"Journey Beyond"
11K posts
Home to my mumbling, re-blogging and art stuff | I'm the main blog for @secret-weapon | commissions are OPEN
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synthetictorque · 8 hours ago
average minos p-rank footage
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synthetictorque · 10 hours ago
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synthetictorque · 19 hours ago
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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synthetictorque · 23 hours ago
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So, I honestly just had this funky little idea of Shockwave with a removable head because honestly why not tbh 🤷 so, a not that different redesign from his prime design; but tbh most Shockwave designs are very similar enough to me that I didnt really think much on changing it 😌 but yknow. Just some waves being freaks. I guess it’s a little homage towards the empurata too. Other than that I didn’t really have other ideas but lowkey I’m open to hearing others
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synthetictorque · 23 hours ago
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synthetictorque · 1 day ago
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synthetictorque · 1 day ago
As a paramedic, Ratchet's alt mode in tfp driving around Jasper is hilarious to me.
We usually know who is on what ambulance unit and where the other ambulances are. They have GPS trackers on them/on the ambulance's phone, so dispatch can see where they are. Jasper is a small town, so their EMS/Fire dept is likely small as fuck. So the first responders all likely know each other and what's going on.
NO ONE can track this weird ass ambulance. Dispatch has no idea where it came from.
The other medics in Jasper being like "what fucking unit is that" or "what THE FUCK." There's no department marking or star of life on Ratchet's alt's exterior, but it has lights and sirens. Which is fucking illegal.
The other first responders talk about the Mysterious Unknown ambulance that is OCCASIONALLY spotted like a fucking cryptid. It becomes an inside joke/urban legend.
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synthetictorque · 1 day ago
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synthetictorque · 2 days ago
Found my fav Slay the Princess route recently. Dragon my beloved. Your horrifying beak mouth was an impossible-to-refuse lip syncing challenge 💖
Shoutouts to @blacktabbygames for making such a cool game!
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synthetictorque · 3 days ago
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ms paint study from 2021
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synthetictorque · 3 days ago
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synthetictorque · 3 days ago
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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synthetictorque · 3 days ago
So, Discord has added a feature that lets other people "enhance" or "edit" your images with different AI apps. It looks like this:
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Currently, you can't opt out from this at all. But here's few things you can do as a protest.
Go to Roles -> @/everyone roles -> Scroll all the way down to External Apps, and disable it. This won't delete the option, but it will make people receive a private message instead when they use it, protecting your users:
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You should also make it a bannable offense to edit other user's images with AI. Here's how I worded it in my server, feel free to copypaste:
Do not modify other people's images with AI under ANY circumstances, such as with the Discord "enhancement" features, amidst others. This is a bannable offense.
There's few ways to go around this. First, you can go to , select Help and Support -> Feedback/New Feature Request, and write your message, as seen in the screenshot below.
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For the message, here's some points you can bring up:
Concerns about harassment (such as people using this feature to bully others)
Concerns about privacy (concerns on how External Apps may break privacy or handle the data in the images, and how it may break some legislations, such as GDPR)
Concerns about how this may impact minors (these features could be used with pictures of irl minors shared in servers, for deeply nefarious purposes)
BE VERY CLEAR about "I will refuse to buy Nitro and will cancel my subscription if this feature remains as it is", since they only care about fucking money
Word them as you'd like, add onto them as you need. They sometimes filter messages that are copypasted templates, so finding ways to word them on your own is helpful.
This is what they care about the most. Unsuscribe from Nitro. Tell them why you unsuscribed on the way out. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY. They're a company. They take actions for profit. If these actions do not get them profit, they will need to backtrack. Mass-unsuscribing from WOTC's DnD beyond forced them to back down with the OGL, this works.
This impacts their visibility on the App store. Write why are you leaving the one-star review too.
Regardless of your stance on AI, I think we can agree that having no way for users to opt out of these pictures is deeply concerning, specially when Discord is often used to share selfies. It's also a good time to remember internet privacy and safety- Maybe don't post your photos in big open public servers, if you don't want to risk people doing edits or modifications of them with AI (or any other way). Once it's posted, it's out of your control.
Anyways, please reblog for visibility- This is a deeply concerning topic!
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synthetictorque · 4 days ago
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uk people, sign and share
non uk people, share but don't sign
terfs, get in the bin and stay there
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synthetictorque · 5 days ago
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"You gonna get your attack dog?"
Drew a bit of art for a ship very near and dear to me haha! Due to RP-verse shenanigans with Andersam, Dahlia is Alton's own Guardian in that canon. Suffice to say she's QUITE good at turning on the intimidation to that end if need be.
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synthetictorque · 5 days ago
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synthetictorque · 5 days ago
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“The Minister of Joy”
Doctor Moore has had a long and storied life. But not all know everything about him.
Th13teen | Wicker Man | Spinball | The MOJ | more to come…
— Diary of Doctor Lucius Moore.
2005 Today has been an eventful day. Though Black Hole has closed, we find ourselves with two new Representatives on park. Elias and Rebecca have taken to their new speed with considerable ease. We could not be prouder of our two foundlings. If Amber could see them... I only hope she finds her happiness. Ah- I must go. Lord Death Chicken is mewing at me.
2010 The Oblivion project still runs well, and Mel has begun work towards a new creation. The Research and Development department is loathe to follow her idea- but a majority may still be hanging on to the days of the Sanctuary. If she can deliver the base AI in a executable way, we may have a miracle of science to witness. If I never get another letter from Kelman on bringing those archaic ways back, however, I will be quite pleased.
2013 We found two people in one night, a few months ago. I don't know how they survived- but I am glad to say it seems we yet again have more Representatives to the Ministry's name. If Mother were up here right now... I am sure she would despise the way things are run. I am glad she cannot see it, as cruel as that may sound. These are strange days.
But I am no longer a stranger to things without rational explanation.
Annnnd that's Moore! Our wonderful Minister of Joy. I'm sure he has no skeletons in his closet, not at all. I can definitely tell you his cat is spoiled beyond belief though, and is the most boiled chicken thing in the whole park.
Interested or know someone who is interested in a commission? More info on my emergency comms here!!
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