all these things that I have done
192 posts
Renae. 40s. She/Her. USA
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
Reblog to give the person you reblogged from warm garlic bread .
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
I’m calling this guy,..
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Correct 😍😍😍
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
merry christmas to the people who have to pretend to be someone they’re not for their families, who don’t have family to celebrate with, who have bad past experiences with the holiday, who are having a rough year and just want to reach the end of it, who couldn’t afford gifts this year and feel guilt over it. merry christmas to everyone but especially those of you who are feeling down.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
2023 Bucket
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This is a bucket. Anything you don't want to take with you into 2024, feel free to drop it in the bucket. I will be burning the contents (with Hellfire) at exactly 11:59pm on New Year's Eve.
You don't have to type anything, at all. Just reblog the bucket and your intentions will be known by the universe. Or the bucket. Or whatever you like.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
The just hasn’t really seemed like Christmas. The spirit isn’t there this year. I’m alone for the first time in a long time and I’m working to try and keep the time I’m by myself to a minimum. It isn’t working.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
Sweet Hazel! For your consideration - "i’ve been thinking about you all day" with our favorite Francisco? 💛
I love it, and it made me think of my little one-shot Let It Squall, (I don't think you need to have read it to read this one) so lets see what those two are up to! Thank you bb!
(Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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You look down at your buzzing phone and smile.
FRANKIE:I've been thinking about you all day
You look around your little bookshop, then look back down at your phone-
YOU:Have you? I have been thinking about you too
FRANKIE: How about some breakfast for dinner?
YOU: It's my favorite!
Things are going pretty well with Frankie. Really well, actually.
At first you weren't so sure, after a wonderful evening with him. You made pancakes for breakfast, he stayed to eat and you walked him and his dog Raffi to his truck. He cupped your cheek and kissed you softly, lingering, standing in the sparkling snow. Everything seemed great and then you didn't hear from him until Christmas Eve. He came into the bookshop with his partners. From his descriptions the night you were snowbound, tree lights twinkling, you were sure you knew who was Will, Benny and Santi.
It was Santi who shoved him toward you muttering "pendejo", Frankie just looked at you all puppy eyes and so sheepish you were sure his first word to you would be 'bahhhhh". He explained the farm was so busy and then he got in his head and worried he had waited too long and then he he did wait too long, as he kept talking himself out of calling or stopping in.
"I'm not very good at this.," he told you.
"You're fine at this," you countered.
So to make up for it, they were all going to do all their holiday shopping at your store and he was going to beg you for forgiveness. Laughing you wondered aloud f it had something to do with a bunch of guys putting off their shopping and now needed help to get it all done. The one you were sure was Benny called from the stacks, "Well, you got my number!" Making you both laugh, and Frankie look toward Benny's voice, muttering.
So you helped them cross everyone off their lists and chatted with Frankie about what gave him cold feet, and ultimately you let him off the hook reminding him the phone rings both ways. You could have, should have, checked in. That maybe you got into your own head a little as well.
Now it's springtime and at the tree farm the guys are preparing for "pick-your-own" berry season and corn and pumpkin planting. Busy, but not slammed as there is no customers until summer. Making plenty to time for the two of you.
FRANKIE: I know. Pick you up after closing?
You text him in the affirmative, reminding him you just switched out of "winter hours" which added an hour before closing.
Frankie arrives right at 6, as you shut up the shop for the night.
"I guess I don't quite need the added hours, yet."
"Things will pick up, there's definitely more traffic down here," he assures, while wrapping you up in his warm arms. He comes around to open your door, and then gives you a wink as he crosses back to the drivers side, then climbs in.
"So gallant" you smile.
"Yeah I am." Frankie gives a playful pat to your thigh and tucks his hand between them. Not overly high but enough to cause your tummy to somersault.
At the diner you give your breakfast order, Frankie orders the same, adding a side of pancakes to share.
He is perfect, you think.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
Let It SQUALL ❄️
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This is part if the @pedrostories Secret Santa gift exchange 2022.
For: @something-tofightfor
With love: Hazel
Frankie Morales x GN!Reader
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You go to a tree farm to get your Christmas Tree and get a little help from Frankie.
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It's your first Christmas alone, but you are determined to enjoy personal traditions built over a decade. This includes cutting your own tree...
