Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Not much to say to finish off TOAL.
The travel home went well with only slight delays in places but it took us 31 hours from check out from Toronto hotel to walking into Chippewa. A lot of sitting on one seat or another or walking around the airports.
All good here, and both cars started so that’s good. At moment we are trying to stay awake a while longer.
And that’s it. Strange to think that we have been away for two months seems only yesterday we set off. But that’s holidays for you.
Now we start planning the next TOAL
Hooroo for now 👋👋😎
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Toronto-Last Day 😥
Woke up to another hot day and decided that I would go up the CN Tower.
The Tower was built in 1976 and is 553 mtrs high. There are three observation floors.
447 m Skypad
346 m indoor observation floor
342 m outside observation floor
Up I went. As we were there early the crowds had yet to turn up and although busy there were no long queues. It was great up there. On clear days you can see up to 100 kms. Also the steam off the Niagara Falls! Today wasn’t clear. There was a major heat haze around the city do I am not sure how far I saw but it was a bloody long way.

Also able to see the islands we went around yesterday, cute and you can understand why so popular.

There was a glass floor but rather than on the outside floor it was on the inside area so looking down meant looking at a lot of infrastructure. Also for some reason only known to those doing it, people just lay down, some not even taking a photo. Most were taking them but I don’t think they would have been very convincing shots of some one high up. Feet are best.

After I collected Jan who refused to go up for some reason we got back on the HOHO bus. We thought we could have a stop somewhere maybe grab a coffee then hop back on and return to hotel. But the bus went do slow it just didn’t seem best idea and we went straight back without another stop. At least time the commentary was a lot more informative. And we saw a cute little dog fountain

Hopped off to walk back.
Walking through a major shopping center on way (so cool) and then into the square in front of the town hall/government buildings. Something like that wotever. And there was a major Asian expo being set up. Weird shaped municipal buildings though. Supposed to look like an eye when viewed from the sky.

Back to hotel shower packed check out and now waiting to get a taxi to airport to start our 31 hour journey home.
Hooroo 😎👋👋
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Toronto Day 2
Hop on hop off day! But Saturday is not a good day to do this as the crowds were out. We had to walk to the start point and get out official tickets which was easier said than done. But we got it sorted and queued and got on a double decker bus. Up stairs but in semi open but it was hot with high humidity and very unpleasant. We both decided that either the bus route+commentary was boring or Toronto city is, prob a bit of both.
The one bit of excitement was a delay caused by a march celebrating an Indian festival (as in subcontinent not indigenous local tribes) lots of chanting and very colorful. They had to lower their floats to get below wires and traffic lights etc. very ingenious how they lowered the tops.

There really seems to be very little here. Most of the city buildings are too similar to each other, very tall skyscrapers, and tend to be the same design. Grey blue glass and aluminum. Very few old buildings (that we were shown) and seemingly only a few museum galeries etc. the most dominating feature is the CN Tower that is a monster. We think it costs $45 + taxes for us to go up. And will think about going up tomorrow before we fly out depending on time and weather.

(People hang off the side for fun 🤷♂️)
Water front was ok and was where we stopped after about an hour or so. Left the bus and walked passed the Blue Jays baseball park, Ripley’s, and a small neat little outside railway museum that had a cute lil train chugging around.

Then on down to the waterfront to find our boat that was part of the HOHO trip for a cruise across the Ontario to some islands.
It was enjoyable as we were on the water away from the city heat. Took about an hour and went over to these islands off Toronto that are the main park and sailing areas. Very peaceful. All the while there was a slight pitter patter of rain but nothing serious. Great views of skyline on way back.

