Corona Borealis
25 posts
"And even if you ask me to stop, it's too late Because I've already decided that fate It's not a distaste, it's pure hate and it pulsates And it works its way around my brain"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
▲ "Are you glad your aboard the serenity"
'Glad.'It wasn't a word Land would ever choose himself. Not unless perhaps in mocking but he was forced to consider the term now.
Being pleased wasn't something that came in large amounts, wasn't something he considered himself unless he recently won something. The current situation came with too many conflicts for Land to consider himself happy with it. There were too many strings attached, too many ghosts that accompanied him amongst the hall. Glad wasn't the word he'd use.
"I'm still here aren't I?" He rose a brow slightly, his eyes remaining bored as they flickered back and forth over hers. "When I'm bored I'll leave." This wasn't particularly true. Land couldn't leave, not without a dismissal despite how he felt, not that he sensed a desire to leave anytime soon. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Kafka is a curious one by nature. In his line of work, this trait pays well. He asks questions and receives details on things he doesn’t understand, picks up on cues one would’ve otherwise missed that are important. Sometimes he just happens upon a lucky trail that leads to new methods to make his job easier. Of course, there are plenty of times when he veers a little too far into nosy territory and he winds up in trouble. He’d make a list but it’d likely span a few yards and he considers those moments lessons learned.
Its his curiosity that leads him to the current area where Serenity’s newest crew member sits. He doesn’t think he can truly be blamed for wondering about him since the position he’s occupying is Sullivan’s assistant. Sullivan is meticulous and a near perfectionist when it comes to his job. He’s toyed with the idea of asking for Sullivan’s help organizing his secret cache but that, of course, means getting to the location of the cache itself and with Argent on his tail, he’s hesitant to do so. Point being, he’s never struck Kafka as the type to want assistance. Then again, Sully can be surprising when he wants to be.
Admittedly, Kafka’s just wondering what the guy (Land, he believes it is), is like.
He approaches the other male, meeting his dark gaze when he looks up, head tilting to the side as finishes crossing the distance between them. He looks a tad on the bored side though whether its from the crossword puzzle or something else entirely remains to be seen. “Kafka,” He replies to the question, a friendly smile on his lips as he continues, “And you’re Land, right? Sully’s new assistant?”Land tapped his pen on the table three times following Kafka’s questions, the sound low and taunting in the place an answer ought to be. He was evasive. It was usually a trait that came with some sort of skill, an ability to avoid things without others noticing or catching on but Land himself lacked any sign of this ability. That or a lack of trying.Land didn’t see a point in beating around things, didn’t find it useful. More often than not it wasted time. It seemed a meaningless game to play.
Land tapped his pen on the table three times following Kafka’s questions, the sound low and taunting in the place an answer ought to be. He was evasive. It was usually a trait that came with some sort of skill, an ability to avoid things without others noticing or catching on but Land himself lacked any sign of this ability. That or a lack of trying.Land didn’t see a point in beating around things, didn’t find it useful. More often than not it wasted time. It seemed a meaningless game to play.
Without lifting his head to offer a glance, Land scribbled a word down on the paper. 
23 Across: Kafka.
It would surely make the rest of the puzzle impossible but much like a leg jerking when hit, it was a reflex. Land himself never much looked into it. It was easier to just let things be the way they were, no point in questioning the nature of it all. Even then though, under all the denial and dismissive carelessness - It was self-defense. 
With his rude antic already setting the mood, Land lifted his eyes to return Kafka with a bored stare again, his eyebrows low so that he could see the hairs through his lashes, the mass obscuring the top of his vision. He probably looked like a child throwing a monotonous tantrum. The screaming and kicking were absent but an unprovoked distaste must have crept across his brow bone where everything went straight. He offered no words, simply waited for the conversation to carry on. Usually, they did. 
It Will Come Back
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
▲ did you ever resent me?
Land only moved his eyes to glare at Jaewon. “If you keep asking stupid questions I will.” He had a way of ruining any positive thing he could possibly say, masking kindness with an indifferent, often threatening, remark. It was uncontrollable. Like trying to hold your breath; you could only resist for so long before your body caved.
Resentment wasn’t an emotion Land was sure he could recognize. He ignored so many things that if you made a map of feelings and opinions he wouldn’t be able to tell which were his own. Perhaps he did resent Jaewon at some point but even then, it wasn’t for the reason Jaewon was asking about now. He glanced at Jaewon again, the wheels of his mind turning with the thought of elaborating, giving a direct answer but as he stared at the others face the wheels broke down and he simply turned his head away. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
when he finds land, he doesn’t speak right away, barely looks at him, barely acknowledges him at all, stepping past him for a moment to saunter over towards one of the nearby windows, peaking out at the void, dotted with stars. people on planets always say things about how the stars are so bright, so shimmery, like pretty, fluffy daydreams they could reach out and shower themselves in, but jaewon knows better, knows they are nothing but burning mounds of chaotic fire, each one more dangerous than beautiful, and the space between them even more so. “you’re making a ruckus,” he tells his newest crew member somewhere behind him, gold eyes still staring out for a beat longer before turning and pinning themselves on the other male. “are you doing it on purpose? to be funny, or some shit?”
