#! — laena 001 ❜❜
visratarg · 2 months
▮ ❛ some time after alicent returned and was shot, princess viserra targaryen found herself in the bedroom of her sister, laena oldflowers @fromspringandfire ❜ ──
Things repeated themselves in a great loop in Viserra's mind, like a twisted, thrilling dream that wouldn't allow her to wake up. With every blink of an eye, what had happened was repeated once more. The horse, the screams, the arrow. The woman with the coppery hair. Like the dragon's eternal dream. She should be dead, shouldn't she?  Gone for so long, practically becoming a ghost from the past, simply returning as if she were nothing. 
The metallic taste of blood was burning its way down the throat of the Targaryen who was restlessly chewing the inside of her left cheek. It was an old childhood habit long forgotten; a habit she used to have when she visited the Sept with her grandmother. When Alicent looked into her violaceous irises, repeating how she should behave, how to pray or even how to breathe. There weren't many good memories of her grandmother and, if there ever were, Viserra couldn't remember them; only traumas filled her mind.
However, the hardest thing about knowing that her grandmother was alive was remembering her mother. Helaena was always with Alicent, and she was always with her mother; eternally connected. The young purple girl's heart was filled with pain and a certain anger: her mother didn't want to survive for her or her brother, and a part of Viserra inexplicably screamed that it was her grandmother's fault. How could it be? She hadn't pushed Helaena, the princess knew, and she also understood that Alicent had suffered as much as she had, perhaps more. But a part of her felt guilty; maybe it was the need to put the blame on someone else to deal with the pain, maybe it was the anger stored up inside her trying to get out somewhere. 
Viserra didn't know, she just suffered from it. And now she was suffering even more from her return, anxious about the future that would be built from here. She was sure, no, actually she felt it in her bones, that her brother, Jaehaerys, would take her to the Crownlands. Alicent was still in her blood. But the princess didn't want that, definitely not, her chest burning with the very real possibility. Her grandmother might be in a coma, but what if she woke up? What if she went back to her old ways? Viserra felt that she would be condemned to always be by her side as before, as a good granddaughter, a great religious woman. She didn't need any more guilt on her shoulders. And then there were the twins, what if Alicent managed to catch up with them? 
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There were multiple possibilities that made Viserra's skin feel hot, burning as if coals were being placed on it. Was that what Rhaenyra felt? She thought it couldn't have been, she still remembered what dragon fire felt like. Feeling her breathing become heavy and dizzy, the princess looked up at the window of her sister's room, feeling tears fill her vision. "Where's Laena?” she cursed, running her hands through the silver strands nervously. A little more force and she could have pulled out a few strands.
Why was she so destabilized? It was a question that ran through her mind along with the others. She'd been through so much, how could her grandmother alone have triggered all these feelings? A part of Viserra hoped it was just the first scare, it had to be, she wasn't that unbalanced. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she quickly looked away from the window and focused on the face in front of her, already feeling a whirlwind materialize in her throat. “What took you so long? I need you” came the voice as she stood up and walked into her sister's arms. Laena was the one person the Targaryen felt she could be herself without any problems, blood of her blood.
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fromspringandfire · 3 months
setting: the lann’s day celebration, starter for @mintharaestermont
context: lae saw minty approach cedric and she’s a little jelly.
amidst the dancing and music occurring in the great hall for the lann’s day celebration, laena stood amongst a small group of women who had seemed to slowly warm up to her within the reach court. she knew not if she would call them friends, but she were glad all the same to have some familiar faces to speak to, considering she had lost seffora earlier in the evening. it seemed, perhaps, they took a liking to her clothing, that was not entirely standout, but certainly different from traditional garments - opting for pale and pastel hues, flowier skirts, and billowed sleeves. even now she stood within pale pink silks, a cream colored mask adorned with pearls upon her face.
