#!! Funny thing about birthdays - they’re kinda an annual thing [Izuku’s Birthday]
supcrmight · 4 years
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@inanthesis​​ said: One of the best things of being almost one of the ONLY people who had a decent sense of fucking timing in this dump meant it wasn't really hard for Katsuki to find a moment to sneak into the locker room and get to Deku's while nobody else was there. No damn way he'd be seen doing what he was definitely telling himself was FULFILLING AN OWED DEBT after Deku just had to go and be so fucking annoyingly thoughtful on his own birthday and spend money the damn nerd barely even had. So into the locker went his gifts, some new shirts where some were tasteful hero merch and some his own parents had actually designed that were simple and not absolute dogshit ugly like the ones Deku wore all the time. No more pants and sheets and t-shirt emblazoned on that idiot’s chest. This is an opportunity Katsuki is GRACING HM WITH to dress like a normal fucking person and that much was even written on a note left in the bag with them. Happy Fucking Birthday, Nerd.
All in all, Izuku’s birthday had been an EVENTFUL one this year, gifts from people he didn’t expect to get gifts from, and even things he didn’t expect to be given. But he loved and appreciated every ounce of effort everyone in the class had given to him. He didn’t NEED gifts, just taking a moment to WISH HIM WELL was more than Izuku could ask for. By the end of the day, he was almost positive that there COULDN’T be much else to surprise him today - but boy was he wrong.
He had just returned to the locker rooms, opening his locker to change when he saw the bag sitting in the bottom, one that was DEFINITELY not there before. And if the note with it’s DISTINCTIVE handwriting was anything to go by, Izuku was quick to figure out who had left him such a package without the face to face.
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“Kacchan . . .” Izuku’s voice was soft as he knelt down and glanced at the items within the bag. Some heroes merch shirts, and even a few from Bakugou’s parent’s fashion line - which was FAR MORE high end than Izuku had ever worn before. IT WAS NICE. He decided it was probably best to PROPERLY sift through the items once he was changed and in the privacy of his own room so that he could try a few on and made sure they fit. Though he was sure that Bakugou would be able to guess on his size fairly easily. As he shifted out of his hero costume, Izuku made a mental note to be sure to THANK Kacchan later - despite the fact that the other probably didn’t want to hear it. STILL, it would be RUDE if he didn’t.
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supcrmight · 4 years
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supcrmight · 4 years
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@inanthesis​ said: "Happy birthday, Izuku." Simple and straight to the point as Shouto held out a bag that contained what were probably VERY UNEXPECTED gifts. "I'm not sure how you feel about the old man as a hero or even as a person so you can keep these or have fun destroying them, it doesn't matter to me. He always tried to get me to care about his hero merchandise and as the hero himself he got to approve prototypes sometimes and was sent unique variants I'd just shove into my closet and ignore." Shouto explained with a non-committal shrug. “Either way I’m sure you can find much better use for them so I decided to retrieve some of them to give to you. I also included at least one higher end All Might figure I’d ordered just in case I accidentally gave you the worst gift you’ve ever received.” 
Truth be told, Izuku hadn’t expected much from today, he never usually made a big deal out of his birthday. He and his mom never really had a lot of money to do a lot on days such as this - but she always tried to make it special for him and he always appreciated it. He always felt that ANNOUNCING his birthday just opened the door for GIFTS and a BIG celebration, which Izuku felt was incredibly unnecessary. But even then, UA still manages to surprise him, HIS CLASSMATES still manage to surprise him constantly.
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“Oh - Thank you, Shouto-kun!” Izuku grins, slowly taking the bag from the other and peeking inside, “Shouto, you really didn’t have to -” He started softly before the other started speak, started EXPLAINING the gift he was giving, and as soon as Izuku realized what it WAS? The explanation started to make more sense.
Oh gosh.
His smile never faltered as he peered down into the bag, his thoughts running a million miles a minute as he attempted to process just HOW MEANINGFUL this was. Not only to Izuku -  who,WOO BOY, if he’d gotten this gift anytime prior to the Sports Festival, prior to KNOWING about Shouto and everything he’s been through - he would’ve DIED for this gift and gone crazy for it. As much as he loved and looked up to ALL MIGHT, ENDEAVOR was still the second ranked hero and had been for a LONG time - that meant something. And this shows that it means something to Shouto too.
They’d grown, both Shouto and Endeavor are continuing to grow for their own sakes and the sake of others, the rest of their family. A lot cannot be reconciled with, a lot of pain is hard to move past. But EVERYONE is trying their best to move forward - who was Izuku to not appreciate the growth? Or TARNISH it by destroying the never before seen Endeavor figures that lay in the bottom of the bag.
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“Thank you so much, Shouto-kun - !!” Izuku nods, his hand instantly fishing for the aforementioned HIGH END ALL MIGHT figure in the bag. And the minute he laid eyes on it, Izuku’s eyes widened, HIGH END didn’t even begin to COVER IT - “I - !! How did you even GET THIS - ? Shouto-kun, this is the LIMITED EDITION BRONZE AGE ALL MIGHT figure - !?” Izuku squeaked, this was where All Might APPARENTLY used support equipment that Izuku could NEVER find anywhere on the internet and had to pester the hero about it. “Th - This was the ONLY ONE they ever made and it was SOLD OUT by the time I got to it - I - “ Izuku’s excitement was palpable as he shook slightly.
“This is INCREDIBLE, Shouto-kun, I - Tha - I can’t THANK YOU enough, REALLY. I’ll take good care of them, okay?”
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supcrmight · 4 years
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@oneshockyboi​ said: he tackles midoriya in a big hug ! ' MIDORIYA ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! i got you this all might sweatband, so you can push your hair back when you're working out !'
“O - oh - !!” Izuku jolted, as the arms wrapped around him. He wasn’t expecting the sudden HUG but it surely wasn’t UNAPPRECIATED as Izuku wrapped his arms around the other in a tight embrace, “Thank you, Kaminari-kun!” Izuku exclaimed, pulling away slightly so he can take the sweatband from the other, stretching it slightly.
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“This is AMAZING! Thank you so much!” He’ll be SURE to use it.
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