tacagotalk · 12 years
Over you
I could fill an ocean with the tears that I've cried.
Over you.
I guess you could say it's been hard and it'll take some time to get.
Over you.
Every single time I go outside I keep my eyes wide to find someone.
Over you.
All these men pass by and I realize with a sigh, they got nothing.
Over you.
So what am I to do? Just get under anyone to get.
Over you?
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tacagotalk · 12 years
Divergent Dances for Windows and Walls at the Bata Shoe Museum
Tonight I had the pleasure of being invited out to the Bata Shoe Museum for the opening night of the newest Anandam Dance Theatre installation.
They created a living and interactive installation entitled Divergent Dances for Windows and Walls.
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The experience began on the outside of the museum; from our vantage point on the north side of Bloor we could see four aerial dancers climb and uncoil and slide their way precariously on aerial ropes. My heart skipped a beat more then once watching the performers; one of which was Kevin O'Connor my friend and co-creative facilitator of this 4 day art installation.
As most of the performers moved inside there were still others performing outside, like the flyer said "There is never any specific place to view this installation. Wander freely about the spaces." Yes, this experience actually came with 7 instructions. I loved this aspect and truly thought the idea of "You will never be in the way-if you always remain sensitive to everyone around you", was very meaningful. 
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            All I could think when I saw this was #diplo #expressyourself
The artists would contemporary dance in a group, then move in different directions, then some would perform on the aerial ropes, it was a very organic experience to watch grow and freely happen around you.
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        This patron didn't know what to do when the performer moved in on her feet
At one point each of us in that room was part of the show, either by coming too close to a dancere who just kept dancing into you, or being asked to aid a performer get to a higher ledge, or when the finale created a giant intertwined, webbed rope living sculture out of volunteers from the crowd.
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Do go if you can, the show runs thursday 25th to Saturday 27th. Doors open at 8! Get there early as it will no doubt sell out!
Love yous,
p.s. Truly an experience that brought me joy. 
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tacagotalk · 12 years
I'm not a bad person, I just accidentally stole something.
I made this video response for my friend Faris (The BunnieGirl), cuz she made this video about stealing.
Just wanted to share with all of you my most shameful moment ...
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tacagotalk · 12 years
Jam Jams
Just saw the vid for this on Much Music...and was mesmerized...I've been kinda out of the hip hop game for a while and had been spinnin tunes from Adele, Lana Del Rey,  Tallest Man on Earth and Plants and Animals...(I was under the influence of a certain drug and he was Irish)... I digress...
Hip Hop here I come.
Thank you Kanye West for making music that is amazing.
And just being so mothafucking bad! 
Of note: Rihanna you are perfection! 
Another note:
SidePonyNation @ the el Mocambo
Get at me for tickets!
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Gonna be a party yall! 
Love you, hope to see you thursday! 
Also hope to have a new video from SidePonyNation to show you in the next few weeks, it' the one we shot this Behind the Scenes Vlog for! 
p.s. There's other bands besides us on Thursday too! Check it out! 
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tacagotalk · 12 years
SO fun! 
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The hotness of @SidePonyNation is too much to handle (Taken with Instagram at Green Rabbit Studio)
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tacagotalk · 12 years
Brooklyn in the House! - Santigold @ The Koolhaus - May 15, 2012
Brooklyn went hard last night in Toronto at the Koolhaus. Santigold brought her new album Master of my Make Believe to an amped crowd that just wanted to dance. I know it's only May, but this is the album I'll be listening to all summer long. 
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  ~Santi opened with Go! ft. Karen O, such a powerhouse song...we started far from the stage...but can't help but getting as close as possible during a show. 
Her set was an hour and a half of old and new fire! Here's a pic of the setlist! 
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One of the best parts of the show was the two twin dancers flanking Santi. They mesmerized me with their simple but storytelling movements...I wanted to be them...and almost had my chance but didn't make it to the front of the stage in time. DANG!
