#$99 teeth whitening
teethwhiteningdenver · 2 months
Get a Bright Smile with $99 Teeth Whitening Near You in Denver
Looking for an affordable way to achieve a dazzling smile? Look no further! With numerous options for "$99 teeth whitening near me," you can transform your smile without breaking the bank. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or just want to boost your confidence, teeth bleaching can provide a quick, effective solution.
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Teeth whitening, also known as teeth bleaching, is a popular cosmetic dental procedure designed to remove stains and discoloration. Over time, factors like coffee, tea, red wine, and smoking can dull the brightness of your teeth. Professional teeth whitening can restore your smile’s brilliance in just one session, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.
One of the top providers offering affordable teeth whitening services is 5280 Teeth Whitening. Located conveniently for those searching for "teeth bleaching near me" 5280 Teeth Whitening Denver provides professional-grade treatments that are both safe and effective. With their $99 special, you get access to high-quality whitening treatments that typically cost much more.
The process at 5280 Teeth Whitening is straightforward and comfortable. It begins with a consultation to assess your dental health and determine the best whitening approach for you. The actual whitening process involves the application of a professional-grade whitening gel, which is activated by a special light to accelerate the whitening process. In just one hour, you can see a significant improvement in the color of your teeth.
Choosing professional teeth whitening over at-home kits offers several advantages. Professional treatments are supervised by trained technicians, ensuring safety and effectiveness. Additionally, the results are more dramatic and longer-lasting compared to over-the-counter products.
If you're ready to enhance your smile, consider the benefits of $99 teeth whitening near me at 5280 Teeth Whitening. Visit their website at 5280 Teeth Whitening to book your appointment today and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident smile!
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child-of-hurin · 1 year
My true Hollywood enemy is teeth whitening
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Sixteen (Part 2)
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When Fleet Foxes finish their gig Jen announces that she’s going to get ice cream, and I jump at the chance to go with her. I want a bottle of water, the midday heat has become so much that I feel parched, and even though the cocoon Jude made for me with his body was comforting, he’s like a radiator. I dip out from under him and link arms with Jen. “Are you coming?” I ask. 
“Nah, there’s another band next that I wanted to hear and I don’t want to lose my spot.”
“Okay, we’ll see you later. Will I text you where we are?”
“Yeah sure!”
I notice a wry little smile on Jen’s lips as we dip out of the thinning crowd and past the portaloos. I nudge her inquiringly. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“It’s not nothing! You’re smirking, what are you smirking about?”
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She stops to read a hand painted signpost with arrows towards the food stands, and we start walking in that direction. “Just vibes.” She says cryptically. “I’m just feeling vibes.”
I laugh, “What do you mean ‘vibes’?” 
“I think I sensed something at the gig just there, something between you and my bestie?”
I dismiss it automatically, “Oh, no, there’s nothing like that.”
“Hm. So him standing with his hands on that barrier on either side of you was nothing?”
“Definitely nothing.”
“And what about the time that you fell asleep together in his room, and he came out to us looking very sheepish.”
“We were tired.”
“And him doing your laundry?”
“Oh. I never collected that. I need to remember to ask him when I can have it back.”
She snickers as we join the queue for the ice cream stand. “You’re not going to be able to hide this from me. I’m a very astute kind of person.”
“I believe you, but there’s nothing to hide.”
“Hm. Okay.”
I feel my cheeks burning. “There’s nothing sleazy going on, if that’s what you’re thinking. Him doing my laundry, it doesn’t mean…”
“And if there was the chance for something sleazy to be happening, would you be opposed to it?”
“What is this, an interrogation?” I say, feeling shy all of a sudden. “I don’t know! It’s not like that, so I don’t even think about… that.”
“Okay, well, I don’t know you incredibly well yet, but I do know him. I’ve actually known him since he was twelve, and I know that look he gets in his eye when-”
“There’s no look in his eye,” I interrupt desperately. “I would have seen a look in his eye.”
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“Why are you obsessed with him not fancying you?” We reach the top of the queue and she orders a 99 and a bottle of water. She tosses it to me and I gulp down a few mouthfuls, hoping that maybe the break in conversation will mean she’ll drop it, but she doesn’t. “Is he not your type or something?” She seems a little offended on his behalf, which is funny to me. I am sure he wouldn’t be bothered if he heard he wasn’t my type. Which, actually, he is, but that’s not the point. 
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“He’s good looking.” I admit, and we sit down on a pair of wicker peacock chairs that are set up under a small copse of trees. Fairy lights and jars with candles in them dangle from the branches, and I’m sure it will be a magical place once the sun goes down. I examine my nails and tut at a small fleck of lilac nail varnish that’s chipped off. 
“He’s very good looking.” She agrees. “In a kind of not-normal way.”
“Yes.” I gasp. “That’s what I think, it’s like, Irish boys don’t look like that. He looks like the boys on TV.”
“It’s because his teeth are so perfect.” she says covertly, “I have a theory that he has them periodically whitened. His dad is a dental surgeon, and I just know he does a job on them, but he won’t admit it. He’s a little weasel.” It’s fun talking to her like this, it’s like we’re sharing dirty, slanderous secrets. 
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“What else do you know about him?” I giggle, and she taps her nose. “Everything.”
“Everything. That’s why I know there’s something going on with you two, because I know what he’s like when he doesn’t like someone.”
“How’s that?”
“A sour bastard.” She takes the flake from the top of her melting cone and scoops up a glob of ice cream with it, taking a thoughtful bite. “You know, when he broke up with Michelle in June it was really touch-and-go. He was thinking a lot about getting back with her in the first few weeks after we went down to the holiday home.”
“Really? But he seemed fairly certain that it was the right choice when I talked to him about it.”
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She shrugs. “I don’t know, like, they were really serious, he was really mad about her, so obviously it was devastating. He said he could never imagine being with anybody else after that, it was like, really intense actually.”
“So what changed?”
Her eyes flick to mine, and some hardly detectable emotion flashes in them. “No idea.” She says. “He just got over it.” She stretches out her legs and sighs, watching throngs of people shuffle through the copse and towards a smaller stage nearby where some other band is setting up. “This is all to say that it’s not often you’d find him single, and actually, it’s not often you’d find him in a state where he’s grand with being single. As in, when he’s not moping after somebody, so look. If you sense a vibe, just go for it. What do you have to lose?”
“He’s moving to Berlin.”
“Hm.” She shrugs. “Maybe.”
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I sit up straight. “What do you mean ‘maybe’?
“The college offers aren’t coming until the end of this month. He applied to three art and design colleges in Ireland as well. If he gets into one of those, who knows maybe he’ll stay here.”
I shake my head. “He won’t.” 
“Well lately he’s been saying that he might.”
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I keep shaking my head, because it’s too good to be true, but if he doesn’t go to Berlin, then maybe I’ll just work hard in school for a year, get the points I need and then I’ll apply to the same college and we’ll be able to see each other all the time. The thought of passing him in the halls and eating lunch with him outside a trendy Dublin cafe is so sweet that it almost makes me start crying, but I have to restrain myself. “He won’t do that.”
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“Well maybe something will change his mind.” Jen finishes the butt of her ice cream and chucks the napkin into a bin. “Stranger things have happened.” She gets up and offers her hand to me. “Come on, I think there’s a tent somewhere where people are just mad dancing for twenty four hours straight, we should go in for a bop.”
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Strange "Mouth Detox" Makes You Appear 10 Years Younger... — Whitens Teeth Up To 6 Shades In Less Than 16 Minutes...
Did you know the color of your teeth has a direct effect on your personal (and professional) relationships more than any other part of your appearance?
New studies show a whiter smile... gives you a 58% greater chance of being hired for your dream job.
And makes you 53% more likely to earn a generous salary.(1)
Not only that... 
A recent survey found 96% of single men and women... 
Call a white smile a “dealbreaker”... (2)
And those with whiter teeth are twice-as-likely to land a second date.
Maybe the most shocking is how according to a new study... white teeth can make you look up to 10 years younger... and 20% more attractive (3)
So it’s no surprise why teeth whitening treatments are a hot trend among Hollywood movie-stars... movers-and-shakers in the business world... social media influencers and the wealthy. 
Because they’ve pieced together what maybe you haven’t yet...
Happiness, Attention, and better Health
And on this page I’m going to reveal a strange but simple 16-minute trick…
Now used by celebrities... health biohackers... even backed by Harvard Medical School and dozens of other credible Universities (4, 5)..