Jaewon and Land had very little in common. On the surface, it was no more than their black boots and even those had vast differences to a point almost no one would consider them the same. Land had a way of ruining any meaning that accompanied whatever reached his grasp. Something like boots being half covered by a pair of sweatpants dismissed to a simple function of being a shoe. It always seemed to him, that Jaewon was the opposite. Everything the man touched carried sentiment or purpose and in some ways, Land envied this. It was a shallow envy, buried deep under thick steel walls that ran for miles under his rib cage. Land made a point not to envy anything. It was useless to want. While Jaewon’s boots stood for power and authority, Land’s were nothing but a last resort, an only option. While Land’s boots barely thudded through worn soles Jaewon’s demanded attention. It’s how Land heard him coming.
The eye contact was short, almost dismissive as Jaewon made his way past Land but something in Land’s bones said he wasn’t going far. If this wasn’t about Land’s inability to make a decent impression then it was only a matter of time. 
Unpleasant was an understatement. He knew he was difficult to talk to, unpredictable, uncooperative, rude, dismissive. Sometimes, he wanted it to be understood why but he knew better than to want. It wasn’t worth explaining. He could always change it, try harder but the idea almost made him nauseous. Land rather toss himself from the ship, suffocate in space than give in to anyone again. With Jaewon, he listened because it was his choice. Somehow, the action was justified to himself.
He knew they were coming but the words still caused his jaw to tighten, a twinge threatening to press on his chest and the things that rested beneath the think skin there. For reasons Land refused to understand, it annoyed him most when Jaewon didn’t get it. 
It wasn’t his fault, of course, Land never explained, never would, and so how was he to know? Still, because Land refused to ask Jaewon questions, simply just trusted there was always a reason he had expected the same. It wasn’t worth asking for though. As far as Jaewon was concerned, Land probably didn’t deserve it. 
Land stared back at Jaewon, his eyes guarded in their own darkness, their steel walls pressing harder to the surface. He didn’t answer for a long moment, his muscles relaxed but unmoving as Land forced any emotion back into its chains. 
“I don’t do funny.” 
‘gimme a shot to remember’
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
▲ + what's your favorite foods?
Land only offered a glance at the question, his eyes returning to watch the absent-minded work his fingers executed. 
Food was rarely something Land thought about; a necessity and after years of being deprived of it, he learned to eat whatever was handed to him. There was a point he ate bugs for a source of protein. He had his preferences, of course, things cold and sweet but he could never afford it and when he could, it wasn’t worth the money. For Ephriam to be asking, he probably had some kind of plan to ‘surprise’ Land. That’s what Land figured anyway. It still didn’t change the fact that Land felt like a straight answer was a betrayal of his person.
After a long pause, he graced Ephriam with an answer. “Anything fresh.” He sniffed, the air rushing in through one nostril as if to break down any importance his words might have; add a casualness to them. “Have anything rotten and I’ll eat that too.”
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Send ▲ plus a question your muse has always wanted to ask mine, and my muse will answer without judgement!
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Land only made it a few steps before they slowed to a halt. There were so many things in the world you couldn’t control. You didn’t get to choose most things. More often than not, your choices were fake, shallow shadows, an illusion of control. It usually didn’t matter much what you did, no matter what there were consequences. Sometimes, you got to choose which brick hit you in the face but that was about as good as it got. The fist wrapped around it always felt the same, his nose bled in just the same way. The only thing Land had control over was himself.
It crept across his face before his feet even stopped moving, slowly pulling till the skin around his cheeks were tight, lips almost hurting. It never quite met his eyes, the dark orbs there always blank. He resembled something between a Chester cat and a superhero villain, teeth shown to the point gums almost exposed. Sometimes, it felt a lot like winning - to smile like this. 
( @syjaewon )
Even slower than it crept he turned, the heels of his boots the only thing holding his weight above the ground. He stared at Henry a moment, his eyes flickering back and forth between his but they never met. Henrey was watching him through the holo and so Land lowered his own to meet the camera. Jaewon was sure to be pissed off about it but as far as Land was concerned, he’d get over it. 
His hand lifted to his head, his two fingers touching just above his eyebrow in a salute and without a word, he turned, disappearing around the corner. 
move, dodge
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Sullivan has taken to calling Land “Lamp” just in case it’s not clear that he disapproves of his intrusion on his job and personal space. He’s taken great pleasure in introducing him as such to the vendors he’s friendly with.
OOC: Land wouldn’t even correct him because Sullivan would probably like it too much if he thought Land cared. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
HC: In the process of learning Land's cues on what's good and what's not, Kafka has noticed Land has a habit of rapping his fingers on his leg or the table when he's starting to get bored with a topic. Kafka tries to switch topics when this happens unless Land shows signs of being done with the conversation in general.
