#& It’s why I try to limit any intoxication so it’s like and irregular and only weed or alcohol
rowanhoney · 1 year
O man certain documentaries break my heart
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jhazeleona · 4 years
Imagine for Leona x Female Reader x Yandere Azul (DUNNO IF IT’S A SHORT STORY XDD)
Darkness... If it wasn't for it, their life wouldn't be torn. They wouldn't have to part but this wretched thing cursed them. Leona and (Y/N)'s dream was brought to its demise. A third party interfered, wanting the world to be devoid of total peace. "Life was never meant to be a fantasy." So, does that third party believes. Upon witnessing how the arrogant, prideful, dark-scheming of a beast the 2nd prince of Afterglow Savana (Leona) changed, the 3rd party wasn't particularly fond of it. The man became betrothed to the lady whom his family had saved from danger decades ago when she was still a toddler. In return to that favor, she was to marry their 2nd prince. Leona whom never needed a partner and was only eager to bring his older brother's reign down, forgot about his ill intentions when he did fell in love with (Y/N). His heart and mind once driven by pure jealousy and hatred became void of that nature and were replaced by his new priority. This triggered the third party off, as this would lead to a happy ending instead of the much-awaited conflict. Trying to ignore it at first, the 3rd party simply watched. Hoping Leona would snap back to his former self but no. The man could care less about stealing the throne, killing the heir and being acknowledged as the ruler of the land anymore. He found content knowing that someone finally appreciated him despite being a mere 2nd. He felt appreciated and loved which were never given to him before. Their romance continued but at the day of their wedding, the 3rd party destroyed everything. Leona and (Y/N) found themselves running away from the king’s soldiers who were trying to capture them. Citizens and the people in Leona's kingdom became savage. Most especially his once loving, understanding and caring older brother. Being the king that he is, the 3rd party managed to poison his mind and revealed Leona's past intentions. Even included (Y/N) as Leona's partner upon achieving his dark goal. Causing rage to blind him and order the two to be executed at once. The couple ran and ran until they could run no more. What would they do when their safe haven turned into the pits of hell? They were confused as to what was going on and how was that very past of Leona was brought to the surface. Such thing doesn't need answers for now. They needed to get away. Although, Leona knew they wouldn't be able to safely get away. Only one can be saved and one gets left behind to ensure an escape route for the other. That was the only probable solution they had. Surely it would be better than having both of them caught and killed in the eyes of their own people. The only thing he was thankful about was the fact that his personal assistant, Jack/Ruggie (whoever you prefer hehe), had never left his side and was running with them. All he needed to do was look at the man to signal his plan. Using his last resort, they hid for a moment and used this time to manipulate (Y/N). No. It wasn't to get her to sacrifice herself for his safety but rather to get her to leave with his trusted assistant. He knew that the girl wouldn't leave him on his own and would simply stay still beside him if he told her about his real plan. His lies consisted of reassuring her that he would stay back to fight off the soldiers and that he'll be catching up a bit late by the shore of the small neighboring country. With that, he kissed her resisting the act that would make it seem like he was sharing his last moments with her. Once the soldiers almost caught up to them, Leona pushed the two aside ordering Jack/Ruggie to hurriedly drag (Y/N) and get on the boat by the nearby seashore and sail along the mentioned small isolated country. The two safely got away which made Leona happy and accepted the tragic fate he had after being captured. He was brought to the plaza and there he was beheaded in the judging eyes of the public. While (Y/N) continued to wait by the location her fiancé promised to be coming. As days continuously pass, she still waited no matter how much pain it brought her. Jack/Ruggie couldn't even do anything to help with the situation. It happened when the two were out in the local market, the news of the traitor 2nd prince being killed was passing from one mouth to another. Jack/Ruggie tries to cover (Y/N)'s ears but he was too late. He didn't have any strength to make the people shut up either. All he could do was led her away and listen to her cries. It angered him as he could only watch her break down to pieces. No matter what he tried, the girl wasn't able to smile again. The fact that they had to conceal their identities wasn't helping their case either. Still, (Y/N) continued to stand by the shore, in broken hopes that her lover would be coming. Jack/Ruggie would most often scold her and pull her back home noting that what she's doing is making her suffer even more. The girl didn't listen and every midnight would wake up just to go back to the shore. Jack/Ruggie fully understood her which is why he stopped getting mad at her every single time she