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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
BTS Reactions – You push people away when you need them (Hyung Line)
“No! I don’t want to come over! Leave me alone, okay? I’ve had enough!” You shout down the phone, hanging up and slamming it onto the table dramatically. Immediately, you burst into tears. You don’t want him to leave you alone, you don’t know why you said that. When you get heated, you always end up saying something you don’t mean and you make it worse. It feels like you torpedo every relationship that you’re in because you’re apparently incapable of just telling your boyfriend when you need a hug.
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Seokjin closes his eyes as the phone line beeps dead, forcing himself to take several deep breaths before reopening his eyes. He rolls his shoulders and counts back from 10. When he gets to 0, he’s calm again. Time and time again this happens, and while it’s been a long time now that Jin has been in your life, this habit of yours still frustrates him to no end. Every single time. He’s never lost his temper with you, but he has been seriously close on many an occasion.
You’re the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend, my treasure. I’m sorry that you’re feeling so low at the moment. I’m going to drive over in 5 minutes to see you. Expect me there in about 20 minutes or so.
Jin sends the text, a small smile back on his face as he grabs his overnight bag. It’s only 4pm, but he knows this will go well into the night. He grabs a few snacks, a change of clothes for him, one of his t-shirts for you and a fluffy blanket to take with him. Battle supplies, he thinks of them. He hops into his car quickly and starts the short drive over to your apartment.
He knocks three times, rocking back and forth from his toes to his heels as he waits patiently for you to poke your head out of the door, eyes red from crying and shoulders still shivering. Jin doesn’t say a word, just smiles gently at you and gestures for you to open the door enough for him to come through. You do so with a forlorn expression, knowing that again you have pushed this man away and yet he still came running, armed to the teeth with your favourite things and a look so comforting you can’t help but to melt into his arms as the tears start flowing again.
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“Oh no, you fucking don’t,” Yoongi growls, hitting the call back button the second you hang up. It rings and rings and rings and… nothing, “Pick up the fucking phone! How hard can it be!” Yoongi shouts into the silence of his apartment as he calls again. Three times he rings you with no response, “Fucking idiot. Always ignoring… fine then…” He mutters, grabbing a coat and striding out of the door. Yoongi is no idiot. He knows what you’re like because he’s exactly the same way. When you say you’ve had enough, you mean you’ve had enough of feeling like this. You mean you want him to come to you and pick you up and love you and remind you that you’re good enough. He’s never expressed that well, and neither have you.
You open the door some 20 minutes later to a very angry Yoongi. You open your mouth to speak, but he doesn’t give you the chance. The second he sees you, his arms wrap around you tightly, pulling you in and guiding your face to the curve of his neck where you like to cry. It doesn’t take you long to give in. Your body sags in his arms as you hold onto his shoulders for dear life, sobs wracking your core as you let Yoongi hold you,
“I’m sorry,” You plead, voice thick with tears. Yoongi hushes you gently and strokes your hair, cradling you to his chest. He says no words, but he doesn’t need to. He swiftly closes the door behind him and guides you to the couch without breaking the hug. Slowly, he lowers the both of you into a laying position, you in between his legs and draped across his chest as you continue to cry. Yoongi doesn’t know what’s gotten you in this mood today, but he knows you’re not ready to talk about it yet. So, he lies there, playing with your hair and hushing you soothingly until you are. If you ever are.
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Hoseok doesn’t even bother knocking. You keep a key under your doormat, and even though so many times you’ve been told that’s hardly the safest place for it, you still do it. Hoseok smiles and shakes his head wistfully, grabbing it from its so-called hiding spot and letting himself in. He calls your name as he replaces the key under the mat and shuts the door behind him. You don’t reply, but Hoseok wasn’t expecting you to. It was more a case of him announcing his presence so you don’t think he’s a burglar or someone else just letting themselves in. Hoseok has been with you for a long time now, so he knows the drill. He puts the kettle on for some hot drinks, and finds some cookies and chocolate stuffed in the cupboard. Smiling, he grabs them and organises them onto a plate for you both. He makes two mugs of hot chocolate, and carefully balances the plate on his arm as he carries them in for you,
“Hey there, beautiful,” He says gently, putting the snacks and drinks down on your bedside table, “Hobi’s here and he wants to give you all the love in the world,” You whine in response, clearly wanting it. He chuckles quietly, “Let’s put a movie on, and cuddle until we’re all grey and wrinkled,” Hoseok teases, lowering himself onto the bed next to you and carefully rearranging how you’re laid so you’re closer to him, “There we go,” He murmurs happily, reaching for his drink to take a sip of. He grabs a cookie and feeds you carefully, smiling at your tiny little nibbles,
"Can you pick the movie?” You ask timidly. Hoseok hums in approval, finding the TV remote under the pillow and switching it on. He knows how you get. You don’t care what’s on the TV, you just want to be with him. He chooses the first title he sees and hits play, his focus mainly being on playing with you hair and peppering you with tiny little kisses all over your face.
