quibblist · 2 years
in a sea of yellow came a sprout of green bringing forth a shaking stir among hufflepuff first years as sebastian , with his freckled complexion and enigmatic expression ( undoubtedly hiding ulterior motives ) plopped in front of the one person keeping him and his fellow housemates from a well deserved , overdue quidditch championship ; KYLIRA RYDER. their cat and mouse game rivalry a tale as old as time , and one sebastian sallow always played even despite the daggers of imelda reyes burning through the back of his robes.
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slytherin and hufflepuff. seeker and beater. both staring their last quidditch match at hogwarts in the face. ❝ ryder , ❞ sebastian begins his sabotage , or rather the attempt of getting into the other's head , with a near hum of her name. ❝ i think i'm going to miss these times playing against you and hufflepuff. you always did give us quite a challenge. ❞
@stillsparkle !
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arisuworld · 1 year
⋆ ☾ : How to manifest?
In the most simplest way, i am going to tell you how to exactly manifest. This time with no methods and with not even lifting a finger.
want that car? assume it. want to be a celebrity? assume it. want to date a celebrity? assume it. want to have your dream desired appearance? assume it, IT'S DONE. That's it, that's actually it.
If you assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact — Neville GODDARD.
Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live — Neville GODDARD
Your opinion on yourself is your most important viewpoint, you are infinitely greater than you think you are — Neville GODDARD
The law is basically: law of assumption in simple definition is: WHATEVER YOU ASSUME, YOU WILL HAVE IT IN YOUR REALITY. For example if you were assuming into your reality that you own a million dollar house, then BY LAW that million dollar house is yours! you will have it in your reality in no-time.
I get this question a lot surprisingly, and its pretty self explanatory by the name. You ASSUME that you have what you want.
ᥫ᭡ :: if you assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact — Neville goddard
(which leads me to my next point)
To successfully manifest you must live in the end. You can do many techniques as you please but if you do not maintain living in the end, then....you’re gonna struggle. Living in the end is— going on your day knowing your desire is here. Neville going to barbados is the classic example of living in the end. He mentally operated as though he was in barbados even though he was living in new york, here’s another example.
Let's say, I'm manifesting a romantic partner in my life and i'm no longer in the “WANTING” state and I'm now in the “FULFILLED” state. So, i would think FROM my desire. “everyday ___ texts me” “me and ____” have such a good relationship”
be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
People often confuse persistence with consistently. Affirming 24/7 till they pass out or their head hurts which is so wrong. Persisting isn’t affirming, it's knowing that your desire is inevitable. You feel safe and secure knowing THAT CREATION IS FINISHED. The moment you’ve finished your visualisation, affirmations, SATs or whatever or have just simply stated that your desire is yours then your desire has already been completed. Your “job” is to just continue KNOWING that it’s yours!
The state of wish fulfilled is pretty similar to living in the end, and they do go hand in hand. To be in the state of wish of fulfilment, you must ASSUME YOUR DESIRE IS DONE. How would you feel? happy, comfortable, relaxed, satisfied. That's literally it. You’re no longer desiring to manifest because you have finally manifested it.
People confuse the state of wish fulfilment with being happy all the time and that's what they're doing wrong. You do not need to be happy. That phone that’s in your hand you’ve manifested it, were you happy the first time you got it? yeah ofc you did, it's a new phone but soon after a while it felt natural. You were like “yeah thats my phone” you wasn’t like “OMGGG THATS MY PHONE!!!” you knew it was yours and went off.
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staywritten · 4 years
A Love That Last│Bang Chan III
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A Love That Lasts │ Chapter ⅠⅠⅠ
Synopsis: You’ve spent the last two years, helping your very handsome next door neighbor raise his adorable daughter. The two of you fell into a routine before you knew it. And now you had this little family. You couldn’t help but fall for him.
