sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Can witchy blogs please for the love of god STOP making their text so fucking tiny /srs
I can’t read any of it. I want to read your post but you’re making it impossible for the sake of being aesthetic or something. Yikes.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Your offering is good enough.
Your prayer is perfect the way it is
Your altar does not have to be extravagant or expensive. Simple ones are just as powerful.
You are good enough. The gods love you and want the best for you. They are here to lift us up, so don’t beat yourself down.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
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What is Toxic Spirituality?
Spirituality is the practice of getting to know yourself better on a deeper level and learning about the world around you.
While this can provide physical, mental, and emotional health benefits, it can also take a turn for the worse. Sometimes spirituality can push harmful messages, toxic positivity, judgment, gaslighting, and cultish behavior.
Nine Toxic Spirituality Habits
1.   Spiritual Bypassing and Toxic Positivity
Spiritual bypassing is when you use spiritual concepts to avoid certain emotions or situations in your life. 
Toxic positivity is when you believe you need to be always positive to gain proper manifestation of your desires.
Suppressing emotions can lead to a buildup of unprocessed thoughts dependent on circumstances, and eventually you will mentally implode.
2.   Spiritual Narcissism
Spiritual narcissism is the belief that your spirituality makes you better than others. It’s the Us vs. Them mentality.  
The stronger your ego identifies with a specific belief the more difficult it will be to see any issues.
3.   Idolizing Spiritual Teachers 
The best teachers are the ones that help connect you to your inner self. Their goal is to act as a guide more so rather than be the ultimate truth. 
The trouble idolizing spiritual mentors is that there will be a point you’re going to disagree, and it will cause cognitive dissonance if you see them for more than they are.
4.   Superstitions and Attachment 
If you heavily rely on spiritual practices, items, and rituals to exist in the world and become solely dependent about superstitious beliefs linked to any of them, you are diminishing yourself.
You don’t need crystals to protect yourself.
You don’t need the wand to draw energy.
You don’t need the cauldron to burn incense or make potions. Although, even I can admit having one makes things more interesting.
5.   Hyper Discipline
I see this a lot. There are those that talk about the importance of discipline in spirituality. Likewise, I see others talk up the importance of flexibility.
Spirituality is a personal experience. If disciplined daily practices or rigid rituals work for you, then great, but if it feels forced reconsider things.
6.   Lack of Discernment
Not every spiritual practice will be right for you. Not everything will resonate. Not every metaphysical concept will ring truth. That’s good. It’s healthy to ask questions and think for yourself.
If you accept without question, you’re allowing yourself to be programmed by external forces becoming conditioned.
7.   Clinging to Truth
What’s true for you may not be true for someone else, and what was true for you last year may no longer be true for you today. 
Our beliefs can change over time as we learn and experience different facets to spirituality. Fighting for the word of truth or standing behind a specific religion promoting acts of war is an act of blasphemy. In that regard, belief and religious culture do not always coincide.
8.   Emotional Hypochondria
It’s possible to become attached to your own healing, making you feel the need to become a better, and better version of yourself.
Always overanalyzing everything will lead to an emotional burnout, and you will be hyper aware of every single feeling.  You will become self-depreciating, and you will be running in a circle like a silly hamster in its wheel going nowhere.
9.   Manic Manifesting
Shut up about manifestation.  I’m tired. It’s everywhere.  Constantly visualizing your desires, parroting affirmations, and trying to control every single frequency makes it feel manic.
Thinking on what you don’t have will make you see less of what you do have, and it is like beating yourself up mentally every day for those things you do not have.
Thinking on it without action is an obsession. The secret was a fun concept for a book, but unless you put it into actual action. There will be no change, Laws of physics, every action has a reaction. Because thinking is more like potential energy, but that still needs an activator. No one is going to miraculously fix things for you. You can do worksheets on what you want every day for the rest of your life, but at the end of your life you will have nothing you want except a pile of worksheets with your hopes and dreams that never happened.        
Diminishing Toxic Spirituality
If you’ve been participating in toxic spirituality, own it and grow from it. Be mindful of your intentions, ask questions, and navigate your experiences.
When something isn’t working you will know it, when you realize that something is wrong, it may have already set you back. When something keeps replaying in your mind, maybe that’s an area to work on. Or delve deeper, but with an analytical mind, rather than one that accepts everything. It’s like eating at a buffet. You can see the chicken is green, you can smell its rancid. But the person with you says it’s good. Are you going to take that at face value and trust them, or make your own choice?
Correct motivations for spirituality, belonging to a group is great. They help people feel connected, and it gives joy to be able to connect. While it is not for everyone, some people see the appeal in it, but as a result can become absorbed into the group and lose their individuality. Their need to be accepted can drive them to poor decision making, at the expense of their autonomy due to peer pressure.
