sweetpods · 4 years
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i wanna make it clear since im coming back-ish and im doing a blog overhaul
while Pipod initially was more of a xenoverse based oc, he’s been developed into more of a mainline dragon ball oc. I’m more than willing to rp xeno stuff still, but just be aware that Pipod isnt 100% xeno based anymore!! 
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sweetpods · 4 years
Ive been playing xeno 2 again.... 👀
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sweetpods · 6 years
💛 platonic, 🖤 enemies
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine? (accepting!)
💛 platonic + 🖤 enemies
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honestly i love the idea of these two being buds, even if it’s like, not always friendly tbh? Pipod just doesn’t ever want to experience an angry Broly first hand due to rumors and horror stories he’s heard abt him, so with that in mind... At least hes making an effort to see if Broly can be nice?That being said tho i’m not opposed to them getting into bouts at all tbh.
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“U-Uh, yeah. Let’s hope we never come to have a fight.. I don’t think i’d survive, despite any small chance i may have...?”
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sweetpods · 6 years
💛 platonic
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Okay but this would make for a really funny / interesting friendship because Pipod could give Broly more words of wisdom like he did with killing with kindness thing. Broly would be so hard on him though, but when isn’t he like that towards anyone amirite??
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       “If he wasn’t such a coward, maybe.”
@sweetpods | x
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sweetpods · 6 years
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tfw u thought u were gonna have time to write down most of ur bois backstory revision after a smol dnd session but u gotta work at 10 am so u legit gotta sleeb
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sweetpods · 6 years
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
❤️ romantic 💛 platonic 💙 family 💜 mentor/mentee 💞 friends with benefits 💕 unrequited love [specify who] 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies
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sweetpods · 6 years
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       “When I asked just now. What? Do you not enjoy being used as an example? Maybe this killing with kindness thing is a joke after all.” He’s taking this talk far too literally, but watching the other Saiyan basically cowering before him is enough to keep him amused and prevent him from doing anything drastic. “I’ll keep your advice in mind, but if it turns out to be ineffective, I will be paying you another visit. Got that?”
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“It’s not that- I--It’s more so I would prefer to live more than anything...” Demeanor flipping on a dime as now the prospect of him actually being slaughtered for a suggestion not working struck fear to his core; his large frame shrinking into itself with the slightest shiver.  Poor, poor Pipod. 
“R--Right. Sure! Y--You do that! I--I’m sure it’ll work.”  If his ‘killing with kindness’ suggestion really didn’t pull through, he’d have to book it as soon as possible, if even possible. There was no way he’d be able to take on such a terrifying Saiyan.
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sweetpods · 6 years
Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
“What are you doing out this late?”
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.”
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” 
“You do realize what time it is, right?” 
“Where are you going at this hour?” 
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.” 
“Do you know where I am?” 
“The city looks different at night.” 
“This street is very dark…” 
“Why don’t you come stand in the light?” 
“Are you lost?” 
“I got turned around in the dark…” 
“This isn’t the time to go wandering around.”
“Only fools and trouble come out to these parts at this hour.” 
“Looking for trouble, are we?” 
“A little late to be shopping.” 
“Just coming back from the bar?” 
“Think any of the pubs are still going to be open?” 
“Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” 
“Woah! I didn’t see you there!”
“Where did you come from?” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“A bold move to show your face here in the shadows of night.” 
“Go home.” 
“It isn’t safe here at this time of night.” 
“You’re being watched.” 
“What are you doing still up?” 
“Looking for something?” 
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
“It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” 
“I know where I’m going.” 
“The trees are kind of spooky…”
“Did you hear that howl?” 
“Was…was that an owl…?” 
“This path is scary at night…” 
“The woods is no place a __ after dusk.” 
“Oh you poor soul, wandering lost in the forest under the new moon…” 
“You can’t see the stars from here…” 
“This is the witching hour.” 
“Dark beasts lurk here. Be cautious.” 
“Stay on the road!” 
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
“The ocean is so mysterious at night…” 
“What brings you to the pier at this hour?” 
“What dangers lurk in these dark waters, I wonder.” 
“You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.” 
🌙+ your own
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sweetpods · 6 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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sweetpods · 6 years
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“Mmn. Nothin’ like 12 boxes of sweets after a long day.” Boxes stacked next to him as he sat on top of a building, he steadily began to make his way through them.
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sweetpods · 6 years
>broly’s trying to kill goku w kindness
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YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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sweetpods · 6 years
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He’s taking a mental note on everything that is being told to him, though the disgruntled look on his face gives off a lack of understanding anyway. This sounds all too silly to him to be true. “No. It doesn’t.” So straightforward. “So you’re saying that sparing their life is far more effective at killing than actually killing them? If I were to spare you right now for this stupid conversation, would you suddenly drop dead?”
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“Well- Um, think of it as prolonging their suffering I guess? If you wanna make it more morbid.” He scratched his cheek, a nervous smile gracing his features.  “Eh? M--Me!? I mean, I may die of fear after this, because honestly? You’re kiiinda scary. If you ask me, living in fear of you someday hunting me down is more scary than you just killing me right here... But I guess both would result in me dying.” He paused for a moment.
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“...Wait, when did this suddenly become about ME dying!?”
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sweetpods · 6 years
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       “You…can? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!”
After shaking off a sudden wave of fear that came from the sudden outburst, the saiyan collected himself.
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“Y--Yeah! Basically you just have to be as nice as you can be, I guess? Like help them out a lot and treat them nicely. It usually makes people feel bad, and because of that I think metaphorical pain in those cases can hurt worse than physical pain. Does that make sense, big guy?” 
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sweetpods · 6 years
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       “That requires too much work, especially if they already hate you. It would be a complete waste of time.”
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“Oh, u-uh, I mean- it’s not that hard! You could always kill them with kindness, right? That still counts as killing!”
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sweetpods · 6 years
anyways since i havent posted any art here have a lil pea wip
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sweetpods · 6 years
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       “If people hate you. KILL THEM! Live bad. Die worse.”
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“I... I guess? But why not try something different to make them NOT hate you, instead?”
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sweetpods · 6 years
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Hey folks, its ya boi, skinny penis Elfy. It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it? i’m sure some of u maybe missed me (or pipod here), and tbh i gotta say i’m sorry. I’ve been super inactive on tumblr for a number of reasons-
1- rping on social media can be kinda exhausting. Since i’m getting my life together currently and focusing on my art career, rping (outside of dnd or discord) has taken the backburner.
2- i’ve started working! I have a part time job now, which is honestly still hard for me to believe too. I’m starting my second week and things seem to be going great~
3- i haven’t really been feeling a big db mood? of course that’s suddenly changed bc some pals and i watched a recording of the broly movie (no spoilers will be posted here or on any of my social media, so dont worry. BUT i’m going to encourage you to support the FUCK out of this movie. i’m gonna buy the blu ray when it’s out here bc it’s honestly worth it imo.), and a new update hits xenoverse 2 tomorrow. 
I’ve been a huge db fan since i was in kindergarten, so honestly i cant stay away forever lmao. Db is something ive loved forever, and it’s helped me grow and been inspiration for so many ocs and ideas. i don’t know if i’m going to be rping here a whoooooole lot, but if you wish to keep up with me you should totally follow me on twitter @elfyelfears and @elfysmithart, or message me if you want my discord~ 
i’m glad yall have stuck around for this long tbh. thanks for puttin up w my absence! it means a lot honestly ;w; 
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