Ground Control to Major Tom; I showed you my dick, pls respond.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
❛ I HAVE ENOUGH money for a coffee in my pocket. that is literally all my wealth at the moment. art supplies are more expensive than they should be… and i get a discount for helping out on the weekends, so that’s saying something. ❜ he murmurs as he rummages through his pockets for the aforementioned money, tired eyes barely sweeping up to look at the line they stood in while waiting at the cafe. he hadn’t slept in two days and he was pretty sure that half of his blood was coffee by now. his habits weren’t exactly healthy, but most artists’ habits weren’t, right?
( @sxnggycjin! )
his own brow furrowed in concentration as he thought over his own possession of money. just like the other, supplies were proving to be more expensive than he’d like, leaving him with little to his name. thus saw him routing through his wallet like a crazed man; quick and panicked. “i have a little bit left over that you can lend or something. i’m half considering selling my body on the street corner for some extra espresso shots, honestly,” said matter-of-factly, he gathered what spare change he could and held it out as an offering, just in case the other couldn’t scrounge enough.
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renovating for… @sxnggycjin !!
◸ ! ◿ ——— ` WHEN IT CAME TO joey and gyujin, things were always a competition. who could eat their meal the fastest, who could make their bed the fastest, and who could carry the most amount of laundry without dropping it to the bedroom in a certain amounts of seconds. so it was no surprise that the day they went to the festival together, they were competing at every single game together. joey liked seeing the way gyujin would SQUIRM when he realized how much upper body strength joey had, all from the job they had outside of going to school. gyujin had seen joey swing a hammer before, so why was he always so shocked whenever they were easy to pick things up that most other girls couldn’t? joey didn’t like being called a girl anyway. they were always on the prowl to prove it as well, and today was the perfect chance, and in front of gyujin, too. joey swings a hammer over their head and hits the bell on the carnival game’s machine. a grin surfaces on their face as the light bulbs illuminate one by one to almost reach the top. throwing the hammer to the side, joey turns around to face gyujin with their arms crossed and says, ❝ beat that you PUNK. ❞
while gyujin was fully aware of what, exactly, joey was capable of--he was also the type to turn a blind eye and reign in blissful ignorance. his ego remained intact due to the fact, he could underestimate and play along to his own fragility. and despite him being as strong as he could be given his schedule, with working as a security guard outside of school work, too, he could admit that he wasn’t the strongest at everything. hence came festival games and the like. a test of ability as well as strength, two of which would vary between the two friends. while one would be better at one thing, the other would be better at another. it was the game they played, and they surely played it to bring down the other ruthlessly. the hammer was his worst enemy, though. a show of strength through the ability of swinging something down in line with gravity. lord help him now. he’d chosen to stay silent, already doubting his ability. he could swing a mean punch, could carry more than the average person--but this was actual bullshit and he was on the verge of throwing a tantrum to prove it.
as much was shown when his own score reach just below their own. face reddening at the show. “i think this game’s rigged.” he’d dare utter, feigning aggravation as he turned to them. “i’m gonna sue.”
#tHIS IS MORE THAN OKAY MY LOVE OMG I LOVE U TOO#➤ t h r e a d ┊ ❛ poisonous mind and a razor tongue ❜#ft. joey#bau!event
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❛ —— one out of.. what.. ❜ he thought out loud. it’s not he was ACTUALLY calculating the probability of hitting someone with a golfball, but it was definitely something he had high hopes for if given a shot at it. even though he found things like this at least a little entertaining, the idea of the school holding a FESTIVAL still put a bitter taste in his mouth. from where he and gyujin currently occupied, they had a clear view of the school from such an elevated surface. his dull face remained unfazed as he glanced down at the sea of people. they all looked happy, cheerful, lovey and or all the above. it made him scoff out of disgust and a slight hint of jealousy. before he would yack all over the place, he looked back at the other and held out a golf club. knowing this could be a decent activity over the lit up area, he felt the need to ENCOURAGE a little bit more. ❛ i’m aiming for the popcorn stand, ❜ he informed. ❛ you ? ❜
@sxnggycjin !!
there was almost something therapeutic about the ordeal. the steady aim and fire, or the mindless hit to see where exactly one could position the ball--something he never thought he’d participate in, would turn a blind eye given the opportunity; he found himself enjoying. if not for the severe loneliness of realising just how few friends one has during a social gathering as ‘grand’ as a festival. the whole thing seemed far too fluffy--you had to know people to properly appreciate, or at least be willing to throw yourself through a throes of knowing you were to suffer through other people having the time of their lives, it didn’t particularly sit well with him. he’d only just decided where he was going to be aiming said golfballs, having previously been hitting them wherever saw fit at the time.
