks', do the first 10 with your current favorite oc and also ooc. I can't pick the best ones cuz I want to know them all!!
Oh no. Oh God.  Okay, here we go, @actionjaxkol :
1. OOC: Spotify.  I never thought I’d pay to stream music, but here we are and I love it so much.
Modern Val probably feels similarly; she’s a youngish, tenured professor who probably takes full advantage of having a .edu address on sites like Amazon, etc, though.
Justus probably has an iPod he’s very proud of.  There’s a lot of country on there. Pandora’s a thing he’s heard of!
Brassy pirates, are you kidding?
2. OOC: It’s dirtwise clean, but cluttered.  I usually know where stuff is, though.
Val is the same, but she tries harder than I do to keep things tidy.  
Justus is both clean and uncluttered.  
Brassy’s just a hot mess all around.
3. OOC: Medium brown - the color of a good espresso pour.
Val’s are a lighter brown, think like the color of a doe.  
Justus is a green-hazel.
Brassy’s are shiny, beetle-black.
None of my lighter-eyed characters are commonly played, though if I resurrect my gnomegirl because of Mechagon, hers are an icy blue.
4. OOC - No.  But I’ve lived with said name over 3 decades now, and it’s weird to answer to anything else, so I’ve gotten used to it.  Bee is acceptable to call me online, btw.
Val chose her name, so she likes it well enough.  
Justus thinks his name is stupid (and honestly, has been misspelling it so long that he’s too embarrassed to do anything about it anyway…).  
Brassy is short for Brassika, which is a family name.  ALL of Brassy’s maternal relatives have had that name, with variations on middle name.
5. OOC: married.
Val - long-term partnered. Elf and I headcanon that marriage isn’t really a *thing* in Kaldorei society, so, I doubt it’ll come up.  She hasn’t asked about it, though, and isn’t expecting it.
Justus - partnered, but still new at the dating thing.  It’s been 6sh months?
Brassy - single, very thirsty, very inept with ladies.  Alas.
6. OOC: intelligent, high-strung, determined
Val: tenacious, bright, loyal
Justus: well-meaining, valorous, shy
Brassy: scattered, wistful, intense
7. OOC: very dark brown, heavily wavy
Val: dark blonde, curly
Justus: sandy brown, lightly wavy, usually back in a manbun or tied up.  He has the best hair.
Brassy: short, side-shaved, navy
8. OOC: dark blue mom station wagon
Val: teleports, or takes public transport, or steals Edmund’s car when she needs to go places
Justus: walks, takes public portals, or has like… a Honda Civic or something comically small for his frame
Brassy walks.  In-game she rotates through a variety of mounts because she loses them frequently; modern one bikes or uses the subway.
9. OOC: I mean, for what?  Usually Target, tbh, for most things.  Depending on what I’m looking for, I go elsewhere (Sephora/Nordstrom Rack are favorites).
This one’s hard for characters.  Pass. Sorry; I have a bad head for WoW shops and what they do.  I can tell you that Val has bought jewelry off of @alyssa-ward, though.
10. OOC: slightly dressed-up casual?  I work in a professional office, but wear a lot of sandals and have messy hair and tattoos; my go-to usually involves dark jeans/slacks and nice blouses with cardigans to cover up.  Mine doesn’t fall neatly into any particular kind of look, though, because it’s all dependent on mood. Sometimes it’s a little boho; other times, it skirts the edge of goth; a good deal of the time, it's like a very lazy mom trying to be decent to go to Target, lol.
Val: currently very utilitarian.  When she worked with the Kirin Tor, she was way dressier.  Nice robes, heeled boots, stylish accessories.
Justus: has no discernable sense of style. So long as it’s clean and fits, he’ll wear it.  He needs to be dressed.
Brassy: … dresses like Jay from Jay and Silent Bob, mixed with a lot of leather. She always has her midriff showing (without abs to show off).  She has a bomber jacket she loves and a rotating collection of sunglasses.
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panlight · 6 years
You know what’s sad is that the entire holiday period of Breaking Dawn is A) worrying that Bella/Nessie will die, and B) worrying about the Volturi. Yeah, the vampires are immortal, but Charlie doesn’t have that many holidays left with Bella since she’ll have to disappear eventually. So that the entire season (his first with Nessie!) is rife with fear and worry is just sad.
