#& I would eat the disrespectful chasers too obviously
r0semultiverse · 5 months
My ideal gender presentation is a changeling that looks terrifying by default & makes people scream "what the fuck is that?" but without being able to hate crime me or even hurt me because I'm too strong & cooler than them.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure if I can still request but here it goes. Reflection with Tom Holland please. I understand if you can't do this...
Yes, you can still request! There’s no deadline. I just want to finish the all the songs from the list xx
Reflection - Tom Holland (Rich Kid AU)
"𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞; 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭?"
* * * *
Being the only daughter wasn’t easy. Your parents wanted you to act a certain way and for some reason, you didn’t want to. You had your own way of life that wasn’t inclined to what your parents want for you. It gave you the title, “Black Sheep Holland”. 
It was Sam, Harry and yours birthday and everything was elegant. Obviously, you didn’t want a party like that. You wanted to go to clubs and see and experience them. Everyone was holding champagne or wine and the music was strictly ONLY classical as per Sam’s request. Harry personally picked the best and most expensive videographer to document the party. You, however, didn’t request anything. Thus, the reason why Sam and Harry were ignoring you the whole night.
Everyone was seated, eating the catered dinner while a pianist was playing. You were just minding your own business when your mum started telling you off.
“Chin up, dear.”
“No slouching!”
“Fix your hair. It’s falling apart.”
“Smile more!”
“Ladies don’t laugh like a walrus.”
“Mum, can you shut up?!” You hissed. “Weren’t you taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”
“Y/N!” Nikki gasped. Dom shook his head at you disapprovingly and the twins’ jaw dropped. Paddy just didn’t care. Tom just looked at you with an expression you couldn’t read. You threw your napkin on the table and walked out of the venue.
You found yourself looking at the pond as you stood on the little bridge. The koi fishes were swimming around and for a second, you smiled a little. You didn’t even notice that you were crying.
You heard footsteps coming towards you and you turned to see Tom. You looked back at the pond and Tom stood next to you. 
“I just want you to know that what you did back there was-”
“Disrespectful and rude.”
“-badass!” Tom exclaimed. He turned to you and smiled. “No one’s ever stood up to mum, but you did. That was amazing, Y/N.”
“You’re not here to yell at me?” You asked and he shook his head.
“Fuck, no! I’m on your side and I will forever be on your side. What they’re saying isn’t true. You’re not a black sheep, alright? You’re different because you chose to be yourself and not someone who mum and dad want you to be. You’re different and that’s a good thing. You don’t have to be a carbon copy of them. Be yourself.” Tom smiled at you.
“No man would ever want a lady that laughs like a walrus, though. You’re not looking at the right place, then. Because one day there’ll be a guy out there who’ll make you laugh so hard, people might think it was a walrus.” Tom said and you chuckled.
“That guy wouldn’t mind because he wouldn’t care about your laugh. He wouldn’t care if you were slouching or if your chin isn’t up like it was instructed to you. He’ll love you when your hair is messy and he’ll be making you smile all day especially when you’re sad. I believe he’s out there and I know you’ll find him.” Tom grinned.
You smiled and hugged him, “Thank you. Love you, Tommy.”
“Love you too, baby sis. Happy birthday.”
* * * *
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​ @poguesholland​ @superheroesaremytea​ @marshxx​ @buckys-little-hoe​ @harryismysunflower​ @itstaskeen​ @hollandsrecs​ @ilarbu​ @slytherin-chaser​ @quaksonhehe​ @lil-mellow-bunbun​ @turtoix​ @badreputationlove​ @swiftmind​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @cherthegoddess​ @justanamesstuff​ @chewymoustachio
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ @perspectiveparker​ @hollands-weasley​ @itstaskeen​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @holland-styles​ @halfblood-princess-505​ @spidey-reids-2003​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24 @hollanddolanfangirl @parkerpeter24
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chibimyumi · 4 years
What do you think about Yuta's new role as Kijima? After his mindblowing performances as der tod and sebastian, this role just does not seem to fit his status as TOHO prince and favourite cow(it's just my opinion though, no offence). But still our yuta-bab is working as hard as he did for any other roles.
Dear Anon,
What I think of Kijima? Oh gosh… don’t get me started… Well, HERE WE GO~! (You can thank @akumadeshitsumon​​ for this, this is their terrible idea.)