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Namjoon shakes his head, knowing the real reason behind your anger. You’re stressed, frustrated, at your wit’s end. You can’t help lashing out, so while he hates it so much, he knows you aren’t doing it on purpose. He knows what you must be doing now – curling up in your bed, crying and wishing you could phone back but too scared to do that in case he doesn’t pick up or he tells you he doesn’t care anymore. You’ve been working hard to get better with this lately, but you’re not perfect at it yet. Namjoon is okay with that. You’re trying your best and that is more than enough for him,
“Open up!” He calls through the door, loud enough to be heard but not loud enough for you to flinch back and think he might be shouting at you out of anger, “Come on, love, it’s cold out here. Let me in so I can hold you,” It is so typical of Namjoon to just show up unannounced after a fight. That’s part of why you love him so much. He doesn’t worry about what might happen, he just unabashedly and consistently puts you first,
“Namjoon, I’m-” He cuts you off, pressing his lips to yours gently. A warm hand comes up to cup your face, the other finding the small of your back to bring your shivering body closer to his chest. He doesn’t want to hear any apologies. He just wants to be with you, right here where you need him, until your mind can rest easy again. He breaks off the kiss slowly and presses another one to your forehead, stroking a hand gently through your hair, “I love you,” You whisper into the charged silence, enjoying the tiny smile that quirks at Namjoon’s lips. You get a third kiss to your nose, and you shiver in appreciation as he pulls you over to the couch. All Namjoon wants is to hold you and love you until things are better again.
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
Taehyung - Sugar Daddy Part Four
“Thank you for your business, Mr Seo. I can guarantee you won’t regret this,” You smile, shaking the hand of the well-dressed man in front of you as you get up from your seat. You watch him leave with calm and collected eye, but inside you are absolutely screaming! That was by far the biggest deal of your career, and you can just smell the promotion coming your way as a result of it. You shut the door of the conference room behind you as you leave and walk confidently over to the office of your boss, “It’s all gone through, Minjae. They signed a contract with me just now,” Your boss smiles back at you, rocking back in his chair and regarding you with a satisfied expression,
“You are too good at your job,” he sighs playfully, “Honestly, I’m so glad I hired you. You’ve done nothing but impress and exceed expectations. Seo was a tough sell. Nobody could have done it but you,” He continues. A few years ago, you would have blushed and folded under the compliment. But you’re more confident now. He’s right. It was tough. Only you could have done it, “Come speak with me Monday morning about where your career is going. Take a half day as a reward, and I’ll see you tonight at the gala!” You nod and thank Minjae, feeling your inner animal purr. It’s been hard to claw your way so high up, especially with the barriers you had faced. Still with a spring in your step, you head to your own office – corner office, view of the city from up high, all of the amazing benefits you’ve earned yourself – and sit down to send a follow up email to your new business partner. Your mind wanders as you do, as it does when you think of how far you’d come.
After you and Taehyung had… you always struggle with what to call what happened. It wasn’t a breakup. You weren’t together. Whatever it was, it was awful. You were left without your best friend; someone you had grown to love over the nearly year-long arrangement you had. He was your world. Every time you think of what he said to you, you still flinch. Even now. Just over three years on, it’s still hard every time you think of him. ‘I was willing to give you it, you didn’t have to steal from me’. That’s the last thing he ever said to you. Accused you of stealing his money. Defrauding him. You’d been planning on confessing to him that night. Telling him that you wanted more. You didn’t want to be his sugar baby, paid for your time in fancy dresses, nights out and the lot. You just wanted him. But of course, life isn’t always so simple. And it wasn’t that night either. A few months later you’d read in the newspaper about a huge court case – a man had been found out as having stolen several billion dollars from the rich and powerful all over the world. You’d read through the article with your morning coffee, in your studio apartment, in your threadbare sweats. After you’d left Taehyung, you had to leave behind everything he had ever gifted you. It didn’t feel right anymore. All you could afford was the basics. Barely. You’d nearly starved at first, but you gritted your teeth and you got through it. You made something of yourself.
‘In the early hours of Thursday morning, a man (who shall remain unnamed until such a time as the police release his details) was apprehended in a KB Kookmin Bank and later was found to have stolen billions in a scheme that touched over 50 celebrities, politicians and businessmen. Such names as Han Jisung, Kim Taehyung, Park Sungjin and Choi Youngjae shocked the nation as being just a handful of those robbed’
All you could do was shake your head and put the paper aside. How could he have believed it was really you doing that to him? Not that it mattered. He didn’t reach out to you at all, so slowly but surely, he made his way out of the front of your mind into the back, only brought forward in pensive moments such as this. It was awful losing him, but you took solace in knowing it wasn’t your fault.
You dragged yourself up after that loss, refusing to let it bring you down. Admittedly, you had a little help – you’d approached Minjae, who you had met at a few events you’d been to with Taehyung, and asked if he knew of any jobs going. You were surprised when he offered you an entry level role at his own company, but you happily accepted and got to work. Hard. You’d been barely making ends meet, but you kept turning up and kept taking on more until you got yourself to where you are now. It’s even more satisfying for you to know that you’re so very rich and so very well-known not because of a man, but because of your hard work. You did it yourself. You repeat it like a mantra, refusing to let yourself forget. You are strong enough on your own.