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~So close, but so far away
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~magic horse
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~The dancers were so good
Gotta mention Brooklyn based rapper/singer Theophilus London who opened the show. He interacted with the crowd, stage dived and then chilled at the merch booth after the show. That's where my crew found him...oh and he grabbed my boob....Accidentally he says! 
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~Me removing his hand from my breast, with my girls @lymoffatt and @aomok.
All in all great show! Can't wait to see Santi at Osheaga in August. If you haven't checked out the new album be sure to do that...stand outs for me include, This isn't our Parade and Disparate Youth. Do it now!
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tacagotalk · 12 years
Interview with Cadence Weapon at CMW
Being part of the @NatandMarie show has provided me with some pretty cool opportunities. So with media passes in hand @Jhuze and I went and checked out the Saul Williams show at the Great Hall during Canadian Music Week. 
I had the opportunity to interview Montreal based rapper Cadence Weapon who was part of the Great Hall showcase. We talked post rap and Toronto, but mostly his hate for memes and meme culture...we are an internet show after all. Then we made him into lot's of memes...check them all out here.
He's pretty sick and is gonna be big, just check out his latest video:
Thanks for clickin!
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tacagotalk · 12 years
I love this lady! 
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tacagotalk · 12 years
Everyone needs to listen to this song: Major Lazer ft. Amber Coffman
So So smooth, serene and summery. Amber Coffman vocals with the skanky reggae rythms of Diplo and Switch is all I wanna listen to this summer. Did you notice the dings...make you feel like your getting a message...from the GODS! 
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tacagotalk · 12 years
I'll see you on Reality TV...Maybe..
Hey Friends,
Been a long time since we last spoke through TaCaGo Talk...you can find me weekly on the Nat & Marie Tumblr though.
But wanted to post this video audition I made for Jules casting in order to be on the upcoming Travel Experience of a Life Time Reality TV Show. I made the top 20 already, so just waiting to hear if I made it through to the next round! 
Let me know what you think and wish me luck!
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tacagotalk · 13 years
Why's this kid got so much swag?
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tacagotalk · 13 years
What I been doing lately!
Hey friends,
This is what I've been up to as of late!
Attending the Digi Awards and making friends with wicked dancers!
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Me and Shawn De Ocampo of Moonrunners fame!
Rubbing shoulders with Jeanne Beker and Suzanne Rogers at swanky fashion events!
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This close to an actual Alexander McQueen creation>RIP
Roasting Chestnuts on an open fire!
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Made them myself and they were delicious!
Eating my favourite way (with my hands) at Pizza Libretto!
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I love charcuterie!
Stay Tuned fo mo!
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tacagotalk · 13 years
The hottestness this week!
1. The Turducken of Cheeseballs - Drop some panties at your next Christmas party!
2. Is that an espresso machine in your pocket? - Why yes it is!
3. BubbleWrap Calendar - How timely!
4. The RapBoard - All your favourite rappers taglines,...
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tacagotalk · 13 years
Listening to Bryan Adams and decide to write a rhyme about the lessons I've learned from past relationships, And how the lessons I've learned have helped to teach me about life....so I sit and begin rhyming....but then I couldn't think of any rhymes.. I couldn't think of any lessons I'd learned. Atleast not any that rhymed....
Also, I like signing in to Tumblr cuz all I see is one girls Beyonce blog and what @NatandMarie post...it's like the perfect fix of internet info....50% Beyonce, 50% everything else :) 
@Lymoffatt and I just got back from a sweet California roadtrip....we surfed, we swam, we survived the San Diego blackout, we skinny dipped and frolicked and drove top down through the desert>>>>The top was down of our Eclipse Spyder convertible, not our tops, our tops were mostly on...mostly. 
Also, mark your calendars because on October 1st, at 7pm, @SidePonyNation will be playing a three hour set as part of a Nuit Blanche installation on Yonge street.... You should come and tip us for entertaining you so!
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Me surfing in Encinitas....
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tacagotalk · 13 years
Confessions of a 25 year old...on her last day.
Tomorrow I turn 26.
Is that old? I used to think so, but now I don't. 