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lilac hues shifted, noticing cedric not far over the shoulder of one of the ladies, and noticing a young woman approaching him. she tried to swallow down the heat that flushed to her cheeks, not quite understanding the reaction to the simple sight, and attempted to continue conversation until she decided she needed a drink. “excuse me.” she murmured, walking around the group to find a goblet.
she hardly noticed the same woman approaching her until she were upon her, and quickly her mask was ripped from her face, a sound of satisfaction from the other before it were clear laena were not the intended target. she cleared her throat. “mistaken identity, i assume?” the words sounded more curt than she intended.
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fromthcfires · 2 months
who: @fromspringandfire where: rhaegar had taken some time to watch what remained of his family from the shadows during his cousin's coronation. it was finally time to approach them
The reunion with Jaehaerys had shaken him. It had been a revelation, and yet simultaneously, Rhaegar felt as though something at the very core of him had been broken loose, the debris left unattended. It had turned the page to a new chapter, the pages still blank and unwritten. The reunion with his family - or, what was left of it.
His father's face was in Braavos, his aunts and uncles dead - but there were still some he had known as a boy. As a boy who'd had a name and a family and almost something akin to love.
Rhaegar had watched Laena for a short while. The way she carried herself now, the way her features had matured. He recognized the past in her, still, and that, oddly enough, served as a comfort. Memories crawling forward from the farthest corners in his mind had his heart squeeze painfully in his chest, a momentary unbearable twing, that eventually convincede him that he would regret not stepping forward now.
He left the shadows, left the comfort and safety, and approached the Lady. "You grew up well, Lae." Rhaegar's voice was hoarse, wobbly in a way it normally wasn't. Nervous, still, even after the ball had been sent rolling.
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iksidaorvali · 1 month
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@crownsofsorrow | jesamyn redwyne;;
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"i'm sorry, i just need a minute." words bitten out in a tone clearly meant to sound harsh as a way of disguising the truth. she'd been crying. even if the tears had been wiped away, any remnants now dried, there was no hiding the slight shake in her voice.
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writingsofwesteros · 20 days
Hahaha hahaha picturing Daemon getting the Hightower/Targtower side eye game from all of them in close proximity is so funny please 😂 he secretly misses the days when it was just Otto. Now the leaches kids and grandkids are all around him smh and him being one of Rhaenyras King Consorts means nothing to them. (and 1 or 2 will soon be giving him grandkids via Baela and maybe Rhaena oopsie 💀)
Daeron has the best one, of course. He was raised by his uncle Gwayne in the heart of Hightower territory after all.
Rhaenys has always been her baby cousins number 1 hater akskskaklk so you know she'd LIVE for it. Especially after how he treated Laena. Corlys' laugh is definitely loud af the first time he sees Daemon in a room full of Hightowers/Targtowers all painting him with the same identical notoriously Hightower stink face.
(The look Rhaenys gave him when she clocked him after news of Jaehaerys' death is never not funny, funnier than Rhaenyras reaction to me honestly. She really looked at him for .001 seconds and just knew. Like, oh, this mfer CRAZY crazy 😒 *deep tired elder cousin sick of dealing with his bullshit sigh*)
Daeron is the best; such a sweetheart. He and Alicent are always together when he first returns. She missed him so much and he's so easy to be around.
Rhaenys really was the best at that reaction; why is she like this !!
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cafeleningrad · 2 years
For the ask game: Fire and Blood, Rhaenicent, and Daemon Targaryen and Dalton Greyjoy :)
Send me fandoms... characters... or ships... 📩 Thank you so much for this picnic basket of question! They were such fun to answer. :D Preface: I haven't watched the show, only learnt about it via gif and meta tumblr osmosis. The answers are entirely based on Fire and Blood alone, additional to my interpretations of the events.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you....[Fire and Blood]
Favorite character: Nettles
Least Favorite character: Unwyne Pike
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (oh boy here we go...) Visenya Targaryen x Sharra Arryn, Rhaena Targaryen x Alyssa Farman, the Riverland lads (including Aly Blackwood) x being the most metal 5eva), Johanna Lannister x Dalton Greyjoy
Character I find most attractive: Kermit Tully (I played enough Fire Emblem to know what war criminal is good dating material and this one has red hair too!)