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Kijima and Plot Relevance
Kijima is a new character added to the original novel ‘Top Knife’, and it is very obvious that this character was just shoe-horned in there. The characters of ‘Top Knife’ are not badly written, but because Kijima is new, every time they interact with Kijima it feels incredibly forced. ESPECIALLY Sachiko.
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Sachiko is this 26 year old brain surgeon who finds herself lacking in every way. Obviously, being 26 and brain surgeon is very unlikely, but regardless, her having the least experience and getting her ego ‘tamed’ wasn’t necessarily a bad thing story-writing-wise. However, her ‘inexperience’ is entirely conflated with ‘the least professional person you can imagine ANYWHERE, to the point of being law-breaking’.
Why do I mention her? Because she is the only connection Kijima has to the main plot. Sachiko’s total lack of professionalism is played up as ‘cute’ and ‘pure’, and now 5 episodes in, her only role so far is THE girl who is in love. After meeting Kijima and having spoken to him ONCE, she finds herself head-over-heels for him, and at work she becomes this romance-drunk, worthless piece of… She is very much reduced to the ‘tell-don’t-show-device’ to tell the audience how DESIRABLE Kijima is, even though he:
Has hardly got any screentime.
Is a total sexual molester in whatever little screentime he has.
Kijima is supposed to be this ‘project’ that Sachiko will probably have to conquer, she is supposed to “cure” Kijima of his playboyitis (spoilers, it doesn’t work that way.)
My and Furukawa’s opinion on Kijima
Skirt-chasers are NEVER nice, for they are the manifestation of the hetero male entitlement, and I hate such characters because they are usually portrayed as “a fun guy who just needs to find ‘the right girl’ to cure him.” As mentioned above, 5 episodes in, and we are already sure that this is the character-trajectory.
In episode 1 Kijima was already introduced as this condescending man who sees women solely as pretty play-things. In episode 2 we see him showing a more charming and compassionate side to Sachiko who was about to cry, but immediately after that scene, he walks to another girl and sweeps his fingers across her waist as he passes by. Eeeewl. In episode 4 his female customers order alcohol, and Kijima just keeps adding booze to the women’s cups without them asking for it (which is SHADY as hell?) Unsurprisingly, Sachiko drinks too much and she falls asleep at Kijima’s bar, so he drapes a blanket over her, and sleeps next to her. It’s a public TV series, so obviously nothing explicit happens, but the subtext is clear as day.
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TOHO’s Prince vs Kijima
Dear Anon, you are very right, the way Furukawa plays Kijima does indeed not quite fit his ‘Imperial Theatre’s Prince’ image, and I am sure the producers would now also agree with you.
As mentioned above, Kijima Tatsuya is an OC and his ‘official’ title is ‘The Bewitching Prince (悩殺王子・Nousatsu Ouji)’. We need no second attempt to guess how this is a blatant reference to Furukawa’s TOHO Prince status. Unfortunately (or ‘fortunately’, depending on from whose perspective you look), they cast the most passive-aggressive, pedantic and opinionated actor TOHO has.
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The premise of Kijima’s character was just ‘a skirt-chaser’, and when Furukawa asked the director what their vision was, they told him: “the lovable kind you just can’t hate”, to which Furukawa replied: “I learn something new every day.”
It is obvious that Furukawa really feels uncomfortable with this character as he has frequently expressed so even in public interviews. He needs to remain diplomatic of course, but he keeps emphasising how Kijima Tatsuya is the polar opposite of the kind of person he is while shoving passive-aggressive comments in about what kind of person Furukawa himself wishes to be. While playing Kijima, Furukawa has removed any of the charms that is conventionally attractive. Kijima is obnoxious, loud, imposing, condescending, rude, obnoxious, full of swagger, and obnoxious. He plays Kijima for what he is; a disrespectful misogynist. Fans were quite in shock at the beginning, but they seem to have fallen for this person nevertheless. It seems that Furukawa is the living trope of ‘so beautiful, it’s a curse’, because many fans indeed don’t look past his handsomeness.
Furukawa seems to be trying very hard to distance himself from this character by frequently saying: “I love acting”. Even though he is normally unforgiving towards himself when he makes any mistake, for almost every single SNS video he makes a point out of inserting bloopers to help remind people Kijima is Kijima, Furukawa is Furukawa.
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‘Top Knife’ is capitalising on Furucowa’s popularity in such an obvious way it’s painful to watch. Furukawa himself is an absolute techno-noob, but even before the series started they gave him and only him an Instagram, an official website, TikTok, and what not. Sachiko is reduced to an empty hopeless romantic self-insert, and when Kijima’s POV flirting videos were published, I got confirmation why.