Some go into practice to fuel their ego or have something unique and quirky to talk about. If it’s a fad, it probably isn’t the best idea. If you must run around yelling to your bullies at school, I'm a witch I will curse you. That is likely not the right reason to delve into a spiritual journey. While it may be doing it for your own sense of internal control over an aspect of your life, the journey becomes more about what you have against others, rather than delving within yourself and finding yourself.
Money, Power, Quick fixes. Spirituality and religions offer seemingly quick results with fake promises. Love spells, Churches, Community support. While in theory sounds too good to believe. Often the promises made by various people, groups, and sectors of religion can be very appealing; at times it is used for the profit of the people providing the services.
You would be surprised how many people offer snake oil, or a djinn in a ring for money. To give you all you want. If you are looking for your life to magically be alright, please remember this isn’t a modern fairytale.
Happy endings happen in movies because they can’t fit it all into an 80-minute run. There's character development, there’s ups downs, trials and moments of success and happiness. Without those moments, we don’t really discover who we are. We are more of a hollow once off character in a movie playing a role. We do not find us; we do not create... an Us in such a short time.
It’s best to be yourself, and not part of some collective.
The spiritual journey is yours so do it for yourself.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
If I may add on:
Referring to the Sun as “he” or the Moon as “she” is not what’s a red flag.
The red flag is when people try to divide people by Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and use the Divine Feminine rhetoric as a way to be misogynistic and transphobic. Way too often do I see “witchy women” and “divine feminines” act EXACTLY like trad wives with a weird worship of men and masculinity. THAT’S the red flag. It’s just classic “women are inferior/men are the dominant sex” rhetoric repackaged with crystals and closed practices thrown into the mix.
So I usually try to (personally) stay away from Divine (gendered term) stuff because most, if not all, the time, it’s a mask for bigotry.*
*disclaimer: you’re not a bigot if you use the terms Divine Masc/Fem, but please be aware of the attributes you/others attribute to the Divine Masc/Fem. If the Divine Masculine is things ONLY like “strength, dominance, power” and the Divine Feminine is ONLY things like “fertility, gentleness, homemaking” then please reevaluate why you think that and think about how it affects your view on women and trans people.
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Earlier today, I fell into a « Witchcraft Red Flags » rabbit hole. It felt for a second as if anything could be a red flag. It made me want to be even more secluded & stick to the practices I already know.
I mostly felt that way because one of red flags I saw was to refer to the Moon as feminine & the Sun as Masculine. Which I do daily. Now I'm very influencable & anxious so I had to think about this for a while.
In french, those two words are gendered that way. On top of this, I was introduced to witchcraft by wiccan content creators. I never really identified as a wiccan, but I used those beliefs & practices as inspiration to build my own, at the beginning of my journey. The Sun & the Moon are the two main entities I « worship ». I believe they dictate a lot of what goes on all around our planet. I do use masculine pronous for the Sun, even thought I never attributed any type of humanoid form to him. I use feminine pronouns for the Moon because of her greek name « Selene » which is female-sounding.
The other red flags I saw were wildly different. I think the message they were trying to spread is to be careful of how certain practices & opinions make you feel. Spirituality is very personal, but any personal journey is tinted with a lot of feelings. If you feel your practices work for you & are harmless to others, there's nothing wrong with that.
Sorry for the paragraph!
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
theres no such thing as a “real” altar
all altars are real if you believe them to be
only got a candle, a singular rose petal, a rock you found outside, and a piece of paper of your deity you printed out at 3 am?
that’s perfect!
i’m sure whatever deity you may be working with is plenty pleased with any altar you may have
don’t let other peoples altars fool you, most have been in progress for months to years at a time, and it took a lot of work to get them where they are now
you’re doing a good job, dreamer, keep it up! :)
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
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In twilight's embrace, where whispers reside, Aphrodite, in golden grace, does glide. With hair that catches the moon’s soft light, She walks through dreams, the sweetened night.
Her lips, a petal's silken tear, Speak love's secret, vibrant and clear. Eyes like stars in the velvet sky, Draw hearts closer, they softly sigh.
Her laughter, a melody on the breeze, Wraps the world in tender ease. Every smile, a dawn anew, Every glance, a wish come true.
In seashell chambers, where waves conspire, Burns an eternal, gentle fire. Her touch, a balm to the weary soul, In her presence, we become whole.
From ancient days to futures bright, Her name whispers through the night. A song of love, unbinds the heart, Aphrodite, Cupid's sparkling dart.
With every kiss of ocean spray, With every break of a brand new day. Her essence lingers, pure and bright, An endless dance in love's soft light.
So here we stand, on love’s wide shore, With hearts that ache and yearn for more. In Aphrodite’s tender gaze, We find our way through love’s vast maze.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
What’s your weekly witchy routine?