Back on land it was grab a sandwich and coffee and a free ice cream! Some home delivery company had just launched its own label ice cream and were handing out freebies to promote same. Thanks really needed it in the heat.
Then it was back on board the bus and finishing the HOHO back to start point. Followed by going back to hotel and WiFi. It has been very strange here in Toronto we haven’t been able to track down the usual free WiFi. It’s been in most towns and cities we have traveled through even if weak. But not here. Once we out of hotel it’s gone til we get back.
Now we just sitting in lounge catching up before we get ready for tonight and sadly prepare for our departure tomorrow.
Sadly the end of a great two months. Maybe get a final post in tomorrow as I know just how much you enjoy them haha!
Hooroo 👋👋😎
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Toronto Day1
Shower Day. (Revealed why later) So it was off to see Niagara Falls today. I had rung and checked. Yep all good be in your lobby by 8:30 pick up between 8:30 and 9. He turned up a second time at 9:10. I say a second time because about 30 mins earlier the same man checked if we on the tour but said he was looking after a German tour and our guide would be along later .... duh. Didn’t bode well but ok. So we sitting on the shuttle mini bus that does the pick ups and drops you at the big coach. In ours was this family of six (we later found out were Brazilian) the two women of whom seemed to think shouting and shrieking In Brazilian was the normal form of speaking. As we were the last shuttle bus in we all sat at the back. Didn’t bode well. Off we set. It was then we found out just how far the Falls are. Over 150 kms and about 2 hours drive due to city traffic etc. We had a comfort stop along the way and were told no buying anything etc just get in and out. The ‘Didn’t bode wells’ turned up with coffees etc and we waited 10+ mins for them. Then the talking started ...their style. Definitely didn’t bode well. Anywho Half an hour or so later we were in Niagara Falls well the town not the water that was later. What a tourist dump it is. All manner of crass stuff like Ripley’s, show grounds, go cart tracks and shop after shop of tourist crap and eateries.
Off to the boats.
We were on the Hornblower! One of many boats that do go out into the water and how. We were given red pink ponchos (the trip on the American side got given Blue ponchos of course and looked like smurfs). Off we went a gentle spray washed over us as we passed the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls but as we moved back towards the more famous Horseshoe Falls, it seemed the skies opened. For many minutes the heavy spray beat down on us and there were shrieks coming from everywhere (including the Brazilians no doubt). Gradually we moved out and slowly back to the quay. Magic. Back on dry land guess who we ended up waiting for. Yes the “Didn’t Bode Well” family. Many were now a bit pissed of with them and open rebellion particularly from some Poms, and the guide chose discretion better part of valour and left three behind as we went off for lunch. Lunch was good made better by the stunning views. After lunch we had a photo shoot opportunity at the top of Horseshoe. Next was someplace that was supposed to have a whirlpool and a cable car across a gorge. At least the cable car was there. But almost a whirlpool just couldn’t quite make it. Then off to Niagara on the Lake. This meant a long drive through a ritzy suburb along the Niagara. It town itself resembled an up market Berry. We walked into town ... and out. We didn’t realize the other way was Fort George that defended the place from those damn Americans across the Niagara. Would have been nice to have been told! Town did nothing for us really and other than a long walk which we enjoyed as needed. And then it was the slow crawl back to Toronto. We didn’t get back until gone 7:30. The trip was supposed to be 6 hours. It took 10:30. Go figure
Anywho again.
It was a great experience I don’t know how many photos and videos we took far too many. But the falls are impressive and well worth all the little things that happen in life that just piss you off! Hooroo 👋👋😎

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Kingston Day 3
Today we were back on the hop on hop off. We wanted to go over the short canal bridge to Fort Henry. Again a major fort built to deter or smash the crap out of the Americans if they chose to invade. Of course it never fired a shot in anger and in a short time it was just as obsolete as all the other forts etc we had viewed here.

And again it was beautifully maintained and preserved. The local uni students, Queens, dressed up and ‘manned’ the fort during their summer holidays. They took it very seriously and despite the heat drilled for us (and other visitors of course) for well over 90 mins in heat approaching 30’s.

Again well laid out Museum and Information and crap coffee.

Commanding views made you realize why they built here.

We went on a tour which was very good. Even went into these hidden places in the outer wall reaches by a tunnel. Here they were sort of behind any enemy in the dry moat and could use grape shot on them, which, due to the smooth curvature of the outer wall sort of curled around the bends and .... decimated the Americans. Of course never happened but ingenious design but full of mozzies as very damp down there.

Then we decided to try and get to see the Kingston Penitentiary, the first in Canada etc etc. this was the other end of the hop on hop off bus route and would take about 30 mins to get there. We almost missed the bus! And became one of those hated peoples that delayed all the others but we made it, just.
The penitentiary was only closed in the 60’s I think. And was in two parts. The more recent women’s prison and the huge male prison prior to that they were all in the same place. In between was the governors house. All establishments built in limestone and looked magnificent even if they needed some TLC.