Genre: Parent!Au, Dad!Bang Chan, Fluff, Nonidol!Au, smut in a later chapter
Word Count: 2.7k
Part I │Part II │ 
A night out did you some good. It wasn’t that you ever felt deprived of nights out over the past few years, you just never craved for them. Your way of de-stressing from work was hanging out with Chan and Minseo at a park, watching a movie, going to a cafe with your coworkers, but you haven’t let go and just drank to your heart's content, not since college. 
And sure, maybe your broken heart had something to do with, but they didn’t need to know that. As far as they were concerned you were just letting loose. 
“Another order of shots please~” you waived down the waiter, signaling for a round for the table. 
Minho steadied your swaying body, lowering your glass. “Maybe you should slow down” 
“Awww come on, I never drink” you pouted, before tossing back another glass. 
“All the more reason to slow down. What happened anyway?” he frowned. “I thought you were going to talk to Lover boy today”
You laughed, a little too loudly covering just how hurt you still were. “Well lover boy has a date tomorrow night Soooooo” you swayed before reaching for his beer, no longer satisfied with your empty glass. “I guess he wasn’t that into me”
“A date isn’t the end of the world you know…”
“He has a date with a young model, and Chris is perfect… he’s handsome and so kind and…” you sniffled as your frown deepened. “Too good for me”
Minho groaned before poring you another shot, rubbing your back gently. “But-”
“Hey what are you two talking about so secretly?” Woojin grinned bringing more shots.
“Nothing important” you gave him a half smile as he clanked his glass against yours. “Cheers” he threw back his shot. “You never drink, we gotta make up for lost times”
Minho watched him warily, but chose not to intervene, deciding that maybe a drunken night could at least distract you. 
After a few more hours, most of your co-workers had already tapped out, and you’d been trying to sober up for the past 40 minutes knowing you were going to be leaving soon. “You ready to go, Champ?” Minho reached his hand out to help you up, an had to steady you immediately seeing you stumble. “I told you to take it easy”
“Imightbedrunk~” you slurred, nursing a cup of water to your lips “Mmm...Room keeps spinning” you leaned against the wall.
“Drink all of this” Minho tilted the cup back forcing you to finish the drink. “You’re a mess”
“I can take her home” Woojin walked over to the two of you. “She lives closer to the Itaewon exit right? I pass her to get to my place”
Seungmin sighed holding a passed out Hyunjin on his shoulder. “I gotta get him home, Minho you live near Jihyo right? Can you make sure she and Naeyeon get home safe?”
“I- But...Sure” Minho’s eyes narrowed before poking Woojin’s chest. “You get her home safe and don’t you touch a hair on her head. She’s drunk”
“Minho, I’m a doctor, what do you take me for?”
“I see how you look at her, and I know that you think of her more than a co-worker. And if you so much as touch her, I won’t hesitate to risk my license and personally kick your ass.”
Woojin sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll text you the second she’s inside safe”
“I’ll be checking your location, and making sure you drop her off and take your ass back home” 
“I got it Minho.”
“I’m serious Woojin, she’s already going through a lot...and there’s someone she has feelings for so don’t try and confuse her.”
Woojin walked away and helped you up, walking you to his car. “You know I used to think you were a heavy drinker, but now I’m starting to think you’re actually a light weight, and it just hits you too late.”
You groaned leaning your head against the window of car. “Mmm...you might be right” laughing you looked over at him. “Sorry... I’m not usually like this...” You did drink pretty regularly, but it never extended past a glass of wine or a bottle of beer a night. You usually shied away from hard liquor. You suppose you thought a miracle would happen, and suddenly Chan wouldn’t have a date to go on...but here you were just as heartbroken but now with a headache.
He continued driving down the road, occasionally looking over to you. “What’s got you drinking this much? And don’t say it’s because you were excited to spend time with your co-workers” he smirked. 
“Heh you’re right, no offense to them” You played with the seatbelt over your chest, trying to fight off how heavy your lids felt. “Hmmm...I got rejected, and it hurts.”
“A beautiful woman like you? It’s their loss.”
