sweetelizabeth · 3 years
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Caroline Forbes [best underrated scenes] ♔ 11 / ∞
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Greyson wasn’t one to involve himself in other peoples business in places such as coffee shops, - they were his place to escape and just get five minutes to read and enjoy not talking to people after he spent so much time talking to people all day but it was hard to miss the yelp from the other. Pilling from his own chair and around his table, hands reaching for his own napkins to offer him up. “Shit are you okay?” Greyson asked, dapping down the table before he realized she had as much of her latte on her as was on the table. “I’m not going to like, I think this spill is impressive even by my standards and I have a clumsy six year old.” 
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There it was, another Elizabeth move. She couldn’t help but burst out laughing at home dumb she looked. “Do you know how many dresses i’ve ruined by doing something like this? Twelve. I’ve ruined twelve dresses! How can one woman do that?” She tucked the book into her bag, shaking her head. “Oh yeah, i’m okay. I think i’m part octopus.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Olivia laughed at the woman’s reaction as she realised that Chloe was sat there, munching quietly on her muffin as she watched the interaction between the adults with wide, sea green eyes that were identical to her mothers. “Don’t worry, she knows not to repeat what she hears. I don’t censor myself.” she admitted. It was something that often found other parents ‘shaming’ her for it, but she didn’t care. Her kid knew the difference between right and wrong, and not to repeat bad words she may hear. “Honestly, it’s all good. You all okay?”
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Scanning between the two, they were clearly a spitting image of one and other. She smiled weakly, sighing before shrugging her shoulders. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just over my head with recipe making lately. You would think, that maybe, just maybe, I would be smart and calm. Nope, I always get excited for a new one.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Aless did his best to not get in Elizabeth’s way as she took the napkins and tried to tidy up the area around her, including herself. He managed to grab the paper cup, looking for the nearest trash can and tossing it freely into it. His interest was piqued when he heard her uttering something about Christmas ingredients in the summer, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I just learned a few years ago that that’s a major thing here in the states, Christmas in July or something like that.” As he saw her smile and extend her hand to him, he returned with a genuine smile and his hand clasped around hers. “It’s a pleasure Lizzy. I’m Alessandro, but you can call me Aless for short, I’ve been told it’s a mouthful.” He watched as her face faltered from the smile to a look of bashfulness and embarrassment. All he could do was offer a simple wave of his hand and a smile to wade off the strangers gazes. “As if this doesn’t happen here all of the time,” He murmured, “Don’t you worry though, they’ll forget about it in a few seconds. Can I top you off with another one of the drinks you had? In a sturdier mug?” 
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It was a mess everywhere around her now, how was she going to explain to the server that she slipped her entire drink because she was to preoccupied by her recipe to pay attention to her surroundings. “Oh gosh, I forgot about that. I just wanted to make a cookie that gives you that Christmas feeling all year around. Instead, I think I just want to a make a chai tea biscuit because of this.” Elizabeth felt more at his at his calm demeanor. The fact that he didn’t seem to mind she was a complete headcase in this moment. “Maybe just a normal iced tea for me, I don’t want to break the bank in case this happens again.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
At her words he chuckle with a half shrug, “Accidents happen, promise it wasn’t my first assumption-” his eyebrows twitched a moment uncertain fi his words sounded like he meant. Electing to ignore it he moved to toss some of the napkins into the trash before returning to help her with the rest, “I am sure your body is just trying to tell you to enjoy that time off,” he agreed with a small grin. 
Offering a hand to her Ivan nodded, “Dually noted Elizabeth. I’m Ivan,” getting up from kneeling he looked to the counter then back to her, “Can I get you another one? I was thinking about a chai myself too.”
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“It really should be. I think I have two left hands, and a tail somedays.” She sighed, and shook her head. What a way to have someone look at her, by slipping all over herself and on her cookbook. Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh at herself.
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“Oh no, it’s okay. I can get it. I think I should get an iced one this time. Avoid the burns in case I do that again.” Standing up, looking at her dress. “I’m going to be retiring this dress asap clearly.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
It was a rare afternoon off, the new help around the gym insisted that he found himself somewhere else. They said it was clear the stress was getting to him. Deciding to take off to the bakery for a late snack before heading home he gave a nod to the person behind the counter before starting to gaze at the desserts. The baker he noticed was seated, on a much deserved break he figured though her brows were narrowed in concentration, returning to the case he was tempted to ask her personal favorite. 
