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t--r-ass-h · 3 years ago
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A little study of Quannah Chasinghorse at the met tonight because she’s just so 😭
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t--r-ass-h · 3 years ago
AOT + JJK men as random pics i had saved on my phone PT 3
NOTE: another shit post while i work on some longer pieces ^v^ u can read part 1 and part 2 if you’d like :)
Keep reading
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t--r-ass-h · 3 years ago
ascendant aspects and how do people perceive you
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sextiles / trines
- ascendant/sun: this aspect means that you tend to demonstrate who you really are with some ease to others. there's not much difficulty being yourself with the people you have a first approach with.
- ascendant/moon: you seem emotional or emotionally open to the people around you. you demonstrate your emotions with harmony and a certain balance.
- ascendant/mercury: people see you as an innate interlocutor, a person who seems very intelligent and socially open.
- ascendant/venus: you are naturally charming, polite, gentle and harmonious. people see you as a balanced person who avoids conflict. you are very vain and attract people as well as wealth into your life.
- ascendant/mars: it is very natural for you to seek to strengthen your identity, and you may like to show your inner strength. this aspect creates a tendency to be someone who enjoys taking care of their own body, working out, going to the gym and sports.
- ascendant/jupiter: people see you as a very optimistic person who has the ability to bring joy and freedom wherever you go. this aspectcan bring you good luck with the people you meet.
- ascendant/saturn: a natural discipline is part of your personality. you are responsible, and convey an image of a person who is more focused on building your career and your goals. you might look more closed, but that might not be as strong. you are very practical.
- ascendant/uranus: for you, it is very important to have the freedom and space to be who you are. naturally, you look for these places in order to express your identity. you don't care about appearances, you care about the essence of ppl you know around the world.
- ascendant/neptune: you can appear to be an understanding, creative, intuitive person who is calm and patient when dealing with people. more than that, you care about the things around you and may have an ability to sense the emotions of others if you work on it.
- ascendant/pluto: your personality is very strong, and you have an ability to connect with the deeper things that are around you. in addition, your personality can go through several transformations in the course of your life.
- ascendant/sun: you have a personality that tends to draw attention, your ability to demonstrate your potentials and abilities is something that marks your way of being. you leave strong impressions on people, your personality seems stable and very strong.
- ascendant/moon: your sensitivity is a strong point and will appear to others through the image you pass. people will see you, therefore, as someone who is receptive and caring, who cares about the emotions of others.
- ascendant/mercury: very strong ability to communicate with people, ability to talk about any topic with anyone. possibility to meet people easily. great aspect for salespeople or influencers, as the first impression is the one you make, and it can be good if the person knows how to express themselves.
- ascendant/venus: your identity is very much based on seeking balance and being well with the people around you. you are artistic, aesthetic.
- ascendant/mars: extremely strong, independent, impetuous personality that people won't be able to easily influence. a person who not only sets goals for him/herself, he/she tends to achieve them. productivity can also be achieved through this aspect.
- ascendant/jupiter: you can be very kind to other people, you can convey an image of optimism and a lot of hope. people can see you as a very happy person who likes to have the freedom to do things.
- ascendant/saturn: you convey a very strong image of organization and discipline. you are a person that others will see as someone who will rarely be procrastinating and who has a personality focused on planning and being practical.
- ascendant/uranus: you have a strong need to relate to others around you in an impersonal and often social way, seeing what happens in the world around you in a more critical way. you convey an image of an independent and friendly person.
- ascendant/neptune: the image you convey is very focused on the idea of ​​a creative, sensitive, compassionate and intuitive person. your intuition about the people around you can be very strong. use this to your advantage. be careful not to be too influenced by the surroundings and not notice.
- ascendant/pluto: personality so strong that you convey an imposing aura to others. you can be dominant and bossy. you have an identity that tends to undergo some transformations in the course of your life, changing your way of being, but the opening to these changes depends only on you.
- ascendant/sun: you may find problems between what people think of you and who you are. personality that is not authentically expressed. lack of self-confidence and need for others' approval. sun and ascendant that don't relate.