The governor’s house was now the museum. Five rooms devoted to a range of prison life, punishment, concealment of various items, art, sport, entertainment and even a local radio show for Kingston at the time.
After this we went over to the male prison to find out the only way to see what it was, was on a tour. Compulsory! None of the brouchers nor guides said this so, I was pretty pissed off. In any case a tour was out of the question as the shortest was 90 mins. The main one was 150 mins! And we were running out of time. Back on the HOHO Bus. We thought about stopping in Queens Uni, at the Art Gallery that had three Rembrandt’s on display, but the heat and tiredness got to us and by mutual agreement we went back to town and ..... a coffee ☕️
Then it was back to hotel for bags and book a taxi to train.
Train was good as expected. Fed us and watered us, nice reds and whites, and about 3 hours later. We back in the city. A big smelly overcrowded Toronto. As our hotel was only about a km we walked and as city was flat it was easy. Booked in and here we are. Of course we now facing city prices for things and as WiFi is $14:95 plus taxes per day! We ain’t getting it but we can get it for free in lounge, which is where I am off to now.
I’ll post when I can now.
Hooroo 👋👋😎
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Kingston Day 2
We had a quick walk out to one of the Martello Towers, the Murney Tower, around Kingston. The more we find out about Kingston the more interesting the place is. It was a major city in Canadian history and was the first in many things. First capital city, first premier lived here, first prison (male and female), first parliament, first university and a few other things. The martellos were built to defend the place against the Americans. Similar to forts we saw in Halifax and Quebec. It was just a little place but they laid it out well.

Then it was back to get onto our lunch time cruise out of Lake Ontario and into the St Lawrence River and up to the start of the Thousand Islands.

As you might gather there are a lot of islands up there. I think it’s actually about 1700. An island is classified here as anything that has at least two trees on it. Many have been in families for centuries and had a wide range of houses shacks plus boathouses and their boats. In winter it just freezes over so you can walk to shore. In summer you use a boat.
A pleasant cruise of about 3 hours. I think because we may have been the first to book way back when, in Australia, we ended up in the front table in the dining deck. Great views of everything. Very lucky.
After the cruise it was onto the Hop on hop off bus. I don’t know why our agent did this but she did. We caught the penultimate bus and went all the way around about 75 mins. We picked out a couple of places to investigate tomorrow, as we arranged for these tix to apply for 24 hours so we could use tomorrow.

(Fort Henry - the Military Academy like Duntroon)

(St George Cathedral)
So a long day and despite sitting down for most of the day ( after our long walk this morning) it was a tiring one.
I hear the Brits lost!
Hooroo 👋👋😎
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Kingston Day 1
It’s was an early start, a very early start we were both up soon after 4am!!!! But it went smoothly. Packed, booked out, C$5 cab ride, checked in and onto train. Very efficient as it went at exactly 5:25 as per timetable. Even had a reasonable breakfast on board. Changed at Montreal again without too much fuss as again we were right on time both arriving and departing.
Arrived at Kingston 11:39 as per timetable. A bit tired after all that and stepped off the train into a real feel temp of low 30’s. Great just what we need so energy sapping.
Kingston, the limestone city. Like Fernie it had a load of fire in the past so the town council decreed some time ago, that there were to be no more wooden buildings built within a certain town area and as limestone was quarried here, they built in limestone. And some magnificent buildings too.
The Town Hall for starters.

And the back is equally as impressive and the courtyard has a market garden every other day and is the site of an outdoor ice rink in winter.

As usual we were too early to check in so we dumped bags at hotel and walked around the town..... looking for coffee. ✔️
First a stop in the Information Centre, the old railway station opposite the Town Hall to see what we could do around the place.
There were free tours of the town hall so in we went and met Mike. A lovely employee who took us around, up and down and all over the TH telling us all about the place and it’s history. As we went around we got joined by many more until about a dozen of us were walking around after Mike and ended up in the police cells.

It was a grand building because Kingston was the first official capital city of Canada! By building the town hall, well the first Parliament House really, on such a scale they hoped to influence the decision on the final choice of the country’s capital. They didn’t get it 😞.
The tour took about 50 mins and by the time we came out we could see a storm approaching. We got back to hotel and checked in about half an hour before the storm broke. A good one too.
After the storm we popped out and sorted out our lunch cruise and hop on hop off trip for tomorrow, then went to a pub for a couple of cleansing local ales and a wine or two plus a bite to eat.