Character I would marry: Kermit Tully
Character I would be best friends with: Tyland Lannister (have I mentioned how much I love, love, love realpolitics? But also he was so understanding and kind to Aegon III, Aegon staiyng with Lord Tyland was a sign of their quiet bond of trust)
a random thought: This book convinced me to a 100% that Mirri Maz Duur and Bobby B. did the world a favour by guaranteeing the Targaryen dynasty would end with Dany. (Nothing personal, Dany.)
An unpopular opinion: I don't get the Jaehaerys hateboner the fandom has for him. At least not the intensitiy. Maybe I'm too much of a law nerd to dislike a character who creates a codified law system and long term benefit infrastructure to scorn someone who's your regular run-off-the-mill misogynist in Westeros. (Personally, I take more offense with his aggressive Targaryen supremacy propaganda efforts...)
My Canon OTP: Alys Rivers x Aemond Targaryen
My Non-canon OTP: Mushroom x a book deal
Most Badass Character: Benjicot Blackwood closely, tied to Roddy the Ruin
Most Epic Villain: (in the limits of what qualifies as a villain in this universe) Maegor the Cruel, a mama's boy who couldn't function without Visenya direction his every action.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Daemon Targaryen x Laena Velaryon
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Hmm, Martin wrote this book as barely anything more than fleshed out bullet points with the purpose of narrating a semi historic account. Obviously in this format details and characterisation would be left less detailed and left for speculation. Yet I think Tess could've been given more than just a few lines.
Favourite Friendship: Rhaena Targaryen and Maegor Towers, Tyland Lannister and Aegon III Targaryen
Character I most identify with: Lyman Beesbury
Character I wish I could be: Alyssa Farman
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Preface: This is the only category for which I will base my answers on the showverse. Their ship is based on a dynamic that couldn't exist in the book verse due to their ages in the book.) - When I started shipping them: Actually I didn't, the concept seems intriguing though if I wasn't sideeyeing the writer's competence in writing fleshed out female characters with agency. - My thoughts: no great ones, except I'm really happy that a F/F pairing made it into the ranks of most popular ships in the fandom - and the girls remain interesting without watered down pastelcoloured uwu-fication (at least from I can gather from my mututals). - What makes me happy about them: The actresses for all time periods having put so much thought in the dynamic that the tension in the Dance of Dragons isn't "just" based in misogynistic sentiments and aspiration of power in a misogynistic system - but also in deeply personal tragedy. The original script didn't even consider Alicent's misgivings with her former friend beyond, let's call it unceremoniously, slutshaming and religious righteousness. The queer character of their relationship carved out by all four actresses enriched their conflict in it's core. - What makes me sad about them: Maybe misogyny cages them both yet Rhaenyra can live so many liberties with her father's blessing. Alicent will always remain an outsider, deprived of any Targaryen privileges, any sense of agency, her anger at Rhaenyra's arrogance is so palatable. - Things done in fanfic that annoys me: haven't read fanfic about them so far. -Things I look for in fanfic: Smut, Alicent on top, religious guild as zesty topping for dirty talk. :P - My wishlist: The Catch 22 of women in media is that any agency can easily lead to demonisation and ignorance to what the story wants to tell about a woman's fate by a larger fandom. Chanving off a lot of the agency, the men remaining the only villians behind the unfolding conflict, Alicent and Rhaenyra are stripped of agency, therefore undermining the theme of misogyny in the Dance of Dragons in a weird way. I don't know if such a story about the fallout of a queer lovestory and the bitter remains held by female characters would be given the grace by a format intended for mass consumption... Yet, in the books there was such a loud untertone of Alicent exercicing power through the men around her in contrast through Rhaenyra's direct action. Alicent found a way to cheat the system she upheld, the conflict felt so much more personal. The show defanged them and it's theme in a round about way. It would've been interesting to see how Alicent's resentment, fear, and actual anger could've become an action that would've added to the thematic depiction of women navigating their limited range in an overlooked way. (C'mon, HBO, how could you pull off Livia Soprano 25 years earlier but Alicent is damned into motionlessness from minute 1?) -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Alicent should've had the Lavender wedding with Laenor and found company in Laena. Rhaenyra could've had Daemon if she wanted, but anyone of her choosing would've been fine too. -My happily ever after for them: Rhaenyra would've ascendet the throne with Alicent's belssing, they both would've raised their kids better so they would've grown up as siblings, both had a lavender weddings, while Alicent warms Rhaenyra's bed.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: [Daemon Targaryen]
How I feel about this character: Until his meeting with Nettles where he appears to have had a change of heart I didn't care much of him, even absolutely understood why Viserys I exiling him repeatedly.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: "Sir, please step away from that teenage girl." If it has to be someone, Corlys Velaryion then...