So here you are, pulling into the tree farm's hardpan parking lot, hoping your hatchback isn't too small to bring one home. You remind yourself that it will be fine so long as you get a small tree as you get out of the car and grab your bow saw.
It really is a perfect day for it, snow on the ground from last night and some flurries swirling… you are bundled up in your favorite sweater with a scarf, gloves and good boots as you make your way to the field.
Holiday music floats over the parking lot and in the warming house, the smell of wood smoke and hot chocolate fill you with nostalgia.
A sweet faced dog with large pointy ears lopes by, you smile and your eyes can't help following. It's a dog, okay? The dog stops, tail wagging at a guy, you assume is his owner. He's comfortably handsome with soft brown eyes, a mustache and patchy scruff on his chin and cheeks. Layered a thermal shirt, button down flannel, and quilted barn coat, his head topped with a trucker cap with the tree farm logo on it. You note his coat has a patch with Frankie embroidered on it.
He gives you a crooked smile that displays a singular dimple. You give a small smile back and then continue your trek to the grove of trees, your face heats a little at being caught staring.
The music fades being replaced by the crunch of your foot falls and the aroma of pine and snow overtakes the smells from the farm yard.
You meander through the trees unhurried, passing the noble firs, gorgeous but expensive, best not to fall in love with one. Next the Douglases, then the Frasers… at the Balsams you turn into the rows, surrounding yourself in their scent. You take a moment to steep in it.
“I like the balsams too, humble, beautiful and the amazing smell lasts,” says a soft voice behind you.
“I love them,” you say, you had heard a second set of boots in the snow, turning to see that the friendly voice is coming from Frankie, the tree farm guy. “I just wish they held their needles a bit better.”
“Yeah, there’s always a catch,” he chuckles.
“There really always is isn't there," you smile.
“So, I followed you to see if I could help. Usually we get people out here in pairs or families…” Frankie trails off, not wanted to overstep. His hand comes up to the back of his neck, it is sweetly shy.
“Oh,” you say, have this broad, soft eyed tree farmer help? Pssh “That would be great!”
His smile lights up and you know you are in trouble!
As you and Frankie walk the lines of trees, you tell him you usually get a tall tree, your place, while not very big, has high ceilings, but now you only have a small hatchback to bring it home, so you need to stick with a 5 footer.
“Deciding which ornaments to leave in the boxes, that will be hard” you say with a sigh.
You walk in companionable silence for a few beats.
“Are you far?”
“No actually, I’m above the used bookstore right off Main,” you say absently as you walk around a small tree, scrutinizing it.
"I can," Frankie clears his throat, "I could bring- we offer delivery."
It takes a moment for you.
"Really?" You beam, then your face falls, "mmm, thank you butI really can't afford a bigger tree and delivery- "
"Delivery, under 5 miles, is free," Frankie confirms with more confidence. Though you get the feeling he just did that math. It's your turn to give a lopsided smile, as you thank him and move away from the small tree and head for the more mature ones.
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You choose a narrow eight foot tree, Frankie makes quick work of falling it for you and drags it behind him as you make small talk. The temperature dropping as the day progresses and you begin to shiver.
"Yeah, I didn't think it was supposed to drop like this, also thought I was going to be keeping myself warm with taking the tree down myself." Then you quickly add with a grin, "not I'm complaining. Thank you again."
"Well let's get you a hot drink and warm you up!"
At the warming house, you loosen your scarf and open up you coat. Frankie is aglow, ruddy cheeks from the chill and exertion as he hangs his coat up and adds a log to the woodstove. He smiles at a couple of the crew taking a break from the cold as he picks up two mugs-
"We got coffee, tea, hot chocolate and hot cider"
"Oh, um… I'll take the cider!"
Frankie, dimple showing, brings the two piping hot mugs over. You take the mug with both hands grazing his, murmuring your thanks.
After a sip-
"I love this space, and the woodcut ornaments… so, is this a family business?"
"Sorta, found family I guess." He says, "my buddies and I bought it, sort of defunked at the time…"
You continue to look everywhere but him-
Frankie on the other hand can't take his eyes off of you, "yeah."
Finally, you look over your steaming mug at him, "yeah."
You were kicking yourself internally for being so awkward. Why? Why must you be this way?
Then a bunch of phone notifications chime at once, you look at yours as several others do the same, including Frankie.
"Well, we'd better get you and your tree home, there's warning for squalls." Frankie says as everyone starts moving to finish up.
