16 posts
I lean to you, numb as a fossil. Tell me I'm here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
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bias list ♡ 2/? female biases ☼ jennie kim [blackpink]
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
“Your name is so strange.”
On anon, tell me what your muse thinks of mine and they’ll try to guess who it is!
“Strange?” Well, Ingrid can’t say she’s heard that one before. Surely her name isn’t that obtuse? Especially considering some of the more interesting and unique names on board.
“What’s so strange about it? There’s no silent letters, you spell it more or less like how you say it- seems pretty straightforward to me!”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
I think you're naive as shit and you try too hard to come off tougher than you are, and someday it could really get you killed. I worry about you and I dont like worrying about people.
On anon, tell me what your muse thinks of mine and they’ll try to guess who it is!
“People die. No amount of worry or street smarts can change that.” Naive as she maybe, Ingrid is irked by the way it’s used to deign her ‘weak’- someone in need of care. She’d gotten this far, a real big girl now who can tie her laces and braid her hair. If something were to happen, it’d be on her and her alone.
“I feel like worrying kills people quicker. If you don’t stop, you’ll turn gray soon enough and heaven forbid the wrinkles that stress leaves! You can fuss and fret as much as you like, but no amount of prevention can delay the inevitable… Not even you, Jaewon, can convince me to ditch my naivety, even with that core smoldering glare. Weakness is strength in the right circumstances.” Her hand is small in comparison to his, soft yet strong as she gives his a thankful squeeze. “If it’ll help you sleep though, I’ll toughen up a bit. Get some tattoos, shave my hair into a mullet and who knows, maybe I’ll start listening to more death-metal music. That could be quite exciting.”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
i think we should really get to know each other better, if ya know what i mean.
On anon, tell me what your muse thinks of mine and they’ll try to guess who it is!
When the message alert flashes on her phone, Ingrid isn’t sure how to feel about the rather… amorous anonymous text awaiting her.
“It’s hard not to know what they mean- like, could they have been anymore direct?” Her cheeks flush despite the underlying sleaze-laden intent behind the words. As far as she was aware, Ingrid had caught no lingering eyes, so as the identity of the sender,her mind could not conjure a single name. 
“I might’ve agreed if they’d said it to my face. A lost opportunity, ha…”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
Your just another pretty face aboard this ship, what makes you special?
On anon, tell me what your muse thinks of mine and they’ll try to guess who it is!
“Nothing makes me special.” There’s no false assumptions about Ingrid’s position on the ship, no disillusions of worth nor ego. It’s meant to be vaguely offensive, to draw out an innate need to impress her unknown aggressor, yet Ingrid can only offer them a shrug and a nonplussed grin. “I’m more than okay with being like others. There’s a lot of good people here, pretty or not… Sometimes it’s not about trying to prove yourself as an individual, but rather, how you work with others- something that you might have trouble with, evidently. If you want to talk-out your aggression sometime, feel free to hit me up chickpea.” If she had to hazard a guess, on who the sender is, reluctantly, a name comes to mind. Audrey- outspoken against companions, although Ingrid doesn’t know the women personally, there’s always been an underlying thought that the other rejects femininity with a vehemence, unless it suits her. To be conventionally ‘pretty’ and polished, appeared to rub her the wrong way.
Hopefully, it isn’t who Ingrid thinks. That would be a shame.
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
On anon, tell me what your muse thinks of mine and they’ll try to guess who it is!
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
"Despite everything i'm still human."
This is the third time Ingrid has sought Jaewon out at thedarkest of hours. Asides from the comforting hum of machinery, there’s onlytheir voices to be heard and reflected light glowing on their cheeks. His eyes are spectacular, Ingrid thinks(although she has not yet worked up the courage to tell him so), sharp, shrewd-human. With a strong image and thickskin comes the impression that one is as emotive as stone, yet, is there anyoneon this ship that feels more thanJaewon?
“Curious, isn’t it? Our ability to bleed no matter how muchhatred we swallow- you think our veins would be blocked with all of thedarkness we consume.” She doesn’t know his personal story inside and out, yet, but it doesn’t take much to realizethe calibre of individual this ship attracts. “How do you do it?… Stay humandespite what you see… What makes you bleed?”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
“we are what we are.”
“Well, when you put it like that…” Ingrid’s got two things onher mind; Kafka is a cheat and there’s noway in hell she’s giving up her watch. She indulges his smug attitude,batting eyelashes as she stalls for time. “How can I blame you for being sotalented?” Laying her praise on thick, she shows the male her brightest grin,stars and admiration in dark brown eyes. Sure, he can probably sense thesarcasm behind her cooing, but it’s less about how convincing the woman can be, but rather, how quick she could be. “We’re only human. Built to covet thepossessions of others- I guess you could say we were born to be thieves, everysingle one of us.”
It’s all bullshit, tied with a golden bow, yet its boughther enough time to plot her escape. Although they’d split a wine bottle betweenthem, Ingrid’s confident that she’s sure-footed enough to run from the messhall, even if it means abandoning her pack of playing cards (still messilystrewn over the table). With a calculated flick of the back of her hand, herempty glass tips over, rolling over cards as she jumps to her feet. Not thebest distraction, but it’s enough. Ingrid pushes herself out of her chair, runningthe opposite way to her abandoned glass, laughter echoing through the quiethalls as she makes it to the doorway and slips out. Now if only she can make it to her room before Kafka catches up.
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
“please take me back to when i was yours.”
“i needed - i needed you.”
“now we are strangers.”
“we’re too similars.”
“i want him but we’re not right.”
“i should go now, quietly.”
“what a mess i leave.”
“i’m sorry if i smothered you.”
“we are the wild youth.”
“you broke my chest.”