A knock at your office door startles you,
“Apologies, your car is waiting outside to take you to your stylist,” Your assistant bows politely and then disappears quickly again. You let out a slow breath, and shove thoughts of Taehyung to the back of your head. When you grow to be as successful as you have, your job stops being 9-5. You have events, galas, speeches, all sorts to think about. Tonight is the gala. They say over a third of business is done on the golf course, but you don’t play golf. You dress up all expensive and talk your way into just under half of your business deals. You’ve made very good friends with several stylists and salons in town, but only one is your favourite. You go there for every big event, and tonight is no exception. They spend a few hours ‘prettying you up’, although your stylist always insists you do half the work by getting a good night’s sleep and sticking to your exercise regime.
By 6pm, you’re gracefully sliding into the back of a short limo, greeting your boss, Minjae, and a few other high up executives. You’re greeted like an old friend, with them all complimenting your recent deal. Quickly, you fall into their conversation as you smooth your hands over your dress. It’s black tonight, cut close to your body before slowly flaring out to pool around your feet. Backless but not low cut, with intricate details adorning your lower back. It’s sexy, but not revealing. You draw eyes wherever you go, but you know by now they’re whispering behind their hands about your connections, your money, your success above anything else. You’re notorious at this point.
Appraising the room with a calculated eye, you spot a face you don’t recognise and make your way over, champagne flute delicately held in one hand as you introduce yourself,
“I’m Min Yoongi,” The man greets you politely in return, capturing your hand to kiss it instead of shaking it. You hold back a smirk as you make small conversation. He doesn’t know who you are, and you like it. He’s an up-and-coming producer, who makes his own stuff but has a love for finding small artists and giving them a shot. He started out small, playing piano in upscale restaurants before working his way up the ladder. Very admirable, and very profitable too. The talk slowly edges towards how you could help him out, and you know he’ll accept. He’s doing great himself, but he could do better. You’re an adept businesswoman, and you can feel yourself talking him into a deal when-
“Oh my god, that isn’t you, is it?” A voice calls out your name with a strange mix of horror and wonder. It’s him. You feel your face pale as you gently excuse yourself from Yoongi, handing him a business card out of your clutch and suggesting he call you to arrange a meeting. He thanks you warmly as he pockets the card, bowing his head as he takes his leave. You’re dreading turning around, but you take a moment to arrange your face as you turn on your heel,
“Taehyung,” You greet him, meaning to sound warm but really coming across confused, “It’s been a while.”
“Too long,” He supplements, red kissing the tips of his ears. He always used to do that when he was shy, and it is so incredibly endearing. You let your eyes run over him subtly, quickly, drinking him all up at once. He’s in a tailored suit, of course, that frames his wide shoulders and narrow waist in an all-too-flattering way. He’s dyed his hair again, it’s now an ashy kind of blonde. It suits him. It suits him really well. He also clutches a champagne flute in one hand, the other hand stowed in his pocket, where you know he’s twisting the expensive rings on his hand out of nervousness. His eyes flicker from your face to the clutch where you produced a business card from, to your dress, eyes sweeping over you in a way that lets you know he wanted to stare and let his gaze linger, but daren’t. It’s a strange mix of comfort and horror that you feel as you stand in front of him, not speaking, “I didn’t expect to see you here,” He says after a few seconds of awkward silence, “Who are you with?” You know he didn’t mean that to sound like a jab, but it stung anyway,
“Nobody. I’m here by myself to network and lay the foundation for some new deals,” You allow yourself to take a deep breath in and stand up even straighter, “Who are you with?” You fire back, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. He hears the accusation in your voice, as you had in his,
“I’m not here with anyone. It’s a gala. I’m here to have fun,” He does the same and stands himself up a little straighter. You stifle the urge to roll your eyes as you give him one last glance before striding past him and into the crowd. He sighs as you leave, and his shoulders slump. That is most definitely not how Taehyung intended your first meeting after so long. He imagined a bit more crying and hugging and apologising (the latter on his part). He really didn’t mean to imply you were here as a sugar baby, he only meant to ask if you had a date. Taehyung knows all about your success. Not only is it partially his job to know anything and everything about the up-and-comers in the business circuit, the moment he heard that Minjae had hired you, he kept a close eye. He saw you working hard, he saw you succeeding. In fact, you were doing so well that his board of directors had taken notice and told Taehyung to try and poach you. You’re doing as well as Taehyung these days, especially in regards to the money you’re bringing in. You don’t need a sugar daddy anymore, and he knows it.
Every night since you left, he regretted it. Cried himself to sleep for a while. Mended the picture you’d gotten him. He keeps it in his bedside table, bringing it out every now and again to wistfully look at the smile on your face, and the blush on his. He threw that away over nothing. He should have believed you when you told him you hadn’t stolen from him. He hates himself for not trusting you. The state he was in… he genuinely believed you were only with him for his money, so at the time it made sense to him that you would be stealing. The second you walked out on him, he knew he was wrong. But he didn’t tell you. Didn’t approach you. Out of fear, he thinks. Fear you would reject him. Fear he would be wrong. Fear of everything that didn’t end up with you in his arms, not as his sugar baby but as so much more. You deserved so much more. So, he never called. Never tried to contact you. Never saw you. Until tonight. And he managed to blow it in all of 30 seconds. Typical. All he can do is watch you from afar, swanning around the gala shaking hands and smiling and talking to the most powerful businessmen and women in the country. He’s proud of you, but in an awkward way while he knows he played no part in this. This is all you.
