rose-of-the-grave · 1 year
The Underworld
Pairing: Elain x Azriel
Olympus AU
This is part 2 of what I think will be a 3 part fic. Part one is called River Styx. I'm the author (please don't repost) <3
Masterlist Series Masterlist Read on Ao3
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Warnings: most characters are ooc and I tried to fit them into the story so the way that I've written some of these characters does not in any way reflect how I view them, some character relationships were also changed as well as the relationships between the gods, everyone appears the same age, kissing
Word Count: 1,701
Characters: Elain=Persephone, Azriel=Hades, Nesta= Demeter, Rhysand=Zeus, Feyre=Hera, Cassian=Helios, Lucien=Apollo, Morrigan=Aphrodite
Azriel, god of the Underworld had just received his summons. Apparently his estranged brother, Rhysand, wanted to talk to him for once. It was a shame that it was all because of a young girl that he had saved, or kidnapped depending on how you see it, turned out to be a goddess. He cursed himself for not realizing it at first but in his defense whatever drugs had been in her system had numbed her powers.
Unfortunately, returning her now would not do. She intrigued him, a timid little thing who had broken the rules and ventured out into the mortal lands. Her personality did not seem like one that would belong to a rule breaker.
He vanished into the dark abyss only to come out of it in the place beyond worlds. It was a place that was separate from time, space, and death. Here, the gods were mortal, stripped of their powers but still immortal. In the distance, away from the gazebo where he stood, lightning struck.
Zeus has arrived it seemed to say.
"Long time no see big brother." Azriel greeted Rhys.
"And whose fault is that? You're the one who angered Father."
Az shrugged, conceding that he did in fact share some of the blame. He watched closely as his brother drew nearer. His face was clouded with something like worry.
"Where is she?" Rhys demanded. He was a master of framing his demands as questions. What he really meant was bring her here, now.
"She is a pretty little thing. I can see why you are so eager to get her back."
"Don't toy with me Azriel, Nesta wants her daughter back. I had to ask Cassian to prevent her from coming to the Underworld by destroying any shadows near her."
"Since when do you listen to that, what was it you called her? Oh, right. Harpy." Rhys made a pained expression. "Oh. I see. Little Rhysie has to do whatever she says or else his wife won't sleep with him." He mocked.
Rhys sighed but ignored the taunt, pushing past it. "Look Az. Just return her to us and we can pretend this never happened."
"Az..." Rhys started to beg but Az merely repeated itself. His tone leaving no room for argument.
"Fine. Keep her. But don't come crawling back to me when your common sense returns. She is pretty I'll grant you that much but she won't have anything to do down here. She'll be bored. And soon, she'll wither away. She was never meant to be hidden away in the shadows."
Az merely laughed. After all, why should he care? It mattered not to him whether she was meant to be down here. All he cared about was that he finally had his bargaining chip to free himself from his prison. It had been far too long since he had felt the sun on his face.
With one last look at his brother he vanished into a cloud of onyx smoke that swirled into the air.
He reappeared in his study, seated once more in his chair behind he well organized desk. Sending one of his shadows to lock the door he took out a gold key. Sliding it into a lock that had been placed on one of his desk drawers, he twisted it open. Pulling the drawer open he retrieved a gold orb. It was a curious design made by a fellow god before that same god had married Morrigan, goddess of love. It was a mechanical device made from gold that was shaped into a spherical shape. The intricate parts of it spun, concealing whatever was inside. It was a puzzle that he had yet to solve.
Hearing a sound from the hallway beyond, he quickly replaced the orb and locked the drawer. He put the key back onto a chain around his neck that was easily concealed by his black top.
He opened the door and was only somewhat surprised to see her up and about. She had not, as of yet, spotted him. Choosing to spend some more time quietly observing the Underworld's newest resident he instead used his shadows to lead her to a place nobody save him knew of. His garden.
He had little patience for plants but he couldn't resist keeping a place that was tied to life magic. A tiny corner of respite from this place of death. He smiled at her shocked reaction. Unlike earlier she looked relaxed, at peace. Makes sense he figured. She was the goddess of spring, of course being surrounded by plants that were just starting to flower would be a place that would make her more comfortable.
She approached a rose bush. Lifting one delicate hand to a rose bud he watched in quiet wonder when it started to bloom. In less than ten seconds it was a fully blooming flower. A faint melody carried through the air. She was humming. It was a song that had no rhyme or reason, simply magic. It was a tune that spoke of golden corn fields, flower beds as vibrant as a rainbow, and sun coloring the entire world in gold.