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The producers of ‘Top Knife’ want to market this skirt-chaser-to-be-conquered-by-the-right-girl, while also throwing Watcher x Kijima videos at us, making us all know that besides Sachiko, Kijima will also flirt with any watcher. They really are trying to eat the cake and have the cake >.>
I hate Kijima with a fiery passion, but I am grateful that Furukawa sees the problem of this character and is giving it his all to make it obvious how obnoxious skirt-chasers like Kijima Tatsuya are. I am laughing at the irony of ntv thinking to have cast the charming Prince of TOHO for this role, but then ending up with exactly what they didn’t know they had ordered.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
Reactions to Demon Slayer KNY ep15-26
5:07 PM 10/8/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep15
I haven't quite decided to drop this series.  And if I watch Haikyuu instead, I'll want to write reactions and read subtitles instead of eat.  So KNY is best for my multitasking.  
5:33 PM 10/8/2020 A much better episode.  
I didn't write notes during because I was eating away from my keyboard.  
Really surprised there wasn't a scene of Zenitsu being told that Nezuko is Tanjiro's sister.  I would have liked to have seen Zenitsu come to the conclusion to be nice to Tanjiro in order to get close to Nezuko.  Such a drastic switch is funny.  And yeah, he *began* this episode with that drastic switch, but didn't it need an explaination?  I mean, I've watched enough anime tropes to know about "getting the older siblings' blessing to date the younger sibling" cliche.  But shouldn't they have explained it?  Or at least explained how Zenitsu is ok with Nezuko being a demon?  I know he's a hardcore girl-chaser, but he's also been mostly established as a coward, especially when it comes to demons.  So shouldn't there have at least been conflict between those 2 sies of himself?  At the least, seeing that play out would have been interesting.  
Felt kind of sorry for Zenitsu when he thought about wanting encouragement.  that's relatable.  But leaving him was the practical thing to do.  And anyway, even if he wanted encouragement, he should be honest with himself about not actually wanting to go into a forest of demons and be glad he got what he actually wanted.  
I'm going to say it.  Inuyasha's Yura of the Hair, Get Backers' Kazuki Fuuchouin, Claymore's Winged Anastasia.  So many of the ways the spider webs threads were used in this episode, other anime have done before.  Seeming like they're floating by standing on threads, puppeting corpses, controlling living people, etc.  I should research spider yokai and see if they originated these specific techniques.  
Oh, and Inosuke has an "animal spacial awareness" power too?  They say "technique", but c'mon, it's a power.  I don't know why I found it so much more acceptable in Naruto, but it just seems too much like a deus ex machina in KNY.  Maybe because Naruto had a lot of screentime to show training in techniques and normalizing that anyone can learn these "powers".  Whereas, KNY had a LOT of time lapse for the actual training montage episodes, and now these "powers" are coming out of seemingly nowhere.  
Ukogi is the sparrow, huh?  
. . .
4:29 PM 10/10/2020 Demon Slayer Kimentsu no Yaiba ep16
WEll, tangling the threads is a good idea, but does that mean the spider demon has kept her threads untangled all the way from her fingertips, through the trees, bushes, and entire forest, WITHOUT getting them tangled?  I mean, is folding over a branch really considered "tangling"?  I thought thread technique characters could manipulate their threads more---at least in other series.  
I was wondering why they stopped attacking just because she snapped their necks, when half the people she was controlling were already corpses, but then I remembered she gave up on their usefulness.  
Really disturbing to see the mother spider so obviously terrified, about to be abused by her husband, while her own children are laughing at her.  
"If I die, I'll be released".  At least someone gets it.  
It's interesting how a lot of the demons have a quick flashback to their human memories right before they die.  I hope that pays off well in the overall story later.  
Tanjiro is sure taking his name misspoken by Inosuke during the previews, pretty well.  That's so refreshing, after so many series where a character completely freaks out then holds a grudge over their name being misremembered by someone that just met them.  I'm so tired of that trope.  It's so nice to see Tanjiro just patiently encouraging Inosuke to try again.  ;u;  Tanjiro continues to be so nice!  ;u;;  He and Nezuko really keep me sticking to this series.
. . .
4:59 PM 10/12/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep17
But if Zenitsu passes out in 15min, then won't he just go unconsciously OP and kill the demon?
So his hair is yellow from lightning?  ok......?  