I know Charlie’s supposed to be oblivious but between Bella worrying and Nessie worrying (since she has some idea what’s going on being so smart and the imprint forcing Jacob to tell her), and SUE worrying (her kids are about to fight a group of vampires to the death?!? again?!?!) like he has to pick up on SOMETHING right?! And there’s nothing on the Cullen’s side to mark the holiday at all, which seems so OOC for them? Their whole shtick is trying to be human, and you can’t convince me that Esme isn’t all about Christmas! LIke yes I understand they all think they’re about to die, and that Alice and Jasper are gone, and they’ve got a bunch of vampire friends who probably don’t celebrate human holidays much staying with them but you mean to tell me that they didn’t do ANYTHING to mark Renesmee’s first (and possibly last) Christmas?  Really, the Cullens? REALLY?! Not to mention that Jacob seems to spend Christmas with Bella/Renesmee rather than with his own father even when he thinks he’s gonna to die soon like what I can’t. Now I suppose we can all assume that Bella just didn’t mention this other stuff, like it wasn’t relevant to her that Jake snuck off for a few hours to exchange gifts with Billy or whatever, and that she didn’t talk about whatever traditions the Cullens might have but … I don’t know, it just seems lacking and too Bella-focused here. She’s not the only one going through this, you know? Edward really doesn’t want some Christmas time with his parents and siblings? Really? Rosalie doesn’t want to spoil Renesmee with presents? (Surely she and Emmett would have given her some fun gifts–the locket, iPod and bracelet aren’t exactly oodles of fun for a 3-month-old-going on two-year-old, even if she does have adult intelligence).  Esme and Renesmee making cookies. Esme and Edward decorating a Very Victorian/Edwardian Christmas tree. Carlisle marking the day by trying to seek some spiritual peace amid all the chaos. Emmett trying to get Renesmee to buy into the Santa myth. “Dude, if we exist, if YOU exist, if the wolves exist, why not Santa?” “Oh Uncle Emmett, I am not so naive!!” He totally hung mistletoe everywhere and tried to get the visiting vamps to play along. The Denali sisters were generally game, as were Garrett and Siobhan, but Amun was having none of it and Maggie refused “these kisses would be false, they are LIES.”  Bella and Charlie certainly deserved that holiday time. .. but so did the Cullen side of the family, and I find it hard to believe they didn’t eke something out.
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leondxs · 6 years
ooc; Hiya just dropping in to say that I really appreciate everyone who has sent asks and replies recently. I’m working on responses on my IPod but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get on my pc anytime soon. I’m working three jobs atm (one is just a pet sitting job that ends on Monday) and have family over for the weekend so my pc time is very limited. :P I’m nearly always lurking on mobile though so I’ll be sending asks and stuff occasionally. I just wanted to make sure no one thinks I’m ignoring them or anything. :3
ily all <3
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loathedlineage-a · 7 years
Just a small heads up that from the 18th to around 21st of this month (next week - monday to thursday) I will be going on a holiday (well, it’s not a ‘holiday’ holiday - more of driving north of australia to have a look at a few houses as we’re possibly moving state) and during that time I will be unable to do drafts. I will have internet access where I’m staying but considering I’ll only be online on my ipod I can only do so much. 
I will try to put as much replies/starters as I can into my queue so that stuff is able to be posted while I’m away. Or I may post some now (over the days before I head off) and put the rest in the queue. I don’t know. I’ll work out something haha. But yeah just a heads up that during that time I’ll be unable to do my drafts (though ooc memes and headcanons and whatnot may be a little bit easier ... anyhow I’m rambling away imma shut up).
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 7 years
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Congrats A on your new character, Nova Hart! Please send us her blog within 48 hours.
Name/Alias: A Preferred pronoun:  She/Her Age: 20 Timezone: GMT RP Experience: 4+ Years Activity Level: 7-8/10
Name: Nova Hart Designation: Switch Age: 19 Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario Birthday: October 17 Orientation: Bisexual Kinks: Orgasm Control, Pain Play, Sensory Deprivation, Exhibitionism, Bondage, Knifeplay, Blood Play Anti-Kinks: Vore, Gore, Scat, Watersports, Pet Play, Feet
Nova was a walking cliche, a puzzle piece that fit perfectly into the stereotype of the rebellious teenager. From the age of fifteen there had been underage smoking, underage drinking, sneaking out to parties, spray painting, as well as a music taste that was stuck in the early two thousands. For the first few years of her life she went along with what her mother and father believed, thinking nothing more of the idea that there was a god that would save them from their illnesses and their issues. When she started to get older, though, she became more pessimistic from seeing the suffering of the people of Kenya and decided that she didn’t want to carry on fooling people into a belief system. She was too pessimistic and too much of a realist to deal with that sort of stuff.
