swiftysapphire · 6 days
how’s the tongue tied request so far?
Damn, it’s been a long time. I wasn’t able to get around to it 😭
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swiftysapphire · 2 months
can you draw your oc Clarissa and mystique Sonia from hero 108 with their tongues tied together?
hmmm… I’ll look into it.
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swiftysapphire · 2 months
I have a patreon now. Support me there if you've got MONEYS BECAUSE I WANT A STEAM DECK MCDONALDS MEAL
Tip Jar: Support me monthly!!!
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Novice: previous benefits + WIPs of althist maps, new videos early, sneak-peeks of upcoming comics and ref sheets, and early access to animations.
EXPERT: All previous benefits + Patreon exclusives, shoutout in my next video, and your own flag, pfp, or profile banner. Message me on Twitter at MCEnthusiast09 for more details!
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swiftysapphire · 3 months
This timeline I have mentioned here is called Twists of Destiny; it was formerly called Predominance because ITTL, the British are more widespread (but the US still gains independence, but breaks up after WWI, and came back this year).
I plan to continue working on this timeline in the near future.
Here is a map of Patagonia I did a while back.
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I gave this OC a unique backstory, so here it is!
Qunaka was born on April 8, 2000, in the People’s Republic of Oregon, under the Ukanam Regime at the time. She spent 4 years with her family until they were either imprisoned, tortured, or executed. This situation had left her homeless, and authorities were COMPLETELY bent on killing her.
Now before we get into more details, I want to give some information about the Republic and the Q’Zana.
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The People’s Republic of Oregon (Q’Zana: Halāq àn Tsajañe àn Oregon, Spanish: Republica Socialista de los Oregón) was a democratic communist republic which was formed in rebellion against the Oregonian Government in 1947. It occupied the Californian Republic, Oregon, and Western Louisiana. Under the leader’s regimes, attempts to escape the borders of the country were punishable by fine, imprisonment, amputation, eye gouging, or execution.
Many children were torn apart from their families, famines were common, and people were barely given any food at all. Being alone was also not possible, because the government frowned upon owning private property. Many schools were even turned into prisons and concentration camps across the Republic.
The life expectancy had also dropped, in 1967, the life expectancy was 10 years! This was because of the amount of people killed during the regimes. In 2011, it was 26.
Before the Republic, the Q’Zana were a crowd of travelers originating from Portugal, and some were from the Basque region, and their language was influenced by other languages around the world (e.g. Spanish, Polish, Japanese, etc.), their language is also influenced heavily by Biblaridion’s Oqolaawak (a fictional language spoken in Pacifica, which is Antarctica if it were in the Pacific), some citizens in Oqolaam think it’s a dialect. They had never had a permanent home in their lives, until they landed in Oregon where they were interrogated, tortured, executed, and imprisoned. As a result, this caused an uprising in Oregon, marking the end of the North American Rebellion (A rebellion that caused the US and Canada to completely collapse).
But in 2012, the regime had collapsed and California and Oregon separated. The leader, Ukanam, was exiled to St. Helena, the same island Napoleon was exiled to in 1815.
Back to Qunaka, she learned many sneaky moves by herself when hiding from authorities, by taking food whenever the coast was clear, or without igniting suspicion. This was one of the only ways she could provide for herself.
Until one fateful Sunday on June 22, 2008, 7-year-old Qunaka had to devise a plan to sneak out the country, but how would she do it without getting caught? She’d have to figure that out herself… but little did she know, there were security cameras EVERYWHERE on the border.
Not thinking anything of it, she ran as fast as she could, not even knowing there were hidden guards going after her. However, she wasn’t killed like the authorities were supposed to, instead, the Dictator fined her for 800 ORD (approx. 550 USD), but she didn’t have that kind of money, she said that she’d pay anything, so the Dictator decided to let the guards gouge out her right eye. After a few minutes, the Dictator said that this was why nobody would let her make plans, but she snapped back and said that it’s not fair and that he’s a monster.
Thankfully for her, she was not killed. She continued her life they it was, except she’s have to get used to the world with only 1 eyeball, until in 2011 when war broke out between the Republic and the Triplets (Laurentia, Virginia, and Georgia), when a Virginian airship stopped by and helped the now 11-year-old girl. She was later relocated to an orphanage in Royal Woods, Chersonesus (IRL: Saginaw, Michigan). The second half of her life felt much better than the first, and as she got accustomed to foreign cultures and media, she learned more English and learned how to communicate with others, she is now 23 years old and safe in Chersonesus, Virginia.
I don’t take full credit for the timeline mentioned in this post, it belongs to NyanCat06 and Mobiyuz.
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swiftysapphire · 7 months
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"My aura shines at last"
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Dress are inspired by Polish traditional dresses!(like in song itself)
Also yes I used png trees for background
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swiftysapphire · 9 months
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For a gal like Clarissa, she has no problems with frozen poles.
Just in time for the holiday season! Merry Christmas to you all!
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swiftysapphire · 10 months
I did it with Animation vs. Math, now it’s vs. Physics. Hope you like it!
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swiftysapphire · 10 months
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An Agent Smith drawing because yes. I drew this almost a week ago.
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swiftysapphire · 11 months
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request for @emmachavarria17 for their OC, Blessing. You are welcome.
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
Victim Vs. The Deserved One.
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
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Teresa Keeper (a fan character for @thedeservedone’s Keeper)
I like to imagine that the Keeper has children (it’s a headcanon good lord).
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
Thank you :)
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Gift for @mcenthusiasm 🇺🇸 (Plus: My Stile of Design 😃)
🇬🇧🇺🇸: Just little bit the gift for person about it draw like that XD
🇺🇦: Просто маленький подарунок для людини про це малюють так XD
Насолоджуйтесь своїм лайком ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
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Corn Dog Guy
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
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Old man, old meme.
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
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Request by Raymanimations on DeviantArt for his thicc, hard working OC, Debbie!
Includes a 2-panel comic of an even thiccer Debbie 😏🥴
May god save my mental state and social career 💀🙏
Additionally, these can also be viewed on DeviantArt:
Extra THICC Debbie (Page 1)
Extra THICC Debbie (Page 2)
The main drawing is on Newgrounds, but I prefer not to share the other 2 on there, I have an explosive friend on there :(
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
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I finally finished a doodle from May this year, and tbh, this turned out way better than I thought it would lol
Here's the WIP
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swiftysapphire · 1 year
hey Dark Lord, wanna go do arson together? :)
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Dark: Now THIS is my type of question!
POV: Everything is on fire
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