OOC: Honestly, it’ll be hella nice for someone to actually catch on and not antagonize him because it’s too easy to get him going. He needs this. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
HC: Since seeing Land working on a crossword the first time they met, Kafka tries to find ones for him whenever he can. He never says they're from him, just leaves them and a little note "hope this one proves challenging" where Land can find them. He does, however, sometimes go to sit with him because he likes watching Land solve them, it's interesting to him since his own vocabulary isn't that extensive.
OOC: this is too funny because Land only has basic reading skills so he would probably just get mad every time he’s being watched.
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
After land took the punishment that jaewon was supposed to get, as kids, jaewon went looking for land for hours, but couldn't find him. He thought he was dead. Land is one of the main reasons why jaewon has always hated slavery
OOC: Not going to like this gives me a few ideas so thank you. I honestly can’t wait to eventually have a detailed plot for that.
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
For the first couple of weeks onboard serenity, jaewon forces land to eat all his meals with him, just so the crew can get used to seeing them together and understanding that jaewon isn't kicking him off the ship. They barely talk during those times but there is a good camaraderie between them
OOC: That’s actually so funny. I’m sorry everyone hates Land and Jaewon get’s the shit for it
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
HC: the next time land and henry met after the disastrous encounter with the boxes, henry already didn't even recognise him anymore. since he wasn't busy, he proceeded to offer land a hand with the things he was carrying and even helped him with a few more chores before going back to his own thing.
OOC: Land would literally just be like good, here and give him shit. Like that’s right, fix your mistakes. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I will tell you whether or not I approve of it.
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Between The Bars
Nights on ships often didn’t find silence. The crew and passengers alike tended to lurk, keep busy in all different hours of the day and when everything was a near constant darkness, it was hard to keep track of time. People used the sun to set their internal clocks and as it was, space often lacked that amenity. Time was almost nonexistent here, always moving, a constant stand still. There was no real measure for it. Hours and days blended together and if it weren’t for seemingly set time schedule Land was forced to acknowledge, he would become lost in it. Still, even with the ridiculous boxes, he was to move around during certain hours of each day, finding time to sleep was hard. 
For so long sleep was dangerous. It was letting your guard down long enough for others to invade your space, press themselves closer to your being. It was a lack of control. Despite how long he had managed to gather some of that, the anxieties of it being ripped didn’t falter. The Serenity was new, the people were foreign to him to a point his body would keep pumping whatever adrenaline it could muster to keep him conscious. Eventually, he would cave. There would only be so long he could carry the heavy circled under his eyes, roam the halls with shifting eyes as to avoid closing them. He was barely holding onto that now. 
It seemed he wasn’t the only one. She seemed to hold the same slack under her eyes, shadows catching there in the dim light. Land paused, his eyes unmoving as he examined her. If he were to guess, they weren’t kept awake for the same reason. Lands shoulders always held a stiffness, a ready to fight. This seemed to be missing in her, absent. His feet remained in the middle of the hall a long moment, his figure casually braced, arms crossed. The look in his eyes dark, not that they could be anything else but behind that was interest. He debated approaching her, asking why she was up in a way that almost seemed like he demanded an answer but he held that back. He wanted to see if she would approach him. 
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
TAGGED BY: @syxkafka​
BOLD THE AESTHETIC FOR YOUR MUSE italicize what can be taken 2 ways.
the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. / “just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl.” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “YOU’LL GET IT DONE BEFORE THE DAY IS UP.” / guilt that isn’t yours to have./ it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / THE FAMILY YOU NEVER HAD. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. /DROWNING, BUT YOU DON’T SAVE YOURSELF. / “you’re getting better.” / “they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly.” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / HAPPINESS IS THE BEST FRONT A MAN CAN TAKE. / “i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before.” / you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “oh god, what have you done?” / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. /
adam & eve in the garden. / A TEMPTRESS IN CRISP BUTTON-DOWNS. / “fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you?” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side. / yves saint laurent black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. /crisp green apples piled up on the table. / YOUR SHOES ARE SHARP, BUT YOUR WIT IS EVEN SHARPER. / what a pretty one, they say. / you laugh without humor. / A SOFT, HOLLOW SPOT SITS IN YOUR CHEST. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “what are you going to do with all of these pills?” / an empty bird’s nest. / BROKEN PENCIL TIPS. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that.” / “they weren’t there when it happened.” / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “you’re the best friend i’ve ever had.” / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when you were nine. / court hearings. / “I miss you.” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / blackbird screaming / wake in nightmares / are you an illusion? / I don’t feel real.
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sylandcoltrane-blog ¡ 7 years ago
My muse knows how to…
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive stick | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | do magic tricks | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read Morse code | pick a lock
Bold all that apply:
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