sykuui · 4 years
Restless Nights | Rintarou Suna (fluff)
“You look high.” “I don’t do drugs though.”
A/N - suna fluff! because suna stans are whoreknee 25/8 smh. I wrote this at 3am so that’ll tell ya a lot about my sleep schedule
Warnings - none, unless you’re painfully single like me. in that case, tw: happy couple
suna x gn!reader
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Suna wasn’t a heavy sleeper. Clearly. It was evident from his dark circles and puffy eyes, along with the way he always looked like he was about to pass out.
Was it his Internet addiction? Maybe he was rewatching all five seasons of Black Mirror. Or perhaps his newly found addiction to Among Us in which he would overanalyze the game and find the impostor in the first ten seconds. You would never know.
“Rin, you look high.”
The chocolate haired boi furrowed his eyebrows at the remark. “Excuse me?” He shifted his weight onto his elbows, leaning back towards you. “I don’t even do drugs.”
“You look absolutely zooted, my dude.” You say, grabbing his face between your two hands and squishing it, his soft skin seemed to melt into your palms.
“I dho noft.” His words sounding distorted as you pressed even harder. A smile forming on your lips as you stared lovingly at your annoyed boyfriend.
“Fine, we’re both going to bed at,” you glanced at your phone, “you know what, right now. No if ands or buts.”
Rolling his eyes at you, he silently agrees and drags his feet as he follows you into the bedroom.
“So what now.” Crossing his arms, he adamantly stood in the doorway, as if he was waiting for you to do something.
Mimicking his pose, you stand in front of him. “We sleep,” you say, flicking his forehead and launching a pillow onto his face. “Dumbass.”
He throws it back at you, except a million times harder, knocking you onto the bed. Processing what just happened, you push yourself up and look up to see him holding in a laugh, the corners of his lips twitching.
“Boy I am not your damn teammate, save that arm strength for your games you moron.”
He finally breaks out into laughter. “The- the way you just-“ he copies the way you fell over, holding his stomach. “You shoulda seen the look on your face, you face planted so hard.” He wheezes, slamming his face into the mattress. Doing a whole re-run of what he just saw as a way to rile you up.
“Suna Rintarou,” you take a deep breath, “WE ARE GOING TO BED.” Grabbing the blanket, you throw it over him.
“Sure hunny.” He retorts, pulling you in for a bear hug.
You scoff, but nevertheless oblige to his actions and snuggled up against him.
“You smell like my grandma.” You say, face pressed into his chest.
“Aw, thank you.” He replies sarcastically.
“Yeah,” a short pause, “she’s dead though so-“
“Shut up, will ya?” You can feel his chest move as he lets out a short laugh. You laugh with him, savoring the moment for as long as you could.
“I love you,” you card your fingers through his hair, “so much.”
“It would be awkward if you didn’t-“
Gently slapping your hand over his mouth, you lovingly whisper, “shut the fuck up.”
“Fine i love you too I guess.” He rolls his eyes.
And just like that, you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Maybe he’ll get enough sleep this time.
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sykuui · 4 years
Black Skies and Headlights | k. tsukishima
A/N - I wrote this in 30 minutes, apologies if it ain’t that great :/ I wrote this for my amazing bff bb @hoe-for-tsukki !!! Inspired by a tiktok comment lmfao
Warnings - mentions of blood
Tsuki x gn!reader
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Tsuki was the type of boyfriend who would go to the ends of the world to if you told him to. He loved you like no one had ever done before and he made sure you knew it. Whether that meant adjusting his schedule to fit yours or simply remembering the way you liked your sandwiches cut, he had it all down to a ‘t’.
Tsuki was no stranger to a bad temper and tried his best to keep his anger under wraps when things got difficult with you. When you told him that you hated being yelled at because of past trauma, he felt something pull at his heart and a need to protect you from everything and anything overtook him. So whenever you both got into arguements, he would speak his mind in a calm tone to make sure he wouldn’t frighten or harm you in any way. A way of showing that he really cared for you.
As your mind blurred out the verbal abuse from your current boyfriend, tears pricked your eyes as you remembered him. Tsuki. The love of your life.
“Are you fucking listening to me right now?”
As you faded in and out of reality, the voice grew louder as you sat in silence, sounds of sirens filling your ears as the memories of him came rushing back. The image of him lying dead in the road, blood surrounding his body as you just stood there, unable to move, was burned into the back of your head.
If only you had done something, if you rushed to his side and held him as you waited for the paramedics.