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Caraxes.
My unpopular opinion about this character: As dubious I think his motives to turn towards Nettles are, not out of a change of heart against the war atroscities commited in Rhaenyra's name, at the end of his life he seems to have reflected on his past deeds, shown resignation.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: During his journey in the free cities, he would've found a medicinal remedy which could serve as Essosi equivalent to a chill pill.
Favorite friendship for this character: Corlys Velaryion
My crossover ship: God forgive me for the crassness but an evil thought crossed my mind: Since Daemon is so darn set on dragons, violence, and fornicating with any sexually avaible female character... wouldn't that make him an ideal partner for Angelus in Drakengard?
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you [Dalton Greyjoy]
How I feel about this character: Full of himself, arrogant, cruel! He's the absolute worst! Obviously, I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Johanna Lannister
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His crew. No seriously, his voice barely stopped breaking, he leads an entire fleet against an army of dragon. Dalton must've earned some absolute loyalty for a good reason.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really hope he becomes the fandom's new hyper problematic sexy man. There's nothing redemptive about anything he ever did and yet I already have visions of bodice-ripper-themed x reader fanfics with him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would be curious if there's a fanwork/plans for the showadaption detailing his pillaging through Tess' eyes. Not only do I think she desperately needs a voice, it would be a good perspective on the civilian casualties during the conflict. Sometimes the spectacle around the political characters overshines the explicit anti war elements.
Favorite friendship for this character: ?
My crossover ship: An introduction course for 101 feminism "Women are people too".
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fromspringandfire · 1 year
setting : highgarden, sometime after the old way weddings, before the kingdoms began departing ;; @visxionaries
the return to highgarden felt entirely strange to laena of house oldflowers. while the reach was completely her home, she had not been here in some months, in the pause between the taking of the iron islands and the civil war of the reach, her brother requested she join the lannister’s of lannisport’s household for the time being. though lannisport did not bring back entirely fond memories, laena believed a change of scenery, and safe haven, was her best option.
but wars end, and when a victor was crowned and wedding bells rang, kingdoms all over traveled to celebrate such an occasion. despite her reservations, she wanted to see her grandmother, her brother, her sister, and deep down, selfishly, she wanted to see him, too. but she would not entertain such desires. not again.
yet that was the thing about illicit affairs and little white lies, they buried themselves in your soul and taunted your mind, over and over again, until your thoughts were not your own. the talking in the room around her had become white noise, a background to the notions that always seemed to be just behind lilac hues. a louder voice, however, announces the arrival of the king.
the king.
and suddenly laena found herself attempting to fall to the back, back into the shadows she managed to stay in since her arrival, burying herself into her dressmaking, filling her time with things that genuinely kept her busy, but she was one of the last to make her way to the side along with the crowd, and therefore found herself at the front. the doors opened, and the crowd dipped down.
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she forced her gazed to look upon the marble floors, but her ears honed in on footsteps that drew nearer her way. it would happen, he would pass, and it would be done. don’t look up. laena willed it, her mind practically screamed it, but it only took a moment where amethyst orbs gazed upward, and she swore that they had met with cerulean. the same they had the first time, a lifetime ago.
her heart felt like it might beat out of her chest. it was only a moment. it was only a moment and then it was over and the crowd rose again, though her legs felt like they may give way under the weight of everything she felt in that fleeting moment.
did he see her?