- ascendant/moon: people may see you in a more "cold" way or as if you can't show your emotions in a good way to others, which can convey an image of lack of empathy and sensitivity, even if that just be an impression. you may not want to open up emotionally.
- ascendant/mercury: you may have an ascendant who is too attached to other people's opinions, you can't express what you think as well, and you may have a problem between what you think versus what you hear from others.
- ascendant/venus: you can be constantly on the move to please people and make a version of yourself that matches what people want. you can be a person very attached to standards and to satisfy society, leaving aside what your venus shows you of your worth, and what your ascendant shows you about who you really are [or who you should be].
- ascendant/mars: difficulty in imposing yourself, need to prove yourself. it may be that the person has a mistaken image of who he/she is, needing others to say who he/she is. energy may be low, and procrastination may be frequent. problems with energy and aggressiveness/defensiveness.
- ascendant/jupiter: you have a certain need for people to bring positivity, optimism and progress into your life. you may have some difficulty opening up to new and different things, diversity may be difficult for you. watch out for intolerance.
- ascendant/saturn: this person has an internal duality. while he/she wants to be very disciplined, he/she has an imbalance in that and ends up becoming so closed to new situations, opportunities. discipline comes as if the person is a rigid parent of him/herself, a teacher who demands too much. you may have problems relating to people because you have inner insecurities. but your need to be very serious and strong on the outside prevents others from seeing your real nature. ascendant and saturn can't act in the same life at the same time, when they act, one ends up canceling the other.
- ascendant/uranus: difficulty in exercising freedom in the construction of your identity. problems with worrying about the social issues around you. being very personal when you meet others. not being able to impose limits on how people see and influence you.
- ascendant/neptune: creativity that can't be expressed in a natural way, without looking like something bad to the native. sensitivity and empathy are somewhat restricted. wanting to prevent others from seeing your sensitive side.
- ascendant/pluto: you have an ability to regenerate and transform like no one else. however, there is a conflict between accepting your personality and the need to change and transform.
- ascendant/sun: you have a great tension between who you are (sun) and how people see you (ascendant). you may find difficulties between what a person thinks you are and who you are.
- ascendant/moon: your emotions can be very hidden from others, as if they were at the bottom of an iceberg that only you feel. your sensitivity to what is going on around you may be strong, however, there may be problems or difficulties in how to process the emotions you feel from others, as well as how to express what is inside of you.
- ascendant/mercury: what you think and rationalize may not be so well put out. your "business card" gives others the impression that you don't express yourself well.
- ascendant/venus: you may end up giving an image of a person who is not as suited to what the environment expects of you. your self-image can be quite distorted, and self-worth may be lacking. you may have the wrong view of yourself, believing you are not attractive enough. problems with self-esteem and caring too much about standards of beauty, especially physical standards.
- ascendant/mars: personality that conveys an image of imposition and of being strong, however, this strength is not always true, because the person doesn't see him/herself in such a way. the person may feel weak. the native may feel that he/she needs to be always evolving his strength, because deep down he feels weak. inferiority complex. aggression can end up emerging as a defense mechanism for a fragile and defensive personality.
- ascendant/jupiter: you may have an identity based on pessimism and on feeling that things will never work out for you. you may lack the energy to start things and throw yourself into something new. this aspect can prevent you from evolving and going through new phases in your life.
- ascendant/saturn: aspect that can generate a lot of discomfort, tension and low self-esteem. people sees their identity in a very belittled, critical way, always wanting to "improve", that is, they have a vision of progress, but it's quite hard progress because they have difficulty to achieve what they want.
- ascendant/uranus: a personality who wants a lot of independence and freedom, but who can use this with some exaggeration in his/her life. person who can be extreme in their ideals, hating any kind of outside intervention in their life, having trouble accepting influences and help, blocking access from others, which can create problems in relationships or when they meet new people.
- ascendant/neptune: many problems in expressing your artistic, sensitive and altruistic nature. the identity ends up denying Neptunian characteristics and keeps that to him/herself. in addition, you can be very confused about who you are, and despite your ability to develop intuition, you can be more impacted by the things around you and not even realize it. what complicates everything here is the unwillingness to let the points of this interaction between ascendant and neptune flow: empathy, creativity, spirituality.