You didn’t say goodbye. You were a spectator of his death, and that guilt is eating you alive. Who knows how many days you have left.
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sykuui · 4 years
Hey y’all just wanna say that I’ll be replying to comments using my other account @jaehyupp because replies aren’t working for me on this account ^-^ just a heads up
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sykuui · 4 years
A Stitch In Time | T. Oikawa
“Some paths just aren’t meant to cross.”
A/N - back at it like a crack addict folks, enjoy!
Warnings - angst. hella angst. verbal abuse kinda and oikawa being a big bitch >:(
The champagne had gone flat. The food had gone cold.
The waiter was once again at your side, it was like he never left. “Ma’am we’re closing in ten minutes.” The words bouncing off of your ears.
You gripped the napkin that laid flat against your lap, forcing the tears back into your head with feigned mind control. “Of course.” A short pause, a choked sob. “I’m so sorry to have kept you overtime.”
The check was placed in front of you. A swift swipe of your credit card and the meal was payed for.
Your texts remained unread. Refreshing the screen won’t do anything.
He forgot.
But that wasn’t supposed to affect you. Tooru Oikawa. The Olympic volleyball player. Of course he was busy, he has a life apart from you.
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The sound of keys in the door. The sound of high heels on tile. Back home, and he wasn’t there.
Maybe, just maybe, he’d pick up the phone if you tried again. Third time’s a charm, as they say. The ringtone echoed through the empty house. Once, twice, thrice.
“We’re sorry, your call could not be-“
A long beep follows. He wasn’t answering your calls.
“He’s just caught up in some work, that’s all.”
How much convincing does it take to believe a lie?
You would know, wouldn’t you?
So you sat there. In your heels and dress. Holding the present that you had bought him in your right hand, waiting for him to come back.
And he did, eventually.
The sound of the keys in the door woke you from your slumber. You fell asleep waiting for him.
Two in the morning.
“Tooru?” Pushing yourself off from the couch, you peeked into the doorway.
“Yeah it’s me.” He sounded frustrated. Kicking his shoes off, he strode straight past you and into your shared bedroom without any further acknowledgment. You bent down, picking up his bags and shoes off of the floor and followed him.
“Where would you like me to put these?” You tried sounding cheerful for him.
“The fuck am I supposed to know. You’re the one who does everything around here.” A flick of the wrist as he pulls the watch off.
“Of course.” Muttering quietly, you place his stuff on the chair nearby, wanting to at least give him his present before he goes to bed.
“Tooru it’s ok that you missed our anniversary so I thought I’d give you the present I’d gotten you-“
“Shut the fuck up y/n. The stupid anniversary is the least of my fucking concern right now. Are you dense? Like genuinely dense?” The veins popping from his neck as his voice grew louder.
“No I just-“
“I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit right now. Okay? How do you still not understand the position I’m in compared to you. Of course you’d never know. You don’t work nearly half as hard as me and yet you have the audacity to act like you’re in charge here?” The bag was abruptly ripped from your hands and it’s contents dumped onto the bed.
He picks up the small box and opens it, a short laugh escaping his lips as he sees the contents.
A locket that had the very first picture that you had taken with each other when you’d met all those years ago. A smile played on each other’s lips as you posed for a picture in a picture booth at the mall. It was one of your favorite memories. A memory of better times.
The sound of metal hitting the ground was heard as your gift to him was tossed across the room.
“I don’t think you understand your position here.” A menacing look gracing his usually calm face. “I am higher than you on every level and nothing you did or will do will ever come close to what I’ve achieved. You’re nothing. Compared to me. Get that through your thick skull.” Heavy footsteps grow louder as he closes in on you.
“We’re done, y/n. I don’t know why I ever thought dating someone as low as you was a good idea.”
He was right though, wasn’t he? There was nothing special about you. A simple person with a simple life who somehow ended up with a world famous athlete. You both belonged to different worlds, your paths crossed briefly yet a piece of you was taken with the current he had brought along with him.
He was your everything, and you were nothing more than a fleeting glance to him.
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sykuui · 4 years
glint | kuroo tetsurou
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Kuroo x gn!reader
Genre: angsty. very angsty.
Warnings: none!
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Saturday 12:16p.m.
“Take two, tetsu!” You crouched on the dusty floor, holding your stomach from laughing so hard, surrounded by empty cardboard boxes.