I have anxiety, depression, and suicidally low self esteem, so I can relate to Zenitsu, but WATCHING scene, after long scene, of a character who does nothing but scream and chase girls is not enjoyable.  I feel bad, constantly wondering why I keep hearing he's a fan-favorite character.  
Isn't saying that the time Gramps spends training Zenitsu is "wasted", the same as saying Gramps is a bad teacher?  Does this guy *really* respect Gramps as a former Hashira?  Sounds pretty disrespectful to me.
Well, it's nice to see the malicious child---enough to laugh at his own mom while she's getitng spousal abuse---get beaten by someone like Zenitsu.  
So is Zenitsu actually a little conscious?  Or is he dreaming?  
I'm sorry I forgot the bird's real name.  Chuntaro will have to do for now.  Chuntaro's crying face was super cute.  
It really hurts to see people picking on Zenitsu, when my anxiety/depression really forces me to identify with him.  And then the moral in the end is "everything is still worthwhile if you just don't give up"?  Sorry.  Not buying it.  If you're suicidal, you've already got the idea that death is an escape from suffering.  So the idea of working hard to survive, just to endure more suffering from your so-called "friends" and appreciating abuse from your "family" just because their abuse is proof of "not abandoning you", really irks me.  
Hang on a second...  This demon isn't overtly hostile.  What?  
Wait.  So this demon will abuse his wife but protect his daughter?  The hell?  And how he's spouting about protecting hsi family?  That's messed up.   . . .
2:44 PM 10/13/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep18
I don't understand.  Every other anime has translated "nisemono" as "fake".  Why is this series/episode translating it as "forged"?  Would it make sense to use "fake"?  There has to be something later in the story where "forged" makes more sense then using "fake".  I hope it comes soon, because it his really perplexing to me.  Right now, the emotional stakes of the fight don't mean anything without referring to a "fake bond".  
I guess the flashbacks aren't just for demosn right before they die.  
Wow.  These nichirin swords are breaking left and right in this episode.  
. . .
10:34 PM 10/14/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep19
By god.  Someone figured out how to get Inosuke to take the time to heal his wounds in the midle of a battleground.  lol  Not bad.  lol  ^o^  
Wow.  All this time I had been hoping Nezuko would help out in this fight since it seemed so many odds were stacked against Tanjiro.  Then shen it actually happens, I had forgotten about it, then WHAM.  Genuine surprise.  ^_^  It's like how I never see Tokugawa protecting Ishida, no matter how many times i see that movie.  lol  
I'm sorry, but the talks between Tanjiro about fundamental philosophies is just too good!  ^o^  Nezuko has a will of her own...Fear is not a family bond...You need to fix that fundamental understanding...  It really helps to hear characters resolute in their belief that Nezuko has her own thoughts, to counteract all the ways this series keeps reducing her:  she can't speak, the hypnosis makes her protect humans vs she herself deciding to have a fervent wish/desire to protect humans, etc.  Need more of this.  Good job.  
Is the blade being held by threads?  It looks like it's not even touching Rui's neck. o.o?
That was good setup for these flashbacks when a character thinks they're going to die.  I liked that the Hashira saving Zenitsu explained that specifically, on top of the series repeatedly showing it with demons and other characters through now.  
This series really likes coming up with secret special techniques out of no where.  lol  I wonder why I put up with it so much with other Shonen anime?  Did they have better setup?  But even though it stands out a bit in KNY, I still roll with it because I love these protagonists and the animation is just SO DAMN GOOD.  
Ooh!  Nezuko doing a Demon Blood Art!  *o*!  Yes!  Agency for Nezuko!  ^o^
Wow.  Haven't seen anyone fight this much with a broken sword since Utena.  ^o^  
. . .
8:09 PM 11/4/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep20
That was a good ep.  
Maybe as long as the characters are cool instead of really pushing for being the comedic characters, then I have absolutely no problems with this series.  
I love how creepy Kouchou is with her friendliness and how sincere her offers probably are.
I already forgot wisteria is poisonous to these demons.  lol  
. . .
5:33 AM 11/6/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep21
Well, this is unusual.  They're showing the ghosts conversing with the oni after they die.  Usually it's jut the flashback, some last reaction to the memory, then the oni dies.  
Once again, I like how empathic Tanijro is.  I forgot that he can literally smell grief.  
Tomioka only *just now* recognized Tanjiro and Nezuko?  lol  
So Tomioka often acts contradictory to what he says?  He's a tsundere?  