So another exciting day but tomorrow looks like being much better as along the way we picked up a lot of tips on what to do in Kingston from the very friendly people here.
Hooroo 👋👋😎🍺🍺

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Quebec Day 3
Jan picked up or rather ripped out of a guide book, a couple of city walks to do. We also wanted to get to Cartier Avenue where the lamppost lights had huge lampshades over them.
We had seen this from yesterday’s hop on hop off ride. The street was near the Musee National des Beau Art du Quebec, the national contemporary art museum and it was due to the museum and a local firm that works of Alfred Pellan and Fernand Leduc was stretched over some 34 lamps. As it was on the city walk we chose, off we went passed the usual sprinkling of historic or important buildings etc.

FYI Cartier was the French guy who thought he had found heaps of diamonds and took his ‘fortune’ back to France and the King, to find they were iron pyrite and mica and hence the expression “ as fake as Canadian diamonds” which we all knew didn’t we.

The lamps were stunning but it was too hot to look at them all so we back tracked to the art gallery.
The Museum was amazing. I’m not sure what number of buildings it took in because it was in three parts with two being reached by going underground for some way from the main foyer, and seemingly into other buildings. The special exhibition, Fait Main / Hand Made, was about using new technology or materials from whatever source into many strange and wonderful pieces of art. All the artists on display covered a wide spectrum of this very different style of contemporary art to show that they could compete with main stream modern art. Very absorbing, challenging and worth seeing. Although I wasn’t sure about some of them

As you can tell I am not that good at describing this really so if you want to know more and the correct description try this (I hope)

Then it was onto Berthe Morisot. She was a painter and a member of the circle of painters in Paris who became known as the Impressionists that included the likes of Cézanne, Degas Monet and Renoir. It was a major collection of her works from all over the world so we were lucky to see it.
We also saw a very strange exhibit by David Altmejd called ‘The flux and the Puddle’ this guy needs serious therapy is all I can say.
By this time the legs were weary coffee was required before the long walk via the Plains of Abraham (the battle remember, come on I don’t write all this for fun you know 😂😂) and finally back to the hotel to get ready for our 5:25am train tomorrow morning. I mean we must need therapy to have agreed to that little doosey of a transport choice.
Again the WiFi is not liking the photos being posted so I will update with those when I can ie look back sometimes as you never know what your gonna see. 🎁 of 🍫 🍫 🍫
Ciao 👋👋😎
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Quebec Day 2
I think! Days are beginning to blur again.
However today was the hop on hop off bus. We had our usual complications. Where to get the bus from for one. Reception was helpful and rang our tour as there are a few of these bus tours. We got directions and found it in time for the 11 o’clock. (Spot Jan?)

We got off that bus at about 1. We went all the way around once and then on again to the Museum, Musee de la Civilisation, which had been one of the early stops. The trip was slow due to the weekend traffic and the festival. The latter caused detours. In fact we were the last bus to be allowed through The Plains of Abraham (where the battle was [remember] and is now the major park in Quebec like Hyde Park, Central Park and Old School Park In Gerringong.)
We had earphone commentary all the way around. Way too much to take in and due to traffic, sometimes out of sync. But it was very good and gave us a great overview of old Quebec
The Museum was excellent.

Again just too much to see. The special was on London about the time I was there still. There was even a double breasted flared suit on display very similar to one I used to wear. So now I am history or something.

We had a walk around some of the other exhibits but time beat us as the museum closed at 5.
Walked back along the water front (damn cruise ships in today, gee they get everywhere these days haha) and passed a very old area called the Place Royal where a restored gun emplacement was and a whole load of tourist shops etc.

Then we took the funicular or cable cart up to the higher level to walk back to the hotel.

After dinner we tried out the FEQ (I can’t help thinking about Father Ted) show/arena up the road but it was a rap hip hop group and as it was in French rather lost a bit. So home we went via a gelato.
Hooroo 👋👋😎
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Quebec Day 1
(from yesterday)
Of course we were too early for our room as it was just 8am. But we left cases and are now having breakfast especially a bowl of coffee at Les Trois Garçons. It’s all very French here.
All the signs the streets the shops the maps the menus everything is in French with an English translation below where necessary. Announcements are French first English next. You expect to feel you are in France, but you’re not, it lacks that je ne sais quoi that chicness especially the people but it’s sure quaint especially here in old Quebec where some houses date back to 1600’s.
After being fortified by a big breakfast we set off to the city walls and a walk around to the Citadel.