- ascendant/pluto: you can have a personality that ends up dominating people too much, imposing yourself too much and not taking into account other people's opinions or influences even when necessary. you may be so tough about accepting influences that you prevent yourself from evolving in your personality. you may have a gap between your conscious and unconscious life, which also increases this inability to evolve.
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t--r-ass-h · 3 years ago
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Monster High - Cleo De Nile Doodle… it is very rough as I am feeling rough…Maybe I will draw this Cleo properly at some point. I also want to make my Gigi sketch into a painting.
 I have been stripping wallpaper, washing walls and painting in my new place and I think I over did myself. Pretty much feel like I am gonna vom but I thought I should probably do some art…. Now its time to sleep…
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
Modern au where hua cheng messes with the gods who insult xie lian at this time and age by messing with the stories and history written about them in various online sources bec burning temples is outdated. You insulted xie lian behind his back? You are now the god who put his dick inside a door knob hole and got it stuck. And it will be written in official sources for forever.
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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别下来,脏. Don’t get down, it’s dirty.
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
Natal: cancer sun, Leo moon, sag rising
Draconic: Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Virgo rising
Reblog with your natal & draconic placements!
I’ll start!
Natal: Virgo sun, Leo moon, Capricorn rising
Draconic: Leo sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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Levi will never admit it but he actually loves to cuddle :’)
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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( Source )
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto: *SCREAMING*
Endeavor, sprinting into the room: WHAT’S WRONG SHOUTO??
Endeavor: Because Shouto doesn't scream unless it’s an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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Knight Ackerfam is finished! They’re here and they’re ready to kill for their faves :,) 
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
Texting Levi
When he's at work (on a break)
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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Little known fact: Annie likes to cuddle.
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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They swoosh
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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AN: I am so sorry if those are lame, I really love the idea. Probably will make a part 2 because I want to think about better headcanons. This was one of the best requests I ever received, thank you so much!
Levi Ackerman
-Frowns at memes with such a disgusted look on his face.
-He would test each cleaning product he hasn’t seen. Even if some are actually useful, he would still be skeptical.
-Thinks about how that big fancy frying pan would make a great weapon. He is found one day practicing hits with it.
-Actually enjoys the variety of tea shops and how useful in-ear headphones are. He would actually use headphones a lot.
Eren Yaeger
-Once Eren finds video games it’s over for everyone. He would be a total noob at first, screaming while playing just the way he screams when killing titans.
-Is scared as fuck if he has to get into a car.
Jean Kirschtein
-He would become a vine star. He would have so many dumb and hilarious vines ever. (rip vine lol)
-Online forever on 9gag.
-If his phone ever activates Siri, Jean will search for Siri all over in the house, while talking with her. He will be scared to death.
Mikasa Ackerman
-Owns an Instagram account and I think it’s full of aesthetics.
-Already has a folder of random pics with Eren in her phone.
Armin Arlert
-Get him a kindle and he won’t get out of his room.
-Hello Wikipedia and WikiHow lol.
Sasha Blouse
-She cries for the first time when she opens the fridge.
-Her YouTube history would be full of cooking tutorials. Not because she wants to cook, just because she enjoys every second of watching the process.
Erwin Smith
-He would be a total disaster. Erwin would use the printer often once he finds out what it can do. He will lose it when it’s not working, using the good old slap on the machine, pushing each button repeatedly.
-Don’t introduce him to Facebook. He will use it like an old man on a social media site meaning that he will think that comments are private messages.
Hanji Zoe
-Would be the fastest to adapt. While Erwin is screaming in agony next to the printer, Hanji already makes the best of everything. Favorite thing? Netflix. Binges Sherlock, House MD, How To Get Away With Murder and every Marvel movie.
-Is even terrified or fascinated by the concept of contact lenses, there’s no in-between.
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t--r-ass-h · 4 years ago
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Little known fact: Annie likes to cuddle.
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t--r-ass-h · 5 years ago
Rate the pasta's on a scale from 1 to 10
This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Slenderman (OG)
A Roasted Moldy Pizza Crust
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