The night comes swiftly to a close, and you say your last goodbyes and hand out your last cards. It was a hugely successful night, as you can tell by the smile on Minjae’s face when he comes up to you,
“That was fantastic. Do you know how many people have approached me to ask after you? You are truly something else,” He complements you, offering you his arm as he guides you out to the limo you had arrived in. He opens the door for you, and you’re about to get in when you hear someone politely clear their throat behind you. Inwardly, you groan as you straighten up and arrange your features politely to face Taehyung again,
“Minjae, I was hoping for a word with your talented executive here, if you don’t mind,” He offers kindly. You see his business persona come though, a little of that falsely confident façade. Minjae laughs happily as he shakes Taehyung’s hand in greeting,
“Don’t you go offering her a job now! She’s doing good work for me, and I hope to keep it that way,” He bows politely to the both of you before getting into the limo himself, “I’ll see you Monday, about that promotion,” Are his words of farewell as he shuts the door and is driven off. You have but a moment to steady yourself before turning to face Taehyung, again. It’s been years, but still his face catches you off balance. He is just so handsome,
“It’s not a job that I want to offer you,” He says shyly, eyes meeting yours for only a second. You draw a sharp breath in as you look at him coldly. You can’t raise your voice, since there are still some people milling around, but venom laces your tone as you spit,
“I’m not the same poor little girl you met 4 years ago, Taehyung. I don’t need a sugar daddy and I am just fine on my own,” You huff, turning on your heel to leave. At the last second, you feel a strong hand grab round your wrist and you instinctively slap it away, only for him to grab that one too and turn you around. The force at which he turns you makes you stumble into his chest. You’re forced to meet Taehyung’s eyes, that are dark and deep with sadness and a little anger,
“I’m sorry,” He pleads, looking down at you but not letting you go. You don’t struggle, “I was wrong. I was awful. I was the worst person possible that night and while that isn’t anywhere near enough, it’s true. I shouldn’t have accused you of that. I was scared and I lashed out and it was wrong. I am sorry and I am even more sorry that I lost you. You were the best part of my life, and I ruined it. I’m sorry,” Tears prick at his eyes as he releases your wrists. You straighten yourself up and smooth your dress out instinctively, “I didn’t want to offer you to be my sugar baby. I wanted to offer you an apology,” Taehyung looks at you and sighs once again, “It will never be enough. I’m just so sorry for what we’ve lost out on,” And he walks away. That’s it. Turns his back and starts back to the grand event hall,
“Taehyung,” You call. You were too quiet. He didn’t hear you, “Taehyung!” You call louder. This time he hears. He turns, eyes wide and fearful, “I don’t forgive you,” You call at the same volume. Nobody turns to look, but you’re sure they hear, “I don’t forgive you one little bit,” You walk up to him, slowly but surely, “Not until you buy me dinner first,” You offer him a slight smile. No, you don’t forgive him. But you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to hear him out just a little bit, and maybe pick up where you left off. Well, things would be different this time. You’d be equals. Maybe it could work.
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
HI!!! You're always here when I come back, I missed you 🥺
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
welcome back, love!💜
Thank you! ☺️💕
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
Hi guys! Guess who’s back? 😂 I won’t bore you all with the ins and outs of it (who cares, honestly!) but I wanna start posting again. My inspiration is… lacking to say the least so I’m opening requests for any and all BTS scenarios you wanna see 🥰 side note: if anyone really wants me to do a part 2 of something, let me know! I’m planning to take a stab at Sugar Daddy but I’m gonna make it L O N G so it might take a hot minute!
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 3 years ago
Who's my bias
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉💐💐💐💐💐 I'm not sure cuz of time difference and stuff but you and my cousin may have the same birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
So cute! Thank you! 💞💞 happy birthday to your cousin 🎁🎉💞
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
You’re getting old 😎 hApPy biRtHdaY! Have a cake 🎂
Yooo you’re really coming for my age here 😂 thank you!! Yummy cake 😋💞
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Woah you remembered??? Omg 🥺🥺🥺 thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
BTS Reactions – You’re in deadline hell at school
“Not now, okay?” You huff, batting your boyfriend away as he tries to duck down to kiss you, “I’ve only got another thousand words to go and then I can be done,” He smiles vaguely at you, knowing that’s not true. You’ve been really busy lately with all of your studying, and while it’s completely understandable, he knows the stress just isn’t doing you any good. Silently, he wonders to himself what he can do to support you.
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“I think you’ve lost weight,” Seokjin mutters, barely loud enough for you to hear him. Given the furious tapping at your keyboard, he’s not sure you do. He’s never liked how you get during crunch season. The deadlines pile up; the work takes longer than you thought it would; group projects fall in tatters and you end up neglecting certain things. Food and sleep for one, “Yeah, you’ve definitely lost weight,” Jin adds louder, turning his back on where you’re sat at the kitchen table as he slowly etches out a plan in his head.