“You’re sweet but-”
“No but. You’re seriously amazing. He’ll be kicking himself for rejecting you”
“You barely know me” you sighed, leaning your head against the window, the crash from your drunken buzz upon you.
“I’m pretty observant. You’re so dedicated, you work hard and follow through with your promises.” Your patients adore you... I can’t imagine anyone rejecting you...honestly I’d-” he risked glancing over at you again and chuckled seeing that you’d fallen asleep. 
After a few more blocks, he pulled onto your street. Admittedly he did take the scenic route just to extend his time with you. “Wake up Sleeping beauty…” he gently shook your shoulder “You’re home…” He called your name a few more times, but none of them loud enough to actually wake you. He walked over to the passenger side, unbuckling your seatbelt and lifting you in his arms. Luckily Minho did him give your apartment number so he didn’t need your directions. 
Woojin walked up the steps of the apartment, only to be met with Chan looking at the stars outside his door. “Is she ok?” his eyes widened in worry. Woojin eyed him warily. “I live right here, I can take her inside, She’s my friend”
“She’s fine, just a little drunk” his eyes narrowed. “And no offense, but I don’t know you and I’m not handing my coworker to some stranger”
“I don’t know you either and you’re holding my very intoxicated friend and I'm pretty sure you don’t have a key.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “And I don’t know how she’d feel about letting a stranger into her house”
Woojin scoffed “A stranger? I’m a colleague, Dr. Kim, maybe she’s mentioned me”
“Never heard of you, and trust me I spend every day with her”
You groaned in Woojin’s arms, shifting in your sleep just slightly. It was so subtle but it was enough to silence their little bickering. “Hmmm?” 
“Shh, it’s ok you’re almost home” Woojin cooed softly, rocking you. His grip tightened around your frame, holding you securely to keep you from falling.
“Chris...I’m home...” you mumbled, smiling happily in your sleep. Your hand falling over Woojin’s chest, gripping his shirt as you snuggled into him. “Nnn...Chris…warm...”
Chan gazed at you, his heart fluttering hearing the softness of your voice, the warmth of his name on your lips. 
“Whose Chris…?” Woojin looked over at Chan. 
“I am…”
Woojin shook his head before walking toward him and gently handing you over to him. “I was warned I was fighting a losing battle” he chuckled. “Just take care of her…”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean” Before Woojin could even make it back to the car he was met with a fussy phone call by Minho yelling at him about taking too long to contact him. 
Chan cradled you against his chest before unlocking your door and walking you inside to your bedroom. He slipped off your shoes by the door before setting you on your plush duvet. He’d never seen you so done up before, bolder make up, tighter and sexier clothes. It was very new, but he couldn’t deny just how attractive it was. 
Over the past two years he’d seen many sides of you. The work you in light makeup and scrubs. Looking so beautiful as you saved lives. He’d seen the casual you on the weekends dressed lightly in jeans and sneakers when you’d spend time with him and his daughter in the park, running after her and making her laugh. His favorite form of you was domestic you, when you were cozy in pajamas, hair thrown up and out of your face. This was the you he’d come home to after a long day. The you that read stories to Minseo on bed, the you that’d remind him to turn on the stove. He loved that side of you the most.
But he was pretty sure this side of you was a close second.
“Since when do you drink this much?” He gently pushed your hair out of your face, smiling softly before running the make up remover pad over your eyes and cheeks, making sure to clean your face. “I wish I knew why you were crying earlier…” he whispered more so to himself than anything. “Could I be selfish and imagine that you just didn’t want me to go on this date…” you wrapped your hands around his in your sleep, turning on your side and cuddling into his arm. He returned your squeeze. “Tell me not to go...and I’d stay in a heartbeat…” he pressed his lips against your knuckles. 
You stirred in your sleep, whispering his name again. Your lips parting as you licked them softly. “Chris…” your eyes fluttered open, looking at him expectantly.
