Heat me, o sun.
9K posts
hi there. i mostly reblog stuff. if your account is empty i will probably report it as spam, sorry. you should know how it is these days.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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swooceman · 4 hours ago
The drugs are making him paranoid. I know how to deal with this—
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swooceman · 4 hours ago
every so often the cycle of American aircraft development repeats and it will literally never get old.
A month ago a leaked video of the J-36, China's new sixth gen stealth fighter surfaced online. Chinese/Russian dickriders were heralding it as the death of American air dominance as it was a stealth fighter with hypersonic capabilities.
Then America comes out and says "oh sixth gen fighters? we've been developing our own and its been flying test flights for the past five years. we've known about the J36 for a while now too." and I can all but guarantee the F-47 will be one of the most terrifying and impressive pieces of machinery to ever fly.
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swooceman · 18 hours ago
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swooceman · 19 hours ago
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swooceman · 2 days ago
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swooceman · 2 days ago
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swooceman · 2 days ago
they just prescribed me gunshot to the head at the urgent care
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swooceman · 2 days ago
Dang girl go off.
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swooceman · 2 days ago
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swooceman · 4 days ago
I'm not Jewish, but you'd have to be genuinely stupid not to understand why protecting Israel (and Jews at large) is crucial for maintaining Western global dominance. You and your Jew-hating friends are doing great favors for the Arabs, Russians, Indians, and Chinese. Not to mention the up-and-coming economic powerhouses that are some of the Islamic African states that would likely support a Palestinian state, countries like Niger and Sudan. You claim to be an American conservative???
You and your Jew-hating friends are retarded for letting 4chan brainrot seep so deeply into your brain that you forgot how US dominance came about in the first place. News flash: liberals (even JEWISH liberals! :0) are your friends, maybe stupid friends, but friends nonetheless. The more you treat them like enemies, the more right-wingers are galvanized against our Israeli brothers and sisters, all the more impossible it will be to keep together the Western-led world order that, no doubt, has benefited from the existence of Israel in the world's most crucial region for control of petroleum.
Like, fine, if you really want to, go ahead and be braindead and keep parroting the same antisemitic shit that's been said for decades, centuries. Notice how nothing changes. Buddy, I can guarantee you and your friends have zero understanding of just how inherently Jewish modern Christian culture is. You want to destroy the Jews because..... ? Because some shitty image on 4chan convinced you they ruled the world??
Last two things. First, I can't imagine being such a fearful little piece of shit that I don't recognize that America runs this planet and America gave the Jews every drop of legitimacy that they have today. If it weren't for Americans, Jews would have been annihilated. If it weren't for Americans, Israel would have been destroyed decades ago. It is American foreign policy, and for the benefit of American capitalists, that the State of Israel is upheld. If you can't see that, then you're really just a kid LARPing as a "Kantian."
And if you call yourself a Christian, then I do apologize for using such rude language. I encourage you to approach the teachings of Jesus in their Quaker expression, which, in my opinion, is the true way of Christianity. Maybe it would make you less racist and stupid and open your eyes (and your heart) so you can make/reblog better posts that don't make me want to move to Austria or Finland 'cause I can't believe the new generation of conservatives here are that broken.
I went on anon because I did not want a horde of spasming retards clogging my DMs. I'd be happy to argue if you want. Ok bye.
I want you to think about the disparity between the effort this probably took you to write and the effort it took me to read. All you seem to be saying is "Israel is good for globo-homo so if you care about that you should love Jews."
>the teachings of Jesus in their Quaker expression is the "true" way of Christianity
lmao opinion discarded
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swooceman · 4 days ago
>be ford (person mode)
>invent car
>invent giving workers the weekends off
>beat competitors by selling products below what they cost to make
>be so genius at economics the federal government has to literally nerf you
>you’re so powerful they effectively invent modern antitrust law to stop you
>be EXTREMELY antisemetic
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swooceman · 4 days ago
2018 tumblr post:
1: why do they call it a boner when theres no bone in it
2: there used to be
3: why does this sound so ominous
2025 tumblr post:
1: forward my shambling soldiers and slay without thinking. let blood flow into every crevice of this rotten land
2: yes my lady
3: yes my lady
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swooceman · 4 days ago
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Please don’t pay for his music.
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swooceman · 6 days ago
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swooceman · 6 days ago
last night i dreamt tumblr added like a billion buttons to the mobile app so instead of this
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we got this
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and everyone just rolled with it but sometimes the wide naruto got too wide and blocked off all the other buttons and people would just post "got naruto'd again :/" and the only way to reset him was to log out and log back in
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swooceman · 6 days ago
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swooceman · 6 days ago
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