She fit in here, in his private little corner. Her outfit today matched her surroundings. It was a pale pink dress with a gold belt and green detailing. She had worn her hair down, with only a simple braid to keep the hairs out of her face. Her golden hair hung down to her waist in loose waves.
He couldn't allow himself to imagine her here, tending to this garden and perhaps livening up the rest of his living quarters. He couldn't allow himself to picture her hair shining against his black sheets. Even if he kept her trapped here forever she was still scared to death of him. Az could still recall her running from him at breakfast. He had made sure to send food to her room since she hadn't eaten. She never ate it.
Elain was dreaming. She must be. There was no way Azriel, the God of the Underworld, who ruled over the dead had a garden. A flourishing garden. It was beautiful, The flowers had all started to bloom and she was shocked by the variety. There were roses, dahlias, bluebells, and jasmine but there was also a whole assortment of vegetables and fruits.
It was a beautiful place. There were stone paths that wove around the plants that had been planted in an uncovered area. There was no roof, just arches that formed intricate patterns. Elain could feel sunlight on her skin but couldn't see a source. This must be old magic that kept this garden flourishing and plentiful.
She was tending to the roses when she heard him.
"Hello, little dove." Whirling around she came face to face with him, her captor. Leaning back on the manners that her mother had made a point to drill into her she greeted him politely. Offhandedly she wondered how her mother was doing. She had surely noticed she was missing by now.
"I see you have discovered my garden." He said it in a way that implied he was not expecting a response. His gaze was no longer on her but on their surroundings. She turned back to look as well.
At her lack of conversation he continued. "I rarely visit it. It is an odd sort of place, when I was first banished here I thought it would die off so I didn't bother tending to it but, as you can see, it has thrived regardless."
"It's beautiful." She mused. He startled a bit at the sound of her voice but made no mention of it. Instead he simply made a sound of agreement.
"It reminds me of my garden on Olympus." Longing was evident in her voice. She missed home he realized. He had thought the garden might distract her but it had seemingly only made it worse.
She turned towards him. "How has it stayed this beautiful? Surely it would have died by now."
"Old magic. This garden is tied to another on the surface. As long as that garden thrives this one shall to."
"I had no idea that was possible."
"Nor I." He admitted. "Old magic is long gone, only traces are left from a time long past. Stubborn enough to last but with no one to harness them they have gone wild. There are traces left in forests and oceans."
"And gardens it appears." She quipped.
"Yes." He chuckled.
Their eyes met, amusement in both of their eyes. She was a pretty little thing. And he knew he could corrupt her with ease. His darkness would mar her fair skin and springtime persona.
He would be her ruin.
Looking into his hazel eyes, Elain recognized something of herself. A need to be seen. He had been hidden away for so long. Away from his family. Like her, he wanted to do something different. She loved flowers and spring but there were times when she wished that that wasn't all she was. There was a broken part of her that couldn't be healed with sunlight.
He could be her salvation.
Her breath caught when he leaned in. She could feel his breath against her cheek. Leaning up onto the tips of her toes, she brushed her lips against his. At the feel of his mouth on hers, she moaned. That small sound was what broke his feeble attempts to restrain himself. He seized control of the kiss, claiming her mouth as his. One of his hands got tangled in her hair, the other on the small of her back.
As sudden as he had kissed her, he pulled away just as suddenly.
He opened his mouth to say something but paused at her gasp of surprise. Looking around he spotted what had sparked that surprise. The garden was freezing over. Frost coated the leaves of the plants and crystalized into beautiful patterns on the stones they stood on.
Instantly he knew what had happened. It was well known that Nesta controlled the harvest. It was high summer but this garden looked to be in the midst of winter.
Part 3>>
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abandonedpie · 2 years
Hello! Good afternoon or morning! My youngin self had been driving by the Tumblr posts when I stumbled upon your old (?) Story called The Sleepless Wake. It was amazing if I have to say so myself, but I saw that you've made a post disclaiming that you won't continue the series, and the reason was Fresh's characterization. I wanted to ask some help on that too, what did you find that made fresh ooc? Im also writting a story myself with Fresh as the main character, but I trusted myself that I knew enough or too much about him, but when I read your story and said 'Hey they write fresh the same way as I do!' and then reading your post about discounting the story? Yeah you can tell I was confuse but I was also very interested.
I also like to write characters who aren't mine as close as their canon characteristic. Sometimes adding a bit of my own headcanon in. So I'm just a writer, an author to a fanfic story asking another person who has written Fresh and realize their failures, what have you discovered?
-lots of love, Anon
Hi! Sure thing, I'll share my experience and understanding of the matter—just keep in mind that it's been over a year since I read through TBD and even longer since I've written Fresh at all. I'm still no expert on his character.