To powerwash years of coffee and red wine stains... plaque buildup... and difficult discoloration from smoking... right off your teeth. 
WITHOUT expensive visits to the dentist... 
Swishing around stinging mouthwashes or oil pulling...
Or wasting time with low-grade whitening kits that might get your teeth a couple shades lighter... but never give you the fully radiant smile you desire and deserve.
Which may sound kind of out-there and farfetched...
But that’s why in a minute I’ll share new research from Harvard University that reveals the REAL root cause of yellow teeth...
How it has nothing to do with your genetics...
And how 99% of treatments on the market… 
Including whitening toothpastes, mouthwash, even clinical-grade procedures... 
Do nothing to treat it. 
And how starting right now, today... 
You can whitewash your smile by treating it safely and effectively at the source... chemical free.
What you may love most about this fast whitening solution is that it’s 100% portable. 
Meaning you can INSTANTLY double your chances of landing your dream job or getting a handsome pay raise by simply using this 16-minute whitening trick when driving to an interview or meeting…
Or you can use this technique as the finishing touch before a hot date or social event...
To almost guarantee you’ll get buzzworthy attention because your confidence and personality are radiating through your pearly white smile.
These perks were once reserved for men and women who could afford expensive dentist treatments... 
A pricy set of veneers... 
Or tooth-replacement surgery...
However— starting today you too can experience the same kind of shimmering smile... And get an immediate leg-up on your social and financial status... without any kind of costly and in some cases— extreme measures. It won’t matter if you didn’t take care of your smile when you were younger… 
Or you feel too embarrassed to schedule a visit with your dentist because you’re worried they’ll judge you... or make comments under their breath of how you shouldn’t have neglected your teeth all these years. 
You won’t have to give up your favorite coffee drinks from Starbucks... 
Sip wine through a straw... 
Brush and rinse your teeth after every meal or anything like that...
In minutes you’ll feel like you’re putting a fresh coat of glossy white paint over a faded wall... 
And enjoy a confident smile that looks brand new and lasts for years.
But before I reveal this fast-acting solution... 
How it works... 
And why it treats the REAL root cause of yellow teeth...
Let me quickly tell you who I am and why you should listen to me...
Exposing The Dirty Little Secrets Of The Dental And Cosmetics Industry
And when I wanted to whiten my own smile... I was shocked to find most teeth-whitening “solutions” on the market…
Like whitening toothpaste, mouthwashes, whitening pens, strips, and trays... 
All contain bleaching agents packed with harmful chemicals and toxins... that do more harm to your smile and health.
And after three decades in the medical field— that really set off my radar.
So I made it my mission to find a 100% natural solution... 
To treat yellow teeth at the source... 
And quickly and safely boost your dental health for a stronger, cleaner and whiter smile that lasts.
It took a lot of research on our part… 
But I truly believe...
We’ve Stumbled On A Natural Fix That Will Transform The Way People Whiten Their Teeth
See— most teeth whitening solutions only focus on “external yellowing”...  Which are the surface stains your teeth get over time from coffee… wine… juices and soft drinks.
Even healthy foods like strawberries, blueberries and pomegranates can strip away your shine and make your teeth look dull.  
The American Dental Association (ADA) says that within 20-minutes of eating or drinking... bacteria from food and drink begin attacking the top layer of your teeth... 
Also known as your enamel. (6)
When people hear this... 
They make the mistake of brushing after every meal or using mouthwash...
However— according to The Mayo Clinic... brushing directly after you eat... also damages your enamel.
So either way you spin it... you chip away at your tooth enamel... which causes your teeth to stain and lose its whiteness.
Which Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
There’s another layer underneath your enamel…  Which is the REAL culprit behind yellow tinted teeth. 
And goes completely ignored by most teeth whitening “solutions”...
And is likely the reason nothing you’ve tried in the past has given you the bright white smile or lasting results you’ve been searching for.  Instead your teeth may only get a shade or two lighter — but never seem to get that full white smile that grabs attention.
Plus— most whitening products you’re likely using are a danger to your health. 
Because even the most trusted and popular whitening strips and kits contain toxic chemicals. Including the...
Same Chemicals Found In Commercial Floor Cleaners!(8)
That were also used in 1871 to treat STDs like gonorrhea and herpes...  You don’t really want to put those same chemicals into your mouth, do you?
Not only is that gross... 
But as a nurse I’ll tell you that it’s downright dangerous.
See— doctors call your mouth the gateway to your body (9).
Your gums are full of blood vessels…
And once these toxins touch your gums…  Your blood vessels shuttle them around throughout your body like a taxi service.
Spreading toxins that disrupt your cells… 
Accelerate the aging of your skin(10)...
And according to a recent publication in the journal, Free Radical Biology and Medicine... 
Can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart disease. (cite)
Brand new reports from the British Dental Journal… 
Which is the official journal of the British Dental Association. Even shows...
Mouthwash Is Linked To Oral Cancer Risk!(11)
Plus— the burning feeling you get using mouthwash... Is a warning sign that the ingredients are dissolving into your gums, teeth (12)... 
 And disrupting the balance of good bacteria in your mouth. 
And just like you need good bacteria for gut health... 
You need good bacteria to support your oral microbiome to decrease the risk of common issues like cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath.
So the safest options are brushing your teeth with a natural toothpaste and flossing... 
But while that can help keep your mouth clean…
It’s not enough to whiten your smile.
Neither are the common teeth-whitening treatments or kits you find in the aisle of your local convenience store... Research from the Cochrane Oral Health's Information database in 2018 show most common whitening systems don’t work… (13) 
And another study published in Operative Dentistry found nothing to support whitening mouthwash as a solution for tooth discoloration.(14)
So most of the solutions you may have tried are a waste of time and money.  
But the good news is these tactics are not your only option. 
You can get a Hollywood white smile you love… without putting anything toxic in your mouth… or risking oral cancer... or wasting your time and money.
In fact... the strange trick I have for you right now is the...
The ONLY Way To Whiten Your Teeth Without Toxic Chemicals...
This trick takes care of the WHOLE problem of teeth yellowing... and doesn’t just fight external yellowing... but also — (and more importantly) — “internal yellowing.” See...
Underneath the top layer of your teeth is a layer called dentin... 
Here’s how dentin causes yellowing of your teeth... 
When your enamel wears down... it becomes “see-through”. 
So you start to see the color of the dentin layer underneath.
When you were younger… this dentin layer was a light yellow or brown… and it was hardly noticeable because your enamel was healthy.
But unfortunately… dentin gets darker with age. And… 
The darker the dentin gets and the thinner your enamel becomes…
The More Discolored Your Teeth Appear
Unlike enamel — which wears down from external factors like sugar and acids — dentin wears down from internal causes like bacteria, trauma and plaque.
Until recently— it was impossible to keep from happening. 
However— new research has found a special kind of “reversal treatment”... that whitens internal yellowing. 
No other whitening system or strip out there can do this. Which is why they’ve likely left you disappointed in the past. 
Because they completely miss the yellowing underneath the surface. And strictly focus on surface stains.
It’s Like Slapping A Single Layer Of Cheap White Paint On A Brick House…
Not only does the “brick layer” show through... 
But all it takes is a few heavy storms to wash it away until the brick shows more and more through the white paint. 
… And then you have to put on another expensive coat just to try and hide the layer underneath.
But that shouldn’t surprise you...
Because teeth whitening industry giants are really only interested in making a profit off you. 
I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means...
But do you really think the massive oral care industry wants to give you a permanent solution for white teeth?
It would blow a massive hole in their 33.4 Billion dollar industry(15).
Why else would they create cheap whitening products pumped full of toxic chemicals… that don’t actually whiten your teeth long term?
Is it because they don’t know about internal AND external yellowing? 
Well— I highly doubt that. Their whole livelihood revolves around teeth. And they probably have access to more studies than the rest of us.
It’s likely because they want to keep their hand on your wallet... and keep you coming back for more. 
When you connect the dots... it’s no mystery as to what’s going on. 
But the biggest shock...
A Brand New 2019 Study Found Whitening Strips Damage Tooth Dentin!(16)
Which means these fake solutions ruin your smile over time.
Researchers found the hydrogen peroxide concentration in the popular whitening strips wears down dentin quickly… 
Which makes your teeth darker and less appealing. 
