sweetheartblue · 6 hours
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sweetheartblue · 10 hours
"craving a food means your body needs something that food can offer" now what the fuck does my body need with an ice cream
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sweetheartblue · 17 hours
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sweetheartblue · 17 hours
Interview with the cheerleader
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sweetheartblue · 18 hours
Yeah sex is cool but have you ever been on tumblr before December 17 2018?
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sweetheartblue · 18 hours
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Tequila Sunset 🍾
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sweetheartblue · 20 hours
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Detectives. Partners...
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sweetheartblue · 20 hours
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'The Buried Treasure' by Sheilah Beckett, (1913 - 2013)
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sweetheartblue · 20 hours
guy who is definitely not about to fall into a surprise midday nap with an aftermath worse than a hangover: it seems like a really good idea to lay in bed and get cozy under the blanket as part of my plan not to fall asleep. I do not know why.
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sweetheartblue · 22 hours
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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Holes (2003) Directed By: Andrew Davis
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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'Elves and Fairies' illustrated by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, 1916
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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$90 CAD gale dress up game
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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musings on July
"NW" Zadie Smith, "the Hands of Friendship" in Yerevan (@metamorphesque). "Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë (@flowerytale), Franz Kafka’s Diaries (@hungryfictions), "Summer night by the beach" Edvard Munch, "A Magic Mountain" Czeslaw Milosz (tr by Czeslaw Milosz and Lillian Vallee), "Answer July" Emily Dickinson, "Four Sunflowers Gone to Seed" Vincent van Gogh, The Diaries of Franz Kafka (@shisasan)
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
Me: shit who smoked all the weed?
my therapist, hannabis lector: whoa dude idk that’s crazy
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sweetheartblue · 1 day
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I've seen this before, but it's been years and it just came across my Twitter in its dying days. The words are from a favorite author of mine, Maggie Stiefvater, and they are the words I most need to hear when it comes to dealing with chronic pain and illness. I didn't need this the first time I saw it, six years ago. I need it now. Maybe you do, too.
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