It’s easy to think that Jin’s solution to everything is food, food and more food. In some ways, you’d be right. There isn’t much he doesn’t think can be cured with a home-cooked meal, but this runs deeper than that. So, while Jin does get busy in the kitchen preparing a just-after-midnight snack and lunchboxes for the next couple of days (if you don’t have to prepare the food you can eat it on the go) he also thinks about what he wanted when he was studying. He wanted peace and quiet for one, but he’s already doing that. His brow furrows as he thinks,
“This is really delicious, Jinnie!” You all but moan as you take a bite of Jin’s delicious dinner. You look up appreciatively, but it’s only a glance before you refocus on your paper. Referencing time. Ugh. Jin smiles a knowing smile and plants a kiss on your head. What he wanted when he was studying was someone to believe in him. So with a soft clunk of the plate, Jin sets down freshly baked cookies in front of you and leaves you to it, closing the door behind him so his TV show won’t disturb you. When nearly a whole hour later you finally look up to stretch, your eyes (and mouth!) start to water at the sight of what’s in front of you - ‘for the hardest worker <3’ written in piped icing around the edge of the plate.
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Yoongi doesn’t interrupt you as he comes in, takeout in hand. He knows the routine by now. Gets the plates down from the cupboard. Decants your portions and grabs the cutlery. Pours the drinks. Clears a space on the table to eat. Sets it down. He digs in straight away, thoughts on his music but punctuated by glances at you as you miss your mouth with the food, too busy focussing on your lecture notes. He smiles sardonically to himself as he wants to get up and scold you for not eating but knowing full well how hypocritical it would be of him. He gets worse than this! At least you’re remembering to eat. When Yoongi comes home with dinner, that is,
“I’m gonna go work on a new track, okay? Don’t work too hard, I miss seeing my beautiful honey smile,” Yoongi tells you kindly as he gathers up the washing up and puts it into the dishwasher. You hum in a way that’s meant to be affirmative but comes across more dismissive than anything. He rolls his eyes and pats your head a little rougher than necessary as he leaves the room, not heading for his home studio but for the grand piano in the large, open living area. There’s only one way to tear you away from your studying for a break, and that’s his music. He doesn’t want to distract you, just comfort you and support you. So he puts the top down and plays gently, not intending to become so loud you can’t think. Yoongi wants to play an instrumental to your paper, and when you’re ready to take a break you’ll come to him,
“You know my weakness,” You smile fondly, coming up behind Yoongi and placing your hands on his shoulders. You like to feel them move underneath his shirt as he plays, “Min Yoongi, you’d best not be trying to distract to me,” He chuckles lowly and shakes his head,
“Never. I thought you’d like this one, which is why I didn’t play it immediately. Have you finished for the night or is this just a break?” You don’t answer, sitting beside him and snuggling in carefully, not restricting his range of movement. He knows you’re done now. You got yourself to a reasonable place in your essay and decided this music was too good to miss. He doesn’t often play like this at home.
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“Working hard or hardly working?” Hoseok teases lightly as he sets his things down on the table, kissing you on the top of your head as he goes. You don’t respond, but he didn’t expect you to. You’re in ‘the zone’, he can just tell. Hair falling in your eyes as you furiously type away, eyes scanning the page relentlessly, lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed. Hoseok can’t help but admit to himself that this is really sexy. Seeing you focus like this always gets to him, and he finds himself biting his lip before he can stop himself,
“Stop that, Hobi!” You whine, having glanced up at your boyfriend but instead making eye contact with the sex god that has replaced him, “I can’t have a sex break, this paper is due at midday tomorrow,” You continue feebly. You can already feel yourself weakening. You’ve never been able to resist Hoseok from the moment you met him, “I’ve got to edit and compile my references. It’ll take me another hour or two at least,” Your voice trails off into nothing. Hoseok didn’t even have to move or speak to tempt you. All by yourself, you talked yourself into getting up from the computer, knowing that if you wake up at 9 tomorrow you’ll have plenty of time, “Hoseok,” You breathe, walking yourself straight into his arms and leaning up to touch his lips,
“Don’t wanna keep going on your paper, baby?” He purrs, leaning down to close the distance between your lips. You groan instantly, surging upwards to wrap your arms around his neck while he does the same. You feel one of Hoseok’s hands entangling itself in your hair, the other slowly but firmly working its way over your shoulders, releasing the tension as it lowers. Across your arms, down your back, past your hips and- “Move your laptop. I’m going to fuck you on this table right now,” Hoseok growls, no innocence or teasing left in his tone.