Now… most people will turn their backs on these strips once the word gets out… and try to beat the system and search for “home remedies” to whiten their teeth. 
But listen…
Home remedies like baking soda and peroxide… apple cider vinegar… or oil pulling won’t do the trick. 
Because none of these treatments deal with the dentin layer of the tooth.
But there is a solution that not only restores and whitens tooth enamel… and wipes away surface stains like a microfiber on a dirty window… 
But it also repairs the dentin layer of your teeth… removes hidden plaque and bacteria that are making your smile dull…
Almost like a full-blown whitening detox… without any dangerous or gross-tasting chemicals. 
Plus— it’s completely natural... backed by science… and works so quickly and easily you’ll have a stronger, healthier and whiter smile in less than 16-minutes. 
This solution doesn’t just give you a glowing smile for a few days or hours… but for a lifetime! 
The trick is found in a special Red LED light frequency that treats an aging smile and gives it a kind of “youthful healing power” that makes...
Years Of Brown And Yellow Stains Vanish In Just Minutes
Now... you’ve maybe heard of Blue LED light to whiten teeth... 
And if you haven’t— I’ll get to more on that in a minute... 
But first, let me tell you what Red Light does that Blue Light can’t.
Red light heals the dentin layer of your teeth... 
It’s the ONLY LED light that does this.
Plus— Red LED light eliminates bacteria that cause “internal yellowing”... not just on your teeth… but in your gums, too.
It’s Like A Complete Mouth Detox!
So you won’t just get a whiter smile… but healthier teeth. 
Several expensive trips to the dentist can’t clean your mouth like this Red Light can… 
And I’m going to show you how you can use it from the privacy of your own home… 
Without any poking or prodding that you’d get at the dentist.
But before I do…  
There’s another benefit of this Red LED light treatment that puts it head and shoulders above other whitening systems out there.
Have you ever tried using whitening strips...  
… and your gums and teeth hurt like crazy after? Or feel like they’re burning? 
The reason is because your tooth enamel has worn down… and it can’t protect your dentin layer like it did when you were younger. 
Which is why when you use other whitening agents… it stings.
Because the harsh chemicals and toxins are coming into contact with the sensitive dentin layer of your teeth.
That’s Where Red LED Light Treatment Comes To The Rescue…
Because it heals the dentin layer of your teeth and restores health to your gums… which eliminates sensitivity. 
And this Red light is so gentle… 
You won’t feel any pain whatsoever when you use it… even if you have really sensitive teeth right now.
See— the dentin layer of your teeth actually regenerates through a process called dentinogenesis. 
Red light improves both the speed and effectiveness of this process… by boosting your “tooth metabolism”... and accelerating youthful healing.
It also makes your teeth stronger and reduces inflammation in the gums.
Pretty amazing, right?
This Brand-New Red LED Light Research Proves You Can Get A Younger And Healthier Smile In Minutes
It’s really that easy...
And once that happens... you can use another color light... 
A Blue LED Light — to get bright white teeth that make you LOVE smiling again. 
Now… some people use Blue light already. 
And Harvard has been raving about how it removes plaque… and whitens teeth. (17) (18)
Which is super important… because if you have plaque on your teeth… there’s no amount of bleaching that’ll give you a white smile. 
It’s like putting a coat of paint on a piece of wood... without sanding the wood first.
You’re whitening plaque. Nothing more.
But with Blue Light you’ll lift plaque from your mouth... so you can clean the surfaces of your teeth without any gunk standing in the way… 
And enjoy a truly healthy mouth and a whiter smile!
But as impressive as Blue LED light is… 
A study from Sao Paulo State University in Brazil found Red Light enhances the effectiveness of whitening treatments.(19)
Meaning when you pair Red and Blue LED lights together… 
You’ll get faster and better whitening results than you ever could using just one or the other.
That’s why on this page… you have access to the ONLY Red AND Blue LED light whitening solution available.
It’s Like A Dual Action Cleanse And Whitening Treatment For Your Smile
No other whitening solution goes to such lengths to reverse years of plaque buildup and ugly stains and give you the smile you always wanted. 
Plus— you’ll have a CLEAN mouth… not just a pretty one. 
It’s completely natural… doesn’t cause any pain or sensitivity… and is so effective it works in just 16-minutes.
Celebrities, biohackers, Instagram influencers, and people just like you have tested this whitening solution already… 
And are blown away by the results.
Check Out What Numerous Celebrities Are Saying About This Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Teeth Whitening Treatment
"I am completely addicted to this teeth whitening system. It feels like I'm doing a detox cleanse for my mouth… and it's almost like taking probiotics for my gums. I love it so much that I bought some to give away as holiday presents! If you want to have healthy gums and white teeth— here's the answer. You've got to try this stuff!"
J.J. Virgin, Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, 4x New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Virgin Diet
"My dentist tried to sell me on a $1200 whitening system that even he confessed would cause damage to my teeth in the long run. So I decided to try this whitening treatment instead… And after using it several times for just 15-minutes I've noticed a really dramatic increase in how white my teeth are!"
Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, The Paleo Mom
"Since becoming a functional nutritionist, I've been looking for a natural teeth whitening solution for myself and for my clients. I can say for the first time — we now have a natural solution to whiten our teeth. This is such a simple, life-changing solution."
Shelley Gawith, Functional Nutritionist
"I teach health on tv around the world, and the one thing that I have to be congruent to the fact that I can do something to make my teeth look white and give me a little bit more confidence. It actually has absolutely no chemicals. It's the way to go. So I absolutely love it and I just thank you guys for making it."
Dr. Chris Zaino, Chiropractic
"This uses gentle technology that specifically whitens your teeth and improves your gum health. It's got food-grade ingredients without any harsh chemicals and teeth whitening LEDs… which is as 'bio-hackery' as you can get. And it totally works!"
Dave Asprey, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Bulletproof Diet
IntroducingThe Primal Life Organics
V4 LED Teeth Whitening System
Now You Can Reverse Years Of “Wear And Tear” From Your Smile And Experience The Life-Changing LED Teeth Whitening Technology That’s Making It Easier And Safer To Claim A Stunning And Confident Smile You Love Showing Off...
The Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System repairs… restores… and whitens teeth at the surface level… 
AND expands to the deeper layers of the tooth where most of the discoloration takes place. 
It all starts with our hugely popular REAL WHITE GEL… 
Which we’ve added to this system as a FREE BONUS to give you the most radical teeth whitening experience you’ve ever had.
By combining the detoxifying and whitening power of extra virgin olive oil (gentle on gum tissue), 15 essential oils, two different clays, that work with the Blue Light for Whitening Power…
This great-tasting gel makes it easy to get the bright clean smile you’ve always wanted… while also improving your dental hygiene…
But it works EVEN BETTER with our dual-LED light technology.
That’s why after you apply the natural whitening gel… you’ll add the extra whitening power of the ultra-safe Blue LED light technology… 
To increase mineral absorption… kill bacteria that cause ugly wear and gunk on your teeth… and speed up your results. 
Plus… in the very same LED mouthpiece the special Red light technology will activate… 
And ZAP bad bacteria from your mouth for a healthy smile. Plus...
The unit has 32 LED lamps that ensures every tooth gets whiter… and you don’t have a lop-sided smile with only a few teeth in the front getting white… while the sides and back teeth remain yellow.
Most people see a massive improvement — up to 6 shades lighter! — within the first 16 minutes of putting it into action. Plus…
The LED Whitening Device is 100% Wireless For Maximum Convenience And Super-Simple
Whether you’re at home… at work… the gym… or anywhere you need a quick whitening boost…
You have everything you need to upgrade your smile in minutes.
No batteries or extra trays needed— it’s really that easy!
This system is completely hassle-free. 
Plus… you won’t ever have to use harmful chemicals… icky toxins… awful tasting bleaches or bulky trays. 
Simply apply REAL WHITE GEL to your teeth... insert the soft flexible silicone LED Teeth Whitener... plug it into your phone... set your timer for 16 minutes… and watch the magic happen before your eyes!
Say “goodbye” to surface discoloration from years of coffee, tea, red wine, sugars and juices… 
Get rid of smoking stains...
And “yellow-proof” your teeth so you never see embarrassing stains or discoloration come back to the surface. 
