Michelle Joy Montrose
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A Pretty Little Art Nerd
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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🎨🌷🌺🌸💐🌻Finally finished up this piece I started during the pandemic. I do love a loose and bold floral! . . . #impressionisticflowers #cuteflowers #artistsofinstagram #floralpainter #flowerpower🌼 #artisticdecor #floweraddict #iloveflowers💐 #farmhousestyledecor #cozydecor #floweraddicts #californiaartists #floweraddiction #wallartpainting #artisticdecoration #femaleartistoninstagram #artisticinterior #wallartcanvas #femaleartist #farmhousecharm #cozycottage #sandiegoartscene #iloveflowerssomuch #iloveflowers🌸 #livingroomart #artforhome #cuteflowers🌸 #farmhousehomedecor #iloveflowers🌸✨ (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoQokE3PiN9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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2nd of a two part commission headed to its new home this week! Send me a message if you would want one of your own custom pieces! . . . #oilcolors #sandiegoartshow #artisticinteriors #sandiegoarts #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartist #wallartforsale #fineartcollecting #femaleartist #wallartlove #wallartpainting #femaleartistoninstagram #sandiegoart #dailypaintworks #femaleartiste #representationalart #sandiegoartist #artisticinterior #sandiegoartscene #wallartists #allaprimapainting #artisticdecoration #sandiegoartists #boldbrush #artisticdecor # #wallartstyle #wallartcanvas https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAwgIaPl9Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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Happy new year!! This is a commission I finished up, and is off to its new home this week. 🎨 Start your year off with art! . . . #wallartlove #oilcolors #sandiegoartist # #fineartcollecting #sandiegoartshow #dailypaintworks #wallartforsale #wallartcanvas #sandiegoartists #artisticdecoration #wallartpainting #boldbrush #artisticdecor #sandiegoartscene #femaleartiste #artisticinterior #wallartstyle #representationalart #femaleartist #sandiegoarts #wallartists #allaprimapainting #sandiegoart #sandiegoartists #femaleartistoninstagram #sandiegoartist #artisticinteriors (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7EZy1P6tm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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Back out in the open air. It's been some weeks since I did a plein air painting! The sunshine and fresh air feels good 👍 . . . #sandiegoartist #femaleartistoninstagram #fineartcollecting #allaprimapainting #balboapark #wallartlove #sandiegoartist #femaleartiste # #pleinaireartist #artisticinteriors #pleinairepainter #wallartforsale #pleinairepaintings #dailypaintworks #femaleartist #sandiegoartists #oilcolors #wallartstyle #pleinairepainting #representationalart #artisticdecoration #sandiegoartshow #outdoorpainting #balboaparksd #artisticinterior #sandiegoart #wallartists #wallartcanvas (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmewj5nPJFT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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Just finished up this 10x10! It's been a while since I made a new painting in my cityscape series. This is a cute little church on 22nd and market down in San Diego, CA. . . . #sandiegoartist #artisticinteriors #sandiegoarts #sandiegoart #boldbrush #oilcolors #allaprimapainting #wallartcanvas #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartscene #artisticdecoration #femaleartistoninstagram # #femaleartiste #artisticinterior #wallartstyle #sandiegoartists #wallartlove #fineartcollecting #representationalart #wallartforsale #femaleartist #sandiegoartshow #sandiegoartist #wallartpainting #artisticdecor #wallartists #dailypaintworks https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEiu-Zy8tw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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WIP of a new painting I'm starting today! Pencils down and paint is next 🏃‍♀️ . . . #fineartcollecting #representationalart #wallartstyle #artisticinterior #wallartforsale #sandiegoartist #artisticdecoration #sandiegoartists #artisticinteriors #sandiegoartshow #wallartcanvas #oilcolors #wallartpainting #femaleartiste #sandiegoartist #boldbrush #sandiegoarts #sandiegoart #sandiegoartscene #sandiegoartists #allaprimapainting #femaleartist #wallartlove #artisticdecor # #dailypaintworks #wallartists #femaleartistoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBuaNwvkla/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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Bright little house I painted today! Sometimes I just don't have enough energy to tackle a big painting, so its fun to have little canvases on hand to keep the gears going. . . .#sandiegoartist #sandiegoartist #sandiegoartscene #oilcolors #wallartists #wallartpainting #femaleartistoninstagram #wallartcanvas #artisticinteriors #sandiegoart #wallartstyle #artisticdecoration #sandiegoartshow #sandiegoartists #boldbrush #sandiegoarts #artisticdecor #allaprimapainting #wallartlove #fineartcollecting #dailypaintworks #wallartforsale #artisticinterior #femaleartiste #sandiegoartists #representationalart #femaleartist # (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_IPCHvLOc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 2 years ago