“Yes?” he smiled down at you, fondly. “Did you have fun tonight?” he chuckled seeing how drunk you’d gotten. 
“...Nnnn…’hadfun...” you tugged him down, pulling his face closer to yours. “Dream?”
He tried not to laugh, but you just looked so cute and pouty. “No, Sweetheart not a dream” he grinned. 
You pouted and nodded trying to understand the situation. Yawning you poked his cheek “‘leepy…” 
“You can sleep, I’ll see you in the morning” he smoothed down your hair, easing you back down. 
“Kiss…” you huffed holding his face, you leaned in closer to him, your eyes glazed over but pleading.
He wanted nothing more than to kiss you senseless right now. To hold your face between his hands, and to kiss you until he couldn’t breathe. But he couldn’t… Not yet, not when you were this drunk. “You’re drunk…”
“Please” your lower lip stuck out more as you leaned into him, but he steadied you. Pressing his forehead against yours he smiled. “Tell you what..”
“If you remember this...and you still want to kiss me just tell me”
“Promise” he chuckled when you stuck your pinky out to him. It was a habit he knew you’d picked up from Minseo and he couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips.
He wrapped his pinky around yours and pressed his thumb against yours to complete the promise. “Please remember…” he kissed your forehead laying you back into bed, tucking you under the blanket. “Goodnight Sweet girl…” He ran his thumb against the softness of your cheeks one more time before heading out for the night, not wanting to leave Minseo alone for too long. 
As morning came and you were greeted with a throbbing headache, and you were very thankful that you didn’t have a morning shift. Technically it was supposed to be a day off but you’d pop in for a few hours just to check on your patience and make sure they’re recovering nicely. 
You rolled onto your side and caught a glance of you in the mirror, your top, and tight jeans evident of why you were so uncomfortable last night. You were surprised to see your face bare and your pillows and sheets not messed up from the eyeliner and mascara you put on last night. 
“Minho? Woojin?” you furrowed your brows trying to remember how you got home. Part of you tried to convince yourself that Chan was the last voice you heard. His soothing voice whispering to you. But that had to be your stupid crush acting up again. Trying to force memories you wished existed. “Ugh… dammit Chris…” you flopped back on to the bed, touching your lips softly. “Why can’t I let you go…”
You had a nice and easy morning, recovering from your hangover. Lazing around the house for a few hours before getting ready for work. And doing everything to try and forget that Chan had a date tonight. 
Meanwhile next door Chan was agonizing, rubbing his temples. “Felix you didn’t see her… she looked so..” he groaned. “And she kept saying my name… and she tried to kiss me and-”
“And yet you’re sitting here with me complaining to me instead of making a move on her”
“I couldn’t make a move last night, she was drunk”
“She’s probably pretty sober right now, and you know what they say drunk words are sober thoughts and all that.”
“Well I need her to tell me, out right and sober.”
“Why can’t you tell her again?”
“Because I don’t want to sound full of myself and think that she’s actually attracted to me” he sighed. “Do you know how embarrassing that’d be? I can’t accept a confession she didn’t give me… And what if I tell her that I’m into her and she says she’s only interested in helping Minseo...Like she was with a guy last night…”
“You’re literally so irritating. You both are so irritating” Felix groaned, slumping in his chair. “So let’s run through this one more time, you told her you had a date tonight and she suddenly left your apartment visibly upset, she gets drunk and some guy brings her home, but she kept saying your name?”
“Correct” Chan crossed his arms over his chest. 
“And you still don’t know if she likes you!?” he groaned, scratching his head in frustration. “You’ve actually lost it haven’t you? I don’t get how you can be so blind”
“Felix I don’t want to assume anything”
“You still seriously going on this date tonight? I can cancel it for you, I’ll just tell Yeji your spending time with your wife” he smirked
“She’s not my wife” he sighed, visibly defeated. “You went through the trouble of setting it up, the least I can do is go”
You opened the door, making your way to the fridge, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice. “Hey Chris, Hey Felix.” 
