sxlazar · 4 years
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@ravencyclenetwork search: favorite ship
↳ adam parrish + ronan lynch
“His feelings for Adam were an oil spill; he’d let them overflow and now there wasn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire if he dropped a match.”
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sxlazar · 4 years
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Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
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sxlazar · 4 years
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On a scale of 1 to Oliver Wood how much do you like quidditch
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sxlazar · 4 years
when albert camus said "the sea; i didnt lose myself in it. i found myself in it" and when sylvia plath said "if i lived by the sea i would never be really sad" and when hozier said "love, when the sea rises to meet us" and when an anonymous writer said "and yet my heart wanders away, my soul roams with the sea" and when homer said "I’d rather die at sea"
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sxlazar · 4 years
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The adventures of Crow-ley and Aziradove! (went to a museum of zoology yesterday and all the taxidermy birbs gave me silly ideas lmao) 
Part 2
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sxlazar · 4 years
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my current obsession is watching trc vine compilations on youtube (x, x).
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sxlazar · 4 years
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more trc vines because I love them and you can’t stop me (part 1 here)
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sxlazar · 4 years
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pynch moodboard, finished at last
(it’s a mixtape for Adam in Ronan’s jeans pocket)
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sxlazar · 7 years
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urban fantasy | DEMONS
“ what i’ve got will make you feel more alive. i’ll be your favourite drug, i will get you high ”
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sxlazar · 7 years
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Mackenzie Davis, photographed by Zoey Grossman for Malibu magazine, Sep/Oct 2017.
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sxlazar · 8 years
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Hogwarts Houses: Slytherin (¾)
Hufflepuff | Gryffindor
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sxlazar · 8 years
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The Magic Begins        ↳ 29: A character you’d like to see more of on your dashboard: Andromeda Tonks
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sxlazar · 8 years
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The new Harry Potter generation!               More here :)
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sxlazar · 8 years
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“Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness.”
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sxlazar · 8 years
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sxlazar · 8 years
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sxlazar · 8 years
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Harry Potter best book moments - Order of the Phoenix, p. 317
“Your previous teachers in this subject may have allowed you more license, but as none of them — with the possible exception of Professor Quirrell, who did at least appear to have restricted himself to age-appropriate subjects — would have passed a Ministry inspection —”
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