Is this going to be the comedy duo for the episode?  Better than Inosuke and Zenitsu.  
I was wondering why Tomioka wasn't explaining earlier that Nezuko
"Kakushi".  Doesn't that mean "spirited away"?  Or maybe just "away"?  
. . .
7:22 AM 11/9/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep22
In other words, they would have been IN SO MUCH TROUBLE if they went ahead and executed him.  lol  
"The fact is that Nezuko has refraine dform devouring humans for more than 2 years, and also that there are 3 people risking their lives for her.  To reject this notion, those who reject it must offer an even more convincing argument."  That's a really good argument.  
Other Hashira have never crossed paths with Kibutsuji before???
By those scares it loosk like Sanemi cuts himself a lot.  
I think she's more angry that he attacked her and Tanjiro though.  More than holding back hunger.  
Aaaaaaaaaand that's end of episode.  
This episode's direction has had SO MUCH "be awed" moments.  The music, the pauses, the slower pace of some reveals, etc.  They really want us to be awed by the Hashira and everything going on.  Sorry, but the ending theme animation sequence and the continuation of this series already proves that everything will end up ok.  But even if I didn't already know a few spoilers, I'm so tired of the whole "be awed" direction.  
All these Hashira are such exaggerated characters, I can feel how much this series is intended for younger audiences.  Suddenly, I'm more able to accept that article mentioning that kindergardeners watch KNY.  (https://soranews24.com/2020/09/07/japanese-schoolgirl-struggles-to-comprehend-the-shocking-truth-that-her-mom-is-kamen-rider/)
. . .
12:30 PM 11/16/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep23
I' expect Nezuko to be more angry about the Hashira beating up Tanjiro, more than any temptation by the blood.  
omg Nezuko is speaking.  
I still think it's more dramatically impactful for Nezuko to solely make the decision herself to not eat humans, vs because of Urokodaki's hypnosis.  
Oh yeah, she's the medical person.  It makes sense for Tanjiro and Nezuko to stay at her house, at least for treatment.  
omg  He still wants to do that right now???  You can get back at the wind Hashira later.  lol  
Tamayo is teh oni doctor, right?  It seems like the Master has a physiological connection to demons, after all.  
Yes, please stop shouting.  I can tell the seiyuu is having a lot of fun, but omg...I don't think I want to see a return of their form of humor.
omg  He's awake.  I thought being asleep would be the only way Inosuke would be so still.  
I feel like the constantly crying Hashira is like a parody of all the Empathy I've been repeatedly praising Tanjiro for.  lol  
1:01 PM 11/16/2020
. . .
6:29 PM 11/20/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep24.   Watched during dinner.  Didn't write reactions.
. . .
9:36 PM 11/21/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25
9:44 PM 11/21/2020 I can't watch this episode anymore.  After all those stupid commercials, realizing how spoiled I've been by YouTube's skip ad option, my whole body still being sore from day 2 of returning to my pushups/ballet exercises routine,...  Everything is just too annoying.  
This girl training Tanjiro during his rehabiliation is annoying.  Whether she's supposed to act as "teacher" for the training or "medical authority" in thier rehabilitation, it should be her responsibility to get Zenitsu and Inosuke back to rehab training.  Even if it wasn't, I hate this implication that this show is framing this situation as Tanjiro's responsibility!  It's not his responsibility!  His responsibility is to get himself healed!  This girl has no right to seemingly direct her anger at him for failing to get Zenitsu and Inosuke back to rehab training!  And even if she wasn't blaming him, the direction is certainly portraying that implication!!!  Adn Tanjiro is _reapeatedly_ trying to get them back to rehab training, so we have to watch this girl _repeatedly_ seem to blame him for their failures!  This whole thing is stupid.  
And then on top of that, the story is starting to move back towards Zenitsu and Inosuke's perspective, likely to finally reveal why they've been skipping out on rehab training.  But all I can remember is how much worse this series got when they showed up.  How much every scene with them went too long and too annoying.  How I don't want to watch them.  And how much better the series got again when they faded back into the background.  I'm sorry to their fans, but my brother was right (about Zenitsu):  Zenitsu and Inosuke are annoying.  I don't think I like them.  
Previous episode was good though.  All about Tanjiro and Kochou.  
. . .