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“You haven’t moved since I left this morning,” Namjoon scolds gently, tone soft but firm, “Have you gotten outside at all today?” You shake your head in response, barely paying attention to your boyfriend as he moves over to the kitchen blinds and opens them. If you haven’t been outside, then you haven’t had any sunlight. Humans are basically big plants, in Namjoon’s opinion, so sunlight is important, “Could you take a 10 minute break for a short walk with me? Just around the park. If not now, please find a good place to pause,” You can tell from his tone that he’s not asking. You know it’s for your own good, but you are just so close to finishing this paper if you can just-
“Okay! Done. Conclusion is finished. I’ll need to keep working, but I can pause now, Joonie,” You placate Namjoon with a sweet smile as you hit save, standing up slowly. You wince slightly at how tight all your muscles feel after being sat in the exact same position for hours on end. Without a word, Namjoon comes behind you and places his hands on your hips, slowly helping you stretch out and relax everything, “Thank you. Sometimes I really do just need pulling away for a bit,” Namjoon hums in response, placing feather-light kisses along your neck as he walks you both towards the door,
“Of course. I know you by now. It’s only quick, I promise. Exercise can help us refocus, so let’s see how we go. Once we get in, I’ve got a few bits to do so I’ll sit with you while you work,” You smile in response at Namjoon’s promise. He takes your hand in his and squeezes it gently, “I am so proud of you, by the way. I hope I tell you enough that you are amazing. You always work so hard,” Namjoon tells you plenty enough that he’s proud of you, as you remind him teasingly. Every day he tells you, but every day it eases the stress building in your heart and reminds you that you can do it. With Namjoon supporting you, it’s clear that you can do anything. Everything. Whatever you want.
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Jimin enters the kitchen wordlessly, knowing better than to interrupt your train of thought as you work on your studies. One time he tried to pull you away and dance around the room with you, which you loved, but when you sat back down you’d completely lost what your line of argument was in your essay plan. You weren’t angry with him, but Jimin saw in your eyes how upset you are. Since then, he comes in quietly when you’re studying and waits until you get to a point where you can take a few seconds to talk to him without entirely messing up your work,
“Hey, Jiminie. How was your day?” You mutter a bit distractedly, not fully giving him your attention while he glosses over what he was doing, “That sounds really tiring,” You reply when you notice he’s not talking anymore. You don’t really know what he did, but he always has tiring days so that reply probably works. Jimin sighs in response, running a hand through his hair but tries to let go of his frustration. He’d actually had a really relaxed day so was hoping the two of you could go out for dinner, but clearly that wasn’t on the cards yet. Jimin knows what you’re like – besides, he locks himself up in the dance studio for weeks before a comeback so he can’t complain about you studying hard,
“I’m gonna make us dinner. Try and finish up at a decent time, I’d love to cuddle up with a movie or maybe start a new TV show. I missed you a lot today,” Jimin tells you. This time, you meet his eyes as he’s talking so he knows you actually heard him. You smile gratefully, light blush dusting your cheeks as you thank him. Your boyfriend always knows when to just give you space,
“I’m going to get to the end of this page, and then I should be good. Can you wake me up when you leave tomorrow? I’ll need to keep working all day again,” You ask kindly, and Jimin nods, pride in his eyes. He’s always loved your motivation.
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“Hello to my wonderful girlfriend, who has yet to move from her prison of a desk to kiss her doting boyfriend back!” Taehyung all but sings, drifting into the room and teasing you gently, “How’s it all going?” He asks a bit more seriously, pulling up a chair to sit down next to you, “Which paper is this, again?” Taehyung probes, a tone of genuine interest appearing. You smile fondly as you shift your laptop to show Taehyung the reading you’re doing for your final paper of the academic year. You talk him through a brief summary of what you’re looking for and explain how it links to what you’re researching. Taehyung nods along the whole time, eyes following your cursor as you point out various parts that you’ve highlighted and annotated,
“Tae, are you sure you want to listen to this? It can’t be very interesting for you,” You lament sadly, realising he isn’t understanding a lot of what you’re saying for all the technical terms and challenging concepts included. You lean down to rest your head on his shoulder and sigh, but then hear Taehyung chuckle a little, “What? I bored you that much?”
“You didn’t bore me at all! I don’t know why you think I hate hearing this stuff. Honestly, I’m really interested in what you’re studying. Sure, I wouldn’t have picked to study it myself, but you clearly love it. That’s why I like to hear it! Most of it goes straight over my head, but honestly I could listen to you explain it all day,” Taehyung promises, taking your hand away from your keyboard and raising it to his lips to pepper gentle kisses over your knuckles, “I know there’s more. You haven’t even told me what your paper is based on. I’m assuming it’s not just this?” He probes again, getting up to go over to the kettle. A child-like grin crosses your face,
“Tea with two sugars today, Barista Taehyung!” You tease briefly before switching screens back to your document with the skeleton structure for your essay on it so you can explain it to Taehyung while he makes you both a nice hot drink to talk over. Hopefully there will be biscuits, too!