Here’s exactly how these three natural cleansers work together to give you a bright white smile almost immediately:
LED TRIPLE ACTION: (3 Powerful Modes)
New With RED And BLUE Light Therapy
16 RED lights improve wound healing, relieves pain, improves tissue repair and prevents mouth sores.
16 BLUE lights lift plaque and whitens your teeth to get you smiling more.
32 RED/BLUE lights lift plaque and whitens your teeth to get you smiling more, relieves pain, improves tissue repair and prevents mouth sores.
One REAL WHITE ACTIVATED GEL makes teeth look whiter and feel stronger and cleaner. It’s peroxide-free and gentle on gums and oral tissues.
Why are we adding the Real White Activated Gel into the mix?
Well— the combination of Red and Blue LED light is enough to take your smile to the next level… 
But we wanted to give you the fastest and best results… which is why we’ve added…
One Real White Activated Gel For FREE!
Our Real White Gel is made with activated charcoal to intensify your bright smile! 
It's 100% natural, safe and effective. And will give a whiter smile in just minutes when paired with the LED lights.
This Real White Gel is only available for free on this page ONLY and while supplies last… 
You don’t want to miss out on this gift. 
And because I believe in full label transparency… 
Here’s EXACTLY what’s inside the Real White Activated Gel:
Here’s How The Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System Stacks Up To The Rest:
Here’s What You Get One More Time:
One LED whitener — 32 bulbs of (16) Red and (16) Blue light
One Magnetic Charging wire - One Removable Mouthguard
10x (20 treatments) Real White Gel pods (FREE fast action bonus while supplies last)
This unit plugs into your phone or laptop... so you don’t need batteries to power it… and the LED bulbs last 50,000 hours… 
Which means this system will last you 10 years if you use it once every single day for 16 minutes… 
But like I mentioned above… 
You’ll only use it 4-5 times per week to whiten your teeth… and when you get to a place where you love the color of your teeth… you’ll only need to use it 2-3 times per week to maintain your pearly whites. 
Which means you could easily get 15 years out of a single unit when you order today. 
Plus… the LED whitener unit is the tray. So you don’t need to futz around with any extra trays. 
It’s also made of a food-grade silicone… which is soft for your teeth and completely waterproof. It requires NO molding and allows you to whiten the top and bottom teeth at the same time comfortably.
And you NEVER have to wait for results.
Up to Multiple Shades Whiter Starting From The Very First Use!
Doesn’t that sound amazing? 
You can have an instantly whiter and healthier smile days from now. 
Years of pent up frustration about your teeth… and insecurities about your smile… UNDONE in just a few short days when you order the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System today. 
So I’m sure you’re ready to jump on this amazing opportunity… and want to know how you can get your hands on this revolutionary teeth whitening system as fast as possible. 
First I want to make sure you’re crystal clear on how to use this teeth whitening solution… and how often you should use it for the very best results.
Here’s how to use it:
Apply 1/2 of REAL WHITE GEL pod to the mouthpiece (0.25 ml top/ 0.25 ml bottom). RECAP tip after use.
Press button to turn on the LED device, and quickly press to switch between modes, Red, Blue, Combo
Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth. Do not bite.
The device will shut off after 16mins
Remove the mouthpiece after 16 minutes. Rinse your teeth with warm water.
Remove the mouthguard and Wash the mouthpiece with warm water after use.
You’ll want to repeat this one time 5-6 days per week at first… 
Then — when you reach a point where you’re happy with the whiteness of your teeth — you’ll use the system 2-3 times per week for maintenance. 
Sound good? 
It’s really that easy to get the smile you’ve been dreaming of… But here’s the catch…
You Must Order Now… Before We Run Out!
Studies show that 89% of people want a whiter smile. 
Teeth whitening procedures have increased by a whopping 300% in the last 20 years in the United States alone. 
Because people are catching on to how important it is to make a great first impression with a bright white smile to up their social life and status. 
A white smile leads to more success… love… friendship… trust… and so much more. 
What that means is people just like you are searching for teeth whitening solutions now more than ever… 
And our LED Teeth Whitening System is rising to the top of people’s radar all over the world.
With that said… due to increasing popularity and the soaring public demand for a 100% safe and natural teeth whitening system… 
Running out of stock is a very REAL RISK. 
Especially because we are the ONLY teeth whitening system that doesn’t use any toxins… and uses BOTH Red and Blue LED lights to give you a sparkling white smile. 
Plus… the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System is the most cost-effective teeth whitening option available. Because…
One system will last you 15+ years
And you don’t need to purchase a bunch of trays… and the effect won’t “wear off” like other whitening kits.
Basically, you’re making one purchase today for almost two decades of a sparkling white smile. 
I’m so proud of our team because we’ve taken a brand-new and scientifically proven concept…
… and have quite possibly revolutionized the dental industry with our all-natural activated charcoal paste and LED Teeth Whitening System. 
And with a product that is in such HIGH DEMAND… we could have easily priced the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System at $995… 
And even that would be generous… 
Especially because you’ll only need ONE unit for the next 15 years… 
But listen… we genuinely care about the look and health of your smile because we know how much it matters. 
So we’ve gone to great lengths to bring this solution to you at the most cost-effective investment possible... 
Because we would hate for price to stand in the way of you finally getting the dazzling smile of your dreams… 
Which is why you’re NOT going to pay the $995 today. You won’t even have to pay the $549.97 — which is our standard retail price. Instead...
Right now on this page only you can claim your Primal Life Organics LED teeth whitening system for a one-time payment of just $549 $199.97 That’s $199.97 for 15+ years of use…
Which comes out to...
Watch Real Testimonials From Real Customers
Less Than $1 A Month!
This is a very limited time offer… and is only available on this page…  
And remember… you’re also getting the Real White Activated Teeth Whitening Gel completely FREE when you order the LED Teeth Whitening System on this page. 
Again— we want to make sure nothing stands in your way of enjoying a bright and confident smile... and all the perks that come with it. 
So what are you waiting for?
This is your moment to love your smile again… or maybe for the first time.
Just click fill out the form below and CHECK the rush ship option and it will get to you right away!
Order Now
1-Year “You’ll Love Your White Smile” Warranty
You Must Have A Bright White Smile You Love To Show Off... Or It’s FREE.
You don't risk a single penny when you try our Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System
(plus free REAL WHITE activated whitening gel).
Let me say this as simply as I can… 
I don’t believe you should pay a single penny for a teeth whitening product that doesn’t work. 
So if you aren’t thrilled in 30 days with the results… then you shouldn’t pay for it. 
And I don’t mean some, “I think my teeth look a little less yellow” improvement to your smile. 
I’m talking about an excited and giddy, “I love my new white smile!” feeling. Where you look in the mirror almost in tears because you love the way you look and feel and you’re so much happier because of it and people take notice. 
That’s why… when you purchase the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System… you get a full year to try it out any issues with the device we will replace absolutely risk-free.
Most people see a whiter smile — several shades brighter — after the very first use. So I’m confident you’re going to be blown away by the results right away…  The more you keep using it the better your teeth look and feel.
But we want to give you complete peace of mind when you make your purchase today. 
So if for any reason our system doesn’t make you love your white smile… just send it back and you’ll get a full refund. No questions asked. 
Sound good? 
You’ve got nothing to lose and a bright white smile to gain. 
Just fill out the form below and we’ll rush-ship the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening system to your door.
click here
We put our hearts and souls into building Primal Life Organics LLC as the most safe, friendly and reliable online shopping destination. You are protected by our 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee.
1. 100% RISK-FREE
2. 100% SAFE & TRUSTED
When you place an order with us, you are working with an honest, trusted, business committed to serving your, the customer, first and foremost.
3. 100% SECURE
FREE US Shipping. International Shipping is $19.97 **Due to COVID International shipping may take 21 to 60 days for International Shipments.
Our system is flying off the shelves in our warehouse right now… 
And we’re so excited to pack yours up and ship it to you…
But you need to hurry and decide… because I’d hate for us to run out. And then you have to wait for us to restock. 
You’ve spent enough time frustrated with the color of your teeth… you’ve wasted enough money on solutions that don’t work… and expensive trips to the dentist.
And right now you have the opportunity to reverse years of frustration with your smile and finally enjoy sparkling white teeth and all of the benefits that come with them…
You Have 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here
OPTION #1:Do nothing… and keep discolored teeth.
If you choose this option... and decide not to purchase the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System… you’ll be stuck right where your at. 
