sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
The sound of Theo’s voice made her smile. Turning from the window to face him she shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps it was the fact that he had taken her in, or how he’d always seemed glad to see her. that made her feel comfortable with him.
When he called the cross silly there was no change in Maya expression. There weren’t many around here who shared her faith and that didn’t bother her. The church was something just for herself, there weren’t many who looked after women like her but perhaps she could be hopeful that God would. 
“Unlucky for me, I haven’t got a soul,” She laughed a bit as she spoke so he knew she was joking. “I’ll never have a cross of my own.” 
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“You and me both-, you and me both...." Theo mussed back in the same sheepish smirk that Maya did. It was evident that the pair had an understanding. Both grew up in the depths of Birmingham with nothing but the idea of "family" to duty to hold them fast. The difference seemed to be that it was Theo's actual family, whilst Maya was merely taken in. Such a nuance, however, didn’t hinder the familial feeling Theo hed for Maya. He still seemed to care for her well-being and made sure she was aware of it.  
Looking from the shop window back to the raven-haired girl the Skeleton raised a brow before considering this long night to come. There was a job to be done--- and a drink with a kind face wouldn't hurt to bolster one up before the proceedings. "….Whiskey?"
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
WIll be on later tonight! Still looking to plot a bit before I post my bio so hit me up with some scandal and i’ll throw it in there 
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specifically looking for childhood friends/ rivals who would know Theo before the war 
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
Walking was still proving rather difficult for Rosie but she still had to try, this time out in the fresh air on her mother’s orders with her dog Bird at her side in front of the house, one of the boys close by.  “I’m getting better already, aren’t I girl?” She asked Bird who just cocked her head  while they continued their slow clumsy walk for a while until she started to get tired. 
Rosie was  starting to head towards the door when a small group of people from across the street seemed to spot her and before she knew it, dozens of questions were being hurled at her and there was a camera in her face. “P-Please, I don’t know anything! Please,you have to go now.” Rosie tried to yell. The group of reporters became bigger and Bird began to growl and bark. “ Please go away, just leave me alone!” It was getting a bit too much for Rosie and she wasn’t sure how long she could stand on already shaky legs. “I don’t know anything, please just leave.” She said,close to begging, hearing more footsteps approaching. There was once a time when the thought of having her picture taken was magical, like some sort of film star but now she felt like she was going to be sick.
“I-I don’t know what to tell you, please just go home!”
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One thing was certain. He had failed. Years of preparation, lessons upon lessons on family, duty and honour....and what for? When his family needed him most, he could not protect them. A killer was on the loose, and the Chandler name was on his bullet. For Theo, this was a call to war, and incentive to lower and white flag and shield what was left of the legacy the Skeleton boys had created. As the dark horse leaned against burgundy brick of a Burmingham lane he pressed a freshly lit fag against is lips, inhaling slowley whilst cosnidered the day ahead.
The moment of pondering silence was suddenly broken by a rave of voices and clicking machinery from behind the corner. They were back...the ruthless journalists who couldnt get enough---who yearned for the Chandler blood upon their freshly pressed gazzetes. If only they knew what Theo was capable of...if only they knew what he had in mind. 
“Forgive me roaches, it seems today there’s no scoop. Unless you wish to know the colour of my shit----which I can inform you was quite the same as yesterday.” The eldest Chandler commented as he threw away his cigarette and rushed to lift his tweed coat above the camera flashes and before his sister. The protection didn’t do much, but it gave them moments to escape down the cobbled lane and back into their Powis Street apartment. 
“I told you to fucking stay insdie!” His voice came roughly, but eyes remained sincere and worrysome. He was truly concerned for his sister, and all that she had seen. 
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
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Eyes loomed vivaciously across the half-filled bar. It’s whiskey stained oak glistening by the mid-afternoon light that poured it. It was too early for Theo to be seen at their local tavern, he usually was out on business at this time but ritual had seemed to be averted since the disappearance and mystic appearance of his younger sister. There was a change in plan, a change in routine, and most importantly a change in duty as it seemed their own had been targetted and no one fucks with a Skeleton. 