You nod and take another sip of the cider and set it down on the tray table set out for that purpose.
"I'm, um, a little nervous about my car getting it down the hill its not great in the snow…"
"Well, you're not far, how about I drive you in the pickup and you can get your car tomorrow, it's supposed to be clear tomorrow, no problem," Frankie guides you out a hand gently on your lower back. The tree is already in his truck and he takes just a moment to say something to a shorter man with black curls, who looks at you and then back to Frankie. He smiles and Frankie gives him a good natured shove.
With a whistle, his dog hops in the cab as the two of you clamber in.
"Is it okay if my dog joins?"
"Of course," you enthuse, giving the sweetie a scratch behind those big ears.
As with squalls, the snow is suddenly heavy and there are moments when it is white out conditions. You were so glad to not be in your little hatchback, you really needed to get a better car for the winter.
Frankie takes his time and soon enough you are in front of your bookstore, The Dancing Goat.
"Why dancing goat?" He asks looking up at the sign.
"That is an excellent question," you say with a smirk as you climb out of the truck.
You hear him chuckle, then shiver. With the wind the snow is coming down, and sideways, and up.
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After the pair of you bring the tree up the stairs to the apartment above, and put the tree in the stand, you walk him back out to the sidewalk, finding the snow is worse.
"Maybe you should come back up, hopefully the squalls will settle in a little bit."
"Yeah, I can bring Raffi in?" Frankie asks, hand on the car door.
"Of course."
As you wait for the kettle, you start putting up the tree lights, Frankie falling very naturally in step with you, helping wind them around the tree. His dog Raffi finds your couch a perfect place to watch you both work, and gets cozy.
The kettle sings just as you finish the lights, so you plug it in with a voilà and you turn down the other lights and rush to get the tea brewing.
The windows with snow swirling outside them perfectly frame your merrily twinkling evergreen. You can't help but sigh and your eyes get bright with holidays past.
As a distraction, you pull out your phone, check the weather once more and then swipe over to your music app, selecting Skating by Vince Girardi and the quiet nostalgia of the Charlie Brown soundtrack.
"I think it might be a while."
"That's alright by me," Frankie says as he plunks down next to his already sleeping dog, he looks up an eyebrow raising and smile widening as he pats the cushion next to him-
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"I'm still waiting to hear about the Dancing Goat."
Part 2
If you enjoyed this, you can find more Frankie and my writng in general on my masterlist and if you would like to be tagged in future work, please go to my taglist form.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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space sisters secret santa 🎁 for @thetriumphantpanda
So, time heals all wounds, I guess? It wasn't time that did it.
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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merry christmas y’all!
have a fun and safe day if you celebrate, and if you don’t, i hope you still have an amazing day!
if no one has told you i love you today, then i will. I LOVE ALL Y’ALL!
IG: @justralphy
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
Pedro Pascal Character Quotes as Queue Tags
idk guys i got bored. steal if you want! (mine is #a real queueboy)
#do queue wanna have sex with me (dieter)
#i'm trying to queue but it's hard (dieter)
#paddington queue (javi g)
#queue can't quit acting (javi g)
#no i have not been queue hunting (javi p)
#fucking queuebilly (javi p)
#queue what i say when i say it (joel)
#is it everything queue hoped for? (joel)
#not what i call a queuetucky welcome (whiskey)
#queuenado in a trailer park (whiskey)
#queue is good! but it could be better (max lord)
#queue can have it all (max lord)
#together we ravage the queue (ezra)
#i must queueposte (ezra)
#queue never loved me (silva)
#queue never loved anyone in your life (silva)
#I can bring queue in warm (din)
#queueever i go he goes (din)
#i'm fucking queueing people (frankie)
#what are we queueing at in here? (frankie)
#queue died that's what happened (dave)
#there's just shit people queue (dave)
#is that the best queue got? (pero)
#i know what queue are (pero)
#my queue style is effective (max phillips)
#that was bullshit we queue fear (max phillips)
#will you queue with me to D. C.? (marcus p)
#it's a decision queue need to make (marcus p)
#the queue was poisoned (oberyn)
#when it comes to love i don't queue sides (oberyn)
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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The holidays can be stressful
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate!
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
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sweetly-serenaded · 1 year ago
it's so important for your health and well-being to get overly attached to a fictional man who is both deeply amoral and unbelievably, pathetically sad
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