The core of what I bungled is, I'd say, Fresh's moral compass. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, what is "rad" and "unrad," and simply put, he wouldn't make many of the choices he does in TSW.
The situation in the story is a complicated one. Addiction and grief are complicated. People are complicated. There is an argument to be made that the upheaval Fresh goes through would deeply change him, change anyone, and also that the desperate need for sleep (and other effects of sleep deprivation) can make someone do stupid or reckless things. Not to mention he's a teenager in this story, so genius or not, he's still developing in many ways. Part of me still believes it's understandable, still clings to these justifications for writing him making such choices, and that part is correct to some degree. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. But when Fresh makes a mistake, he does his best never to make it again.
Guilt is Fresh's central emotion. I got that part down pretty well, but I didn't apply it widely enough, or in the right direction. That is, he would feel horribly guilty for straying from his code and try to set himself right, get back on the correct path, even if it means his own suffering. For instance, he would choose to face withdrawal symptoms rather than abuse medication. His guilt doesn't lead to more mistakes. It pushes him to be a better person. Put another way, if he started to slide down the slippery slope, he would catch himself and try to climb back to the top.
On a more personal note, I'm now trying to let go of the feeling that I have to write characters as close to canon as possible. Yes, I want to respect canon, particularly the parts that make me love a character or story to begin with, but it. Is. Impossible. To write someone else's character with perfect accuracy. Yes, you can analyze them and do your best. If you succeed, most people won't see a difference. But fan fiction isn't about replicating or mirroring canon. At least, that's not what I want my fanfic writing to be about.
I know I'm rambling, but I can see this a lot more clearly with my current WIP. There are a lot of things in its canon that I dislike, which isn't something I commonly can say about stories/series I consider myself a fan of. So with any and all of my fanfic of this series, I want to respect and incorporate the aspects that I do like or maybe am neutral about, and feel free to disregard the parts I don't like or don't want to include in my writing, even if that makes the characters OOC. It doesn't even necessarily mean that I dislike all those parts of canon, or that I would want the canon to change. I'm not writing to correct or improve (though it's fine to use fanfic to write how you want canon to be). I'm writing to explore and express my own ideas and feelings, which are too connected to an existing story for me to easily turn them into an original one.
Am I essentially writing canon-flavored OCs rather than the actual canon characters? To some extent, sure, maybe. Don't people read fanfic to see more of the characters they love, with the personalities they have in canon? Yeah, I'm sure most do. They don't have to like or agree with my interpretations or alternate versions of these characters. Others might! Since you can't please every reader anyway, you may as well write it the way you want, whatever way makes you happy and satisfies your creativity. Canon is a suggestion! Inspiration! A box of potential! Fanfic is your story, your take, your vision, so don't limit it any more or less than you personally want to.
With that tangential advice aside, I hope my limited insight into Fresh helps you. Good luck with your writing!
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cultwash-blog · 6 years
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                              fuck  it  !!  like  for  a  starter  !!
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dearemilia · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request what late night dates would be like with Baji. The only thing is the the relationship the reader has with Baji isn't lovey dovey but more like sarcastic best friends. For example if the reader threw grass or something at him he won't react by laughing and saying its funny like nah you guys are both on the ground wrestling. 😭
Baji Keisuke
Note | Thank you for requesting anon! I hope you have a nice day/night and I apologize if this isn’t really what you wanted, thank you again <3
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TAGS/NOTES: Any pronouns, fluff, crack, mentions of violence, profanity. I apologize if the characters are OOC. Stay safe and healthy everyone! <3
➩ Now, late night dates with Baji are chaotic.
➩ This time, you both decided to go to the arcades because Baji wanted too even though you didn’t.
➩ Before deciding to go to the arcade, you and Baji had an argument either to go to the arcade or a stroll to the park. Baji denied on going to the park immediately as he says it is too boring.
➩ Yeah you both got in trouble by your parents because of how loud you both were shouting at each other.
➩ Anyways, when you both arrived.
➩ Baji was already dragging you to one of the games, you couldn’t do anything since he seemed so excited.
➩ So you didn’t interrupt the moment <3
➩ Baji and you played the air hockey game and even if you’re his significant other.
➩ He still didn’t want to lose to you neither did you though 💀
➩ The game was getting intense and Baji ended up winning “KEISUKE YOU FUCKING CHEATED!” You pointed your finger at him as Baji looked at you, offended.