Yes another Citadel, it’s all one side (French or English) seemed to do around here. This one was a working one (as in people worked here) and still occupied by an army regiment, the Royal 22nd. Consequently most of the Citadel was off limits unless you paid for a guided tour. You were shuffled in and out of the Museum area out into the rest of the place. As we were early we got there in time to see the changing of the guard. All up it took nearly an hour and a very grand if small event. Even the goat was paraded.

We then went straight onto the guided tour. It was all a bit quick even though another hour as you couldn’t really stop and read a lot of information on the wall plaques of the buildings nor even go inside the chapel, for example. However the guide made up for it with her enthusiasm and her ‘Ello ‘Ello accent. ‘I will sey zis inly wince’

The Museum was next. It was good but we had hoped for some history of the town as well as the Citadel but it was the history of the regiment focusing on the action they had seen. And to be truthful it was a struggle reading the English translations often in smaller print. But it was very well done and laid out.
Back inside there was no real cafe just machines so we left in search of coffee.
By this time it had heated up and being Saturday the crowds were out. We later found out it is Quebec’s summer festival - Festival d’ete de Quebec - it goes for 10 days. There are a lot of minor stages and the main one, on the Plains of Abraham where the brits (Wolfe) defeated the French (Montcalm) in just 26mins capturing Quebec for the English for ever and ever (amen)
Anywho we needed a rest and a shower before dinner. We had to wait for our room of course, but lounged in the a/c lounge as it was touching high 20’s outside.
Then we ventured out for dinner. Just round the corner we said like breakfast this morning. Exited the hotel into mayhem!

The place was teeming because it was Saturday and the first Saturday of the festival (Neil young was in main arena later that night for example)
Anyway after walking up and down looking at queues for every restaurant we chose ‘Chez Murphy’s Pub Irlandais’ and shared a pizza.

(And a couple of drinks much needed) We were also befriended by the table next to us especially by one guy. He asked me to take a photo of his group. Then began the battle of conversing as his English was as bad as my French but I had a go!! And we got on like a house on fire. I think.
At the end of the evening we think he invited us to go to a ‘Saturday Night Fever’ tribute show or something, with them. I think he was going to sneak us in. Told us to meet him ‘ up there’ everything seemed up there to him, and he would sort it out.
Well we did walk up there but not to meet him but to check out the stage up there. There was a Brazilian band Da Cruz knocking it out and they were terrific. Not sure if it was free inside the barriers but we stood with crowd just outside. At the end they asked for audience to come up and dance. And they did. Dozens. I think more than they thought including and old tramp who like to just dance hear the attractive singer. I just hope he didn’t smell as bad as he looked.
At the end of their gig we just had to go back to bed. End of a long long day.

Hooroo 👋👋😎
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Halifax to Quebec
Not a lot going on as we were getting packed for the overnight to Quebec.
It left at 1pm. We spent most of our time in the observation car at the back as our cabin was very small.

Went through a big storm but other than that, a guy with a cold sitting opposite at dinner and a hyperactive kid across from us were the only highlights

The train stopped 27 times (official times plus the odd freight train) of which most seemed to be during the night. The night was ‘interesting’.
We got off at a station outside of Quebec, about 30 mins outside, with nothing around. The train service had shuttle buses laid on but you had to have a ticket and no one told us that. So we waited at 6:30 in the morning for nearly an hour while the one(!) shuttle bus ferried the ticket bearing passengers into Quebec. We had to wait until the last trip of that bus, (the only bus), and he got us on.
Of course we were too early for our room as it was just 8am. But we left cases and are now having breakfast especially a bowl of coffee at Les Trois Garçons. It’s all very French here.

Au Revoir 👋👋😎
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Halifax Day 3
Today was a trip out to Lunenburg and Mahone. They are about 90kms outside of Halifax. The former is known for the largest fishing fleet (although we didn’t see any of it) the Lunenburg Academy and extraordinary architecture. I have attached a wiki description if you really want to find out about it if not.,_Nova_Scotia
As the drive out was mostly along freeway it wasn’t very interesting the kilted driver tried to entertain but wasn’t very good but he was trying!
He was very good when we got there and had a walk with him from the academy down to the shore.

The Academy. Like about 90% of the town it is built almost entirely of wood. This meant it had to close as a teaching facility duevto the fire risks.

Oldest house in town typical of the structure and as with all old buildings here has to comply with the Heritage Society thingy.