I’m integrating myself back into witchcraft, but I’m also neurodivergent as hell, & I need to come up with a good routine for all my witchy chores that won’t become overwhelming.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
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i can't stop making these
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Witchy Self-Care
*pulls out draft from over a year ago* ENJOY
Hi! this is a list of witchy self-care things you can do. Most of these are pretty basic on account that i wrote this ages ago but they definitely still work. Anyways, I hope these help :)
Do the dishes and dedicate it to your house spirit (if you have one) or a deity (if you're religious)
sweep/mop your floor in the shape of sigils
add rosemary (or rosemary water/essential oils) to the water you mop with to set an intention of cleansing
taking ritual a bath/shower
cleansing your energy. it's so basic but I forget more than i'd like to admit
dedicating time to yourself. it's just as important as dedicating time to your deities/other spirits
light shadow work or going to therapy. bettering your mental health also betters your spiritual.
go outside and ground yourself
take a nap (less witchy, more, I love naps. rest is important)
work out/stretch and dedicate it to an entity
do some gratitude
take 5 minutes to just sit and turn off your devices. you can use this time for anything, just take a second to get off screens and connect with the world around you
meditate. if you can't sit still long enough to meditate, just focus on taking 3 deep breathes
when you wash your face, draw sigils on your face with the cleanser and moisturiser
^do the same as above but with your body wash and when you wash your hair
say some affirmations/manifestations while brushing your teeth
just check in with yourself and see how you're feeling spiritually, psychically and emotionally. sometimes we don't actually know how we're feeling until we sit down and actually ask ourselves.
If anyone has any more to add please comment. I'll add them to the list (with credit of course)
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
me out loud: "magic does work and you should expect results! It's not just in your head!"
me under my breath: "holy shit I can't believe that worked"
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Spell and charm bag for safe travels! (Requested)
Feel free to preform this spell whenever you need to ensure a safe journey.
You will need:
(spell only):
2 orange candles*preferably small, you will let these burn all the way down*
*Amethyst and/or clear quartz
Sage and/or mint
Your favorite incense
(charm bag/satchel):
An orange pouch or drawstring bag
2 orange candles *preferably small, you will let these burn all the way down*
Amethyst and/or clear quartz
Sage and/or mint
Piece of paper and a pen (black)
Your favorite incense
Light your two candles and put them infront of you along with your incense, feel free to roll your candles in oil and then the herbs (optional). Take in several deep cleansing breathes until you’re grounded. Sit with your legs crossed and sit up straight with your hands resting on your knees and your palms facing up.
If you are making the charm bag, draw on a small piece of paper a symbol of protection (this is your choice, can be a cross, pentacle, a protection rune, etc. anything that makes you feel safe!) fold the paper three times. Collect the items and place the stones, sage/mint and the protective symbol into the bag and seal it.
Visualize a white light slowly being absorbed into you and spreading throughout your body. Continue breathing deeply as you picture yourself getting to your destination safely and without harm. When you feel ready raise your arms up and repeat:
“Bless our journey and keep us from harm With light of protection and amethyst charm Our path be straight and free from strife Many more adventures left upon my life”
If you are only doing the spell, sit quietly for a few minutes and rub the stones in your hands as you watch the candles burn all the way down. **PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE LIT CANDLES UNATTENDED**
Charging your charm bag:
Take your bag and pass it over the incense smoke or the candle (carefully!) to rid it of any unwanted energies. When you are ready, hold the charm bag and visualize the energy that you did earlier but will it to course through you and into the bag. When you are done place the bag inbetween the two candles and let the light from them surround the bag. Let the candles burn all the way down and then go about your day (:
Hope this helped,
Adviceforwitches )0(
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
how do ppl think witches are scary? i just drink tea out of mason jars and collect shiny rocks and vent to the moon and make fancy lil symbols and burn dead flowers and eat fruit.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Witches & Witchcraft: Types & Definitions
There is an abundance of types of witches, some being more common than others, for example, death witch or hedge witch. I have provided the different types of witches with a brief description/definition of what they study, believe and tools most commonly used for each.
The types of witchcraft is entirely up to the individual which they prefer to do. One person may only follow on type of magick whereas another may follow several. Listed are a handful of the many kinds, but I'm listing the most common/known types of magick/witchcraft that people fall into.
I have grouped some witches together as they fit together under the same or similar definitions.
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Types of Witches
Religious witches;
Christian, Satanic (Theistic), Laveyan Satanic, Hellenic, Celtic and Wiccan, etc. are witches that follow a primary belief system and incorporate their religion into the craft.
Non-Religious witches;
Secular - doesn't work with [a] deity(ies).
Science - (also a craft type), uses metaphysical and scientific fads and theories mixed together.
Other types of witches;
Solitary - works alone and is not part of a coven. Won't typically work with other witches for spell work or any part of their practice.