“here’s to hoping you get it in the actual popcorn--that’d be hilarious,” he told, grinning. “i’m aiming for that overly zealous couple by the ramen stall. they’re grossly cute and i’m sure i’m going to develop an aneurysm because of them.”
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[ sms ⌲ gyujin ] hey babe !! [ sms ⌲ gyujin ] haven’t seen your cute face today ??
| closed for @sxnggycjin |
[ sms ➤ mi na ] hi baby [ sms ➤ mi na ] oh? you haven’t?? [ sms ➤ mi na ] should i put you out of your misery and come visit??
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@loveriddled // closed starter
there was an excitement about gyujin; bright grin stretching from ear to ear, bright doe eyes locked onto the screen of his camera as he eagerly skipped through recent images. having finally complied enough pictures for his soon-to-be completely portfolio, he could finally settle back with responsibility and bask in added free time. which lead him to quickly walking through campus, barely paying enough attention to his surroundings to make a just decision. as much found him colliding with the back of, what he assumed was, another student; camera falling from his hands to hang around his neck by its strap. the male immediately began to collect himself, taking a step back. “shit, sorry i--” it was only when the other turned around, he’d identified the victim of his clumsiness. features hardened, eyes distant as he looked away. “sorry. didn’t mean to walk into you. there goes my record of avoiding, huh?”
and despite the venom in his voice, his chest felt tighter and he struggled to breathe.
#➤ t h r e a d ┊ ❛ poisonous mind and a razor tongue ❜#ft: jinsol#i hope this is good enough bby! and you don't have to match length
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still sipping at the drink, he finally managed to shrug off the blanket, now starting to feel a bit too warm in its cozy depths. thankfully whatever it was that he had seemed to be clearing up quickly, but its lingering effects certainly didn’t make him sound very healthy. offering up a slight smile, at the mention of his habits, his shoulders shrug up and down as he sets the tea back down.
—— ❛ i see the morning plenty of times, its the middle of the day that doesn’t get to experience me in my full glory. yeah i’m fine. its sound worse than it is, really. it’ll be gone by afternoon. ❜
gyujin would watch closely. as much as he rarely exposed his true intentions through words and the like--more so a psychical enthusiast--he could still admit as much through visual means. he’d calmed significantly when he’d noticed the other’s illness had settled, a good sign if any. for that he could soften.
“a shame. the best sex is when the sun’s still out, you know. are you sure? have you been taking anything for it? i feel like i have to act like your concerned mother for anything to seem fine.”
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june certainly hadn’t expected to meet the other’s eyes, and instantly, they regretted it. instead of running into someone who realized that the room was occupied and apologizing and leaving, a favor was asked of them. if not for the other scoffing, maybe it wouldn’t feel so bad. the dancer wasn’t sure if the bit of the language barrier made the words sound worse than they really were, but there wasn’t anything to do - and june wouldn’t ignore someone who wanted help, even though it sounded almost more like a demand or something. this didn’t seem like the appropriate situation to try and ask what exactly he meant by his words.
“uh, i think there should be some starting two down from this one. do you want me to go see if that one is open?”
gyujin waited for a response, a restlessness about him. if circumstances were different, perhaps he would have been far more forgiving; such is, though, saw otherwise. through the tapping of feet, and knuckles whitening under the force of his grip on the strap of his bag--as much was clear. though he did consider for a moment; if what they said is true, and he wandered alone, perhaps he could save mentioned hassle. though judging how his day was going thus far, falling into a trap of fate wasn’t on his to-do list.
“if you could, i’d appreciate it,” gyujin offered a curt nod of the head. he’ll have to play nice, for a short time, at least. “knowing my luck, i’ll be wandering around this place until i’m physically thrown out for wearing track lines into the floors.”
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i’ll be getting to replies in a little while, and replying to open starters; but if anyone wants a closed starter or something (whether we already have a thread or not), like this post my dudes!
#➤ o o c ┊ ❛ it is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender ❜#I can't write open starters to save my life so this is as close as it gets
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you love hoodies. you love shorts. dogs are better than cats. it’s hilarious when people get hurt. shopping is torture. sad movies suck. you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter. you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega. you used to be obsessed with power rangers. you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. you go to your dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps. you used to collect hockey or baseball cards. baggy sweats are cool to wear. it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours. you love to go crazy and not care what people think. sports are fun. you talk with food in your mouth. you sleep with your socks on at night. you have fished at least once.
you love to shop. you wear eyeliner. you wear the color pink. you go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport. you hate wearing the color black. you like going to the mall. you like getting manicures and/or pedicures. you like wearing jewelry. you cried watching the notebook. dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. you don’t like the movie star wars. you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid. you like putting make-up on others. you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am. i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
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a hand reached out from the depths of the blanket and managed to find the tea that sat steaming in a mug on the table in front of him, normally graceful fingers struggling to grip it properly for just a moment. the noise that slipped past his lips was something between a chuckle and a cough and his nose wrinkled at the sound before letting himself indulged in a sip of the drink in hopes of getting rid of the lingering sickness in his throat.