Second oldest church in Nova Scotia St John’s (The oldest is St Paul’s that was in blog yesterday as St Michael’s but blame Nellie). Sadly 50% of the original was lost in a fire early 2000 but community raised the. C$7m required to restore it and it was done wonderfully well.

This is a replica of the original Blue Nose. In days gone by when the cod was running such ships were out there.... fishing but they also raced against other fishing communities. The Blue Nosd won 27 (i think) on the run (or was it 13, look it doesn’t matter it won a lot and gave pride to the town. So much so that after the original was late dtvatvsea then some years later they built this replica. I have to say lovely looking boat.
I have a lot more photos but the blog restricts to 10 a day)
After a couple of hours here it was off to Mahone. A small seaside town known for its five spires from the churches there.,_Nova_Scotia

The three main churches here.

There are five spires/towers/steeples here you just gotta look for them.
We happily walked around grabbed some ice cream in Lunenburg and coffee in Mahone. The temp was a bit down on yesterday so much more tolerable. All up a pleasant day.
Tomorrow sees us on the train overnightbto Quebec (Jan’s idea!) so no blog for at least a day. Get over it we will return.
Hooroo 👋👋😎🕍
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Halifax Day 2 HOT!!
Today was hot. Bloody hot it got up to 32 today and felt it.
We decided to have a walk to and around the main park in town. A little belt place in the middle of town it has a rare half duck that floats around the ponds there. Even has a life size model of the Titanic, haha!

The Titanic is a big issue here as Halifax was the nearest main port to where it sank and many of the passengers that drowned ended up buried here, those they found enough of.

Then we went to the Citadel an amazing place. Over the years there have been four versions there all developed by the English to protect their interests in North America from the French the Yankees and the native indigenous tribes. We learnt that it was an important part of the English domination of the seas. Combined with port fortifications in Bermuda, Gibraltar, and then England itself, it was able to command the seas and trade passages for years by forming a rectangle with one of these ports in each corner. Halifax was a key port during the wars moving troops and goods across the Atlantic. It is one of the worlds natural and very large, protected ports making it ideal for all this. All this explained why Halifax was so important.
The Citadel is an excellent military Museum now with local students and cadets dressed up as troops nurses etc around the place.
We saw the noon gun fired .....

And wondered around imitation WW1 trenches .....

The actual museum was very good and detailed taken the visitors through the development of the citadel(s) it’s history and the history of Canada in wars since WW1.
We listened to bagpipes and drummers. And we were entertained one way or the other for over two hours.
By then the heat had taken its toll despite being at the highest point around it was still hot! And. Coffee called.

Saw a couple of historic places alone the way. A clock tower built by king George 3rd (can’t quite remember) when he was a prince and the governor of Halifax (well it sounds about right 🤷♂️)
And the original episcopalian church St Michaels. I think
(Hey I’m writing this after visiting Durty Nelly’s fgs)
Meanwhile back on the day....
We had researched and hopefully found a cafe that was supposed to have good coffee. We thought it was but as Jan said we have probably become desensitized to what good coffee is over the last six weeks.
Tonight we found where the restaurants were and ended up in one that was in the top restaurants in downtown Halifax.

Yeah I know. Well someone has too! At least it was good honest pub food and we needed to rehydrate didn’t we. And we sat outside as it was still well in the 20’s. There seems to be a lot of these sort of pubs in Halifax maybe the English influence.
And that was our hot day.
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Despite our adventures of yesterday we managed to get to breakfast before it closed at 10 and close it did they shut the doors!
And what I can’t believe for a Hilton hotel is they only provide cardboard plates and dishes and flimsy plastic knives forks and spoons. Second rate in my book prob third rate really for what we paying.
Anywho.... today was the trip out to a place called Peggy’s Cove about an hours drive from Halifax. It’s described as “an artist and explorer’s paradise....etc etc” and while it was a lovely place I did expect a bit more than was there but we found out only 35/38 people live there. But it was postcard picturesque as described.

Towards the end of our trip the fog started to roll back in

Back to Halifax and a very late lunch or early dinner take your pick. We went to Alexander Keith’s Brewery and sat up on the roof terrace. Very nice way to end he day.