Eclectic - a practice that includes multiple practises from different areas. A mixture of all practices, may practise one more than another, or all equally.
Hereditary/Generational - a witch who is born into a family whom practice the craft. The term 'Blood witch' is often a hot topic of controversy as to whether it makes one a more powerful witch.
Traditional - a type that is based on honouring the traditional ways of magick, which also ties in nicely with generational/hereditary witches.
Chaotic/Chaos - a witch who utilizes new, non-traditional and unorthodox methods. It's still relatively new and highly individualistic practice while still drawing from common forms of magick.
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Types of Witchcraft/Magick
Green Witch; A witch who uses natural magick, such as creating blends of different plants, or primarily using herbs and/or crystals spells in their craft. Tools mostly consist of herbs, crystals, stones, flowers, soil or other greenery.
Hedge Witch; Also know as an astral witch, this type of magick is orientated around spiritual work such as astral projection, lucid dreaming, spirit work, healing and out-of-body magick. Tools mostly consist tarot cards, runes, pendulum, stones, crystal ball, mirrors & candles.
Dream Witch; Mindful and internal magickal practice mainly based from interpreting dreams and/or engaging in lucid dreaming. Practises used to 'de-code' symbols and messages in the dream world can be used similarly to how one would use divination techniques. Tools mostly consist of dream catchers, candles, books of glossaries of symbols.
Sea/Ocean; Derived from materials and abstract ideas involving ocean and the oceanic world. Sea or ocean magick can be worked with by using things found on or relating to a beach/lagoon. A sea witch might draw their energy from such tools. Tools commonly consist of driftwood, pebbles/stones, seashells, ocean water, bones, seaweed, candles.
Storm/Weather; magick used through combining one's energy with the weather; most commonly rain. Weather witches will collect different ingredients provided by the weather, absorb energy from storms, manipulate winnds, or perhaps predict the weather. Tools most commonly consist of rain/snow water, symbols/weather maps, crystals.
Cottage/Hearth; Magick that is weaved and worked or embedded into mundane tasks around the house or for loved ones. Cottage magick is usually worked into cleaning, hobbies or cooking. Tools commonly consist of essential oils, incense, bells, flowers, cleaning utensils, spices and herbs.
Tea Witch; Creating blends of teas for protection, remedies or even to use for tea-leaf divination. Tools commonly consist of tea, herbs, waters, spices.
Tech Witch; Use of technology in the craft, mostly based through phones or computers. Mostly used for storing of information, grimoires, spell books and Book of Shadows/diaries. Tools consist of apps on the phone, digital sigils, online blogs and pages.
Garden/Flora; Mostly (if not all) focused on herbal and botanical measures. Many garden witches have their own garden and plant flowers and herbs to draw in energy for their home and to include in rituals and spells. Tools commonly consist of flowers, soil, seeds, greenery, twigs/tree branches, leaves.
Elemental; Using all 4 (or 5) elements in an honouring or acknowledging form. A witch can choose to work with all, or singular elements. One may have a dedicated area on their alters to a particular elements. Tools consist of anything related to said element.
Faery/Fae; Magick for those who communicate with, and/or work with the Fae. Those whom work with fae may also leave offerings regularly as thanks for the assistance of a faery in their spell work. Tools commonly consist of anything sweet, sigils, offerings.
Spirit; A practice which an individual will perform spell work in conjunction with (or the help of) any manner of spirit, including Ouija, demon spirits, spiritual contact of any kind, working with ancestors. Tools commonly consist of crystals, bells, incense, Ouija boards, tarot cards, pendulums, sigils.
Draconian: The use of dragons and dragon imagery; whether it be trough astral matters or in spells and rituals. May also be connected with dragon spirits on their journey. Tools commonly consist of dragons art, statues, candles.
Seasonal; Utilizing and drawing energy from specific time periods of the year for their magick. One individual may feel more powerful at a particular time of year. It can also be spread out into the 4 seasons. Tools commonly consist of herbs related to certain seasons, stones, ruins and the weather.
Music; Can be through singing, humming, playing an instrument, creating music or having it on during spell work to add energies. Tools consist of speakers, instruments, voice, chimes, lyrics & sheet music.
Art & Craft; Anything from painting to knitting to building something. Tools consist of anything you can craft with.
Sigils; Working majorly with sigils and the intent that can be put into them to activate their power. Tools commonly used are pens, paper, makeup, candles.
Astronomy/Space/Luna; Correlates their belief in conjunction with the planets, stars and/or moon. Versed in moon phases and tend to do spell work at night rather than day time. Tools commonly used are horoscopes, calendars, charts, moonlight, moon water.
Energy; Those who prefer to do magick through energy exercises and manipulation rather than many physical tools or materials. This may also include aura work. The only tools needed for this type is yourself.
