Invest today. Cash Out next month
Dear 546braodik, I was very furious when I listened to your voicemail last night. You know, I didtell you about last month but youre the one who was not interested inbuying at the time. It was trading for just 10 or 15 cents if I remembercorrectly. You cannot now blame me by saying I didnt tell you. Anyway bullshit aside if you are still angry about missing the first wave Imtelling you its not too late but you need to listen to me now and buy as manys.h.a.r.es of as you can on Monday morning before they get too expensive and ifyou dont its your own fault I dont want you calling me again and leaving meanother nasty voicemail. I spoke with my analyst buddy who is working on this specific stock-analysis andhe told me we should expect to see shares hit past a dollar within the next 30days. Do what you must. Take care Your bud Ellsworth
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StockTips Hi 546braodik, Hope all is well with you and the family. I know you reached out to me last month looking for a good investment amid this crazy market. I must tell you it has been very hard to find something solid. Theres very few hidden gems out there and I honestly didnt even think I would be able to find something. That being said the best Ive been able to find is RNBI and when I say best, it really seems to be a god send. I told a few of my other clients about it last month as it seemed pretty cheap and it has gone up by more than 50% since. Im giving you a heads up on RNBI because I spoke with a few of my colleagues and they agree that it will hit a dollar some time in the coming weeks. Dont tell anyone you hear this from me please we&;re suppose to keep it on the down low. The company operates in the legalhemp industry, apparently the sector has been going nuts since colorado and washington made the stuff legal and apparently RNBI is going to announce some big news soon. Not sure what it is but my source is usually pretty spot on. Take care and let me know if you need anything else. Ill keep you posted if I have some more news. (c) 2014. StockTips. All rights reserved. 7080 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90038 Unsubscribe
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Hi 546braodik
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Rent a hotel room and CALL to HONEY Agna Z. Bibles
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