You’ll keep feeling insecure about the color of your teeth… 
Which will make it really hard to open up and enjoy life. 
You’ll still have a disadvantage in job situations… on dates… and will have a hard time connecting with people. Because every study and survey shows we’ve seen shows… 
People respond positively to a bright white smile… But negatively to a discolored smile… or tight-lipped smile. 
They also make all sorts of judgments about your hygiene… and social status… 
Because it doesn’t matter how beautiful or wealthy you are… a yellowish smile makes people think less of you… that you smoke. You don’t take care of yourself and are in bad health. 
It’s not fair or right... but it’s true. And we can’t change that. 
And because you’re still here and reading... 
I bet you’re tired of feeling insecure or being treated “less than” or judged wrongly because of the color of your teeth. 
But if you choose to do nothing today… 
You’ll stay right where you’re at and it will likely get worse.
But the good news is you have another option…
OPTION #2:Get A Bright White Smile After Just One Treatment With The Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System!
This is the right option for you. 
Because not only is it completely risk-free… and affordable… 
But when you purchase the Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System you’ll experience the life-changing power of having a bright white smile you love. 
After using Real White... your teeth will be up to 6 shades lighter… which means you can have a brighter smile before your next date… job interview… wedding… or any place you want to smile confidently.
Imagine how sexy you’ll feel flirting with a mesmerizing white smile...
Or how happy you will be to laugh without holding back because you’re worried about others seeing your teeth… 
Or the confidence you’ll have giving a presentation at work without wondering if they’re staring at your mouth. 
You name it— having a whiter smile makes every situation BETTER. 
You won’t be embarrassed taking selfies with your friends and comparing the color of your smile to theirs... because your smile will grab the attention of the picture... and will have your friends asking you what you do to maintain such a beautiful smile. 
You won’t struggle to find love or be more outgoing socially... because studies show people with white teeth are instantly more attractive and desired by the opposite sex and have more vibrant social lives. 
Even better— the more you smile… the happier you’ll be. 
Because every smile releases “happy chemicals” to your brain… and makes you a magnetically positive person. 
Plus you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you have a teeth-yellowing “defense shield” in your back pocket...
Because this system won’t just brighten your smile… but also protect it from stains and discoloration in the future. 
So you can drink your coffee and red wine… and enjoy your favorite foods and sweets... without worrying about what it’s doing to your teeth.
You have an amazing, life-changing opportunity at your fingertips right here and now. Don’t miss out on your chance for a white smile and a bright future. 
Just fill out the form below to get started. I can’t wait to hear about your results.
Order now
If you want to trade dingy, yellow teeth for a bright white smile that looks amazing… then what are you waiting for? Right now you have access to the only all-natural, revolutionary teeth-whitening system of its kind that promises a whiter smile — up to 6 shades brighter — on the very first use… and it only gets whiter from there. Plus, it detoxes your mouth so you don’t only get squeaky clean teeth… but you get a healthy mouth, too. So don’t wait any longer. Click here to get started and we’ll rush this kit to you right away. 
Remember you have nothing to lose and only a bright white smile to gain. Because I’ve backed your purchase with a 1-Year “You’ll Love Your White Smile “ Warranty. When you purchase today you also get one FREE syringe of the Real White Natural white gel with your order. And you’ll get the entire system at the lowest price ever that you won’t find anywhere else. A sparkling white smile is only a click away. Fill out the form above to get started today!
Order now
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is This For?
The Primal Life Organics LED Teeth Whitening System is for anyone who wants a white smile. It's all-natural, gentle and completely safe and easy to use… so there's no one it doesn't appeal to. It doesn't matter if you've had yellow teeth for decades… if a discolored smile runs in your family… if you're a coffee-addict… or haven't been to the dentist in 10 years. This teeth whitening solution will give you the bright white smile you've been dreaming of.
Even if your teeth aren't very yellow… but they just aren't as white as you want them to be… this system can give you the kind of white smile you're looking for.
What Comes In The Kit Again?
How Do I Use It?
Can I Get Whiter Teeth Just From The LED Lights? Or Do I Need To Use The Real White Gel, Too?
What If I Don't See Results?
How Do I Order Again?
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.
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smritirajdentistry · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Pregnancy causes the entire life of a woman to change. Dental hygiene should not be ignored at any point during this time. Look for the best dental hospitals near yourself when you need assistance with your dental care. For more details click here…
1 note - Posted August 17, 2022
Is your tooth decay the cause of sleepless nights?
Only CBCT gives the dentists a better peek into the exact problem. It provides a 3D image of the patient’s teeth, , nerve pathways, etc. With this breakthrough technology, dentists can handle any kind of dental surgery with ease.
Problems that CBCT addresses
Surgical treatment for infected teeth Diagnosis of Temporomandibular disorder CBCT guided implant surgery Used for evaluation of the jaw, neck, sinuses Detection and treatment of jaw tumors Finding out details of bone structure and tooth orientation Tracing the origin of any pain Reconstructive surgery Detection of any pathological jaw tumors
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A focused X-ray beam provides better quality of the image In one single scan, you can get a variety of angles to offer a better view With so much information, a better treatment plan can be devised CBCT is accurate, non- invasive, and causes no pain
If you are suffering from any of the above problems, CBCT is the answer. Its numerous benefits make it a preferred treatment mode for dental issues too. Smriti Raj Dentistry now conducts this technology at their center. You can remove any tooth and bone-related woes. Just give us a buzz today. Contact us, and we will help you overcome any of the above-mentioned issues.
1 note - Posted May 23, 2022
1 note - Posted June 15, 2022
Want Teeth Whitening in Delhi?
Teeth whitening is a great way to enhance your smile and help you gain further confidence in your everyday life, as long as you get it done by a dental professional who knows what they ’re doing and have a good character.
Get your teeth whitened by a dental expert, one good to give this work. Stay clear of beauty salons and other non-qualified professionals. Dentists know how the procedure works and can guide you through the whole process from launch to finish in a safe manner, including furnishing you with plenitude of information and making sure you're dentally fit before the treatment.
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Unlike DIY accoutrements , this approach is fully safe, as long as you make sure to use a registered dentist. Also, follow their guidelines precisely – nothing can cover you from your own tone if you decide to disregard your post-treatment care instructions. The stylish dental clinic for teeth decolorizing in Delhi is Smritiraj Dentistry Dental Clinic.
Benefits of Teeth Whitening
Oral health should be a element of any dental procedure you consider as it’s of the utmost significance to your broader health. Poor mouth health can lead to a slew of problems latterly in life.
These problems include effects like organ failure, heart conditions, cancer and in severe cases death.
When decolorizing your teeth with a dental professional, you ’ll have stains removed the right way from your teeth allowing them to strengthen and come healthier.
Serious tone- regard Boost
A brighter smile means a brightly you. The vast maturity of people tie a significant portion of their self- worth to how they look.
So, when pursuing decolorizing your teeth, anticipate an immediate boost in the way you feel about yourself. You and your smile will be glowing and believe us when we say people will notice the new you!
Your Hygiene Will Benefit
Numerous people get judged based on their perceived situations of particular hygiene. With teeth that are stained, indeed if you brush them every day, people will draw conclusions about your capability to take care of yourself.
In order to ensure you ’re putting your stylish foot forward and to help people appreciate your hygiene competence, whitening your teeth is an excellent option.
There are a lot of ornamental and health benefits one should know when getting their teeth paled. In order to maximize results and ensure your safety, whitening teeth under the supervision of a professional is a must. Smritiraj Dentistry Dental Clinic is the stylish dental clinic in Delhi for teeth whitening.
Smritiraj Dentistry is a modern dental clinic offering world class dental services in Dwarka, Delhi. With an advanced, state of the art structure and a professional staff, we're the best dental clinic in Delhi. We believe in providing on-invasive and painless dental care.
1 note - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Low-Cost Braces nearby - Best Invisible Teeth Braces
The buzz in dentistry is about invisible dental braces, and with good reason. Invisible dental aligners are becoming more popular, and they are quickly replacing the idea of having bulky metal braces to straighten teeth. Invisalign, or "invisible braces," are the product of recent developments in dental technology.
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The Invisible Line Braces are the most cutting-edge method of correcting teeth misalignments such as crowding, spacing, and unevenness. These braces cost Delhi, and are very affordable.
Ugly grins may now be readily corrected, opening the door to more attractive ones. You can tell braces for the teeth work since they're used for many dental problems.