Crystal; Magick that is worked commonly with stones and crystals. The practise may include chakra balancing, crystal meditation and even spell work or rituals. Extensive knowledge of stone, including how to identify them. Tools most commonly used are crystals, books, grimoires and stones.
Literacy; Those who practise through books and literature - studying the craft after the 'beginner' phase of learning. Tools are books, poems, written work.
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Herbs & Correspondences A-F
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This is going to be a looonnnnnggg post, I have gotten all the herbs I can find/remember the correspondences of herbs in alphabetical order, so I might actually break it down into sections and link them on each post at the top.
Acorn - Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. Associated with Litha. Element water. 
Agrimony - Shielding and hex-breaking, aids sleep, brings luck towards you and is powerful in spell reversal.  Element Air. 
Alder - Helps you to face up to things you are avoiding, divination, teaching especially anything arty and weather magic. Element Fire. 
Alfalfa - Money, prosperity and a happy home, also anti-hunger. Generosity and luck.  Element Earth. 
Allspice - Draws money and business success.  Aids compassion, luck and healing. Element Fire.   
Angelica - Also called Archangel. It is a very powerful protection herb, healing, creates harmony and courage and helps in exorcisms.  Aids vision. Element Air. 
Apple - Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, also vanity, marriage and beauty. Associated Mabon & Samhain. Element water. 
Ash - Spells relating to the sea, protection, and luck. Make your Yule log from ash and burn to bring prosperity. Yggdrasil was an Ash tree.  Element water. 
Basil - Also called witch's herb. Use in spells for Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Associated with Imbolc. Aids astral projection. Element Fire. 
Bay Leaf - Protection, success, purification, strength, wisdom and healing, also increases psychic powers. Element Fire. 
Beech - Happiness, inspiration and divination. Represents the Green Man.  Element Air. 
Belladonna - Also Called: Deadly Nightshade. Toxic. Use for forgetting past loves. Protection, beauty and original flying ointments. Adds energy to rituals.   Element Water. 
Benzoin - Purification, prosperity, and helps to soothe tension by dispelling anger and lessening irritability, de stressing, helps depression, concentration and astral projection. Element Air.  
Bergamot - Money, prosperity and sleep.  Protects from both evil and illness. Good luck and wealth. Increases magical power.  Element Fire.  
Birch - Protection, exorcism and purification. Dispels lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Associated with Yule. Element Water.  
Black Pepper - Banishing negativity, exorcism, and offers protection and help with inner strength.  Element Fire  
Blackthorn - Exorcisms, warding off negative spirits and general protection.  Associated with Samhain. Element Earth.  
Bladderwrack - Protection, sea and wind spells, attracts money, psychic powers, and customers to your business. Element Water. 
Blessed Thistle - or Holy Thistle. Purification, protection against negativity and evil, hex breaking and aids vitality.  Carry on you for strength and protection. Element Earth. 
Blueberry - Protection of children, keeps evil out, and strengthens the aura.  Associated with the Great Spirit. Element Water. 
Borage Flower - Self Courage, peace, calm, self-love and strength. Element Air. 
Burdock - Also called Beggar’s buttons. Used for cleansing magic and warding off negativity. Protection, healing and persistence spells.  Element Water.  
Calendula - Also called Marigold. It attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic/spiritual powers and aid prophetic dreams. Dispels negativity.  Element Fire.   
Cardamom - Lust, love, and fidelity. Sweetens the personality   Use in handfasting's. Element Water.  
Carnation - Protection, strength, healing, enhancing magical powers, and achieving balance.   Element Fire.  
Catnip - Also called Nepeta. Use when working with animals.  Draws love, luck and happiness, also used in beauty magic.  Associated with Bast. Element Water. 
Cedarwood - Luck, strength and power.  It helps increase money and protection. Also healing.    Associated with Mabon. Element Earth. 
Cedar Berries - Also Called: Juniper Berries.  Protective, cleansing and repels negativity very well. Used in healing rites.  Element Fire.  
Celandine - Cures depression, treats piles, improves circulation. Brings about Joy and happiness. Solar Magic.  Element Fire. 
Chamomile - Love, sleep, protection and purification, also reduce stress.  Use for meditation work and to attract money. Solar Magic. Element Water. 
Chervil - Helps healing, flatulence and superstition.  It is considered the herb for bringing in new life.  Element Water.  
Chickweed - Also called Witches Grass. Use in moon spells. Also good for animal magic, relationships, love and fertility. Element Water.  
Chili - Fidelity, love and passion.  Also hex breaking. Element Fire.  
Cinnamon - Also called Sweet Wood. Use for Solar magic.  Meditation and astral projection. Increases spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, luck, strength, and prosperity. Element Fire.  