12:24 PM 11/22/2020 The other day, maybe 2 days ago, I was watching the Kimetsu no Yaiba ep where Tanjiro was struggling to do his full concentration breathing 24hrs a day, and I heard it again: The theme of diligent everyday work.  I'm listening to the One Punch Man opening theme, and that series was very much about that.  Did HeroAca also have that theme?  I doubt it, with all the superpowers.  Then again, it may not have stated it explicitly like KNY or OPM, but it probably *portrayed* it better than them.  
. . .
1:52 PM 12/2/2020   Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25.   2nd try, after Crunchyroll crashed.  
1:56 PM 12/2/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep25
Unfortunately saw note from last time I tried to watch this ep and found it very annoying so I didn't finish it last time.  Maybe now's not a good time to watch an annoying show, while Nanay is giving off ominous vibes.  But I'm so close to finishing off this series/season.  
Ugh.  Oh yeah.  Tsundere.  That's part of why I gave up on this ep last time.  
Again, with the "work hard" theme.  If they're going to go with the "hard work solves everything" theme, that's been going around with series like One Punch Man, then at least be encouraging about it, sparrow.  I'm sorry, but I'm already from the generation/society that has lived with that "hard work ethic solves everything" being told all our lives, but by now has been proven a lie.  People work hard and work hard and the oppressions keeping them back aren't recognized.  Then "just work harder" gets used as a fuckin EXCUSE to ignore those oppressions and blame everyone's positions SOLELY on their individual motivations/ambitions.  I mean, *I'm* lazy and hopeless as all hell---I am Gen X, we're supposed to be nihilistic, after all---but I'm coasting!  Hard work does not deterine everything!  And there have been so many journalism pieces revealing the myth of the "hard work solution" just being used as an excuse to ignore problems and not help people, forgive me if seeing that theme being advocated just makes me cynacle as all hell.  
At least Kocho knows how to encourage people.  
If Shinobu is so angry that Kanao can't think for herself THEN JUST TEACH HER GODDAMNIT.  She's a little kid!  That's what you do with little kids!  omg Why does she bother staying angry after her big sister solved the problem right in front of her.  See?  This is what is so tiring about sticking to comedic cliches (in this case, the prolonged flustered angry ranting), instead of just allowing the writing to follow the logic of the characters.  Like PopCultureDetective advocated, you don't have to follow a genre's cliches, simply for homage, if those cliches just perpetuate negative things.  In this case, annoying nusance behavior for the purposes of obsolete ideas about comedy.  ..then again, this series has already proven that the manga-ka has warped ideas about prolonging annoying behavior as equating "comedy".  
Haganezuka is probably going to kick your ass for breaking your last swords.  Don't be so happy to see him---Yup.  There it is.  
He's probably going to chip the blades with that rock.  This is going to be bad.
At the rate Tanjiro is straining, he's going to need to recover from his rehabilitation.  lol  
LOL Tanjiro just tapped the teacup into place on her head! lol  I'm so glad he didn't just not splash her or completely forfeit the duel.  There's this old martial arts anime cliche about guys losing on purpose or forfeiting a match just because they "don't want to hit a girl".  It comes from old "gentlemanly" ideas, about respecting women because their "delicate" and frankly, before chivalry codes, knights were assholes and women were especially brutalized all the fucking time, so chivalry was needed to counter that.  But in martial arts anime, it repeatedly gets used on female characters who have actually been kicking everyone's asses, including the male protagonist's, for a big part of their screentime.  So it just ends up being really insulting to imply "hey, I'm this big strong dude, simply for being born male, and your sex/gender automatically makes you nothing but weak, so I'm not going to even try to actually win this duel, because anything I do without holding back is going to be too much for you to handle".  And maybe I'm old and have seen this cliche too many times with all my years on me, but I'm tired of it.  Maybe in real life, women still get brutalized much more than men, women still need efforts at consideration directed towards them to counter all the mysogyny, and the average man vs an exactl equal average woman tends to maybe have more muscle mass without trying, but when I watch an anime to see the fantasy of a woman unafraid to take a hit and able to dish it out just as well, you can't just break the immersion by bringing in those real world considerations of chivalry, without being simply demeaning towards that power fantasy female character.  
omg I thought someone would peak out and reveal they spoke for Nezuko.  But I think thee thing I've been griping about should happen, just happened!  Nezuko spoke for hereself.  ;u;  
. . .
12:00 PM 12/3/2020 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ep26
Does this mean I have to watch the movie before season 2 is released?  I thought I could just skip the movie.  I hope it gets put on Crunchyroll.  Because AX won't be in-person again for a while.  
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