Raising his middle and index finger to the barman, Theo leaned across the counter, avoiding any contact with the civilians. They had questions, and he hardly had the answers. Instead, mind fixated on the words he was about to utter to the figure he was meeting. The gathering was impromptu-- scheduled not an hour before with an ink-stained note on his desk. The matter better have been important. 
“...I see even that expensive watch couldn't teach you to tell time” The eldest Chandler remarked as he sensed the presence of the figure he was bound to meet. 
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
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The sun was starting to set and Maya reminded herself that there was a killer on these streets. Women like her shouldn’t be after dark in times likes these mad. Yet something caught her eye. Maya looked longingly through the Pawn Shop’s dusty window. A small gold cross displayed there reflecting back in her eyes. “I’ve been saving for weeks and I’m halfway there.” Looking over her shoulder she smiled at the person who was approaching her now.  “Must seem silly but I’ve always wanted a cross. Like all the fancy women in the church have.”
He hadn't seen Miss De Rosa in some time. She was a common face around the offices that Theo didn’t mind gazing at from time to time. Perhaps, it was her gratitude for taking her off the streets, or perhaps an inherent kindness which she possessed, but either way the eldest Chandler felt a warmth radiate from the escort which, when passing by that eevning, comeplled him to stop by and say hello. 
“They’re a silly thing.” Theo remarked as a furrowed brow raised in judgment. He was never one for relgion, hence never saw the purpose of displaying devotion in such an extravagant manner. If one wanted jewls, why not wear a blood dimond and be done with it.
“Those fancy women probably can’t feed their children, but for a cross...they’d sell their soul.” His words came coldly, but Theo knew Miss De Rosa wouldnt take them perosnally.
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
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Heya! My name is Sonya, and I’m super excited to be a part if this group. I’ll be posting a lil bio pointer in a bit, but would love to establish some pre-existing connections before I do so. If anyone is interested pls hmu and we can plot a background for our two lovely cupcakes! 
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
                                       Theo Chandler. est 1889
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sxeletonboy-blog · 6 years
sir, with the greatest respect… thomas shelby is a murdering, cutthroat, mongrel, gangster
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
‡ ▌ “Then it is a shame...” Asger replied as another drink slid down his tainted throat. Such a crowd did not amuse the duke. He was a man of terror, one who would quarter a traitor before the masses. He was feared and respected in Forli, and here? What was he here? “It is easy. Yes madam, no madam, oh that dress looks splendid on yo your highness! Not fat at all!” Asger joked as he imitated the flamboyant Marquis who jumped around the ladies before them.
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          The last time Vittoria had stood on Roman soil she had been a wife, married to the Farnese family and a man who made questionable decisions, but now she was an Orsini once more; a widow standing among faces and voices she didn’t expect to know. Much to her surprised, as she turned to look to whom had responded to her, she did see one face that was somewhat familiar. “The Orsini never valued arse kissing very much, your Grace, unless too much has changed within the past year. Either way, I’m afraid I will be terrible at it.”
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
“Like THIS?” Asger questioned as eyes wondered about the lavish ceilings. “It has never NOT been this way, your highness. This is the home of God. And GOD needs to be entertained well....”
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‘To say agree would be an UNDERSTATEMENT,’ she replied. ‘Is it always like this around the Apostolic Palace? Or is it just due to the special circumstance that has gathered us all here.’
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
‡ ▌There stood the Duke, large and drunk as manor would exhibit. Of course, not so drunk that many would notice, yet, enough that it would compel tongue to answer the comment of a mere maid. “ Yes, we have been invaded by foreigners ad seemingly have to kiss their arses to avoid conflict. How boring... “
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            A gentle breeze brushed past Vittoria as she looked down to the courtyard and beyond at the beautiful city which welcomed her home. Her time under the Tsarevna of Russia had taught her a great deal and allowed her to experience her mother’s roots in her own way, but Rome and the Roman way of life truly held her heart firmly within it’s grasp despite any malevolent memories that may come along with it. “There truly is no place like Rome, though I don’t remember it being so…diverse.”
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
Asger snickered to the wholesome response. Was this some kind of charade?” An attempt to riddle out his anger? To such he would not subdue. “Pardon.” Asger merely answered as he moved a step from her direction. “How are you liking it here Tsarevna? Much DIFFERENT from your home?” 