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No words are spoken as Jungkook comes in, laptop under one arm and his notebook under the other. He sets it down across the kitchen from you and you glance up to give him a thankful smile as he busies himself making the both of you a small snack to have while working. This has been your crunch-season routine for as long as you can remember. Jungkook works with you in silence, the occasional comment but largely just sitting opposite each other and giving that silent support you both love. Jungkook noticed ages ago that if he’s there working too then you don’t work for too long. When you get tired, you finish up. It’s less unhealthy when you know that Jungkook will be working for as long as you are. That’s not the only upside of him sitting in with you, of course,
“Can I read this paragraph to you? I don’t think it makes sense to anyone but me,” You whine after just over an hour of working with Jungkook sat across from you. He nods carefully, flicking his hair out of his eyes as he straightens up and gives you his full attention while you explain the context of the sentence to him first,
“I don’t think it’s doing what you want it to,” Jungkook replies after you read him the sentence, eyebrows furrowed, “It’s too long. I forgot what the point was when you got about half-way through. Can you not split it up anymore?” He suggests, and you thank him with a big smile. He always knows exactly what to say. You make a couple of edits before reading the two new sentences back to him, immediately met by a big bunny grin, “Perfect! Fits a lot better. Okay, my turn. I’m editing these pictures, could you look over it for me? I’ve been looking at it too long at this point,” You return the favour seamlessly, sitting yourself down on Jungkook’s lap as he flicks through a few different versions of the photos he’s working on, pointing out what you think is missing. An entire evening passes like that. Silent at times, collaborative at others, but perfect the whole time. Always perfect with Jungkook.
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
You coming back saved 2020, just saying 💜
*laughs in 2021*
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
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If I had to flat share with these 4... it would be so chaotic 😂
Camera roll roommates.
Rules: Last four idols in your camera roll are your roommates. How fucked are you?
Tagged by: @kithtaehyung thanks for tagging me 💕
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As you can see I am very fucked.
Tagging; @ttaechwita, @taerseok, @tweedlekoo, @taegularities, @hoebii, @hobeemin, @jinned, @jiminrings, @aroseforyoongi, @bratzkoo, @yyooni, @jtrbluv, @moccahobi, @monvante, @pjmsdior, @starlightauroras-main, @imyourhobiii, @iridescentjin, @kingsuckjin,@kittaebrat, @jinterlude, @jin-neck-shaft, @wheresmymoniat, @ressjeon, @honeyj00ns, @cutechim, @bangtantaegi, @ditttiii and that's all however if I missed you I'm so sorry. Also if you've already been tagged then in sorry for tagging you again.
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
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I need better friends sooooooo come follow my Instagram if you want someone to hype your posts 😂😂
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Yeah lol sorry, realised I had like 4 drafts in my queue so I just posted them all so I can feel all cleansed! Been super busy so haven't been around much...
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Heyy.. For my flangst loving heart.. Could you write one where the reader is in an arranged marriage with BTS or a post breakup au?? I'm too deep in your writing now btw.. I think I've read everything like ten times.. Pls keep writing!!!💜
I actually really enjoyed doing this arranged marriage to Yoongi! Here you go, thanks for supporting me <3
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Yoongi - Arranged Marriage
You had tried screaming. You had tried crying. You had trying running away. You had tried fighting. You had tried begging, bargaining, threatening, everything you could possibly think of to stop this from happening, but your parents simply wouldn’t listen. Deep down, you know they love you and only want what is best for you, but this is not how you envisioned them showing it. Seriously, an arranged marriage? To some random business partner’s kid? Were they joking?
No, apparently, as you found out the hard way. Your wedding day was not what you dreamed it would be as a young girl. You barely even had a say in the proceedings – although as you had no say in your husband, this is hardly surprising. At the last minute, you nearly ruined your make up crying in your mother’s arms, pleading with her not to do this. You hadn’t even met the man and you already hate him! Anyone who goes along with this is a terrible person in your eyes and you had no desire of meeting them, let alone marrying them.
Mint green hair. Bad first impression. He couldn’t even give you enough respect to have a reasonable hair colour on your wedding day! Insane. It made you hate him even more. The ceremony passed torturously slowly, and you didn’t look him in the eyes at all in fear you’d burst into tears all over again. You barely managed to choke out your vows, and your hands shook uncontrollably as you exchanged rings. In the blink of an eye but also after an eternity, you were pronounced married, and your new husband (you nearly retch at the thought) pressed a gentle kiss to your lips to seal the deal.
You barely exchanged words for the rest of the night, other than such comments as ‘excuse me’, or ‘no thank you’. All in all, it was just as much of a horrible experience as you expected. You knew then you would never forgive your parents for handing you off in such a way, no matter how lovely they think he is, or whatever good it does for your family’s business and reputation. When your husband opened the car door for you so you could go back to the hotel where you were to be spending the night, you didn’t so much as thank him. At least he had the sense to book a night somewhere with two separate bedrooms, and all you could do was pray he didn’t hear your sobs when you closed your bedroom door behind you, tearing your dress off as you found yourself unable to hold back the tears anymore.
A few weeks passed in much the same way. You didn’t speak to your new husband, and you spent most of your time locked up in one bedroom or another just crying. The two of you were going to the Caribbean for a ‘Let’s Get to Know Each Other’ honeymoon, but you didn’t leave the hotel. When you left your room to use the bathroom, you found warm food on a silver platter, probably put there by room service. So that’s what you did for a week. You probably saw your husband three times in total over that 2-week holiday. Once on the plane out, once on the plane back, and once you accidentally ran into him when you were going back to your room from the bathroom. He had looked at you with wide eyes, filled with a concern you were sure was faked. By the time he had managed to stutter out an apology, you had locked the bedroom door again.
You’re going to have to talk to him soon. You’re married now, just try to make the most of it.