does so. He told her of an urban legend. Wherein a wish should be written in a small piece of paper, rolled and placed inside a small bottle and let it drift off across the sea. Letting the sea carry one's wish will soon fulfill it. A few midnights have passed, before a "miracle" did appear in front of (Y/N). She slipped out of bed careful not to wake Jack/Ruggie, and stood by the shore. Silently waiting for her wish to be granted. A pair of twins approached her troubled form and told her of a solution to her worries. "The great Azul would gladly grant you that wish, milady." says the gentler twin. "Mmn~. He can resolve everything. Everything at all~." followed by the expressive younger twin. "Then, would you like to meet him? He'll be more than happy to welcome you. Fufu." With that, the twins managed to talk (Y/N) in and bring her to the sea witch, Azul, whom have read of her written wish. The man greeted her, and immediately sweet talk her into signing a contract. It wasn't that hard for his part, given that the woman was desperate and numb of any emotions. The only thing making her live was the fact that she was still waiting for Leona to come back. The contract she signed was about Azul enabling her to repeat her life. She could meet Leona once again and start their love story anew under different circumstances. A difference caused by the disappearance of the third party who ruined their life. Although, her memories as well as Leona's would cease to exist including their feelings for one another. “Hold on, dear. Before you react, I’ll be giving you a span of 3 months. If either of your love remains one-sided after those months, then I’m afraid you’ll have to pay the price. Aren’t I being generous?” The fee for Azul’s generosity was her poor heart. As the deadline closes and there was no improvement in their relationship then (Y/N)’s heart would severely suffer. Not just emotionally but physically as well. It would be dreadful for her health as she would experience attacks that would result to her being extremely weak, coughing up a fit of blood, irregular heartbeats and many more. Her life was literally on the line. She wouldn’t die but she’ll be in tremendous pain, Azul needs to preserve her heart by the end of the contract if she loses after all. Although, this was the sea witch she was making a contract with. Azul would mostly do anything to have these contracts fall onto his favor. He never said he wouldn’t interfere and with her memories completely wiped, she would never remember about the contract. As he told her, their shared love should flow natural in order to preserve the balance of their life. Soon, as her life did restart Azul himself replaced the 3rd party who destroyed their story. No, he wouldn’t physically ruin things with his own hands but he’ll play with (Y/N) and make her mess up everything herself. By what means? Simply, by stepping into the scene and toying with her feelings. Making her fall in love with him instead of Leona. Being the genius and prodigy that he is, this task went successful. Stealing her time that should have been for Leona, made Leona barely focus on her. Being the heartbroken fiancé that  (Y/N) was, made her fall for Azul instead. Due to Azul being able to provide comfort and love that she seeks. Watching her suffer the consequences as she had fallen for the wrong man was intoxicating to Azul. The thought might be morbid but he was that type of man. That’s what made him Azul in the first place. He couldn’t continue being in denial that he had also fallen victim in this thing called “love” and badly sought for her to be his alone. Although, the contract they had couldn’t be altered. Once it was signed, the contract was completely sealed and was unbreakable. By the end of the contract, she would die as he would have to retrieve her heart. No. That wouldn’t be enough to satisfy his current need. Similar to all things, his powers had limitations and it was limited to forming contracts. A sick thought came to his mind due to his greed. Even his entrusted servants, the twins, tried to stop him from doing so. The source of his powers was directly inherited from the dark figure of one of the great 7. He made a contract with the ancient great Ursula. A contract that speaks of him being able to free  (Y/N) from their made deal. He could have her for himself, however Leona’s memories would be awakened while (Y/N)’s would remain sealed. Potentially, Leona could have his lover back as he would be made known of the contract that (Y/N) made with Azul. That made it possible for the both of them to start their lives all over again and explain why he was alive yet again. Knowing Leona, he’d definitely make sure to get it his way. Though, Azul being driven madly by this so-called emotion love, will attempt to secure her. May it be the rough, unconventional, painful way, Azul will do ABSOLUTELY anything to keep her locked to himself alone. Adding the fact that his contract with Ursula only had a month for its limit. If he wasn’t able to keep her within a month, then he’d be paying a merciless price that scares even the twins and himself.
Author’s note: This imagine was inspired from the songs “Story of Evil” and “Mistletoe: The Tree of Reincarnation” of the Kagamine twins hehe. Hope you enjoy!!
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