“most of us are bitter over someone.”
“i’m forever missing him.”
“we’re still sleeping like we’re lovers.”
“leaves nowhere to go.”
“they can kill without warning.”
“you always find another place to go.”
“you can try to forget but i won’t let you.”
“we’ll be nothing but dust.”
“don’t bring tomorrow.”
“i already know i’ll lose you.”
“i’ve tried to escape.”
“despite everything i’m still human.”
“i think i’m dying here.”
“give me touch, because i’ve been missing it.”
“just so i can feel something.”
“just take me back into your house.”
“i’ll escape with him.”
“i’ll go home.”
“i’ve been thinking that i should see someone.”
“i used to dream of adventure.”
“is this called living?”
“if you leave when i go, find me.”
“will you run away?”
“i was drunk again.”
“you’re not a friend - you’re nothing.”
“i think i should be a little more confident.”
“keep the nightmares out.”
“i can’t live without you.”
“take me home.”
“you’ve got a second chance - you could go home.”
“you could still be what you want to.”
“you’ve got a warm heart.”
“i know you regret it.”
“i still wonder why.”
“i can’t erase it from my mind.”
“did she give you what you’d hoped for?”
“don’t think about the consequences.”
“don’t you dare look back.”
“i want you so much.”
“i hate you.”
“thought you said you didn’t feel pain.”
“we are what we are.”
“i look out for you.”
“i’ll do whatever you say.”
“we learn from the ones we hate the most.”
“i’ll never be your lover.”
“i don’t know where he’s going.”
“we’ve got nothing to say.”
“i think we should run.”
“we’ll just keep each other as safe as we can.”
“i don’t want to be alone when i’m in this state.”
“i’m losing my friend.”
“it’s a terrible night.”
“then i’m alone again.”
“we’re dying.”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
👀 + what's one place you want to visit more than any other?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
A C C E P T I N G !
“I’ve traveled a lot, so truthfully, no place particularly jumps out at me…” Her brow furrows some, taking a few more seconds to ponder the question. “I haven’t visited Beaumonde or Higgins Moon, nor do I really intend to. The pollution is a guaranteed health risk and I’m too paranoid about my vocal chords. The troupe actually refused to travel there for that and a few other reasons. If given the time though, I think I’d like to go to Sihnon. It’s my home planet but I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than a few weeks there at a time. It’s truly magnificent!”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
👀 + were you really in a circus troupe?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
A C C E P T I N G !
“Not a circus troupe, a troupe of performers.” She clarifies, refilling a rotund wine glass. Setting the bottle down on the table, Ingrid can’t help but roll her eyes with a conspiratorial grin, leaning over the table to murmur, “Although just between you and me, it’s a similar premise and I may or may not be able to balance on a tight rope… And I can do the splits all the way to the ground.” Nothing quite like a humble brag over a glass of wine and cards. 
“You’ve got a face for acting Kafka- ever considered trying it?”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
👀 do you think you'll ever return to the people who raised you? why or why not?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
A C C E P T I N G !
It’s a quiet conversation held only a few days after boarding the Serenity; Jaewon and his crew had come into her life at just the right time, two months since leaving the troupe and one month before living away from them would burn a hole in her pocket. Naturally, most on the ship had no reason to trust the newest passenger- it didn’t make her any less desperate for a bit of warmth or conversation. Homesick as could be, perhaps her choice in a late-night confidant was odd but when she had been wandering, bones aching from having been so self-reliant and uncertain, there was something comforting about the stoic captain sitting alone at the bridge.
“I don’t think I can.” Her voice doesn’t need to be loud for her hurt to be heard. Sitting on an empty square of control-panel space, she’s conscious to not let her boots scuff the metal panel beneath her. “It’s sort of one of those situations where if you leave, you leave for good. They’re pretty strict about their concept of ‘family’.” It feels weird to talk about it in such a detached manner, yet a lifetime of playing someone else has made it all too easy to drift out of one’s head, defensively distancing herself from the underlying pain that Jaewon’s question brings.
Quiet, she sits for a few seconds longer before pushing off the surface she had turned into an impromptu seat. “I’ve pestered you enough for one evening I think.” Golden eyes looking into hers, the woman feels somewhat embarrassed at her own transparency, an open book before the other. He isn’t your agony aunt Ingrid!
“Let’s just say you’ll be stuck with me a little while longer, Captain.” She ducks her head in respect, before excusing herself with a softly spoken, “Get some sleep.”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
👀biggest regrets?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
A C C E P T I N G !
“My biggest regret huh?” Soft pink lip purse in thought asIngrid takes a moment, legs curled up beneath her on the soft yet worn couch inher quarters. When she answers, it’s with a bitter-sweet grin.
“I had hoped when I left my troupe, things would go smootherbut I guess not all things can go to plan… I’m not really a regretful person-no, I prefer to treat most things as a learning experience. Got too little timeto live being weighed down by past predicaments… Although-“ She pauses,sheepish as the woman hesitantly adds,
“I may regret not asking you to repeat your name sooner. Ican’t believe I was walking around, calling you Everett! I feel so bad!”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
👀 Do you think you deserve to be aboard?
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
A C C E P T I N G !
“Well, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be on the Serenity.” Ingrid hesitates, uncertain grin in place as she looks at the other woman; only having been on the ship for a few weeks, the thought that others may question her place on the ship hadn’t crossed her mind.
Well, until now.
“I paid to come aboard and I’m more than happy to help out as needed. From what I’ve seen so far, the Serenity is home to quite a few unique characters who have been given a chance to be something better than what they came here as… I think most deserve a chance, don’t you?”
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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syingrid-blog · 7 years ago
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jennie ♡ for anon (cr: 03 & 05)
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