You pulled yourself off the ground, the sweat making your tshirt stick to your back. Dust from the surroundings making your skin feel dry. However, the discomort was nullified by the presence of the tall, bed headed boy standing in the middle of the room. You and kuroo were finally moving in together after 2 years of dating.
He looked at you with one brow raised, amused at the sight. “This is the fifth time you’re making me do this.” He rolled his eyes, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. Getting back on your feet, you tiptoed towards him, sliding your hands into his hair.
“Come on. One last time.” You whispered putting your forehead against his. The sweat and grime creating a mingling tickle.
Hands wrapped around your waist. A short release of breath was felt on your lips, sending tingles down your spine.
“One. More. Time.”
Breathing a sigh of content, you lifted your eyes to meet his, a grin threatening to break out. God, the things this boy did to you.
“Tetsu..” you started. “What do you see when u look into my eyes?”
Kuroo chuckled, his eyes glinting in that special way that made your blood pressure drop. The grip on his shoulders tightened as you steadied yourself.
He looked into your eyes like he was staring directly into your soul. You, like an open book, with chapters upon chapters of writing and endless thoughts with your conciousness being the only thing binding them together. And kuroo, the one who reads you, studies you like the most complex yet delicate being known to humankind, with a catlike grace and elegance as if he might shatter you like with the slightest touch like the wing of a butterfly.
You two were like the sun to each other’s moon. Yin and Yang. One completing the other. Nothing could ever, and will ever, get between the two of you. At least that’s what you hoped.
Monday 6:59a.m. 3 years later
The blaring of your alarm clock woke you. Groaning in your still half asleep state, you throw a hand out to the right side of the bed, expecting a warm chest or back to meet it, but to no avail.
Your arm lands onto the cold sheets next to you. Eyebrows furrying at the lack of of your boyfriend on the bed you both shared.
He must’ve woken up early. Did he say he had his practice earlier than usual? You couldn’t recall.
But it was a Sunday, there was no practice on sundays. You shake your head out of annoyance. Memory was never your strongest suit.
Slipping out of bed, you head to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
The person staring back at you in the mirror looked different.
“Were my eye bags this bad?” Pulling slightly at the thin skin under your eyes. Dark circles evident on your usually even toned skin.
Kuroo had developed a habit of going out with his friends recently and you, being the worrywart that you are, would stay up till odd hours of the night waiting for your beloved to return.
At first he would be back by 11pm, but as the months progressed, so did the time he came back home. You tried not to let it bother you. Why should it? You loved and trusted him and you knew that he was capable of taking care of himself. But was his safety concerning you? Or was it perhaps..
The sound of running water paused your train of thought as you splashed cool water onto your face. You couldn’t bring yourself to ever talk about it with him. Something would always come up whenever you both found time for yourselves.
“Sorry, my friends and I planned to meet up.”
“Not today, sweetie. I’m taking some extra time with the team. I’ll be back soon.”
“I’m at kenma’s house. Wont be back till late.”
Every line followed by a chaste kiss to your forehead and a wave of goodbye while you stood there, eyes cast down with a meek smile on your face. You’ve pretty much heard every excuse in the book. So there was no reason as to why you couldn’t just confront him about it.
Wiping your hands on the towel, you stepped out of the bathroom and exited your shared room.
“Tetsu?” You called out into the halls.
No answer.
“Tetsu baby, are you home?” Maneuvering past the furniture and into the kitchen, your eyes searched the house. Empty.
He hasn’t come back.
You feel the same gripping feeling creep its way into your stomach, twisting your intestines into knots.
“Where are you?”
There’s one person who knows where he’d be if it wasn’t you. Kozume Kenma.
You pulled your phone out of the pocket of your shorts. A slight tremor in your hands as you unlocked it.
The line ringed thrice before a soft voice was heard. “Hello?” A sleepy voice spoke.
“Kenma! Im so sorry to wake you up like this but do you have any idea where kuroo is?”
“K-kuroo?” His voice’s tone much louder than before.
“Yes..” your fingers tapped anxiously against the back of your phone, awaiting a response.
A few moments of silence passed.
“Uhh I think he crashed at Lev’s place. Why? Did he not come home last night?”
“He didn’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t know who else to call so-“
“No, no. Please, don’t apologize. I’m always here to help.” Kenma cut you off. “It’s what friends are for.”
A sense of relief washed through you at his words. “Yes. You’re right. Thank you, by the way.”
You ended the call and grabbed your keys from the basket near the shoe rack.
Everything is ok. He’s probably just got drunk and stayed over at one of the boys’ house. Nothing to worry about, you affirmed to yourself.