Unlike her siblings, Nova didn’t try to keep her mouth shut, which led to numerous arguments between her and her father. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to help people, nothing of the sort, she just felt that the preaching was a way of deluding people when they should focus on more practical ways to help. After one particularly sour argument with her father, at the young age of thirteen, Nova expressed that she didn’t want to travel anymore. She had friends in Fort Lauderdale that she got on with and understood a lot more than she did her own parents and occasionally her own siblings. A friend had brought up the idea of her living with them and it was that that had really pushed her into asking, into getting out of the routine that her parents had created because she just didn’t believe in what they were doing. She wasn’t going to force herself into doing something to make other people happy. The company she kept made it so that she often put herself before others, making her rather sarcastic and crude, a swear word following up every other word. Her attitude fluctuated from brat to perfect angel and it was pretty clear that that was going to be her main issue.
Bio Questions:
What’s your biggest fear and why?
My biggest fear is giving up who I truly am. I understand that as a Switch there is the possibility of my become a submissive to someone else but I don’t want to give up the key features that make me me otherwise I’m nothing more than a submissive title.
What 3 objects/places mean the most to you?
My initial necklace - It’s one of the oldest possessions that I can remember having, it’s stuck with me through a lot
My friend’s house - it became more of a home to me than my old home ever was. I don’t hate my parents for the constant moving between America and Kenya but it made it difficult to make true lasting connections. Before moving in with Connor I don’t think I knew what a home was.
My iPod - all of the music on there has some form of meaning to me, whether it was fitting to a specific event in my life or whether it just influenced me in some way.
What is one person you want to meet dead/alive?
Zach de la Rocha
What is one moment you would describe as your happiest/most excited?
Finally getting away from my father and being able to stay in America
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berryissy-blog · 8 years
What now? | Self-Para
Who: Isabella Berry; with mentions of @andthony
When: Monday Morning, 1:13 am.
Where: Hallway, Ev’s dorm and the Choir Room
Notes: Issy drops off an box and goes to the Choir room.
Triggers: Nah, just sad.
OOC:  Listen to What now by Rihanna and Unsteady.
 Issy kept the box close to the side of her body as she made the walk, the walk that she made thousands of times. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, blinked away the tears and placed the box down in front of his door. She wrote down, ‘Here is all of your stuff. I figured you wanted these back for your next special someone.’ She pocketed the pen, slid the note underneath the door, knocked and headed back to her dorm. She stopped in front of it, grabbed her iPod, slipped the headphones into her ears and headed towards the one place that no one know where to look for her.
She opened up the door after picking the lock, turned on the light and shut the door behind her. Issy took out her headphones, pushed paused and sat down in front of the piano. She blinked away the tears as she flipped the cover and ran her fingers over the keys. She started to play Rihanna’s What Now? And let out a shaky breath as she played the intro.
“I've been ignoring this big lump in my throat,I shouldn't be crying, tears were for the weaker days, I'm stronger now, or so I say, But something's missing.” She sang, paused and started again. She closed her eyes, started to play again and pushed every emotion she was feeling forward. “Whatever it is, it feels like it's laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror Whatever it is, it's just laughing at me,And I just wanna scream. What now? I just can't figure it out, What now? I guess I'll just wait it out (wait it out) What now? Oh, oh, oh, oh! What now?” She sang out, seeing Ev’s face and then someone’s elses and felt a sob threatening to escape. “I found the one, he changed my life, But was it me that changed, And he just happened to come at the right time, I'm supposed to be in love, But I'm numb again.” She continued to sing, hitting the notes perfectly until she was sobbing as she held the last note.  “So what now?”  She collapsed against the piano, covered her face as she sobbed and leaned against the piano as her iPod play Unsteady by X Ambassadors. She wrapped her arms around her stomach as she let out a breaths and try to keep herself calm as she curled into a small ball before she wiped her eyes.
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