tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Marchesa Bridal S/S 2015.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
I was a little girl Alone in my little world Who dreamed of a little home for me I played pretend between the trees And fed my houseguests bark and leaves And laughed in my pretty bed of green I had a dream That I could fly From the highest swing I had a dream
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
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little miss sunshine
tabitha rivers; i’ve kissed girls before, it’s fun.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Good thing it’s my favorite color. Really brings out my eyes, but no one is here to notice.
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It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Surrounded by the color grey.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
I hear you, but seeing as they put this lovely concrete wall all around me, I can’t see you.
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This is a bloody nightmare. Can anyone fucking hear me, anyways?!
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Texts » Tabi.
Scanlan: Hi. Would you like to go out for drinks sometime? X
Tabi: abso-fucking-lutely. I'm always up for drinks with you. ;)
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
I could assume the tiring part. But really, it's great. I'm happy for you two.
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Crazy… and tiring.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
How does it feel being a father of two now?
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Yes, you are.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
You're right, but not for Wanda and I. I'm sooo fancyy.
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Those are too fancy for us.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Such a debbie downer.
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No, no, no, and no.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, or Raphael.
I’m a Dad again. Now, someone throw out some name suggestions or our baby boy might not have a name at all.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Dear Wanda,
I'm not good at these things. Somehow when I attempt to profess my love it turns into me quoting a cheesy song from the 90's so this will be my best try. I know it might a sound a little crazy, but now I believe. I knew I loved you before I met you. (Shit, pretty sure that was Savage Garden.) Not really, but when I first laid my eyes on you I decided then and there, I needed to know this woman. Well, girl at the time because we were children. I didn't realize how in love I was with you till the sour age of thirteen, and was terrified of my feelings so I didn't openly show them till sixteen. I know I've hurt you before, but I don't plan on pulling a stunt like I did before ever again. You are my happiness, and I am so unbelievably in love with you and ready to officially marry you and call you my wife. Wow, this sounds so cliche and straight out of a chick flick, but these are my feelings. Everything you are is so beautiful, so wonderful. You light up my life and every room you walk into.
I want to spend my life dancing with you, laughing with you, smiling with you, hell even fighting with you as long as I'm with you. You're so gorgeous and such an amazing person and you deserve every good thing in this world. I just want to make you smile half as much as you make me. Sometimes I get scared that my face will permanently be a smile if I don't stop hanging out with you, you dork. But sadly, I can't pull myself away from your sense of humor and charmingly good looks. You're probably gonna laugh at this letter, but that's okay. It's sort of funny.
Now to the serious-serious part. No matter what you go through, I will be here. That's what getting married means - for better or for worse. Your sickness is fine with me, if it gets worse again. Well, not fine with me. If it were physically a person I'd kick its ass, but I will help you with every part of me. I will devote myself to making sure you feel as little pain as possible and are smiling the majority of the time. If you get hospitalized, I'll decorate happy things. I'll paint those damn walls whatever color you want. I will stand by you forever, Wanda. Forever and ever and ever. Please don't ever forget this. You are truly my favorite and the love of my life.
Yours truly,
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
How about both?
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Or me.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Actually, I believe it's me.
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I am, actually.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
Who's the lucky lady? Oh wait...
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The wedding will be in the Spring somewhere. Because it’s hard to decide and it won’t be raining then, all the flowers will be in bloom. I’m feeling much better, so hopefully I won’t need the breathing tubes and have to drag the tank down the aisle. Dad already agreed to walk me down, so it’s perfect. I’m excited!
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
It could definitely use some improvements.
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Well…this town isn’t really the bees knees.
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tabirivers-blog · 9 years
With my favorite, legiontonks :)
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