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‘Quite the contrary. In fact, your presences is WELCOMED, however, I do not believe you need to be so close,’ Anastasia replied. ‘I suppose I will have to make do if that is the case.’
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
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      “ You speak to BOLDLY, your grace.” That night - oh how she had thought about it often in the early years of her marriage to Alessandro, though as was the case with most MEMORIES, the years had DISTORTED it, morphed it into something completely different. In essence, it had been the greatest and worst night of her life, the very reason for the BARRICADE which now enclosed her once ardent but naive heart. Asger had taken her VIRTUE – no, Lucrezia had gifted it to him and what a FOOLISH mistake it had been. 
The chalice within her grasp SELDOM parted from her lips, conveying how utterly UNCOMFORTABLE she was with him in such a close proximity – close enough to touch. Alas she dared not, for any contact was certain to bring those GIRL-LIKE emotions back to the forefront of her mind; there had been a time and a place for such WHIMSICAL ideal but now was not one of them, it was in the past, but certainly not FORGOTTEN. “ Is there something I can do for you? Or are you merely here to try my PATIENCE, in which I case I must warn you – it is wearing extremely thin.”
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                 The Duchesses discomfort was evident, and oh how it AMUSED Asger. It was a power he liked to hold over her, a sort of remembrance of the passion that once ignited their childish hearts, as opposed to the hate which boiled still. He would not deny, that night was a SENSATION that followed his encounters much as touch shifted from women to women. That is, of course before Freja. Freja shifted his idea of love, of lust, of PASSION. However, she was gone now and it was long past for him to move on and let her memory remain as a pleasant idea. 
“I speak of ETERNAL varieties, madam. But,  if it is too bold I can retract to the simple small-talk.” He lamented as arms grabbed the linings of a servant boys coat, pulling him back to the level on which Asger lay. “Pray tell you’ve got some DECENT Ale back there? I cannot deal with this crimson punch.” He spoke as the boys eyes widened in confusion before nodding and running off. 
Attention turned back to Lucrezia, sitting in the same hostile position he remembered her being. It was satisfactory to him, her hatred and distaste to his presence was the memory which refuled the days whence Asger was yet an energetic young man, LUSTING for the biggest pair of tits. Those days were joyous, and it would not be a shame if he fell back to them. 
“And what will you do when your patience will run dry? Smack me through my mouthing wits?––– Oh, how I missed your vicious SLAPS.”
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
“Oh, does my presence THREATEN you?” Asger winced in distaste as his head turned to the madam. “Welcome to Rome, personal space is an iILLUSION here.”
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‘Do not think me rude, but I must ask you to take a step BACK,’ Anastasia said, meeting the gaze of the person in front of her.  
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
Memories of old
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sxeletonboy-blog · 8 years
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       Emerald eyes, which once shone as BRILLIANTLY as the gems which adorned her slender neck, studied him intently. Asger may have had a REPUTATION for being fearsome and indeed, he was, but Lucrezia herself was no fragile flower, she was the she-wolf of Florence and many trembled in her PRESENCE. It was this mutual and habitual stubbornness which left them at an impasse for quite some years and something she didn’t see a SOLUTION to, unless he had a way of turning back the sands of time. 
Once her chalice was replenished she brought it to her lips, taking a sip as she rolled her eyes at his BOASTING.       “ And here I thought, one look at your would SHRIVEL anyone’s DESIRE – cunts would become as dry as the great plains and pricks would retract into ones body.”
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      A contemptuous SIMPER escaped the Dukes rigged lips as shoulders dropped in contempt. A past was surely in the past, they were no longer FOOLISH roaches scurrying for an exciting taste of life. Yet, there was a sense of an excitement that tickled upon Asgers spine as he recognized the same foul DISTASTE they had for each other. They were both figures of fear and power, thus, apart from sex there was not much comprise that could come from the two. 
“We all know you’re not speaking from PERSONAL experience ,Duchess” Asger teased as he dropped upon the nearest cushion, his strange entrance not minded by those deep in their own business. –––“I am sure shriveling of DESIRE was not what you mentioned that night...”
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