True to their name, invisible dental braces are just as effective as their metal counterparts. In addition to being undetectable to the naked eye, their computer-designed precision guarantees that the teeth move perfectly and you reach your goal considerably more quickly. Not only do they not contain brackets or wires, making them significantly simpler to use, but they are also far more pleasant to wear than standard metal braces. Treatment with Invisalign or invisible dental braces typically lasts between 9 and 12 months. This is much faster than the treatment period required by braces made of metal or other materials.
See the full post
1 note - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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truculentbitch · 5 days
belly this is so random but do you happen to know techniques to brighten your teeth besides just the regular brushing? my ones have been so yellow for my entire life and i don’t want to get them professionally whitened but i still want to get rid of some of the yellowness
the only things i know about are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda but my knowledge is not in any way thorough. i know that baking soda is an abrasive and can help with stains but i have no idea whether it could damage yr teeth with constant use. the same basically with hydrogen peroxide, a very mild bleach; it's useful for a lot of things but also not advisable to use for some things - like it's great for wound cleaning in terms of antibacterial action but can delay healing and tissue growth.
the only other thing i've heard about is oil pulling which is something that's def useful for preventative oral care but claims about whitening are less proven.
the best thing to do with all of these things is be thorough with yr research! it's not worth damaging the health of yr teeth for cosmetics, even tho our smiles are such an important part of how we present ourselves to the world.
as a final bit of advice, if you're someone who wears makeup, try out cool toned lip colours. lipsticks with a blue base will make yr teeth look whiter while warm colours with a yellow/orange base will reflect and emphasise the yellow in yr teeth. it can be colours verging on purples, purple-pinks, or cool reds - start with cool tones and see if that makes a difference.
as a final, final bit of advice? you're much more aware of it than anyone else is. non-white teeth are completely normal and 99% of ppl won't ever notice the 'flaws' you see in yrself. like you, they're much more focused on the ways they think they don't fit in. the best solution to any flaw you think you have is always self-confidence. that's the one thing ppl can never see past.
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wonderweaves · 9 months
Unlock a Radiant Smile Naturally
Did you know that the color of your teeth can significantly impact your personal and professional relationships? Recent studies reveal that a whiter smile not only increases your chances of landing your dream job but also enhances your overall attractiveness.
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The Power of a Whiter Smile:
Career Boost: A whiter smile gives you a 58% greater chance of being hired for your dream job, and individuals with whiter teeth are 53% more likely to earn a generous salary.
 Dating Advantage: In a survey, 96% of single men and women consider a white smile a "dealbreaker," and those with whiter teeth are twice as likely to land a second date.
Youthful Appearance: New research shows that white teeth can make you look up to 10 years younger and 20% more attractive.
The 16-Minute Trick:
Discover a strange yet simple 16-minute trick used by celebrities and health experts. This technique, backed by Harvard Medical School, removes years of stains, plaque, and discoloration without expensive dental visits, mouthwashes, or low-grade whitening kits.
Real Root Cause of Yellow Teeth:
Learn from Harvard University's research about the real root cause of yellow teeth, unrelated to genetics. Uncover why 99% of treatments on the market, including whitening toothpaste and mouthwash, do nothing to address this root cause.
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Your Guide to a Whiter Smile:
100% Portable: This fast whitening solution is 100% portable, allowing you to whiten your smile on the go.
Immediate Results:  Double your chances of success by using this 16-minute trick before interviews, meetings, or social events.
Affordable and Safe: Experience a shimmering smile without costly dental treatments or extreme measures.
Meet Trina Felber – Your Dental Health Expert:
Trina Felber, a dental health and natural skincare expert with over 33 years of experience, introduces a natural solution to treat yellow teeth at the source. As the creator of Primal Life Organics, she exposes the dirty secrets of the dental and cosmetics industry.
Take Action Now:
Click here to order now and unlock the secret to a stronger, cleaner, and whiter smile. Embrace a 100% natural solution for dental health, backed by years of expertise and research. Your confident, radiant smile awaits!
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Why Is Cosmetic Dentistry in Seattle and Shoreline, WA So Popular?
It is not the rich & famous who resort to cosmetic dentistry in Seattle and Shoreline, WA, across the nation. On the contrary, many people wish to improve their smile and eliminate inconvenience with the help of cosmetic treatments. A majority of such procedures are not necessary and may be hugely expensive, but the patient is willing to undergo the discomfort to obtain the right results. Surprisingly, the revelation by the “American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry” indicates that almost 99% of citizens consider going through a cosmetic process to improve their smiles. Other types of dentistry to improve appearance and reduce discomfort are also popular. ​ Some of the procedures that are performed by top dental surgeons today include the following:- · Teeth Whitening- This is an intensely popular procedure on account of the simplicity of the process and affordability. The patient does not have to go through any invasive procedures either. Almost all patients find it the best option to improve their smile and appearance. It is interesting to note that this is an in-office procedure that is often carried out inside a dental clinic with no appreciable waiting time. The results are outstanding, with the teeth' color lightened by a shade or two. It is essential to understand that this whitening will be temporary and lasts a year. The dental professional will advise the patient about the proper care of the teeth after the procedure.
· Porcelain Veneers- When one is not interested in merely cleaning the teeth and whitening them, adding porcelain veneers over the existing teeth may be the answer. This procedure is normally recommended for patients with badly stained teeth or functional problems. The dental professional will fabricate a porcelain shell and add it firmly over the discolored tooth for the best results. Such a process can address several issues at one go, namely, worn-out enamel, spacing of teeth, and misalignment
· Invisible Braces - This is an apt solution for forcing the crooked teeth into alignment without affecting the appearance of the oral cavity or smile. One may use ceramic tooth-colored brackets, Clear aligners, or inside braces as required and advised by the professional. The types are not interchangeable, and the patient must opt for a single type of brace for cosmetic reasons.
· Dental Implants- The implants are the most popular cosmetic and restorative dentistry items. Implants are highly durable and ensure the aesthetics perfectly. It is a permanent solution for addressing problems of tooth loss effectively. An artificial root of the tooth is created out of titanium. This is implanted into the jaw bone and eventually fuses with the bone. The crown is placed over this implant, which serves as a replacement tooth. It is a somewhat invasive procedure that requires considerable recovery time.
One does not have to obtain permission from a dental professional to opt for cosmetic dentistry in Seattle and Shoreline, WA. Instead, the patient may express a willingness to improve the dental issues and lack of aesthetic appeal to have them corrected by a dentist adept at cosmetic procedures. 
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Transform Your Smile with Removable Veneers, Affordable & Convenient
Teeth whitening services do not change the “Structure of the Teeth” but only whiten. Basically, 99% of our whitening clients had hoped for the “Celebrity Look” after whitening and only a very small percentage of those clients could achieve those results. So, we developed a product to give them their desired outcome (without having to spend $1,000 – $2,000 per tooth for the cost of porcelain veneers, which was the only alternative).  The only way to avoid the cost of porcelain veneers and achieve the “Perfect Celebrity Teeth & Smile” was to offer cosmetic dental snap on veneers.
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Removable Veneers are Natural Looking, Custom Made Snap On Veneers that fit perfectly over your teeth to help improve your smile.
Make your smile more beautiful today with Removable Veneers USA! Whether you want to have a shining smile for your wedding day or another event, conceal imperfections like chipped or missing teeth, or just want to feel more confident in day to day life, Removable Veneers USA can help! Using state of the art 3D printing, our premium removable snap in veneers are meticulously crafted to give you a bright, straight, and stunning smile at a fraction of the cost of porcelain dental veneers, starting at only $499.
Our No Dentist Premium Custom Clip on Veneers help improve the color, shape, size, length and misalignment of teeth that compromise the overall beauty and precision of your smile."
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Best Laser surgery in sec 99 gurgaon
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 Laser surgery, also known as laser-assisted surgery, refers to medical procedures that utilize laser technology to perform surgical interventions. Lasers produce an intense, focused beam of light that can be precisely controlled and directed to target specific tissues, allowing for various applications in different medical fields. Laser surgery is often chosen for its precision, reduced bleeding, minimal scarring, and shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgical techniques.