Hearing the yelp Ivan grabbed the stack of napkins off he counter turning to her, kneeling he started to pat down the table offering her some to pat down herself. “Always happens at the worse time huh?” he asked lightly quickly trying to keep the liquid away from whatever she had been writing. 
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“I am always so clumsy. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, I do this a lot.” She felt her face go bright red as she lifted up the book. “Serves me right, I should be relaxing not thinking of a new recipe.” Elizabeth looked at her pale pink dress with the large tan spill on the front. 
“Thank you, I really shouldn’t try and multitask when I have to many things to think of. Oh, I’m Elizabeth. I appreciate you giving me a hand. I swear I don’t usually spill on myself. Mostly just on everything around me.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Absentmindedly sketching, he checked his general inquiry email to double check that he had gotten a potential clients ‘vision’ correct before going back to work on said obscure piece. Normally, he would have worked on it in the studio but with business going well the place was due for a major expansion which left a lot of the artists without workspaces for the time being, himself included. The vibe of the coffee shop had its usual buzzing noise of private conversation, either person to person or to oneself. He happened to be within earshot of the woman who had been pondering out random ingredients. 
He nearly jumped from his seat when she exclaimed out loud, the liquid of her drink splashing against her dress and against the book she had been writing in. Aless was quick to get up and retrieve a sturdy handful of napkins, making his way back to the woman. “Here, I grabbed as much as I could.” 
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Elizabeth gave him a weak smile, taking the napkins and patting at the book. “Oh thank you, I’m so clumsy. I shouldn’t get to go cups, the lids always fail me.” She sighed, and started to shake the book. “Just my luck, maybe it was the universe telling me to not think about Christmas ingredients in the summer” Looking up at the man, she studied his face for a moment. Elizabeth gave a genuine smile, extending her hand out towards him.
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“I’m Elizabeth, or Lizzy. Doesn’t matter which one really.” Looking around the café, others giving her a strange look as she registered what a scene she made. “I am so embarrassed.”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Chloe had been a bundle of energy since she had left school, chattering a mile a minute about the school day she’d had and attempting to run across the road without looking. It was a perk of a smaller town, not like Ojai or New York where she would’ve been run over had she done that. Here though, Olivia had time to grab the back of her daughter’s shirt before she could run off, and now sat at a table waiting for a late afternoon snack she listened patiently to the latest story.
The sound of a yell caused Olivia to jolt into reality and turn her head to the source of the noise. “Oh no, are you okay?” without hesitation she grabbed the napkins on the table between her and Chloe and reached across the gap to hand her some napkins. “It didn’t get on your notes did it?”
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Elizabeth barely had enough time to think about what to say. “You son of a...” Elizabeth looked up at the woman handing her napkins. “Sorry, oh god so sorry. It didn’t get much. Thankfully..” She sighed as she soaked up the last little bit. Glancing at the small child, she threw her hands over her mouth. “Oh god! I didn’t see you had a little one with you! I am so sorry for swearing! I shouldn’t have done that!”
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
Writing in her recipe book, brow furrowed as she scribbled. “Half a cup of sugar, three teaspoons of cinnamon..” Elizabeth murmured to herself. She was trying to make a new dessert. Something that would give someone a Christmas in July kind of feel to it. “Pinch of nutmeg. Or, uh, maybe not.” She scratched out the line, sighing to herself. 
Putting her book down, chewing on the end of the pen. “No peppermint, only subtle flavors for a not actual Christmas dessert.” She didn’t realize she was talking out loud. Picking up her chai latte, pondering what to do as she sipped. “Shit!” Elizabeth yelped as she spilled the drink down the front of her dress, splashing the corner of the book.
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sweetelizabeth · 3 years
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full name: elizabeth mona rondes
nickname(s): lizzy
gender: female
pronouns: she / her
nationality: canadian
ethnicity: french, scottish
sexuality: pansexual
relationship status: single
hometown: vancouver, bc
occupation: barista
children: none
pets: lucy ( daschund )
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