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This commission is on its way home today! If you have a special scene you'd like painted in my style, please reach out to me through my website or even here on social media. . Hope you enjoy! . . . #normalheightssd #normalheights @normalheights.sd #citynightscene #citylights #boldbrush #sandiegoartist #sandiegoartists #sandiegoart #sandiegoartist #sandiegoarts #sandiegoartscene #wallartcanvas #wallartists #femaleartistoninstagram #artisticdecor #artisticinteriors #femaleartiste #wallartlove #artisticdecoration #artisticinterior #wallartpainting #wallartstyle #fineartcollecting #wallartforsale #femaleartist #sandiegoartists #dailypaintworks #allaprimapainting # #sandiegoartshow #representationalart #oilcolors (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWBoSePCC7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Join me as I do 30 days of Play! I've been feeling stagnate lately. But when the 1st if the month rolls around something in my clicks and says, "a new start!" So I am going to just play, one page a day in my sketchbook. On brand, off brand, different mediums, doodles, Collage, portrait, abstract, landscape, whatever! If you wanna join just use the hashtag #30daysofplay . 🤙 . . . #acrylicpainting #sketchbooking #loosenup #arttorelax #creativeplay #doodledaily (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch--Me2vG6t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Another fun warm up painting. Both of these are available! Message me for details ✨️ (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYDFIZv88z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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I have been spending a lot of time recently exploring collages so I haven't posted here in a minute! Here is a little warm up painting playing with color and line. . Please give me a follow to see more colorful urban scenes! (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChX3ioyPb24/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Quick little studio S🔺️le! While doing some reorganizing I noticed the frame on the painting has some scratches, noticeable only at certain angles. 🥲 I am offering a 10% discount on this one! Normally this size goes for five hundred, but I am putting it on s🔺️le for four hundred and fifty. . Please DM me for 💲 details! Sorry for the emojis, trying to get around the algorithm. (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChIN19VJL0w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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A brand new painting! This tower was painted en plein air (out in the open) about 3 hours ago 🙂 its a new size for me, 11x14. . Please give me a follow to see more paintings of balboa Park and other San diego scenes. . . . #pleinairepainter #wallartlove #wallartstyle #wallartists # #femaleartistoninstagram #fineartcollecting #sandiegoartist #wallartcanvas #pleinairepainting #artisticdecoration #pleinaire #balboapark #balboaparksd #allaprimapainting #sandiegoartscene #pleinairepaintings #sandiegoart #sandiegoartshow #sandiegoarts #dailypaintworks #outdoorpainting #artisticinterior #boldbrush #sandiegoartists #artisticdecor #femaleartiste #artisticinteriors #wallartforsale (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfrtiW7PMA9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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I love hanging my paintings in a grid. They're all different but they have a conversation when hung together. Which one is your favorite? 🎨 . . . #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartscene #dailypaintworks #allaprimapainting #artisticdecor #artisticdecoration # #artisticinteriors #sandiegoarts #sandiegoartist #sandiegoartists #femaleartist #wallartcanvas #representationalart #sandiegoart #artisticinterior #boldbrush #femaleartiste #wallartists #wallartlove #sandiegoartist #femaleartistoninstagram #wallartforsale #oilcolors #wallartstyle #sandiegoartshow #wallartpainting #fineartcollecting (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfeu_DKP9fa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Warm summer mornings at balboa Park! This facade was a challenge and deserves a second (or third) painting one of these days. . . . #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartshow #artisticdecor #balboaparksandiego #dailypaintworks #balboapark #pleinairepainting #pleinaire #femaleartistoninstagram #allaprimapainting #wallartists #pleinairepainter #wallartpainting #artisticinteriors #balboaparksd #pleinaireartist #wallartforsale #oilcolors #pleinairepaintings #wallartlove #sandiegoartists #artisticdecoration #sandiegoartscene #sandiegoart #sandiegoartist #femaleartist #sandiegoarts #sandiegoartist #wallartstyle (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZrC7gvxRo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Finished up this sunset view while sitting my show over at studio 23 at the spanish village. The show closes Tuesday, so swing through soon! . . . #artisticinterior #artisticdecor #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartscene #sandiegoartist #wallartlove # #sandiegoartist #sandiegoart #sandiegoartists #sandiegoarts #wallartcanvas #oilcolors #wallartforsale #artisticdecoration #allaprimapainting #femaleartistoninstagram #femaleartiste #wallartstyle #boldbrush #wallartpainting #sandiegoartshow #dailypaintworks #wallartists #representationalart #femaleartist #artisticinteriors #fineartcollecting (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJvBtIvAwV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetpotatopixiefry · 3 years ago
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Painting in studio 23 at balboa Park this weekend! I'll be here friday, Saturday, and monday.Monday. swing through for a visit and to see the artwork! The show is up now and comes down Monday night. . . . @southwesternartists @spanishvillageart #artisticinterior #artisticdecor #sandiegoartists #sandiegoartscene #sandiegoartist #wallartlove # #sandiegoartist #sandiegoart #sandiegoartists #sandiegoarts #wallartcanvas #oilcolors #wallartforsale #artisticdecoration #allaprimapainting #femaleartistoninstagram #femaleartiste #wallartstyle #boldbrush #wallartpainting #sandiegoartshow #dailypaintworks #wallartists #representationalart #femaleartist #artisticinteriors #fineartcollecting (at Spanish Village Art Center - Balboa Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeE8fdfPGsG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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