sybersonic · 18 hours
The names Practice
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sybersonic · 1 day
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Fish Observation Chamber Cup (2023)
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sybersonic · 1 day
yeah i have an outside husband lol i know its unethical but he just loves exploring
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sybersonic · 4 days
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sybersonic · 5 days
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sybersonic · 6 days
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so that's what theyre called
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sybersonic · 6 days
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some things are always the same
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sybersonic · 6 days
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Sergiu Ciochină (Moldovan,b.2001)
Home is where your heart is
Oil on board
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sybersonic · 6 days
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the wheel of life
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sybersonic · 6 days
in my mind if dragons were real then western and eastern dragons would be only distantly related species filling the same ecological niche across different continents. but due to visual similarities got called the same thing in English. and it would be one of those things that you hear on trivia game shows and go "oh that's neat" about and then move on with your day, like how tanuki get lumped in with racoons even tho racoons are musteloids and tanuki are canids. do you see my vision.
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sybersonic · 6 days
i made this exactly one year ago and i still think the idea for it is good
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it can happen to you every moment PSA please dont rotate 2d creatures
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sybersonic · 6 days
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The prompt was ‘detention.’
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sybersonic · 7 days
Life is so beautiful idk why I’m on tumblr lol
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sybersonic · 7 days
I think it’s time I do everything I ever wanted
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sybersonic · 9 days
some of y’all need to engage more in the Factory Reset activities
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sybersonic · 10 days
can i come over and implant false memories of us being childhood friends?
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sybersonic · 10 days
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