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fromspringandfire · 1 year
setting : mini flashback-ish. on the journey to the reach from lannisport, they stop at an inn to replenish supplies. there, both of them are approached by a woodswitch/seer. @nicholaslannisters
the journey so far had be fairly smooth, with the weather being favorable, and their horses able to travel in stride. laena was surprised at how quick it had seemed, for she recalled her journey's to the west feeling far longer than this. lannisport held a lot of strange memories for her, some good, and others entirely tragic, but still, the keep had grown on her, and she was grateful to be welcomed there as she was. as the sun just peaked over the horizon, and their supplies were beginning to run low, it was decided the best course was to resupply and take a moment's rest at an inn nearby.
laena walked in just behind nicholas lannister, the two taking a seat at the first free table available, while the others gathered supplies and the horses drank from the troughs outside. it seemed quite busy inside, and the inn looked nicer on the outside, certainly. still, the bastard of oldflowers did not necessarily care what it was like in there, only that she finally had a moment to rest, not astride a horse. two pints of ale seemed to appear before them, and she took a sip of the bitter liquid, making a face before setting it back down. it was sour in a way that made one want to try it again, and again, until finally it tasted decent enough to finish, and have a second.
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"gods." she exclaimed after that first sip, a laugh soon emitting from her, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "that's terrible." lilac hues drifted to a figure approaching them now, a brow rising at who this woman could possibly be, and the idea popped into her head too late to state what it was to the lord before her.
a woodswitch.
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fromspringandfire · 1 year
setting : sometime before the kingdoms’ departure in the reach, the gardens ; @seffora-merryweather
there was a sweet smell that hung in the air, one of fresh grass and blooming flora. it was almost nostalgic to the dressmaker of somerset as she wandered about the gardens. her mind was filled with thoughts of pins and threads lately, that she had decided she desperately needed a break from her craft. it was not the easiest to tear herself away from a project, but the sunshine and fresh air was some much appreciated respite. laena paused for a moment just to relish the sun’s rays upon her cheeks and the fresh air filling her lungs. when she opened them, she happened to notice a familiar figure not too far ahead.
seffora merryweather had been someone she would consider a friend during her time in the reach court. the woman had a kind disposition and she and laena got along well. the latter’s rather abrupt departure had put a pause in their relationship. that, and the war that came over these lands. laena had heard what the other endured, her sister playing a pivotal role in all of it, but she did not intend to bring such matters up.
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her feet moved in the direction of where the lady stood, and when laena found herself within an appropriate distance in which she was not shouting, she attempted to get her attention. “lady merryweather.” the silver haired woman called, standing before the other now. they had dropped such formalities when they were in court, but they were not alone now, and it had been long since they spoke. “i am glad to see you.” she held her hands in front of her, a bright smile bringing out the dimples in blushed cheeks. “i have heard talk of a philanthropy you have taken on, and i would love to discuss that with you if you have a moment.”
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fromspringandfire · 1 year
setting : highgarden, just before lenora leaves for the crownlands to be married, laena is completing a final fitting of the lady's wedding dress before their departure ;; @lecnora
blonde brows furrowed in concentration as lithe fingers delicately placed a pin within the emerald silk fabric of the dress she had made for the lady lenora lefford, soon to be a princess. laena always felt a sense of pride in her work, but she hoped others would believe this dress to be worthy of the beauty draped in it. she stood up straight now, walking in a semi-circle around the other, ensuring the placement was absolutely perfect. this was no simple business proposition, though laena knew it could prove beneficial should others take notice of her work, it was personal. wedding gowns had far more stake in them, and therefore she found herself putting much more soul into such work, tiny bits of it within each and every stitch.
she had known lenora lefford some time, the women coming and going in and out of the others’ life for some years. laena found the woman to be kind, with an elegance she wished she could exude herself. the lady of golden tooth was a natural at life in court, where laena felt her heart did not quite so belong in it, though she did it well enough. she thought, genuinely, the lady would make a perfect princess.
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lilac hues drifted over the golden embroidery she had painstakingly stitched amongst the fabric, her fingers still numb and poked from such a process, but it was a feeling she had missed, having not made such an intricate dress in some time. “there.” she stated, satisfied with the adjustments she had made, her hands clasped in front of her as she awaited the others response. “what do you think?”
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