Here are a few common applications and types of laser surgery:
Laser Eye Surgery: Laser technology is commonly used in refractive eye surgeries to correct vision problems like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Procedures such as LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) and PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) use lasers to reshape the cornea, improving vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
Laser Dermatology: Lasers are used in dermatology for various purposes, including removing unwanted hair, treating acne scars, reducing wrinkles, removing tattoos, and addressing skin conditions like birthmarks, vascular lesions, and pigmented lesions. Different types of lasers are used, such as ablative lasers, non-ablative lasers, and fractional lasers, depending on the specific skin concern.
Laser Dentistry: Lasers find application in dentistry for procedures such as gum reshaping, removing oral tumors, treating gum disease, teeth whitening, and performing biopsies. Laser dentistry can be less invasive and cause less bleeding than traditional dental techniques.
Laser Surgery in Ophthalmology: Laser technology is used in ophthalmology for various conditions. For example, laser surgery is employed to treat certain types of glaucoma by improving drainage or reducing fluid production in the eye. Laser therapy can also be used to seal leaking blood vessels in the retina and treat diabetic retinopathy.
Laser-Assisted Surgery in other Fields: Laser technology is utilized in several other medical fields, including urology, gynecology, gastroenterology, and otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat). Procedures such as laser lithotripsy for kidney stones, laser ablation for tumors, laser treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), and laser tonsillectomy are examples of laser-assisted surgeries in these specialties.
Laser surgery has its specific advantages and limitations, and the suitability of laser treatment for a particular condition depends on various factors. The decision to undergo laser surgery is typically made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who can assess your individual case, explain the available options, and determine the most appropriate treatment approach.
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removableveneer · 2 years
Removable Veneers USA
Teeth whitening services do not change the “Structure of the Teeth” but only whiten. Basically, 99% of our whitening clients had hoped for the “Celebrity Look” after whitening and only a very small percentage of those clients could achieve those results. So, we developed a product to give them their desired outcome (without having to spend $1,000 – $2,000 per tooth for the cost of porcelain veneers, which was the only alternative). The only way to avoid the cost of porcelain veneers and achieve the “Perfect Celebrity Teeth & Smile” was to offer cosmetic dental snap on veneers.
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How It WorksGet Your Smile
7 Easy Steps To A Beautiful Smile
There’s a certain amount of mystery surrounding shiny smile veneers, and we’re here to help solve it! Removable Veneers instantly clip on to your existing teeth acting as snap on veneers to improve your smile for a confidence-boosting, years-younger new look! Forget expensive, painful, time-consuming dentist visits to correct gaps or broken, missing or stained teeth. The process of achieving high quality, long lasting, natural looking smiles for a brighter image is relatively simple. Learn more about why we are the best clip on veneers on the market!
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Why Choose Us For Snap On Veneers?
We have seen a lot of teeth over the years. One obstacle many of our client’s face is desiring their teeth to become whiter than genetically possible or a change in the structure of their teeth.
Teeth whitening services do not change the “Structure of the Teeth” but only whiten. Basically, 99% of our whitening clients had hoped for the “Celebrity Look” after whitening and only a very small percentage of those clients could achieve those results. So, we developed a product to give them their desired outcome (without having to spend $1,000 – $2,000 per tooth for the cost of porcelain veneers, which was the only alternative).  The only way to avoid the cost of porcelain veneers and achieve the “Perfect Celebrity Teeth & Smile” was to offer cosmetic dental snap on veneers.
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The Solution: Removable Teeth Veneers
As you can imagine, the question that our clients continued to ask over the years was “Do you have a solution or an alternative to dental veneers (because of the cost)”. If so, they would be interested in purchasing this product. In other words, our customers wanted a perfect smile solution at an affordable price and teeth whitening only offered part of the solution!
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So, we went to work for our clients looking for an affordable solution to removable teeth veneers. We spent 2 years researching and developing a plan to create a dental grade product that would meet the needs of our clients.
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Essential For Comfortable Online Veneers For Teeth
therefore perfect impressions equal perfect veneers! Knowing this, you may worry about the process of making a dental impression at home. Let us assure you that the process is simple and straightforward. In fact, 90% of our clients get a perfect set of dental impressions on their first attempt. Just remember to take your time, exercise patience, and reach out to your advisor (if needed) so they may help walk you through the process.
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why choose us
Made In The USA (By Licensed Dental Pros) Eat & Drink Snap On Veneers Under $1k Affordable For The Average Person Stronger Material Than Competitors Original Smile Profile & Straighter Smile Profile Options Assigned Personal Design Consultant 0% Financing Option Available (3rd Party) Live Customer Service (By Text or Phone) Responds Quickly to Text or Email Negative Reviews Problems 10-14 Day or Less Turnaround Time Option 3 Premium Models To Choose From In House Lab BBB (Better Business Bureau A+ Rating) No Other Competitor Has This Rating Exclusive Stain Resistant Material / Warranty Available 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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Get in Touch 8611 Concord Mills Boulevard Suite 103, Concord, NC 28027 +17042364181 [email protected]
Service Area United States Business Hour Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
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productsorganic · 2 years
How to Find the Best Bamboo Toothbrush for Your Teeth: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Oral Care
The finest bamboo toothbrush is an example of a product that is becoming more and more popular due to its eco-friendliness and sustainability. Traditional plastic toothbrushes are bad for the environment; bamboo toothbrushes are a great substitute. In this article, we'll explain why Jayviq is the finest choice for environmentally friendly dental care. Jayviq is a company that sells some of the best bamboo toothbrushes on the market.
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Sustainable Resources
The dedication to sustainability that Jayviq has is what initially distinguishes it from other businesses. The finest bamboo toothbrushes from Jayviq are produced using only natural, renewable bamboo, a material that decomposes quickly. Bamboo toothbrushes may be composted and will degrade within months, in contrast to plastic toothbrushes, which can take hundreds of years to break down. They are therefore a great option for anyone who wishes to lessen their environmental effect and their carbon footprint. Best bamboo toothbrushes in india.
Convenient Design
The finest bamboo toothbrush from Jayviq boasts a cosy, user-friendly design. Bamboo is used to make the handle, which is smooth and sturdy and feels wonderful in your hand. High-quality nylon used to make the bristles is kind to your teeth and gums. Moreover, activated charcoal is embedded inside the bristles to aid in tooth whitening and stain removal.
Bristle Strengths with Variations
The fact that Jayviq has several bristle strengths sets it apart from other competitors. While some people want medium or firm bristles, others favour soft bristles. You may select the bristle strength that works best for you by choosing one of the three options Jayviq offers for toothbrushes. This makes it simpler for consumers to pick a toothbrush that is comfortable to use if they have sensitive teeth or gums.
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Reasonable Cost
The reasonable price of Jayviq's toothbrushes is one of its finest features. It's simple to stock up on eco-friendly toothbrushes for the entire family because packs of four may be purchased for a very affordable price. This is especially crucial because bamboo toothbrushes are a terrific method to decrease your plastic waste and because you should change your toothbrush every three months.
Minimal Packaging
Jayviq is dedicated to reducing the amount of packaging it uses. The toothbrushes are packaged in a straightforward cardboard box that is simple to compost or recycle. There is no extra plastic or packing, which is a wonderful illustration of the company's dedication to sustainability. Also, by keeping the price of the toothbrushes cheap and utilizing minimum packaging, everyone can afford them.
And lastly, Jayviq's top bamboo toothbrushes are portable. Because they are small and light, the toothbrushes are simple to take in a bag or backpack. Anybody who is concerned about minimising their plastic trash when travelling would appreciate this feature. When you return home, you may compost the toothbrush after using it while you're away, knowing that you've contributed to environmental protection.
It's important to note that bamboo toothbrushes are not only better for the environment but also for your health. Conventional plastic toothbrushes could have hazardous substances that might be damaging to your health. Bamboo toothbrushes, on the other hand, are a healthier option for your general wellbeing because they are created from natural materials and are devoid of hazardous chemicals.
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If you're still not persuaded about the advantages of using a bamboo toothbrush, keep in mind that because the typical person uses 300 toothbrushes throughout their lifetime, 99% of them end up in landfills or the ocean. You may contribute in a modest but meaningful way to eliminating plastic waste and fostering a healthy world by using a bamboo toothbrush. So why not start living a more sustainable lifestyle today by switching to the best bamboo toothbrush from Jayviq?
The fact that using the finest bamboo toothbrush from Jayviq helps a worthy cause is another advantage. Jayviq contributes a part of the sales revenue from each toothbrush sold to an environmental nonprofit. This implies that by using eco-friendly toothbrushes, you are not only improving your own health but also helping a more important cause.