“No one knocks, I swear” Chan smiled it off. 
There was something about how he was looking at you. Almost expectantly, pleading even. Something that went beyond his morning banter. He was trying to read you to see if you remembered.
You furrowed your brows before drinking a cup of juice “Then learn to lock your door, it’s not like we don’t have keys” you smiled “Anyway I’m heading into work, I just wanted to confirm that I’m not picking up Minseo today right?”
“Right, Felix is getting her after school”
Your eyed him suspiciously “Don’t forget this time Kid”
“Oh come on guys give me a break, so I left her at school once! I never did it again”
“You did it twice” you and Chan chimed in unison.
“Relax Mom and Dad, I got this, I set an alarm and everything”
“You better” you eyed him. “Alright I’m off-”
“You look good today Doc, no scrubs?” Felix grinned checking you out, his eyes lingering on your bare legs a second too long.
“Nah, I don't’ have any surgeries scheduled, I’m just going to check on some patients and do some paperwork”
“Ya know...I’ve been feeling feverish lately, maybe I should make an appointment with the good doctor?” he leaned on the wall beside you, eyeing you. He gave you that cheesy smirk and a greasy wink. 
You rolled your eyes before smirking at him, you mirrored his sultry look whispering lowly between you two. “Felix… I’m a heart surgeon, you’re gonna need an appointment with a pediatrician” you giggle pushing him away shaking your head “See you guys later”
Chan scoffed, staring at Felix in mild offense “You tell me to make a move, but you flirt with her in front of me?”
“You ever think, that maybe I’m trying to encourage you?” he chuckled as Chan playfully smacked his arm. “You afraid of a little competition Bro” he teased before Chan wrapped his strong forearm around his neck putting him in a headlock. “Ow! Ow! C’mon I was just kidding” Felix tapped his arm, as Chan ruffled his hair laugh. “I was kidding!”
To be continued…
Chapter VI
Hey Friends! ヾ(^∇^)
I hope you enjoyed that update! This is what I like to call a guilty pleasure mini series, it appeals to everything that I love writing, admittedly I love having the little cameos in the background <3 
ps. it’s hard writing drunk dialogue because it just looked like I was misspelling things lmao 
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@minnieskz @thelustasylum
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quibblist · 2 years
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@stillsparkle sent : ❝ don’t look at me like that , i’m just trying to steal your body heat. it’s cold down here , okay? ❞
the sudden weight of her arm hooked around his draws a similar effect to the handful of fizzing whizbees garreth had dared him to eat only minutes prior. sebastian ( with the added efforts of ominis ) just getting his feet back on the ground before kylira , unknowingly , knocked him right back off them. ❝ it's called a scarf and earmuffs , ky. you know , that thing you're meant to wear when it's cold? ❞
despite the sudden urge to be nervous , sebastian's usual , nonchalant and teasing attitude shines through - - his gloved hand gently tapping her freezing , bright red ears that matched his round cheeks , though he was scared to admit that wasn't an effect of the cold. ❝ if i get sick because of you , just remember revenge is a dish best served cold. ❞ keeping his arm locked around hers , not wanting to lose what he just got , sebastian reaches behind his head , unfurling the green and silver cotton from around his neck and wrapping it around hers.
teeth subconsciously find and chew his pink and slightly chapped bottom lip , as he adjusted the scarf , watching the warmth slowly return to her features. ❝ well , how about that? you look good in green. ❞
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quibblist · 2 years
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@stillsparkle sent : ❛   i am undeniably falling for you.  ❜   / ky and seb
panic seeps in - - happy panic , relieved panic . . . panic that screams he fell for her too and was still falling with no signs of stopping. sebastian dealing with the revelation the only way he knew how. ❝ well , of course you are. i'm a catch. handsome , dueling wands champion , charismatic . . . handsome , did i already say that ? ❞ humor spilling from his lips , teasing the other a solid foundation their budding relationship had been building on.