Clover, Red - Also called Trefoil. used in any spells relating to marriage, love, lust and fidelity. Success is linked to money.  Element Air.  
Clove - Use to protect, banish negative forces, and divination.  It also helps with any teeth spells. Aids money and draws love.  Element Fire.  
Coltsfoot - Aids wealth.  Works with peace, tranquility, prosperity, and love. Associated with Brighid. Element Water. 
Comfrey - Also called Slippery Root.  Supports magic healing and safe travel. Use for money, endurance and stability spells. Element Water. 
Coriander - Love, lust and health.  Used as an aphrodisiac and to heal migraines. Brings peace & protection to the home. Element Fire.   
Cornflower - Used primarily as an Ink for your Book of Shadows. It is the patron herb of herbalists. Use in rituals to give honor to the mother of all nature, also connected to Rainbow and Crystal children.  Element Earth. 
Cumin - Fidelity, protection, and exorcism.  Also used in love spells and food which can also promote fidelity.  Element Earth   
Cypress - Associated with death and mourning; stimulates healing and helps overcome the pain of loss.  Other properties include self-esteem, protection, love and banishing nightmares. Element Earth. 
Damiana - Lust, sex magic and attracting love. It is thought to be an aphrodisiac. Use for astral projection and spirit quests.  Element Fire. 
Dandelion Leaf - Used to summon spirits, make wishes on, healing, purification and defeating negativity.  Element Air.  
Dandelion Root - Magical uses include divination, wishes and calling spirits. It also enhances dreams and works well in astral projection. Element Air. 
Dock Root- (Yellow). Used to release baggage no longer needed. Also, fertility, healing and money magic. Clears blockages and cuts bindings.  Solar Magic. Element Air. 
Echinacea - Adds a boost to clairvoyant and psychic abilities. Adds powerful strength to spells used in money drawing magic, fertility and abundance and provides the user with protective power. Element Earth. 
Elder Tree - Sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, banishing. 
Elderflower & Berry - Peace, protection, and healing, plus aids in exorcisms.  Element Water.  
Elm - Energizes the mind and balances the heart. Aids love spells and offer protection from lightning. Element Water. 
Evening Primrose - Ideal for moon magic. Also use in love charms and to attract fae.  Element Water.  
Eyebright - Increases mental power, psychic ability and inner vision.  Element Air.  
Fennel Seed - Helps with meditation.  Healing, purifying and protection.  Also linked with new motherhood and offers inner strength. Element Air.  
Feverfew - Aids poor health.  Protection against accidents when travelling and protection when working with spirit.  Carry on you for inner strength. Element Water. 
Flax Seed - Also called Linseed. Used for money spells and healing rituals. It helps with beautiful spells and offers protection.  Element Fire. 
Fleawort - Healing, Cleansing, strength and power. The Goddess' herbs. Element Earth. 
Frankincense Resin - Use in solar magic. Associated with Beltane, Lammas, and Yule. Use in rituals and magic associated with self-control, spirituality and protection.  Also regulates emotions and helps depression. Element Earth  
Fumitory - Associated with the underworld and used at Samhain. Linked to spells for monetary gain, consecration and protection. Element Earth.  
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Herbs & Correspondences G-L
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Galangal Root - Also called Lo John the Conqueror or Lo John. Carry into legal proceedings to help win. Money, gambling and hex breaking.  Also aids luck and psychic development. Element Fire. 
Garlic - Magical uses include speed, health and endurance, also protection, exorcism and purification. Use also to promote your inner strength.  Element Fire. 
Gentian - Increases spell power. Good luck and works well in love & romance spells. Element Fire. 
Ginger - Increases magic power. Success, love, money and power.  Element Fire. 
Ginseng - Promotes love, beauty, healing and lust.  Element Fire. 
Hawthorn Wood- Associated with Beltane. Magical uses include chastity, fertility, fairy magic, fishing magic, and rebirth.  Success in career, work, and employment. Use it to work with the fae. Used in weddings and handfasting's to increase fertility. Element Water.  Hawthorne Berries aid chastity. Hope, protection and happiness. Element Fire.  
Hearts Ease - Also called Violet.  It helps to mend a broken heart. Aids rebirth, peace, wishes and luck.  Calms the nerves and promotes peace and tranquility. Element Water.  
Hemlock - Use to paralyze a situation and a funeral herb. Highly Toxic.  Element Water.   
Henbane - Dried leaves are used in the consecration of ceremonial vessels. Used in love sachets and charms to gain the love of the person desired. Highly Toxic. Element Water.  
Hibiscus - Attracting love and lust.  Use in divination. Associated with lunar magic.  Element Water. 
High John - (The Conqueror) An "all purpose" herb.  Use it for strength, confidence, conquering any situation.  Good luck, prosperity and protection. Element Fire.   