Overall, the finest bamboo toothbrush from Jayviq is a great alternative for anybody searching for a long-lasting and environmentally responsible method of dental hygiene. The toothbrushes feature a pleasant shape, come in a variety of bristle strengths, and are manufactured entirely of natural bamboo. Also, they are inexpensive, need little packing, and are portable. Making a difference for the environment and reducing your plastic waste is simple when you choose a bamboo toothbrush from Jayviq. Making the switch to eco-friendly items, like bamboo toothbrushes, is a quick and effective method to help the earth. You may lessen your plastic waste and help promote a more sustainable way of living by using bamboo toothbrushes. Furthermore, bamboo toothbrushes are equally as efficient at cleaning teeth and upholding proper oral hygiene as plastic toothbrushes.
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nique10 · 2 years
Strange "Mouth Detox" Makes You Appear 10 Years Younger... — Whitens Teeth Up To 6 Shades In Less Than 16 Minutes... Now used by celebrities... health biohackers... even backed by Harvard Medical School and dozens of other credible Universities (4, 5).. To powerwash years of coffee and red wine stains... plaque buildup... and difficult discoloration from smoking... right off your teeth. WITHOUT expensive visits to the dentist... Swishing around stinging mouthwashes or oil pulling... Or wasting time with low-grade whitening kits that might get your teeth a couple shades lighter... but never give you the fully radiant smile you desire and deserve. Which may sound kind of out-there and farfetched... But that’s why in a minute I’ll share new research from Harvard University that reveals the REAL root cause of yellow teeth... How it has nothing to do with your genetics... And how 99% of treatments on the market… Including whitening toothpastes, mouthwash, even clinical-grade procedures... Do nothing to treat it. And how starting right now, today... You can whitewash your smile by treating it safely and effectively at the source... chemical free. What you may love most about this fast whitening solution is that it’s 100% portable. Meaning you can INSTANTLY double your chances of landing your dream job or getting a handsome pay raise by simply using this 16-minute whitening trick when driving to an interview or meeting… Or you can use this technique as the finishing touch before a hot date or social event... To almost guarantee you’ll get buzzworthy attention because your confidence and personality are radiating through your pearly white smile. These perks were once reserved for men and women who could afford expensive dentist treatments... A pricy set of veneers... Or tooth-replacement surgery...
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burnsidedentaluk · 2 years
97 - 99 Burnside
Cambridge CB1 3PA UK
Phone: 01223244 711
Website: https://burnsidedental.co.uk/
Burnside Dental Surgery Ltd is a friendly dental practice in Cambridge, providing a wide range of dental treatments and cosmetic dentistry. Our aim is to provide you with personalised, high-quality pain-free dental care. We are a team dedicated to improving and maintaining your oral health. Whether you need restorative care, preventative care, cosmetic dentistry, or dental hygiene.
Keywords: Dentists, Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening, Invisalign, Dental Surgery, Dental Practice
Hour: Mon - Fri : 9am - 5pm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/burnsidedentalsurgery/
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implantdental01 · 2 years
Cosmetic Dental Clinic Will Help You Get The Perfect Smile.
The most beautiful functions of an individual is his/her smile. To make the smile appearance seamlessly attractive what you require is a nice pair of teeth. Do you understand that these days dental specialists are supplying cosmetic dental treatment to make you a positive individual in life?  Idcafrica.com is your one-stop shop for all your dental needs! We offer a wide range of Dental Treatment Service Clinic Kenya, from teeth whitening to implants, and our experienced team of dentists will make sure you're 100% satisfied with your treatment.  
IMPLANT DENTAL CLINIC dentists are professionals taking care of specialized treatments which cover services starting from tooth bleaching to replacement. It can be the situation that general dental professional is additionally using this cosmetic service. If you approach such dental practitioner, after that make sure to check that he or she has actually the needed level of such treatment
IMPLANT DENTAL CLINIC is best clinic form of therapy works, fast, pain-free and also in 99% of the cases effective. No application of anesthetic is created treatments related to teeth whitening. This kind of therapy is entirely pain-free. Various other procedures like oral implants require precision, as well as competent expertise which needs to ensure the process is completely anxiety-free as high as possible for the client. In search of a top quality spanner that won't let you down? 
As we already discussed that because of absence of error complimentary set of teeth a number of us lose the self-confidence to talk before a crowd. With IMPLANT DENTAL CLINIC, one can boost their lives as well as also enhance the confidence. With such treatment say goodbye to you require to fret for discolored, chipped, misaligned or missing teeth. When you start feeling great at the time of smiling, after that it will by default boost the social life of a person in a great method.
Essentially, it is a thin shell which is put by the dental practitioner as a cover on the tooth, Use porcelain veneers are provided for fixing teeth which are tarnished and make them look flawlessly healthy and balanced tooth. In this manner your smile will additionally be improvised. If require a little of tooth shaping it will be done to make it straightened with rest tooth. All these type of facility are available in IMPLANT DENTAL CLINIC .
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feeling absolutely fucking batshit today
I want to take a hammer to my phone, kitchen scissors to my stupidly long and unmanageable hair delete all of my accounts and hit up my toxic ex who cheated on me to go camp in the desert somewhere. im so tired of existing in my own head and body and dealing with my internal dialogue and brain day in and day out. of wanting to be beautiful and cool and liked and nice and perceived as nice. im so tired of shyly smiling at people in my ceramics studio that I don't even like because I don't want to be disliked. of scanning my body every day and thinking about what surgeries I wish I had to change it. of how I can convince my mom to pay for teeth whitening because my teeth have always been yellow. of trying to be nice and calm and supportive to my little sister who never makes even a slight effort to check in on me or be there for me. of constantly trying to take the high road with her in order to preserve the relationship. being there when she calls me to vent about everyone and everything even though she can't be bothered to answer a simple text from me. of continuing to engage and communicate with people I generally dislike and have nothing in common with because im so insecure about my lack of life experience and lack of friends in a city where I've spent 99% of my life. im tired of all of this shit contributing to me being generally disingenuous and fucking vapid and shallow. Turning 25 is throwing me for a loop because all I can think about is how im finally coming to accept my appearance and how its all going to go away soon. im so tired of giving so much of a fuck about shit that does not matter. at ceramics today this young woman maybe 25 and strange older dude were talking about their seizures and brain disorders and matching scars from brain surgery. and a mom and daughter who looked homeless wandered in because the daughter was curious. that's the stuff in life that matters and makes a difference. not my yellow teeth, or big nose or cellulite. or if people like me.
I tried to run but im so out of shape and I've just been drinking soda and eating junk food and not even drinking water so I couldn't really. instead I walked down to the elementary school where I went and laid on the grass. the first Xanax I took started to calm me down and I felt more at peace. I walked home and went to Vons and bought a slice of birthday cake and a pack of American spirits. I smoked one on the way home and took a hot shower. I rubbed my face with face wash until the foam covered anything. I cleaned my room before I left the house today and it was genuinely really nice to come home to. I tuned on both of my fans to full speed and im sitting here typing this. Im going to turn on the Simpsons. or maybe a movie. and eat my cake. I took another Xanax before my shower so im hoping that will help me fall asleep. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. but I know that I don't want to go to work and preform. [preform as cool girl and make crude jokes to the back of house. preform as cute and funny because I think my manager is hot. preform in general. im so tired of it.
I swear im so fucked up im a perfect candidate for someone to get me to join some cult. shave my head wear loose robes.
I screamed bloody murder 4 times in my car on the way home tonight. a "primal" scream. im getting my mental health advice from corny Netflix teen movies now I guess.
why was I worried about the length of my t shirt today, of the bagginess of shorts. of what shoes would be the coolest with the two.
more likely than not this is all just manic irritable behavior and energy that's a direct result of my not taking my meds consistently, and getting my period from skipping my bc, and more than likely ill sleep the day away tomorrow like I have been for almost a month now, and rush off to work, not brushing my teeth or forgetting deodorant and showing up late with wonky makeup I did while driving. and ill buss tables while sports bros ignore me and curse at their football games. but tonight I feel like I might just be finally and officially fed up. of trying to control everything and edit and curate everything to the point that I've driven myself so crazy that it all needs to go out the window and im just going to be this crazy unhinged but relatively at peace person.
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