Lev’s house was about a block away so it took you not more than a couple minutes to arrive.
You parked the car on the curb just outside of the house and pulled the keys out of the ignition.
You stayed glued to your seat for a minute, fingers drumming against the steering wheel.
“You can do this.”
A click of the car door was heard followed by the sound of your shoes against the asphalt.
Nervously biting your lip, you press the doorbell.
No answer.
You weren’t about to spend the next who knows how long waiting for one of them to open the door, so you gently push down on the knob. It’s open.
You stumbled inside, almost tripping over a pair of heels that were messily thrown right in front of the door.
A familiar pair of shoes lays near them. Also messily thrown around.
Kuroo’s shoes.
It’s Alisa’s shoes. It has to be. But doesnt Lev live alone?
Your heart started to race as you tried to convince yourself that it was nothing to be concerned about. Taking a deep breath, you decided enough was enough and that you were going to have to talk to kuroo about this.
You wandered further into the house, in search of your boyfriend, carefully avoiding the spilled juice in front of you.
The place was a mess. Beer cans and fast food packages littered the floor and tables. Broken glass and used napkins too. A party of some sort must’ve taken place. Surely no person can live like this.
After a couple minutes of looking around, you saw kuroo’s jacket hung on one of the chairs.
He’s here.
“That’s enough kuroo!” A female giggle resonated through the halls. You froze.
No. No it can’t be. You’re hearing things, the stress of the situation is just messing with you.
“Tetsu!” The female voice chimed again.
Tetsu.. that was the nickname you gave to him. The name that only you, were allowed to call him by. The name you gave him when you both had first met all those years ago. So who...
A breath escaped your lips, a burning feeling developing in your throat. The sound came from the room right across you.
Your mind now clouded with adrenaline.
Loud footsteps were heard as you speed walked towards the source of the sound. You didn’t care anymore. You just wanted your boyfriend back.
Your hand met the cool wood of the door and stopped. Eyes stinging from the tears. It’s now or never.
Pushing the door wide open, your breath caught in your throat at the scene in front of you.
Kuroo was on top of another girl. She was a giggling mess and he was no different. Their backs were turned to you.
They didn’t even notice you.
He didn’t even notice you.
Your emotions came crashing down like a tsunami as you stood there in silent pain. Watching the love of your life, with another girl.
A loud sob escaped past your lips. Slapping a hand over your mouth, you crumpled onto the floor on your knees.
Your eyes slowly lifted themselves up to meet his.
“How long... how long have you been..” It hurt. It hurt so bad that you couldn’t even finish what you wanted to say. What emotion were you even feeling? Anger? Sadness? In that moment, You felt everything and nothing at the same time. You lifted up your hand. The one which had the engagement ring on it. His promise to you. Did it mean nothing to him?
“No- it’s not what-“
“No, Kuroo. Don’t say anything.” you cut him off.
“How about you do one last thing for me, yeah?” Tears streamed down your face and onto the floor. Blurring your vision ever so slightly.
“Baby please-“ he started.
“No. No don’t.. don’t call me that, ok?” Forcing a smile onto your face, you gestured for him to sit down in front of you.
His mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he stopped and obeyed.
“Okay..” you wiped the tears from your eyes, not that it helped in any way.
Placing a hand under his chin, you tilted his head to the side. Hickies covered the nape of his neck down to his collarbone. Taking a sharp inhale, you let go.
“You don’t have to do this y/n. Just let me explain.” He grabbed both of your hands with his. The familiar feeling of his warm hands felt like home to you. He felt like home to you.
“Kuroo please. Just stay quiet.”
“Tetsu.. what do you see when you look into my eyes?”
“No, not right now not this.” He pulled you into his chest, arms coming in contact with your back. “Y/N please just listen to me.”
Breaking out of his hold you hold his arms in place.
“Kuroo. Im begging you. Do it for me. One last time.” Sobs escaping your lips. “One. More. Time.”
Your searched for that familiar glint. The one that would appear every time you asked him this question. It never mattered how many times, the glint and the look of pure love in his eyes kept you alive. It was your energy source and you needed it. You needed him.
His eyes stared into yours, but not the way that they used to, the love, the admiration, everything that kept you going... was gone.
And at that moment you knew, that you were fighting a losing battle.
It was time to let go.
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A/N: ahhh ok this is my first ever haikyuu short fic! I hope you liked it (`・ω・´) constructive criticism is always welcome and pls feel free to leave any comments!
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