Holly Hock - Protecting, all Fairy magic, abundance, personal growth and aids passing. Related to Lammas. Element Earth. 
Horehound - Protective against evil doings. Helps with mental clarity during ritual; stimulates creativity/inspiration; balances personal energies and healing.  Element Earth.  
Horsetail - Use for strength and resolve. Protection, cleansing and clearing unwanted emotions.  Element Earth. 
Hyssop - Used for purification.  Banishing, protection and healing.  Element Fire. 
Irish Moss - Used for luck. Ideal for gamblers!  Attracts money and customers for self-employed. Offers protection. Element Water 
Ivy - Protection, healing and fertility.  Use for love and hang at handfasting's.  Element Fire. 
Jasmine - The herb of attraction.  Helps prophetic dreaming, money and love. Element Water. 
Juniper - See Cedar berries.  
Lady's Mantle - Aphrodisiac and transmutation. Use in love spells and those of fertility.  Increases magic power in spells and connects with fairy lore. Element Water. 
Laurel- See Bay leaf. 
Lavender - Magical uses include healing, sleep and peace. It also promotes chastity and love. Increases longevity of life, tranquility and happiness.  Element Air. 
Lemon Balm - Also called Melissa. Love, success and healing.  Aids psychic/spiritual development. Supports mental health disorders and compassion. Element Water.     
Lemon Grass - Psychic cleansing and opening.  Use in lust potions and when using Dragon Magic.  Element Air.  
Licorice Root - Love, lust, and fidelity. Also attracts passion. Element Water. 
Lilac - Wisdom, memory, good luck and spiritual aid.  Element Water. 
Linden Flower - Wisdom, justice, love and protection. Element Air. 
Lime Tree Leaf - Healing, calm and love.  Aids strength and tranquility.  Element Air. 
Little John - See Galangal root. 
Lungwort - Use in air magic or as an offering to the Gods of air.  Offers safe travel when flying. Element Air.  
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Herb Correspondences - M-R
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Mandrake - Spell strengthener. Use for protection, happiness and wealth.  It aids money multiplying. Element Earth. 
Marigold - See Calendula. 
Marjoram - Use for cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity.  Also aids grief and sadness. Element Air. 
Marshmallow Flower - Cleansing, protection, love, sex and fertility. Used in handfasting's. Elements Water. 
Marshmallow Root - Protection and psychic powers.  Use in tea to aid sore throats. Handfasting herbs and cleansing.  Element Water.  
Meadowsweet - Used to increase the chances of getting a job. Helps peace, love and happiness.  Aids divination. Element Air. 
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom. Element Air. 
Mistletoe - Also called Witches Broom. Used for fertility, creativity, and protection from negative spells & magic. Hang at handfasting to kiss beneath and promote peace. Element Air. 
Mountain Ash Berry - Also called Rowan Berry. Strong fairy and Goddess connections. Aids protection and meditation help to clear the mind. Element Fire.  
Motherwort - Mother’s Herb. Love and fertility. Grounding helps against bad luck. Protection and good fortune. Element Fire. 
Mug wort - Use for strength, protection and healing. Mug wort amplifies magic. Aids astral projection, and psychic power.   Element Earth.  
Mullein - Represents the crossroads.  Offers protection from nightmares & hexing.  It attracts love and keeps evil energies and spirits at bay.  Element Fire. 
Mustard Seed - Courage, faith, and endurance. It is a good luck amulet. Aids mental power and offers protection.  Element Fire. 
Myrrh - Spiritual, meditation, and healing. Supports youthfulness and protection.  Luck and peace. Element Earth.  
Nasturtium - Banishing and releasing fear.  It helps create your own reality. Aids creativity and independence.  Element Air. 
Nettle - Uses include dispelling darkness & fear, and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increase lust in partners. Renewal.  Element Fire. 
Nutmeg - Magical uses include attracting money/prosperity, and luck.  Use for fortune telling and when you need favorable decisions to be made. Element Fire. 
Oak - Connected to Litha and the most sacred of all trees.  Oak supports success, good luck and healing. Stability and potency and attract money.  Element Water. 
Orange Peel & Flower- Attracts abundance, luck.  Love and happiness strengthen divination.  Element Fire. 
Oregano - Aids astral projection, health, and vitality.  Increase joy and justice and protect against evil.  Use at Handfasting's. Element Air. 
Parsley - Use this herb to help with contacting the dead. Increases strength, vitality and passion.  It is uplifting and helps spiritual growth. Element Air.  
Passionflower - Attracts friendship and passion. Calming, peace and instills passion into stale relationships. Good for house blessings too.  Element Water. 
Patchouli - Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Money attracts increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful.  Element Earth.  
Pennyroyal - Use for peace, harmony and tranquility. Carry to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance. Element Earth. 
Peppermint - Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love.  Use for increasing psychic power and divination. Element Air. 