➩ “HOW THE FUCK DID I EVEN CHEATED?! I DIDN’T---” You threw the puck directly at his face and you ran away laughing like a maniac, scaring the other kids as you stole Baji’s tickets.
➩ You ended up hiding in a photo booth and checked yourself in the camera.
➩ “I look so pretty” You smiled to yourself “No, I’m prettier ♡” Baji pops out of nowhere, scaring you.
➩ Your eyes widened as you grabbed Baji’s arm, forcing him to sit down next to you “Oi, the hell?!” Baji looked at you annoyed as insert a coin to the booth “Let’s take pictures!” You grinned.
➩ Baji grinned back at you, agreeing.
➩ So yeah, you both took pictures a lot even when other kids wanted to take pictures too.
➩ You and Baji didn’t allow it until an employee came “Excuse me” The employee smiled at you both, though it looked like they were annoyed at you and Baji for hogging the photo booth.
➩ “The other customers here would like to also try out the photo booth, so if you won’t mind, please kindly play another game” You and Baji looked at each other and shook your heads.
➩ “No” You responded as Baji stuck his tongue out with his middle finger out.
➩ “Please, [sir, ma’am, etc], I need you to move right now” The employee held your arm as you tried reasoning the employee why you and your boyfriend should stay at the photo booth longer.
➩ “[Sir, Ma’am, etc], I seriously need--” Baji accidentally punched the employee’s jaw out of annoyance and you gasped.
➩ “You idiot!” You snapped your head at Baji with a vein popped on your forehead “It was reflex, I swear!” Baji held his arms up in defense.
➩ “[NAME]! PLEASE! JUST HELP ME BEFORE ANYONE FINDS OUT! I DON’T WANT TO FACE MY MOM IF SHE FINDS OUT!” You clicked your tongue “Fine! Let’s just get out of here as soon as possible!”
➩You put the employee’s right arm around your neck while Baji had the left arm around his neck.
➩ You both then quietly dragged the employee to their employee room and on the way there.
➩ It was really surprising how you both didn’t get caught.
➩ The employee accidentally hit it’s head by the door when Baji opened the door. At that moment, Baji wanted to laugh but he didn’t want to get caught “Keisuke, if you don’t help me right now, I swear to god” You glared at your boyfriend.
➩ Placing the unconscious employee on the couch.
➩ “Now, let’s get out of here before--” “What the hell are you kids doing here?!” Baji didn’t waste anytime on carrying you bridal style as he ran to the exist.
➩ Despite you both getting in trouble.
➩You and Baji still had fun and fell in love even more <3
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fireflashed-blog · 7 years
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a whole cutie
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gntlesoul-blog · 7 years
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lipsread-blog · 7 years
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didn’t know if it was a good plan to bring back holly right before my exams ... so i did it
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asthmawimp-blog · 7 years
pete; let’s look inside gary’s car pete; he has no seats and a knife
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foundcamera-blog · 7 years
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taaaag dump !!
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minetrap-blog · 7 years
me; asleep jam; 'superpower au' me; waKes up sweating
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prjctmnrch-blog · 7 years
ooc meme
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A . age : seventeen B . birthplace : béal feirste C . current time : 17;15 D . drink you had last : water E . easiest person to talk to : @toprovoke​ @bloodlost @notinhabited @kiddochair @trashkick F . favorite song : every time we touch by cascada judge me G . grossest memory : dunnae remember H . horror yes or horror no : ye I . in love ? : w myself J . jealous of people : dont have the time K . killed someone : what kind of question L . love at first sight or should i walk by again ? : i only love myself and aqua from kingdom hearts :) M . middle name : marie N . number of siblings : no blood related but two step brothers and two step sisters O . one wish : khiii release P . person you called last : 1 of my best friends Q . question you’re always asked : “ what’s goin on w politics atm? ” R . reason to smile : im almost @ 100% on ven’s story S . song you sang last : nothing else matters by little mix T . top 3 fictional characters : ven from kingdom hearts, ronan lynch and danny ryder lance mcclain U . underwear color: think they’re black cant b sure but also wtf V . vacation : idgi but im goin 2 china in october nd ameerica in february if that’s like?? the question W . when’s your birthday : 6th february X . x-rays : had one when i broke my finger and one yesterday on my lungs Y . your favorite food : french toast Z . zodiac sign : aquarius
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cultwash-blog · 6 years
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                              tag  dump  !!
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lstlve-blog · 7 years
fire jerry 2k17
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fireflashed-blog · 7 years
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gntlesoul-blog · 7 years
no h8 but do i bring back my s*rial k*ller muse back for october lol
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lipsread-blog · 7 years
don’t even think abt my theme for like 2 hours
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