—— ❛ ugh. sunrises are pretty enough but i don’t wanna be awake to see them most of the time. besides, i hate how weirdly wet everything is in the early morning. you sit anywhere and immediately your ass is wet. its the worst. ❜
something flashed in his eyes at that--while he tended to guard himself from his own emotions, he couldn’t help but feel even slightly concerned for the other. it was in his nature to be, after all. thus led him to leaning forward, hands resting on the table, as if eager to jump whenever the opportunity would arise to offer aid in any way he could. a sucker for helping people despite having none himself.
“it’s kinda refreshing; morning dew. might do you some good getting out in the morning, anyway. it’s force of habit getting out during early hours, what with one night stands and all--can’t be helped. you look like you’re about to hack up a lung or two, though. you good?”
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the door opened, but june didn’t even notice at first. the dancer’s swift movements continued, almost as if they were in a trance, and if not for the mirrors in the practice room, they would’ve kept on dancing. as if they had noticed something feeling off, june suddenly stopped, not really paying any attention to who had entered, focusing more on being caught and interrupted. they weren’t mad, just a little surprised - though it sounded more as if they were almost annoyed by being barged in on. june didn’t mind having people watch them dance (actually, they loved that), just wanted people to knock first.
“did you need something?” their words were quiet, almost cold with a glance that looked a little intimidating, but the words themselves were neutral. walking to turn off the music, they ignored the other person to grab their water bottle before looking up.
models and the like were the downside of taking up a photography major. as much as he’d love to progress through the course on his own, without the aid of strangers or those he’d barely known; he couldn’t point a camera at nothing and expect to pass. hence the majority of the time, gyujin had a tendency to approach whoever he felt fit his aesthetic to model for him; mostly for free, seeing as though his financial situation was at an all time low, once again. the meeting place this time was, ever likely, the dance studios. they hadn’t specified which room the meeting would take place--only that the room would be one of the few open and occupied at the time. thus resulted in the male walking in on the wrong person; without realising it at first, no less.
the voice piqued his interest, imploring eyes meeting the other’s through the mirror. though the glare threw him off immediately, made something within him boil. “a break, but i guess i’ll have to make do with you, huh?” gyujin scoffed, pulling his camera bag further up his shoulder. “reckon you can be helpful and point me towards the other open studios? saves me the hassle.”
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HASEUL GLANCES TOWARDS THE OTHER, her head tilted to the side as she gives him a once over trying to feign nonchalance as she did so. one of her bad trait is her ability to not remember people & their names, resulting in getting caught in the middle of uncomfortable situations a handful of times. although it’s not her fault they don’t make the hook up memorable. the girl b l i n k s, confused at his answer, wondering if she heard it right. “ none ? ” she echoes, trying not to sound too shocked. haseul shakes her head, removing her phone from his sight as she claps her hand in front of her, “ well, ” she starts, her voice dripping with saccharine. “ i wasn’t ASKING about other girls on instagram, now was i ? ” of course she wasn’t, most of the time she was only thinking about herself. “ when.. or if you have sex, do you whip your dick out & stick it in immediately ? no, right ? you wanna do some foreplay first ! make them anticipate it & all ! that’s why there’s no ass picture here, that way people can anticipate the dessert even more. ”
to that, the male rolled his eyes. frankly had enough of others thinking they were better than the people around them based on nothing. with no goods to back up the claim, and certainly nothing special about nights spent under sheets with the affects of alcohol running through veins. as a result, he was already growing bored of the exchange. didn’t know what he’d expected; certainly not to be ridiculed, as always. but, he took it in stride--dead eyes and the like to back his case. “then don’t ask at all if you don’t want the comparison, baby. simple,” and it was that simple, he thought. he was a photography major for a reason; to be critical of pictures, no matter their intention of medium. “your analogies make no sense. weren't you just saying you want the viewers to make out as if they’re skipping dessert to eat you?” he’d questioned with a raised eyebrow, leaning forward, “pardon my language, but if you’re going to make out as if you’re something worth eating, at least tell me your tits are the appetiser, and your ass or pussy the main course. you’re making out as if dessert’s needed after that. way to sell yourself short.”
