Lotus Temple
Lotus Temple in Delhi is an ediface of Baha'i faith. It is a beauty of its own. An incomparable and enchanting structure of Lotus and mesmerising architecture and interiors of the temple makes you awe it. An expression of holiness and righteousness. And a secular temple of all sorts. Baha'i temple is home for all religions and cultures, the property consists of 26 acres of land covered with Lotus and the nine gardens and ponds surrounding it.
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Karela Bharta
A healthy and versatile fruit, Karela or commonly known as Bitter Gourd has benefits for all age group. A great cleanser and detoxifier it is, also tastes bitter which brings many people to dislike it. Being dense with amazing amounts of nutrients and vitamins it is really good for our body.
Karela Bharta is a great dish to savour on. Easy and mess free. It is delicious and not even bitter. Let’s learn to make it.
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