Pilewort - See Celandine.  
Pine/Needles - Prosperity and success.  Protection, purification and divination. Throw it in the fire to dispel negativity. Use in house and business blessings.  Element Fire. 
Plantain - Increases fertility and libido.  Healing, protective and offers strength.  Use to have power over supernatural events. Element Earth. 
Poppy Seeds - Pleasure, love and luck.  Aids sleep and insomnia. Use in astral projection and flying magic.  Increases fertility and happiness. Element Water.  
Pumpkin Seed - Use in lunar magic to honor the moon.  Also healing and increases divination. Element Fire. 
Raspberry Leaf - Used for healing, protection, love. Raspberry leaf not to be eaten by pregnant women until due date, as it induces labor. Helps to reduce the pain involved in childbirth. Supports sleep, dreams and love.  Element Water. 
Red Clover - Aids success, love and money.  Increases fidelity. Use in exorcism.  Element Air. 
Rose - Use for divination, increased psychic power, love, lust and healing. It helps strengthen close friendships. Place it around sprains and bruises to help them heal faster.  Element Water. 
Rose Hips - Used in healing spells or to bring good luck and invoking good spirits. Aids stronger love.  Element Water. 
Rosemary - Use in healing poppets and love/lust spells.  Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn to help purification and remove negativity. Associated with faery magic.  Element Fire. 
Rowan - See Mountain Ash.  
Rue - Use in healing, health and love.  Also, protection against the evil eye.  Increases mental power and clarity of the mind. Used in exorcism.  Element Fire. 
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sweetwitchythings · 2 months
Herb Correspondences - S-Z
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Sage - Used for self-purification and cleansing.  Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection also increase wisdom.   Element Air. 
Sandalwood - Burn during protection, healing, and exorcism spells.  Aids luck and success, meditation and divination. Raises a high spiritual vibration. Element Water. 
Skullcap - Aids in love, fidelity and peace.  Increases harmony. Element Water. 
Sea Salt - Use to cleanse crystals and tools.  For purification, grounding and protection.  Supports ritual work. Absorbs negativity and banishes evil.  Element Earth & Water.  
Sheep's Purse - Prosperity, protection and healing. Element Earth. 
Sheep Sorrel - Carry to protect against heart disease. Cleansing and increases luck.  Use in faery magic. Element Earth. 
St. John's Wort - Worn to prevent colds & fevers.  Induces prophetic and romantic dreams. Protects against hexes and black witchcraft.  Increases happiness. Use in Solar Magic. Element Fire. 
Star Anise - Consecration, purification, and happiness.  Use for curse breaking or increasing luck. Burn to increase psychic awareness.   Element Fire.  
Strawberry Leaf - Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Increases love and aids pregnancy. Element Water. 
Sunflower - Energy, protection, and power.  Aids wisdom and brings about wishes.  Use in fertility magic. Element Fire. 
Sweet Cicely - Use during rituals for the dead or dying.  It helps with divination and the contact of the spirit.  It is sacred to the Goddess’ of death. Element Earth. 
Sweetwood - See Cinnamon.   
Tansy - See Agrimony.  
Tarragon - Increases self-confidence.  Use in Dragon magic. Aids healing after abusive situations.   Element Fire. 
Tea Leaves - Use for courage or strength. In tea for increasing lust. Burn leaves to ensure future riches.  Element Air. 
Thistle - See Blessed Thistle.  
Thyme - Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power.  Drink tea to aid sleep. Element Air.  
Valerian - Also called Graveyard dust. Aids sleep is calming and is a sedative.  Quietens emotions. Supports protection and love. Element Water. 
Vervain - Strengthen other herbs. Helps, peace, love and happiness.  Burn the leaves to attract wealth and keep your youth. Increases chastity also.  Element Water. 
Verbena - Psychic protection, peace and purification.  Healing and helps depression. Increases beauty and love.  Mind opening and clearing. Ideal use for exams. Element Earth.  
Violet - See Heart’s Ease.  
White Willow Bark - Use in lunar magic.  Reduces negativity and removes evil forces and hexes.  Used for healing spells. Element Water. 
Willow - Used for lunar magic, drawing or strengthening love, healing, and overcoming sadness.  Element Water. 
Witches Grass - Happiness, lust, love, and exorcism. Reverses hexes.  Element Earth.  
Wood Betony - Use for purification, protection, and the expulsion of evil spirits and nightmares.  Draws love in your direction. Element Fire. 
Woodruff - Victory, protection, and money.  Element Air. 
Wormwood - Used to remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection. Use in clairvoyance, to summon spirits, or to enhance divinatory abilities. Element Earth. 
Yarrow - Healing, calming and increases love. Used in handfasting & weddings.  Increases psychic power and divination. Gives courage when needed. Element Air. 
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