#gyujin forever just done with everything#➤ t h r e a d ┊ ❛ poisonous mind and a razor tongue ❜#ft. haseul
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“ HELP ME OUT, WILL YA ? ” & without waiting for any sort of response from the other, she leans f o r w a r d in her chair ( well aware of wearing a low cut top on this beautiful day. ) haseul holds out her phone, the screen showing a selfie of her laying on the beach angled in a way so her face & bikini top are visible in the picture before swiping left, revealing ANOTHER picture taken in the same minute & swipes it again. “ so, which one of these screams more ‘ i’d pass on dessert so i can eat her instead ? ’ ”
gyujin raised an eyebrow at that, sitting across from the other. knuckles pressed to his temple as he leaned against the arm of his own chair. entirely uninterested, though more-so inclined to at least look as much. chocolate gaze scanned over the images shown, though; he could see the intent, but from experience there were other goods that more-so begged to be flaunted. “none. surely you’ve seen the girls on instagram or whatever else; they tend to go for the ass. that way you’ll have a line of people who passed on dessert to eat something specific. see?”
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—— ❛ i was awake at four in the morning, making mac and cheese and listening to german radio stations while sweating out a fever. so… that was my weekend ❜
bleary eyes stare over at the other as he pulls the heavy blanket further around his shoulders. he was feeling better but he wasn’t risking losing the rest of the week of filming just because of some stupid cold.
—— ❛ why does the world hate me? ❜
[ @sxnggycjin ]
the male raised an eyebrow at that. a strange notion to progress through at such an early time in the morning, though he, himself, felt inclined to remember his own oddities. perhaps couldn’t compare, though he wasn’t proud of it nonetheless.
“because cuties like you have to suffer to put the world in balance. my morning wasn’t much different, though--i chose some project that required me to compare the night to the sunrise. sitting outside during early hours of the morning with no sleep is a ball ache.”
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lmao i disappeared almost immediately and i regret
I’ll get to replying to IM’s and starters in a second, though
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yoooo, it’s g (20, gmt)! i’m super excited to be here and i honestly can’t wait to get into interacting with you guys and your characters. it’s a little late here so i’m gonna be awkward and skip unnecessary things, but, you can go ahead and check out gyujin’s plots page and profile. so, then, under the cut, you’ll find a deep dive into gyujin’s background--enjoy!!
gyujin was originally born and raised in seoul. his parents were really successful psychologists and wanted him to kinda carry on that line? so they could push their research onto him? kinda like a family business thing
so they were really fucking strict right off the bat. you know, the type that would instil physical enforcement, too, to make sure kids did what they were told? yeah, he had to nurse quite a few bruises and cuts ngl
but he shut up and got on with it?
they were pushing him to get into s.k.y, since they both went to korea university
but he had literally no interest at all (despite the fact he’s actually super smart and knows a lot about psychology already)
he’d instead developed an interest in photography, and would always buy new cameras and lenses whenever he could
his parents went batshit every time, naturally, and would always take them away from him
it didn’t stop him, and he instead got super good at it
lmao somewhere along the way he also came out as being gay and his parents beat him down for it, told him to keep quiet about it to prevent the family name being “ruined” as they’d say
so like, cue gyujin graduating high school, he got a scholarship into korea university for psychology and he straight up told them to shove it where the sun don’t shine
and his parents were like “listen”
he didn’t listen
so they kicked him
he had to live off what money he had in his account at the time, had to immediately find a job
it was a rough time, he’d suddenly gone from rich kid to living low
it’d actually caused him to sink into depression because he was convinced he’d hit rockbottom many times, despite this being what he wanted
to cope with his depression, he became something akin to a sex addict, but made it a rule to not sleep with the same people twice to save him the hurt
it got worse, to the point he’d have literal withdrawals if he went too long without it
so he decided he wanted to do something with himself rather than slum and sleep around like it was going out of fashion
he saved up to buy the best camera he could manage to buy at the time, and decided he was going to make a portfolio
from there, he travelled to busan and tried to apply for bau, but failed a few times
he eventually got in under a photography major and
surprise surprise
hit another rockbottom
this time because he had no money at all and was going through his own freak out through student loans
again, he ended up getting a job as a security guard this time
because he’s a literal muscle pig
would do sports at the uni but he doesn’t have time since he’s working a lot and trying to keep up
but he currently lives in the haru dorms, with a roomie, if anyone wants to take that spot?
i warn, he’s still a sex addict and a flirt machine, so i can’t imagine he’s all too nice to live with
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