Tomorrow is a quiet day so we will explore the foreshore area a bit more. On the way home we saw a few more interesting places plus did a bit of research. It’s forecast up into the 30’s so a Harbour trip may be a good idea. Hopefully we won’t be so tired after a good night’s sleep.
Ciao 👋👋😎
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Trip From Hell
I guess every holiday needs a disaster so you have something to talk about. Well we got ours yesterday.
It started off ok. Angus and Nys picked us up to take us to Cranbrook Airport. Weather was cool with a lot of low lying cloud around Fernie so you couldn’t even see the mountains.

We drove through a hail storm and by the time we got to the airport dark clouds were circling. The plane was late, very late, we were told due to the weather. And it was a small plane I am surprised Jan didn’t panic!

But because it was late, very late, the hour wait had to spare at Calgary to get the connection disappeared and we arrived just too late. Off to the ‘Care’ desk to be given TWO flight tickets. One to Toronto and then from Toronto to Halifax. A very long way round adding a couple of hours in flying time alone. By this time we had effectively lost a couple of hours. All went well to Toronto but then it fell in a heap. Our plane to Halifax was delayed then delayed some more then replaced and then delayed we left Toronto at 12:10 am and arrived at Halifax about 2:30am. And by some miracle our bags turned up too. Of course ther were no taxis just a few limousines for hire. C$65 and 40 mins later we were in our hotel and soon after that in bed and too soon after that getting up!
As I said all trips seem to have these days I just hope it’s our last. But lesson learned, leave a lot of time between connecting flights.
Hooroo 😎👋👋
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Fernie Last Day 😢
Yes we have come to the end of our two wonderful weeks in Fernie. But we crammed a lot in so buckle down sit back and take it in.
First things first Angus and I decided we would watch the Spain Russia match from the World Cup. Over 850 passes made by the Spaniards and never found the back of the net their only goal was an own goal. Not a very inspirational game. Russia won on penalties.
Then it was off to Silver Springs Lakes. It’s a bit of a way out of Fernie. After parking it’s a long climb up to them on steep slippery paths. The walking wounded, namely Nys and I with our knees plus her blistered feet from the marathon walk two days ago, struggled up and thought we had chosen an easier route than the other two. But we don’t know as we lost them. Well to be truthful they lost us. They did try shouting to us but as we weren’t quite sure where they were and we couldn’t hear what they were saying, it didn’t help.

It was all a bit over grown but luckily Nys knew a way and up she and I went

Until we reach our spot and looked out on the lovely lake.

We eventually found the other two who also found stunning views (so I’m told) and made our way back to the car. But not before we were plagued by thousands of mozzies all the time on this walk. Never seen so many. Nys and covered ourselves with Rid ..... twice!
We then went bear hunting, in the car of course, and drove back to Fernie on a logging road basically. Other than bear skat (poo) we didn’t see one. Angus rode over the poo!
Now we were thirsty so

The Fernie Brewery beckoned three of us as Jan doesn’t like beer.
I have sampled quite a few of the FB beers and have been impressed with them.
We bought flights and sampled just four of many. I had one, Free Fall, that was 8.6% proof. Nice beer. Thank goodness it was only a 5oz glass

Time to go back but first we went through town as today is CANADA DAY. There was quite a bit going on but sadly tha skies opened so Nys didn’t take Little Man on the pet parade. We had a look around the fair. Prob took us 20 mins. Then a late lunch.
Then it was packing and tidying before dinner at the Smokehouse which is prob our best eatery. Followed by a couple of rounds of 500 and one of 501 and so the day ended.
It has been fantastic here. I think we missed just two things we thought of doing and as one was a ski lift ride Jan wasn’t too upset 😂. We’ll miss our morning coffees and carrot cake at Freshies, and our walks worried about moose’s and bears. We’ll miss the gophers and even the train whistles blowing loud and long at all hours and we are very sad to leave for 2 obvious reasons. 😢😢 but it has be great to be here with them
Not sure what the internet will be when we over on the East coast but stay tuned!
Hooroo 👋👋👋😎😘😢
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Fernie Day 12
It’s Saturday so it’s golf day.
Angus and I decided to join one of his mates in the Saturday comp. It would have been two mates but the other was hung over.
Anywho, we had a good round and as it was my first walking 18 holes for about 8 weeks I was pleased to get through.
But afterwards I was a bit stuffed to say the least. So it was lounge around until we went to ‘The Pub’ (that is it’s name must have been a genius to think that name up, but it works!)

In the meantime Jan and Nys had a walk around town and caught up with the bin painters

Some pretty good efforts out there.
And that’s all folks
Ciao 👋👋🏌️♂️😘
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