as he speaks , his arm reaches upward , pressing against the castle wall just behind her head , sebastian's head leaning in closer as their conversation continues. ❝ do feel free to add on to the list. ❞
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quibblist · 2 years
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@stillsparkle sent : 🎀   for    seb    to    wrap     ky    in   a    blanket
even his breath felt too loud , sebastian highly aware of the quiet air that cloaked them alongside midnight , and hoping by merlin's beard he wouldn't accidentally wake the hufflepuff alum. summer had finally come , drawing an end to their years at hogwarts and bringing forth hundreds of future opportunities - - all of sebastian's hoping to involve her. her decision to share the summer with him , anne , and ominis traveling the coast a happy step in such directions.
with a hard swallow and gentle steps , sebastian places the green knitted blanket over her sleeping frame. memories of her sporting the color flooding in , even though he never did get his tie back. he even debated pressing a kiss to her forehead , sebastian leaning down until a familiar clearing of the throat made him halt. anne , with her knowing look and never ending teases. ❝ shut it. ❞ he whispers , scarlet flooding the map of freckled stars on his cheeks.
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quibblist · 2 years
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@stillsparkle sent : ❝ don’t do anything stupid until i get back. ❞ / ky to seb
sebastian groans , falling backwards into the booth of the renowned three broomsticks , one too many butterbeers coursing through his system. sirona had justly cut him off but a little too late some would say.
❝ then he can't do anything , ❞ sebastian , for a moment , believing the chirp came from his own lips until , slowly , the recognition of imelda's usual irate tone was made sense of by his topsy - turvey consciousness. sebastian couldn't muster a single rebuttal . . . given that the statement was indeed true.
❝ guess that means i'll just have to go with her , isn't that right kelpie ? ❞ a hiccup rings here and there , the steadily growing taller male shifting his feet after kylira. too bad his depth perception was always the first to go once pissed. sebastian practically walks right into her , leaning down , chest pressed to her back , and nearly giving all his weight for her to hold as his personal standing post. ❝ let's go do something stupid together , ❞ he chuckles , cheek resting on top of her shoulder.
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quibblist · 2 years
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@stillsparkle sent : tie.  for ky to adjust an article of clothing on seb.
the yule ball , sebastian couldn't believe it. the tournament , the dance , the fact that kylira had said yes to his poor , fumbled excuse for an invitation. there was quite a bit of pressure , to make the night exceptional - - maybe even official. if sebastian could pluck up the courage.
but it was already going horribly wrong. sebastian struggling with his dress robes all the way from the common room and into the great hall where the dance was being held. the one damned piece he could not force into perfection unyielded by every one of his and ominis' ( no surprise there ) efforts the entire way. a tie he could do. thanks to years of hogwarts tradition , a bland school uniform piquing on the formality and prestige hogwarts had upheld since its creation , but a bow tie . . . damn the creation.
❝ damn you , you stupid thing. ❞ the slytherin grumbles to himself , hoping his words and failed attempts remained unnoticed by professors and exchange students alike. but he should've known she'd seen , he would have had to face her at some point. sebastian fights back the creeping chill of flushed scarlet as he watches her hands , suddenly there , with a light touch he always craved to feel , somehow taming the formal attire beast. ❝ i guess this means i'm in your debt now for saving me from a fashion catastrophe. ❞
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quibblist · 2 years
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canon adjacent. primary muse. josh hutcherson. slytherin. he / him. bisexual and biromantic. legacy era.
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Ⅰ. those eyes add insult to injury
ⅠⅠ. and it bent right to your wind
ⅠⅠⅠ. willingly following every impulse
ⅠⅤ. and i wanted what i got
Ⅴ. in the end , it didn't even matter
Ⅰ. with KYLIRA RYDER written by oreo at #stillsparkle
⤳ & SEBASTIAN. in a world that we design ft. KYLIRA.
romantic relationship in verse & ⅠⅠⅠ. A DREAM IS A WISH.
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