Last year I posted some confessions of a 24 year old, so I'd like to look back on those and see how things have changed in the last year for me. It's kinda funny cuz last year I had mad anxiety about getting older and hitting that milestone of 25...I was dreaming about losing my teeth and stuff...it was weird. This year though I have been sleepig like a baby every night leading up to my bday though...this may be due to the fact that I've been in Las Vegas and California for the past 2 weeks so have been too exhausted/too wasted to toss and turn at night :)
Anyways, here's a recap: (new stuff in bold)
Confessions of a 24 25 year old
My first post in a while, so I thought I’d make it juicy…. I’m turning 25 in September 26 tomorrow, here are 10 confessions before I’m 25 26…
1. I’m not sure of what I want to do with my life: but I think it needs to be fun….so hopefully that works out for me… A wise woman said, ” If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life!” I've had several jobs in the past year; event staff, promotions, barrista, cohost, review writer, server, musician...all of which are highly social...I still am unsure where I'm going, but I think im on the right path. Now for a career in socialism.
  2. I flirt incessantly… with guys, with girls, older men, younger men, lesbians, everyone, if you’ve met me, we’ve probably flirted….but I think thats what they call Charisma..Still charsmatic, but less flirty...see number 6
3. I love being on that new shit…I think I’m just competitive…first. This has mattered less to me in the past year, I'm kinda tired of it, and it's stressful and time consuming.
4. If we hang out a lot, it’s probably cause you have something I want (creativity, motivation, intelligence… a hot bod) …you are who your friends are after all…I think we need to hang out more...see number 6
5. Backpacking Europe was something I’ve always wanted to do…and I just did it…I’m not sure if it changed me though or if Ive settled back into my old self….Ill keep you posted. I love travelling and seeing new places and especially eating new foods, but it's not always about where you go, it's about who you're with. Glad I've had the opportunity to travel with and meet such amazing people. And after spending the last 2 weeks in Las Vegas and California I even more appreciate the fact that I'm Canadian and live in the best country in all the world!
6. I want to fall truly, madly deeply in love…sigh.. Done!
7. I’m trying to not care what people think…but I’m just so darn considerate. Still an issue for me, but I think it has a lot to do with number 1 and not exactly knowing what path I'm on. 
8. I’m very honest…guilt eats me up from the inside out…it’s the worst. Honesty is still the best policy.
9. I dance in front of the mirror in various forms of undress all the time… I’m my own private dancer. I must dance more...I've always wanted to be a go go dancer...I will do this.
And number 10…..drum roll please ba da da da dumb 10. I’d rather a dude think I’m funny then hot…just kidding ha ha… I still like it when people get my jokes, but apparently when you get older you get uglier too, so maybe for now while I still have my looks I'll still take all the compliments I can get...I'm not getting any younger :) I’ll start posting more regularly, I just needed to break the ice! This didn't really happen..lol Love and Kisses, TaCaGo
Well there you have it folks, my new and improved Confessions...juicy enough for you? Don't forget to wish me a Happy Birthday tomorrow! I'm still in Vegas until the 14th, so maybe we can get together after that in Canada and have some fun! But not too much fun of course, I am a mature adult after tomorrow! :) Just kidding.
Love ya,
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  Still hot for an old girl :) ~Runyon Canyon~
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tacagotalk · 13 years
There has never ever been a video made that goes with the song less then this video and this song....@LadyGaga I love you
Mother Monster’s latest video…
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tacagotalk · 13 years
Just got home from a wedding...
And I'm standing in my room...thirsty. I look down and I see a mason jar that I had been using for water before I left for the two day wedding bonanza. I pick up the cup and take a swig... and then I taste that taste that you taste when you taste water that has been sitting for two days in your bedroom. And I think to myself as I taste that taste of water, "What makes the water taste like this?". And as I stood thinking there in my room, of all the microscopic bacteria's that could have fallen into my drink while I was away,  I'm also listening to the sound of cars zooming by through my Open Third floor Bloor street window....And then I think again,...  Open Third Floor Bloor street window... needless to say I wasn't thirsty enough to drink that drink, and I spat it back out.
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Are we ready for an Italian wedding or what? 
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