The words ring inside your head now as you sit in what you assume to be one of the guest bedrooms at your new house. You know it’s what your mother would say to you, but you try to cast it out of your head. You haven’t answered any of her texts or calls since the wedding. Nevertheless, though, whoever’s advice it is, it’s right. You’ve sulked for nearly a month now, and you’re getting a bad case of cabin fever locking yourself up all day. It’s becoming hard to remember the last time you felt the sun on your face. With the new resolve that you may be overreacting a tad, you get up and dressed into presentable clothing. Even now you have no desire to seek out your new husband, so you decide to start by walking around the garden. The two of you have been (very generously) gifted a large estate as a wedding present from your families. It has a few acres of land, with ample room to get lost in if you so wish. And you do so wish.
It’s bright outside, and you wince a little as it stings your eyes. You get over the sensation quickly and set off towards the orchard section of the grounds. It’s very well cared for, and when you reach the freshly mowed grass, you can’t help kicking your shoes off to venture further. As a young girl, you loved the feeling of grass tickling your feet, and it brings a ghost of a smile to your face. In hindsight, you always knew this was going to happen. You parents had an arranged marriage, all of your friends too, and the fact has never been hidden from you. It just feels… wrong. It feels like everything was stolen from you. The first date; the first stolen kiss under the moonlight; the butterflies and the shaky knees when he picks you up from your house; meeting his family and being adored by them; him meeting your parents and being given the age-old ‘DAD TALK’; a surprise proposal at a meaningful place; the giddiness of telling everyone, of planning a perfect wedding with the perfect man. Love. You feel like love was stolen from you,
“Your mother told me that the blossom trees are your favourite,” You hear a low voice utter from behind you. You nearly jump out of your skin as your lurch around to see who had followed you so quietly out here. It’s him. Of course, its him. Who else could it have been? With his stupid green hair and his too-expensive tailored suit, “I can see why. This time of year is perfect for them,” He offers you a shy smile. You can see he’s standing at a respectful distance, hands carefully folded in front of him. Very non-threatening. You want to scoff, but something in his face looks a little wary. Nervous,
“Is that why you had them put in? Thought it might soften the blow of a glorified kidnapping?” You question plainly. There’s no venom or harshness in your tone, but the man’s face falls ever so slightly anyway. You should feel bad, but you don’t. He’s as much a part of this as your parents, you’re sure, “It doesn’t,” You turn away and look back to the tress that rustle gently in the summer breeze, “But they are calming. I’ve always thought so,” You add quietly. The most you’ve ever said to your husband. A little longer than your vows, which you had kept blunt and bare. You hear the man shift behind you, his polished shoes making noise on the fallen blossoms as he walks to stand in your eyesight again,
“Look,” He sighs, his composure cracking ever so slightly, “I know this isn’t what you wanted. Your father explained it to my parents very simply that you did not want to wed. I get it. I wasn’t all for having my life picked out for me either,” Your eyes meet his with shock. You didn’t know. You thought he wanted this just as much as they did, “But this is the hand we’ve been dealt. If you want to ignore me and hide away from me, be my guest. By all means, do it. But I’m prepared to make the effort to get on with you. I don’t expect you to fall for me or even particularly like me, but if we can just…” He breaks off to roll his eyes and move his hair out of his face, “If we can just talk to each other once in a while, maybe have dinner on occasion, that would make this a hell of a lot easier,” You blink as his rant apparently ends, and his words hang in the air, filling your ears. You take your time to process it, thinking about what he’s asking. Re-evaluating your assumptions about him. He’s stuck in this situation just as much as you are, but he’s not sulking or crying or hiding. He’s trying to swallow down the truth and get on with it. Could you do the same? Do you want to do the same?
After a while, he assumes you’re just not going to respond. You have this blank look on your face, so he sighs again and makes to stride away. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch his purposeful steps, his head held just a little too high, as if he’s hiding something. Maybe hurt at your rejection. All he wants is to make this easier for the both of you. As he reaches the edge of the lawn, you find the words to call out,
“Dinner sounds nice. I’m in the mood for Italian,” Your husband turns around with a shy smile and nods,
“I could go for some Italian. Come to the dining room at 7. You don’t have to dress up or anything,” You don’t have to dress up? Hmm… maybe you can get along with your new husband. Maybe. It depends what kind of Italian food he gets for you.
Yoongi gives himself a small smile as he walks away. That wasn’t the biggest victory ever, some of his friends who got an arranged marriage didn’t have this problem at all, but it was something. He lets himself into the kitchen and asks the on-site chef to take the rest of the night off and return the following morning instead. You’ve given him a chance to show you this won’t be a complete nightmare, being married to him and all, and he doesn’t want to blow it. He takes a couple deep breaths as he glances around the kitchen. You can’t go wrong with a bit of homemade lasagne. Another tiny smile plays across his lips as he sheds his suit jacket and reaches for an apron. It really has been too long since he last cooked, and what better time to pick it up again that to win over his new wife, the woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with?
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years ago
Hi! First off I'd like to express how much I like your writing! I have a rather specific prompt. Management, or tabloids, convince Jimin (or any of the members) that you were only dating him for the money. He breaks up with you, unaware that you're pregnant. How it goes from there is up to you. Thanks so much.
Sorry it took so long, here you go! 
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